dairy cattle zero grazing

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  • 7/27/2019 Dairy Cattle Zero Grazing


  • 7/27/2019 Dairy Cattle Zero Grazing


  • 7/27/2019 Dairy Cattle Zero Grazing


  • 7/27/2019 Dairy Cattle Zero Grazing



    Uganda National Farmers Association (UNFA) is very grateful to DANlthe production of the Farmers Guide Series. We acknowledge the PolicCommittee (PRC) of the Farmers Organisation Component of the Agr

    Programme Support who approved the funds.I

    1 Ms Alice Eunice Tibazalika Agricultural Advisory Manager, Uganda NAssociation is highly commended for initiating and co-ordinating the dev

    books. Appreciatiodgratitude also goes to Mr. Augustine Mwendya CSecretary, Dr. Flemming Eriksen Research and Extension Advisor andKamanyire Kugonza Coordinator Farmers Organisation Secretariat for professional guidance and editing the books.

    Finally UNFA wishes to thank the farmers and extension workers for prothe illustrations used as well as their constructive advice on the d r P -

  • 7/27/2019 Dairy Cattle Zero Grazing



    One of the major functions of Uganda National Farmers

    provide agricultural advisory services to farmers. This isproductivity and production in order to ensure household fincome and eradication of poverty. Publication of reading ma

    which improved agricultural technologies can be extended to

    UNFA's agricultural advisory services are demand driven aThey are implemented by District coordinators, agriculturfarmers and contact farmers. The technologies are introdufarm demonstrationsltrials, courses and visits to special intfarmers. However, coverage is still limited due to inadequate

    To Lnfo rce these activities, there is need to avail reaenterprises of interest to farmers. However, even such matneeds are not readily available. This has contributed to thimproved technologies, thus reducing the productivity and pro

    There has been a growing demand by farmers and private ocan guide farmers to manage specific enterprises. To addreproduced farmers' books on improved agricultural technologi

    recommendations in specific disciplines of agriculture. Thepractical guidelines to the farmer on how to manage his or hesustainable production, UNFA encourages all farmers to take

    It is advisable that farmers get the relevant training first, reference to re-enforce learning. In addition, they are advextension workers in their respective areas, as this combinati


    UNFA, therefore, calls upon all farmers to utilise the inforshare it with others so as to cause a multiplier effect in produc

    Hon. Maikut Chebet,MP

  • 7/27/2019 Dairy Cattle Zero Grazing




    Establishing a fodder bank


    Choosing the right cow

    Feeding the cow

    Milking and milk hygieneRearing the calf

    Cow fertility and breeding

    Health and disease control

    10.0 Record keeping

    . Further reading

  • 7/27/2019 Dairy Cattle Zero Grazing



    1. . Maximisingprofit in Fish FarmingIncreasing income through Rabbit Farming

    The secret of growing record sized banana bunches

    Maize,Sorghum,Finger millet andRice production

    Raising income through pig farming

    Fighting poverty throughdairycattlezerograzing

    Maximisingprofit in poultry farmingClonalRobustaCoffeeSoilfertilityManagement

    10. Organic farming

    11. To fightpoverty and malnutrition, growandeat veg

    12. Establishmentandmanagement ofacommercial h13.


    Mind What you eat

  • 7/27/2019 Dairy Cattle Zero Grazing



    1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1 Background

    The human population is growing at a very high rate inhas put pressure on land use for production of enogeneration of income to improve peoples' welfare.

    fragmentation, the average land holding for small h

    hectares. This calls for a production system that maxirnunit area, time and labour. Zero grazing has been ibeneficial production system for providing milk to improhomes. It also serves as an income-generating enterprisepopulated districts and areas near towns where there is for milk at competitive prices.

    1.2. What is zero grazing ?

    Zero grazing (also called "stall - feeding", "cut-and intensive livestock production system in which the cattlebut are confined in a shed or stall where feed and waterthem (see Figure 1).

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    as Elephant grass, Guatemala, Maize, Lablabharvested daily andlor ensiled and fed to the anim

    (b) It reduces wastage of forage through trampling, with dungturine and selective grazing that are uswhen cattle are grazing a tall growing pasture.

    (c) Forage can be utilised from areas which might nofor grazing such as road sides, steep slopes and sw

    (d) You can utilise crop by- products such as potato

    peels and field wastes (maize stover, haulms) in fe

    (e) Since. the animals are confined, they are lesenvironmental hazards such as diseases, parasstress.

