daily journal of christopher columbus


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Page 1: Daily journal of Christopher Columbus
Page 2: Daily journal of Christopher Columbus

•José Carlos Vera Callejón

•Sheila del Pozo Mozos

•Pablo Aragonés Ardila

•Erika Pazo Ramos

Page 3: Daily journal of Christopher Columbus

About Me:About Me:About Me:About Me:

My name is Christopher Columbus. I My name is Christopher Columbus. I My name is Christopher Columbus. I My name is Christopher Columbus. I was born in Genova (Italy) in 1451 was born in Genova (Italy) in 1451 was born in Genova (Italy) in 1451 was born in Genova (Italy) in 1451 and “Wikipedia” says that I’ll die and “Wikipedia” says that I’ll die and “Wikipedia” says that I’ll die and “Wikipedia” says that I’ll die in 1506, in Valladolid, Spain…in 1506, in Valladolid, Spain…in 1506, in Valladolid, Spain…in 1506, in Valladolid, Spain…

I am an explorer and I will make a I am an explorer and I will make a I am an explorer and I will make a I am an explorer and I will make a I am an explorer and I will make a I am an explorer and I will make a I am an explorer and I will make a I am an explorer and I will make a great discoverygreat discoverygreat discoverygreat discovery---- I am going to prove I am going to prove I am going to prove I am going to prove that the Earth is round like an egg.that the Earth is round like an egg.that the Earth is round like an egg.that the Earth is round like an egg.

Page 4: Daily journal of Christopher Columbus

My shipsMy shipsMy shipsMy ships

Those beauties are the ships I Those beauties are the ships I Those beauties are the ships I Those beauties are the ships I chose to make this great chose to make this great chose to make this great chose to make this great discovery. They’re called:discovery. They’re called:discovery. They’re called:discovery. They’re called:

• Santa MariaSanta MariaSanta MariaSanta Maria

• La PintaLa PintaLa PintaLa Pinta

• La NiñaLa NiñaLa NiñaLa Niña

I trust them. I hope they don’t I trust them. I hope they don’t I trust them. I hope they don’t I trust them. I hope they don’t disappoint me. disappoint me. disappoint me. disappoint me.

Page 5: Daily journal of Christopher Columbus

The beginning of the journeyThe beginning of the journeyThe beginning of the journeyThe beginning of the journeyThe beginning of the journeyThe beginning of the journeyThe beginning of the journeyThe beginning of the journey

I, Christopher Columbus, begin this journey, in search I, Christopher Columbus, begin this journey, in search I, Christopher Columbus, begin this journey, in search I, Christopher Columbus, begin this journey, in search of new paths to India. Today, Friday the 3of new paths to India. Today, Friday the 3of new paths to India. Today, Friday the 3of new paths to India. Today, Friday the 3rdrdrdrd of of of of of new paths to India. Today, Friday the 3of new paths to India. Today, Friday the 3of new paths to India. Today, Friday the 3of new paths to India. Today, Friday the 3 of of of of August 1492, I leave from Huelva, (Andalucía August 1492, I leave from Huelva, (Andalucía August 1492, I leave from Huelva, (Andalucía August 1492, I leave from Huelva, (Andalucía [by the way, it’s a beautiful place]). [by the way, it’s a beautiful place]). [by the way, it’s a beautiful place]). [by the way, it’s a beautiful place]).

We’re going to the Canary IslandsWe’re going to the Canary IslandsWe’re going to the Canary IslandsWe’re going to the Canary Islands. . . .

Page 6: Daily journal of Christopher Columbus

--------8888thththth AugustAugustAugustAugust————We’ve got a lot of opinions from We’ve got a lot of opinions from We’ve got a lot of opinions from We’ve got a lot of opinions from

the three ships’ captains, but I the three ships’ captains, but I the three ships’ captains, but I the three ships’ captains, but I would like to leave the would like to leave the would like to leave the would like to leave the PintaPintaPintaPintaship in Gran ship in Gran ship in Gran ship in Gran CanariaCanariaCanariaCanaria because because because because it is in bad condition and I it is in bad condition and I it is in bad condition and I it is in bad condition and I would like to repair it. But we would like to repair it. But we would like to repair it. But we would like to repair it. But we can’t do it today. can’t do it today. can’t do it today. can’t do it today.

Welcome to the Canaries!!

--------9999thththth AugustAugustAugustAugust--------Damn ship…!! Today, with no Damn ship…!! Today, with no Damn ship…!! Today, with no Damn ship…!! Today, with no

other choice, we must get to La other choice, we must get to La other choice, we must get to La other choice, we must get to La GomeraGomeraGomeraGomera, the nearest island to , the nearest island to , the nearest island to , the nearest island to repair it.repair it.repair it.repair it.

