darrell gaug's resignation-rcg

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  • 7/30/2019 Darrell Gaug's Resignation-RCG


    Monday October 11, 1999

    Dear Mr. Pack,

    I am writing you this letter so that I get the chance to fully inform you that I have resigned from my position asoffice manager of the Restored Church of God. Brenda and I are also removing our membership from the RCG.

    Almost from the onset of my employment I saw that there were problems in the office. It became clear that the

    problems originated from you and your conduct. I can not continue in the office or church because of a crisis of

    conscience. It has all come to a head over the deplorable scheme you have devised in the handling of the

    employment of Joan and Steve Thompson.

    In addition, it is evident that you do not need an office manager. That office will always be yours and yours

    only. As a result, you need an assistant and not a manager.

    What I have seen and heard in the past few weeks has made me mentally and physically sick. In my estimation,

    the ingredients to this poison mix were added together years ago, the batter was prepared and the cake put in the

    oven. Only until the past few days did you put the final icing on for me. Others before me with more feeling

    and perception than I, realized the heat was too hot for them to remain in the kitchen. I hope that it is not to late

    for myself and for others.

    The icing on the cake for me is your plan for Joan and now Steve. Before I go on, let me set the record

    straight. Steve did not tell Joan of your plan - I did. I know that I agreed with your plan in your office, but I

    only did so, so you would carry on, unimpeded with your amazing plan. I left your office that day in a stunned

    state of disbelief. I could not believe my ears. I was sick to my stomach. I wanted to puke... literally. You

    were upset that Joan thought you were pushing her out of her job, but now you are and you admit it. Is this a

    self fulfilling prophecy or what? Then, amazingly enough, you make Steve take a oath before your talk Friday

    afternoon forbidding Steve to tell his wife that at the end of two weeks he will be replacing her, at a higher

    salary! Can you not see the division that this will create? Division that will occur between two employees thathappen to be man and wife joined by God in your presence! What kind of mind would think of such a thing? A

    plan like this would make many worldly businessmen blush. I can not believe this came out of the mouth of a

    man who calls himself a minister of the Almighty God. Then to top it all off, now you say you have a plan to

    keep Joan! You certainly cannot meet with Joan and Steve and tell her at one time that she was out. What do

    you plan to do, put on a charade and tell Steve now that HE is in? You are more incredible that I could ever

    have imagined. Moreover, can't you see what God joined you are now dividing. How double minded! Before

    the Feast Steve was an unbalanced fool. You wanted him gone and in a nice way you told him so. Now you

    tell he and I that the office needs him! James 1:8 states that the double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

    In addition, I can't help but think of you when I read Proverbs 6:16-19 which says, " There are six things the

    Lord hates. Yes, seven are an abomination to Him. A proud look, a lying tongue that sheds innocent blood, a

    heart the devises wicked plans, feet that are swift to running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one

    who sows discord among the brethren. We are instructed in I Timothy 3:6 to withdraw from a brother who

    walks disorderly. Therefore I am forced to do so. My family and I cannot remain with you.

    We both know at one point you wanted Joan out. You will never find a person as steadfast and dedicated as

    her. She stood by your side through thick and thin. Now you want to shake her off your boots like dust.

    Whatever happened to loyalty? What ever happened to brotherly love?

    You do not want people with their own minds. You only want yes-men. I can not be a yes-man for you - only


    I can recall many times in the past how you have said many people that are closest to you have stabbed you in

    ll Gaug's Resignation http://web.archive.org/web/20080829194228/http://home.neo.rr.c


  • 7/30/2019 Darrell Gaug's Resignation-RCG


    the back and betrayed you. People such as Bill Ambrose, John xxxxxxx, Bill and Leah Sheppard, the

    xxxxxxxxs, the xxxxxxxxxxxs, and the xxxxxxxxxs. (xxxxx names withheld for lack of direct involvement)

    " He who is slow to wrath has great understanding. But he who is impulsive exalts folly." Proverbs 14:29. Let

    me suggest that in the future you not be so quick to judge. This is a very frightening pattern that has occurred

    over the years. Is the problem that all these people did not agree with you on something at one time? How

    much more innocent blood will you shed? How many more sheep will you destroy? I know Brenda and I will

    be added to this list. We will be smeared as many times as you see fit. This is just your way. I have known you

    long enough.

    Mr. Pack there is a hole in your sheepfold. It is my hope and prayer that the fence will be destroyed so that all

    of the innocent sheep will escape. There are signs that it will.

    It would be of your best interest not to contact my family or any of the Sheppards Jr., and Sr., for a long while.

    You almost succeeded in dividing our families with your stories. You will try to get us to doubt ourselves and

    each other. I will not let this happen. Who is the Accuser of the brethren? Are you one?

    I am sure that you will think that this is the worst letter that you have ever received, and in a way I hope so.

    You often times quote the scripture, " Faithful are the words of a friend, but the kisses of a enemy are

    deceitful." Listen to these words. Listen to your last sermon. See yourself for what you really are and change.

    Mr. Pack, writing this letter breaks my heart, I consider you a friend even though you may not consider me a

    friend now. I still love you, your wife, and your daughter very much.


    Darrell Gaug

    [email protected]

    PS The laborer is worth his hire. As my last act as office manager, I had Joan pay us for last week's work.

    Then we voluntarily signed off of all the church accounts.

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    ll Gaug's Resignation http://web.archive.org/web/20080829194228/http://home.neo.rr.c
