david king emory baptist heritage

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  • 8/14/2019 David King Emory Baptist Heritage


    Vol. XXXVIII No. 13 July 4, 2008

  • 8/14/2019 David King Emory Baptist Heritage


    Guest Preachers in July

    Our own David King will be with us in worship oJuly 13. David and his wife Lauren are relativelynew members of the FBC Decatur family. David isa Ph.D. candidate in Historical Studies within theGraduate Department of Religion at EmoryUniversity. In addition to his studies, he currently

    works with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship in the area of New Church Starts. Lauren teaches second grade at LilburnElementary. They live in Lilburn with their dog Lucy.

    Dr. Robert Wallace , Assistant Professor oReligion and Director of International Programs atShorter College, will bring the message on July 20while Pastor Julie is away on vacation. Rob hasserved as pastor and interim pastor in a number of churches in Texas and Georgia. He is married to

    Cindy, who is a hospice chaplain with United Hospice of Rome.They are the parents of two terrific boys, Daniel andThomas.

    Among FriendsWhat a great time we had last week in Memphis!

    Tim, Lucy and I headed to the city of Blues andBarbecue for the 17 th annual gathering of theCooperative Baptist Fellowship. It was our first visitto Memphis and we managed to take in some of themust see sitesBeale Street, The Rendezvous (seriously deliciousbarbecue) and the Civil Rights Museum, a particularly moving

    experience. Never made it to Graceland. Well drop in on Elvis nexttime.

    But far and away the most exhilarating part of the trip for mewas the CBF General Assembly itself. Friends, there is a discernabletransformation taking place in the Fellowship. During the past fewyears theres been a shift in the conversation. Everywhere I went lastweek I heard folks talking about the work of the Spirit and what Godis doing in their lives and around the world.

    Twice during the three-day assembly all other activities werebrought to a standstill so that we could gather in regional groups topray. We spent several hours prayerfully discerning together whereGod is taking us as a movement of Christ-followers.

    Also inspiring to me is the growing number of young womenand men in CBF life. More young church leaders and seminarians areplunging in at all levels. Many of the speakers and worship leaderslast week were 20- and 30-somethings. This is a good sign for our future.

    On the global front, much attention was given to the ways inwhich CBF continues to work among the worlds most marginalizedand least evangelized

    people groups. One of CBFs strengths is that,rather than creating everyministry initiative fromscratch, we partner with

    all kinds of organizationsand groups to extendChrists love. Currentlyt h e w o r k o f t h eFellowship even intersectswith the work of theUnited Nations! In the year 2000 the U.N. adopted eight goalstheUnited Nations Millennium Development Goals (or MDGs)whichaddress extreme poverty around the world. Today CBF globalmission field personnel ministries are intersecting with these MDGsin a number of creative ways. Read more about this atwww.thefellowship.info/mdg .

    Im grateful to be connected with these brothers and sisters inCBF and am glad that FBC Decatur is part of this growingfellowship of believers. The Spirit is at work in the Church aroundthe world and the winds of the Spirit are blowing through theCooperative Baptist Fellowship! I cant wait to see what God doesnext.


    Rick and Ellen Burnette to join us July 13C o o p e r a t i v e B a p t i s t F e l l o w s h iMissionaries to Thailand and long-timefriends of FBC Decatur, Rick and EllenBurnette will share about their ministry in

    both worship services on July 13th. For 14years Ellen and Rick have walked alongside

    the Lahu, Karen and Palaungmembers of Burmese hill tribes as they struggle to survive in jungle-covered mountains of northern Thailand. In 1996, the Burnettes started the UplandHolistic Development Project as an openly Christian ministrydesigned to meet the needs of the displaced hill tribes, who lack

    Thai citizenship and access to government services, educationand even employment. The Burnettes use their expertise inagriculture to help about a dozen impoverished hill tribe villagesgrow enough food to support themselves for as long as they are inThailand. Over the past 8 years, including this year, FBC Decatur has sent 4 teams to Thailand. This partnership has been a blessingto Rick and Ellen and to our church. Come and meet them on July13 th!

  • 8/14/2019 David King Emory Baptist Heritage


    Congregational LifeThanks for Your Ministry at Hagars House Hagars House is a shelter in Decatur for homeless women and children and a ministry partner of First Baptist Decatur. Enormous thanks to the Kingdom, Welcome All, LLL, Pilgrims, Fellowship,Young Adult 1 and Verdery Bible study classes for bringing meals to the residents of HagarsHouse this past week. Your ministry blessed them and blessed God.

    Media Center Summer Reading Program is Underway

    Saddle up and Read, Buckaroo! Our Media Centers Summer Reading Program runs from June15July 20. All children pre-K-6th grade are invited to the Media Center (Room S-229) before or after worship to register. All kids will receive freebies when they register and there will be other great prizes given along the way!

    The Youth Are Headed to Hurley!The youth will be heading to Hurley, Virginia this year for their annual out of town mission week.We will be working with Hurley Community Development. HCD is a Christian organization thatstrives to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of people in Appalachia and help them remainin the area. We will be helping HCD by providing labor and material for all kinds of projectsincluding home repairs, light construction, painting, roofing, and cleaning. This trip is open to allyouth who have completed the sixth grade and it will be from July 12July 19.

