dealersseek oithictfreeof- was voiced om toquashchare...

or =' WAMRN PANY, Inc.. NW. . this 7Re ms,- 2 9%r4 .now .W e en. O stute4 corner bos. r..... two...ths..e., 1* 1 8611.i - Pat ae Nt e 7_f m sa Rl1 ths egar WsAurIVUL AND n=A. 4 *24Utia CO. SI ice ADI1 TO 3eL" VA Sow sASt e'r .aereo t. q .e bt the me a h REALTYA ON, alU815. 1410 G wt. N. W. "iee M ivA- #owo Ti WaeINSt. et,? m..W. Ies.Ma"m 12 BUO LOVE NSODT~b . McLEAN,. VA. t ste. Stae r. 1/ Ab= t as, yard clity. Da~ibt. sgaeer weat eoc tru- Ufc. . .t out es a.g fnd trot~~ aIm os"nrtwest streetlaoe OOE(Eclusive Agent). bistee at w srat cs. 71694th $t. oses agIe .in.aL. f. a. 0. Tw. N atia. Reaet N. W. se tl.. 5NAW~Pj& 00 FAN, me., Street N. W. fret os aed heyt stre: one On ete ear, es, S, *p1. Nf. W., just of 14th st., 2 4qum a noirth of Par i W. S large rosses, le-kors throughout, eleettie lights. hot- watr heat, paved aley, lnelomed sleeing pereh. * TOMI A. JA B5N, Ml aw 90 N. Y. ave. N. W. I= YU-UnOXIUSIII Oft ONORED. &A e proysfN~te with frsoiou#4 vrs" i rL, 7~al"Ii at. N. W. W N OUs ftr esale to; w 'l." t, la. Give"W RD &Cg. Inc. 9N 14th Street . W. SU3U33ANI POR SAL3 %IuAMUtuL 'eg roon and bath home city water. peoes, electric ligts and =an tole wita roerty. ,qewiy~ papered e-.n 9..Peni house and run. Abofdance of fruits adDer- ties. " AJ. DAY (Only) 16 Coord II4g. Naim 3631. CHARMING BUBURBAN HOME. or wuty ein town, meat siL mme- 41*1.1 sesion-ren house, witi pantry, both, servsi toilet, furnace, electric no"e sol pump, two aide *cressed porch.s an" lare seeping poreb; geragre; three- Zageeacre shade tree, shrubs. fruit, Oekeeho"e; gardem plantedi interIor re- ootae Wto.nstim aeue car or follo good.. road to Ata Vista. N. S. T. DANA elep sone Bethesda 4. e GOr OUT TO LYON PARK TODAY Wahi~e5 ewT a'd.n"is ab'h. 0t at-00 eet ri. .to Lyo Partk. O Ne Ww York Ave. .q "th~ i. caeti... ,mesa. £6 i.. .. ea.R...v.. .ahme. Phon o. 2, ap ...ertl a,... nprrs~n lIt . s D. G; ARMAN, District National Bank Bldg. Frmnklin 8908. oWNR f4t Meheapest ne 0-en s.1 east terns, Do A-Os Tils-s . fe. LOTP POR SALE YOU WOULD BE SURPRISED 96---LOT8S869 DhR A LE HEIGHffTS. oropportunt to buy these lots at the old wiethey last. m uldn ites,. 86 down and $1 a week rids you of your lanidlord. Write or us for full particulars or est oeupon: Gentlemsen: Please send full a at bnana-lots I are........................ TalE 3. W. HoLtoWAY CO., 1110 F St. N. W yea build4ng lola, insie ,f r, e .me.,r fre to then. . ,. frS9 o*n. s .i D. ARMAN,~. 1 ' RSLEfT soa 9 Po I AR IB SALE PROPERTA4 WAUMD l or sao as ~MRAL. RSAT OIAWS ko4mkar 0o Loaxss v. an" .1K rea; .a. o. O*Dyns.Adan - -A-L Na a 1 ems.vs Om 6~e s r . WENW.E, =0. I. eve 0 . Hoa xnOR A 788. 18h..N . bt n S) Oatir rm &&, .. eneg.s- STUDI.O4 1H S. N. W. ;:it ayuhtoi g-se s tRutbfecs ce t ag i rel tiv nd rLLINno" AMT MADAME KM truvel K 9T. N. 31. led coDst to coast; baa a MOW TO ACCEPT AY. CaUN 0 Van H re to Ge. CU MHSARH PENCE. 0(OPRE ORDBELMOSTDITN cR in Tiu eN, slow TO MENm SH MfI M"L SD8 4 aHt . N. W. (et G eAI os, wt tue deL wil tol iou the sepat f ra ye maina eleie n ]MESSAGE CFRML. RTDAY, d1) le i od lf tar- At. M.AMLL WLL STUDI 4a t 1TH a. m. s.,. COL T ACPROT ATH73A N H GoE THE Vo ttNCITT O TSA WON. Withoutel bonelte a mmdo he. wely c elr " ' th t.e g sor nall, our in i*. hn.mso as eaie -n hrand wh1i0 you ;1 t be . 