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  • 8/13/2019 Data Storage System


    Holographic Memory

    Darrell Draper

    Phillip Palmer

  • 8/13/2019 Data Storage System



  • 8/13/2019 Data Storage System



    Data storage has been a fundamental part of computing fromthe beginning. The technology for data storage has beenevolving along side other areas of computing technology. Asthese other areas of technology have developed the need for

    bigger and faster storage has been evident. To meet the needfor better storage new technologies are constantly beingdeveloped as the old technology reaches it's physical limits andbecomes outdated. Currently there are several new

    technologies being researched as possible replacements forcurrent storage devices.

  • 8/13/2019 Data Storage System


    History of Storage


    Used for data, video, and audioCheap, Ideal for backup


    Same technology as tapeCheap, small storage size, portableHard Drives

    Faster than tape storageStill evolving

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    History of StorageOptical

    Compact DiscIntroduced in 1982Still the de facto standard for physical audio

    DVDInitially intended for Audio/Video use

    HD-DVD/Blu-RayEvolution of DVD formatFormat war won by Blu-RayStill evolving

    Holographic StoragePotential Replacement Technology

  • 8/13/2019 Data Storage System


    Holographic Storage - HVD's

    Potential to replacement

    technology in currentdomains of magnetic andoptical storage technology.Resembles Optical Discs

    similar to CD or DVDMuch high data density thencurrent optical disctechnologyCan read and write data in

    parallel allowing for muchhigher data transfer speeds

    Holographic Versatile Disc

  • 8/13/2019 Data Storage System


    Holographic Storage - HVD's

    Uses a reference beam and a data beam to create aninterference pattern.

    Write Sequence:

    the intersection of the two beams causes a change,which is then storedRead Sequence:

    actions of the reference beam and storedinterference pattern is recreates the data beam

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    Holographic Storage - HDV's


  • 8/13/2019 Data Storage System


    Reasons for Developing HolographicStorage

    Replacement as a backup mediaHigher data density than tape and current Hard DrivesData is stable for an estimated 50 years withoutdegrading

    Faster read and write speedsReplacement for DVD

    Higher data density than Blu-RayFaster read and write speeds

    Higher ceiling for max data storage capabilityIncreasing resolutions for TVs will require more storagefor movies and games

  • 8/13/2019 Data Storage System


    Benefits of Holographic Storage

    Theoretical data storage of >1TB/cubic centimeter

    Current technology can store approximately 4TB on aDVD sized disc

    Data longevityData security

    WORM (Write-once read-many) prevents data frombeing overwrittenFaster Read/Write speeds

    Data can be read and written in parallel instead oflinearly

    Higher speeds are necessary as storage amountsincrease

  • 8/13/2019 Data Storage System


    Drawbacks of Holographic DataStorage

    Not a guaranteed market leaderIf another technology becomes the industry standardthen read/write equipment will be hard to find

    Expensive development

    Existing technology is becoming better and cheaperIt is difficult to market a product that is more expensiveper GB of storage.

  • 8/13/2019 Data Storage System


    Where Holographic is Headed

  • 8/13/2019 Data Storage System


    Market Players

    General Electric

    In the process of developing a new holographicoptical storage disc, which would support up to500GB of data.GE is also looking to produce a holographic

    medium able to store more than 1 Terabyte of data.

  • 8/13/2019 Data Storage System


    Market Players continued...

    Introduced the world's first commercial holographic driveand media.

    Tapestry 300r300GB CapacityWORM recording format

    Out of Business

  • 8/13/2019 Data Storage System


    Market Players continued...

    Developed by OptwareLack of moving parts whenplayed creates advantageover discs.Claims to have write

    speeds that were 3 timesfaster than Blu-rayProjected launch date wasthe first half of 2007, but

    still is not available.

    Holographic Versatile Card

  • 8/13/2019 Data Storage System


    Where Holographic Storage is headed

    Developed by inPhase, Aprilis, Optware, GEAprilis website hasn't been update in over 2 yearsThe advancements in existing technologies forcedcompanies into niche markets that required large data

    storage and fast read/write timesNintendo has investments in Holographic storage tech

    At current time the future of holographic storage is bleakAs existing techologies hit their peak the market mayopen back up for holographic storage

  • 8/13/2019 Data Storage System


    Potential Competitors

    Similar technologies that may end up in a "format war"UV or X ray discs

    Utilizing a laser with a smaller wavelength allows forgreater storage

    3D optical discsStores data in three dimensions for greater datadensity

  • 8/13/2019 Data Storage System



    In conclusion, Holographic Storage has the advantage overother storage mediums as it relates to:

    Storage CapacityTransfer Rate

    BackupIts main disadvantage is its cost of ownership.

    Keep in mind, when Blu-ray was Introduced in 2006, a 25-gigabyte disc cost nearly $1 a gigabyte. Its about half thecost now. Overtime, the overall cost of holographic datastorage should decrease to an acceptable amount.

  • 8/13/2019 Data Storage System


    Works CitedHolographic Versatile Card

    Holographic Data Storage Versatile Disk Data Storage

  • 8/13/2019 Data Storage System


    Thank You
