dates to keep in mind february 25,...


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Groundhog Day 2nd

HS Coffee 8th

HS Board Meeting 12th

Valentine’s Day 14th

Ash Wednesday 14th

Presidents’ Day 19th

HS Social 25th fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff


2 Barb Joiner #415

4 Jean Bell #316

5 Irene Sutrick #370

5 Carol Weber #269

5 Jean Konrad #201

9 Connie Thoma #369

12 Arlene Zwaagstra #204

15 Joyce Shackelford #264

17 Shirley Theis #363

22 Robert Obenberger #304

23 Rod Berger #254

25 Doris Pauli #265

26 Shirley Musbach #206

If you want your date(s) noted, please add to the calendars on

the bulletin board or e-mail to Jan Andresek or Connie Speiser



03~07 Glen & Rita Virtues #372

12~07 Michael Wiltsie &

Dona Schaller #661

If you want your date(s) noted, please add to the calendars on

the bulletin board or e-mail to Jan Andresek or Connie Speiser

FEBRUARY 25, 2018

5:00 to socialize, eat at 5:30 P.M.

Please BYOB, your own place setting and a

dish to share. This can be an appetizer, main

dish or a dessert, whatever you like.

Everyone is welcome.

We would like to get some volunteers to help with our

SOCIAL each month. Jim & Jean Bell and Jan Andresek

have done this for a long time. All you have to do is put

out the SOCIAL signs on Wednesday and pick them up

after the SOCIAL, make sure the tables are wiped off and

the garbage bags are taken out. We will post a signup

sheet at the Clubhouse. Thank you so much for your help.



HOSTS: Irene & Ed Sutrick

Thursday, February 8, 2018 At 9:00 am.

At the Clubhouse, join everyone for

coffee, donuts, hard rolls

and a chat with neighbors.

Please feel free to bring your own coffee mug,

otherwise we will use the Styrofoam cups.


There is a signup sheet for

Coffee Hosts in 2018 so please sign up.

Watch for details in the next

newsletter for the Chili Social

that will be held in March


Bob’s Corner February 1, 2018

Hartford Square Condominium

Owners Association

as we know it today,

could find itself in trouble

tomorrow. How can that be you say, the grass is cut, the streets

are plowed, the repairs are being completed

expeditiously, and the finances are strong, how can

you say the association is in trouble.

Each and all of the above statements are true;

however, the trouble is that these statements may not

remain true. Take a moment to again pull out the

August 9, 2017 Annual Report, turn to page 34, the

President has been in place since 2004, the Vice

President, C.F.O has been in place since 2002; the

current Secretary has been on this board in one

capacity or another since 2004; our director of

Landscape has performed that duty since 2005.

Everyone on that board has been there awhile. Don’t

you think it is time for some new blood, with new

ideas and new ways of doing things? These long

serving directors and officers are reaching the point

of “burn out”. I myself found it necessary to back

away from my responsibilities around October 1st

through the middle of January, fortunately for all

concerned, there is a “strong bench” of board

members that were able to step in and take charge.

Sure, you say “these leaders are doing such a good

job, no one could replace them”. Let me tell you, the

cemeteries are filled with “indispensable” people.

Nearly two thirds of the present Hartford Square

residents didn’t even live here six years ago, yet we

have no new members helping this board. We have

begged for people to step forward to simply walk

through the clubhouse at 9:00 P.M. one or two weeks

out of the entire year, very few people are even

willing to provide that very simple service. The very

concept of a “condominium” in its origin was “all

coming together for the common good of all’. We

have the “common good” part down pat; however,

the “coming together” part is not present at Hartford


Current residents, upon deciding to purchase a

condominium, have chosen Hartford Square over

various alternative associations for a variety of

reasons, not the least being the general condition and

economics of Hartford Square, together with our

reputation as a well-run association. None of those

attributes will remain, and your own individual

property values will deteriorate if we are forced to

bring in a management firm to do what our

volunteers have been doing for nearly twenty years,

and I can tell you that the current staffs of volunteers

are getting pretty tired.