    (f) The animals conserve the energy that is usuamovement during grazing. It can then be turned imore milk. ,

    (g) The manure can be collected in an easy way. Youbiogas production (as shown in Figure 2), or as orfor the low cost and environmentally friendagriculture.

    (h) You eliminate the costs of paddocking and water the farm.

  • 7/27/2019 Dairy Cattle Zero Grazing


    1.4. Important points to note:

    When you are planning to start a zero grazing enterprfollowing points seriously in decision making.

    Zero grazing is labour intensive. The harvested daily from the field and, togethet9tp.n to the animal in the sh '- 1url require capital IUL Lullauucuull, ~yuestablishment.

    You have to maintain the correct ~ I I I ~ U Usuitable stage of maturity under variunpredictable growing conditions.

    You may require to conserve fodder in form

    during the rainy season to offset forage sho

    dry season.

    Therefore, you need to plan properly bel~ lc U Jstart!

    1.5. What are the reauirements for zero grazing ?

    I 1.5.1 Land

    starting. .

    a zero j..

    grazing. . e major


    When : unit, thcapital, laoour, ana Knowleage and skills In managing t

    Land is required for accommodating the farm buildinfodder for feeding cattle. The size required will depenof cattle you intend to keep, and the ago-ecological carea (climate, soils, etc). In places that receive at lerainfall per year, the general recommendation is 1.2 accow, excluding the farm buildings. The acreage is bigg

    1.5.2 Capital

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    enough. If they are more, or if the family members elsewhere, supplementary hired labour is inevitable. ensure good production, the farmer must take keen

    participate in management.

    1.5.4 Knowledge and Skills

    For the Zero grazing enterprise to be profitable, the flabour force should have sufficient knowledge and skillsmanagement. These include:

    Establishing a fodder bank

    HousingSelecting the right cow


    Milking and calf rearing


    Disease control

    Record keeping

    Environment consideration

    2.0. ESTABLISHING AFODDER BANK:Since the animals do not graze, the first thing when sgrazing unit should be the establishment of a fodder bachieved by growing high yielding fodder grasses such

    grass (Napier), Guatemala or Giantsetaria,

    and legLablab and Desmodium species.In Uganda, Elephant grass (Kawanda variety) is the bc

    ht resist;3nt (remsuitable. . . .for cutti

    I I is high yieldingis drougl ains green in the dry sea

    is very ! ngl t has a hign nutritive value

  • 7/27/2019 Dairy Cattle Zero Grazing


    mmlre 3: Elepnant grass

    Figure4: Guatemalagrass

    2.1. Howdo you plant elephant grass?

    In general, elephant grass requires annual rainfall of oyear and an altitude lower than 2100 metres below sea lgrown on most soils, but prefers well drained fertile soiplanted near the zero grazing unit to reduce on the laboufor carrying. Before planting, the land should be weploughing and, where possible, farm yard manure shou

  • 7/27/2019 Dairy Cattle Zero Grazing


    the ground (see Figure 5). Sometimes root splits are usfor gap filling.

    Figure 5: Planting elephant grass using cane cuttings

    Insure proper weed control and you can use fertiliseields. Apply one bag ofNPK (50 kg) per acre atstablishment, and at every cutting. You can also use msnstead.

    vlixing elephant grass with legumes:iometimes legumes are interplanted with elephant grassmproving the nutritive value of fodder and increasing

    The most commonly used are Desmodiumspecies:

    Desmodium intorhnn (Green leafed Desmodium) &duncinahtm (Silver leafed Desmodium). The legume shofirst in'a clean seedbed. After it has germinated well, thbe weeded and elephant grass is planted in the samDesmodium. It is better to mix the legume species withbefore planting to enhance nitrogen fixation.

    Harvesting elephant grass

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    How much elephantgrass should be plan1 .The fodder yield fiom elephant grass vanes wth --dl,planted and the management practices especially weeding anapplication. In high potential areas, one acre is sufficient foIn low. rainfall areas 1.5 acres are recommended per cowdepends on whether the f m e r has other supplementary feed such as ago-industrial by-products, concentrates residues.

    If you have much more than you can utilise, the excess fodbe cut and conserved in f o p ofei silage or hay for useseason. For more details, consult your extension worker.

