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  • 7/30/2019 Dark Tarot


    In the dark we do not see, but we feel things. It is

    in the dark that we conjure the soul of Night anddream-up the spirit of the 'other', who is not

    outside of us, but within.

    Tarot Noir

    Dark TarotAn investigative studyof

    an approach to Magick

    by Tim Hartridge

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    P A G E 2

    Wicca, Magick, Alchemy

    exploring the psychic experience



    [email protected]

    Telephone: (02) 9590 9392

    Post: PO Box 179 Newtown NSW 2042

    Copyright Tim Hartridge 2003

    This manual is copyright. A personal copy manybe created for personal research by members of Dark Circle Coven.

    No part may reproduced by any process without written permissionpart from any fair dealing for the purposes of

    private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act.

    Inquiries should be addressed to Tim Hartridge: PO Box 179 Newtown 2042

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    Part 1

    Whenever the topic of the Dark Tarot (or Tarot Noir as I also call it)

    comes up I am gripped by a juxtaposition of emotions. At the one end

    I am enthused and excited by this system of magickal work, and at the

    other end I experience a feeling of frustration about where to begin in

    explaining what it is. I've found it's a bit like trying to describe thestoryline of a movie; if at first you go directly into all the in's and

    out's you may wind up boring your listener. I find it best just to say

    instead, "You should see it."

    But, when pressed for an explanation I describe the Dark Tarot

    simply as a unique blend of Divination and Magick.

    And seeing we are talking about it, I'd ask that anyone interested in

    exploring it with me to be prepared to put aside all the more generally

    accepted interpretations of the Tarot, for this is not 'fortune telling'.

    The role that any physical Tarot car ds might play is more as a

    divining tool to the real work - the practice of Magick. The cards play

    a duel role in this process - which is part divinatory and part ritual.

    Together they form a magickal formula which is used to create an

    operation of ritual invocation or evocation.

    I should briefly address some basic questions before we try exploring

    what's involved in a Dark Tarot working.

    Q. Why the name 'Dark' Tarot?

    A. The quick answer is - anything that deals with the 'Occult' or the

    'hidden' aspect of esoteric practice is 'dark'. There is certainly no

    sinister notion here, although the 'dark' theme does seem to haunt me.

    Q. So what can you do with the Dark Tarot?

    A. You can use it as a way to 'divine' a magickal procedure for the

    accomplishment of anything. Those with a more Thelemic orientation

    to magick might use such an operation in the furthering of 'True Will',

    where as those with a Wiccan or Shamanic approach to magick might

    use it for 'Initiation' or simply the acquisition of some particular need.

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    Q. Are there any practical principles to using the Dark Tarot?

    A. There are, and there is also a fundament difference in 'who' can use

    it too. The theory works like this: the Witch or Magician theoretically

    is in-touch with a sense of their personal Destiny - they intuit their

    True Will. Therefore when the Witch/Magician draws the Tarot cards

    in regular reading there will be (theoretically) nothing new in what

    they see, or at least nothing they weren't already intuitively aware of.Now in contrast, any ordinary person drawing the cards for a reading

    will have an entirely different reaction. They are apparently not aware

    of their destiny and so are simply 'amazed' with the reading. In other

    words, before the reading they could not see or intuit what Fate had in

    store for them.

    Q. Okay, a Witch or Magician 'theoretically' already knows what's in

    the reading. Doesn't this make the idea of even doing a reading


    A. No, because at the same time the cards also supply the

    Witch/Magician with the practical occult or 'dark' formula in how to

    take a consciously active role in the accomplishment of their True

    Will or Destiny. (This is done via a simple formula described in some

    detail later).

    Now this is another key point to the Dark Tarot - if the oracle can

    reveal something of the inner workings of Destiny or True Will to the

    Witch/Magician, it is this inner or occult component that we want to

    get at and use. Therefore the 'Dark' Tarot can reveal not only glimpses

    of the hidden forces at work in a Witch's life, but also provide

    valuable clues to the means of it 's accomplishment. Indeed,

    theoretically there would be nothing to prevent the Witch/Magician

    from directly invoking it.

    This idea that you could divine True Will or Destiny and have the

    means to invoke it was frankly something which frightened me; if

    only because once you 'knew', what excuses would you have to not

    getting on with it!? The idea that you might say, "Hey, can't I leave it

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    'til next full moon?" bemoans a certain lack of sincerity and personal

    integrity in your magickal work don't you think!?

    Q. How do you obtain an interpretation of the cards?

    A. When I initially began using the Dark Tarot I was very much

    aware of how limited my life experience was. I concluded that there

    was probably vital information in the cards which I would not see,

    especially if all I was using was an orthodox interpretation. After all,this 'reading' was supplying me with information about something

    which I had yet to experience, my Destiny. I had to find a way to free

    myself up from any bias and begin to open myself up to unknown,

    'dark' possibilities.

    I decided to try trance and intuition as a chief source for exploring the

    Dark Tarot. I began devising a set of Tarots through a combination of

    numerous trance journeys as well as drawing upon certain magickal

    experiences. These were descriptive images rather than drawn

    pictures. By working with my recorded descriptive 'pictures' rather

    than drawn images I was able to keep adding to them as I gained

    more experience in the trance journeys.

    Later, I also created a basic table of correspondences which assisted

    me in developing my ritual procedures. (I'll reproduce this later.)

