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  • 8/6/2019 Dead Space 2 Walk Through


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    Posted on January 21, 2011, Phil HornshawDead Space 2 Walkthrough

    UPDATE: Our Dead Space 2 Video Walkthrough is now live on YouTube! Check out the DeadSpace 2 playlist, along with an entire YouTube channel filled with walkthrough video goodness!

    The success of Alan Wake proved that the survival horror genre is still going strong, and DeadSpace 2 is bursting back on the scene this year with enough scares to make you go prematurelygray. Screenshots make it look like the slick evolution of the original that everyone expected,although there are some clever new touches, like a 4v4 multiplayer mode that will see one teaminhabiting the Lovecraftian boots/claws of the Necromorphs.

    The games levels are sure to be packed with ambushes, audio logs, and tricky boss fights, sotaking advantage of some help will definitely augment the experience. You might also beinterested in checking out our Cheats page, which acts as a comprehensive Dead Space 2resource, or viewing lists of Trophies or Achievements. Our unlockables page has information

    about Modes, Schematics and Equipment you can use to augment your experience.

    Table of ContentsChapter 1Triage RoomChapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6

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    Transport HubChapter 7Kill the MainframeChapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10The BridgeChapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15The Final BattleThe Walkthrough

    Chapter 1

    You wont have long before its time to just start running. Hold down LB or L1 and keep moving.

    Whenever you see monsters appearing ahead of you or on the sides as you hit junctions, moveaway from them. The path is fairly simple.A second later, youll hit a door. Follow the prompts to escape danger and youll be in the clear, atleast momentarily. Ahead is a save point on the wall, marked by a Camera icon. Save your gameand move on.Head through the door. Youll see soldiers ahead, but they wont last. When theyre gone, runforward and right to find the path through the room. Keep moving.Ahead is a door marked Observation Room. Inside, youll find a disarrayed research area with avideo playing an interview with another mental patient. You can watch it, as well as check theobservation bays below the floor on either side of the room, for a few clues as to whats going on.Then make your way to the far end of the room and take the door on the left.Youll see a man in the next room, one of the doctors who was treating Isaac. Approach him andhell speak with you. After the interaction, you can open a nearby locker inside is a health

    pack, which you can use to heal yourself with B, and a flashlight that will equip you with a meleeattack.Move into the next doorway, into the elevator that leads to the Patient Rec Room. When youcome to the top of the elevator, youll enter a darkened room. The Rec Room is to the right, andyoull have to navigate the slalom of tables with just your flashlight. Before long, youll snakethrough to a side area, where you can turn left or right.AUDIO LOG: To the left youll see wheelchairs; instead, stop and go to the right, around a table,to find your first Audio Log on the ground. Finding 100 of these logs will unlock the LibrarianAchievement or Trophy not to mention, its the best way to hear the full story of the game.Move on toward the light and youll find another Save Point. Use it if you like, then go through thedoor across from it.Through the next room, which is some kind of plumbing station, youll find a hatch you can openand crawl inside. After a few moments, youll fall through the bottom of the shaft into a surgical

    theater. Go to the panel beside the surgery bed and deactivate the console: Isaac will pull out aKinesis module that you can use to manipulate objects. Grab one of the metal pipes from the bedand shoot it through the glass to cut a way out.As soon as you blow the glass, two necromorphs will bust into the room and attack you. UseKinesis to grab more metal rods and fire them at the enemies to kill them. If you need to, you canrely on your melee attack, which is pretty useful in the easier difficulties.TIP: Once youve killed the necros, stomp on them with RB or R1 to loot the bodies. Youll likelyfind credits and health on these two. Heal up and head to the exit of the room.The far end of the surgical theater is marked by an elevator. Inside is another small health pack,which you can use to heal up to full (or close to full). Hit the button and youll exit on the

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    observation deck of the theater where three necromorphs will drop into the room to attack you.Quickly move to your right and youll find more rods you can use with Kinesis. Grab them andstart tagging the necros with them. If you need additional fodder, you can target the necros andpull their spear-like arms off to use as weapons. Harpoon the enemies and smash them with themelee or the stomp to loot them.Head down the ramp and go all the way to the left wall, where youll find a small orange wallcompartment. Open it with the action button to reveal some credits you can grab. Head to theopposite side and youll find another compartment with more credits. Once you have them, youcan head to the exit door.The next room holds a green loot container and a pair of necromorph bodies. Stomp thecontainer and the body to reveal some loot, and melee the last body for even more. Then headthrough the door.ACHIEVEMENT: Keep an eye out for those green containers. Smashing 10 of them with yourstomp move will unlock the Romper Stomper Achievement or Trophy.Move into the next room and youll find yourself in another big surgery room. There are threesurgical bays scattered around the outside of the room, plus a central section with a personinside. Head to the center first and deactivate the surgical laser at the back of the room.Youll get a Plasma Cutter from the machine, which you can then use on the attackingnecromorphs. Aim for the limbs and try to cut them loose to kill the enemies. There are two thatwill attack you as you leave the room.

    ACHIEVEMENT: If you cut loose 25 limbs from enemies (you may be close to doing so already inyour other fights, youll get the Shoot the Limbs! Achievement.Now, quickly check the other surgery bays for ammunition and wall compartments you can open.A few are locked, but you should get some credits from the endeavor. Approach the necro tied tothe gurney at the far end of the room and blast it to loot its body (remember to loot the others),then leave the room.Theres nothing in the next room, and youll receive a message from Dana as you move throughit. In the next, hit the Save Point and continue on your way through the door. Youll enter arecovery ward, with a fire blocking the way to your left. Move right.

    As you round the corner, automatic sprayers will kick on and douse the fires, plunging the roominto darkness and signaling the attack of three necromorphs. Tear into them with your Plasma

    Cutter and use Kinesis if you need to there are three, so youll have to act fast.When those guys are dead, loot them and continue around the bend the way you were headed.Youll pass a small room with beds in it on the left check it for ammo and money andadvance around to the right to a dead end, where youll be able to pick up ammo near a brokencoffee table and money from a wall locker near the locked door to the left.Backtrack and go through the unlocked blue door you passed after the room with the beds. Insideis a crate you can smash and another door. Through it, youll find yourself on the other side ofone of the fiery barriers you passed earlier. Hand a left at the junction.AUDIO LOG: Youll hit a burned out dead end beside a small room with beds. Check that roomon the counter for a Text Log.Turn back and take the next left into a small waiting room thats actually a dead end. Check thecoffee table for ammo, the back right corner for a body with a health kit, and a wall locker to theright for more ammo.

    Take the last hallway and youll reach a door marked Upper Lobby. Inside, a siren is going off.Youll immediately see a figure across from you hell dart down a ramp. Follow him down toyour left.At the bottom of the ramp, grab a health pack from the red machine near you and turn left to seethe man slide under a metal grate. Hell speak with you for a second, and then youll beambushed by enemies. Watch out for them to appear through vents in front of you , and also fromthe ramp you descend. Take them out and the siren should quit.AUDIO LOG: Before you leave this area, there are a few loose ends to tie up. Head back upstairsand look for an unlocked door on the far side of the room. Open it to find a crate you can smashand a fresh Audio Log.

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    POWER NODE: Thats it for the upper floor. Head back downstairs and check the roundedreception desk in front of the door youre directed to by your objective marker. You should locatea Power Node there, which you can use to upgrade your equipment or open certain doors.AUDIO LOG: Now step through the door to the left of the reception desk and look immediatelyright for another Text Log on the counter as you go through.Check behind the reception desk and snag another ammo pack, then move through the door intoemergency section of the hospital. Youll locate a Save Point there, which will let you get ready toenter the Triage Room.

    Triage RoomAUDIO LOG: The floor to the right of the entrance to the Triage Room has a Text Log on it. Grabit as you come in.Theres a security gate on the far end of the room barring your progress, and a console that canopen it in the center of the room. Ignore both at first and go to the left, where you can hack alarge red piece of machinery. Doing so gets you the Stasis Pack, and fires it at an incomingnecromorph. Shoot it quickly or it can kill you in one attack you can use Stasis on it again tosave yourself.Recharge your Stasis meter at one of the dispensers on either side of the room, then go to thecenter console and hit the button. Zap the gate with Stasis or itll close as you approach it. Gothrough and grab ammo from the ground on the left.

    Through the next door, youll hear coughing. Get in and youll see a doctor writhing as hesburned by some kind of acid. Get to the doorway quick and youll see a new kind of necromorph,the Puker, dousing another doctor with acid. Blast it from a distance.Theres a second enemy in here, approaching you from the big room ahead to the left. Try to takeit out from afar to limit the damage it can do to you.POWER NODE: As you enter the room with all the beds, head straight to the lighted area at theback. Check the back left corner of the counter and youll get your Power Node. There are alsotwo wall containers you can open on either side of the counter.Follow the hallway on the left to reach an elevator that will take you up to Patient Care. When youreach the top, the Objective Indicator will direct you to the right, but dont head that way just yet.AUDIO LOG: First, check the reception area right in front of you. Youll find a Text Log on thefloor.