    3.0 HOUSING

    Followingthe establishment of fodder, the next requiremena zero grazing unit is the construction of the shed (houslivestock. Housing the animals should aim at the following:

    * Confinement to restrict the movement of the animalconserve energy for production.Protection for security reasons

    Sheltering the animal fiom environmental hazards susunshine, diseases, worms and external ~arasitessuchEase of operations ( , drinkin ~g and cmaintain hygiene).


    Fa zero. grazingAll th 'Th"e unit c a luped into essenand opnonal parts _ , ,e parts art: rlecessary for th

    operations and comfort to the animal. However, the esse. must be constructed first before the animal is introduced t

    The optional parts can be added later especially if theinadequate funds. 1 :below shows the various partsgrazing unit.

    3 e table

    Essential (Basic) parts1. Cubicles (Resting area)2. The walkingarea3 Feed and water


    Option6. Calf:7. Store8 Fodder

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  • 7/27/2019 Dairy Cattle Zero Grazing



    Length 210 cm (7ft)Width 120 cm (4ft)Roof height 210 cm (7ft) on the lower side,

    he higheIf the cows are small (e.g. Jerseys) the measureduced to 6.5 ft x 3.5 ft. However, it is bstandard measurements stated earlier. The floo

    should be raised and filled with plain soil such a

    is cheaper and provides comf6rt to the animal. floor with concrete, otherwise you may have to to reduce the discomfort caused by the rou

    mineral box can be fixed at the head of eindividual mineral supplv to each -n*xv

    Figure 8I cubicles

    Irhewalking arc

    wide. I\Floor is:hat the

    made ofCOWS Ci

    The walking area lies between the cubic

    Feed and water troughs on the other. It i' ''To roofing is required except in very h' concrete, and the surface shou

    annot slip. It should slope fro:awards the pit for coll

    Thi ll

    ecting u~rine ncd i

    d dung,

  • 7/27/2019 Dairy Cattle Zero Grazing


    end along the length of the walking area as shown iIrrespective of the design, the feed trough should beach cow has 2.5 to 3 ft (75 to 90 cm) to itself.

    If you have young stock on the unit as well, the wshould be placed such that both the young stock acows have access to it instead of constructing separfor each side. Fighting between young stock and cooccur due to the boundary created between them.

    The feed trough can be made of timber or concrete

    on the costs and availability of materials. Tmeasurements should.be 60 cm (2 ft) wide at the bshould be raised at least 15 cm (% ft) above the grounshould not be too deep otherwise cows will find dreaching the bottom. If it is too shallow, spillage anwill occur. For a water trough, a half drum can be uis enough for two cows.

    Figure 9: Feed andwater trough

    3.4 Themilkingplace

    The milking place should be constructed next to thand is of the same dimensions The floor should be o

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    letdown is facilitated when the cow sees thmilking. In this case, the calf pen should be situaof the milking place. For pure breeds (Friesian,letdown occurs even in the absence of the calf-hould be situated opposite the milking plan


    h e pen should measure by 150should be slated and raised above the concrete bto 45 cm (1 to lsft). This makes it easier to cleathe concrete under it. The sides should be open t

    ovemeiiigure 1(

    nt, and

    9.high e1 3 contaiin the c

    The pen can be fixed or movable. A feed troughhould be placed outside the calf pen to avoid connineral box should also be attached outside. ecommended on the slated floor, as they encohat may lead to calf diseases.

    Figure10: Calfpenwith sla

    3-6 The fodder chopping a1rea


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    3.7 The store

    The store is used to keep concentrates, minerals, miand other equipment near where they are used.

    attached to the zero grazing unit next to the milking opposite the fodder chopping area. However, if fininadequate, it may not be built immediately.

    The m pit

    Manure can be stored in a pit which may be cemented

    should be situated behind the unit at the lower ewalking area, and large enough to store manure for(2ft deep, 2ft diameter:

    3.9 Holding crush

    A holding crush is used for restraining the animacertain management activities such as treatment, spArtificial Insemination. It should be located on one swalking area. It is shaped like a trough. The width 1%ft (45cm) at the bottom and 3%ft to 4ft (105 tothe top depending on the size of the cows. The height4ft. The floor should be concrete, and should drain soak.pitif tick control is carried out by spraying.

    However, most farmers use the milking cubicle for rcows. They avoid the construction of a holding crushof minimising costs. . .

    . . .

