data pipelines for small, messy and tedious data

Data Pipeline Architect Data Pipeline Architect Data Pipelines For small, messy and tedious data. Vladislav Supalov, 27th October 2016

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Page 1: Data pipelines for small, messy and tedious data

Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Data PipelinesFor small, messy and tedious data.

Vladislav Supalov, 27th October 2016

Page 2: Data pipelines for small, messy and tedious data

Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

How to tell if this talk is for you?


● Big Data○ Pretty fascinating○ “Good problem to have”

● Most companies○ Not quite there○ Should not start at this level

● This is for you, if you are close to the data at a○ Startup○ Growing company○ Established company which is about to start an initiative

● Working with a new CDO, CAO, Head of BI

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

I want to help you achieve better results!


● What will help you to deal with …?○ small data (not much is needed to be valuable)○ messy data (multiple data sources, no overview)○ tedious-to-handle data (multiple data sources, lots of manual work)

● “Use <tech X> in <way Y> and you will be fine”. Nope.○ Just dealing with data is not a magic bullet○ This will not guarantee good results for your company○ You might get lucky of course. That’s not a safe bet.

● How can we improve your chances? Reduce risk.○ Focus on what matters

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Jumping to tech we would dive too deep, too early.


● What people tend to think about first:○ Dashboards○ Tools○ Technical solutions, best practices & tricks

● That’s tactics

● We should not jump into implementation details right away.● Let’s not.

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

The Craft of Designing & Building Data PipelinesShould start with understanding the business.

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Hi, I’m Vladislav!


● Data background○ Machine learning, computer vision, data mining

● Fascination with DevOps○ Efficient, reliable infrastructure setups○ Monitoring, automation, processes

● Currently: Co-founding a startup - Pivii Technologies○ Startup, accelerated by Axel Springer Plug and Play○ Artificial intelligence for content marketing○ AI, ML, CV, data!○

● Previously: Building a data engineering consulting business○


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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Preferred consulting situation:


● Mobile application marketing agency○ Not necessarily huge data○ Very valuable and worthwhile (from a certain point)

● “We built prototype analytics tools in-house and they are mostly functional”○ “We have seen the value!”○ But are painful to work with & broken○ “Time and money is still being wasted.”

● Tools were created out of an actual need○ Organically, little planning○ “How can we do better?”○ “Where do we go from here?”

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Common Success Pattern: Business Value was Created.Already achieved visible and measurable impact for the company.Or have gotten VERY close to do so. Are thinking about ROI.

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Business first. Tech follows.


● Key to successful data projects○ Especially with limited resources○ And small data

● Technical decisions should be informed by business needs and goals

● Handling data is a very small part of the whole○ Straightforward once business needs are clear

● It starts with the mindset○ Don't consider data plumbing in isolation

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Key: being conscious and deliberate about the intention of creating business value.Let’s take a brief detour.

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Consider sword fighting.


● A great samurai sword master● 1584 - 1645● Miyamoto Musashi

○ Martial artist○ Tactician○ Strategist○ Artist○ Sculptor○ Calligrapher○ Writer○ Philosopher○ ...

Images: Miyamoto Musashi, self-portrait,, Musashi Miyamoto with two Bokken,

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

“The primary thing when you take a sword in your hands is your intention to cut the enemy, whatever the means.”

- Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

“Whenever you parry, hit, spring, strike or touch theenemy’s cutting sword, you must cut the enemyin the same movement.”

- Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

“It is essential to attain this.If you think only of hitting, springing, striking or touchingthe enemy, you will not be able actually to cut him.”

- Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

“More than anything, you must be thinkingof carrying your movement through to cutting him.You must thoroughly research this.”

- Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

The Goal of swordfighting is to cut the opponent.


● Stating this makes it seem very obvious.○ Why the effort and emphasis?

● It’s not. Even for aspiring practitioners.○ Results suffer.

● Mindset is essential for mastery● The core advice (to my understanding):

○ Attain, cultivate and apply a goal-oriented mindset○ Aim every step you take towards the goal

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Back to the world of data-handling businesses!


