dc november 2009

Fashion, Entertainment, Lifestyle From Zia Vaniva Who is Kinney Randt Behind the Man with Skyler Questi Commanding in UFStarfleet 2 Part Special by Jadia Triellis and Ulrich Bechir

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DC november 2009


Page 1: DC november 2009




From Zia Vaniva

Who is Kinney Randt Behind the Man with Skyler Questi

Commanding in UFStarfleet 2 Part Special by Jadia Triellis and Ulrich Bechir

Page 2: DC november 2009

It is with pride that i welcome the members of the United Federation Starfleet to the

brand new Delta Communicator – the Official online publication of UFS.

The Delta Communicator has been around for several years, almost as old as UFS itself –

first beginning as a project under the Communications Division then proceeding to

become a Branch of the UFS Inc. Media Team – with an overwhelming reputation for

outstanding journalism thanks to the members of the United Federation Starfleet who

have shown continuous skill and dedication to ongoing projects such as this.

With over a year passed since the last edition was published, the Delta Communicator

will be new to many members. We would like extend an invitation for the membership of

UFS to read the older editions of the Delta Communicator so they can examine all the

previous labours and the hard work which was involved in their creation.


Ens. CYLONXD Slade

Want to Submit an Article to the Delta Communicator? Then here’s the simple guide on how to do so:

1. Come up with an Article that is relevant to UFS, or it’s members.

2. Check your Article isn’t outdated for the publishing time

3. Submit via email to: [email protected]

4. Send a Forum PM at UFStarfleet.org confirming that the Article has been sent

5. You’ll receive a conformation message within 24 hours!

6. Good Luck!!

Legal Disclaimer

No Redshirts, horta, Ensigns or

Cadets were harmed in the

making of this

production – though many will

be scarred for life...

Page 3: DC november 2009

The State of UFS

Special Report

Change has been a topic that has been coming up a lot of lately, and with good reason. We - United Federation

Starfleet - are currently undergoing some changes that will hopefully help to address several problems that we

have been facing for some time.

The first series of changes involved the Marines. Lt Colonel Allen Blatchford was asked to step up to become the

Commandant, taking over for Major Lothar Bereznyak, whose real life responsibilities called him away from his duty

to the Starfleet Marines. Major Bereznyak did an outstanding job to keep the Marines together after an initial

period of uncertainty and helped to instil a true sense of pride within the corps. We salute him for his service, and

hope that he will find his way back to the Delta Quadrant as soon as his other affairs will allow him the opportunity.

Another change regarding the Marines involved the recall of all Marine officers and enlisted back to their

headquarters on Athena Station. While this didn't receive support at first, it was actually the best course of action

to allow the Marines Corps to operate in a realistic fashion - where the Marines could engage in missions on their

own, but still be requested to provide a fighting force for ships, stations, and facilities when needed. It also allows a

much greater opportunity for our highly trained combat units to be organized into the Marine Operations Specialty.

This organizational change will provide a much better structure, which will allow Marines of all types to get involved

and see a variety of situations.

The second change wasn't really so much of a change, but enforcing a recall on Intelligence officers that was

placed into effect some time ago. Since regaining its status as a branch, the leadership of the Intelligence has

been working hard and diligently to try and create the policies and procedures necessary so it can function

realistically, but without the unsavoury aspects that would result in friction between us and other Star Trek groups

within Second Life. It is why, over and over again, we have constantly reminded everyone that there is no such

thing as Section 31.

The enforcement of recall wasn't very well received by some, who attempted rebel at the orders rather than

providing the leadership of Intel the support that they needed so they could get the job done - a job that had been

ordered by me some time ago, and they were trying to put into place. Like the Marines, the purpose of the recall

was to allow for the organization of Intel into a branch that would allow agents to accompany the crews of ships,

stations, and facilities as needed in order to help provide critical information when it is necessary in order to save

the lives of Starfleet officers, enlisted, cadets, and even civilians within the Delta Quadrant.

Changes that are coming up very soon include new positions at the top with the leadership and administration of

United Federation Starfleet. As we've continued to grow, the burden has become very difficult and a heavy load on

the shoulders of a few. When real life happens to interfere, then it creates major roadblocks and log jams while all

of the burden is on those few shoulders alone. While things still get done and communication through the Chain of

Command still occurs, it happens much more slowly than what is needed to keep the organization functioning at its


Also, if you have noticed, outside of the CO position for some ships and stations, there tends to be longectivity on

the part of Branch Commanders. While this is actually a benefit to the UFS, as we don't have to train a new

Branch Commander every few months and it establishes much needed stability, it unfortunately results in

stagnation at the top. That stagnation can make some disheartened as there is no possibility for advancement,

and may result in the departure of some who were hoping that they could further their Starfleet careers.

The new positions, once they are in place and filled, will help to spread out the workload and responsibilities - which

are falling to only a couple of people - to many more shoulders, which will help us respond better to our ever-

growing membership base. Additionally, it means that several people will be moving up, thus creating new

opportunities for advancement where there currently is practically none.

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The State of UFS

Special Report

These are only the start of the changes that United Federation Starfleet will be undergoing. As has been said plenty of times

before, change is difficult. Too much change, too quickly, and some actually tend to balk at the changes that are taking place

in spite of fact that they are often intended to help with organization and efficiency. When changes come too slowly, it often

results in stagnation, boredom, and a decline in group membership since some don't see hope in the future.