    . . ,

    4.0 . ' CHOC

    Zero grazing is very expensive espec terms ofodder establishment and housing con! I


    It is, imuortant that you keep a cow whosemilk productioble under the available resources.profitai

    You should choose from the exotic dairy breeds or theith th i di b d Th t d i

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    lactation. Its disadvantage, however, is th-relatively low butter fat content. It also eats atherefore, suitable for farmers with a big acreag

    4.2 Ayrshire

    This is a strong animal characterised by a sevenly balanced and well-shaped udder. The clight to deep cherry-red, brown or a combinatiocolours with white. It has high milk yield butter fat conteint.

    -." JerseyThis is a small dairy animal. I dy and climatic conditions in Uganda >lourcoshades of fawn and white, normally with a blaceyes. Although its milk yield is not as high breeds, it is popular because .

    its milk,has a very high butter fat ccit withstands the heat of the tropics

    ed intak- farmei this,acrcas a lowtherefoieage.

    , maintelre, suit;nance fe3ble f o ~



    [t is hanl. Its cc

    e due tors with

    This is a ra the~ Its colofawn with white ed. Its myellow colour due LU 111gr1 uller fat content.

    mediul: arkin.--- 1-1.

    n size a~ g sclear-1- I-.-&&-.

    Other breeds include Brown Swiss, Red poll, an

  • 7/27/2019 Dairy Cattle Zero Grazing


    4.5 , ' What are the signs of a good dairy cow ?

    The shape and frame of the cow are good indicadairy cow should have the capacity to consumeorder to produce much milk. Its body is shapewhich widens from the shoulders as you procerear. She should have a wide deep udder with foteats. It should not have other rudimentary teashould be firmly attached high in the back anunderneath. It should not be pendulous and not the hocks. Her legs and hooves should be s

    backline straight. The rear end should be wi,

    which will facilitate calving. The mouth shoufacilitate consumption of feed. ,feminine, with no excess fat.

    Sbe should be

    However, the best indicator of future productionof milk the cow gives in its first lactation. It is alsknow the history of its parents by checking the re

    Which cow should you choose?

    If your management is good and there is ample suand other feeds (concentrates, agro-industrial presidues), a pure bred heavy producer such aAyrshire is suitable for you. However, if your fod

    low and the climate too hot, it may be advisabsmaller hardy cow such as Jersey or Guernsey,exotic breeds with the indigenous cows.

    In general, cows producing an average of less thmilk per day throughout the lactation period are c - r z e r o g r - -

    hy is fec

    Feeding the dairy cow is one of the most impo

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    Vitamins: for maintaining the reproduction

    Minerals: for giving strength to the skteeth), reproduction and milk productio

    Water: necessary for all body procesmilk production.

    It IS important that the feed given to the cin quantity and quality) to meet its rfollowing:

    breathinMaintenance: This is the first priority. enough nutrients to maintain itself alive bybody processes such asfunctions, digestion, etc.

    j . .' :, , 8 ., I i 1

    , : , I: !: /

    lg, bloo

    Milk Production: Nutrients allocated tothe surplus after satisfying the requmaintenance. Therefore, the quantity ofdepend on the extra amount of feed you COW.

    ")w will

    ter satisj--&:l:"-A

    Reproduction: Af fying.the requirthe surplus feed is ULIII~GU for reproductiresumption of heat signs for mating pregnancy. Therefore, ensure that your

    early after calving. by giving them enougpregnant cc: not abort, and the calfheavy.

    Growth: Heifers that calve for the first andgrowing. Therefore, you should provide them attain full maturity. Well fed cowhighest milk yields during the 2nd to 4th only possible if you give them good feegrow well.

    5.2 Which feeds should be fed LU ine cuw:

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    minerals. As stated earlier, the commonest fodder Uganda is Elephant grass and, less commonly, Guatem

    (ii) Legumes

    These provide high levels of protein in the diet. Thepasture legumes such as Green leaf Desmodium (D. iSilver leaf Desmodium (D. uncinatum) and Lablab (s12). You can also plant leguminous fodder trees Lucaena Leucocephala, Gliricidia sepium, Sesbar-iaseFigure


    igeon Igthy rsus

    ?ea (Cc9.

