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  • 8/11/2019 Daniel Doido



    Natural controlsof fluvial denudation ates in major world

    drainage basins

    M. A. Summerfield and N.J. HuRon

    Macrogeomorphologyesearchroup, epartmentf Geography,niversityf Edinburgh,dinburgh

    United Kingdom

    Abstract. We present new compilation f estimates f modem atesof mechanical nd

    chemical enudationor externally rained asins xceeding x 105 m2 n area. These

    estimates re basedon sediment nd solute oad data selected n order o representnatural atesas

    far aspossible.Chemical enudationateshavebeen alculatedy deductinghe

    nondenudationalomponent f solute oad. Mechanical enudationates ange rom 1 mm kyr

    for the St. Lawrence ndDneprbasins o 670 mm kyr x or the Brahmaputra asin. Chemical

    denudationatesvary rom 1 mm kyr (Kolyma,Niger, Nile andRio Grandebasins) O27 mm

    kyr4 (ChiangJiangbasin). The Kolymabasinhas he owest 4 mm kyr ), and the Bmhmaputra

    basin he highest, verall ateof denudation688 mm kyr4 ). Relationshipsetweendenudation

    ratesanda rangeof morphometric, ydrologic, ndclimaticvariables re nvestigatedhrough

    correlation ndregression nalysis. Morphometric ariables,suchas mean ocal relief, are

    accurately alculatedor largebasins or the first time by using he NationalGeophysical ata

    Center 0-minuteopographicatabase. ariables xpressingasin eliefcharacteristicsnd

    runoff are found o be moststrongly ssociated ith both mechanical ndchemicaldenudation

    rates,with more than60% of the variance n total denudation eing accounted or by basin elief

    ratioand unoff. Basinarea, unoffvariability,andmean emperature, owever, re only weakly

    associated ith ratesof denudation.Althoughdirectcomparisonsannotbe made, t appearshat

    ratesof basindenudation erived rom present-day ass lux estimatesre not,overall,

    significantly ifferent rom estimates f long-term atesbasedon sediment olumeand

    thermochronologicata. It therefore ppearshat he key factors dentifiedas controlling

    denudationateshereare alsoapplicable o the geological ime spans elevant o the interaction

    between ectonic nd denudational rocesses.


    A knowledgeof rates of denudation nd an understanding f

    the factors that control them are important for a number of

    reasons. Quantitativemodels of landscapeevolution [Ahnert,

    1987] dependon estimates f the ratesat which andscape hange

    occurs,while those nterested n the interactionbetween tectonic

    and subaerialprocesses, oth n orogenic Molnar and England,

    1990; Beaumont et al., 1992] and cratonic [Gilchrist and

    SummerfieM,1990; Bishop and Brown, 1992] terrains need to

    apply ealisticdenudationates n the calibration f their models.

    Estimates f long-termdenudationatesare a vital component f

    both geochemical Berner, 1991] and sediment fLeeder, 1991]

    massbalancestudies,while the importance f understandinghe

    factors hat controlspatial and temporalvariations n sediment

    supply to sedimentarybasins is now becomingmore widely

    appreciated Cross, 1990; Sinclair and Allen, 1992]. Recently,

    the suggestionhat the creationof topography ssociatedwith

    orogenesisan significantly ffect atesof chemicaldenudation

    and therebyperturb the global carbonbudget and consequently

    globalclimate Raymo t al., 1988;Raytooand Ruddiman,1992]

    has further reinforced he need for a clear understanding f the

    factorscontrolling enudationates.

    Copyright 994by theAmericanGeophysical nion.

    Papernumber 4JB00715.


    Although range f approaches,ostnotablyhermo-

    chronology nd calculations f offshoresedimentvolumes,can

    provide stimatesf long-termenudationaies,onlydataon

    present-dayatesderived rom sediment nd solutedischarges f

    riversgenerally rovide he mostviablebasis or linking

    variations n denudation ates to specificcontrollingvariables. A

    numberf studiessinghis pproachave ocusedn he oleof

    climate, r vegetationsmediatedyclimate, s hekeyvariable

    determiningatesof denudationLangbein nd Schumm, 958;

    Fournier, 1960; Corbel, 1964; Douglas, 1967; Wilson, 1973;

    Jansenand Painter, 1974; Jansson,1982, 1988; Ohmori, 1983].