    Okay, we've probably talked enough. I'd like to introduce you to the

    Dark Tarot in a sequence of logical stages. The first step to be taken is

    the divining of the Tarot by selecting 3 cards needed for the work


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    First steps:

    Take any ordinary Tarot deck and separate the 22 trump cards from

    the minor part of the deck. You'll only be using these 22 cards from

    the Tarot.

    Formulate a question about one of the following: a. Something related

    to your life and how to achieve it. b. What do I need to do in my life?c. or something more specifically related to the practice of witchcraft

    such as - How may I evoke a familiar spirit?; or d. You may also

    simply allow destiny to offer you insight, although I do not

    recommend this as a starting point; and finally e. Any other issue not

    covered by any of the above.

    Take the 22 trump cards place them face down in front of you and

    using your left hand spread, mix and shuffle the cards on a flat

    surface. Put plenty of you into this moment and allow the cards to

    shuffle completely at random - all the while contemplating your

    question. When you have finished, gather the cards up with both

    hands and stack them neatly in one pile.

    Next, again using the left hand, cut the deck into three. Now turn over

    the top card on each of the three piles. Record these cards and the

    order they appear in from left to right. This is quite important to do

    because we'll be working in the strict order they appear in.

    Using these cards you will be performing a trance journey and

    working with a new set of motifs than might appear on any physical

    Tarot deck you are using. I'll be posting the practical methods in

    several stages in the coming days.

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    Part 2

    If you recall you have, or are about to choose three cards for your

    Dark Tarot working. Perhaps I should draw your attention to the

    importance of allowing 'chance' to play a full role in this process. In

    the method I described previously, I say to allow the cards to fall

    completely at random. I am quite a fatalist when it comes to suchthings and am also big on the Jungian concept of synchronicity - the

    meaningfulness in apparent randomness.


    What I am suggesting here is that there is significant and meaningful

    consequence to the cards you draw. It is important to feel you are 'in-

    sync' while shuffling and drawing the cards. I suppose the suggestion

    that you can be 'in-sync' may be a convenient explanation, but for

    anyone who has worked with the Tarot it seems completely natural.

    I'd even go so far as to say that during the divinatory process a mutual

    relationship emerges between you and cards.

    So why divine the future from the cards in order to practice magick?

    Because I think you can influence the future, or at least influence any

    potential destiny shown in the cards. After all, it's not really Fate until

    it's all over. While I think it is possible to influence a possible

    outcome before it happens, I need to ask "Would you want to?",

    especially without knowing the complete picture. And besides, Fate

    has a funny way of getting what She wants anyway. (Maybe I am a

    Fatalist after all.)

    However when it comes down to it I am not suggesting that one

    should try to change things, quite the contrary. I am proposing that we

    nominate to accept our Destiny, or to put it poetically, submit to

    Initiation at the hands of the Goddess Fortuna. Presuming you are

    prepared for the ordeals, challenges and transformation necessary.

    The method of using the Dark Tarot then lays open a way of magickal

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    work to aid manifesting Destiny in a more purposeful way. Perhaps

    then what I really mean by 'Destiny' is really 'Initiation'.

    in summary then, there are really two distinct areas of use here for the

    cards in a Dark Tarot working. The first is divining personal destiny

    which we've been discussing, and the second is to use the cards to

    'divine' a magickal method to achieve some more limited goal.

    Sigil, spell and sorcery

    In part one I asked that once you had shuffled the cards that you

    should cut them into three and turn over the top three cards. You

    should then make a note of the cards in the order they fall, from left to

    right. These three cards form the basic components of a Dark Tarot

    working and are known as Sigil, Spell and Sorcery respectfully.

    The practice of dividing the cards in three is an ancient one, having

    reference mainly to three parts of time - the Past, Present and Future.

    For the purpose of a Dark Tarot working though the three cards

    divide our magickal work into three interacting components.

    Briefly, Sigils are the forms and symbols; the Spells are any words or

    sounds; and lastly, the Sorceries are the rituals or acts. As a

    comparative reference, in the Oriental esoteric traditions these

    translate as Yantra, Mantra and Tantra. The method of working in a

    Dark Tarot operation is to determine the meaning of the cards and

    then combine the three components into a magickal working of

    evocation or invocation and thereby, if successful, manifest your

    destiny or desired goal.

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    The Sigils ...and spells and sorceries

    The first card in our undertaking connects us to the Sigil of the

    working. Sigil comes from the Latin word 'sigilum' meaning 'sign'. In

    a Dark Tarot ritual this card will particularly related to signs or seals;

    symbols which contain a particular energy. The full definition of Sigil

    in the Dark Tarot not only includes all icons or signs, but also any

    'forms' or 'objects'. This especially includes any ritual objects, forexample - magickal tools, robes and the like. Equally, the Sigil card

    relates to colours, perfumes, gems, metals, herbs, alphabetic letters,

    digits, and spirit images or forms (eg. of deities, totem animals, kinds

    of familiar spirits, etc). It especially reveals the psychic dimensions or

    ambience which are active, and equally any physical locations

    analogous to the particular card.

    The remaining two cards are used to divine the 'Spells' and 'Sorceries'.

