de-risking outsourced environments · 2019-02-20 · negotiated from a security perspective. skybox...

Total visibility. Focused Protection.™ Identify and Mitigate Risk Beyond Your Home Environment Large scale outsourcing of different components of operations and infra- structure has meant that, for many organizations, the view of their envi- ronment has become increasingly fragmented. This makes the network perimeter difficult to define. It is almost impossible to plan an effective defense strategy. In a much-cited report from 2013 involving investigations into 450 global data breaches, Trustwave found that 63% were linked to a third-party component of IT system administration. These findings were echoed in a 2018 UK Government report, which found that businesses using cloud computing were more likely to have faced breaches than those which do not (52 percent versus 43 percent overall). Although Trustwave’s 2018 Global Security Report did not reference third-party breaches directly, it too noted that, “Overall, targeted attacks are on the rise, and attackers continue to grow more sophisti- cated, attracted by the lucrative possibilities of a world that increasingly conducts its business in the cloud. It is clearer than ever that everyone who relies on today’s technology - not just security and IT professionals - must adopt an informed defensive stand to protect themselves from attack.” DE-RISKING OUTSOURCED ENVIRONMENTS WITH SKYBOX SECURITY Business Brief How, why and where Skybox can reduce third-party risk

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Page 1: DE-RISKING OUTSOURCED ENVIRONMENTS · 2019-02-20 · negotiated from a security perspective. Skybox Security Suite. The Skybox® Security Suite . reduces outsourcing risk by helping

Total visibility.

Focused Protection.™

Identify and Mitigate Risk Beyond Your Home Environment

Large scale outsourcing of different components of operations and infra-structure has meant that, for many organizations, the view of their envi-ronment has become increasingly fragmented. This makes the network perimeter difficult to define. It is almost impossible to plan an effective defense strategy.

In a much-cited report from 2013 involving investigations into 450 global data breaches, Trustwave found that 63% were linked to a third-party component of IT system administration. These findings were echoed in a 2018 UK Government report, which found that businesses using cloud computing were more likely to have faced breaches than those which do not (52 percent versus 43 percent overall).

Although Trustwave’s 2018 Global Security Report did not reference third-party breaches directly, it too noted that, “Overall, targeted attacks are on the rise, and attackers continue to grow more sophisti-cated, attracted by the lucrative possibilities of a world that increasingly conducts its business in the cloud. It is clearer than ever that everyone who relies on today’s technology - not just security and IT professionals - must adopt an informed defensive stand to protect themselves from attack.”


Business Brief

How, why and where Skybox can reduce third-party risk

Page 2: DE-RISKING OUTSOURCED ENVIRONMENTS · 2019-02-20 · negotiated from a security perspective. Skybox Security Suite. The Skybox® Security Suite . reduces outsourcing risk by helping


De-risking Outsourced Environments | Business Brief

Challenges of Outsourced Environments

Outsourcing Responsibility but not Accountability

Over the last 20 years, outsourcing adoption has increased dramatically, with many organizations engaging with single, dual or multiple out-sourcers which each manage different infrastructural components. But while responsibility for these components has been outsourced, account-ability still resides with the end user. This means that if an enterprise expe-riences a cyber breach due to a weakness in the outsourced-managed environment, it will typically be the end-user enterprise that suffers the operational consequences and negative publicity – not the outsourcer.

Lack of Visibility

Most organizations outsourcing part(s) or their entire infrastructure will have a lack of visibility into how the outsourcer is managing their security needs. It can therefore be difficult to verify if the outsourcer is maintaining compliance and resilience, performing appropriate actions to secure the infrastructure and whether it is meeting its contractual obligations around compliance, change, patching etc.

Fragmented Monitoring and Incident Response

Because outsourcing infrastructure leads to a fragmentation of the complete estate, monitoring becomes a challenge. And, because the organization will not have central visibility of its infrastructure, it is very difficult to manage monitoring activities in a focused way, let alone be able to respond to incidents when they occur.

When an organization has implemented a Security Operations Center (SOC), the operations of the SOC are undermined by a lack of visibil-ity into the outsourced environments. A lack of context means that it is unable to prioritize and properly focus on monitoring. It also means that it will not have the capabilities to effectively co-ordinate incident response across its entire environment.

Immature and Risky Operational Processes

Outsourcing increases the difficulty of ensuring mature, risk-aware processes are implemented. These processes prevent risks from being inadvertently introduced and also ensure that the processes sitting between the organization and its outsourcer(s) are properly defined.

If an enterprise has outsourced network management and wants to make a network change, this raises the question of who assesses the impacts on risk and compliance. Typically, the outsourcer will be focused on making changes as quickly as possible to avoid penalties and meet SLAs. While the end user may assume the outsourcer will be risk assessing the required changes, there is a good chance that this will be overlooked. This is an issue that can often result from outsourcing contracts that are poorly negotiated from a security perspective.