    Althoughsome of these analysesalso considered opographic

    controls n denudationa[es, he role of elevation nd relief has

    beenemphasizedn relatively ew studies Ahnert,1970; Pinet

    andSouriau,988; insele,992;Milliman ndSyvitski,992].

    The aim here s to presenta new compilation f estimates f

    rates of denudation or the world'smajor drainagebasinsand to

    providean initial assessmentf the main controlsof denudation

    rates at the regional to subcontinental calerelevant to the geo-

    logical ime spans ppropriateor modellnghe interaction

    between ectonicanddenudational rocesses.n order o produce

    estimatesf denudationateswhichare moreappropi'iateo

    modelingover geological imescaleswe have attempted o

    exclude,s araspossible,nthropogenicffectshroughareful

    assessment f the available sedimentand solute dischargedata.

    In doing hiswe areaiming o provide stimatesf "natural"ates

    of denudationand to assess he major "natural" controls hat


  • 8/11/2019 Daniel Doido



    determine them. All externally drained basins with an area of

    more han x 105 m are ncluded,lthoughomprehensiveata

    are not available for all of these (Figure 1). Together hese 33

    basins over n areaof 5.28 x 107 m ,representingver35% of

    the Earth's land area. Three internal basins above the area

    threshold the Okavango, he Volga, and the Chari) have been

    excluded rom the analysis s they do not contribute o an overall

    reduction f continental levation. Our reason or focusing n the

    very largestbasins s that we are interestedat this stage n estab-

    lishing first-order effects rather than examining small-scale

    controls on denudation rates.

    The main constraintson our analysis are the quality of

    available sediment and solute load data, the extent to which

    appropriate llowances an be made for anthropogenicmpacts,

    and the accuracywith which likely controllingvariablescan be

    characterized. n order to minimize these potential imitations,

    sedimentand solute oad data have been carefully selectedso as

    to represent, s far as possible, onditions rior to major human

    modification of the basins concerned. We have also been careful

    in our estimation of chemical denudation rates to make an

    adjustment or the nondenudational omponent f solute load

    introduced y atmosphericnputs. The data set we present s our

    best estimate, within the limitations of the available data, of

    natural rates of mechanical and chemical denudation under

    prevailing basin conditionsof topography, limate, vegetation,

    and lithology. This data set in turn provides he basis for our

    exploratory nalysisof the main factorsdeterminingworldwide

    variationsn denudationates or very argebasins.

    In addition to our new estimates of natural denudation rates for

    major drainagebasins,anothernovel component f this analysis

    is our use of National GeophysicalData Center (NGDC) 10-

    minutedigital topographic ata (seeCurningand Hawkins [1980]

    for full documentationf thisdatabase)o calculate ccuratelyor

    the first time a rangeof morphometric ariables or thesebasins.

    In particular, we produce he first calculationsof mean local

    relief for large drainagebasins.

    Data Sourcesand Quality

    Potential Controlling Variables

    Data are presented or 11 potential controllingvariables for

    which measurement s possible at the interval or ratio scale

    (Tables 1 and 2). (Full documentationof data sources s avail-

    able on request rom the authors.) Variable selectionwas aimed

    at including hose actors houghtmost ikely to play an mportant

    role in controlling denudation rates and for which data of

    adequate ualityare available. In order o use the NGDC digital

    topographic atabase or the calculationof morphometricvari-

    ables,all basinperimeterswere digitized. Where the locationof

    basin perimeters s unambiguous ur basin area estimatesare

    within 5% of thosegiven n existingpublished ources. Mean

    local relief for large basinshas previouslybeen estimated rom




    ' -- 0 10 25 50 100 250

    lOOO o lOOO

    km Denudationatemmka1)


    Figure 1. Locations ndestimatedotaldenudationates or major externallydrainedbasins.

