day1 marty burns

engineering laboratory International Technical Working Group on Smart Cities Architectures Dr. Martin J. Burns [email protected] Smart Grid and Cyber-Physical Systems Program Office National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) US Department of Commerce 1

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International Technical Working Group on Smart

Cities Architectures

Dr. Martin J. [email protected]

Smart Grid and Cyber-Physical Systems Program OfficeNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

US Department of Commerce

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engineering laboratory

Smart City Architectures

• Smart City technologies are being developed and deployed at a rapid pace.

• Many previous smart city deployments are custom solutions.

• A number of architectural design efforts are underway worldwide but have not yet converged.

• NIST and its partners are convening a public working group to distill a common set of architectural features from these architectural efforts and city stakeholders.


Goal: A reference framework for the development of architectures for incremental and composable Smart Cities

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How We Envision ItThis new activity builds on two NIST initiatives:

oThe Global Cities Teams Challenge that encourages “action clusters” to form and collaborate to demonstrate technologies at city scale.

oThe CPS Public Working Group that is developing a Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) which provides for a scientific underpinning of the description of the CPS/Internet of Things.

The following already exists:oMultiple architectures in Smart Cities, Internet of Things, and vertical

cyber-physical domainsoExample deployments from the Global Cities Teams Challenge and


These initiatives provide outputs that will be useful in distilling the common requirements and solutions observed into a Smart City Framework that supports a composable or building block approach to Smart Cities.

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How to Discover Consensus

Union of Applications







Common Pivotal Points of


Possible Extension


Process:1) Transform architectures to CPS

Framework normal form2) Transform deployments to CPS

Framework normal form3) Compare results of 1) and 2)4) Broaden consensus of

intersections5) Document Smart Cities


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Pivotal Points of Interoperability - PPI

To determine PPI the participants will review the following:• Examples of current architectures• Success stories about how seamless integrations were achieved• Standards to support the modular integration of new functions• Best practices - how to integrate features into existing infrastructures• Educational materials and tools for Smart City features

If you standardize everything, you freeze out innovation. If you standardize nothing, you get non-interoperable clusters that can’t be easily integrated. The principle of Pivotal Points of Interoperability is to find consensus standardized interfaces that deal with composition of CPS without constraining innovation.

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When? The timeline:

NIST is convening a public working group from around the globe including:

• Smart city leaders, administrators and planners

• Manufacturers of Internet of Things and other Smart City related components

• Researchers studying the integration of technologies into smart city designs

• Standards organizations investigating and developing smart city standards

• Industrial and commercial consortia developing IoT specifications and designs

• Governments involved in smart city planning and policy

Activities will begin in November 2015 with a key kickoff workshop in February 2016 (Europe) and March 2016 (at NIST). A draft result is

planned to be available late fall, 2016

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How to Get Involved

•Collaboration Web Site (under construction):o

•Mail list: oto email: to [email protected]; oto join: [email protected]

•Contact: [email protected]

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