daily journalistic english task-based interactive learning...

1 互動式英語教學:每日一句新聞英文 Daily Journalistic English Task-based Interactive Learning Activity ※高中英文教學相關: ˇ差異化教學ˇ有效教學 ˇ多元評量 ˇ寫作教學ˇ閱讀教學 ˇ字彙教學 ˇ口說教學 ˇ多項重大議題融入英文教學 高二和高三 10分33秒 教學目標 & 學習效益:「每日一句新聞英文」這個活動: 增進文德女中學生認識「互動式新聞英文」任務型的課程教學活動,在英語課室中透過新聞英文來 翻轉教學課程教學設計模式,完成有效學習。「互動式新聞英文」是以學習者為中心的課程活動, 尊重學習者的需求,能有效提高學生的英語學習動機。不但增加課前師生之間的討論與互動, 課堂上每天學生輪流上台分享報告亦可訓練大學面試的口語表達能力,進而提高學生英語學習的 自信心和成就感。課後的書面報告作業的學習檔案可以充實備審資料,建構學生英語的自學和省思能力。 多元有趣的主題拓展了視野,同時也能培養現代世界公民必備的國際觀,達成教學目標,值得推廣。 一、作品設計理念 1. 互動式英語教學:每日一句新聞英文 Daily Journalistic English Task-based Interactive Learning Activity 此教學設計理念遵循 CLT (Communicative Language Teaching 溝通式教學法)的原則: (1)student-centered:以學生為學習活動的主角,利用學生的興趣引發學習動機, 由同學自己決定上課主題,讓學生主動分享取代被動聽課。【智育】+【群育(2)authentic teaching material: 真實發生的生活化教材和多元化的 新鮮時事題材比較能吸引高中生。同時引發自己對社會議題的省思。【德育(3)autonomous learning:培養自發性的學習。讓學生學習上課前自行蒐集 新聞相關資料,分攤學習責任,增加參與感和責任心。【智育2、互動式英語教學:「每日一句新聞英文」的互動關係如下: 【群育】+【德育(1)老師學生的互動:學生上台報告前要去詢問老師,確認報告內容的正確性。(個別指導) (2)學生英文的互動:學生藉由上台教同學文法,講解英文句型(S+V)和單字,也學了更多英文(3)老師學生的互動:老師以問答互動方式讓報告的同學分析新聞句子,讓學生當課堂的主角。 (4)學生世界的互動:學生分享自己對新聞的看法和學習心得;省思可讓新聞生命作連結。 (5)學生觀眾的互動:學生上台報告後的同儕講評(優點和缺點),讓學生彼此觀摩學習

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Daily Journalistic English Task-based Interactive Learning Activity

※高中英文教學相關: ˇ差異化教學ˇ有效教學 ˇ多元評量 ˇ寫作教學ˇ閱讀教學

ˇ字彙教學 ˇ口說教學 ˇ多項重大議題融入英文教學






高二和高三 片 長

10分 33秒

教學目標 & 學習效益:「每日一句新聞英文」這個活動:








1. 互動式英語教學:每日一句新聞英文

Daily Journalistic English Task-based Interactive Learning Activity 此教學設計理念遵循 CLT (Communicative Language Teaching溝通式教學法)的原則:



(2)authentic teaching material: 真實發生的生活化教材和多元化的


(3)autonomous learning:培養自發性的學習。讓學生學習上課前自行蒐集


2、互動式英語教學:「每日一句新聞英文」的互動關係如下: 【群育】+【德育】






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(1)內容周延性:本活動設計理念遵循 CLT(溝通式教學法)強調的理念:Student-centered,








(6)教學活動時間安排的妥適性:本教學活動時間安排在每堂英文課的前 15分鐘,頗具妥適性,









4、「年輕人必備的三個關鍵能力: 溝通力、找答案、建立世界觀。 」

------(日本趨勢大師大前研一)98/3/9 聯合報

→ 只要每日學習新聞英文,就能增強你的這三種關鍵能力!