  • 8/11/2019 Daniel Doido


  • 8/11/2019 Daniel Doido



  • 8/11/2019 Daniel Doido



  • 8/11/2019 Daniel Doido



    partially, the effects of pollution by not incorporating ecent

    analyses rom industrializedcatchments. They do, however,

    include atmospheric nd recycled components. Previousesti-

    matesof chemicaldenudation ave generallybeenbaseddirectly

    on this raw data, but in order to assess orrectly he contribution

    of dissolvedoad to denudationas opposedo total solute rans-

    port) it is necessaryo deduct hesecomponents.Detailedmass

    balancestudies re not available or large drainage asins,so we

    have assumed,on the basis of the global mean estimatesof

    Bernerand Berner 1987], that 4.5% of TDS is contributed y

    precipitationnd hat64%of HCO 'originatesromatmospheric

    CO . Values or HCO3' andTDS havebeenderivedixan

    Meybeck [1979], except for the Amazon [Berner and Berner,

    1987], Chiang Jiang [Hu et al., 1982] and Rio Grande

    [Livingstone,963].Forbasinsorwhich odataonHCOz' re

    available we have estimated that bicarbonate constitutes 52% of

    (unpolluted)TDS (global mean value according o Meybeck

    [1979]). Where not directly available, TDS values have been

    calculated rom dissolved oad data. The denudational ompo-

    nent for the Zaire Basin s a specific stimate y Nkounkou nd

    Probst [ 1987].

    Mean annual specific solid load and mean annual specific

    denudational issolved oad were derived for each basin using

    our digitizeddrainage reas. In all cases he lowestpoint n the

    basin for which solid and solute load data are available have been

    used, although his is not alwaysat the basin outlet. However,

    the discrepancies etween the upstreamarea from these meas-

    urementpointsand the digitizedbasin areasare small. Ratesof

    mechanical, chemical, and total denudation were calculated

    assuming mean ockdensity f 2700 kg m z (Table3). It is

    important o note, however, that calculations f denudation ates

    from mass ransport ata involve assumptionsbout he density

    changeshat occurduring ock weatheringprior to the removalof

    solidanddissolvedmaterial rom a drainage asin Surmneeld,

    1991a]. In usingbedrockdensityas the volumetricconversion

    factorwe are assuming steady tate egolith hickness.

    Resultsand Analysis

    The data or potential ontrollingariables enerally howat

    least an order of magnitudevariation (Table 2). For instance,

    maximum alues or relief ratio andmean ocal elief attained y

    the Brahrnaputraasin 0.00554 and992 m, respectively) anbe

    comparedwith the minimumvalues or the Dneprbasin 0.00039

    and 30 m). Mean annual unoff s similarlyvariable, anging

    from 5 mm for the Rio Grande to 1244 mm for the Orinico. The

    Brahrnaputra asinhas he highest atesof both mechanical670

    mm kyr ) and total denudation688 mm kyr ) (Table 3 and

    Figure1), although recentsediment ischarge stimate f 540

    Mt yr4 cited romunpublishedataby MillimanandSyvitski

    [1992] indicates hat our estimate may be too high. The

    Brahmaputra comes only second, however, in chemical

    denudation, eingexceeded y the ChiangJiangbasinwith a rate

    of 27 mm kyr4. The Dnepr and St. Lawrence asinshave he

    lowest atesof mechanicalenudationt lmm kyr , while our

    basins hareheminimum hemical enudationateof lmm kyr

    - the Kolyma,Niger, Nile andRio Grande. The Kolymaalsohas

    the lowest ate of total denudationt 4 mm kyr . As found n

    previousstudies, he proportionof total denudation ontributed

    by chemicaldenudationdecreases s total denudation ncreases

    (Figure 2). This means that in basins experiencing ery high

    total denudation ates chemicaldenudation s high in absolute

    terms,but low in relative terms. In basinswith very ow overall

    denudation ates, such as those of the major Siberian rivers,

    chemical denudation can account for more than 50% of the total

    (Table 3).