The only area in which we have any depth at all is

finance and accounting where we have a Chief

Financial Officer, a Treasurer and a President that is

an accountant by profession. Beyond that we have a

recording secretary with an assistant, both of whom

have made it abundantly clear that they have signed

up for two years and not a day longer.

Reading the write up introduction of new residents

that appears in our Newsletter, I am sure that there is

a wealth of skill and knowledge going untapped

among the residents of Hartford Square. Why should

we have to “pull teeth” to get closers for the

clubhouse; hosts for Thursday morning coffee;

members for the Club House committee; internet /

computer assistance; trades people to assist with

maintenance and repairs. Presently we are paying

outside vendors to do much of this stuff, actually,

you, the residents are the ones paying, as those costs

are reflected in the monthly condo fee, that fee will

surely continue to go up, but it will go up even more

if we continue to bring in outside vendors at their

retail rates.

Simply stated, we need to build a “bench of future

leaders” to participate with the current leadership

team, and step in to take this organization to the “next




Attention Hartford Square Residents!

No dryer vent duct cleaning was organized for 2017, so we already have a substantial list of unit owners interested in having this service done in 2018. Sign-up sheets were posted at the Clubhouse at the beginning of December 2017. This notice is for all neighbors who’ve not yet seen it, or don’t typically visit the Clubhouse. I am one of the residents who inquired about dryer vent duct cleaning this past fall. A few weeks passed before I heard back and was encouraged to create the sign-up sheets. It’s taken me a while to get this organized… my volunteer time is drastically limited as I work 80 hours per week on average. My apologies for missed ‘dry roof days’ when some vents could have already been cleaned. Happy to report this project is ‘full steam ahead’ now, so service will commence as weather / roof conditions permit, and as DUST FREE DUCTS can fit us into their schedule.

DUST FREE DUCTS / 12045 W. Howard Av / Greenfield, WI 53228 / (414) 541-7344

This was the service used in 2016. They do thorough work at a modest flat fee of $20.00, which is very cost-effective ‘fire insurance’ to be sure! They clean your vent from the roof down. YOU are responsible for the portion you see inside your unit. It is highly recommended that you remove the elbow where it connects to your dryer, as some of the loosened lint and residue falls as the work is being done. THIS is flammable material you DON’T want left in your vent (think of it as the creosote in a chimney) so please make sure you finish the job following the service from DUST FREE DUCTS.

If you choose NOT to have this service annually, please be sure you are removing accumulated lint from the trap in your dryer at the end of EACH laundry session, or following the drying of fuzzy fabrics. Also be sure to detach and vacuum out the vent between your dryer and the ceiling at least once per year. Perhaps you’d consider having the professional cleaning done every other year. If you don’t know the last time yours was cleaned… IT’S TIME TO DO IT!

As reported on Fox6 in 2014, a woman in Milwaukee allowed 10 years of dust and lint to build up which resulted in a dryer fire that destroyed her home and nearly took her life in the middle of the night! (additionally, she’d put a load in and went off to bed...not a good idea) DRYER SAFETY: (reprinted from Aug. 2014 Newsletter) 1. NEVER LEAVE A DRYER RUNNING UNATTENDED! Fire can start & spread in SECONDS!! 2. Remove Lint from dryer lint trap after EACH use

3. Vacuum dust and lint from under and behind your dryer often

4. Thoroughly clean your dryer VENT once EVERY YEAR (hard-sided vent recommended)

5. See Claudia K.'s suggestions about yearly vent cleaning in her Buildings & Roads Report back from the 2014 Annual Report (blue cover booklet) if you have it 6. Test your Smoke Alarms monthly to be sure they'll alert you should a fire start

Dryer and vent fires are common, and our roofs cover 4-6 units each. Please be a conscientious neighbor and do your part, as once a fire starts, damage won’t be limited to only your unit! As you read this notice, the sign-up list (thus far) from the Clubhouse has been submitted to DUST FREE DUCTS for scheduling. I will continue to monitor the list and submit new requests. Meanwhile, others may CALL ME to sign-up. Please leave your name, unit number and phone number on our answering machine. In the off-chance the machine is full when you call, please wait a day or two and call back. I assure you, ALL requests will be submitted for service. PLEASE CALL ME OR SIGN-UP AT THE CLUBHOUSE… NOT BOTH



Hartford Square Condominium Owners Association, Inc.