Skybox Security Suite

The Skybox® Security Suite reduces outsourcing risk by helping to police third-party environments and institute mature operational processes, linking together end user and outsourcer teams.

• Single network viewto quickly identify andreduce risks due tovulnerabilities acrosson-premises, cloud,outsourced and OTnetworks

• Unify management ofinternal and externalpolicies

• Reduce network changerisks

• Reduce violations anderrors

• Improve audit andreporting

• Reduce risk of cyberbreaches

Page 3: DE-RISKING OUTSOURCED ENVIRONMENTS · 2019-02-20 · negotiated from a security perspective. Skybox Security Suite. The Skybox® Security Suite . reduces outsourcing risk by helping


De-risking Outsourced Environments | Business Brief

The Skybox Solution

For enterprises that have already outsourced all or part of their infrastruc-ture, Skybox provides the visibility needed to de-risk these environments. For those in the process of outsourcing or transitioning from one provider to another, Skybox safeguards access to all data needed to mitigate these challenges by building it into outsourcing contracts from the outset.

Complete Visibility of Third-Party Infrastructure

Skybox enables constant, day-to-day visibility of any third-party infra-structure. When combined with the solution’s mature processes and the delivery of the context needed to proactively maintain resilience and respond in the event of an attack, it is clear that the Skybox® Security Suite offers a step-up from the ad hoc audit data that is generally provided by outsourcers.

Comprehensive Modeling and Analytics

The modeling and analytics provided by Skybox enable visibility into how outsourcers are managing the infrastructure. This includes visibility of network compliance and visibility into whether the patching being carried out is actually maintaining resilience.

Thorough De-risking of Operational Processes

Skybox establishes mature operational processes between your organi-zation and its outsourcer(s) in critical areas such as network compliance, change management, vulnerability patch management, security opera-tions and incident response. It brings unity to fragmented environments.

Global Strengthening of Security and Compliance

Skybox provides the visibility needed to ensure outsourced providers are meeting their obligations around compliance and security. And, by enabling visibility into third-party resources, Skybox can assist with meeting governance requirements around legislation such as GDPR.

Fully Supported SOC

By providing complete visibility of the entire infrastructure, including the outsourced component(s), Skybox enables a SOC to function more proactively (as opposed to simply monitoring), and also to adopt a much more effective context-aware approach to incident response.

Reduced Risk of Cyber Breaches

Through a combination of mature processes, visibility of what third parties are doing, and helping outsourcers to prioritize and proactively fix identified issues, Skybox can help you to reduce the risk of cyber breaches.

“With so many contracted agencies, we need to connect to all of their infrastructures, sharing systems and data. As a manager, I worry about these things, and I wasn’t happy with the view I had of my firewall network. I didn’t have insight into the firewall rulesets. I would breathe a sigh of relief every year when we received our penetration testing results, but I’d like to not worry for the other 11 months of the year.”

Technical Security Director, UK county council

“Life is changing. A big part of our jobs is enabling new business services. We have to know the network inside and out. Everybody expects all network devices to talk to every-thing else in the network. And we have to know what is talking, how it’s talking, who it’s talking to in order to meet future needs.”

Technical Security Director, UK county council

Page 4: DE-RISKING OUTSOURCED ENVIRONMENTS · 2019-02-20 · negotiated from a security perspective. Skybox Security Suite. The Skybox® Security Suite . reduces outsourcing risk by helping


De-risking Outsourced Environments | Business Brief

Key Business Benefits

• Increased likelihood of maintaining resilience in multi-outsourcedenvironments

• Improved management and prioritization of outsourcer activity

• De-risking and streamlining of critical processes

• Automated visibility of network compliance

• Reduced audit costs thanks to manual methods being phased out

• Reduced complexity for Security Operations teams

To find out more about how Skybox can help to de-risk your outsourced environments, go to

About Skybox Security

Skybox provides the industry’s broadest cybersecurity management platform to address security challenges within large, complex networks. By integrating with 120 networking and security technologies, the Skybox® Security Suite gives comprehensive attack surface visibility and the context needed for informed action. Our analytics, automation and intel-ligence improve the efficiency and performance of security operations in vulnerability and threat management and firewall and security policy management for the world’s largest organizations.

W: | E: [email protected] | T: +44 (0) 20 3897 2249Copyright © 2018 Skybox Security, Inc. All rights reserved. Skybox is a trademark of Skybox Security, Inc. All other registered or unregistered trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners. 11302018

“Skybox security analytics have changed our processes and the way we think. We think about security from the ground up, and it’s really helped us focus our risk assessment methodology. We’re thinking in security questions now like, ‘What is the total impact of this change?’ It’s opening a lot of new doors.”

Head of Technology, UK county council