    In order to explore the relationships oth betweendenuda-

    tional and potential controlling variables, and among the

    controlling ariables hemselves, catterplots were produced or

    all variablepairings. In addition,Pearsonian orrelation oeffi-

    cientswere calculatedor all variablepairings or Y = mX + c,

    and or selected ariablepairings or log Y = mX + c and og Y =

    mlog X + c. Partial and multiple correlation oefficients ere

    800 600 400 200 120


    100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40









    La Plato Parana)


    Rio Grande













    Chiang iang





    Figure 2. Histogramsomparingmechanicalndchemical enudationates or majorexternally rained asins.

  • 8/11/2019 Daniel Doido



    also calculated for selected variable pairings. Unlike in the

    recentanalysisof Milliman and Syvitski 1992], all data points

    were included in the calculation of correlation coefficients and

    regression quations inceusingan arbitrarycutoffpoint n terms

    of standarddeviation would have masked the real degree of

    scatter in the data.

    For mostvariablepairings his degreeof scatterwas high, an

    unsurprisinginding given the wide range of factors ikely to

    control rates of mechanical and chemical denudation. However,

    an importantadditional eason or high data scatter s probably

    low data quality, since there is no reason to suspect that

    inaccuraciesn the data would be systematically iased so as to

    enhance any correlationsbetween controlling and denudation

    variables. On the contrary, data errors are likely to be

    approximately andom, and therefore the true strength of

    statistical associations between controlling and denudation

    variablesdetermined rom the data presented ere is likely to be

    underestimated. In other words, our interpretations of the

    strengthof associations etween controllingand denudational

    variablesare nherentlyconservative.

    The relatively low amount of variance accounted or among

    most of the pair-wise associations ean that a range of best fit

    regression elationshipsdescribe them about equally well.

    Nevertheless, close examination of the data indicates that

    associations etween the potential controllingvariables are best

    described n terms of linear relationships Table 4), whereas

    associations between denudation rates and basin variables are

    moreadequately escribed y the form og Y = mX + c (Table 5).

    Among the potential controllingvariables there is a relatively

    high degree of correlation between those expressing various

    aspects f topography,hat s, mean runkchannelgradient, asin

    relief, relief ratio, mean local relief, and mean modal elevation

    (Table 4). However, basin hypsometry, s representedby the

    hypsometricntegral, is weakly correlatedwith the other basin

    variables xcept or basin area and meanmodalelevationwhere

    there is a moderatedegreeof association.None of the climatic

    variables (including ranoff and ranoff variability) is strongly

    associated with the other basin variables.

    Table 5 andFigure3 illustrate he relativelystrong orrelation

    between he topographic ariables,exceptingbasin hypsometry,

    and rates of both mechanical and total denudation. Of

    considerablenterest s the fact that mean local relief appears o

    be no better as a predictorof denudation ate than basin relief

    ratio, in spite of the former providing a much more detailed

    representation f averagebasin relief and slope characteristics.

    Given that mean local relief is a time-consuming ariable to

    quantify, his s a helpful finding or those equitinga simplebut

    effectivemeansof characterizing asin elief in modelingstudies.

    However, this result may be scale-specificand does not

    necessarilymean hat relief ratio providesan equally appropriate

    representation f basin relief characteristicsor smaller basins

    than those considered here. Chemical denudation rates are more

    weakly associated with these topographic variables than

    mechanical enudationates. Interestingly, iven he findingsof

    some other studies [Milliman and Syvitski, 1992], only an

    extremely weak negative correlationwas found between basin

    area and denudation rates. In terms of the "climatic" variables

    only mean annual ranoff and to a lesser extent mean annual

    precipitation re at all stronglyassociated ith denudation ates

    (Figure 3). Runoff variability, at least as defined n this study,

    shows no association with denudation rates.

