day 4 awakening to the - anne baring · the soul or anima-mundi ... with the world beyond our...

Day 4 Day 4 Awakening to the Divine Feminine and the Soul The Black Madonna Divine Wisdom The Holy Spirit Her thoughts are more than the sea, and her counsels profounder than the great deep”

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Day 4

Day 4 – Awakening to the

Divine Feminine and the Soul

The Black Madonna

Divine Wisdom

The Holy Spirit

“Her thoughts are more than the sea, and

her counsels profounder than the great deep”

Window of the Virgin La




Sleeping Beauty

The Hedge of Thorns

Coronation of the Virgin - Gaddi

Black Madonna of Montserrat

The Black Madonna of Monserrat

Black Madonna of Monserrat veiled

Black M of Le Puy

The Black Madonna of Le Puy

BM of Beaulieu sur Dordogne

The Black Madonna of Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne

BM of St. Gervasy

The Black Madonna of St. Gervasy

BM of Clermont Ferrand

The Black Madonna of Clermont Ferrand

Figure of Wisdom – portal Notre Dame Figure of alchemy Notre Dame

Divine Wisdom – read Wisdom of Solomon



As a mother shall she meet him

with the bread of understanding

shall she feed him, and give him the

Water of Wisdom to drink.

Ben Sirach 15: 2-3

Divine Wisdom, The Shekinah and the Holy Spirit

The Shekinah

The Shekinah, Divine Wisdom, the Holy Spirit

Divine Wisdom

The Holy Spirit

Shekinah Glory white light on blue

The Holy Spirit

“The Voice of the Dove”

“The Jewels of the Heavenly Bride”

Kabbalah - Voice of the Dove etc

Kabbalah is known as

Tree of Life

The Tree of Life in Kabbalah

offers a template of humanity’s

ascent from unconsciousness

to cosmic consciousness.

Soul as Cosmic Sea of Being

The Soul

The Soul or Anima-Mundi

is the Cosmic Sea of Being underlying

physical reality

The Soul is the Source or Matrix of


the invisible Great Mother called

Sophia, Divine Wisdom, Shekinah, Holy Spirit

The soul is not only in us, we are in the Soul

Our physical body and brain are

the vehicle of the Soul

in this dimension of reality

You could not discover the limits of the soul, even if you travelled

by every path in order to do so; so profound is its meaning.


Gnostic Christianity

The Nag Hammadi Library

discovered 1945

The Divine Mother, Queen of Heaven

“The Invisible within the All”

“The Eternal Silence”T

Gnostic Christianity

I am the voice speaking softly.

I exist from the first.

I dwell within the Silence,

within the immeasurable Silence.

I descended to the midst of the underworld

And I shone down upon the darkness.

I am the one hidden within

Radiant Waters...

I am the Image of the Invisible Spirit.

I am the Womb that gives shape to the All.

by giving birth to the Light

that shines in splendour.

Trimorphic Protennoia

Nag Hammadi Library

Trimorphic Protennoia quote


Robin’s drawing

Concepts of the Archetypal Feminine

Concepts of the Divine Feminine

The Soul or Anima-Mundi

The Divine Ground of Being

The Trans-rational

The Matrix, Ground or Root of Consciousness

The Web of Life and Mediatrix of Connection

The Starry Cosmos as the Mantle of the Divine


Archetypal patterns of the Feminine


The Divine Feminine Carries the

Archetypal Pattern of






Innate Faculties of the Divine Feminine and the Soul

Innate Faculties of the Divine Feminine

and the Soul







Highest Qualities of the Archetypal Fem.

st Qualities of the Archetypal Highest Qualities of the

Divine Feminine





Beauty and Harmony

The Instinct to Heal, Nurture, Protect, Cherish

The Values

of the Heart

96% of the universe is






Universe 4%

96% of the universe is invisible

Dark Energy 73%

Universe is a web of energy patterns

The Universe is not a collection of objects, but is an

inseparable web of vibrating energy patterns in

which no one component has reality

independently from the entirety.

Included in the entirety is the observer.

Paul Davies, physicist

The entire universe is an interdependent system

that is co-arising with everything else at each moment.

In this co-arising process, we participate directly

with the world beyond our physical body.

Duane Elgin

The Flower of Life

The electro-magnetic quantum vacuum is a form of light. It

is an underlying sea of energy, that permeates every tiny

volume of space, from the emptiest intergalactic void to the

depths of the Earth, the Sun and our own bodies. Our

world of matter is like the visible foam atop a very deep

ocean of light.

Bernard Haisch, Astro-physicist Bernard Haisch, sea of energy as form of light

Scientists now know... that particles are nonlocally connected

with each other throughout space: Living things of all kinds are

nonlocally connected throughout a subtle field that scientists

know exists although they don’t yet understand what it is or how

it works.

Ervin Laszlo

There is but one force in the world, a single unique

current which passes through us and all things… It is

this force which links up everything, animates

everything; this is the fundamental substance of the


Sri Aurobindo

The Universe is an undivided wholeness in flowing


David Bohm

Aurobindo and Bohm quote

Ravi’s quote about the Oneness of All

f all that exists

The one central insight into Truth to which all Indian

wisdom points is the oneness of all that exists.

This insight is not alien to other cultures; but in

India all the great sages again and again return to it.

Although the truth is easily stated as “All is one”, the

sages have also said that the realization of this truth

in the core of one’s being can take many lifetimes.

And the realization of this truth is held to be the

purpose of human existence. All art, philosophy and

science, if they are true, reflect this vision and further

its realization. Ravi Ravindra , Science and the Sacred–

Three Orders or Planes of Reality

Three Orders or Planes of Reality

Three orders of Reality


Three planes of


the Divine Realm

The plane of Pure

Light beyond form;

angelic intelligences

The Intermediary

plane of subtle forms;

the “soul” world of

multiple dimensions;

higher vibrational rate

The plane of Earth; a

denser, material reality;

lower vibrational rate

Three Orders or Planes of Reality




Each of us has 3 Bodies

Each of us has three bodies

1. a physical body for this world.

Each of us has at least three bodies

for these three Orders of Reality:

2. a soul-body, called by some the subtle or etheric body, but

also called the radiant, luminous or starry body, composed of

much finer particles than our physical body and attached to it by

a silver cord. This body is weightless and can move freely; it can

create through the heart and the imagination and communicates


3. A spirit body or bodies — called radiant or shining — composed

of ever finer light particles that we enter as we move closer to the

light of the divine ground, ultimately merging with it.

Nine Celestial Hierarchies

Kubler Ross quote

Kubler Ross quote

“Nothing is more important for our well being than to

know that when we die we move into another reality

that is as real and vitally alive as this one.

Consciousness does not die with the death of the body:

consciousness is eternal.”

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

We are immortal and we retain our individuality

after we die.

We are immortal

There are literally millions of unseen worlds, planes or

dimensions inhabited by countless billions of souls.

There is no place called heaven or hell but there are states of

being which may be compared with these.

It is not what we believe but how we live our lives here that

draws us to the plane we will inhabit there.

No saviour accomplishes our redemption for us. We save,

redeem and heal ourselves because we have

the innate evolutionary capacity to do so. We are immortal

The Immortality of the Soul

Bridge with cosmic background

Angel of Chartres

We participate in great Web of Life Every atom of life

interacts with every other atom

Every atom of life interacts

with every other atom

None of us is truly separate from the other

We all participate in the great

Field of the Soul or Web of Life

which connects us to

all life on Earth and the life of the Cosmos