data manipulation operations on views 1. 2 outline retrieval operations in theory in practice (sql92...

Data manipulation operations on views 1 Data manipulation operations on views

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Page 1: Data manipulation operations on views 1. 2 Outline retrieval operations in theory in practice (SQL92 and PostgreSQL) update operations in theory - basics

Data manipulation operations on views


Data manipulation operations on views

Page 2: Data manipulation operations on views 1. 2 Outline retrieval operations in theory in practice (SQL92 and PostgreSQL) update operations in theory - basics

Data manipulation operations on views



retrieval operations in theory in practice (SQL92 and PostgreSQL)

update operations in theory - basics in practice

• SQL92• PostgreSQL

in theory - more advanced issues

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Data manipulation operations on views



suppose Student ( S_id, Name, Address, Programme, Tutor, …) Tutor ( T_id, Name, Address, …) Course ( C_id, Name, Length, …) C_Reg ( S_id, C_id, ... )

suppose all tutors need access to all course-lists, but are not allowed to see other information; this can be achieved via a view.

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Data manipulation operations on views


View “Course-lists”

CREATE VIEW Course-lists (Student, Tutor, Course) AS

SELECT (Student.Name, Tutor.Name, Course.Name)

FROM Student, Tutor, Course, C_Reg

WHERE Tutor = T_id AND Course.C_id = C_Reg.C_id

AND Student.S_id = C_Reg.S_id ;

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Data manipulation operations on views


Retrieving from “Course-lists”

-- all students that take “Database Systems”

SELECT Student FROM Course-lists

WHERE Course = ‘Database Systems’ ;

--Marian’s tutees and the courses they take

SELECT Student, Course FROM Course-lists

WHERE Tutor = ‘Marian’ ;


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Data manipulation operations on views


Retrieval operations

suppose• DB - is the set of base relations in a a database

• a view V can be considered as a function V = X(DB)

a retrieval operation R on the view is defined in terms of the materialisation of V as

• R(V) = R(X(DB)) /* X(DB) is a materialisation of V */

in practice is more efficient to use substitution• R(V) = (RX)(DB)

• in principle works perfectly (100%) well, but in practice, sometimes fails; e.g. “Restrictions on views [in SQL]” (Connolly, 1999, p. 446)

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a view should look like and behave exactly like a base relation

• satisfied, in theory, in case of retrieval operations• in practice, even in case of retrieval operations, it is

sometimes violated; e.g. in SQL92 (Connolly, 1999, p.446):– columns based on aggregate functions cannot be used in a

WHERE clause or as an argument of an aggregate function

– a grouped view cannot be joined with a base table

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Data manipulation operations on views


Updating “Course-lists”

--insert the fact that “Bob Marley”, who’s personal tutor is

--“Marian Ursu”, has registered for “Database Systems”

INSERT INTO Course-lists

VALUES (“Bob Marley”, “Marian Ursu”, “Database Systems”);

will this work? why? “Course-lists” is a virtual relation; the base tables have to

be updated instead; how should this be done?

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Data manipulation operations on views


Updating a view

suppose V is a view of the database DB, written as V = X(DB); then UPDATE(V) means UPDATE(X(DB)) however, X(DB) does not exist in reality therefore it is not updateable therefore, UPDATE1 must be found, such that UPDATE(X(DB)) = X(UPDATE1(DB))

view updating is governed by sets of rules for determining UPDATE1 given X and UPDATE

such sets of rules must satisfy some general (updating) principles

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Data manipulation operations on views


Main updating principle

a given tuple can appear in a given relation only if that tuple satisfies the relation predicate for that relation; this is true both for base relations and views

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Data manipulation operations on views


Predicate - the meaning of a relation

suppose the relation • Student(Id, Name, Address, Course, Tutor)

• its meaning is: the student with the identifier Id having the name Name lives at the Address address, takes the Course course and has the Tutor tutor

• this is formally expressed by the predicate of the relation

predicate = truth valued function, true for all the tuples that should be in the relation and false for the rest

• student(5334,’Scott Sherman’,’USA’,’CIS’,’Rob Hierons’) - true

• student(-21,’Mick Jagger’,’Richmond’,’Rock’,’Duda’) - false

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DBMSs and relation predicates

the DBMS does not (cannot) know, a priori, exactly, the predicate for a given relation

however, it knows the set of all integrity constraints / rules

therefore the meaning of a relation = the logical AND of all

integrity constraints / rules that apply to that relation

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Data manipulation operations on views