    Briefly, once all the attributes of the three cards have been identified

    they are then combined to assist you in a magickal operation. In other

    words, via the Dark Tarot 'reading' you can divine the forces in

    operation, identify the components and using these 'invoke or evoke'

    them into your life.

    On a mundane level the Dark Tarot may act in much the same way as

    one would use a traditional set of 'Tables of Correspondence'. These

    are tables which tell you for example that 'Love' corresponds to the

    planet 'Venus', which in turn corresponds to the colour 'Green' and the

    gemstone 'Emerald', and so on.

    Even if you adopt this rather literal approach to divining the

    Correspondences, you could theoretically collect all the various

    components to use as your 'Sigil', your 'Spell' and the 'Sorcery' and

    produce a magickal working. BUT, there would be just one problem

    with approaching the work in this formulaic and mechanical way - it

    could apply to anyone and that's not how the Dark Tarot works.

    In order to use the Dark Tarot the whole operation must be very

    intuitive and specifically personal to you. You must 'divine' the

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    meaning. If all you were doing was looking up some tables and apply

    the elements by formula you'd end-up 'short circuiting' the whole

    practice. Consequently, you would be unlikely to succeed. You

    certainly wouldn't have discovered the hidden or 'dark' significance of

    the cards as they relate to you. Dare I over stress the point - I have

    called this method of magickal work the 'Dark Tarot' precisely

    because it is concealed or occulted from your consciousness. As aconsequence in order to divine the hidden meaning, resort must be

    made to the unconscious in discovering destiny's secrets.

    Trance I found was the best method to utilise and so I employ a sort

    of specialised 'vision quest' - described next.

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    Part 3

    Mephistopheles says, "To gain your end, the act must be your own.

    For where your ghosts and phantoms choose to dwell Your sage

    philosopher's accepted well. His art and favour, spread for your

    delight, Will bring a dozen novel ones to light. Unless you err, naught

    can truly known. If life you want, then find it as your own."- Goethe ("Faust" Act II)

    Correspondence and trance

    From among the Western Mystery schools the Qabalistic traditions

    have long been at the forefront in tabulating the values and attributes

    of the Tarot. In particular the Order of the Golden Dawn and the

    various off-shoots were quite fastidious in the cataloguing all the

    sympathetic elements to be found within a specific sphere and the

    Tarot play a key part of the equation. Collectively these catalogues

    have become known as the 'Tables of Correspondence'.

    Now as useful as these Tables might seem it was precisely this type of

    moribund inflexibility that was stagnating my magickal work before I

    began exploring the Dark Tarot. If I were to break through and

    reconnect to something more authentically a part of my own psyche,

    then I would need to approach things very differently. I decided

    trance would be my main method in the acquisition of magickal

    knowledge. I devised a type of 'vision quest of the Tarot' which would

    induce trance. My experiences were direct and very personal.

    Naturally I recommend anyone seeking to apply an authentic use of

    the Dark Tarot to use this or similar methods.

    Psychic doorways

    Most witches and magicians are probably familiar with the practice

    known as 'astral doorways'. This is where you use an image such as a

    Tarot trump as a 'doorway' and attempt to project your consciousness

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    into card's psychic counterpart. The idea being, to make contact with

    the psychic reality that the card represents. In a Dark Tarot working

    your next task after drawing your cards is to undertake a trance

    journey of each card and to retrieve clues to three areas of your

    magickal work (ie. sigil, spell, and sorcery).

    Through doing this trance work you'll also begin to build own set of

    'correspondences' and begin to form the images which will becomeyour own personal 'Dark Tarot'.

    Can see what this method of work will do for you? From such trance

    experiences you'll begin to create your own 'hidden' Tarot and

    through exploring the Unconscious or 'Underworld' in trances you'll

    create an authentic 'Dark Tarot'. In a sense, the only legitimate way

    you can work with the Dark Tarot is to undertake a vision quest for

    each card you draw, and then searching for the hidden keys - your

    sigils, spells and sorceries - combine them in a magickal working.

    Forbidden images

    I knew from my own past experiences though that if all I did was to

    use the images from the regular Tarot I wouldn't get far. I would get

    stuck and languish in the predictable, in things too familiar. I needed

    to connect to the Tarot at deeper level, maybe even things which

    would shock me awake. I needed a new energy to inspire this work so

    I could tap into fresh potential. I decided to created a new set of

    images for my Tarot.

    I commenced by drawing from a combination of my own trance

    experiences and some past 'unusual' magickal workings. I also

    combined icons and images from the 'forbidden' and left-hand path

    traditions - the Gothic, the Medieval, as well as past and present

    Witch-cult practices and Alchemy. I also used the ritual themes from

    Eastern Tantra, other sexual magicks and even Voudoun - everything

    associated with the Cults of the Shadow, everything considered 'dark'

    and nocturnal. I conceived a new set of names to these icons to

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    further break with the predictable while still adhering to relevant

    principles. Gradually I synthesised the experiences down into

    compact images which activate the psychic atmosphere necessary as

    an entry point for trance and vision quests.

    The following became my Dark Tarots presented here in abbreviated

    table descriptions:

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    0 11 The Fool Lunat ic

    A lonely deserted path lit by moon light, the wastelands. A lone man walks starr ing at the moon. A dreamer, sleepwalking.

    1 11 The Magician Sor cerer

    Within a r itual chamber a Sorcerer prepares elemental and familiar spir its for their night errands. Sigils of desire, projections.