Page 7: Daily journal of Christopher Columbus

--------6666thththth SeptemberSeptemberSeptemberSeptember--------We left La Gomera, with all of our ships repaired, and one of the captains We left La Gomera, with all of our ships repaired, and one of the captains We left La Gomera, with all of our ships repaired, and one of the captains We left La Gomera, with all of our ships repaired, and one of the captains

saw three Portuguese ships around the island, maybe they were spying on saw three Portuguese ships around the island, maybe they were spying on saw three Portuguese ships around the island, maybe they were spying on saw three Portuguese ships around the island, maybe they were spying on us… I guess they’re envious!us… I guess they’re envious!us… I guess they’re envious!us… I guess they’re envious!

Hey, that must be Colombus… Is he Hey, that must be Colombus… Is he

going out already? I hope he’ll be OK.

Page 8: Daily journal of Christopher Columbus

--------The Ocean VoyageThe Ocean VoyageThe Ocean VoyageThe Ocean Voyage--------The journey was very quiet and long… neverThe journey was very quiet and long… neverThe journey was very quiet and long… neverThe journey was very quiet and long… never----ending… We talked a lot ending… We talked a lot ending… We talked a lot ending… We talked a lot

about where to go. about where to go. about where to go. about where to go.

Is he mad…?

Page 9: Daily journal of Christopher Columbus

----------------11th October11th October11th October11th October11th October11th October11th October11th October---------

Land sighted! We finally reached our goal!We left our ships and walked ashore. Then, we saw some funny people! They had dark skin and they were… almost naked.

Page 10: Daily journal of Christopher Columbus

Where are we?Where are we?Where are we?Where are we?Obviously, this is not India. Obviously, this is not India. Obviously, this is not India. Obviously, this is not India. We walked and walked, but we didn’t find We walked and walked, but we didn’t find We walked and walked, but we didn’t find We walked and walked, but we didn’t find

anything except some of these dark, halfanything except some of these dark, halfanything except some of these dark, halfanything except some of these dark, half----naked people. They didn’t speak our naked people. They didn’t speak our naked people. They didn’t speak our naked people. They didn’t speak our language. Is there somebody who can language. Is there somebody who can language. Is there somebody who can language. Is there somebody who can language. Is there somebody who can language. Is there somebody who can language. Is there somebody who can language. Is there somebody who can speak our language??speak our language??speak our language??speak our language??

What can we do? What can we do? What can we do? What can we do? I’ve got an idea! Let’s try to take some I’ve got an idea! Let’s try to take some I’ve got an idea! Let’s try to take some I’ve got an idea! Let’s try to take some

dark people to Spain. Let’s try to dark people to Spain. Let’s try to dark people to Spain. Let’s try to dark people to Spain. Let’s try to communicate with them to explain who we communicate with them to explain who we communicate with them to explain who we communicate with them to explain who we are and try to take some souvenirs back. are and try to take some souvenirs back. are and try to take some souvenirs back. are and try to take some souvenirs back.

Page 11: Daily journal of Christopher Columbus

Will you come with us to Europe?Will you come with us to Europe?Will you come with us to Europe?Will you come with us to Europe?

Page 12: Daily journal of Christopher Columbus

Let’s return to Europe!Let’s return to Europe!Let’s return to Europe!Let’s return to Europe!Let’s return to Europe!Let’s return to Europe!Let’s return to Europe!Let’s return to Europe!

Excellent! Excellent!

Some of these “Indians” agreed Some of these “Indians” agreed to come with us! We must to come with us! We must to come with us! We must to come with us! We must begin the return journey begin the return journey immediately! immediately!

Let’s go!Let’s go!

Page 13: Daily journal of Christopher Columbus

Some time later…Some time later…Some time later…Some time later…Some time later…Some time later…Some time later…Some time later…

Finally!!! Spain!!! Finally!!! Spain!!! Finally!!! Spain!!! Finally!!! Spain!!! We’re back! Alive! We’re back! Alive! We’re back! Alive! We’re back! Alive! We’re back! Alive! We’re back! Alive! We’re back! Alive! We’re back! Alive! And we have these And we have these And we have these And we have these “Indians” to prove the “Indians” to prove the “Indians” to prove the “Indians” to prove the Earth is… an Earth is… an Earth is… an Earth is… an EGG!!EGG!!EGG!!EGG!!

Page 14: Daily journal of Christopher Columbus


……Will Wikipedia” be right? Will I die soon?Will Wikipedia” be right? Will I die soon?Will Wikipedia” be right? Will I die soon?Will Wikipedia” be right? Will I die soon?

…Will I go around Europe with the Comenius …Will I go around Europe with the Comenius …Will I go around Europe with the Comenius …Will I go around Europe with the Comenius Project?Project?Project?Project?

…One thing is sure. This diary finishes now…One thing is sure. This diary finishes now…One thing is sure. This diary finishes now…One thing is sure. This diary finishes now.

Page 15: Daily journal of Christopher Columbus