dapp141 session 3: designing for learning & learning theories in practice

Designing for learning & Learning theories in practice PGCAP > DAPP http://www.celt.mmu.ac.uk/ @mmu_celt “I have to say attendance has been quite poor recently, but the level of the students is quite good.” Chrissi Nerantzi @chrissinerantzi & Haleh Moravej @halehmoravej

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Page 1: DAPP141 session 3: Designing for Learning & Learning theories in practice

Designing for learning & Learning theories

in practice


http://www.celt.mmu.ac.uk/ @mmu_celt

“I have to say attendance has been quite

poor recently, but the level of the students

is quite good.”

Chrissi Nerantzi @chrissinerantzi & Haleh Moravej @halehmoravej

Page 2: DAPP141 session 3: Designing for Learning & Learning theories in practice

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of this week, you will have had the opportunity to:

• discuss and evaluate your own design process for learning including constructive alignment

• explore active learning approaches and a selection of learning theories to maximise learning in your own practice


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Thinking about learning

1. Think about something you are good at.

Write in this box how you became good at it.

a Phil Race activity

2. Think of something

about yourself you

feel good about.

Write here the

evidence it is based


3. Think of

something you are

not good at, perhaps

as a result of a bad

learning experience.

What went wrong?

Add it to this box.

4. Think of

something that you

did learn

successfully, but at

the time you didn’t

really want to do it.

What kept you going,

so that you did

succeed in learning



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Session planning

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planning a session: collaborative mindmap

• http://www.text2mindmap.com/


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Planning a session

• Your learners • Group size

• Title • Time/duration • Day/date, location • Aims and Learning Outcomes • Structure and Content • Methods/Activities • Aids and Resources • Assessment • Differentiation • Reflection/Evaluation

• “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!”


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Intended Learning Outcomes

• “Descriptors of the ways that students will be

expected to demonstrate the results of their learning.” Race (2000:10)


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A well-written learning outcome statement should:

• Contain an active verb, an object and a qualifying clause or

phrase that provides a context or condition

• Be written in the future tense

• Identify important learning requirements: knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes at each appropriate level

• Be achievable and measurable

• Use clear language, understandable by students

• Relate to explicit statements of achievement


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Learning outcomes, minimum requirements

• Helps to balance a module’s delivery


nice nice

could could

should should

essential essential

Butcher et al (2006) Designing Learning. From Module outline to effective teaching, Oxon: Routledge. p. 59

Must be delivered,


Independent learning,

going beyond, SUSAN?

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The Cognitive Domain and Bloom’s Taxonomy













remembering Bloom’s Taxonomoy (1956)

Anderson and Krathwohl Revision (2001)

Educational Psychology Interactive: The Cognitive Domain

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Knowledge arrange, define, duplicate, label, list, memorize, name, order, recognize, relate, recall, repeat, reproduce state

Comprehension classify, describe, discuss, explain, express, identify, indicate, locate, recognize, report, restate, review, select, translate

Application apply, choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, practice, schedule, sketch, solve, use, write

Analysis analyze, appraise, calculate, categorize, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test

Synthesis arrange, assemble, collect, compose, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, manage, organize, plan, prepare, propose, set up, write

Evaluation appraise, argue, assess, attach, choose compare, defend, estimate, judge, predict, rate, core, select, support, value, evaluate

Bloom’s Taxonomy and verb list


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avoid words like Know...


Really know...

Really understand...

Be familiar with...

Become acquainted with...

Have a good grasp of...


Be interested in...

Acquire a feeling for...

Be aware of...


Have information about...

Realize the significance of...

Learn the basics of...

Obtain working knowledge of...

use words like State...






Distinguish between...




Represent graphically...




Give examples of...

Suggest reasons why...

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Let’s try something!


Think of 1 thing you want your students to learn in your next session.

Think of 1 thing you want your students to learn in your next session.

What will they do to learn this?

What will they do to learn this?

How will you know that they have learnt it?

How will you know that they have learnt it?

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Constructive alignment (Prof. John Biggs, 1999)




ed t

o m




g o






ed t

o m




g o




Learning and Teaching activities

Learning and Teaching activities



ed t

o m




g o






ed t

o m




g o




Intended Learning Outcomes

Intended Learning Outcomes



ed t

o m




g o






ed t

o m




g o




Assessment Method Assessment Method

•Students construct meaning from what they do to learn.