Meaning of a relation - example


(S_id Id_number NOT NULL,

S_name Name,

S_status Status,

S_city City,


UNIQUE (S_name),

CHECK (Status > 0 AND Status < 101) );

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Main updating principle

the predicate for a relation constitutes the criterion for update acceptability; remember: a given tuple can appear in a given relation only if

that tuple satisfies the relation predicate for that relation; this is true both for base relations and views

this is the main principle; other principles may exist as well

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Updating principles

view update is a semantic (not syntactic) issue; i.e. should not depend upon the form in which the view is stated; create view V as select S_name, City from Suppliers where Status > 25 or City = ‘Paris’ create view V as (select S_name, City from Suppliers where Status > 25 ) union (select S_name, City from Suppliers where City = ‘Paris’) both or neither should be updateable; however, in SQL the first is

updateable but the second not;

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Updating principles

the view updating mechanism must work correctly when the view is a base relation

the updating rules must preserve symmetry where applicable

updates on views must be implemented by the same kind of updates on the underlying relations (e.g. DELETE by means of DELETES)

the rules cannot assume that the database is well designed

etc. (Date, 1995, p.473)

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Updating rules

comply with the general principles given for simple relational expressions

(A <relational operator> B) for complex expressions - recursive application

convention• the SQL syntax is going to be used for defining the views

in the following examples; however, note that THE RULES ARE GENERIC; THEY ARE NOT SQL RULES

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Rules for updating set operators views

updating views defined by expressions as• A UNION B• A INTERSECT B• A MINUS B• where A and B are relational expressions

in detail: INSERT into a UNION

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Data manipulation operations on views


Updating UNION views - INSERT

the new tuple must satisfy at least PA or PB; the new tuple must not already exist in either A or B; if it satisfies PA, it is inserted into A (providing it wasn’t already inserted as a result of inserting it into B); if it satisfies PB, it is inserted into B (providing it wasn’t already inserted as a result of inserting it into A);

• no temporal order exist between the two attempted insertions

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Data manipulation operations on views


Example #1

Suppliers1(S_id, S_name, Status, City) constraint: City IN (‘London’, ‘Paris’, ‘Madrid’, ‘Rome’, ‘Berlin’)

Suppliers2(S_id, S_name, Status, City) constraint: City IN (‘London’, ‘New York, ‘Washington’, ‘Boston’)

CREATE VIEW Test1 AS Suppliers1 UNION Suppliers2

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Example #1

INSERT INTO Test1 VALUES (S6, Smith, 50, London); satisfies City IN ... therefore it is

inserted into the first relation Suppliers1if it was not already there

satisfies City IN ... therefore it is inserted into the second relation Suppliers2 if it was not already there

INSERT INTO Test1 VALUES (S7, Jones, 40, Paris); satisfies City IN ... therefore it is

inserted into the first relation Suppliers1 if it was not already there

does not satisfy City IN ... therefore it is not inserted into the second relationSuppliers2

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Example #2

Suppliers(Id, Name, Address, …, Status, …) CREATE VIEW Test2 AS (SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE Status > 25) UNION (SELECT * FROM Suppliers WHERE City = ‘Paris’)

S_id S_name Status City

S2 Jones 10 Paris

S3 Blake 30 Paris

S5 Adams 30 Athens

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Example #2

INSERT INTO Test2 VALUES (S6, Smith, 50, London); satisfies Status > 25 therefore it is

inserted into the first relation (Suppliers WHERE Status > 25) if it isn’t already there

does not satisfy City = ‘Paris’ therefore it is not inserted into the second relation(Suppliers WHERE City = ‘Paris’)

as a final result, the tuple is inserted once in Suppliers

INSERT INTO Test2 VALUES (S7, Jones, 40, Paris); satisfies Status > 25 therefore it is

inserted into the first relation (Suppliers WHERE Status > 25)if it isn’t already there

satisfies City = ‘Paris’ therefore it is inserted into the second relation(Suppliers WHERE City = ‘Paris’) if it isn’t already there

however, only one insertion is performed on Suppliers, since both expressions refer to the same base relation (Suppliers)