60e rD. BEL T0 asyytnPalis ea pealm. hs me the neaed of yfute hlie ie ar ek. atd ef to w1n1 the on ytit.; aei PR t aELNT tost A en anh to rain ecebajtd I=rtg by cith. Iant "ort ne"ahs fl r eor at yulie maa l"Pad Pe o two huOea weletel if gee Ws o I Snerflt O v s:d miho et ml bhs gessatyI lei 0yu h t ow., not be l Af DA s wlofM MVeI8 s 0s l at: b eAl't. ertprneietT 6el .h eate boo.i t.,%e *04s Path e C ease reo Ptoh nd. at Fe e b" ortstf . I N 741e . e InWse m o twa 5ESAGE CNADAE RDY-0 MRS.TA PALNES AND C AES, ": = miuto ou an do t t. srm W r C ot. o1ff a .. ....... ...W. e , b t. -130 a as.xr e . MADA VA=TI P RA. JAN. BCATNT. o---e P p lor t a e NG - W ep cial m Am ission8c t and ~ar eveni Privaea by dlil bay pitmeo. into tne Coll. $2 s ADAME BEALSKR berlove, health b tne and f liiy -b el wos en an hop wil!l "? t;w h -gytin __mia m Medium 1ho as"e of the United at# ag~iast Charles W. Moreland. In IN the Court of Appesl ysterdaVPe~SI* ed writ f .error to the 4Vmb involves the question of rte 66op 00wity of the got of MMfe 3.- , the "Nel-s.Ppert Ast." ftio it Oote. that the wl~u fai et a man to support is wtfq ais iniaeneanoh ad I_'_e ' ~ by a fne or imprisonment in the trIe workhouse for 4 one year wr g, During the time of lt- pr Pit th wife or children ro 14, qsate a d'iy for'the husbands In the 3 elend oeAe the. detendant was treed tor aea-s rt of big two inser 4hi4rea) and a verdiet Of guilty was given. The writ yesterday was grated AttRaar fster Wood following his arwotent, that the 4voeile Gout hed e eded It* Jurigdietion in eldiee Moteland, to pay hia Wife l . O l 1. $641,941.54 bad boen sel- looted b wives and- minor children under 4b. "Nen-support (4W." This sun was disbursed through tba Jav. evale court. It was pointed cot that thee paymeats to dependents te not aliftont in any sense of the word but are "Imposed for the publie and Individutl good where the desertion and abandonmentay* found to be wilful and the dependent@ to be In necessitous circumstances." WIL OF EA J. W 15 FLED FMR PROBATE The estate of Emma .7. -Wx, widow of Henry Wai, who died Feb- ruary 3 last, Is estimated at about $95.000, according 10 a petition for probote of the will filed hy Floyd E. Davis. one of the executors named in the will with %Dr. Harrison Crook, the husband of 'arah E. Crook, daughter of testtria and sole ben*fciery under the will. Petitioner describes the real es- tate left by lestatrix to include twenty-one dwellings in the sduth- west section of the city. principally along M street, and places their as- seased value at $31.630. the personal property being estimated at $70.- 634.88. Attorney George Francis Williams represents Davis who said that Dr. Crook, who resides at 920 8 street southwest, who is also named an executor in the will. declined to join him- in the petition to probate the will. cLAIVOYANTs 4Nssed by the District of Columbds MADAM JEANETTE. Gifted Clairvoyant and Palmist. Givois ad"ie 00 busies" mattea Iose health an famfi &Eir@; tells it the s YOu lovs Is tree or false, what part of t Country is Iuiess to Yeu. What to do to be soceessful t life. wves you dated and ftem tl you Wht has 0ase InIl an wiha Is happenin, wit ahisg a ,n'le It". .e " tall to Wls breadtts jest as the a4dl and- Pcate tells when and whom Mein will r. ne matter what you hope fos, or ambMItio Ttpantoes t. hel re. 1114 V t. Vo ~X h4 and UT sts. R-ZPAH ELDON World's Greatest Clairvoyant. tVslimlst end qpirit Medium.L Readings daily from Is a. OFFiCE OF THE COM~iIsIONERSt. D. e.. Washington. May 16, 1921N.Waled oro- trbut idn, un in. e prpoae map hdupnapiationre to teurehasln Off cer.u Ropm2a losa rict W K J~l~e FUDOL.PK. CHARtISS ieas. P, C. NOVINQ, PACIINQ I STORAG THE NEW WAY-- Washint Seeds Mauled to sterage 1353 01 Cas~Anf5 poaseilb recevehd aROO asir... ...l a ~ a. ".nilIoec . m.. in (aters) pel a ol d fors .THU ROYAL EZFRE88. @eneral mag and hauling. geei t.o Uweed ith ~ .,.. eqUpped to f% rOt-elss servise ti abi oing. e Packn L Cran se Wo . 5645. tbiNG F.4 UYTR .3.3. W -MOTING- PADDED VANS FURNISRED Pshes. U. Seie-setl. ERim& UXPRUSS FIREPROO 3 WR. io SEPARATE ROOE- 2,Me!