But, what we are attempting to do with these changes is to create a future . . . one that is bright, and will help provide for the

longectivity and strength of United Federation Starfleet for years to come. We started this journey together, wanting to bring

one man's dream to fulrition within Second Life - that of Gene Roddenberry. Now, we have a chance to make it even that

much more of a reality with the changes that are are embarking upon today. If you have faith, and are willing to ride this out

for the long haul, I can guarantee that United Federation Starfleet will emerge stronger, bigger, and better than before!

We are building the future here . . . a future dedicated to you, and to everything Starfleet. This is one ride that you don't want

to miss!

In service to the UFS,

Admiral Mike Calhoun

Commander In Chief

Page 5: DC november 2009

I am writing this as Head of the UFS Operations branch, in order to make the membership aware of our accomplishments and work performed during the past months of September/October.

Several members have been awarded with commendations and promotions this period, undeniable proof of the hard work performed by the dedicated period who makes the Operations branch the biggest one in the fleet. Ash Drezelan - to LTJG

Brandi Meredith - to LT

Clintovius Trotter - to LTJG Raina McCallen - to LTJG

ScreaminEagles Turbo - to LTJG

Vic Petlyakov - to PO2 Captain Tammy Durant – awarded for the 2nd time the Executive Action award for the great job done while I was on LOA.

I’d like to especially mention 2 members of Operations who are definetly assets: Winter Rexen, as Yeoman for Personnel (and now Head of Personnel) and Jonathon Seriman, who has been serving as a liaison for the completion of cadet

projects. To them, my sincere thanks. It’s with a heavy heart that I announce the retirement of my ever-loyal officer, Kenny Mathews, who has left us also this month, but is around, fortunately , from time to time.

UFS Personnel continues to work hard to keep the membership data up-to-date, which is indeed a very hard task. Many changes have been taking place to help relieve the burden of paperwork and there are more to come. My thanks to all the

officers in that division, for their work and dedication, they deserve our utmost respect. Last but not least, I’d like to welcome the following officers who have graduated and joined the UFS Operations branch as well as the transfers:

Alexandra Atlass

Maverick Woodrunner Omega Zepp

Aisha Bandriss Garwick Gearz

Fred McCellan Archangel Dexter

Shawn Messioptra

Travis Sorrowman Derek Gearbox

Draco Burner

I do apologize if I have forgotten anyone… WELCOME! Several challenges are ahead of us very soon, as UFS Command restructures itself and with that, UFS Operations will also suffer good changes.

Until then… keep living the dream!

In Service of the Fleet,

COMM Taylorholic Durant Head of UFS Operations

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Greetings UFS! There have been many wonderful happenings in the Fields of Science lately.

At HQs level our Divisions are running smoothly At Tranquility base as reports come in from Science Officers stationed on ships and stations in Pinastri Prime and other sectors.

Our Science team at Pathfinder Research Facility, headed by CSO LT. Nabuleone Rhode and XCSO LT. Chronos Xaris, who are also Department Directors of Archaeology and Geology respectively, have been continuing to study ancient artefacts on Pinastri and the Geology of the area.

Our mission’s specialist, Commander Gijsjan Broek and his team has continued to survey Planets within the Delta Quadrant and have recently studied a culture similar to feudal Nippon that was on Earth.

Our group stationed on Tranquility headed by CSO Lt(jg) Denzen Mimulas has been exploring the area around the station as reports come in about a possible meteor travelling towards Piastri.

Astronomers are analyzing and scanning the data. As always our Science Officers on other ships and stations continue to explore the sectors and are making significant discoveries in the many fields of Science.

That is the current happenings in the exciting world of Science!

Captain Kevin Fremont UFS Science Branch Commander

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This month Engineering has undergone massive changes and overhauls.

We've added a new division, currently labelled Station Design Division to begin handling the overhaul and refit of UFS controlled

stations. This Division will soon be finished in structure and will be seeking skilled and motivated personnel to move to this

division and take it from PADD to reality. Additionally, it will be seeking someone who is highly skilled and adept at handling

many people as well as scheduling to lead it.

In addition to this I've awarded many long and overdue promotions and awards to the branch. Good job everyone, and keep up

the good work!

In much news, the USS Sheppard and USS Talisman-A are nearing completion, and will both launch in the coming two weeks.

ASDB, keep up the good work!

R&D has taken on a whole new life as Ens Aisha Brandriss and Lt Cmdr Dagger return it to the forefront of action in the Corp.

The fleet continues to perform admirably, and will grow and develop immensely under the new and continued guidance of LT

Jorden Allen, and Lt Cmdr Andrei Baxton.


LT. Wyp Luminos

Vice-Branch Commander

Engineering Branch

Page 8: DC november 2009

Well the recall of the Pinastri Marines to the Space Station Athena we have begun our move into the new United Federation

Starfleet Marine Corps. What has started with something as simple as the recall will end with a more efficient and stronger

Corps. We have returned to our roots, we are all Infantrymen again. And that is what it is to be at the heart of a Marine.

I wanted to sit down with the PADD and reflect on not just the past changes but those that are in progress with the Corps. I'll

start with what has already happened.