Directors Meeting Minutes

JANUARY 8, 2018


Present were: Jim Semler-Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, Connie Speiser-Treasurer, Claudia Kollenbroich-

Secretary, Sally Oswald-Assistant Secretary, Rod Berger, Ken Schultz, and Steve Otten. Bob Burgardt and Lee Jones were

unable to attend. Also, in attendance was Fred Morris, unit 602.

Meeting was called to order at 6:58 p.m. by Vice President Jim Semler in the absence of Bob Burgardt, President.

The meeting began with resident presentations. Fred wanted to inform the board that water was coming into his home

around or near one of his new skylight installations. This has occurred since the previous Saturday. Jim advised Ken Schultz

to contact the installer and have them check the skylight. Fred then left the meeting.

SECRETARY'S REPORT – Claudia Kollenbroich The minutes from the December 11, 2017 meeting were presented. Motion

was made by Sally, second by Rod to accept the minutes as presented. Motion carried.

Claudia gave a report detailing whose terms with the board would expire this August. We will potentially be losing 4 board

members this year and 3 members in 2019. None of those board members have expressed a desire to run for another

term. Candidates are urgently needed.

TREASURER'S REPORT – Jim Semler Last month the Investment Committee recommended the purchase of two $20,000

structured CDs. The recommendation was approved by the Board. Since that time, the purchase has been made. However,

on the Balance Sheet, those investments are recognized as $40,000.00 Current Assets. The Balance Sheet will instead be

corrected to show these investments in the Investment Portfolio (111) portion of the sheet.

Operating expenses are normal for the month with the exception of the $2105.40 spent to replace a clubhouse hot water

heater. A bill has also arrived from Allar for $5100.00 for various jobs completed by them this summer and fall such as

tree trimming, removal and replacement.

CONCERN FORMS/BUILDINGS AND ROADS – Ken Schultz Each of the concerns that are still pending were reviewed. There

is still some caulking and painting of skylights to be done by the handyman. The handyman is here for a limited amount of

time on Fridays and will continue to clear the concern log. There are some concerns that involve working outside the will

be addressed, weather permitting.

LANDSCAPE REPORT – Rod Berger Nothing to report at this time.

CLUBHOUSE REPORT – Claudia In Lee's absence Claudia read Lee's report. The window in the pool that was replaced

recently has cracked. Bob's Glass will be replacing it under the warranty.

The roller on the gate to the garbage area needs replacing. This job has been turned over to the handyman.

HFR Electric is working on heaters in the shower rooms. The representative stated that the 14-gauge wiring supplying the

current heaters needs to be changed to 12-gauge by code. HFR is considering using ceiling heaters with thermostats and

will be sending us an estimate shortly.

The ToeNail Trimmers are requesting more space than the spare room they are currently using. They are to use either the

same room they have been in or the exercise room only. The main hall and library are not to be used for this process.


NEW BUSINESS The board's discussion turned to the lack of willingness by owners to run for the board at each August

annual meeting and the ramifications it soon may have upon this association. It is imperative, in order to keep costs

down, that our volunteer status continues to thrive.

Jim mentioned that ice has been building up on the furnace exhaust pipes of those 4-family units that have basements.

The pipes are several feet off the ground but due to the very cold weather this winter there may be an ice build-up. If

Rod sees this happening while he is out and about the Square, he will move the ice away. All owners are advised to

take a look from time to time and make sure that ice is not impeding the furnaces ability to run and clear the ice away.