  • 8/11/2019 Daniel Doido



    Table 5. Pearsonian orrelationMatrix for Denudational ersusMorphometric,Hydrologic,and

    Climatic Variables

    Log. Mechanical Log. Chemical Log.Total

    Denudation Rate Denudation Rate Denudation Rate

    Area -0.11 -0.16 -0.18

    Mean tnmk channel radient 0.67 0.36 0.66

    Basin relief 0.80 0.51 0.79

    Relief ratio 0.78 0.50 0.79

    Mean modal elevation 0.66 0.36 0.66

    Mean local relief 0.68 0.54 0.71

    Hypsometricntegral -0.03 -0.06 0.03

    Mean annual ranoff 0.45 0.52 0.54

    Runoff ariability -0.04 0.08 -0.05

    Meanannualemperature 0.41 0.09 0.34

    Meanannual recipitation 0.42 0.32 0.52

    Interpretationand Discussion

    Mechanical Denudation Rates

    The importance f basin topography, nd to a lesserextent

    rimoff, in influencing ates of mechanicaldenudation s sup-

    ported by the relatively strongstatisticalassociation etween

    these variables. On the other hand, the very weak correlation

    between mechanicaldenudation ate and rimoff variability does

    not support he importance f "storminess"n influencing enu-

    dation ates [Molnar and England, 1990] for the scaleof basins

    consideredere. The strong tatistical ssociationetween elief

    and mechanical enudationate may, itself, be partly a function

    of other factors elated to relief, suchas high levels of seismicity

    and the prevalenceof fractured ock in high-relief orogenic

    terrains Milliman and Syvitski,1992].

    The significant ata scatter, ven n the relationships etween

    mechanical denudation rate and relief and ranoff, could be due to

    a number of factors n addition to errors in specific sediment

    yield andwaterdischargestimates.One s the ackof anydirect

    assessmentf variations rt erodibility,suchas thoseassociated

    with lithology,but for very large basinserodibilityvariations

    might be expectedo average ut and thusnot play a majorrole

    in contolling asin-wide enudationates. A secondactorwhich

    is potentiallymoresignificant, speciallyor thevery argebasins

    considered ere, is variablestorage ffects. In very large basins

    sediment may be "temporarily"stored in floodplains for

    thousands f years or more. Clearly, for such river systems,

    sediment ampling t thebasinmouth,evenoverseveral ecades,

    mayprovidean unrepresentativenapshot f the ong-termmean

    sediment lux. Given theseeffects, t is perhapssurprising hat

    the datado not, in fact, showan evengreaterdegreeof scatter.