•The teacher aligns the planned learning activities with the learning outcomes.

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• Research shows that inclusive assessment achieves higher levels of student satisfaction, provides increased opportunities for discussion and leads to improvements in student marks and grades.

• Inclusive Assessments are built into course design and meet the assessment needs of the majority of students. Inclusive assessments are concerned with equality of opportunity. It is an approach that recognises that students have different learning styles and offers a range of assessment methods necessary to assess the different ways in which students can demonstrate the achievement of the learning outcomes.


assessment for learning

assessment of learning

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Learning theories

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from transmission…

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to constructing…

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to co-constructing...

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activity in small groups Task 1: Each groups studies one of the following theories (15 mins)

• Behaviourism

• Cognitivism

• Socio-constructivism

• Connectionism

• Connectivism

Task 2: Create a poster to capture the key characteristics of each theory. (15 mins)

Discuss the following:

• Pros = The advantages of this theory in HE practice

• Cons = The disadvantages of this theory in HE Practice

• Application = The applicability of this theory to your area of practice

• Unsuitable for = Areas within your practice that this theory would be difficult/unsuitable to apply

Task 3: Share your findings with the other groups. (10 mins)

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Threshold Concepts? (Meyer & Land, 2003)

• Certain concepts are held to be central to the mastery of a subject

• They have the following features:

– Transformative: Once understood, a threshold concept changes the way in which the student views the discipline.

– Troublesome: Threshold concepts are likely to be troublesome for the student. e.g when it is counter−intuitive.

– Irreversible: They are difficult to unlearn.

– Integrative: Threshold concepts, once learned, are likely to bring together different aspects of the subject that previously did not appear, to the student, to be related.

– Bounded: A threshold concept will probably delineate a particular conceptual space, serving a specific and limited purpose.

– Discursive: Crossing of a threshold will incorporate an enhanced and extended use of language.


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Applying theory to Practice

Using the information from the pre session study and create a chart to capture the key characteristics of each theory and relate to your practice.

• Behaviourism

• Cognitivism

• Humanism

• Socio-constructivism ( Connectivism)

1: Discuss the following:

• Pros = The advantages of this theory in HE practice

• Cons = The disadvantages of this theory in HE Practice

• Application = The applicability of this theory to your area of practice

• Unsuitable for = Areas within your practice that this theory would be

difficult/unsuitable to apply 30 Mins

2. Share your findings with the other groups. 20 Mins

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Pros Cons Application Unsuitable for

Quick behaviour change. Learner adapts Measurable behaviour change

Internalised reasoning/ understanding? Learner can adapt to a negative Passive learners Measured behaviour change may not be an indicator of understanding

Competency based learning. Practical Skills Relationship between assessment and feedback

Development of critical reasoning Development of reflection. Theoretical analysis

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Pros Cons Application Unsuitable for

Lifelong learning Active not passive Builds problem solving skills Leads to depth of understanding

Requires time Requires level of intelligence/ schema Loss of control from tutor

Theoretical knowledge & understanding, Group work PBL Facilitation

Situations that require quick return. Requires motivated learners

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Pros Cons Application Unsuitable for

Considers the student as a whole person Encourages personal development Lifelong learning Encourages other skills

Relies on motivational theory that maybe flawed. Role of tutor as facilitator requires a role change for some tutors Pure humanism – unstructured and un assessed

Consideration of environmental and physiological influences on learning Group work Self directed learning Discussion groups PBL

Highly structured learning. Strictly organised courses

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Experiential learning Pros Cons Application Unsuitable for

Real world learning. Encourages reflection and action planning Encourages application of theory Encourages experimentation Awareness of own and students preferred styles

Reflection is a difficult skill – requires certain level of cognition. Needs a basis of theory. Need to complete whole cycle

Application of theory in context. Skills development Role play

Basic theory Students with skewed learning style

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Experiential learning Pros Cons Application Unsuitable for

Real world learning. Encourages reflection and action planning Encourages application of theory Encourages experimentation Awareness of own and students preferred styles