* 'ir g town hMS U 4ue- bad and fathei te Was e 6 se * SaIe to Wak. toet he reastedno 'pay" frobe forNo oases~ toton g ith i wife and abs, tsa out "why." me chned at the Rod Cross after his funds. a te-4ilar bi had been "ed up. Ste naid OUft had fWiled to So -a Wlaim for his dia=9 IttI with the Bureau of War Risik to an**. He didn't know he had to until the Red Crose Ottaws 4014 hit. DillIplame elaims he had 6een writ- Ie the burese for two years for his coftpensation. , oRn" comemI3G NgWS. And. now things will be different. His wift, who has been staying at 51? Thirteenth street north*est for two weeks-on the bounty of the Red Crows will soon be ready to go back. for she has 02,000 In compensation comi n1to her from the Bureau of Wa oih. on the appearanoe of the artiele i The Times last night. deseribng the plight of the es-service san wife, the bureau of War 1ish n- suranee seat a representative areund to see her. He told Mrs. Dill1plane that the bureau was Investigating her husband's case and found that $2.000 compensation..was due them. "Why. I ean buy a house with that much money., said the little mother. "It certainly will b fine. COAL DEALERS SEEK TO QUASH CHARE Validity of indictments Attaoked In Brief Flied With Su. preme Court. A plea in abatement. attacking the validity of an indictment recently re- turned against them was today died in the District Supreme Court by Johnston Rt. Zimmerman. secretary of the Coal Board of Trade, the Indict- meat charging conspiracy to restrain the coal trade in this city. It In charged that the grand jury which heard the testimony in the case and reported the indictment was Improperly. constituted by reason ef one of its members being in the em- ploy of the United States Government. Attorneys Tobriner & Graham and Edwin C. Brandenburg representing petitioner declare that George H. Von Kirk, a member of the grand jury in the matter is a clerk In the office of the surgeon generals offiee of the army receiving disability compenva- tion from the United States. Govern- ment. District Attorney Laskey says he will oppose the motion on the ground that a pensioner is not such an em- ploy* of the Government as. would disqualify him for jury duty. NOTABLF TO ADRU OPEN LEGION NE fN An open meeting for all members of the American .Legion in Washing- ton will be held in the board room of the District Building beit Tues- day night. under the auspices of Stuart Wolcott. Post No. 1. The principal speaker will be Maj. William T. Morgan. who instituted the vocational training system in the army. He will talk on "The Amer- lcan Fighting Men." Senator Walsh. of Massachusetts will also speak. The meeting will be presided over by Com. . .T. Beaulac. "Talks on By TRI "Say it With Flowers" That's the way 'to say it always in Advertising-say it in words that have a seductive odor-that leave a pleasant sensation in the mentkl ol- factories. Pay no attention to the critical chap who wants a law passed prohibiting the use of adjectives in Adver- tising. Some of these chaps would not hesitate to censor the Twenty-third Psalm. It's easy to get too mahy adjectives In Advertising,' but it's fine to use the right ones in the right place "Say it With Flowers"-and. if you can't "Say It With Flowers," hire some one who can. The purpose of Advertising is to create a new want-and you can't do it with the dry stems of a flowerless rhetoric. I know an unde tker in Buff alo who adveitses so seductively, persuasively and convincingly that he makes you want to die just to have the joy of getting his services at his p rice. He takes all the gloom .out of funerals and invests them with a quiet and rephiseful contentment-a sort of satisfying~ and comforting expriece hatisto be looked forward tq with ifAsue ,dArary int theIz taenPg caea sss fe. n the War two I go~ blie"dqd ay 5 t ad. 