The recalled Marines have been restructured into a single Platoon with two squads lead by Marine Captain Sarandel Llewllyn

on Alpha Squad and Marine Captain Subedei Hashi on Beta Squad. Both of these squads are under the direct command of

Major Varon Vandeperck as the Commanding Officer of Forces command, or FORCECOM. Lieutenant Colonel Allen Blatchford

was appointed Commandant of the UFSMC by Fleet Admiral Mike Calhoun. Major Pema Nakamura retained her position of

Commanding Officer, Training and Doctrine Command, or TRACOM. I was appointed the Executive Officer, TRACOM and given

the task of overseeing the planning and creation of the new training every Marine will need.

Now I can change my focus to the future and tell you about the things that are coming to the Marines. First, we have revised

the requirements to joining the Marine Corp. For those cadet that just coast by in the academy, they will get a rude awakening

when they arrive at the new UFS Marine Corps Boot Camp. Here they will continue their education and learn what it means to

truly be a UFS Marine. Those that cannot seem to grasp the essence of being a Marine will washout and can find a role in the

fleet. To correspond to this new attitude in the Marines,TRACOM has created several new classes and practical exams that

are designed to give every Marine even more intense training on how to do their job, how to use the new equipment and

weapons being created for the UFSMC. I am also proud to announce the return of the Weapons Certification program, where

upon every Marine and even the Starfleet Security Officers, are required to re-certify with their weapons twice a year.

Starfleet Engineering R&D Division has been given plans for some new vehicles and weapons for the UFSMC and we are really

looking forward to getting them distributed into the active units of the Corps.

Now in closing this article about the new Marine Corps, I want to talk about what it is to be a Marine in the UFS. A UFS Marine

is a part of the elite ground force units of the United Federation Starfleet. Honour, Duty, Courage, and faithfulness are the

core elements of what it is to be a Marine. A Marine is not just a simple grunt on the ground, we are the ones that take

enemy emplacements and hold them for Starfleet Scientist and Engineers to analyze and destroy them when they are finished

with them. We provide direct and indirect support for Starfleet missions on hostile ships and planets. A Marine does not rely

on just his weapon, a Marine has all weapons at his disposal but the most important one is his brain. A Marine learns how to

handle any situation and to improvise how to adapt and overcome to any situation they have not experienced before. A Marine

is NOT an extension of Starfleet Security, while we may be asked to supplement Security on certain missions, a Marine is

trained to be a deadly force.

Report by Tarl Karu

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As Chief Flight Marshall of Starfleet's Starfighter Command I have had the distinct privilege of guiding the fledgling branch to its current state. The members have all shown themselves to be dedicated officers working hard to improve and advance UFS as a whole.

With the new project to convert the USS Talisman to a carrier and a swelling membership we are smoothly merging Starfighters and the extra tactical dimension they bring into the fleet, giving our Captains an invaluable resource.

We're very proud of 1st Lieutenant Selina Otsuka and her efforts in constructing new training facilities, as well as her and 1st Lieutenant Sela Baxton's work in the academy holding classes to train new cadets. We'd also like to congratulate 1st Lieutenant Selina Otsuka on her appointment as Commander Training Group and 2nd

Lieutenant Meiyuki Suisei on her new posting to Squadron Leader on board the Talisman, having already submitted her application for her squadron name "Avenging Angels" and organized her fighters. We look forward to new growth opportunities especially with the changes coming soon to UFS as a whole and promise the

Starfighter Command will do its best to serve the fleet.

In Service,

Lt Maj Slarus Rajal, Chief Flight Marshall, Starfighter Command Corps

Page 10: DC november 2009

An old Earth author, who often is paraphrased at the beginning of articles, once said "it is a truth universally

acknowledged that a cadet, in possession of some wit, must be in want of a lecture!" And I think this is a particularly

apt way to start an article.

My name is Valerius Swansong and, at the time of writing this, I am a Senior at UFS Academy on Pinastri. Though, I

tend to visit the academy from the USS Shogun's Hologrpahic Transmission system, as prior to having an

application accepted at the Academy, I was the Bar Manager in Ten Forward on USS Shogun. Now, while I could

commute, I feel a three month trip to Pinastri is a little long to wait!

So why have I decided to pick up a pen and write something? Well, two reasons really. Firstly, I think that it is useful

for people to see the realities of Academy life, as we all look back on our schooldays with fondness. Secondly, in

writing this, it may inspire some people to consider the Academy and the time that they may be able to donate in

improving access to classes for more cadets.

So where to begin? Well, I first would like to say that life at the Academy is not all wine and roses. Classes are

challenging sometimes, and that is good. I have to apologise to most of my lecturers, I am afraid I am one of those

cadets who always seems to have something to say at the end of the lecture. Not always, but often! And sparking a

debate is a great way to develop knowledge. I am also one of those cadets who, although knowing which billet he

wanted from day one, wanted to have a much broader base of knowledge, so I have taken not only the billet required

classes for Medical, but also classes from Culture, History, Engineering, Science, Security and Command. But why?

Well, mostly because I can imagine that life as an officer may mean having to know a little bit about a lot of subjects.

Also, it has made me appreciate the scope and depth of wisdom required in making this Federation great in a

relatively frontier piece of space!