    POWER NODE: Theres also a Power Node on the desk on the right.AUDIO LOG: Now go in the opposite direction from the objective indicator, to a door markedConduit Room. Open it and youll find an Audio Log on the floor inside.POWER NODE: Theres also a Power Node in here.Now you can backtrack and go where the Objective Marker leads you. Itll lead you around acorner into a room with a sign beside it warning of oxygen being in use and against open flames.Open the next door and youll see fire then the window will blow out. As soon as you get somecontrol, shoot the red triangle above the window to close an emergency hatch and seal thebreach.Move through the next door and youll enter a room with a Save Point and a Store. Theres also adead necromorph body on the ground or is it? Shoot the thing and itll pop up and demonstratethat its very much alive. Finish it and loot it.

    POWER NODE: See that blue wall panel right in front of you, near where the necromorph bodywas? Go to the wall and open it to find another node.Hit the Store next. Spend a little money and buy Isaacs Engineering RIG , which gives you thebenefit of a little bit of armor against attacks.ACHIEVEMENT: The Patient on the Loose Achievement is yours when you change suits for thefirst time.When youre ready, head through the door. Youll enter a vacuum area, where youll bedependent on Isaacs suits oxygen supply. Its plenty, so dont worry.POWER NODE: This is an easy one to miss. Face the hole that looks out into space and look fora glowing spot. Hit it with Kinesis and youll retrieve a Power Node. Its slightly to the right.

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    Continue through the vacuum area and youll reach an open hangar bay. To your left is a Stasischarger fill up, then make your way to the vehicle to the right.Approaching the escape vehicle triggers a boss fight with a big monster that will pursue yourelentlessly around the hangar. If you hang still, itll jump at you, and those columns throughoutthe room make good fodder for it to crash through and fling at you.You dont have to worry about this fight too much, provided you keep moving and keep yourstrength up. There are loot crates scattered all over the place that you can use to find health andadditional ammo, provided you can move fast enough. Keep circling the room until youre readyto make your move.Watch for the boss lunge move, and when you see it coming, quickly cut to the left or right whilerunning to avoid it. If he hits you, youll be knocked down and take considerable damage, so try toavoid getting pounded too much by its attacks.When youre finally ready to put the hurt on the boss, spin around and hit it with Stasis fast.This will freeze it temporarily, allowing you to target the yellow patches on its arms (right aroundwhere elbows would be). These are the weak points, and youll need to hammer them hard to killthis guy.Its tough to hit those spots at all when the boss is in regular motion or even unfrozen. Youll gettwo or three shots before you need to run again as Stasis wears off. Hit the boss a few times, asmany as you can manage, then make a wide circle and hit the Stasis recharger.Thats all there is to it. Repeat the process until you hack off both the boss big limbs. Thatll put it

    down permanently, and you can pick some loot off its body.Afterward, clear out the crates and head through the door the Objective Marker guides you into.Youll descend through a hallway and clear a machining room thats got some money scatteredthrough it. At the far end of that is hatch you can open to let you climb through an access port.Reach the other side, and its the end of the chapter.AUDIO LOG: Snag that Audio Log right where you exit the hatch before you do anything else.Chapter 2

    Youre in a safe room, so take a moment to check your supplies. The Store on the right allowsyou to buy equipment you might need, like an upgraded RIG and ammo.The bench on the left allows you to upgrade your equipment using Power Nodes. Do so if youlike, but save a Node or two to open locked doors.

    NOTE: There are a couple of new weapons to buy in the Store: the Line Gun, which is somethingof a bigger Plasma Cutter, and the Javelin Gun, which fires spears. Pick one or both up beforeyou leave.Head out the door when youre ready. Watch out for the nearby moving sidewalk itll jet anecromorph slasher right to your face. Kill it before you head forward.Theres a pile of boxes up ahead. Zap some of them out of the way with Kinesis, and look for lootcrates hidden beneath. Beyond is a save point for your convenience.AUDIO LOG: Remember those Power Nodes I had you save? Go past the end of the movingsidewalk and youll see a locked door with a blue panel beside it. Plug in a Power Node to open itand youll find a random cache of goods, and a text log on the left.Move on through the door marked Titan Heights Apartments. In the next room, youll see a manunder attack by a slasher kill it fast or itll sprint over and attack you.POWER NODE: Once the way is clear, check the left side of the room as you move forward for

    the node, on the ground.Move up and watch your back. When you open the door to the elevator, another necromorphcould drop into the room from the far end. Blast it before stepping into the elevator and movingon.At the top of the elevator, watch for someone to try to signal you from across the walkway andthen be careful of the necromorph that climbs up over the railing. Kill it and follow the hallway tothe right. Through the door beyond, fight through another enemy and turn to the apartment toyour left. Be careful of the crawling puker coming out of the bathroom, and check the apartmentfor money.When you turn to leave, another slasher will come sprinting toward you. Kneecap it on its way

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    over, then head to the next blue door. Check the next room for ammo and money as you head tothe door. The power goes out right as you reach it put your back to it and raise your gun todeal with whats coming.The power kicks back in a moment later. Open the door and move along the hallway to the nextdoor, where youll find a loot crate and an elevator to take you up.AUDIO LOG: Before you get into the elevator, grab the text log thats at the end of the hallway.

    Step out of the elevator and stop by the Save Point right in front of you. Follow the hallway to theright and grab some stuff off the ground (theres ammo in the open apartment on the left), thenhead through the closed door.Theres another moving sidewalk in front of the big screen ahead of you. Its littered with bodies,and if youre guessing that theyre not actually dead, youre right. Shoot them or hit them withKinesis to wake them up, so you can deal with those two slashers.AUDIO LOG: Continue to the end of the hall, where youll find a door marked Conduit Room.Open it to find an Audio Log inside.SCHEMATIC: If you played Dead Space: Ignition, youll find the Hacker Suit schematic inside thisroom, which you can cash in at a Store.Leave the Conduit Room to trigger an attack by a few exploding necromorphs. These guys havea big orange pustule on their arms that explodes on impact, or if shot. Tag it and theyll explode.

    Go through the newly unlocked door and youll enter the tram station. Youll see a train go by, andyoull find a few items on the ground as you come up the ramp. Dont head toward the other train

    just yet, though.SCHEMATIC: First, check the tracks where the flaming train just went by. Look for a glowing bluespot hit that with Kinesis and youll find the Stasis Pack schematic.Head toward the other train and youll see a bat necromorph turning bodies into slashers. Asecond later, the doors will open, releasing the two necros. Quickly kill the slasher, then try todispatch the bat before it can create more enemies for you to deal with.Turn around on the other track, another train is about to arrive, carrying another slasher. Youshould be able to deal with it pretty easily.Board the train. Head to the far end and open the panel in the last car to hack in and activate it.This will trigger some necromorphs to come after you, so stay put and deal with them, then headto the next car.

    Make your way to the end of the last car and youll find a car missing between this section of thetrain and the next. Youll go to zero-gee to make your way to the next section: use the Run button(LB or L1) to fly across to the next car. Inside, youll meet more necros, including an explosivenecro. Try to deal with it quickly.Continue to the end of the train and itll start to crash. Get your gun ready to address threats bythe end, youll be hanging upside-down. Flip to the Line Gun or some stronger weapon than thePlasma Cutter if you have it, as youre about to need it.Start addressing threats quickly as they appear in front of you. Taking out your enemies legs willgenerally guarantee a kill, so aim for that. Eventually, youll fall free and have the opportunity tocheck out the room.POWER NODE: Facing the crashed train, move to the back right corner of the room. Checkbehind the large shipping container there on the left wall to find a panel that you can open toreveal a Power Node.

    SCHEMATIC: The Pulse Rifle schematic is on a shelf on the back left wall if youre facing thetrain after flying off of it the same back wall with the Power Node, but the other corner.Check for loot crates on the walls and follow the Objective Indicator to the back of the room.There, youll find a locker you can open marked with a white indicator and a rampascending to your left. Climb it and youll hit a Save Point.Chapter 3

    Go through the door. Youll see the shadow of a monster on the wall, but as you approach, itlltake off out of sight. Ignore it for a second: turn left.