'to AM 054 ~ ii IowM *6ea the st.4 Pedroe "And 40 will a hppy. I thiuk Ill. dest v gs rib*and write a ett4l1 41data all !a . s i is at the P p i E anlSd - 44060boo a, W1 I 's "OU00T Wils Ungimas The appearaee of the artlefe is The "%ea last ight-. used, thew epmpathy of Wa enlate, who went to the house where urs. Dilliplasea is etavlng. to effe 'ssist- Twelve Waebingtoniana Vlsited her. O Womos left' mame a.4 ph"sebai- bey had told Mrs. Dillisiaae to ean" her ,p It she seeded ear pore a&- ssItanee. The Salvation Arny seat a represtoative., wio promised to sup. ply her with enough fuads to pay her rest for another two weeks. or natil she got satisfaction from the War Rios. 9. D. Lambourps, of a3 Bhewrier blas. sent a cheek. The owner of the premises at $17 Thirteenth street has been very kind to the 14ttle mother. She gave up her sewiagtero, the most eomfortable in the bovesi when she took the soi- dier.s wife in two weeks ago. asd pays she Panmstay at $17 ustil she Is all Axed up. This mertiag -at 10 O'clock an appointment was set for Mrs. Dilliplane by the War Risef sop- resentative, and she wat- up tbre to get matters straightend out. OIThICT FREE OF- "FAKE"SALf.SNOlW Work of Bureau Formed to Check "Ad" Frauds to Be Set Forth at Misting. Fake "sales" and "auctios** are thing of the past in the District of Columbia, according to the Better Business Bureau of Washington. whose Investigators ezamipe Into the conditions of sales and published offers, and if errors are found, re- quitre corrections by the violator. The bureau Is composed of the larger merehants and all the newspa- pers and was formed to prevent fraud is advertising and merchandising. The work will be fully explained at the general meeting of the bureau temo-- row night in the rooms of the Ameri- can Institute of Banking. 1214 V street northwest, by Director F. X. Wholley. Talks will be made by George Christian. Jr.. John Poole. R. B. H. I a and H. H. Kenner. executive eretary of the Associated Advertis- ing Clubs of the World. FEDIG, NEW PATENTS OMCR, NTM F D.C. The newly appointed assistant com- missioner of patents. Karl Fenning of Cleveland. Ohio. was born in this city and attended the public schools here. Later he was graduated from Trinity College. Hartford. Conn.. after which he came back to Washington to graduate from the National Uni- versity Law School and fnish a post graduate course at George Washing- ton University. After being admitted to the local bar. Fenning, who Is a brother of Attorney Frederick A. Fen- ning. moved to Cleveland and on- graged In practice. In 1917 he married Hasil O'Neal of Connecticut. He is a member of the University Club and a number of Cleveland clubs. Newspaper A( JMAN A. DeWEESE, BUFFALO "Say It With Flowers." I don't think any one can' read the advertisements of a modern, up-to-date florist In the newspapers without being reminded of the educational value of Advertising--its power to distribute the useful and the beautiful among the children of men. When this particular undertaker to whom I, have referred began to ad- vertise in the street cars his advertisements were some- what of a shock to the sensi- bilities of certain people who did not believe that a service of that kind could be adver- tised But it soon became plainly evident that such a service could be advertised with a nice, delicate regard for the feelings of people who know they will have to die sometime. Then it began to dawn on this enterprising undertaker that there were a whole lot of people who do not ride on street cars who were going