    2 13 The Pr iestess Vam py re

    An open coffin in a crypt or sanctuary, in which lays a female vampyre. Trance, astral states of consciousness, forbidden knowledge.

    3 14 The Em press Witch

    A Witch or Mambo within her r itual chamber preparing to open forces upon the physical plane. Fetishes.

    * 17 15 The Star Yoni

    A star-strewn, nigh t sky. A dark bedr oom in wh ich lays a naked negress. A black hole in space, absorption of all light and energy.

    5 16 The Hierophant Black Magician

    A pr iest mak ing preparat ions for a f unerary r i te . A dark f igure who is h idden by the cowl of h is robe. Withhold ing knowledge.

    6 17 The Lovers Sex Magicians

    An Arabian boudoir, heavy incense burning, within two naked people sit starr ing into each others eyes. All around them lay the naked bodies of unconscious individuals.

    7 18 The Char iot In i t iat ionYogic and tantr ic practices. Comets and meteors. A r ite of Initiation by tr ibal ordeal.

    8 19 Strength Enchantress

    A crescent moon hanging low in the western night sky, tinged red with the ochre of desert dust. An energetic redheaded woman riding her male partner.

    9 20 The Herm it Herm eticist

    A silent darkened room in which is seated a silhouetted figure. A powerful force emanating from beyond. Solo sexual sorcery. Manual stirr ing of ojas in a partner.

    10 21 Wheel of For tune Tim e

    A dark spiralling goddess from whom emanates a vortex of irresistible power. Development of chakras. Awakening the Kalas.

    11 22 Just ice Adjustm ent

    Invocation of destiny or karmic forces. Ancient Egyptian r ites of passage.

    12 23 The Hanged Man The Abyss

    The Spider Sorcerer whose victim may be killed, saved for later use, inter-acted with, played with or freed. Secret venoms and fetishes.

    13 24 Death Necrom ancer

    A sance circle in which a spir it appears in the centre. A ruin abbey and graveyard whose entrance is a half open gate.

    14 25 Tem perance Alchem ist

    A magus massaging sensually a priestess. Within the shrine appear dew drops upon the altar. An elixir .

    15 26 The Dev il Master

    A Witches Sabbat and invocation of the Beast. Dark and unseen forces erupting. Kaos magick and sexual sorcery.

    16 27 The Tower Phallus

    Dionysian ex cess. Shatterin g of form s. Blasphemy acts.

    * 4 2 8 The Em peror Geom ancer

    The hidden forces of the dragon tracks both within and without.

    18 29 The Moon Fam il iar Spir i ts

    Sorcerers assume animalistic form and perform acts of lunar sorcery .The Mass of Amrit. Evocation of the forgotten powers.

    19 30 The Sun Vor tex

    An eclipse, a black sun, a neutron star. The desert of Set at n ight.

    20 31 Judgem ent Awak ening

    Dark sorcery overthrowing the status quo, the forces of change. Evocation of the Dark Self. Cults of the Shadow.

    21 32 The Wor ld Underwor ldThe domain of the living dead, the eternal myth, Never Neverland. A dark universe, in which the Dreamer awakens.

    V I S U A L I S A T I O N S O F T H E D A R K T A R O T

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    Part 4

    Journey of many returns

    While not completely abandoning the traditional Tarot tables of

    correspondences, I started to relegate them to a position of a

    backdrop to my own direct experiences. That way I could use the

    traditional Tarot attributes more as an archetypal or mythicalshadow- imprint, while my own experiences would be more

    personally authentic and relevant to my state of being at the time.

    My original 'images and icons' of the Dark Tarot (described in Part 3)

    became my basic knowledge base or platform to start from for trance

    experiences. Each journey I do for a working adds more knowledge

    and energy to the cards. As does initiating others into the work,

    helping me to develop a greater understanding of the cards and

    magick. Meanwhile, the regular Tarot and their correspondences act

    in the role of supportive material and for the purpose of amplification.

    The practical method I continue to use for doing trance journeys and

    retrievals involves the use of a small ritual gong and an electronic

    amplifier. Although a drum or other 'drone' instruments can equally

    be utilised. As can such recordings as "Well of Souls" by Steve Roach

    and Vidna Obmana, "Elysian E" by Michael Stearns or "Zeit" by

    Tangerine Dream. I particularly favour many of the excellent

    recordings by the dark ambient or atmospheric artist Robert Rich.

    Dark vision quests

    Most contemporary practitioners of magick and witchcraft will have

    either experienced or heard of the practices of 'Vision Quests'. This is

    particularly relevant among certain Indian tribes of America. During

    the 1980's writers such as Dr Michael Harner described his own

    initiation into the Shamanic experience in his book the 'Way of the

    Shaman'. The method utilised is a simple, but effective technique of

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    using a monotonous drum rhythm to aid in a shift of consciousness

    thus producing the onset of trance.

    Another author and occultist, Kenneth Grant has also described the

    potent effects of trance in rituals. In particular he relates experiences

    from the secret tantric style trance practices of an Oriental sect known

    as 'Cult of Ku'. In their occult rites a gong is ceaselessly struck

    producing a shift in the psychic atmosphere of the temple. Thevibrations cause the priestess of the cult to transform and become a

    multiform vehicle of the Goddess uniting with her devotees in


    The method I prefer to use combines all of these above techniques.