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    POWER NODE: At the intersection with the shadow, if you turn left, youll find a blue Power Nodepanel on the wall at the end of the hall.Turn back right. One of the bodies on the ground is alive, so deal with that, then check the wallpanel nearby. Climb the ramp and take the door at the end.Get ready for a tough fight. Youre in the Halloran Transport Hub. Turn right and youll find somethings on the ground. Pull out a big gun and advance to the left.As you go, necromorph children will start to stream out of the wall at you. These are the Pack,and theyre problematic, to say the least. Try not to get surrounded, be quick on the heal button ifyou need it, and use your Line Gun (if you have it) to try to take out multiple monsters with oneshot.Keep moving if you can, running to get clear, then turn around and take a few out. Use thestopped moving sidewalk to your advantage, as the railing should slow them down. Pick off asmany as you can as quickly as you can, then mop up what remains.Right after the fight, youre treated to a Save Point and a Store. At the Store, download all theschematics youve been carrying around to clear them out of your inventory. If you have theHacker Suit, nows a good time to upgrade, should you be able to afford it. Save your game andcall the elevator.AUDIO LOG: At the top of the elevator, step out into the commerce area and turn left. Youll find atext log beside a store called Bold, the one with the beat emanating from it.ACHIEVEMENT: See that big blue rotating statue? Shoot the arm or head off of it to dismember

    it, unlocking the Lightspeed de Milo Achievement.AUDIO LOG: Check the walkways for some loose money, then advance to the big blue storefront the Unitology church. Check to the right inside the door for a text log.Hack the panel beside the elevator on the other side of the room to open it. Itll take you up intothe Unitology recruitment center.AUDIO LOG: Theres a text log on the counter on the right side of the room as you exit theelevator.Move forward and a bunch of necromorphs will drop into the room to take you on. Among them isan explosive necromorph; you can blast its exploding pustule to take out all the enemies, butthatll blow out the nearby station window and start you getting sucked out into space. Quicklyshoot the triangular marker above the window to drop a pressure seal and stop yourself frombeing killed.If you step into the office on the right from here, you can pick up some stuff, but watch out for a

    bunch of members of the Pack to drop into the hallway just outside. There should only be a few,so try to kill them at a distance. Check the rest of the room for money and ammo, then open thenearby hatch and crawl through.Youll come out in a maintenance area. A body nearby has a video recording that will triggerwhen you approach it, showing you how to use necromorph blades and Kinesis as weapons.Check the left side of the room for loot boxes (and on top of the crates on the right), then climbthe ramp to the compactor control room.Theres a bench in here and a save point, so use both, then deactivate the compactor so you cango through it. When you head back out, the room will be filled with necromorphs, giving you achance to try the Kinesis impale trick. It shouldnt be too touch a battle.Go down the ramp and use the door to the left to enter the compactor. Look for glowing spots forsome ammo and health you can snag with Kinesis, then push LS and youll be able to float.

    POWER NODE: Turn left from the door you enter from and float over to the door there. Insideyoull find a Power Node panel on the wall on the right, plus some other loot.Float through the compactor to the other side, where a closed door waits. Through it is a hallwaywith a panel activate it, then return to the compactor and float through the newly opened door.Use boost and dodge the debris to get to the end of the tunnel and reach a door on the right side.ACHIEVEMENT: Clearing this zero-gee area nets you the One Small Step Achievement.Through the door, the next room suddenly loses power. Use your flashlight to spot a couple ofloot crates in front of you as you turn right, then mount the ramp. At the top are a couple ofalcoves on either side check them for money before continuing to the top.

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    Youll find a Power Node door up here. Open it for some loot, then turn back to the left and useKinesis to pick up the blue battery and plug it into the wall. With that done, you can head into thenewly powered elevator.POWER NODE: Immediately when you come out of the elevator, check the panel on the left wallfor your Power Node.Continue through the door into Cassini Towers. Theres an apartment on your left check itcarefully, as its filled with tiny little triangular things that will cling to and kill you if youre notcareful.AUDIO LOG: Grab a text log off the table to the left as you enter the door.Keep moving and youll see another open apartment ahead. As you approach, a slasher will jumpto life kill it and anything else thats moving, then check the apartment for loot. Then move tothe apartment to the left.Loot the apartment, then move to the bedroom and through the door beyond, grabbing the littlebit of money on the way through. Theres a Stasis pack near the balcony on the right in the nexthallway, so take that and then go through the unlocked door. Move across the walkway to the fardoor.In the east wing, grab the loot crate in front of you and dispatch any necros you stumble across,then make your way to the elevator and take it down. At the top, youll find a Save Point you canuse before heading forward.Head around the corner and youll enter the big atrium with a Marker statue on the left. As you

    enter, youll see necromorphs start to appear in front of you: a puker, a couple of slashers and abat. The small bat is your priority, because the quicker you kill it, the fewer slashers it can createand send your way. The Line Gun works wonders here, since you have enemies coming frommostly one direction.SCHEMATIC: After youve cleared the enemies, turn left and head up the stairs toward theMarker statue. Theres a table on your left against the wall move the chair on the right side of it(closest to the window) to reveal the Javelin Spear schematic from beneath it.Turn back and head down the stairs on the other side when youve cleared the room of loot.Youll find a door there that you can enter. In the room beyond, the gunship thats been trackingyou will open fire into the room. Run through to the door beyond, being careful to avoid thebullets, and youll enter the church proper.Before you advance any further into Chapter 4, turn left and go through the door there. Up thestairs is another door that houses a Store, a bench, and a Save Point.

    Chapter 4

    Leave the Save Point and start exploring the church. Head back through the door you enteredthrough.AUDIO LOG: Head up the stairs and open the door on the right at the end of the walkway. As youenter, youll find a Text Log on the table. Youll also trigger a necromorph attack.POWER NODE: Once youre done with all that, check the end of the hall for a Power Node on thegroundAUDIO LOG: Backtrack down the stairs to the bottom of the room you just left. The door on yourleft lets you into a small reception area in the main lobby of the church. Go into it and check underthe chairs on the left wall for a Text Log.AUDIO LOG: Go through the door back to the main lobby of the church, and cross to the door

    across from you. When you go through, turn left to find another smaller door to a reception area.Youll find an Audio Log behind the desk.Backtrack and climb the stairs in the previous room. Go through the door and continue along thewalkway quickly youll find a bat necromorph turning a body into a slasher. Quickly take themboth out before more enemies can be created.Head down the stairs theres another bat below you, creating more necromorphs. Kill it if youcan, or use the stairs as a choke point to kill the enemies. Youll face another couple of necros,including a third bat, when you hit the bottom floor.Once youve killed everything you can kill, enter the door in the central column and take the lift tothe top. Cross the little bridge and youll come out in a hallway that expands to the left and right.

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    The door on the right can be unlocked by breaking the nearby fuse that leads back down to themain lobby room where you entered the church. Take the other door, in the center.AUDIO LOG: To your right is a doorway that leads to the Indoctrination Room. Enter it and findthe Text Log at the back of the room, near the body in the indoctrination chamber.Look at the wall on the right of the furthest indoctrination seat youll see a red panel markedwith the blue Kinesis symbol. Yank the panel loose and youll find another symbol beneath it: grabthat with Kinesis to pull a fuse from the wall.Carry the fuse back to the door out of this room. Remove the panel from the wall on the right andplug the fuse in to the empty hole to activate the door on the other side of the next room.ACHIEVEMENT: Got your Javelin Gun? Pull it out as you leave the Indoctrination Room. In thenext room is a big glass wall, and three necromorphs will blow into the room to battle you. Tagone of them into the glass with a Javelin and cause it to blow out and youll net the Skewered inSpace Achievement. Just make sure to hit the emergency seal button on top of the window afteryou blow it.Fill up your Stasis meter at the panel near the door if you need to, then hit the door with Stasisand go through. Try to catch the door as it rises so you can sneak under it. Around the corner inthe next room is a Save Point.SCHEMATIC: Past the Save Point youll enter a utility closet. Look on the left wall from the doorfor a blue glowing spot it marks a Security Suit Schematic.POWER NODE: Open the hatch on the other side of the room and crawl through. When you

    come out, check the desk for a Power Node.

    Leave the room and youll enter a hallway. If you head left, youll find another fuse to cut, and apath that will lead you all the way back to the Store and Bench if you want to use them. If youdidnt get the Hacker suit earlier, you can use your Security suit schematic to update your duds.Go through the door on the right that leads to the Basilica. Inside, follow the path to the right.Youll find an elevator that you need to take down, and beyond it, some loot crates to open. Rideto the bottom floor next. Cross the center of the room to the door on the far side.Youll get a transmission from Daina. For the moment, theres nothing you can do, so sit tight.After a second, youll start to see some fast-moving necros in your vicinity: theyre called Stalkers,and theyre scary.Stalkers primarily like to stay out of sight, then charge you when your attention is divided. Get out

    a big gun like the Line Gun or the Javelin Gun, which will be fairly effective in a one- or two-shottakedown situation. With the Line Gun, aim low to at least slow your enemies down.There are four or five stalkers, and the best way to deal with them is with your back at a wall.Keep your head on a swivel and knock them out fast, and you should do okay. After that, loot thebodies and follow the Objective Marker to a panel that will let you hotwire a nearby elevator. Takeit to the top.ACHIEVEMENT: The Clever Girls Achievement is yours for not being brutally murdered by theStalkers. This time.POWER NODE: At the top of the elevator, turn left and walk to the banister at the end of thewalkway. Youll find the node behind a body on the ground.Turn back to the right and advance along the walkway. Theres a door you can go throughmarked Funerary Wing around the corner.POWER NODE: Just inside the door is a Conduit Room on the left that you can access if you

    played Dead Space: Ignition. Theres a Power Node inside.AUDIO LOG: Theres also an Audio Log in here.Continue down the hall. On the left is another door that will lead you back to the Gift Shop if youwant take the door on the right and youll enter a cathedral, where youll need to be preppedfor a necro attack. Watch out for little triangular things that wills tick to you and attack you.Once your through those two enemies, make your way to the elevator behind the casket. At thebottom, youll hit a Save Point through the next door, which marks the start of the next chapter.Chapter 5

