dan presentation streetmag

How did my magazine attract it’s target audience Dan Grant 12T

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Post on 18-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Dan presentation streetmag

How did my magazine attract it’s

target audience

Dan Grant 12T

Page 2: Dan presentation streetmag

Colour Scheme:The colour scheme of my front cover suits the target audience as the use of red/black throughout all three of my magazine pages are alternative and modern, which represents youth. This is good as I aimed for my magazine to be targeted at young males.

Masterhead:The masterhead ‘Streetmag’ fits my target audience as the word street is often associated with working class people who are interested in hip-hop (for example people often refer to hip-hop artists breaking away from the streets and making a better life for themselves). This then is relevant and attracts my target audience as I aimed my magazine at young working class males interested in hip-hop.

Key image:The key image is important in attracting my target audience as the subject looks angry into the camera as folds his arms. As well as this the clothing of the subject of the subject and how he is wearing them (for example wearing the hood over his cap) represents a typical hip-hop artist as hip-hop artists are often perceived as being arrogant and and times even aggressive. This will attracts my target audience as people who are interested in hip-hop culture will be drawn in to the fact that the subject is realistic to the genre.

Page 3: Dan presentation streetmag

Font StyleThe style of the font within my contents page is sans serif. This is an informal style of font, which suits the target audience as I aimed the magazine at young people and a more modern font would most likely be more attractive to them.

Key Image CaptionThe key image caption is important when thinking about my target audience as the fact that Dolla is ‘rebellious as ever’ implies that he has been known to be deviant and controversial in the past. This attracts the target audience as it is an accurate representation of a typical hip-hop artist, which is key as it means that people who are interested in hip-hop will see it as a realistic and genuine magazine, which is important when attracting people who are passionate about the genre.


The features/news on my contents page are also important when focusing on attracting my target audience as the use of language is quite informal and easy to read. This is important as I aimed my magazine at teenagers and young adults, who perhaps will appreciate language that is easier to understand. As well as this, the subjects that are presented in my features are also tailored to a younger audience as the fact that I talk about headphones and music festivals would usually be things that teenagers/young adults would appeal to.

Page 4: Dan presentation streetmag

I used a pull out quote to attract my target audience as the pull out quote says ‘One of hip-hop’s realest albums of the past decade’. This will attract the target audience as the fact that the album is being promoted as being one of the ‘realest’ creates the idea that the music is of a good quality, which will attract fans of hip-hop towards my magazine. As well as this, the continuity with the colour scheme again is informal due to the vibrant colours. This will be better suited to a younger target audience, which is important as I aimed my magazine at teenagers and young males.