    Using a small gong which I amplify via a microphone and then add a

    digital delay. The effect of which produces an echo when the gong is

    struck. By using a steady rhythm of percussive strikes upon the gong

    a whirling wall-of-sound soon produces an irresistible energy

    submerging one into a trance world.

    With these trancing-gong rhythms I combine the projecti on of

    consciousness into the psychic scenery the 'Dark' trump with which I

    am working and submit myself to the experience. When executed

    correctly this Iays open a way for any possibility, the more

    unexpected the better.

    The following is an example of one such experience undertaken by a

    witch during private initiation. This visionary work was usually

    preceded by a simple ritual form: a Circle casting, sensual anointing

    of sabbat oils, imbibing of chalice wine, strong incense, and

    submerging dancing around a fiery cauldron 'til collapse and thence

    into trance accompanied by the gong.

    The Dark Tarot trump this particular student drew was the 'Lunatic'

    (the Fool 0). The depicted image is described as: "A lonely deserted

    path lit by moon light, the wastelands. A lone man walks starring at

    the moon. A dreamer, sleepwalking." After the ritual prelude the

    student-witch uses this scene to commenced her vision quest. (The

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    descriptive titles are her own. Although she divides the narrative into

    three parts, in fact each part just flowed from one scene into the next.

    The following text is given with her permission.)

    1. The Altar: I am standing in a room which appears to be part of a

    ruined gothic period style building. The walls are stone and shaped

    into arches, the ceiling open to the night sky. The room is dimly lit

    and in the centre is a raised stone altar. I move toward it, clothed in awhite diaphanous gown open at the front. Lying down on the altar the

    gown falls away and I wait. I feel rather blissful and open (perhaps a

    little naive!) A figure in a brown hooded robe moves toward the altar

    and produces a ceremonial dagger which he takes in both hands and

    beginning at my breast bone slices my torso down the middle to my

    lower abdomen. He stands back and through the opening a stream of

    white light emerges. The opening widens and the stream of light

    extends up through the ceiling, into the sky. Then a dove flies out of

    the opening up through the stream of light. I can see a small red

    multifaceted gem in my lower abdomen. The stream of light then

    ceases and the hooded figure sews me up in a zig-zag fashion with

    some brown string. He is gone and I am left alone in the ruin. I feel

    empty and lost. After some time I look down and notice a frog sitting

    at the base of the altar.

    2. The Leopard: In the darkness the head of a leopard appears,

    holding an egg shaped emerald in its mouth. It appears to be the top

    of a staff, fashioned in gold and slowly spins, moving toward me.

    3. The Snake: Against a backdrop of darkness, a cauldron appears.

    Writhing up from its centre is an emerald and ruby encrusted gold


    Background and comments

    The person who was doing this Dark Tarot work had not long been

    studying with me. She was in fact still receiving even basic

    instruction on circle work. This visionary example was rather typical

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    of many her experiences, where the imagery was rich in content.

    What struck me about these visions was not their dramatic nature, but

    their purity. There doesn't appear to be any conscious Ego

    construction, everything flows quite spontaneously. In fact, the

    visions felt free and uninhibited. I think particularly because this

    person had no real orthodox magickal training that I found this quite

    encouraging and helped validate this system of magickal work for me- if it could work so well for her it could work for any one.

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    Part 5

    Applied magick:

    How to evoke a Familiar spirit

    As pointed out previously the Witch may utilise the Dark Tarot for

    guidance in fulfilment of any desire, as well as the larger issuesrelated to his/her Destiny. Previously I have suggested that the two

    may really be indelibly linked, but to illustrate how I've used the Dark

    Tarot in a simple and practical way I offer the following example to

    the student.

    In historical records Witches are often described as associating with a

    Familiar Spirit. This is a special type ally or spirit helper. Sometimes

    the Familiar may even take the role of the Witch's spiritual guide.

    Using my method of Dark Tarot divination I offer a way to formulate

    a magickal working for the evocation of a Familiar spirit.

    The first step is to express your request as a simple and direct

    question - "How may I evoke a Familiar Spirit?" Next, while

    concentrating upon the desire you shuffling a deck of the 22 Tarot

    trumps and draw the three cards.

    As you now understand the first card is representative of the Sigil or

    sign by which I may evoke the Familiar. My second card is the Spell

    or sound by which I may call the spirit; and the third card will show

    me a rite of Sorcery to be used in the work of evocation. By

    combining the ingredients of the three Tarot trumps a complete

    method for the evocation of a Familiar Spirit will have been divined.

    My selection was: XIV Alchemist (Temperance) for the Sigil; I

    Sorcerer (The Magician) for the Spell; and 0 Lunatic (The Fool) for

    the Rite of Sorcery.

    In order to begin the work I undertake three separate trances for each

    card. My dark vision quests enable me to more fully explore the

    energies of the Familiar I'm destined to interact with, as well as

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    directly experiencing its nature as a psychic reality.

    For the sake brevity I have condensed the experiences. (You may

    wish to review the descriptions of each Dark Tarot trump I gave in

    Part 3. Each card's image will act as my entry point.)