● When working with company data○ Before starting out on a project○ Understand what you want and can achieve○ Aim to create a positive impact on the business○ Make it a constant, conscious goal

● The main tasks to do so are:○ Understand the business○ Understand the people

■ It’s about communication○ Understand current processes○ Be prepared to learn and revise

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Use this process when approaching a new project:


● Qualify client/project○ Does it make sense to get involved?○ Is it evident that we can create value?

● Perform conversations/interviews○ Find out more about the context

■ company, status, goals, limitations...○ Learn from first-hand experience

● Summarize information, learnings and plans in writing○ Roadmap document○ Depicting the situation and ways forward

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Is there potentialfor a good fit?Do budget, topic and goals seem in order?

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Qualifying considerations. Learning about the client and project.


● What are you working on?● What part of the project would you like help with?

● What needs to happen to make this a success for you?

● Why was this project started? What are the business goals?● Is there an event that triggered it?● Why especially now?

● What’s the budget? (ballpark estimate)

● When are you looking to get started?

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Still good? Let’s start a business relationship.Initial research and planning. Roadmapping consulting package.

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Four people to talk to:


● Project owner○ We want this guy to be successful

● Business owner or C-level perspective○ Knows what’s best for the business○ "What could the ceo ask you in the hallway"

● Data wrangler - tales from the trenches○ Insights into day-to-day business and data details

● Engineering Side○ Current tech stack○ Infos on constraints and preferences○ Last touches

● Conversation focus, questions and duration vary from person to person.

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Interviews completed, situation understood and put into writing.


● A bit of focused communication, we have a great foundation!○ Project motivation○ Business goals○ Who should benefit○ How to make it happen

● Different perspectives on the project and business.

● Time for tech!○ Context clear (goals, constraints)

● Best case:○ Very few choices left to make

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Here’s what I would have told myself when starting out:


● Learn about the company○ Easier with fresh eyes

● Understand the business○ Multiple perspectives

● Keep the goal in mind○ Helps learning the right things○ Cultivate a business mindset (help earn more/lose less)○ Aim for results

■ I will not stop saying this anytime soon :)

● Have a process laid out24

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Finally: Tactical Advice Which Fits the Remaining Time.That’s the right proportion :)

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Don’t roll your own home-baked scripts.


● "Quick and easy" isn't

● Uniqueness is bad, boring is good○ Learning curve for others○ Original author leaving○ Maintenance time, tricky bugs, code duplication○ Unexpected failure modes

● Extensibility?● Growth?● Metadata?

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

You should know about workflow engines.


● Workflow = “[..] orchestrated and repeatable pattern of business activity [..]” [1]● Data flow = “bunch of data processing tasks with inter-dependencies” [2]

● Pipelines of batch jobs○ complex, long-running

● Dependency management● Reusability of intermediate steps● Logging and alerting● Failure handling● Monitoring● Lots of effort went into them (Broken data? Crashes? Partial failures?)

[1][2] Elias Freider, 2013, “Luigi - Batch Data Processing in Python“

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

If in doubt, try Luigi.


● Spotify○ Lots of data!○ 10k+ Hadoop jobs every day [1]

● Battle hardened○ Published 2009○ Has been used in production by large companies for a while

● Python● Modular & extensible● Dependency graph● Not just for data tasks

[1] Erik Bernhardsson, 2013, “Building Data Pipelines with Python and Luigi”

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Usually worthwhile pipeline properties:


● Keep it small and lean● Make learning and iterating easy

○ Changes should be cheap to accommodate for (both time and money)● Build something to start learning● Get data into one place● Don’t reinvent the wheel

○ The tools are out there○ ETL and workflow engines

● Create quick positive results, be efficient (lazy)○ Many small improvements everywhere○ Instead of solving everything for one group○ More bang-for-the-buck

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

In conclusion:


● Don’t dive into tactics right away● Aim to create business value

○ Make it a conscious goal

● Understand the business, people and processes○ This will take some time. It’s a good investment.○ Have a process yourself○ Tech choices will follow

● Try to make it easy to learn and iterate● Get data in one place● Don’t go with home-baked scripts● Consider workflow engines

○ Luigi in particular30

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Data Pipeline ArchitectData Pipeline Architect

Thanks! Want to learn more?

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