    Cajun) and C


  • 7/27/2019 Dairy Cattle Zero Grazing


    (iii) Minerals

    The fodder provided may not contain all the requespecially for lactating cows. You should, thereadditional mineral supplements. They can be in the for leaking, 'or in a form which can be mixed with the f

    (iv) ConcentratesSome cows produce a lot of milk such that threquirements cannot be satisfied by fodder alone. In

    exploit their production potential, such cows shoconcentrate feeds which are very rich in energy and concentrates may be factory prepared (such as NuvFarm Enterprises, Kagodo Feeds, etc). However, if tare available on the farm, it may be cheaper to makeIt is recommended that the concentrate should proteins. A simple formula for the home made dairy

    Maize (or maize bran good quality)Maize bran or Rice branOil seed cake (cotton, sunflower, Soya)Mineral mix (e.g. Maclik super)Regular ground salt

    (v) Farm by-productsMany farm by-products can be used to feed dairy catparticularly useful in the dry season when the supforage is inadequate. They include sweet potatoprotein content is nearly as high as legumes), grohaulms of pulses, banana peals, maize stover, ric

    vs, etc. nial treat] Jer and sg. with titraws a~lrea and:e very fmolasscibrous a!s).The st07nent (e.;strayspec

  • 7/27/2019 Dairy Cattle Zero Grazing


    (vi) Agro-industrial by products

    used a1olasses i


    lone or Iis used a


    in form1.sa rich



    These' include maize bran, rice bran and oil seed cakes wdating lsource c

    a gooa source or protein. For proper utllizatlon or tntact yo

    (vn) warersion woi

    made day. Brev


    liry concvers' ma

    " .

    This is perhaps the most important feed. Water is life - wthe animal will die in a few days. Besides, water constitu85% of milk. You should, therefore, provide water all th

    that the cow drinks what is enough for its requirements.

    5.3 How much feed sh~ould be- > *I-- 3

    given t(1the dairy cow'L l - - - -The quantity of feeu rne uairy cow can ear in one day de

    its body weight, the amount of milk it produces, whether and the stage, and whether it is still growing or not. To enthe cow gets enough feed to meet all the demands, yomake sure that the feed trough is never empty except at thcleaning. You should thoroughly mix the grasses with

    ~erwisethe cow will select only the leafy and tasty legum-__eheavy cows generally require 70 to 120 kg of fresh foday, while the smaller breeds require 50 to 80 kglday depewhether supplements are pi or not.



    Elephant grass, especially if mixed with legumes andCapacity, can support a milk yield of7 to 10 litres per day."s, the cow should be given supplementary feeding in

    ~centrates. In general 1 kg of concentrates should be g:ry 1% extra milk produced. However, your guiding p

    hould be the benefits from the extra milk produced co3 the cost of the concentrates. Concentrates are usuallyie time of milking. Extra concentrates may also be giveai in the following circumstances:y cow i

    Aheifer in her first lactation should be fed concentrhigher rate than other cows in order to allow it to gro

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    (a) You should not overfeed your cow with concentraes, orbecome too fatty. This will affect thdeposition of fat in the udder limits milk

    L COW':product

    s fertiliion abili

    (b) Fodder should be chopped into short pieces of2 to 5cmit to cows to minimise wastage. This can be done usin

    IS shown in Figures14and 15 re; pective

    Figure 14: Chopping elephant grass usmg a pa;~ga

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    The milking activity is the "life blood" of the dairy farmeprofitability of the farm depends on how much milk the dairy

    To be able to compete favourably in the market, the milk mquality (wholesome, clean and free from disease causing organ&lking the f m e r is also able to detect any abnormalities or udder, such as Mastitis, which is thebiggest danger to the productive life of a dairy cow. Therefomust carry out proper milking procedures and observe strict hmilking. This can be achieved through the following steps.

    6.1 Prepare the milkkhedDuring construction, the milk shed sho ited away fiomsmell (soak pit, manure pit) because rn easily absorb thlowers its quality. It should also be free fiom dusty winds. Bare brought to the shed, the floor should be thoroughly cleanefollowed by scrubbing with soap and water. The feed trou

    cleaned and fillth in 3te for th

    6.2 Ensure clean urensusle requ

    uld be silk can

    utensil:---duce cle--- :an milk---r..-.. . ensureA L-----.In order to pro1 3 are proMetallic c o n t a h ~ r sart: prt:lt:rrt:uut:r;iiust: 11lt:y art: v i l e r to cleasaid to grow in plastic containers even after cleaning), and they solely for milk.