    XIV ALCHEMIST - sigil Trance-Vision: I enter the scene and am

    immediately aware of identifying with the Alchemist-magus. I amimmersed in an azure light. I am walking in a B-line toward a naked

    priestess who is outstretched on a target (just like one of those knife

    throwing acts seen in a circus). In my hand I hold short cross-bow

    arrow. I notice she is very flushed, perspiring with beads of sweat and

    emitting a heady, though not unpleasant perfumed odour.

    Sigil analysis

    One of the strongest symbols which came up in the Alchemist

    (Temperance) vision was the 'arrow'. Now it should be noted that the

    Qabalistic correspondence to this card is Sagittarius, the archer (see

    tables below). Using this as a starting point I decide to construct an

    arrow fetish as a physical sigil for my rite of evocation.

    Also under the heading of Sigil are included: signs, symbols and

    actual sigils, as well as correspondent colours, numbers, perfumes and

    incense, magickal tools, textures, shape, form and appearances,

    stones, plants and animals.

    Examples of other elements which could be drawn from the vision

    include: an azure light, the naked priestess, a target, and a heady


    I SORCERER - spell Trance-Vision: Again I immediately identify

    with key figure, this time in the role of the Sorcerer-magus. I/He is

    exhaling in the manner of someone with a frosty breath. There is a

    serpent like hiss to this exhalation and I feel a word trying to form in

    my throat. A powerful energy feels to be erupting, almost as though it

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    were trying to be expelled from the gut and throat. Previously I had

    noted the 3 letters which correspond to my three cards - they are

    SBA. I now spontaneously remember these and they are hissed out as

    the word "Sheba".

    Spell analysis

    The Sorcerer-magus has chosen "Sheba" to be hissed as the spell ofevocation for my rite. I also note from the Tables (see below) that this

    card corresponds to the key of "E", with any "chattering" or "tittering"

    sounds (its Mercurial quality). Because of this fact I decide to use a

    calabash in the rite. This calabash is a simple seed rattle from West

    Africa, which can produce the right "chattering" sound to the

    accompaniment of my spell, "Sheba". (I'd also like to draw your

    attention to the similarity of this 'spell- word' to the name of the

    fabled Queen Sheba, an Arabian beauty who charmed King Solomon,

    and probably reveals qualities which resonate naturally in the spell.)

    Now apart from words and music also under the category of Spells

    fall such things as rhythms and any sort vibrational resonant,

    particularly any natural sounds like wind, rain and thunder.

    Something else which is less obvious to the category of 'Spells' is

    Time. This is because any Spell, like music consists of sounds which

    are arranged in Time as a sequence.

    Because of this fact your Spell card may reveal various types of Time.

    Eg, solar-terrestrial day and night, dawn and dusk, or Lunar cycles, or

    even stellar-planetary time periods. Any of these factors could be

    taken into account. For example, the Sorcerer card is correspondent to

    Mercury which in turn is attributed to Wednesday. So a chosen time

    for a final Dark Tarot working can even be divined.

    A final note about the Spell: Even if I hadn't deduced a word, such as

    "Sheba" there was never the less the 'hiss' of breath from the Sorcerer

    and so I could have simply used this.

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    0 LUNATIC - sorcery Trance-Vision: A dreamy, lunar quality seems

    to envelop me as I enter into the Lunatic's province. It is as though I

    am in a dream-bubble. I feel blown along by all sorts of foolish

    thoughts some comic, but many sexy. I am reminded of Shakespeare's

    'Puck' from a "Mid-summer Night's Dream". In the play he placed a

    drop of juice from a strange poppy upon the dreamers' heads and they

    fall madly in love with next person they set eyes upon - it is riotousand crazy (loco = mad - I decide to be very careful that no-one is

    about when I open my eyes!).

    Sorcery analysis

    The Sorcery card is correspondent to such things as specific types of

    magickal powers or operations. My experience from this card

    revealed a strong hypnotic and dreamy quality, and so I could try

    using any ritual acts, dance or movement which might induce this as

    part of my ceremony. I also assess that my Familiar may be cable of

    some mischievous acts, especially in affairs of the heart.

    This card is under the rulership of Air and also lunar forces, together

    these denote the Moon's power over dreams and thought. Psychically

    these are known as 'thought forms' and can be expressed in acts of

    creating 'astral globules' (see table notes). While on a mundane level

    we can see how Puck-like love spells could be cast with the aid of this

    Familiar's influence, there is also another side to the Lunatic.

    The Lunatic/Fool or 'Outsider' who's powers come from 'outside' or

    the 'otherside' may impress upon the unawakened Dreamer many

    unthought of dreams. The Dreamer thus impregnated with such

    thought forms may act as medium for inspired thought. If for example

    this were to be acted upon oneself, you might become the vehicle for

    the channelling of thoughts from the otherside to the mundane world.

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    Dark rite of Dwall

    Interpreting the overall message of the Dark Tarot symbolism is a

    subjective experience. I naturally warn the Student not to be too Ego-

    centric, but to try be as objective as possible. The last thing you want

    to do at this stage is to short-circuit the whole thing by being too

    biased or conservative. Try to learn from this experience and don't

    forget Witches are 'heretics' at heart. By all means investigate thecards thoroughly, but in the words of Durban's natural mystic Madala

    Kunene "...each dreamtime journey or dwaal is different". ('Dwaal'

    means to be confused or to take a journey with no fixed destination.)

