date: 26 november 2014 headline: more tourists unhappy ... · headline: more tourists unhappy with...

Publication: The Straits Times, p 81 Date: 26 November 2014 Headline: More tourists unhappy with hotels, restaurants More tourists unhappy with hotels, restaurants Lower satisfaction scores attributed to labour crunch and high expectations Tourists taking a selfie at Marina Bay Sands' SkyPark. The tourism sector saw its score drop 7.3 per cent from last year. ST PHOTO: NG SOR LUAN HOTELS FARE POORLY Attractions and hotels had significantly lower scores. Hotels, in particular, declined 10.4 per cent to 69.4 points, their poorest performance since 2009. The supply of trained labour has not kept pace with the estimated 25 per cent increase in hotel rooms since 2011. Hotels may not have enough time to train new employees. Source: The Straits Times ©Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction. By OLIVIA HO MORE tourists are unhappy with restaurants and hotels here, the lat- est Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore has found. The annual survey by the Insti- tute of Service Excellence (ISES) saw a significant drop in consumer satisfaction for the food and bever- age (F&B) sector to 65.8 points from 70.3 last year - the lowest since 2011. The institute's director, Ms Caro- utive chef of Dempsey restaurant- bar The Disgruntled Chef, said tour- ists may have higher expectations due to the profusion of review web- sites like TripAdvisor, as well as so- cial media. The tourism sector also saw its score drop 7.3 per cent from last year to 69.1 points. Attractions and hotels had signif- icantly lower scores. Hotels, in par- ticular, declined 10.4 per cent to 69.4 points, their poorest perform- ance 2009 . since Ms Yasemin line Lim, said the manpower crunch, as well as higher tourist expect a- tions, led to the de- cline. Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore results Tecmen Stub- be, founder of YTS Hospitali- ty Marketing, estimated that hotel rooms in Singapore have increased by 25 per cent since 20ll, but the supply of trained labour ha s not kept pace. "Services, being people-intensive businesses, have had to cope with the manpower crunch and there has been much radi- cal redesigning of business models," she said. Co nsumer ratings for F&B and tourism sectors from 2007 to 2014 - Tourism - F& B 70 "These lower 60 -r----r-----r---,-r--..,...--r---r--- "You get new employ- ees in but you may not have enough time to train them. scores could be a case of correction as companies tran- sition to new busi- ' 07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 Source: INSTITUTE OF SERVICE EXCELLENCE ness models, with consumers taking time to adapt to new norms in how service is deliv- ered and experienced," she added. While the satisfaction of Singa- pore residents remained lower than that of tourists across the board, more tourists were displeased with service aspects such as restaurant cleanliness, or the wait for the food or bill. Restaurants and cafes suffered most in the F&B sector. Restaurant ratings dropped 10.5 per cent to 64.1 points. Bars, foodcourts and fast-food restaurants, which are less dependent on service, saw little change. Mr Daniel Sia, founder and exec- ST GRAPHICS "Operation- al excellence depends a lot on training." Ms Lim said: "It is timely for businesses to review their operat- ing model." She suggested they could have more self-service elements to com- bat staff shortages. The results were based on 8,600 interviews done between June and September this year, 4,850 with res- idents here and 3,750 with tourists. Started in 2007, the index from the ISES of the Singapore Manage- ment University reports customer satisfaction across nine economic sectors here, measuring up to three sectors each quarter. [email protected]

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Page 1: Date: 26 November 2014 Headline: More tourists unhappy ... · Headline: More tourists unhappy with hotels, restaurants More tourists unhappy with hotels, restaurants Lower satisfaction

Publication: The Straits Times, p 81 Date: 26 November 2014 Headline: More tourists unhappy with hotels, restaurants

More tourists unhappy with hotels, restaurants Lower satisfaction scores attributed to labour crunch and high expectations

Tourists taking a selfie at Marina Bay Sands' SkyPark. The tourism sector saw its score drop 7.3 per cent from last year. ST PHOTO: NG SOR LUAN


• Attractions and hotels had significantly lower scores. Hotels, in particular, declined 10.4 per cent to 69.4 points, their poorest performance since 2009.

• The supply of trained labour has not kept pace with the estimated 25 per cent increase in hotel rooms since 2011. Hotels may not have enough time to train new employees.

Source: The Straits Times ©Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction.


MORE tourists are unhappy with restaurants and hotels here, the lat­est Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore has found.

The annual survey by the Insti­tute of Service Excellence (ISES) saw a significant drop in consumer satisfaction for the food and bever­age (F&B) sector to 65.8 points from 70.3 last year - the lowest since 2011.

The institute's director, Ms Caro-

utive chef of Dempsey restaurant­bar The Disgruntled Chef, said tour­ists may have higher expectations due to the profusion of review web­sites like TripAdvisor, as well as so­cial media.

The tourism sector also saw its score drop 7.3 per cent from last year to 69.1 points.

Attractions and hotels had signif­icantly lower scores. Hotels, in par­ticular, declined 10.4 per cent to 69.4 points, their poorest perform-

ance 2009 .


Ms Yasemin line Lim, said the manpower crunch, as well as higher tourist expect a­tions, led to the de­cline.

Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore results

Tecmen Stub­be, founder of YTS Hospitali­ty Marketing, estimated that hotel rooms in Singapore have increased by 25 per cent since 20ll, but the supply of trained labour has not kept pace.

"Services, being people-intensive businesses, have had to cope with the manpower crunch and there has been much radi­cal redesigning of business models," she said.

Consumer rat ings for F&B and tourism sectors from 2007 to 2014

- Tourism - F&B


"These lower 60 -r----r-----r---,-r--..,...--r---r--­

"You get new employ­ees in but you may not have enough time to train them.

scores could be a case of correction as companies tran­sition to new busi-

'07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 Source: INSTITUTE OF SERVICE


ness models , with consumers taking time to adapt to new norms in how service is deliv­ered and experienced," she added.

While the satisfaction of Singa­pore residents remained lower than that of tourists across the board, more tourists were displeased with service aspects such as restaurant cleanliness, or the wait for the food or bill.

Restaurants and cafes suffered most in the F&B sector. Restaurant ratings dropped 10.5 per cent to 64.1 points. Bars, foodcourts and fast-food restaurants, which are less dependent on service, saw little change.

Mr Daniel Sia, founder and exec-

ST GRAPHICS "Operation­al excellence depends a lot on training. "

Ms Lim said: "It is timely for businesses to review their operat­ing model."

She suggested they could have more self-service elements to com­bat staff shortages.

The results were based on 8,600 interviews done between June and September this year, 4,850 with res­idents here and 3,750 with tourists.

Started in 2007, the index from the ISES of the Singapore Manage­ment University reports customer satisfaction across nine economic sectors here, measuring up to three sectors each quarter.

[email protected]