    The very weak negative orrelation etweenmechanical enu-

    dation rate and basin area observedhere contrastswith findings

    in a number f previous tudies,most ecentlyhat of Milliman

    and Syvitski 1992]. This maybe because nly a relativelysmall

    size range of basinswas considered, panningonly about one

    order of magnitude. However,basin area itself can have no

    causal link with denudation rates since area itself cannot be a

    determining actor. The associationdentified in previous

    studies, herefore, robablyarises rom the fact that basin area s

    negatively orrelatedwith otherpotentialcausalvariables,such

    asrelief ratio andmean ocal relief (Table 4). This is a complex

    issue,however, as demonstrated y data from westernCanada

    which shows that denudation rates are lowest in the smallest

    basins100,000 km2) were found to have intermediate enudation


    The idea that mechanical, and indeed total, denudation rates

    vary as a function of mean elevation would appear to be

    supportedy the datapresentedere Table5). This association

    has been applied n a numberof studiesmodeling nteractions

    between tectonics and denudation Lainbeck and Stephenson,

    1986;Slingerland nd Furlong, 1989;Pitman and Golovchenko,

    1991; Lorenzo and Vera, t992] either through a

    misunderstandingf the studies y Ahnert 1970] andRuxton nd

    McDougall [1967] (whichdemonstrated relationshipwith local

    relief rather than elevation), for mathematical convenience,or

    from an assumed causal link between elevation and denudation

    rate. But clearly,as with basinarea,elevation tself cannot e a

    direct determinant of denudation rate. The flux of sediment at a

    specific ocationwill be a functionof the gradientat that point,

    irrespective f its elevation bovemeansea evel [Summerfield,


    The reasonwhy mean basin elevation s stronglyassociated

    with denudation ate is that elevation s itself stronglycorrelated

    with other topographicactors which are causally elated to

    specific ediment ield. This is evident rom Table 4 where t

    can be seen hat trunk channelgradient, elief, relief ratio, and

    mean ocal relief are all either moderately r strongly elated o

    mean modal elevation. These relationships,however, must be

    examinedwith care. Although here is a clear relationship

    between mean modal elevation and mean local relief for basins as

    a whole (Figure 4), when intrabasinpatterns are examined

    important ifferences merge. For a numberof basins,suchas

    the Yukon, the intrabasin pattern replicates the interbasin

    associationetween levation nd ocalrelief (Figure5). But for

    basinssuch as the Ganges he data points cluster around a

    distinctcurvilinear rend causedby a decline n local relief at

    high elevations>3500 m). This kind of pattern s also ound n

    other basins, such as the Indus, Brahmaputra, and La Plata

  • 8/11/2019 Daniel Doido







    ,,, 100'













    Lul O0






    0.0 d.4 0:8 1:2 1:6 l.0 .2:4 0.000


    4(0 8(0 12'00 1100 2(00 2,100 0



    * .

    * , *



    1,1% *

    0 2(0 4b0 66o 86o 1(oo 12bo 0



    , *


    , , ,



    , *




    o.D01 0.602 o.b03 o.b04










    200 400 600




    lb 2'o o ,{o o go io 8b


    Q ,






    , * * ,


    1 ooo

    0 260 4bo 6bo 8b0 ld0012'00 1,001001100 2600


    Figure 3. Scatter lotsof totaldenudationatesversus ariousmorph,metric,hydrologic ndclimaticvariables.

    (Parana), which have part of their upper catchments n high

    mountain plateaus. Another kind of intrabasin pattern is

    characteristic f basins which drain to high elevation passive

    margins, such as the Orange and Zambezi. Here there is a

    clusteringof very low local relief values at moderateelevations

    of around 1000 m. This pattern s also suggested y the high

    hypsometric ntegrals for these basins (Table 2). The

    significance f thesecontrastingelationshipss that local relief

    is stronglycorrelatedwith local slopegradients Ahnert, 1970],

    so such intrabasin variations in local relief are likely to be

    mirroredby contrastsn denudationates [Summerfield, 991b].

    In basinswhere there s a very low correlationbetweenelevation

    and ocalrelief, suchas the Orangeand Zambezi (Figure 5), ele-

    vation may provide a very poor basis for predictingdenudation



    a: OOO,




    0 4 8 12:X) 130 2(:30 200 X)


    Figure 4. Scatterplot of mean modal elevationversusmean

    local relief.

  • 8/11/2019 Daniel Doido






    '-' 2500

    ,,, 2000





    GANGES '




    . 3500,

    u_ 3000'

    ,,, 2500'

    < 2000


    _a 1500

    1000 ::: ; . '.. .

    '.i'.:::..::: . : . .

    500 ..:::.' '"-:-:::.:'

    0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000


    ..... : : ' : .- . . ....

    ; :.... : : : . . . : i ..: :-..


    '' ':' ': '" : ';'3' : :.. : -




    . . .

    o6 ' "'ioO0 260036004600 5000" 6007600






    --n 16oo


    < 12002




    ::iiiiiiii:.i i i : '

    - '500 1600 1500 2000 2500


    Frequencysarea,km )




    * 16000


    " 36000









    ' 800


    ..j 600



    .;::.::. :.:: .:. .: .

    o ....................


    : :' :: ::::.': :':::;:::;:::' :

    0 ..... eelee ....