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    Enter the door ahead of you and youll find yourself in a cryogenic storage area. Take the path onthe right at the bottom of the ramp, youll find a loot crate stuck in the wall that you can breakwith a melee attack. Then go through the door.Advance down the ramps on either side of this second room. Youll find a loot crate stuck into thewall in the same place as before, plus on the opposite side of the door in the same spot. Grabboth and go through the next door.AUDIO LOG: In the third identical cryogenic freezing room, walk around the railing in front of youas you enter the room and youll find a Text Log on the ground in the center of the room.Take the ramp on the left and youll be attacked by a puker. Take it out quickly with somethinglike the Javelin Gun and advance down to the bottom of the ramp. A loot crate is on the wall tothe right.Through the next door, as you start to move through the room, youll be attacked by two pairs ofnecromorphs (slashers and a puker); first one pair, then the other. They shouldnt be too tough.Keep your wits about you as you descend the right ramp theres another puker there. Kill it andtake the loot from the wall.See that pile of bodies in the middle of the room? I bet you can guess what thats about. Kill thehiding necro and take the door into a room filled with major machinery.AUDIO LOG: Right in front of the door, youll find a Text Log in front of a control panel.SCHEMATIC: Go around the machines and take the elevator down. When you hit the bottom,look for a glowing blue light on the right wall, near some crates. Youll find the Ripper schematic.

    POWER NODE: Continue around to the control panel near the spinning rings. A Power Noderests on the panel.Activate the control panel to lower some arms beside the spinning rings. Stand in front of thelowered arms (theyre above your line of sight), and hit the rings with Stasis, then use Kinesis topull down first one arm, then run around and get the other. Thatll lock the outer ring in place.Repeat the process twice more, freezing the rings and pulling down the last two sets of arms.Thatll disable the gravity in the chamber.Refill your Stasis and float up toward the fan blade. Freeze it and boost your way through.Fly over and refill your Stasis again, then float toward the hatch above you. Watch what theceiling does: it rotates, opens, spits out a coffin, and closes. Hit the whole ceiling with Stasis as itreleases a coffin, then fly through after the coffin passes out the hatch.SCHEMATIC: As you fly through the hatch, keep an eye out for the Medium Health Packschematic in the center of the next room.

    Land on the catwalk above and find the panel to restore gravity. Head through the door into thenext room, where youll find a Store. You might want to purchase the Ripper while youre here.

    In the next room, youll find a Bench. Use it, then do a 180 and face the wall behind it. Youll seethree hanging pieces of metal marked with Kinesis, blocking a hatch and a Save Point. Slide theobjects out of the way and you can access both. Take the hatch out when youre ready to go.When you exit the tube, turn around and check the room behind you for some loot and ammo.Spin back around and take the door into the next room, where the path spread out in front of youand to the left.SCHEMATIC: First, walk straight forward and look around the corner to the left for the Line Racksschematic.Take the other path and walk toward the far end of the room, then turn back and check beside the

    lighted statue for more ammo. Theres a loot crate in the corner on the left near the door also.The door is just ahead and leads to another hallway.A new kind of necromorph appears in this hallway the Lurker, which is basically a human infantwith three long tentacles sprouting from its back that shoot barbs. Take out the tentacles andyoull kill them, but be careful, as they can move on walls and ceilings.With those two dead, keep your eyes peeled for a slasher to come out of a nearby vent ahead ofyou. Kill it and youre clear to pass through this hallway and out into the cathedral.Youll need to act fast here. Shoot the glowing yellow point and youll be released, but as soon asyou get your feet back under you, the Pack shows up. Back up and put your back to the wall.Remember when I told you to bring the Ripper? Nows a good time for it. It suspends a spinning

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    saw blade directly in front of you, and its great for mulching up attacking children before they canhurt you. Keep the blades coming and youll make short work of all the enemies. The attack isfinished off with one last slasher, which you should be able to handle easily.Clear the room of loot, then take to the ramps use the one on the left and round the corneruntil you reach the top. Pull out your Javelin Gun, because theres an opportunity for anachievement.ACHIEVEMENT: This is a great spot for your Going for Distance Achievement with the JavelinGun. As you walk up the ramp, youll first see an explosive necromorph out ahead of you. Kill itfrom far away. When you step forward, another necromorph will leap out to ambush you. Plug itwith a javelin to weaken it, then aim carefully and hit it with a javelin in the center mass try toline it up so youll get him to fly all the way to the end of the hall, and at a slightly upward angle sohell hit the wall and stick. If you nail it from far enough back, the enemy will fly the 17 meters youneed to unlock the achievement but he has to stick to the wall.Head up the ramp. Youll have more necromorphs to fight as you reach the top, with a few guysappearing on the other side of the walkway and one crawling over the middle. Clear through themall, collect your loot (theres a Medium Health Pack on the balcony in the middle of the room) thenmove through the door with your Javelin Gun ready.As soon as you enter the next room, youll have to tag out a stalker barreling toward you. A sharp

    javelin shot will do the trick. Go through the door into the next room, then get into the elevatorpast that. Stand in the corner of the elevator with your gun ready trust me.

    SCHEMATIC: Leave the elevator and look around for some loot, then head into the office to theright of the hallway. Inside on the back wall, youll find the schematic for the Detonator. Grab itand save.Head to the end of the hall, where youll get a cutscene of sorts. Youll wind up fighting a creature:aim for its yellow vulnerable spot.When youre tossed loose, turn around and open the Kinesis door behind you, then sprint throughas fast as you can manage. A second later, another cutscene. When you see the red tanks, shootthem, and when its all over youll hit the next chapter.Youll need to look for a Save Point. First, look the apartments nearest you the one on the left

    just has basic items in it, as does the one further down.POWER NODE: Check the bathroom of the second apartment, the one in front of you when youstart this chapter, for a node.Head through to the next room. Youll find a Save Point, but theres one more thing you can do

    before saving and starting the next chapter.SCHEMATIC: Check your Objective Indicator itll advise you to take the door next to the SavePoint. Instead, take the other door, to the right of the first. Hang a right when you go through itand youll find the schematic for the Seeker Rifle.Now you should save.Chapter 6

    Leave the Save Point and follow your Objective Marker through the door. Youll come into ahallway with some open apartments: check through them for money, then advance down thehallway. After a call from Stross, youll find an elevator. Take it down.Youll exit into another big atrium with a Marker statue on the left. Be careful in here, and get yourfavorite, well-ammod gun ready youre about to be in a mess of trouble.

    As you make your way about halfway across this room, youll start to come under attack from afew necromorphs specifically two Pregnants, which have swollen midsections filled withthose crawling triangular things, and scorpion-like Crawlers. These ones will use walls andceilings to come after you, and they have the ability to fling themselves at you at high speeds, sokeep moving.Try this: back up toward the door you entered by, giving you some room to operate as themonsters close in on you. This should help at least a little to funnel everything into a single chokepoint, where you can hit them with Javelins or Line Gun shots altogether. Youre dealing with twopregnants (and a third later) and at least three or four crawlers.Once youve cleared everything out, check the big room for loot and move across to the next

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    hallway. Another pregnant will appear behind you (the alt-fire setting on the Javelin Gun cooksthese guys up without spilling their guts), so deal with that before you hit the Store in the hallwaybeyond.ACHIEVEMENT: If youve been collecting the Schematics weve marked up to now, this trip to theStore should unlock the Engineer Achievement for your efforts.Take the door to the Public Sector at the far end of the hall. Be careful on the other side, as youllfind wall- and floor-mounted enemies called cysts out there. They make those gurgling sound,and look like goo slapped up on the wall. The first one will explode in front of you as you enter.These things are irritating, but they can be dealt with by concentrated fire. Watch out as youapproach or shoot them, though, because they spit explosive spores. Shoot the ones on the walland use bodies to trigger the floor ones, which will destroy themselves.ACHIEVEMENT: Pick one of the floor ones and toss a body at it, with Kinesis at the ready. Whenthe orange bomb shoots out, snag it out of the air, then toss it back at the cyst to destroy it. Thatllearn you the Bouncing Betty Achievement.Advance a little further through this hallway and youll see an injured, crawling necromorphslasher making its way toward you. This is a good chance for another achievement.ACHIEVEMENT: Use Kinesis to rip the blade off of a nearby slashers body, then aim it at theslasher crawling toward you. Hit it with the blade and try to stick it to the wall beyond if theslasher sticks, the Taste of Your Own Medicine Achievement will unlock.Proceed to the end of the hall. Youll find a Save Point, a Bench and a door you can unlock with a

    Power Node. If you find any semiconductors in there, you can sell them back at the store forsome extra cash. Use the Save Point and the Bench and then continue through the door.