(1) 溝通力:學習尊重欣賞萬物之美,可增進人際溝通的和諧並學習語言之美。【美育】+【德育】

(2) 找答案:讓學生自己去探索,老師只是陪伴,從旁協助。讓學生成為學習的主角。【智育】

(3) 建立世界觀:讓學生藉由每日一句新聞英文的學習刺激,培養國際觀。【群育】+【德育】

5. 教材內容:

各種英文報紙,例如:Bilingual Weekly (雙語週報),Taipei Times (台北時報),

New York Times (紐約時報),China Post (中國郵報),…等等。

6. 活動設計省思與建議:

本活動(互動式英語教學:每日一句新聞英文; Daily Journalistic English)已經實施 13 年了(2002 ~ 2015)。




惟有少數同學建議老師應多注意時間控制(Time control),能更嚴格控制本活動在課堂實施的時間,

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(Daily Journalistic English Task-based Interactive Learning Activity)教學計畫的內容如下:

1. 預計連續實施兩年,從高二上學期到高三下學期。

2. 實施對象:為高二和高三學生:每天一位同學,負責輪流上台報告 5~10分鐘。


(1)學生選擇一則英文新聞的標題【Student picks a headline.】:


變成一個合乎英文文法的完整句。(a grammatically complete sentence)

(2)請教老師確認內容【Student confirms headline content with teacher.】:



(3)學生課前完成板書【Student writes the headline before class.】:


(4)上台報告與分享心得【Student presents headline for analysis.】:

上台報告,並分享心得,總共大約 5 ~10 分鐘。同學和英文老師用互動問答的方式


(5)同學提問【Q & A session】:


(6)同儕回饋【Peer evaluation: encouragement & suggestions】:







(8)完成新聞英文報告,充實英語學習檔案【Journalistic English Written Report as Portfolio】:


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寫出自己對這則新聞的學習心得與感想。 互動式英語教學:每日一句新聞英文

Daily Journalistic English Task-based Interactive Learning Activity


The procedure of my instruction:

1. Teacher’s instruction with guidelines:

Introduction of journalistic English as media of learning English.

2. Demonstrating previous examples.

I’ll show my students the previous portfolio done by their senior schoolmates.

Besides, video clips can be used for demonstrating the process of news English activity in class.

3. Requiring students to choose her own news for oral presentation for the semester

either from newspapers, Internet, or from magazines.

4. Students’ self-learning:

Students need to make a vocabulary list from the piece of news they found.

Then, they check the words or phrases in the dictionary, and try to understand the sentence structure and


5. Teacher’s personal counseling: (one-on-one tutoring)

The day before the oral presentation, the student in turn needs to come to me and confirm for the correct

grammar, sentence structure, and pronunciation with me.

6. Student’s oral presentation: (Teacher’s monitoring)

During class, she would give a small presentation about the news she has prepared and written on the board,

including reading the sentence accurately, explaining key words, pointing out where the subject, verb,

adjective, adverb are, tense, and her opinion or reflection toward the news. (During her presentation,

I would ask some questions about the grammar and pronunciation, subject, verb tense,… etc. So, the

presentation is conducted in an interactive way with a dialogue between the student and the teacher,

instead of the student’s monologue lecture.)

7. Students’ comments (peer-feedback):

After her presentation, the teacher would ask two rows of students to give suggestions and comments on

voice, speed, confidence, facial expression, gestures, loudness, whether well-prepared or well-informed,

or her outlook, etc, for improvements.(One row of students comment on the strengths, while the other on

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the weaknesses and drawbacks.)

8. Teacher’s comments

I would give a holistic comment on both the presenter and the audience after my monitoring and observation.

9. Pronunciation practice: The teacher leads the students to read the news again.

10.Testing:The teacher erases the news on the board, and right after that, the students take a quiz to

write down the news they’ve just learned.(memory test: immediate test)

11. Peer-correction: After students finish writing the news in a complete sentence, they switch their test

papers to check the answer.

12. Correction: Students need to hand in their correction book the following day to the teacher’s assistant.

(If they have any mistake, including punctuation or misspelling, they have to rewrite the sentence ten times

in their correction books.)

13.The presenter has to hand in a written report, including the news, grammar analysis, the

vocabulary list, the process of preparing the oral presentation, related picture(s), and her reflection( a short

essay). Such data can be used as part of the portfolio needed for future college interviews.

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一、 學習表單:

103學年度高三下學期每日一句新聞英文 默寫考卷

三年___班 ___號 中文姓名__________ 英文姓名__________

Date Journalistic English Sentences No. Name


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二、 學習圖片:

每日一句新聞英文 三信 12 號 林詩婷 Queena

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100/5/25(三) – 第 118句

CDC warns against eating raw meat to avoid brucellosis .

(from Taipei Times)



The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) yesterday warned the public against eating raw or unsterilized

foods when traveling after a woman who took a tour to northern Africa and ate raw meat and cheese there

was recently diagnosed with brucellosis.

CDC Deputy Director Chou Chih-hao said that a 54-year-old woman living in northern Taiwan fell sick

after returning home from a trip to Algeria and Morocco in February and March, where she came into

contact with camels and other animals and consumed raw beef, raw lamb and cheese.