    O - ' ;40'0' ' -800' ' i200' ' 1600 ' 2000 ' 24'00


    Figure5. Scatter lotof intrabasinariationsf local eliefandarea requencyeanmodal levationorthe

    Yukon,Ganges, range, ndZambezi asins.

    Chemical Denudation Rates

    'rhe statisticalassociationsecorded n Table 5 support he

    conclusion that chemical denudation rates, like those for

    mechanical enudation, re more strongly nfluencedby relief

    factors han by climatic controls Summerfield, 991a;Raytoo

    and Ruddiman, 992]. In particular, t the scaleof this study,

    temperature ppears o play no role in controllingates of

    chemicaldenudation.This supportshe idea that the efficient

    removal of weathered egolith and the resulting continuous

    advectionof bedrock nto the weatheringzone is the critical

    determinant f the rate of chemicalweathering. n fact, our data

    suggest hat chemical denudation ates are more clearly

    influencedby relief variables han (indirectly)by elevation.

    Thick weatheringmantlesdevelopedn areasof minimal ocal

    relief are likely to be inimical to high rates of chemical

    denudation,rrespective f elevation. The correlationof

    chemicaldenudation ates with runoff suggestshat maximum

    rateswill occurwherehigh runoff s coupledwith high relief, a

    conclusionupported y the rates observedn basinsdraining

    A factor not considered n the correlation and regression

    analysispresented ere is that of the lithologiccontrol of

    chemical denudation rates. A detailed study of very small

    (median area 7.8 km ) ,artpollutedatchments f uniform

    lithology by Meybeck [1987] has demonstrated ignificant

    variations n chemicaldenudationate as a functionof rock type.

    It is probable hat the otherwise nomolouslyigh chemical

    denduationate for the ChiangJiang Table 3) canbe explained

    by the extensive utcrop f carbonateockswithin ts catchment

    area. The potential ole of lithology aises he question f the

    extent to which high rates of chemicaldenudationn orogenic

    belts are a function of the exposureof readily weathered

    sedimentarytrata ather han relief itself [Bernerand Berner,

    1987,pp.225-226;Raytoo ndRuddiman, 992].

    Irrespective f the specific ontrols n chemical enudation

    rates t is clear hat for basinswith high overalldenudationates

    chemicaldenudation onstitutes nly a small proportionof the

    total (Figure2 and Table 3). Both mechanical nd chemical

    denudationatesare positively ssociated ith relief variables,

  • 8/11/2019 Daniel Doido



    topography. This is dramatically llustrated by comparing he

    Brahmaputraand Ob basins. Although chemical denudation

    accounts or only 2.6% of the total in the former basin, the

    absoluteateof 18 mm kyr1 s the second ighestn the basins

    consideredere. Nearly 65% of the denudationn the Ob basin,

    however, is attributable to solute loss, but the absolute rate is

    less hana quarterof thatof theBrahmaputra.

    Interaction of Relief and Runoff

    The individual ole of two, at leastpartly, ndependentactors

    (relief and runoff) in influencing denudation ates raises the

    question s o how stronglyheir combined ffectcontrols enu-

    dation ates. Taking relief ratio to characterizeasin opography,

    the linear partial correlationcoefficient or denudation ate and

    relief ratiokeeping unoffconstants 0.732. This is only slightly

    lower than the correlation coefficient for relief ratio and denuda-

    tion rate (r = 0.757) indicating hat the latter relationships not

    significantlynflated by the impact of interbasindifferences n

    runoff. The joint effect of relief and runoff can be clearly seen

    through he linear multiple correlation oefficient or denudation

    rate against he relief ratio and ranoff (r = 0.792). Thus these

    two variables alone account for over 62% of the variance in

    denudationate. This is a remarkably igh amountof explained

    variance given the low data quality and the fact that only

    erosivityvariablesare ncluded.