    The next room is a zero-gee area, and youll soon see why a fire has broken out in a bigatrium, and youll have to cut the oxygen to put it out and advance. First, unhook your boots fromthe floor and float around, looking for loot crates. Then go to each of the Oxygen Stations(marked with blue signs).Look on the back or side of each of these stations for a panel you can Kinesis off and throwaway. Behind them will be batteries that you can pull out. Once you pull out all three, you candrop back down and pass through where the fire was. Bring a battery along with you and keep ithandy.Beyond the fire is a hallway. Go left and youll find two of those baby lurker things, with the

    tentacles. Kill them fast (preferably with the Line Gun) so you can get out of here before youroxygen runs out. Bring the battery.ACHIEVEMENT: If you can nail a lurker with a Line Gun shot that takes out all three tentacles inone go, youll get the Clean Cut Achievement.Plug the battery in to access the elevator. When the door opens, youll have kill a puker quickly.Once youve done that, step into the elevator and take it to the top, where youll find a Save Point.POWER NODE: Check the wall to the right of the Save Point for a blue node panel.Theres a wall compartment you can open beside the door you need to go through. Get loot fromit, then open the door by smashing the fuse on the wall. Thatll allow you to move into a big cargohold, once you go down a ramp.This room is about to be filled with stalkers, so be on the lookout. There are also lockers all overthe place with loot in them you wont encounter enemies until youre nearly to the far side.Also, youll want to fill your Stasis from the terminal on the wall near the ramp as you enter the

    cargo floor.ACHIEVEMENT: Did you buy the Seeker Rifle last time you were at the Store? If so, you cansnag the Peek a boo! Achievement now by killing a hidden Stalker with it while in full zoom. Itsdifficult to do when there are a lot of Stalkers, so thin out their numbers before attempting it. If aStalker charges you and misses or hits you and knocks you down, itll retreat and hide again,giving you another shot at it.Clear the room of loot when youre done and cross to the far side. Youll have to hack a panel, butthatll allow you access to the transport hub. Move forward, but keep your head on a swivelaround you there are necros about, and the battle going on across from you is distracting.Watch for a scorpion-like crawler and take it out before advancing.

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    SCHEMATIC: After a brief conversation, youre able to look around for some loot. Check theroom marked with the yellow Marker symbol, and nearer to the gate when you approach it. Gopast the elevator and check the ground near the dismantled Light Speed Boy statue (the big bluestatue rotating in the middle) to find the Pulse Rounds schematic.Take the unlocked elevator. Dont step out in a hurry when you get to the bottom: there are twocysts right in front of you. Use the body on the ground nearby to trigger the one on the floor, andshoot the other before moving into the transport hub. To your left is a Store.Be careful as you move into this room. Theres a Save Point right in front of you, but ahead, aslasher and a pregnant are about to come barreling toward you. Deal with them first, then save.Watch out for cysts theres one on the ceiling right in the middle of the room. Listen for them soyou know when youre close.POWER NODE: Check the right side of the room near the center, past the first shop on yourright. Its about even with the cyst on the ceiling, lying on the floor in front of a store calledFashion Kid.Cross the room slowly. Youll face a slasher and a puker as you advance, but theyre far off soyou should do okay. Theres also a cyst on the left wall, and one higher up on the right. The last isright above the door out of the room.As you near the door, do a 180 and youll be able to address a slasher and puker sneaking up on

    you. Once theyre dead and youre ready, hit the door in the nursery school.Follow the hallway to the right, stopping at the window to get an idea of what youre up against exploding infants. Yeah, itll be gross. Plasma Cutter out, if you have it. Advance to the end of thehall and open the door.Youre about to face a mess of those little babies. They have a weak center section that explodesfrom any kind of fire, which means you can detonate them from a distance if you get into trouble.Theyll blow themselves up as they approach you, though, so keep back.ACHIEVEMENT: Theres one big weakness that you can get on these guys without detonatingthem their heads. Use the sideways Plasma Cutter and you can slice their little baby heads off;kill 30 in this way, without detonating them, and youll get The Nanny Achievement.Clear this room and push through to the next, the one filled with desks. As you push into the door,more babies will appear. Back up and slice them up or blast them. When theyre gone, moveforward one last one will drop through the ceiling and get the loot crate behind the teachers

    desk. The door leads to a hallway outside.AUDIO LOG: Ahead is the nurses station. Go inside and check the reception desk for a Text Log,immediately to your left.Loot the wall panels as you move through here, and use the Save Point before heading out. Thegymnasium is next, once you head down the hall.Get your guns ready as you enter, a few members of the Pack will start hopping over tablesand coming to kill you. Blast them from a distance as much as possible, then head under thebleachers. At the far end, a puker will ambush you. Take it out fast. Make your way up onto thestage and through the backdrops to the back corner, where theres a panel to be hacked.

    Clearing the panel starts a mess of horror coming your way, including the Pack and those littlebabies, plus a bat necromorph that starts going around, turning bodies into monsters. Snap off as

    many as you can, as fast as you can, before they get close. The babies offer a good opportunityto take out multiple enemies at once, so use it.When you see the bat, if you can manage it, try to kill it fast. Dont worry too much, though thePack is faster and therefore a more immediate threat. Kill those guys, then deal with theapproaching slasher necros using Stasis to give yourself the upper hand.When youre finally all clear, head for the door and go down the hall. Youll see anotherclassroom on your right, through a window theres some cool stuff to get in there, so take adetour.AUDIO LOG: Grab the Text Log off the table right as you enter the room.SCHEMATIC: Move to the back right corner of the room, into a smaller room attached to it. Inside

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    is the Flamethrower schematic.Leave the school and head into the playground area. The elevator to leave the school is justthrough the door.POWER NODE: The blue upright rocket to the left of the carousel has a Power Node sittinginside it. Walk up to it or use Kinesis.ACHIEVEMENT: For clearing the school, you get The Graduate Achievement.Transport Hub

    At the top of the elevator, use the Save Point and collect what loot you can from the area, thentake the door out. Youll enter the Transport Hub shortly, where youll meet up with Ellie andStross.Youll also get a boss fight here a Brute, which is a huge, hard to kill necromorph thatsarmored up front and weak in its back.The best way to deal with Brutes is with Stasis. They like to charge, so hit them with Stasis andget behind them, then cut up their tiny limbs. You can also cut off the tentacles on their faces, butthe best spots to hit are the glowing weak points on their legs and shoulders.Theres not much strategy to this fight, except that you should stay away as much as possiblefrom the brute and try to avoid letting it run you over. Even if you hit it with Stasis, get out from infront of it immediately, as it can still hurt you. Keep slicing away at it until it goes down.ACHIEVEMENT: The Brute Juke Achievement can be yours for killing a brute while not

    receiving any damage. Its tough, and the best way to do it is with lots and lots of Stasis.Loot the room after youre done (there are a few crates if you need supplies during your fight),then head for the only unlocked door. Inside is more loot to re-outfit you after the big fight. UseKinesis to get the crates behind the grates.Youll enter a maintenance area with the next door. Check under the table as you approach it forsome ammo, and look down the ramp to your left. Youll see a body stuck to the wall usingtentacles quickly sever them to kill the monster. The longer you let it live, the more little pods itwill spit out. These pods raise a tentacle and shoot spines at you, but you can kill them easily andquickly with one shot.Pass the tentacled monster when its dead and take loot from the wall panel to your right. Hit theelevator to the Solar Array beyond. At the top, kill the scorpion crawler and the puker you find, hitthe Store and the Bench, and save your game for Chapter 7.TIP: For an upcoming achievement, youll probably want the Detonator weapon if you dont have

    it already. Upgrade its reload as well, as itll help you snag an achievement.Chapter 7

    Head down the ramp toward the Solar Array. Watch for two little triangular guys along the way,head through the door, and descend the ramps into the zero gee area. Youll enter the elevatorshaft next shoot the red thruster pod as prompted to move the debris object from in front ofyou.There are several things sitting around in this shaft that have pods on them, and they all need tobe shot. Take care of all the little things first, moving them out of the way by shooting theirthrusters. Once theyre all clear, fly around and grab some loot, then head down below theelevator.SCHEMATIC: Look around just below the elevator for the schematic for Ripper Blades.

    POWER NODE: The recessed area beneath the elevator cant be reached, but you can useKinesis to snag a Power Node from way below you.With all that done, face the bottom of the elevator and shoot its thrusters to move it back intoplace. Then you can double-back to the walkway you just left and board the elevator. Watch outfor the scorpion necromorph waiting for you when you leave zero gee.As you ride the elevator, youll be surprised by monsters called Tripods, those big necromorphswith the weak shoulders. Use your weapon of choice and Stasis to dodge their attacks as theyencircle the pod and continually reach inside it for you. Theyll be all around you, so move fast.ACHIEVEMENT: Pull out your Detonator and use it to blast the Tripods. Hitting them anywhere intheir bodies should knock them off the elevator if you can knock off all of them, the Elevator

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    Action Achievement is your reward.You dont actually have to kill them, just avoid them. Eventually, theyll get culled by the entry intothe Solar Array, but for the time being, do your best not to die.When you hit the Solar Array, youll find some lockers to loot and cysts, so be careful. Use thecanisters spread around orange for explosive, blue for Stasis to kill the cysts and loot thelockers. Theres one on the wall and one on the floor near both sets. Check the wall by the doorbefore you try to leave, also.SCHEMATIC: The Force Gun schematic is in one of the lockers, also.AUDIO LOG: In the Solar Array proper, check to the right to find the body of the Watchman in hisbed, as well as some loot. Check the beside table for a Text Log.In the other direction is a Save Point for you, and beside that, a room with a Store. Be careful ofthe cyst on the floor to the right of the Store kill it by throwing an object at it.POWER NODE: The machine beside the Store on the left has a Power Node on it.You cant access the door beside the Save Point without the Watchmans RIG ID, so grab hisbody and march it in front of the scanner and youll get access. In the next room, a set of yellowtripwire lasers will spread out to stop your progress forward. Stand back and use Kinesis to moveobjects through them to get rid of them all.POWER NODE: Theres an offshoot hallway on the left side of this one, with its own defenses.Clear them and youll find a blue Power Node panel on the right wall, and another panel at theback of the hall with loot in it.