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Example #3

a similar view definition, but this time over two base relations: DEFINE VIEW Test 3 AS Sstat UNION Scity

S_id S_name Status CityS3 Blake 30 ParisS5 Adams 30 Athens

S_id S_name Status CityS2 Jones 10 ParisS3 Blake 30 Paris



Constraint: Status > 25

Constraint: City = Paris

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Example #3

INSERT INTO Test3 VALUES (S6, Smith, 50, London) will be inserted into Sstat (satisfies

the predicate) will not be inserted into Scity (does

not satisfy the predicate) intuitively “correct” behaviour

INSERT INTO Test3 VALUES (S7, Jones, 40, Paris) will be inserted into Sstat (satisfies the

predicate) will also be inserted into Scity (satisfies

the predicate) intuitively “incorrect” - a certain kind of

information has to be kept in only one place (relation)

this is an example of a surprising result; the cause is the bad design of the database (the two predicates are not mutually exclusive)

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Data manipulation operations on views


Updating views - in practice

in practice, the rules for updating views are simpler

• to simplify the DBMS

defined in an ad-hoc manner• i.e. they do not necessarily comply with the generic

principles previously stated

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Data manipulation operations on views


SQL2 rules for updating views

the FROM clause of the SELECT statement of the defining query contains exactly one table reference (the view is defined on exactly one table), i.e. the view definition does not contain JOIN, UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT

every element in the SELECT statement of the defining query is a column name (rather than a calculated field, aggregate function, …)

the SELECT clause defining the view does not contain the word DISTINCT

the defining query does not include a GROUP BY clause etc … (refer to Date, 1995, p. 490 or Connolly, 1999, p.449)

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PostgreSQL rules for updating views

views in Postgres are not updateable (yet)

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view - named virtual relation, behaving similarly with a base relation

logical data independence (restructuring) security and macro-capability retrieval operations - substitution - in principle works fine in

any case; in practice is does not always work fine update principles - i theory update rules specific to relational algebra operators - in theory update rules specific to certain implementations - in practice

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Data manipulation operations on views


Extra reading

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Updating UNION views - UPDATE

the updated version must satisfy PA or PB; if the tuple appears in A it is deleted from A without performing any triggered action and without checking the relation predicate; similarly for B; if the updated version of the tuple satisfies PA then it is inserted into A (provided it wasn’t already inserted, as a result of inserting it into B); similarly for B.

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deduce (study) rules for updating UNION views - DELETE INTESECT views DIFFERENCE views

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Data manipulation operations on views


Updating pure relational operators views

updating views defined by• a RESTRICTION• a PROJECTION• a JOIN

in detail: • INSERT into a PROJECTION• INSERT into a many-to-many JOIN

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X is the set of attributes of the projection Y is the remaining set of attributes let the tuple to be inserted be (x); let the default value for Y be

(y); if a default value does not exist the insertion cannot be performed; if the tuple (x, y) satisfies PA (where A is the original relation) then it is inserted into A corollary: if the projection (view) does not include all candidate

keys, the underlying relation will not permit insert via the view

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DEFINE VIEW Test AS SELECT S_id, S_name, City FROM Suppliers -- the default value for Status is 50

S_id S_name CityS1 Smith LondonS2 Jones ParisS3 Blake ParisS4 Cark LondonS5 Adams Athens

INSERT INTO TestVALUES (S6, Marian, Cluj); succeeds

INSERT INTO TestVALUES (S1, Marian, Cluj); fails; why?

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the new tuple j = (a, b) must satisfy PJ (i.e. PA (a) AND PB (b)); if the A portion of j (i.e. a) does not appear in A, it is inserted into A; if the B portion of j (i.e. b) does not appear in B, it is inserted into B.

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S_id S_name CityS1 Smith LondonS2 Jones ParisS3 Blake ParisS4 Clark London

P_id P_name CityP1 Nut LondonP2 Screw LondonP3 Bolt ParisP4 Cam London

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The view

S_id S_name City P_id P_nameS1 Smith London P1 NutS1 Smith London P2 ScrewS1 Smith London P4 CamS2 Jones Paris P3 BoltS2 Blake Paris P3 BoltS4 Clark London P1 NutS4 Clark London P2 ScrewS4 Clark London P4 Cam

INSERT INTO Test VALUES (S6, Green, London, P5, Cog);

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how many tuples will be added to the view?