    The datapresented bove ndicate he degreeof variabilityof

    denudation ates for very large drainagebasins and the major

    factors hatappear o controlsuchvariations. A critical question,

    however, s to what extent these ates, and the interpretationof

    the factors that control them, can be extrapolated to the

    geological imescales elevant o the interactionof denudation

    and tectonics. A common view is that modem denudation rates

    have limited applicability to these long timescalesbecause

    sediment ields since he beginning f farming are probably ar

    in excessof preagricultureates (see Milliman and Syvitski

    [1992] for discussion). Although this is undeniably rue in

    specific nstances,t is less certain hat such a generalisations

    valid at the global scale. Our reason or suggestinghis is that

    presentdenudationates for major basinsare in some cases

    comparableo long-term ates estimated rom sedimentvolume

    and thermochronologic ata. For instance, preliminary

    calculationsor the Orangebasin rom offshore ediment olumes

    indicate rates of denudation since the formation of the South

    Atlantic ranging rom 7 to 114 mm kyr1 (depending n

    assumptions ade aboutchangesn drainagearea through ime)

    [Rustand Summerfield, 990]. These ates, which have varied

    both temporally nd spatially,are compatiblewith estimates f

    post-riftingdepthsof denudation f up to 3-4 km from apatite

    fission track analysis Brown et al., 1990], but they are also

    comparableo the modern stimate f 28 mm kyr for the

    Orangebasin. The greatextentof the basinsconsideredn this

    studyprecludes irectcomparisons ith thermochronologicata

    which provide denudation estimates for limited areas.

    Nevertheless, vailabledata certainly ndicate denudation ates

    which are at least of the same order of magnitude as modern

    rates. For instance, hermochronologicata from the Alps and

    Himalayasndicate enudationates anging p to 1000mm yr1

    and more over the past few million years Brownet al., 1994;

    Clark andJiiger, 1969;Hurford, 1991].

    A more specificcomparison an be made for the Gangesand

    Brahrnaputra asinssince the accumulation f sediment n the

    Himalayan molasse oredeep and alluvial plains, the subaerial

    part of the GangesDelta and the Bengal Fan can be used to

    estimate atchmentmechanical enudationatesover the past20

    m.y. Assumingno change in catchmentboundaries, his

    indicates a mean combined denudation rate for these two basins

    of 435 mm kyr 1 from20 to 7.7 Myr ago,and300 mm kyr 1 from

    7.7 Myr ago to the present [Einsele, 1992]. These figures

    comparewith the presentcombined ate estimatedhere for the

    BrahrnaputrandGanges f 420 mm kyr 1. The dataof Milliman

    and Syvitski 1992] yield a similarly comparable igure of 242

    mmkyr 1

    If the grossvariations demonstrated ere at the regional to

    subcontinental calebetweendenudation ates n drainagebasins

    of contrasting elief and runoff characteristics re acceptedas

    broadly valid over geological timescales, then present-day

    denudation ates and the factors hat appear o control hem can

    be used as a basis for modeling nteractions etween tectonics

    and denudation. The careful applicationof such data should

    greafiy mprove he calibrationof tectonicmodels ncorporating

    the effectsof subaerialprocesses, lthough he scaledependence

    of the factorscontrollingdenudationmustbe considered.

    Two main avenuesof future researchare indicated by the

    conclusionsrom this preliminarysurveyof the world'smajor

    drainagebasins. One is the need for an application f the kinds

    of morphometric ata presented ere. In particular, t would be

    interesting o see to what extent variations n denudation ates n

    smallerbasinscouldbe "predicted"rom a combination f basin

    morphometry ndrtmoffdata. The otherpotentially ruitful line

    of enquiry would be a more detailed comparisonof modem

    denudation ates with estimatesof long-term rates culled from

    thermochronologicndsediment olumedata.

    Acknowledgments. Texaco nc. providedprimary funding or this

    research. Computingwas carried out in the GIS Laboratoryof the

    Department f Geography, niversity f Edinburgh, nd we are very

    grateful o S. Dowers or hisassistancen datamanagement.


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