Friendships, are also something which begin from the Academy. I have been lucky to make some great friends

quickly, as a result of looking at the range of classes that are out there. These include lecturers, professors, fellow

students and even visiting officers. All in all, the Academy is a great place to get to know people quickly. I also have

to say that, overall, the Academy has been a friendly, with many officers helping we students out, when classes are

cancelled or unavailable to us. Certainly, post-graduation, I am looking forward to lecturing in my chosen billet


Life, here in the frontier is not as easy as life was on Earth. There are so many cultures, lessons and so much

wisdom to learn. In my view, the Academy helps to forge these ideas, these concepts and give them credence. The

Academy is our "better days" and those who look back on them often tell me, that is was the greatest time of their

life to date, and looking at it from the Senior year, I have to agree!

As a passionate reader, I do like to consider that classes are there to spark debate. As I said earlier, I am one of

those people with a view and question on most things. the Academy is not about the stale regurgitation of fact, but

rather a stimulation of the mind. I have, on occassion, disagreed with a view and challenged it in an open forum, this

is not to impose my views on others, but rather to develop a more rounded sense of the subject at hand. I

remember being told once, a long time ago, that this is one of the best ways to learn. A good debate should always

leave you challenging your own preconceptions, should always make you think, and should always be done with

respect to the other person's opinion. The Academy, I feel, does just this. It is a great place to learn!

My only gripe about being in the academy is the uniform. No matter how many times I look in the mirror before

attending class, I look at my greys and think "My God, as soon as I graduate, I am having a giant bonfire!" I

encourage you to join me!

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In June of this year a select few of our brave Starfleet Officers boldly went where few of them had gone before.....Birmingham! This was the very first official United Federation Starfleet Alpha Company real life meet up and it was such a roaring success that they've decided to do it all again in Glasgow this December. It all began early this year when a few like-minded Alpha's got together to discuss the possibility of meeting up outside of Second Life. The idea soon caught on and other Alpha and non-Alpha UFS Members started to show interest. Fortnightly meetings where set up to discuss plans for the meet up and these soon became the highlight of the attendees weeks. Everyone got on so well and were so positive about the prospect of meeting in the real world, they all had a great time and the meetings would often end in a fit of giggles. A date was set and plans for the weekend were put in place, these mainly revolved around seeing the new Star Trek Movie and getting to know each other better over a friendly pint. By the time the big day rolled around seven UFS Members had confirmed their attendance and booked their accommodation and travel. Happy to keep the first meet up small those attending were near dilerious with excitement. They all arrived at the agreed location on the Saturday and were immediately struck by how comfortable they were in each other's company, each commenting on how odd it was to feel such a strong friendship with someone who was essentially a stranger they had only met for the first time moments before. The comfortable and friendly atmosphere continued throughout the weekend as the small group of now close friends ate, drank and saw the new movie together. When it finally came time to say goodbye everyone was sad to have to hug their goodbyes. However, all agreed that it would not be the last time they met. As soon as they were back in UFS the Alpha's got their heads together and began to plan the next real life meet up. The response to the news of the second Alpha meet up has been nothing short of staggering with more than double the original number of attendees looking to come along and join in the fun in Glasgow! Our intrepid Starfleet Officers are traveling from all corners of the Alpha timezones and beyond. And it's not just the guest list that is getting bigger, the meet up will now span three days with many attendees arriving on the Friday and staying through until the Sunday. The main bulk of the activities will take place on the Saturday, these include a sight-seeing bus tour of the city, mulled wine and iceskating in the famous George Square and a lovely evening meal by the River Clyde. The date of the Glasgow meet is Friday 11th, Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th of December with the main bulk of activities happening on the Saturday. The meet up is of course open to all UFS members, Alpha or otherwise, who are willing to travel to Glasgow in Scotland for any or all of the days.

Anyone who wishes more information about the upcoming Real Life Meet Up can IM Zia Vaniva in world or check out the thread in the "Member Input" section of the forum. Hope to see you all there! Article by Zia Vaniva

Page 12: DC november 2009

Light Years from Earth, But Still Home by Alexandra Ogleby, Lt. (jg) USS Shogun Deep space exploration. What a trip! It's everything I thought it would be when I still only dreamed of entering the Starfleet

Academy. And, now... here I am, serving one of the finest vessels in UFS. It's become home to me. The crew is like my extended family. Of course, this doesn't come without a price. I miss my real family, as I'm sure does the rest of the crew. But every day is an adventure. Sometimes good, sometimes frightening, but always exhilarating.

Recently we have been exploring the Devore System. Strange things have occurred, none of which are easy to explain. There hasn’t been a single crewmember that has been left unscathed. From fighting the Sla'their to infectious viral diseases, the ship’s doctor, Doctor Fargus Skytower, has his Sickbay hopping with activity. Engineering has redesigned the Crew’s Quarters.

Security has been busy with unauthorized weapons being found onboard. I guess there’s just never a dull moment on The USS Shogun. And, all this activity keeps our minds off the thoughts of home, and family and loved ones, some of whom are away on their own

exciting missions. With the addition of bartender Valerius Swansong at Ten Forward, we’ve been able to spend more time bonding as a team during our off-duty hours.

Looking forward, I wonder what exciting times lie ahead. My job: to meet the challenges presented, and lend my expertise to ensure the USS Shogun crew returns home safely in the future. I can’t imagine not being a part of these exciting times.

