day 1 math, like terms

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  • 7/27/2019 Day 1 Math, Like Terms


    1.1 Working with Like Terms


    Daily Objective

    Fred ordersd

    Do Now

    Common Core Math Standard

    AZ-7.EE.1:Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand

    linear expressions with rational coefficients

    Jenni always works twice as many hours as Scott. If Scott works his typical 6 hours on

    Monday and half that amount on Tuesday, how many hours does Jenni work over the

    same time period?

    What is the question asking?

    What do I need to know first?

    How will that help me answer the question?

    By the end of the lesson, I will be able to ______________________________________



    ** How Can I Use This? **

    Mr. Walker and his friend go to the drive-thru at McDonalds. He orders threehamburgers and two fries and his friend asks for four hamburgers and three fries.Represent the total number of hamburgersh and friesfby writing an expression.

    3h + 2f+ 4h + 3f= 7h + 5f,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNFVh0xeM3UU-4nfU8wsOlnV5yr8pw&ust=1374774179500879,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNFVh0xeM3UU-4nfU8wsOlnV5yr8pw&ust=1374774179500879,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNFVh0xeM3UU-4nfU8wsOlnV5yr8pw&ust=1374774179500879,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNFVh0xeM3UU-4nfU8wsOlnV5yr8pw&ust=1374774179500879,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNFVh0xeM3UU-4nfU8wsOlnV5yr8pw&ust=1374774179500879,d.cGE&psig=AFQjCNFVh0xeM3UU-4nfU8wsOlnV5yr8pw&ust=1374774179500879
  • 7/27/2019 Day 1 Math, Like Terms


    1.1 Working with Like Terms


    Essential Vocabulary

    Teacher Model1. Example 1

    2. Example 2





    Identifying Like Terms Combining Like Terms

    6x + 8 + 2 6x + 8 + 2



    3 + 7x + 4 3 + 7x + 4



  • 7/27/2019 Day 1 Math, Like Terms


    1.1 Working with Like Terms


    Steps for Combining Like Terms

    Guided Practice

    Identify the constantterms andvariableterms. Simplify the expression.

    1. 3x + 8 + 2x 2. 4x + 7 + 5

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    3. 2x + 3x + 2x 4. 4 + 6x + x

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    5. 5x + 4x + 8 6. 9x + 5x

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    *A variable without a coefficient has a value of _______.

    *Always keep the sign that is ___________ a number. `

    1. Determine what the question is asking

    2. Identify the unique parts of the expression

    a. Circle the constants

    b. Underline the variables

    3. Simplify the expression

  • 7/27/2019 Day 1 Math, Like Terms


    1.1 Working with Like Terms


    Guided Practice

    Identify the constantterms andvariableterms. Simplify the expression.

    1. 7x + 8 + 6 2. x + 3 + 8x

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    3. 4 + 5x + 9x 4. 6 + 3x + 12 + x

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    5. 4xx + 7 6. 8x + 57x

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    7. 2x + 7xx 8. 14x5x + 10 + 4

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    9. Mr. Walker, despite his busy schedule, always finds time to read. This monthhe has read 4 books and 7 magazines. Last month he read 5 books and two

    magazines. Write an expression for the total number of books b and magazines m

    that Mr. Walker read.

  • 7/27/2019 Day 1 Math, Like Terms


    1.1 Working with Like Terms


    Partner Practice

    Identify the constantterms andvariableterms. Simplify the expression.

    1. 4 + 7 + 5x 2. x + 9x + 5

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    3. 7x + 35x 4. 6x10x

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    5. 5x2x + 8 6. 9x + 57x

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    7. 3x + 12 + 4x6 8. 4x + 5x + 9 + 7

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    9. 5x + x6 + 5x 10. 7x + 5 + 7x1

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

  • 7/27/2019 Day 1 Math, Like Terms


    1.1 Working with Like Terms


    Check for Understanding

    Demonstrate what you have learned by solving the problems below. Youmay refer back to your notes.

    Identify the constantterms andvariableterms. Simplify the expression.

    1. 3x + 8 + 2x 2. 4x + 75

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    Whats Wrong With This?Look at the mistakes below and answer the questions to the right

    Reviewing the Objective

    Problem 1

    6x + 3x + 9 + x = 19x (What went wrong? What is the correct answer?)

    Problem 2

    5x + 72x = 7x + 7 (What went wrong? What is the correct answer?)

    Today, I am able to _________________________________________________


  • 7/27/2019 Day 1 Math, Like Terms


    1.1 Working with Like Terms


    Independent Practice

    Work independently and silently on the problems below. If you have any

    questions, refer to your notes and follow the procedures outlined in them.

    This is why we take detailed notes!

    Identify the constantterms andvariableterms. Simplify the expression.

    1. 3x + 6x + 4 2. 2x + 7 + x

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    3. 2x7 + 3x 4. 66x + 9 + 11x

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    5. xx + 6 6. 12x + 53x

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    7. x + 2x + 3x 8. 7 + 7x + 24x

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

  • 7/27/2019 Day 1 Math, Like Terms


    1.1 Working with Like Terms


    Independent Practice

    Work independently and silently on the problems below. If you have any

    questions, refer to your notes and follow the procedures outlined in them.

    This is why we take detailed notes!

    Identify the constantterms andvariableterms. Simplify the expression.

    1. 4x + 7 + 2x 2. 4x7 + 3

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    3. 2 + 3x + 7x 4. 14 + 2x4 + x

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    5. 11x2 + 8x 6. 6x + 5x

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    7. 13 + 4x + 2x 8. 7 + 5x + 10x + 9x

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

  • 7/27/2019 Day 1 Math, Like Terms


    1.1 Working with Like Terms


    Daily Review Sheet

    This page is for you to keep in your binder and is to be worked on when you are finished

    with the daily notes packet. It counts as a grade. Itwill serve as an overview of the days

    lesson and is a quick reference for use on weekly quizzes.

    Part 1: Objective(review the daily objective)



    Part 2: Vocabulary(define the words from todays lesson)





    Part 3: Check for Understanding (apply your understanding of Like Terms)

    1. What are terms that have a number but no variable called?

    2. What is the coefficient ofy in the expression 83y + 1?

    Part 4: Example Problems (solve the problems)

    1. x + x + 7 2. 6x143x

    Constant: Constant:

    Variable: Variable:

    Simplified: Simplified:

    Part 5: Word Problem (Write a mathematical expression and solve)

    1. Mr. Walker watches TV every day. Two days ago he watched 2 movies andthree TV shows. Yesterday he watched 1 movie and 1 TV show. Write a

    mathematical expression that represents how many math problems m he will

    solve. Solve the expression.