Reflection is a difficult skill – requires certain level of cognition. Needs a basis of theory. Need to complete whole cycle

Application of theory in context. Skills development Role play

Basic theory Students with skewed learning style

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Constructivism Pros Cons Application Unsuitable for

Active Learning/ Autonomy Links to range of pedagogy Lifelong learning / key graduate skills/ problem solving Shift in teacher learner roles/power Aids retention of knowledge Peer Learning / collaborative learning

Perpetuation of misconceptions. Requires skilled facilitator. Change in curriculum approach Small group work – staff intensive Motivated student New way of learning –tales time for students to adapt

Experimentation/ discovery learning Research/Project work PBL Field trips – situational Discussion groups Online _ forums, blogs Lecture as a resource Theory and its application

Time limits Limited resources?

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Designing sessions for learning

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Pair: Share task

Individual: Consider a Session you teach next week • What is the underlying pedagogical approach? • Consider using a different approach and then how you

would need to change the session accordingly 15 mins

Pair: • Discuss the suggested change • Consider the barriers to this change and potential

solutions 15 mins

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National bodies

• Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)

– Frameworks for HE qualifications (FHEQ)- describe the achievement represented by higher education qualifications.

– Subject Benchmark statements for U/G

– Master's Degree Characteristics


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• Guide for Busy Academics: Using Learning Outcomes to Design a Course and Assess Learning



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• Biggs, J. (1999) Teaching for Quality Learning at University SRHE/OUP • Bloom, B.S. et al, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive Domain New York: McKay • Bourner, T & Flowers, S (1998) Teaching and Learning Methods in Higher Education: A Glimpse of the Future. Reflections on HE, pp. 77-102. • Butcher, Davies & Highton (2006) Designing Learning: From Module Outline to Effective Teaching, Abingdon: Routledge • Hussey, T. and Smith, P. (2002) The Trouble with Learning Outcomes, Active Learning 3 (3) 220-233 • Hussey, T. and Smith, P. (2003) The Uses of Learning Outcomes, Teaching in Higher Education 8 (3) 357-368 • Hussey, T. and Smith, P. (2008) Learning Outcomes: a conceptual analysis, Teaching in Higher Education 13 (1) 107-115 • Knight, P. (2002) Being a Teacher in Higher Education Buckingham: SRHE/OUP • Knight, P. (2001) ‘Complexity and curriculum: a process approach to curriculum making’ in Teaching in HE Vol 6 No 3 pp369-381. • Laurillard, D. (2002) Rethinking University Teaching: A Framework for the Effective Use of Educational Technology London: Routledge • Light, G. and Cox, R. (2001) Learning and Teaching in Higher Education London: PCP publishing • Nixon, J. (2001) Not without dust and heat: the moral bases of the new academic professionalism, British Journal of Educational Studies, 49, 2. 173-

186. • Meyer, J.H.F. and Land, R. (2003) Threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge: linkages to ways of thinking and practising, In: Rust, C. (ed.),

Improving Student Learning - Theory and Practice Ten Years On. Oxford: Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development (OCSLD), pp 412-424.

• Ramsden, P. (1992) Learning to Teach in Higher Education London: Routledge. • Schon D. A. (1983) The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action New York: Basic Books. • Shulman, L.S. (1987) ‘Knowledge and teaching: foundations of the new reform’ in Harvard Educational Review February 57 (1) pp.1-22. • Steeples, C, Jones, CR & Goodyear, P (2002) Beyond e-learning: a future for networked learning. In C Steeples and CR Jones (Eds) Networked learning

: principles and perspectives. London: Springer • Trigwell, K. (2001) Professionalism in the practice of teaching: the role of research ILT Conference - Keynote address University of York • Trigwell, K., Prosser, M., and Taylor, P. (1994) Qualitative differences in approaches to teaching first year university science, Higher Education 27, • pp75-84. • Universities UK (2004) Towards a Framework of Professional Teaching Standards: Consultation Document. • http://www.universitiesuk.ac.uk/consultations/UniversitiesUK/


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next week:

Good Teaching

PGCAP > DAPP http://www.celt.mmu.ac.uk/ @mmu_celt