Last month, after having returned home, the woman developed a fever, muscle pain and abnormal liver

functions. After seeking medical help and informing her doctor of her travel history, she was diagnosed with

brucellosis. After receiving treatment at a hospital, she has now recovered, Chou said.

Brucellosis is caused by contact with animals or animal products, such as unpasteurized dairy products or

raw meat, from animals carrying the Brucella bacteria. Human-to-human transmission is rare.

CDC officials immediately contacted 23 other Taiwanese who were in the same tour group. Tests showed

none of the others had contracted the disease.

Common symptoms of brucellosis include inconstant fever, muscle pain, headaches, profuse sweating,

abdominal pain, feeling of exhaustion and back pain, Chou said. The disease may affect a person for

anywhere from a few weeks to many months or even years.

The CDC said that those who experience such symptoms, especially after traveling to high-risk areas

such as the Middle East, Mediterranean countries, north and east Africa and Central and South America,

should immediately seek medical attention.

Those who plan to visit such areas should also avoid consuming raw or unsterilized foods such as ice

cream, cheese or yogurt made with unpasteurized milk, health officials said.

Chou said that coming into contact with secretions from infected animals could also cause contraction of

the disease, but that this form of infection is not as common as eating raw foods from infected sources.

Those who have pets at home, but have not traveled to high-risk countries need not worry, the CDC said.

The first reported case of human brucellosis in Taiwan was documented in 1978 by a person who

became infected while engaged in laboratory work. Brucellosis is listed as a reportable communicable

disease in Taiwan.

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unsterilized (adj .) 未殺菌的 infected (adj .) 受感染的

diagnose (vt .) 診斷 documented (n .) 公文

deputy (adj .) 代理的 engaged (adj .) 從事…的

consumed (adj .) 對…著迷的 laboratory (n .) 實驗室

lamb (n .) 小羊 communicable (adj .) 會傳染的

abnormal (adj .) 不正常的 visit (vt .) 參觀

bacterium (n .) 細菌 treatment (n .) 對待

transmission (n .) 傳送 profuse (adj .) 毫不吝嗇的

symptom (n .) 症狀 Algeria (n .) 阿爾及利亞

Mediterranean (adj .) 地中海的 secretion (n .) 隱藏




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1.上台前要做萬全的準備 2.上課前須在黑板上寫上要介紹的新聞句子

3.介紹我的新聞英文句子 4.與Ms.Wang用一問一答方式解析句型文法

5.Ms.Wang 正在考驗我文法的概念! 6.我正在介紹新聞的內容跟補充圖片

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巧遇期末考!最後變得暑輔早上剛問完 Ms.Wang 下午就上台介紹了!雖然在上台前我就查了很多資

料,可是心裡還是很膽怯…,畢竟我沒有過這麼匆忙就上台了,幸好一切都像我希望的那樣平順 而

且我的補充資料還得到了不錯的反應哦,果然皇天不負苦心人!而當我介紹到尾聲說出 Thank you







7.與地理結合,指出阿爾及利亞&摩洛哥在哪裡 8.大家全神貫注的在聽我對新聞的看法!

9.各排正在給我的一點 feedback 10.同學們給我的掌聲

11.下課前五分鐘默寫這句英文 12.大家埋頭苦幹的默寫!

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班級: 3 年孝班 座號: 20 姓名: 曹淇汶 Elaine 指導老師: 王麗絹 (Ms. Wang)


It will 測試

113. Toyota is going to start (the trial of i-Road) in Tokyo. (from Taipei Times)

S. 助 V. +原 V. O. 介+國名

豐田汽車將在東京開始測試 i-Road 的新型機車。

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3 孝 20 曹淇汶 Elaine


Step 1 去請教老師這則新聞的文法及重點。 Step 2 上台報告,分享心得。

Step 3 報告過程。 Step 4 老師請同學問問題。

Step 5 老師請同學講評我的優缺點。 Step 6 下課前5分鐘,老師考我們默寫新聞英文。

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3 孝 20 曹淇汶 Elaine



pollution 汙染 battleground 戰場

experiment 試驗 metropolis 大都會

independently 獨立地 district 區

decided 決定 capital 首都

concept 概念 advantage 優點

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3 孝 20 曹淇汶 Elaine

同學講評 – 優點 advantages

同學講評 – 缺點 disadvantages

同學提問(Q & A Session)