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Fashion, Entertainment and Lifestyle written by the Delta Communicator’s Guru, Zia Vaniva

Womens Top 5 Mens Top 5

#1 Store Name: Lo-Designs Store Layout: Clean, sleek and open. Everything in plain view and beautifully presented.

Price Range: Bargain! For the quality of the clothes and textures you'd expect to pay a lot more. Full outfits average at L$500.

D.C. Star Rating: ***** 5/5

#1 Store Name: Hoorenbeeks Store Layout: With the stylish look of a real life fashionable department store the easy to navigate displays make finding the perfect outfit easy.

Price: Pricey but you get a lot for your money. Worth every penny, you pay for the quality.

D.C. Star Rating: ***** 5/5

#2 Store Name: Bliss Couture Store Layout: Wide open spaces with wall displays that show a large number of products without being cluttered. The use of bright colour in the decor gives the store a fun and inviting atmosphere.

Prices: Always reasonable, middle of the road prices. Outfits range from L$150-L$600 dependant on size and items included.

D.C. Star Rating: **** 4/5

#2 Store Name: Redgraves Store Layout: The best in realistic SL fashion laid out in an easily accessible RL style store.

Price: Best dust off those latinum purses. D.C. Star Rating:***** 5/5

#3 Store Name: Phoenix Rising Store Layout: A large and nicely laid out store. The collections could be more easily signposted as in such a large store it's sometimes hard to find what you are looking for. However, always a pleasure to wander around as the clothes are simply stunning.

Price: D.C. Star Rating: **** 4/5

#3 Store Name: High Society Store Layout: Easily accessible displays. A great range of clothes to suit all tastes.

Price: Reasonably priced, no need to break the bank here.

D.C. Star Rating: **** 4/5

#4 Store Name: Mohna Lisa Couture Store Layout: The main store is a little bare as this designer is still developing her collection, however, lifesize manequins allow you to get a much better look at the outfits than just having photographs.

Price: Dresses average between L$499 and L$699. Great quality for the price.

D.C. Star Rating: **** 4/5

#4 Store Name: Rouge Store Layout: Open and light with clear and easy to view clothes displays.

Price: The quality is worth the price. Still not too pricey, a good

D.C. Star Rating: ***3/5

#5 Store Name: -UK- Couture Store Layout: Very realistic. Clean and sophicticated. All clothes are displayed with clear and close up images. The size of the store unit means that some displays are a little too close together making panning round the shop slightly more difficult.

Price:A little more expensive but generally worth it. D.C. Star Rating: *** 3/5

#5 Store Name: Edelstore

Store Layout: Loads of manuverability in the store, this makes all the difference to your shopping experience. Price: Always reasonable and good quality for the money.

D.C. Star Rating: ****4/5

Page 14: DC november 2009

Ok so you're all hardworking Starfleet Officers spending long hours beaming between ships, stations and planets with your heads buried in the latest status reports all the while. How many of you have ever thought "Jeez, I spend so much time in UFS I might as well live here!"....well guess what, you can! United Federation Starfleet offers a wide variety of different types of accommodation based both planet-side and off world. All accommodation comes with security doors programmed to open for the occupant only, rezzers which store your furniture when not in use and working replicators for all your culinary needs. Have a read at our helpful guide to UFS Living and find the perfect home right here at UFS. Finally somewhere to kick back and relax after a long hard duty shift!

Roddenberry Towers Location - Pinastri Collony, Sector 001 Rent - L$750 every 30 days Prim Allowance - 25 prims Features - These comfortably sized condos are pleasingly decorated in blues and reds over two levels and

are more than big enough for two people. Each condo comes equipped with open plan living area and kitchen on the lower level and a bedroom, work desk and seating area on the upper level. The furniture is fitted with poses and there is a working replicator in each kitchen. Condos to the front of the building also have the added benifit of sporting large covered balconies with breathtaking views over the Pinastri Collony. An absolute bargain at the price!

Helion1 Tower

Location - Above the Pathfinder Research Facility, Pinastri Collony, Sector 001 Rent - L$1300 every 30 days Prim Allowance -35 Features -These sizable condos let you live in the lap of luxury right at the heart of UFS, with large kitchen,

living and dining areas on the lower level and separate Study and Bedroom areas on the upper levels you'll never be short of space. This lovely accommodation comes with the added bonus of fantastic views of the Pinastri Colony and Phoenix monument. Highly reccommended for families or couples looking for a bit of room to spread out in.

Helion2 Tower Location - Above the Vendors, Pinastri Collony, Sector 001 Rent - L$3000 Prim Allowance - 50 Features - The biggest of all the UFS accommodation these impressive condos are nothing short of huge!

Worth every penny!

Tranquility Station Location - Tranquility Station, Habitat Ring, Sector 001 Rent - L$750 every 30 days Prim Allowance - 25 Features - If you like to stargaze then these maybe the quarters for you. Based aboard our busiest space

station these cozy quarters each span two levels and feature living, dining and kitchen areas on the lower level and bedroom and study area above. Again in an open plan format these quarters are smaller than the others but would still accommodate two occupants comfortably. They also have the added benifit of a communal park area for residents to relax in.