    Head to the door at the end of the hall. Halfway through the next room, more security getstripped. Sit tight the rooms about to fill with necromorphs, and theyll blow the defenses anddecompress the room. When that happens, shoot the emergency seal down, then get on yourfeet and look to the left and right ends of the room for explosive babies.Take out the babies and youll be in the clear for the moment. Head to the room at the end of thehall pick up ammo from the ground while youre there and check the lockers.AUDIO LOG: Theres a Text Log in the locker on the far right.

    Hack the nearby panel to restore energy to the lift. Wait a few seconds youll be ambushed bynecromorphs in succession, but you can use the nearby Stasis canisters (or Stasis of your own,since theres a nearby refill station) to make taking them out easily.Once thats done, look up to the right if youre facing the lift and the door you came in through.

    Theres a piece of metal you can move into the wall using Kinesis, and a bridge you can pulldown with Kinesis as well. Do both, then ride the elevator up to the second level, where youll finda Bench.Be careful as you board the elevator a necromorph will appear just behind you, and after youreach the second level, itll pursue you through a nearby vent. Kill it, ignore the bench, andadvance down the walkway slowly until you trigger another set of lasers.Spin back and use the necros body to clear the trap. Ahead on the right is a Save Point, and in asmall alcove to the left is a set of lockers.POWER NODE: Walk toward the lockers to trigger another laser; turn around and snag a tool boxor similar object to clear the explosives. Check the right locker for the node.Now you can hit the Bench, save and move on. In the next room, get your Stasis and heavyweapons ready youve got two Stalkers to deal with. ANTI, the computer, purges life supportas you enter, so youre on the clock, as well.

    Only one of the two Stalkers has feet, so be careful not to get charged by it. The other crawls kill them both and ignore loot for the moment. Head forward and youll see a panel that can behacked: once thats done, oxygen will be restored and you can wander around, picking up lootfrom the bodies and the wall panels in here. Then hit the door to the Computer Mainframe.Kill the Mainframe

    In order to access the mainframe, youll need to mess with some hardware. Go to the middle ofthe room and enter the hatch there. Inside the room beyond, remove the panels from the wall andpull out all the fuses in the two left panels. Plug them into the right panel theyll turn greenwhen theyre in the right positions.

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    Backtrack out and hit the button beside the hatch to rotate it to the other room. Crawl through andrepeat the process, but be on your toes, as youll have to fight a necro that comes chargingthrough nearby vent. Once youve killed it, deactivate the mainframe security and head back tothe hatch.ACHIEVEMENT: Theres a secret room you can access from here in order to access the Pengtreasure and get the Collect Peng Achievement. To get it, plug the fuses into the panel in eachroom in the following order: the fuse with the plus pattern in the upper left corner; the fuse withwhat looks like two diamonds or a bowtie pattern in the upper right corner; the square-patternedfuse in the lower left corner; and the fuse with a sort of mushroom-shaped pattern in the lowerright corner. In the first room, the fuses will remain red; in the second, theyll turn blue. Onceyouve set all the fuses correctly, you can access another hatch rerouter button in the left fuseroom. Press it and itll take you to a room with Peng on the floor in the back of it, with a bunch ofloot as well.POWER NODE: Theres also a Power Node panel in the secret room.Get your gun up when you leave the fuse rooms and deal with the two slashers charging you upthe ramp when you come out of the hatch. At the bottom of the ramp, youll see six pods come upthat you can break to destroy the computer. Hit two with melee, then turn around youll need tokill a necromorph now, and again after the next two. Finish destroying the circuits and the door tothe Array control panel will open.ACHIEVEMENT: You get the Shut Down Achievement for destroying the AI.

    The hallway you enter next is filled with cysts and little spindly crawling things. Squash thecrawlers and use various debris and Kinesis to kill the cysts. Theyre mostly on the floor, exceptone near the second wall panel in the offshoot hallway on the left, which is on the wall.The next walkway is a hotbed of activity. There are a few Stasis canisters up ahead on the right use them and start killing the slashers that approach you. After them, youll have two lurkers todeal with. Cross to the end of the walkway to a Save Point, and a node-locked door on the left.AUDIO LOG: When you approach the node door, a scorpion necro will climb up and attack you.Slice it up and open the door to find a Text Log on the ground to the right.SCHEMATIC: The Contact Beam schematic is in this room as well, on the shelf on the left.Leave the room, save, and head back to the door you passed that leads to the Array Control Pod.Once there, activate the console and youll be raised up to the array. Head back out the door to

    enter zero gravity and go fix the mirrors.There are a bunch of platforms out here and two mirrors youll have to move. Theres also amonster thing out here that spits up flying squid-like necros that will come after you and try to killyou. They go down in one shot, but they can be irritating. Also, if you need oxygen, there arestations positioned all around the array. Look for the big O2 markers.Follow your Objective Marker to the first mirror. Fly up to the control panel and activate it, thenuse the Right Analog Stick to move the sunlight beam into alignment. Just line the control panelup with the mirror youre aiming at to get it in the proper position.Now follow the marker around the outside of the array to the second mirror. Along the way, youllrun into the pustule monster that spits up the flying guys get close and use your weapons toshoot its yellow weak points when it opens its mouth to kill it and clear the way forward.TIP: Check all the platforms for loot crates, as there are a ton. Theres also a RubySemiconductor that you get as a reward for killing the big gross thing.

    Align the second mirror and youre done. Fly back down to the pod and enter it, the activate thepanel next to the ejection chair to get back down to the Sprawl.When you hit ground, youll have access to a Store and a Save Point. Hit both, gear up, andmake your way down the ramp back to the Transport Hub.Yes, the Transport Hub is bad news once again. This time, youll have to make a desperate standagainst a ton of necromorphs. Ellie will work open the door to the CEC for you, but you need tohold ground until that happens. Get near the door (theres loot all over for you if you need it) andtry to stay close to it, as you wont be winning this fight just surviving it.Stasis is your friend here. Youre going to be dealing with the Pack, slashers, scorpion necrosand toward the end, pukers. Theyre all going to be seriously problematic, so keep your guns

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    The facility gets kicked on a second later. Youll need to fly through those turbine shredder things.Use RB or R1 to orient yourself to the ground and look for the gap between the first vertical set ofgrinders. Hit them with Stasis if you get too close.When youre through, carefully go up, to where theres a gap between the horizontal grinders.Slip through there, then between the last set, into the larger room beyond. Watch for a lurkeryoull have to kill, and grab the loot from the crates below you. You can also refill your Stasis ifneed be.Next, youll have to pass through that field of energy beams. Use Stasis on the machine passingbetween them and fly through the gap it creates. Kill two more lurkers, refill your Stasis, andrepeat the process with the turbines you see next.More lurkers and loot in this room. After theyre dealt with, look for another valve to open, and onone of the walls, a thruster pod. Attach it to the door and shoot it to open the way forward.Now you get to go through fire. Collect some more loot and watch the sequence of burners in thepath ahead. The timing should be easy, so move up between burns until you reach the last ring.Ahead of you is the same monster you dealt with at the Solar Array. You need to shoot its goofyyellow weak points in the center, and also dodge the flying missiles it shoots at you. The best wayto do this is to just equip an accurate weapon like the Plasma Cutter and use boost to dodgesideways for defense. It shouldnt take much to kill this thing.Grab a booster pod from the wall nearby and use it to open the valve door beside the monsterscarcass. A little further and youll find some loot and a spot to land. Open the door and pass

    through the hall and youll reach the room Ellie and Stross were in. Watch out for the crawlingstalker when you arrive.POWER NODE: Check the wall on the left beside the door for a Power Node panel.Through the next door, youll finally meet up with your friends. Loot the room after you speak withthem. Theres also a Save Point to use. Youll need to remove a barricade to leave the room andstart Chapter 9.SCHEMATIC: Facing Stross when you enter, move to the left and youll find the Large Medpackschematic.Chapter 9

    Time to head into the Fuel Preparation Tower. Get a reliable gun ready, because as you startdown the catwalks, a slasher and three or so scorpions will launch an attack on you. Kill them and

    get to the elevator ahead.At the top of the elevator, youll get ambushed as you enter another hallway. Go around thecorner (skip the Conduit Room for a second) and step out onto the walkway to see a flood ofexplosive babies coming your way. Take care of them, then backtrack to the Conduit Room.SCHEMATIC: You may find the Hacker Contact Beam schematic inside this Conduit Room.POWER NODE: Among the other loot is a Power Node, right on the ground.AUDIO LOG: And finally theres an Audio Log in the pile of other junk.A second Fuel Pressurization Control Room is just ahead. Inside is a puker and two lurkers,along with a bunch of loot and a Store.AUDIO LOG: Check on the wall left of the exit door for this Audio Log.Around the corner through the next door, youll encounter a Tall Man necromorph. These guysare tough to kill, and when they go down, their limbs split into several smaller little enemies.Squash them best you can. Stasis works well to stop the main body.