    After each use, the containers should be rinsed with cold watermilk, and then washed with hot water and detergent or disinfethey should be rinsed with hot water. They should then be air-free place. During storage they should be covered with a mateout dust, water and flies. The same treatment should be equipment such as strainers, calf buckets and uddercloth. T

    practice, sanitation attitudes should be developed by all milk han

    6.3 Prepare the milker

    To avoid transmitting diseases through milk, UIG IIIIIKGI sr~healthy and free from infectious diseases (e.g. Tuberculosis).

  • 7/27/2019 Dairy Cattle Zero Grazing


    is carried' out twice a dai (making and afternoon). Howproducers (over 20 litre'dday)you should maximise yield by mOnce

    the hca rope iI ,"t,

    led into the shed, the cow is restrained by tying

    ~ c kjoint to prevent it from kicking the milk pail, = ~The hind quarters should be.cleaned of loose hair, dust anwould otherwise drop in the milk. The udder and teats shoulwarm water containing a disinfectant and dried with a clean u.may apply milking salve to avoid cracking of the teats whicow is then ready for milking.

    ----milkineFigure 16: Restraining thecowduring n

    6.5 Miking techniqueBefore milking all the milk into the pail, the first step is toThis is achieved by drawing a few streams of milk from each cup or against any black surface to check whether the milkcontains some clots or spots of blood, it is a sign of udder di

    Milkfiom that teat should not be mixed with the rest. The should be milked last.The good milking technique isasfollows:

    weenthe base of the teat thumb and th

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    Figure 17: Proper milking technique


    The stimulation for milk release (milk let down) lasts foTherefore, ensure that milking is completed within 5 to 10min

    Througho& the operation, be kind to the animal. The cow feeding at ease.

    You may dip the teats into an antiseptic after milking to guard


    Young cows should be milked first.

    Remember to clean the floor of the shed to remove spills of mi

    6.6 Handling the milk

    After milking, move the milk to a separate room and filter it inmilk strainer and filter paper. Do not use a piece of cloth .market for it, milk should be immediately despatched. Howevstored over night, you have to pasteurise the milk. This is achiit until the cream begins to form a thin film on top. This geenough to kill the bacteria without altering the quality of the m

    the milk. Leave it to cool in a clean open saucepan. Allow freby using a mosquito net to cover the milk.If you have a cooler, milk should be stored without prior heatin

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    i Healthy calves mean less expenditucosts, hence more profits to the farfor .the quires g ]sing, feand disl ~trol.calf recease con

    Calf housing

    As stated in section 3.5 above, the call JIIUUIU UG 1 1 ~which has a slated floor, and raised at least 30cm (onground. This is to ensure good hygiene because the udrop to the ground and minimises contamination of the

    Feeding colostrum to calvesColostnun is the first milk produced by the cow durindays after calving. It is important that newly born cmother's first milk immediately after b he folloirth for1

    During the first 36 houl3 bu ~u ~tr umOagainst common diseases from the mprotects the calf.

    It is rich in essential proteins, vitaminand energy that are required by the calf.

    It has a laxative effect which helps the

    its first faeces. The calf should be within the first 2 hours after calving, absorption decreases rapidly after birth.

    All the colostrum should be milked into a clean buckedays, the calf should be given 3 to 5 litres of colostruits body weight. The surplus should be for home use a

    Bucket feeding

    In modem calf rearing, bucket feeding rather than sucencouraged because the amount of colostrum/milk ccalf can be controlled to minimise over feeding or un

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    Restrain the calf in a standing position by putting it between yoand holding its head. Open its mouth (you may first dip the into milk and then into the calfs mouth), and allow the calf to the fingers. Then coax the calfs mouth into the bucket con

    milk. The fingers are then slowly withdrawn fiom the buckecalf will begin to drink. The bucket should be lifted and held level. It should not drinkwith its head down to avoid gulping thtoo fast, otherwise milk may enter the lungs and cause coughidiarrhoea as a result of incomplete digestion.

    Figure18:Teaching the calf to drink milk from the bucketWarning!

    Whenusing bucket feeding ensure that:

    The utensilsand hands are clean

    You give. regular amounts of milk at regular ine.g. 4 times in first 3 days, then t&ce daily theDuring weaning, it is given once daily.

    Do not give too much milk

    'he calf is kept in a clean calfpex7.4 How much milk should be given to the calf?