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As hardworking Starfleet officers we all know how precious and fleeting our off duty hours are. After a long duty shift we want to leave behind the PADDs, reports and pressure and just take some time for ourselves to relax, unwind and have some fun. We at the Delta Communicator want to help you make the most of those valuable off duty hours by giving you our recommendations for great locations and activities in and outwith UFS. Clubs

Club Latinum - Right on your doorstep Club Latinum has something for everyone with a variety of excellent DJs and fun filled events happening each and every week.

Blackhearts - The best 80s club in SL it always has a fantastic party atmosphere. Friendly DJs and energetic hosts are always on hand to get the party started.

Frank's Place - With a formal dress code and smooth jazz Djs playing the classics this club is elegance and class itself. Perfect for a romantic night out with that sepcial someone.

Underground - A SL recreation of a club in the heart of swinging London UG offers up a selection of music spanning the decades and always including the latest new releases. If you like to keep up with what's new and hot on the music scene then UG is the club for you.


Quark's - Join Mourn at the bar for a synth-ale or take your chances at the Dabo Wheel; Quarks offers a fun and informal venue for you and your colleagues to get together in and enjoy a well earned drink....or two....

Inspired by Wine - This elegant wine bar combines the beauty of a 20th century french city setting with a exquisite selection of truly exceptional wines. A truly sophisticated venue.

The Blarney Stone Irish Bar - If you're in the mood for a good old knees up and sing song over a pint of the black stuff then this is the pub for you!


Pinastri Collony - UFS isn't all ships and facilities, the Pinastri Collony offers a wide variety of beautiful spots in which to relax. Why not take a wander around the grounds and see what you've been missing.

Inspire Space Park - Meditate in a cosmic orbit, relax with some tai chi and enjoy orbital rides. The space music stream runs 24/7 and the sci-fi lounge is a great place to chill out.

Hyde Park London - An excellent recreation of the old Earth park. This expansive park includes Dell Cafe, lots for new and existing avatars to do, building in the sandbox, Ice skating and London Hyde Park Shopping Mall.


Pinastri Collony - With expansive coastlines Pinastri offers fantastic waterside fun. Why not hit the beach in Sector 001 for sunbathing and dancing or curl up under a tree with a good book by the water in Sector 002

Golden Sands - The perfect romantic get away. Why not take that special someone and walk barefoot in the sand as you watch the sun set over a clear blue ocean....paradise.

Fun/Unusual Activities

Fishing at UFS - Located next to Roddenberry Towers enjoy the ultimate in relaxation by just kicking back and enjoying the sun with this lazy passtime. If you're looking for something a little more fast paced then why not turn up the heat and prove your skill by joining in on one of our regular fishing contests.

KJ Racing - A full sim of go karting! A fabulously fun day out, race against friends or simply see how fast you can navigate this extensive track. Hours of fun!

Dollinger Ice Rinks - grab your skates and hit the ice. A "cool" way to spend your off duty hours.

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In this fast-paced world of duty shifts, Computer Consoles, shuttles, run-abouts and transporters you might be forgiven for forgetting about the natural world every now and again. We are all guilty of rushing from duty station to duty station, post to post; living by the clock, our heads buried in a PADD and never really stopping to look around us as we go. On Pinastri however, this sad fact of life is a particular shame as there is so much on offer right here on our doorstep. If we take the chance to stop and look we will find some of the most stunning views in the Delta Quadrant in and around the Pinastry Colony. With seemingly endless golden sand beaches edging the island and lush green forest areas inland we really do have our own little slice of paradise. So the next time you are dreaming about that shoreleave on Risa or planning to take atrip to the Holodeck why not take a walk around the UFS grounds. Pack a picnic and hike with that special someone to the top of the northern cliffs, there you can relax as you take in the breathtaking views of the Pinastri volcano and crystal clear waters below, all against a backdrop of burning orange sunset. If you're looking for something a little more active, the surrounding cliffs offer great rockclimbing opportunities, while the beaches can play host to a number of water sports. There really is something for everyone. Dr Zia Vaniva-Mistwallow of Starfleet Medical HQ tells UFS News... " When it comes to our health there really is no substitue for spending time outdoors. There are a whole host of negative physical and psychological effects that space travel can have on humanoids, and although the development of holodecks has helped greatly with these issues it is still important for crew to get outdoors as much as possible. Even UFS officers posted to the facilities on the planet's surface are not immune to these problems. Working long hours in an office and beaming from building to building can be a very claustrophobic existence." Dr Vaniva-Mistwallow goes on to urge all UFS members to take advantage of the extensive grounds of the Pinastri Colony stating..."We travelled all the way to the Delta Quadrant in the name of exploration, doesn't it make sense to explore the planet we are living on while we're here?" So the next time you are on the planet, bypass the transporter, take your head out of that PADD and look around. You may just be surprised by what you find back in your own backyard.

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Elvera Lerner This fantastic performer has been treading the boards of Second Life for as long as I can remember and is always a joy to behold. With her eclectic mix of musical styles ranging from show tunes to jazz and blues Elvera appeals to a wide audience and enjoys a large following within the SL music world. Working with a number of Performance venues within Second Life she not only performs regularly at Wise guys Night Club ( http://slurl.com/secondlife/Wiseguys/171/81/22) but a few months ago also paved the way and raised the bar for SL performers everywhere by putting together her very own Broadway showcase right here in SL! This fabulous event was extremely well received and spectacular to watch as it contained set and costume changes just like those in real life stage productions. I would highly recommend that everyone see her perform at least once, you'll be totally hooked. An absolute must see of the SL music scene!