    Up ahead is an elevator to High Pressure Storage. At the top, youll immediately see breakableglass on the left. That means an attack is coming, and you might be able to use the glass to youradvantage. If you start to the right, a slasher will drop from the ceiling for you to deal with. Tryhitting him with Stasis, getting behind him, then blowing the glass so you have time to seal itagain.POWER NODE: On the wall past where the slasher drops down, look for a blue Power Nodepanel.Youre free to go. In the High Pressure Fuel Tower, youll see two paths ahead of you: left andright. The right one is protected by laser traps, so grab an object from the floor on your left anduse it to blow the traps out.

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    SCHEMATIC: You should see a tight aisle between the wall and the wall body, just past the exitelevator. Slip through there and youll find some loot and a Seeker Rifle Shell schematic.Time to take the elevator. At the top, youll see a cyst right in front of you on the ground. Kill it,then look for another on the ground around the corner, plus one on the left wall and one on theceiling. Theres one more at the end of the hall in front of the Store. As you approach, a slasherwill ambush you.Use the Store for anything you might need, and save your game. Note that you should preparefor bear bring the Contact Beam if you have it. Enter the next room, where youll be on abalcony of sorts, with a handful of canisters you can use Kinesis to throw at those big open pods.Theres also a machine behind you that will spit out more throw them at the first big pod todestroy it.Youve got to go down on the elevator to get to the next pod. There are two canister dispenserson either side of the room, as well as some loot crates, but as soon as you get down there and goto work, a big Tormentor will attack you.Dont even bother to finesse this thing Stasis it while you charge your Contact Beam, then tagit in its shoulders to slice its arms off. Hit both and the Tormentor should die (watch out for thetongue, its seriously hurt you), allowing you to throw a canister or two at the pod before waitfor it another Tormentor shows up.Keep moving, keep healing, and keep your guns and Stasis filled. The Tormentors dont stopcoming until youre dead or the pod blows, so just do your best to get the Tormentors out of your

    way so you can destroy the pod. Itll take roughly five or six canisters or more to destroy it.As soon as the pods start to go, abandon the fight and run for the elevator to the left of the tramcar. Hit the button and youll lose the Tormentor (I think it actually flees or gets disintegrated) asyou start to ascend. When you hit the top, sprint for the tram car and Ellie will take you out ofthere for a cutscene.ACHIEVEMENT: The Hornets Nest Achievement gets added to your score after you escapefrom the CEC plant.Chapter 10

    The good ol Ishimura. Head through the plastic tunnels (collecting loot along the way) and youllreach the ships docking bay. Through the door and into the Flight Lounge, youll find a SavePoint.

    AUDIO LOG: Before you go access the computer, clear the objects away from the unlocked dooron the left and go through. Youll find a Text Log on the crates in the middle of the intersection.POWER NODE: From the spot where you found the Text Log, turn right and take the door thereinto the bathroom. Turn right again and youll see a Power Node panel on the wall.AUDIO LOG: Now double back and go to the left. Round the corner into the other side of thebathroom and look on the ground for the Audio Log.Loot the bathroom for anything youve missed, then leave and head back to the Flight Lounge.Go into the control room and hit the console to trigger a systems diagnostic after that, take thenewly unlocked door toward Engineering. Follow the hallway, checking the side rooms for loot, tothe door at the end. Youll find an elevator beyond.Players of the first Dead Space will recognize this as the room from which Isaac got his firstPlasma Cutter. Check for loot and make use of the Bench before exiting. Follow the next halldown the ramp (check for loot to the left) and youll hit a Tram Control Room. Save at the Save

    Point, check for unlocked lockers, and move on.AUDIO LOG: Through a short hallway and another door, youll come to a hall that spread out leftand right in front of you. The Objective Marker says to go right, but go left and follow the hall tothe end (you may remember getting jumped by a necromorph here, and possibly a tentacleattack, from the last game) and youll discover an Audio Log on the ground.Backtrack and descend the ramp and go through the door. Youll enter a large, darkened hallway as you progress, youll face a brute. The quarters are tight, so hit him with Stasis.TIP: Heres a nifty trick if you can get around behind the brute and sever one of its big backlegs, you can pretty much immobilize it. That will give it occasion to shoot exploding ball as you,but those can be caught in the air and thrown back. Either way, with its legs off, its much easier

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    to get around behind the brute and finish it off.Move forward, and guess what? Another brute. Try to deal with it quickly and efficiently aspossible. Youre going to want all your supplies in a second.Upon killing the brute, youll get a call from Ellie, advising you that more necromorphs are on theway. The bad news is, theyre surrounding you as she speaks. Theres a regular slasher behindyou and one of those upgraded black ones in front. Try to handicap the rear one, then whirlaround and kill the big black one, or at least push past it.Once youre past the black slasher, you should be able to turn around and back down the hallwhile firing into the enemies approaching you from the rear. There are at least two more slasherscoming your way, plus a pregnant. Pick your shots and try to kill them fast this is also a goodplace for achievement attempts with various weapons, if you so choose.TIP: This is one of the maintenance areas from the first game the place where you firstencountered Stasis on the Ishimura. As such, the Stasis Refill Console is on your right if yourebacking up, so if you need more, theres some on-hand.POWER NODE: Once youve killed those guys, youre in the clear for the moment. Run to the farend of the hall, past the elevator thats broken, and look for a blue Power Node panel on the wall.Return to that elevator, pop open the panel beside it, and hack it to get it running. At the top, lootthe containers before moving on through the door.Next youll hit a control room. Check it for loot, hit the nearby Store, and use the Save Point. Usethe door across from the Save Point when youre ready to go.

    AUDIO LOG: Inside the elevator, youll find an Audio Log on the floor.Theres a decontamination chamber in the next room. Go around the outside of it first, and checkthe lockers as well as use the Bench. Head into the decon chamber next (remember this?), andget cleared to go through. On the other side are some more lockers to loot before you leave.Lots of necromorphs in the next hall: turn left and immediately kneecap and kill the puker, thenturn right and look for a crawling stalker and a lurker to finish off. Press down the hall to the rightand youll fight a slasher and a pregnant along the way.POWER NODE: At the end of the right-side hallway, youll hit a Power Node panel. Grab it fastand spin around immediately, as youve got fighting to do.As soon as you get to the Power Node, youll face another slasher and a crawling stalker.IMMEDIATELY after fighting them, a black puker will start dousing you with acid. This whole

    encounter can pile up into a big fight with all three, so try to act quickly and decisively as theybarrel toward you.Youre not done yet. Head back in the other direction and before long, youll see another lurker.Back around the corner and ignore it instead, kill the slasher sneaking up behind you. Expectan attack from the rear during every encounter from here out.Quickly whirl around again you should see a pregnant coming your way, along with thatslasher. Try to take out the pregnant without releasing its babies, then kill the lurker, and yourefree to go forward around the corner where a slasher will show up. Kill that one and spinaround fast to deal with the much more powerful black slasher approaching you from behind.That should do it for encounters here.The next connection of this hallway contains a Save Point (thankfully). Next is a zero-gee room:check it for loot before doing anything else.SCHEMATIC: From the door where you enter, fly out to the central column and turn right. Look

    toward the floor for a blue light marking the Force Energy schematic.The pieces floating around the room that have blinking red lights need to be reinstalled into thecentrifuge tower in the center of the room. All of the pieces have yellow tubes on them, and theymatch the tubes that are running on the tower. As you grab them, look for the spot on the towerwhere they complete the corresponding tube, then install them.Fly over to the control panel when youve got all the pieces back in place, and activate thecentrifuge. Backtrack to the Save Point and head back to the hallway you left. Follow it back tothe decon room, where youll be attacked by a bunch of enemies (probably as expected). Theseinclude the Pack and a few slashers and pukers (in that order, mostly). Be ready.