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    The early weaning method should be adopted only if weaner pellets and young stock pencils are availabl

    to use. The calf is weaned from drinking milk at the Start with early weaner pellets, and replace them g12th week) with young stock pencils and eventually osuch as dairy meal which are cheaper. After two weefresh soft grass should be provided to enable the cdigestive system (rumen) early enough. The followguideline for feeding the unweaned calf.










    Whole milk(litres)3-5 (colostnrm)3-5









    1 kg1.5 to

    2 kg2 K gNil


    High qu


    99grass a




    If the use of concentrmes is not possible, weaning suntil 16weeks of age.

    7.5 Water and Minerals

    Clean water should be provided to the calf starting

    age, at least twice daily. When it starts eating largfeed, water should be available all the time. Messential for the rapidly growing calf. The most con

    Ito stick up a mineral block inside the calf pen.

    8.0 COWFERTILITY AND BREEDID8.1 Introduction

    The profitability of keeping dairy cows is determinedmilk produced, and milk production starts only afcalved down: Therefore, the fertility of the cow andare very important. The cow should be able to comi h d b d h i

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    (average 280 days). The age at first calving stherefore, be 27 to 30 months. This period creduced by good'calf rearing, feeding, disease cand breed.

    . .

    . ... . Calving interval

    A fertile cow should have a calving interval (the pbetween two successive calvings) of 12 to 13 mTo achieve this, the cow should conceive withdays after calving.

    After calxing, the .:cow comes on heat within 25However, service should be delayed until 45 days to allouterus to recover. The number of services per concshould not be more than two. The calvirig rate (the percof pregnant cows that reach to calving) should be at leasAll these parameters .are also governed by good feedincontrol of especially r diseases of reproduction that


    8.2 Heat detection

    "Heat" (also called oestrus) is the period .when the cow behavioral andlor physiological signs that it is ready to mate.during this time that the female egg (ova) is released by the o

    ready to be fertilised by the sperms after service by either the bArtificial Insemination.

    Under zero grazing system, the cow is isolated. It is upon the fanobserve the cow closely for the signs of heat to enable inseminabe carried out at the most prime time to increase the chancconception. The signs of heat can be divided into 3 stages: stage, prime stage and late stage.

    In the early stages the cow becomes restless, excited, it band smell other cows. The ears stand out and the eyes areIt reduces feed intake w d milk yield that day and sniffs acows. The vulva becomes swollen and reddened. This

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    In the late stage, the signs observed above decrwill no longer stand to be mounted. Dry mucoat the base of the tail. In some cases, especbloody mucoid discharge fiom the vulva may be

    Figure 19 :Signs of heat in a cowNote:

    Not all signs of heat are displayed. Sometimes envirosuch as very hot or cold temperatures .modify the display fewer signs than cows. Silent heat without msigns is sometimes encountered. The farmer, thereforeobservant and-must use a combination of signs to detect

    8.3 When !should t hecowThe best time for the cow to be servea is towards the enstage when the cow stands to be mounted, approxim

    hours after the onset of heat. It is, therefore, importanto closely observe the cows to know exactly when theheat. Observation should be at least twice a day and(during milking, feeding, etc). Cows that come on heshould be served in the morning Those that start heath ld b d i th ft

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    8.4 Artificial insemination or natural service?

    Zero grazing dairy farmers are usually constrained by inadeand cannot afford to keep a bull on the farm. Besides, thebe redundant most of the time as there are very few cows oThe f m e r , therefore, relies on either artificial inseminatiofrom outside for natural service.

    everal ac

    likes to

    Artificial inseminatil ivantages:-It uses supenor bulls whose performance has beenproven

    It enables tht t .*hich 1It minimises UIG ~ ~ I G ~ I U1 ~ ~ nerea li~czucaIt minirnises losses from use of infertile bullsIt extends the working life of the bull long after ispreading the genetic material over a wider area.

    It gbliges the farmer to improve management in anta superior but delicate offspring.

    However, A.1 has some limitations which need consideradeciding which method you should use for serving your cow

    A.1 requires skilled manpower for handling sinsemination in the field.

    It may not be readily available in some areas very fA.1 centre.It may be too expensive for the rural farmers keproductive cows.

    The f m e r should be skilled in heat detection and mto the A.1 technician who should respond in time.