    Treat this as though you are about to undertake Initiation. Keeping the

    following points in mind will assist you in your Dwaal: 1. Expand

    your understanding the cards via study of their correspondences (see

    tables below); 2. Combine them in a visualisation as an aid to

    dreaming-up your working; 3. Finally, adapt, prepare and perform an

    actual rite using all your new discoveries. Keep your ideas to the

    point. 4. Expect transformation and changes in yourself. A Dark Tarot

    working is usually marked by a time of personal Initiation and

    changes which are rarely simple or smooth sailing.

    The final trance

    Alchemist, Sorcerer, Lunatic

    In the final stage I combine the three component s of my rite

    Alchemist, Sorcerer and Lunatic. I arrived at the following

    visualisation-trance experience and outline for a ritual.

    I am wandering a lonely, isolated path. For some reason I am aware it

    is in the early hours of a Wednesday morning (Mercury-Sorcerer).

    The moon is visible, but hangs low in a mist shrouded night sky.

    Ahead of me is the sheltered ruin of an old farmhouse or barn. As I

    enter within it walls, but the roof is open to the night sky. I see the

    back of the Alchemist cum Sorcerer cum Lunatic. Laying on the

    ground in front of him is a sleeping priestess. I merge identifying with

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    the magus. In my right hand I am holding the Blue-Arrow fetish and

    in my left the seed-calabash. At one end of the arrow is bright yellow

    feathers which are attached to a blue shaft. A sharp steel tip is at its

    head. I am now squatting down in front of the priestess, she is laying

    on a deep blue velvety cloth. I can see under her body an irregular

    eight-sided figure, traced in yellow.

    As I gaze at her I feel completely mesmerised by the whiteness andbeauty of her body against the blue cloth. Holding the arrow in my

    right hand I extended the feathered-end toward the priestess. A shiver

    spontaneously runs down my left arm into the calabash. At the same

    time a powerful serpentine ripple flexed the muscles through my torso

    finishing in my head and a compulsive gust of air from my breath, I

    hiss "SheeeBAaa". The word is expelled in a long breath over the

    priestess. I am now naked and hang suspended horizontally above the

    body of the white priestess. A weird sort of psychic container seem to

    hold us together for a moment and then I find myself back in front her

    again. Using feathered arrow I stroked over the erogenous zones of

    the her body. Little trickles of perspiration moistened feathers. A dew

    is formed on her vaginal lips and I catch this with the steel tip of the


    At this point I suddenly become aware of a number of key points. At

    the same time I moved from a trance state and became consciously

    alert of the following: The Alchemist-Sorcerer-Lunatic is the familiar

    Spirit. I have embodied him or evoked him from within my

    unconscious, but he requires a powerfully erotic rite to stimulate any

    latent powers. He has a contra-sexual soul-mate in the form of the

    ecstatic- dreaming priestess. When their coconsciousness is raised in

    a mutual trance or seance they stimulate each other and produce a

    honeyed 'dew' which contains their latent powers. The arrow-fetish

    may be useful as a type of magician's wand or dart to hold the erotic-

    psychic charge.

    The key to building an effective rite of evocation ultimately lies in

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    how keen is your intuition, research and imagination. Where research

    is highly valued by the rational mind it will be via the your irrational

    intuition and imagination that the hidden or dark knowledge may

    come. Fantasies are more often discarded as fanciful, but in this work

    free reign is given over to the imagination in order to draw out the

    most from the unconscious. Trance-visions like these may be

    compared to an awake dream and is the means I use to connect withthe unconscious.

    Fetish rites

    For personal reasons I offer only a brief comment about the results of

    this Dark Tarot working.

    I used as many of the elements from the trance experiences as I felt

    were necessary and decided to do the following - I treat the working

    as a rite of self-Initiation. I obtained the various elements needed. The

    first is the arrow-fetish and I paint it blue. I inscribed with the fetish

    with the letters 'SBA'. It will act from this point on as a material basis

    or contact for the work with my Familiar. I obtain a blue cloth and

    paint an irregular eight-sided star pattern on it and use this as a ritual

    mat or 'circle' in which to operate. I enlisted the aid of a Priestess who

    can aid me in incubating the 'dew'. We celebrated rite as a type of

    mysterium coniuntio. I successfully invoke the Familiar and have it

    act through me as medium. The progeny manifest from outside my

    own limited experience and begin lives of their own, but I feel

    transformed through the experience.

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    The arrangement of the Dark Tarot

    upon the Tree of Life showing the ten

    Sephiroth and twenty two paths with

    astrological & elemental attributions.

    On a macrocosmic level the Tree of

    Life is an esoteric representation of

    the Universe, while at a microcosmic

    level it depicts the psychic anatomy

    of the individual.

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    Num ber Path Orthodox Dark Dem ons/ Gods Sigi l Spel l SorceryTit le Tarot (signs, colour , incense, ( sounds, words, ( m agick al operat ions,

    tools, num bers, im ages) nam es of power, etc) power s, r i tual, acts)

    0 11 The Fool Lunat ic Am prodias 1,11 , 401 , Minotur , swast ik a, E, winds, Creat ion of Astra l Globules,I l Matto dor je, dagger , f an, galbanum , Aleph Air

    luminous pale yellow on asquare of emerald of gold.

    1 11 The Magician Sorcerer Bar atchial 260, a ru in, wand, E, chatter ing or ti t ter ing, Evocat ion of Elem ents,I l Bagattell iere phallus, gum m ast ic, Beth Mercury

    indigo vesica rayedwith violet.