    Clothing Room NeedsSupply Running Critically Low! Mens short sleeve button down shirts- all sizes T-shirts- all sizes (clean) Golf style shirt- all sizes Pants- jeans and work pants sizes 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 Shoes athletic and dress- sizes 8-14 White socks for men (new) or money to purchase them

    Tithes & Offerings

    A Generous People2008 Ministry Action Plan

    Weekly Need: .....................$ 27,36Received on June 22:..........$ 22,32Y-T-D Need:.....................$ 684,03Y-T-D Received: ..............$ 571,65Surplus/(shortfall):.... ........ (112,380

    Y-T-D (May) Net Deficit.... (37,287

    Years of Opportunity 2007-09Campaign

    Given to Date:...................$ 309,91Bank Loan Balance:..........$ 266,23Owed to FBC Fdn.:...........$ 180,00

    Missions Offering YTD ......$ 9,155

    Prayer Concerns as of June 26, 2008

    In The Hospital: Jack Wilson, newborn son of Mattand Danelle Wilson, NICU,

    Northside. Tyler Cagle, Acute Neuro Rehab,Phoenix, AZ. Condition improving. Sandy Sears, sister-in-law of SusanSears, St. Josephs. Diane Wilemon, sister of CaroleWright.Congratulations To: Matt and Danelle Wilson on the

    birth of Jack Theodore Wilson onJune 21. David and Candace Kesler McKeeon the birth of Benjamin MichaelMcKee on June 23.Sympathy To: The family of Edna Pittman.

    Wednesday Dinner Menus

    July 9Grilled Chicken Stir-Fry, WhiteRice, Salad Bar, Yeast Rolls, PeanutButter Chip Pie.

    July 16Chicken Salad on Crescent Rolls,Pasta Salad, Salad Bar, BroccoliSalad, White Chocolate Macadamia

    Nut Cookies w/ Ice Cream

    Wednesday Nights This Summer New Schedule!

    5-6Supper (fellowship hall)6-6:15Prayer Time (Chapel)

    6:15-6:45Our Baptist Heritage Series (Chapel)

    Our Baptist HeritageJuly 9 & 16 Baptist Theology: A Really Short Version ; Led by Charles WhaleyJuly 30, Aug. 6 & 13 Freedom: The Key to the Baptist Genius ; Led by Bill Fulkerson

    July Mission EmphasisGift Boxes for Troops

    Rather than wait for the Christmas Season, FBC Decatur will be collecting items and money tosend 100 boxes to our troops this summer. During the month of July please bring some of thefollowing to the church:

    SMALL packages of candy (no chocolates), nuts, trail mix, beef jerky, crackers and snacks,dried fruit, packages of tuna, potted meats. Also mens and womens toiletries (travel size).White socks, foot powder, chapsticks, baby washes, face towels and wash rags. Also,

    paperback books (new) of mystery or adventure, DVDs, CDs, and AA batteries. There will be collection sites around the church for these items.

    We will also need $1,000 to ship these boxes. Volunteers are needed the first week of August tohelp sort and pack the boxes. Please help to support and encourage these men and women who areso far from home. For more information call the church office, Jean Sparks (404-296-1526) or BillFulkerson ( 404-296-5881). Thank you. The Missions Advisory Team.

  • 8/14/2019 David King Emory Baptist Heritage


    Kids ZoneUpcoming Wonderful Wednesdays!

    July 2 Lunch and Movie at North DeKalb Mall(times and movie selections to follow)

    July 16 Front Lawn Slip and SlideBring your Dinner and lawn chairs and wewill have some water fun for children of allages

    July 30 Family Swim and Cook Out

    August 20 Power Up

    Upcoming Extended Session Volunteers:

    July 6 July 13 July 20 July 27Herndon Bigbie Turk AnandWilliams Kennedy Smith Fisher Minor Palmer Mwangura Parker Visser Milton Edmonds Madden

    The Outlook , a publication of the First Baptist Church of Decatur,Georgia, is mailed to members and friends of the First Baptist family.

    Main Office......................................404-373-1653Finance.............................................404-370-7694First School ......................................404-370-7688

    Activities ..........................................404-373-2442FAX ..................................................404-370-7692Debbie Britt .....................................404-373-1653Ryan Forbes.....................................404-370-7690

    Julie Pennington-Russell.................404-370-7684Kurt Varney......................................404-373-1653Bob Williamson ...............................404-370-7687

    Computer Connections: Websitehttp://www.fbcdecatur.com

    [email protected]

    The Outlook , USPS 600-320, is published bi-weekly, exceptChristmas week, by First Baptist Church Decatur, GA

    Postmaster: Please send address changes to First Baptist Church,308 Clairemont Avenue, Decatur, GA 30030

    Youth Sp tThe Children and Youth Ministries will be hosting a

    progressive dinner and slumber party for all rising sixth graderson Sunday evening, July 6th. This will be a great time to helpwelcome the new sixth graders into the Youth Ministry. Pleasekeep your eyes open for more details in the coming weeks.

    Summer Fun!Summer Fun!Summer Fun!Summer Fun!