    Because of these limitations, farmers may opt for the use of a bullA.I. Sometimes the bull is used for '"cleaning up" cows that may to conceive using A.1, as they can easily detect when the cow is on hH th di d t f i th b ll i l d

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    8.5 Does A.1 produce more bullcalves than heifers?It has been repeatedly proved (even in Uganda!) thequal chances for male and female offsprings.

    complaint that it produces more bullcalves than heiferThe common practice is to use A.1, if available, forcycles after calving. If it fails to conceive, a veterincalled in to investigate the problem. Other farmers, hoinvite a bull to avoid loss ofbieeding time and milk proRecord keeping in fertility management

    For efficient fertility management of the cow, it is imrecords on important breeding. parameters. These icalving, Date of first heat after calving, when serconceived or not and expected date of calving etc. Thiplan properly for all the required activities at all stagbest achieved by use ofasbreedingCalender.HEALTHAND DISEASECONTROL


    For the zero grazing enterprise to be profitable, theensure that the animals (cows, heifers, calves) are maihealth. Diseases cause losses to the farmer through the

    Death of the animalsCan reduce production of milk agrowth of the youngThe costs of treatment and control reduce p

    Some diseases can be transmitted to peopleTuberculosis and Brucellosis.

    9.2 What are the common diseases?

    s underThe common diseases zero grazing cafollows:

    Calf diseases such a6 .diarrho&,"Pneumon

    di f l

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    Dietic diseases e.g. Milkfever, Bloat, KetoOthers such asFoot rot, wounds etc.

    Figure 2 0 A cow ivithudder is swollen


    the h ind qu

    9.3 Control and Prevention of Diseases

    It is usually cheaper to prevent the occurrence of diseastreating them, because you cannot be sure that the recover. Even then, the animal takes long to restore proprevious level. Therefore, the farmer should carry out strmeasures to ensure that the animals are healthy. Thefollowing:

    (a) Strict hygiene

    By observing strict hygiene, you eliminate

    problems of diarrhoea in calves and adult cows, apneumonia. Ensure that the calf pen, the restingand water troughs and all utensils used on thoroughly and regularly cleaned.

    (b) C t l f

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    (b) Control ofectoparasitesDisease transmitting vectors (ticks, tsetse flies) canby using acaricide through spraying, dipping or, mon zero grazing units, by using "Pour-On" formuflies can also be effectively controlled by use of tset

    (c) n-vorming

    tactidepcd parasi m be controlle

    ical dosing of animals with dewormers everyending on the hygiene and climatic conditions.


    rented b:,,,:ases such as Rinueqxst, CBPP, - ,.,- and Bruprel y regula ; directed by the

    (e) Isolation and Treatment

    Some diseases are contagious and can easily spreadanimal to others. It is, therefore, good practice to animals from the rest, while treatment is being admi

    (0 " per FeedingroThe moit powerful preventiveftreatment measure isWell fed animals tend to resist some infections sand respond better to the treatment being administer


    10.1 'W h y are farm records important?

    :ry dairy farmer shouldbecome successful in thebecause of the following rei

    endeava~urto keep farm recordsse. Farm records are

    They enhance plannipg and decision making on

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    10.2 What records should be kept?

    The following types of recordsare very essential to the dairy

    (a) Health recori

    These enable UG lm~nerto monitor the healtand to ensure that certain disease prev

    measures are carried out regularly and timinclude dates for-vaccinations, dewormoutbreaks zt18 treatmerits.

    (b) Breeding records

    These enable the farmer to monitor the fertilityand to carry out corrective measures where nalso to make preparations for the expected outmilking and calf management. The breeinclude: Date of service and the bull, stage o

    calving, first heat after calving, etc. Theyindividual cow breeding performance such calvings, number of calves alive, perfdaughterslsons.

    (c) Production records .

    The farmer should record milk proaucuoncows in terms of milk yield per day, the lacand the total milk yield for each lactation anthe quality of milk.

    (d) Milk utilisation

    This includes themilk sold, given to cal

    consumed at home

    (e) Income and Expenditure

    This includes the income from sale ofmilk o

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    (9 Advice byExtension WorkersTh lsion workers r er profealways rtxord the advice g ~ v ~ nU enable tup the messages in implementation, awhether they have been useful.

    her reccInventory of equipment, visitors, achievem


    1. Zerograzing seriesBy Ministry oKenya.


    ~oksonby HeiZerbgrfer Proj

    dture and Livestock Dev



    3. Livestock Technical Handbook- by Ministry of Agriculture,Amma lndustry anUganda

    4. Evaluation of feed resources for dairy cattle zer

    pndabyDr. S

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