Mihangel Thespian With its elegant appearance, sublime sound and sheer presence few would argue that the harp is one of the most magical and beautiful of all the Terran instruments. However, until you have heard Welsh Harpist Mihangel Thespian plucking expertly at the strings you do not fully understand what decadent and breathtaking music it can produce. The quality of the performance is rivalled only by the unimposing atmosphere of beauty and peacefulness which it evokes. Guaranteed to calm even the fieriest of tempers, a performance by Mihangel is the perfect way to relax and let the worries and stress of the day drift off into the distance on a stream of elegant melodies. Mihangel plays a mixture of classical and contemporary pieces, appealing to a wide audience with his performances in and outwith Second Life. He already has a large and ever growing following and the future looks bright for his career in the SL music scene. Definitely one to watch out for!

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So, I’ve been asked to talk about command and what I feel is important. This actually led to a bit of an issue because I had to

decide between style or elements. Style presents a specific problem because each person is going to have a different style. No

two people are going to approach any leadership situation exactly the same way. For that reason, I decided to leave style aside.

Find your own style don’t try to steal anyone else’s. If you do, you’ll only be disappointed.

This means I had to settle on elements. What elements I feel are the most important when dealing with command. Well, I

could talk about work ethic and time management skills; those sorts of things. The problem is, then we get a treatise on what

work you have to do. No one wants to hear that. I’m kept busy, enough said. The most important element then to me would

have to be people skills. This is kind of funny because I never really saw myself a paragon of people skills, however the fact that

I realise where my weaknesses are in terms of this area, accept them, and try to be mindful of them and work past them is

the first important factor.

i) None of us is perfect, don’t act like you are. If you make a mistake, you make a mistake. Own your error, learn from it and

use it to grow in terms of ability and skill. People tend to respect that. It also makes your crew more willing to admit error

which can save a lot of time later. This is a part of ‘lead by example’. A little humility goes a long way.

ii) Always go with your experts. You have people who are in areas of expertise on your ship. Trust their expertise and you ’ll

rarely go wrong. Let the engineer be an engineer, let the doctor be a doctor, let Ops be Ops. If they run in difficulty, help them,

but otherwise let them do their jobs. If it were an orchestra you wouldn’t go around playing every instrument to make it sound

right, instead you’d work to get them playing all together. That makes a Commanding Officer a conductor. Sometimes that

takes you directly out of play, but you’re always in the middle of the action.

iii) Praise in public, criticize in private. This is a really tough one sometimes, especially when you’re really annoyed with

something. However, you usually get a better discussion going in IM with the person because they’re less defensive and

embarrassed about being called out in public. Even in a RP instance, I would rather take the person aside in my office than say

something in front of others.

iv) Give respect to receive respect. Fairly simple here. How can I expect people to treat me with respect if I’m not willing to

give it to them? Again, during times of anger, whatever, this is hard to cling to for everyone. I know I’ve fallen from that one

when I’ve been in a bad mood, or annoyed or whatever. However, its something that you should try and do.

v) Get second opinions from people you trust and listen to them honestly. Yeah, this is a tough one. No one ever wants to be

told they’re wrong, or that they’re not looking at something the right way. It’s hard. However, your best friends, your closest

allies, the people who actually care and are trying to help will tell you when you’re being a double dumb ass. Polite dissent and

disagreement is not the same as lack of loyalty, in fact it is just the opposite. When people care about you, about what you

believe in, about what you try and do they have the guts to stand up and say, “Listen, I think you’re off base on this.” You owe

these people a listen, they’re seeing things from a perspective you might not be. Which reminds me, thanks Jadia for telling

me to rewrite this, you were absolutely right.

vi) Try not to beat yourself up and never lose sleep. First of all, keep everything in perspective for you and everyone else. If

Ensign Ricky can’t make it this week because he’s going on a RL date and he lets you know, good for Ensign Ricky; real life

comes first. And if you start losing sleep over the fictional starship you CO then you start becoming more grumpy and

irrational and upsetting yourself more. This makes everyone miserable. Try to keep some perspective.

I know there are more… there’s always more. Again these are things I TRY and remember; I don’t always succeed. I do find

though that they help to keep me happy and therefore people around me happy. That’s really what it’s all about. Happy people

make good crew, good colleagues and good friends.

LTCMDR Ulrich Bechir Commanding Officer

USS Shogun

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To be a leader is a hard task, and to be a Commanding Officer is even more difficult. The difference between the two, and what

makes each successful is important, and something that many Ship and Station Commanders, Branch Commanders, as well

as other individuals in an area of leadership need to consider.

A Leader is someone who is able to lead, command, or motivate a group of people. Now while someone who is a leader is not

necessarily a Commanding Officer or an Officer in Command. Someone who is a Commanding Officer is always supposed to be

a leader. Although those that work for you can be leaders, this does not change the fact that you are THE Commanding Officer

you are THE Leader. Keep this in mind as you consider your crew and personnel. They will look to you to set the standard, and

you must make the example a positive one. Once you're able to accept this fact, you will be a step closer to becoming a good

commanding officer.

