daily newsletter-e no524 30-6-2014

2014/6/30 -NO. (524) PAGE 3 Homs: Armed factions agglomerate! ISIL declares new ‘Islamic caliphate’ FSA leader kidnapped Jarba to withdraw confidence from Syrian interim govt’s chief PAGE 4 PAGE 4 Shura Council: ISIL weaves its end Islam Army fights ISIL in Eastern Ghouta PAGE 3

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Page 1: Daily newsletter-e no524 30-6-2014

2014/6/30 -NO. (524)


Homs: Armed factions agglomerate! ISIL declares new ‘Islamic caliphate’

FSA leader kidnapped

Jarba to withdraw confidence from Syrian

interim govt’s chief



Shura Council: ISIL weaves its end

Islam Army fights ISIL in

Eastern Ghouta PAGE 3

Page 2: Daily newsletter-e no524 30-6-2014

Page NO.2The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (524( 2014/6/30

ISIL declares new ‘Islamic caliphate’

Homs: Armed factions agglomerate! SAA dominates on Qamishli villages

The Al Qaeda breakaway group that has seized much of northern Syria and huge tracks of neighboring Iraq formally declared the cre-ation of an Islamic state on Sunday in the territory under its control. “The legality of all emirates, groups, states and organizations becomes

Some of military factions in Homs, including “Ahfad Khalid Ibn al-Walid” and “Abu Assad al-Namur” ag-glomerate themselves un-der the banner of “Homs Brigade” , calling all fighters in Homs to join in. “Homs Brigade con-sists particularly of rebels who have been evacuated from the Old City under an agreement with Syrian regime and Iran”, Revolu-tion General Body ‘s cor-

SAA managed to dominate on 7 villages in Qamishli countryside, including Abu Jalal and al-Jadidah villag-es, securing the boundaries around the city, in addition to the Qamishli Interna-

tional Airport.

null by the expansion of the caliph’s authority and the arrival of its troops to their areas,” al-Adnani said. He added that with the creation of the caliphate, the group was changing its name to just the Islamic State, drop-ping the mention of Iraq and the Levant.

respondent reported. “we have surprises for al-Assad forces and his militia in Homs and its countryside , new military developments will emerge soon”, cor-respondent added. On the other hand, fierce clashes took place in the vicinity of “Um Sharshouh” vil-lage, Homs countryside , between SAA and the reb-els , where Syrian Army endeavors to recapture the village and its castle.

Page 3: Daily newsletter-e no524 30-6-2014

Page NO.3The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (524( 2014/6/30

SAA recaptures Jabal Zgaro

FSA foils SAA attempt in al- Quneitra

Islam Army fights ISIL in Eastern Ghouta

FSA leader kidnapped

Fierce clashes took place in the Eastern Ghouta between ISIL and Islam Army, where ISIL fighters launched many offensives on “Islam Army headquarters” in Masraba region, Duma. Islam Army leader, Zahran Alloush, called all fighters in East-ern Ghouta and FSA troops in in Misraba to attack ISIL strongholds from southern

Leader of FSA- linked al-Yarmouk battalion, Mousa al-Zubi, was abducted in Nasib town, Daraa country-side, by unidentified men, and taken to unknown des-tination. Yarmouk battal-ion condemns the kidnap-ping, ordering kidnappers to release its leader without preconditions, threating for punishment.

SAA has recently dominated on “Zgaro” mount and vil-lage, Lattakia northern coun-tryside, where it was used to target army troops on front


Islamic front foils SAA at-tempt to recapture al-Haja town , Quneitra , where front fighters managed to destroy SAA tank , killing several soldiers . In retaliation, Syr-ian Warplanes attacked the

region intensively.

and eastern sides, where ISIL fighters attacked Islam Army, forcing it to retreat toward Madira town . In the wake of “Yum al-Nahrawan in al-Ghouta”, which is the name of Islam Army mili-tary operation against ISIL fighters who were rallied in Housh al-Ashaary, 2 ISIL headquarters were destroyed in Medaa region.

Page 4: Daily newsletter-e no524 30-6-2014

Page NO.4The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (524( 2014/6/30

Jarba to withdraw confidence from Syrian interim govt’s chief

Shura Council: ISIL weaves its end

Syrian Opposition Council President Ah-mad al-Jarba is attempting to garner sup-port to set a vote-of-no-confidence from the head of the opposition interim government Jarba, the head of the Western and Arab-backed Syrian National Coalition (SNC), annulled on Friday a decision by the prime minister of the interim opposition govern-ment Ahmad Tohme to disband the Supreme Military Council of the rebel Free Syrian

Shortly after ISIL declared Islamic caliph-ate, al-Mujahedeen Shura Council launched many offensives against The Al Qaeda breakaway group. “ISIL weaves its end after the declaring the Caliphate”,Shura Council stressed, “ they distorted Jihad and Sharia, and now they are distorting the Caliphate”, the council added.

Army (FSA) over graft allegations. Jarba re-buked Tohme’s decision, saying it falls out-side his authority. After two days, Jarba will no longer be the official SNC’s president, as the opposition coalition will have presi-dential elections to choose its new leader. But sources confirmed that Jarba’s influence will stay “even after leaving his position,” and the process to unseat Tohme would not be hindered