講評內容 同學簽名

1. 服儀整齊。 18. 張雅婷 Alice

2. 有補充圖片。 19. 張騏纓 Zoe

3. 字很工整。 34. 潘佳妤 Cynthia

4. 黑板乾淨。 21. 梁淇翔 Gina

5. 很多笑容。 22. 畢馨文 Winnie

講評內容 同學簽名

1. 要多面對觀眾。 26. 陳欣 Samantha

2. 可以再大方一點。 39. 顧家穎 Grace

3. 聲音可以大一點。 30. 楊婷婷 Luna

4. 機車的「機」的點可以大一點。 04. 王芸湘 Jean

5. 標示的筆顏色要多一點。 27. 陳明檜 Mandy

提問內容: 回答問題: 同學簽名

1. 充電一次可以跑多遠? 充電一次 3 小時,可以跑 50 公里。 36. 盧庭研 Teresa

2. 妳會想買嗎? 會,因為安全性提高,在下雨天時也不必

穿著雨衣。 33. 劉曉蓉 Emily

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3 孝 20 曹淇汶 Elaine


i-Road 是一台三輪概念車。我覺得這是一個很棒的新設計,它不僅












,現在對文法也熟練許多,希望 Ms. Wang 能夠持續這活動。

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三、 學習表單:

2 年望班 9 號 李佳柔 Karen

5/22(四)Anna =earthquake

76.(The President) pledges help for (quake victims.)(from Taipei Times)

行政院長 誓言 幫助 介 +N. 受害者


5/23(五)Rina say,said,said =earthquake

77.Analysts say ((that) China quake may speed up investment.)(from Taipei

分析家們 說 可省略 =It S 可能 加速 投資 O Times)


5/26(一)Vanessa =the Earth 暖化

78.Hurricanes may decrease (as the globe warms.)(from China Post)

=They 颶風 助 v + 原 v =when S V

有可能 減少 隨著 時間副詞子句


5/27(二)Evelyn beV + Ving 現在進行式

79.Microsoft and Yahoo now are discussing (partnership deal.)(from China Post)

=They S 時間副詞 商討 合夥 協議


5/29(四)Vicky adj. n 片=O forecast,forecast(ed),forecast(ed)

80.China launch (the second weather satellite) to forecast for the Olympics.

=It S 發射 the + 序數 衛星 to + 原 v 介 + n.


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二年忠班 29 號 傅鈺婷 Ruby

1.4/8 (二) Jenny

( Obesity )( is hurting )( U.S. health and economy.) ( from China Post )

=It V. =United States O. hurt.hurt.hurt obesity 肥胖


2.4/9 (三) Alice

Brazil is facing( rainforest crisis.) ( from China Post )

=It S. beV.+Ving 現在進行式 O. Brazil 巴西 is facing 面臨

巴西面臨雨林危機。 rainforest 雨林 crisis危機

3.4/10 (四) Stella

( Iraq War and U.S. economy )( are both going down.) ( from Taipei Times )

S. =United States Iraq 伊拉克 War 戰爭 economy 經濟


4.4/11 (五) Lynn

Save sea turtles ( in Florida .) ( from China Post )

原形 V. n. ( O. ) in+大地方 save 拯救 sea turtles 海龜

佛羅里達拯救海龜行動。 Florida 佛羅里達 ▲祈使句:原形 V.…

5.4/14 (一) Amelia

( The film “The Hottie and the Nottie”) proves( that beauty is only

skin deep.)(from China Post) =It S. V. O.

「愛上野豬妹」證明美貌只是膚淺。 film電影 Hottie 辣妹 Nottie 醜女

prove 證明 skin deep 膚淺

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二年真班 31 號 楊采勳 Maggie


S. 助 V.+原 V. O.

1.【”Taiwan must become independent, ”】said Chen. (from China Post)

(say said said;become became became) 台灣必須獨立。


S. = A. 自由 B.攻擊的目標 for+人

2. It is (a symbol of freedom) and (a target) for terrorists. (from The New Times) 這是自由象徵也是恐怖分子攻擊的對象。


S. 原 V. 的 n. n.

3. Starvations shame (Japan’s welfare policy.) (from New York Times) 餓死的例子頻傳,日本福利政策蒙羞。


為了 原 V. O. S. adj. be t p.p.

4. To meet demand, (drilling in the deep) is needed.(from New York Times )

(meet met met) 能源供應不求,油井越鑽越深。


a.被告的 + n.古柯鹼 S. n. v.吸引 o. 媒體

5. (An accused cocaine queen) captivates (Mexico’s media.)(from New York Times) 一位被告的古柯鹼皇后吸引墨西哥媒體。

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