How do you lead? This is a question that is different for every Commanding Officer or leader, so for me to attempt to answer

this question would be very tough. However, my motto is you lead like you would want to be lead, and be able to do what you

expect your crew to do, in at least a general basis. A leader does not criticize or berate their crew for the world to see; instead

they take the time to talk to individuals privately. For the most part, this method has ensured much success, as the

individual/s will be less defensive and open to constructive criticism. If you enforce this policy in the workplace, processes will

run much more smoothly.

Take responsibility. Often we as individuals want to say it is not my fault or, she started it. As a Commanding Officer, anytime

your member does something, you yourself have done it. That does not mean that your crewmember slides free, however it

does mean that you hold them and yourself accountable. Responsibility for crew and yourself is key and a crucial part to being

respected as a Commanding Officer. If you cannot accept the blame for something, or admit your faults, why should you expect

your crew to behave any differently? This is a mutual respect issue and one that you would be good to adhere to.

Do not be intimidated. As a Commanding Officer in any capacity, one of the more difficult facets of my job was and is ensuring

that everything for my crew and station goes well. At times this task can be quite daunting when difficult circumstances such

as; I don’t have enough crew, or I don’t know how to roleplay come up. When this occurs, it is wise to talk to people you trust

and look up to. Sometimes a different perspective can be refreshing, and remember you do not need to do the job alone, you

have a crew, delegate, work together, as you can not do everything alone forever…trust me, I’ve tried.

This is what has worked for me thus far as a Commanding Officer; however what I have written here is far from complete.

Each individual will lead differently just remember to keep trying. If at first you do not succeed, try try again. If this RP does not

work now, it may succeed later, the only requirement is that you attempt, because if you give up you will certainly fail.

Article by Lt. Commander Jadia Triellis

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Who are the people who make up UFS? You could say they are the crew and officers around you...and you would be right. You

could say it is the spirit that links us all together and makes us look to the stars...and you would be right. You could say it is the

ships, and buildings and the ethics that combine us into one family, and again you would be right. But UFS is more than that...it

is made up of people from all over the galaxy. People who have lives away from the fleet, who have families of thier own. Some

of them we know very well, some of them we may only know their names or faces, and some we have not noticed at all.

In this series we will examine the men and women who make up UFS. What is it like to serve aboard a starship, or a space

station, or to be at headquarters? How does their job differ from mine..and why do they do it? Where do they come from and

where do they hope to go?

Today I am looking at Lieutenant Kinney Randt, Commanding Officer of Tranquility Station. Tranquility Station is in orbit of

Pinastri Prime and is a Cascade III class station, and was originally named Cascade. Manufacturing started on Earth in early

2381. It was transported in segments to Pinastri and assembly began later that year on stardate 060812. In mid 2382 the

station underwent a major redesign and extensive engineering work began. Approximately 6 months later during 2383 the

redesign work was completed and the station was renamed Tranquility. On 081006 then Ensign Randt transferred to

Tranquility, to become Tranquility's XO under Lieutenant Commander Chad Hoorenbeek. When asked about Lt Randt,

Commander Hoorenbeek replied, "He was instrumental is me getting command of Tranquility. He is a great person to work

with and has some great ideas when it comes to RP's. He helped me with creating ideas and creating drafts explaining what

our ideas were and how we planned to get Tranquility up and running" Actually everyone I spoke to, all mentioned the

lieutenant's dedication, loyality and creativity. On 090131, he was promoted to Commanding Officer of Tranquility, the post he

holds today.

He has been decorated 12 times including: Ribbon of Merit, Ribbon of Valor and Distictive Service. and has many loyal friends.

But all of this can be learned from his service record and by asking a a few people. But who is this man? Where did he come


Born in Boston, Mass on the planet Earth on June 2358 to Kathy Gray & Alex Randt, this human man was an above average

student. Kinney has an older brother and a younger sister. He studied hard and entered the Academy in San Fransisco, CA

right out of high school. There a tragic shuttle crash took the life of a loved one, and the broken hearted cadet requested a

transfer as far away as possible, here to Pinastri in the Delta Quadrant. Here he finished his Academy education and by

working hard to forget the past, he managed to forge a bright future including a UFSA Excellence Ribbon.

However it was not all work and study for our cadet. One day while passing through Pathfinder Research Facility, young Kinney

bumped into a fellow cadet, Moonprince Rhode. They excused each other and went on their way, but they kept finding

themselves in class after class together. According to Moonprince ( Lt Commander, Current Head of R&D at UFS Engineering

here in the Delta Quadrant), "We really didn't hit it off until our first bridge simulator class though." Moonprince Rhode offers a

shy smile. The couple began dating and then married on 082008, the first same-sex marriage on Pinastri Prime. They are not

stationed together..which they both said was difficult but as Lt Commander Rhode said, "I dont ever wanna put him or myself in

the position of being asked to chose between his life or the station/ship." which can be one of the hardest parts of serving with

a family member. However, they do enjoy spending their off time together, dancing and talking in their island home.

Over and over the same words kept coming up when I asked people to describe Lt Randt: Loyal, caring, cares about his staff

and crew, creative, inventive and wonderful to work with. I am lucky to have been allowed to get to know this officer and human.

Ensign Skyler Quest