OLD BUSINESS Discussion was held again about the verbal attack of a director at the November 26, 2017 social and

what will be done about it. The disciplinary decision will be deferred to the February meeting.

Motion made by Claudia, second by Sally to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:46 p.m.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be February 12, 2018 at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Claudia Kollenbroich – Secretary




Ken and Ellie Hyland


New Arrivals Title Author

Fiction The Counterfeit Heiress Tasha Alexander

The Search for Joyful Benedict Freedman

Whispers Lisa Jackson

Different Seasons Stephen King

NYPD Red James Patterson

World War 2-Love Stories Gill Paul

The Unloved John Saul

Stranger in the Mirror Sidney Sheldon

Beyond Band of Brothers Major Dick Winters

The Cat Who knew A Cardinal Lilian Jackson Braun

Nightmares & Dreamscapes Stephen King

Honeymoon James Patterson

Book of the Month

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Thought-provoking, life-affirming, triumphant and

tragic, this is a novel of breathtaking scope,

masterfully told. It is an important piece of work, but

also a wonderful page-turner

Please do not leave catalogs, advertising fliers,

coupons, etc. in the library. Share these items on

a one-on-one basis. Thank you!


If anyone knows of a resident that is

hospitalized, not feeling well, or a death of a

resident or “immediate” family of a resident

please contact

Pat Dopki at 673-054

Hartford Square

Book Club

will meet at 2:00 pm

Thursday, February 15, 2018

at Culver’s

1570 E. Sumner St., Hartford

We will be discussing:

“All the Light We Cannot See"

by Anthony Doerr

Thursday March 15th

"The Boys In The Boat" by Daniel James Brown

Thursday April 19th

"Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn

Everyone is Welcome

Next Month Deadline

February 21, 2018 Jan Andresek ~ unit #217 ~


e-mail: [email protected]

Connie Speiser ~ unit #410 ~


e-mail: [email protected]

If you are not currently getting a newsletter delivered to your

paper box and would like one delivered, please contact Jan

or Connie either by phone or email listed above. Thank you.


New Resident Profile By: Joanne Burgardt

Landolt, Patricia #555

Phone# 920-267-0111

I met with Pat on a COLD Wednesday afternoon. She is a delightful lady, and we had a great visit.

Pat moved into Hartford Square on December 16, 2017. She most recently came from Oshkosh, WI, before that she lived in Hubertus and Milwaukee.

Pat has 2 sons and 1 daughter. One son lives in Tennessee, and the other in Hartford. Her daughter lives in Sussex. She proudly states that she has 5 grandchildren, but waits to have her first great-grandchild.

Pat graduated from West Division high school in Milwaukee and worked as a bookkeeper for 30 years. Pat was married young to the love of her life, whom she lost in 2004.

When asked about any hobbies or interests, she said her family and just enjoying life.

Pat indicated that when she decided to move to Hartford, her son knew of Hartford Square and encouraged his mom to come and look. They got in touch with Ken Schultz, who had a listing on unit 555. One look by Pat, and it was a done deal.

We are so glad to have you join our "family" here in the square. Welcome Pat, and we hope to see you for a hot cup of coffee at the clubhouse.

Hartford Square

On-Going Activities


6:30PM Sheepshead


9:00AM Women’s Water


10:00AM Mahjong

1:00PM Bridge

6:30PM Dominoes


9:00AM Stretch & Strengthen

10:00AM Shuffle Board

1:00PM Hand and Foot

1:00PM Billiards Tournaments

6:30PM Hand and Foot


9:00AM Women’s Water


1:00PM Dimes

6:30PM Sheepshead


9:00AM Stretch & Strengthen

10:00AM Shuffle Board

1:00PM Sheepshead

6:00 PM Darts


9:00AM Women’s Water


1:00PM Dimes

6:30PM Euchre .