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    Leave the room and hit the Bench if need be, then head to the elevator, where a black slasher willjump you. Take the elevator up to the control room with the Store and the Save Point, for yourconvenience. Objective Marker will take you toward the bridge.The Tram Station is filled with slashers and those little triangle guys. Stand back and shoot at theslashers through the door theyll come one at a time until youve killed three. Head out to thetram and one last slasher will come stalking out from down by the track. Kill that one and yourefree to use the train.The Medical Deck: the scene of some pretty heinous stuff in Isaacs last visit to the Ishimura.Open the first door and youll see what youre dealing with a puker, a lurker, two slashers. Adistance weapon like the Javelin Gun is well-suited for this fight.POWER NODE: As soon as you enter the next room, the Objective Marker will tell you to use thedoor to the left. Ignore it and walk forward theres a Node panel on the wall on your right,marked by a big blue light (not the tall light, though).Go through the doors into the area beyond. This is the scene of another huge fight slasherswill mostly be your enemies, but also those explody-arm guys. Maneuverability is at a minimum,so use the central column to juke guys and try to blow the little ones up before they can close thegap on you.Youre going to get hit several times by waves of attackers a slasher and exploder first, then arepeat of that dynamic and possibly a third slasher. When youve squashed them all, you can go

    to the panel and hack the door open but itll trigger another slasher attack, so be at the ready.The good news is, the next room contains a Save Point. Use it before going into the room youcan see through windows.The monitors on the right are playing Nicoles message from the original Dead Space. Watch it,but ignore the Power Node across the room for the moment. After the message is competed, ablack slasher will drop from the ceiling and attack you. Loot the room once youve killed it.POWER NODE: Snag that Power Node from the Node panel on the back wall after fighting theslasher. Taking the Power Node cuts the power and plunges the room into darkness which iswhy I told you to hold off. Once you have it, leave the room.

    Youll reach an elevator next. At the top, use Kinesis to slide over a small bridge piece so you cancross to the other side of the room. Kill the lurker you encounter and be on guard for a scorpion

    necromorph thats about to ambush you in a moment. Grab loot and move the bridge back so youcan cross to the lift.On the ground, youll see a necro run through that coursing electricity and get annihilated. Youregoing to want to not do that. Lower the lift and two more scorpions will attack you, one after theother, on the lower floor.POWER NODE: From the lift, follow the wall on your right (not toward the electricity) and youllfind a door. Inside is a blue Power Node panel straight in front of the door when you enter.You cant cross the electricity until you pull that battery out from the wall. As soon as you pull thebattery, however, two black slashers and a black scorpion will ambush you. So try this: stand infront of the battery, pull it, and then immediately replace it. Thatll kill the electricity back on andmay save you the trouble of fighting some or all of the necromorphs.TIP: Check inside the hole generating all the electricity for a Ruby Semiconductor (at least onNormal mode).

    Once youve killed everything, pull the battery and cross over to the other side of the room. Youllfind a Bench there, as well as a Power Node room you can open for some loot. I found a gooddeal of health packs in there, although I was nearly dead when I opened it, which could have hadan effect.The Bridge

    Leave the room and follow the hall around. You may recognize the next room as the old entranceto the Medical Level from Dead Space. Loot the room and use the Store and the Save Point. Exitthe room to the Tram Station, which is zero-gee. Take off and start flying down the track, looking

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    of them, but once you take care of that, youre clear all the way to the next room. When you getthere, youll find yourself on a walkway, and if you listen carefully, youll hear a distant slasher.Fire up the Contact Beam if youve got it and look for him on the walkway across from you youmight be able to put him down with one good shot.In order to make it out of this room, youll need to go down to the lower level and find a battery ina panel. The room is more or less teeming with necromorphs, however youll find exploders onyour way down and lurkers later on, plus slashers and pukers and a few of the exploding babies.Clear the top portion, where youll encounter a puker (and find some loot) before heading downthe ramp.An exploder pops out of the wall first. Take it down as you hit the bottom of the ramp, then turn toyour right and watch the ramp for lurkers and slashers coming from above. Kill them all and thenhead down toward the far wall, beside the ramp. Youll possibly deal with more lurkers here.Pull the red battery from the wall and then follow the path along the wall to your right if youve gotyour back to it. Fight off the slasher and puker as you make your way to the far side. Turn backtoward the red battery terminal and youll see a panel you can push to gain access to a battery.Take it back to the panel to power the room. There are Stasis canisters on the bottom level thatare handy, as are the explosive canisters on the top level.

    Youll deal with more necros now a slasher, plus crawling babies coming from the direction of

    the ramp. Kill them all and head back toward the ramp to go back up, where youll see anotherexploding necro come out of the wall. Kill it and head up. Surprise: Slasher at the top, pukercoming up behind you. Stasis them to get them both on the same side of you so you can combineyour efforts against them.Finally: head up to the door and leave the room. Theres loot and a Save Point around the cornerin the next. Go a little further and youll encounter Stross and Ellie, and beyond that, youll end upoutside, fighting one of those flying enemy-slinging goo monsters.You know how to deal with this. Dodge the flying enemies and nail the monsters hanging yellowweakpoints to kill it. After that, you wont be hassled again, at least out here. Youve got anotherpuzzle to solve using thruster pods.POWER NODE: First, orient yourself so youre looking straight on at the monster you just killed,and hit RB or R1 to orient yourself to the ground. Turn left and carefully check the space nearthe structures nearby theres a very easy-to-miss Power Node floating around near the

    machinery.Now face 90 degrees left from there and look for the spot where the two mining laser pods areconverging on the tunnel you need to use. Youll need to move those pods in order to accessthe tunnel. Grab oxygen if you need it from near the monster or inside those red-lit holes, then goto work on the pod on the left first.The left pod (left if youre facing into the white tunnel where the lasers are hitting, oriented to theground) already has a thruster attached. You just need to shoot it. Near that pod is a red-lit room,and inside it, youll find an additional pod and some oxygen. Refill your tanks and grab the pod,then fly it over to the other laser pod and attach it. Shoot it and youre done with the puzzle.SCHEMATIC: Before we go into the white tunnel, fly down to the opening, orient to the ground,and then go around the right side of the white tunnel and fly all the way to where it terminates.Toward the end of the tunnel, placed close to its window on your left, is a schematic for ContactBeam Energy.

    Now you can head into the tunnel, but be careful, as there are a bunch of cysts in the first section.Destroy them and land on the ground in front of the door. Open it and youll have to kill a fewmore ceiling-mounted cysts before you can get inside and save your game.Take the lift up to the catwalks above and youll start seeing enemies in the distance. Theres aslasher on the walkway across from you that you can kill from afar with the right weapons, as wellas two lurkers on the level beneath you that can be dealt with the same way. Start down thecatwalk and a puker will accost you.Head forward a little further and a slasher will drop in front of you, and youll hear one behind youas well. Use Stasis on the threats in front and spin around, using Stasis again on the slasherbehind you, and run back. The enemies to the front are actually three-strong, with a puker in tow

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    their way up to the top of the drill along with a few pukers, and lurkers will stand on the walls andshoot down on you. Watch those walls near the lurkers for spare loot and explosive canisters foryour convenience.TIP: If you have the Force Gun or youre just able to put a few shots into enemies chests, you canpush them into the drill bits, which will instantly kill them.Theres not much to say here except to encourage you to keep hacking away and to keep youreyes open. The slashers that climb up arent generally the super-dangerous kind, so as long asyou address them quickly, you should do all right. The more problematic enemies are the pukers,as they take more work to destroy, and the lurkers, which youll probably struggle to kill at all.After the second wall of lurkers, youre nearing the end. Hold out for a few more seconds andyoull reach the end of this chapter.ACHIEVEMENT: The Knock Knock Achievement unlocks just before you hit Chapter 13.Chapter 13

    Turn around and head into the hallway. Youll find a Save Point and a wall panel with some loot.In fact, youll find wall panels all over the place in this hallway, including past the door, which isaround the corner ahead of you.POWER NODE: When you reach the orange door your Objective Marker directs you to, continuealong the hallway until you reach the next corner. Instead of turning right, turn left youll

    discover a Power Node panel there.Finish looting the area and return to the door. Follow it through until you reach Ellie and thegunship. Past that, theres a Save Point and a Store for you to use. Youll find the elevator justbeyond.The next room is teeming with necros, streaming in through the hole you drilled from the miningarea. Youll face lurkers, exploding arm guys, lots of slashers and pukers to boot. Theres reallyno good way to handle it, but if you can deploy some mines with the detonator early, you might beable to thin the enemys advance.Look also for Stasis canisters to use on enemies, and try to put real estate and walls between youand any lurkers, because theyll pummel you while your attention is divided. If you get intotrouble, double-back to the elevator and hit the Store for more health.Eventually, youll kill enough bad guys that only some straggling lurkers will remain they keepcoming through the hole, so once youve got a lull, youre safe at least for a moment. Run to the

    big door up the stairs and go to its left side to find a panel to hack open, leading you through.

    Descend the stairs on the right side and hug the right side wall. As you reach the bottom,Tiedemanns armed guards will be waiting to unload on you. Slip through the door in the right wallto escape.POWER NODE: Look to the sinks on the left side of the bathroom to find a Power Node justwaiting for you.Move through the closets and loot the area before climbing through a maintenance hatch. Youllcome out into a room beside the military blockade. Head to the right and climb the stairs to thecontrol room above. Save your game there, then pull the battery from the wall.You can watch the carnage through the window. After the dust settles a bit, open the d