    2 13 The Pr iestess Vam pyr e Gargophias 393 , bow & arrow, cam phor, G sharp, howled, Clairvoyance and pr oject ion,La Papessa m ense, aloes, an open cof f in, Gim el Moon

    silver on a black circle.

    3 14 The Em press Witch Dagdagiel 55 , cord, sandlewood, m y tle, F sharp, crooning or li lt ing, Invok ing powers,L Im per atr ice Mam bo door or gate, v iv id sk y blue on Daleth Venus

    a rose circle rayed pale green

    * 17 15 The Star Yoni Hem ethter i th 1054 , censer , asperger , galbanum A sharp, alm ost inaudible whisper ings, Astrology , Kalas induced asLe Stelle f ish hook , lur id red on H clear and cool, Aquar ius

    glowing red inverted triangle

    5 16 The Hier ophant Black Magician Ur iens 395 , hor ns, bur in, dragons blood, C sharp, roar ed, bel lowed Invok ing ear th ly f orces,I l Papa Buk or red gum , nai l, Vau Taurus

    lines of flame on a brown triangle

    6 17 The Lovers Sex Magicians Zam radiel 292, t r ipod, wor m wood, D, hoarse cachinnat ion, Bi-locat ionGli Am ant i swor d, new leather yel low Zain Invocat ion of Horus & Set

    on a m auve vesica. Gem ini

    7 18 The Char iot In it iation Characith 640 , f ur nace,onycha, D sharp, sp lashing Cast ing enchantm entsI l Carro fence, dark gr een-br own Kheth Channel ling Kalas

    on an am ber-hued circle Cancer

    8 19 Strength Enchantress Tem phioth 610 , discip line, ol ibanum E, r oar ing, h issing ex plosive force Invok ing Totem sLa For za serpent, greenish-yel low on a Teth Leo

    grey arrow-shaped.

    9 20 The Herm it Herm eticist Yam atu 13 ,1 lam p & wand, narcissus F, lower register , sighing, m urm ur ing Wil lL Erem ita hand, yellowish- green on Yod Invisibil i ty

    si lver-grey slate Virgo

    10 21 Wheel of For tune Tim e Kurgasiax 315 , sceptr e, saf f ron A shar p, im per ious in tonat ion, Mater ial powerRota Del la For tuna palm , r ich purple on a b lue Kaph Changing destiny

    ground rayed with yellow Jupiter

    11 22 Just ice Adjustm ent Laf cursiax 671 , cross, galbanum F shar p, upper register , prolonged Karm aLa Giustizia ox goad, pale gr een on r ich blue Lam ed Libra

    12 23 The Hanged Man The Abyss Malk unofat 307, cup,cr oss, wine, m yrrh, onycha G shar p, upper register , Ex plorat ion of qlippothL Appenso water , deep blue on an inver ted a shr i ll st r idu lat ion Water

    tr iangle of sea-gr een. Mem

    13 24 Death Necr om ancer Niant iel 160 ,pain of obl igation, benzoin G lower register , bubbl ing cauldron Necr om ancy( none) f ish, lur id indigo- br own lik e a Nun Evocation of Hell

    black beet le on a greenish-blue t r iangle Scorpio

    14 25 Tem per ance Alchem ist Sak sak salim 300 , arrow, ligum -aloes G sharp, h igh pi tched Transm utat ionsLa Tem peranza pr op, br ight yellow on viv id dar k electr ic cr ack ling Alchem y

    blue, lik e lightn ing in a n ight sk y Sam ek h Sagit tar ius

    15 26 The Devil Master A ano nin 237 ,secret f or ce, lam p, m usk , civet A, r aucous b leat ing Witches SabbatI l Diavolo eye, black sigi l with in Ay in Evocat ion

    an indigo pentagram Capr icor n

    16 27 The Tower Phal lus Parfax i tas 450 , sword, pepper , dragons blood C, lower register Awak ening Kundal in iLa Torre m outh, br ight red on thunder Work s of wr ath & revenge

    an em erald squar e Peh Mars

    * 4 28 The Em per or Geom ancer Tzuf li f u 302 , cor d, galbanum A shar p, chanted Manif estat ionL Im peratore Hungan window, white on violet Tzaddi Ear th curr ents, Ar ies

    18 29 The Moon Fam il iar Spir i ts Quliel f i 266 , twil ight , m ir ror , am bergr is B Fem ale sex ual sorcer yLa Luna back of the head, slug t ra il si lver Qoph shape-shif ting

    on a circular stone Pisces

    19 30 The Sun Vortex Raf l if u 406 , cinnam on, D, m ell i f luously Male sex ual sorceryI l Sole head, red rayed on am ber disc Resh pur if icat ions, Sol

    20 31 Judgem ent Awak ening Shalicu 500 , pyr am id, lam p, wand, ol ibanum C, sibi lant & sin ister whisper ings Evocat ionI l Giudizio tooth, verm il ion on em erald Shin Aeonic m agick , Fire

    21 32 The Wor ld Underwor ld Thanti f ax ath 1040,sick le, su lphur , assafoet ida B sharp, hol low reverberation Work s of m aledictionI l Mondo Tau, sick le, Tau Saturn

    black rectangle

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