to die sometime and that many who' did not ride on street cars would never see his ad- vertising. On looking througly the street cars each morning he discovered that most of the passengers had their noses buried In the daily newspapers --so he determined to take his messae into all the homes thrur th A~enewqrens ....... . **At - ** t ho UW a ae.,aa -., t. r~o of the Neor aE Wa s smeitnto that o abmat Chevy ofh S5lopeging fo r -10 "* lmng of Tfth bu and forea. l! Chose town*"u liep orwza ins pairs, ot etho 6 18t "it fi. toebny~ -44" a a. the entio * lr. tepe * ' *400t53S %hot stairt 1M011 4. t poaU pe untu Friday t~t.,.,a, made at the dinner of the Ch.vy Chas -workers at the ehuroh- last wgh. wihen Postmastar Gener6 3se Ao' 1 stirring *ppeal for meitlati pemt .A s maishod and wesuabeed to se the grave probleiss* heter*' the ua p. showed that the lager conutiutors within the eengregation of the church already, had leped over the PM$60 AWA0 barrier an were well on their way toward the $750 0 goal. The can. paiga Is e today In e*raost to round up the rest of the necessary. funds for the now building as quickly asTOKA I RD possible. The Chevy Chase canvassers. all volasteer Businese and professienri Reorganization Measure Creates moa. have been divided Into team; with a captain at the head of each. Unhierd-of Powe, - |eors- -Chevy Chase men and women also are joining with the downtown campaign- C&M. Curry. era i teams. including Messrs. Con- Opposition to the bill to reate an rad Yong. 3.MH. Winnemore. Charles Alaskan development board today qey. L P . Colladay, R. Harv hairsr- was voiced by Secretary of Agricul- went. Walter, C ly, Booth. Seiry, ture Wallace in a lengthy letter to gatWalter,AncharnBonth, Yheuny. Congressanan C. P. Curry. chairman Mrs, aoltera Mrs. Caol E. Doylo of the House Committee on TrrI- Mrs. Williatt a.rlt. MMol A. Doyl. tories. and. William 3. Elliott. Mrs. Michael "Apparently the enactment of this and is. Marcellus A. Shields. measure would set up a form of Ad- Ce . Robert N. Harper and Edward ministration wholly difterent from J. Stelwagen have been added to the anything we have over had before in list of homtary chairmen of the gee- any State or Territory." said Secrs- oral committee of Washington citissus tary Wallaee. and Charles A. Douglas, Dr. James ' He pointed out that the proposed Montgomery, C. J. Goeckler and A. D. board Oeuld have eentrol over the Merritt have been appointep on that national forest., water powers. bird committee. Douglas was on the pro- reservations. aguiculturak experiment gram of today's luncheon at the stations, 'fisheries,.game and fur-booa. Willard as a layman representative. ing animals. and the unreserved pub- of other Presbyterian chubrches tha lic lands of the Territory. that at Chevy Chase. Zenator Ball. "Tho enactment of this measure of Delaware. chairman of the Senate would be highly prejudicial to na- Committee on the District of Co;um- tional interest and to Alaskan in. bia: Senator Calder of New York. Con- terests as well." added the Secretary. gressmn Frederick N. ZIthman of Maryland and Commissioner Rudolp R are also participating in today's luncheon conference. RICHMOND. Va.. May IT.-The State Corporation Commission today issued an order which increases the rates of all carriers in Virginia for conven- floes and' large gatherings from a fare and a third to a fare and a halt FOR Nfor a round trip. This increase was A program of dancing and entertain- refused a month ago. ad a rehearing ment has been arranged for next wan, allowed In the opinion today. Saturday night's meeting of the Michi- Commissioner Adams dissented. it is gan State Soet4y. to be held in the effective June 1. Thomson School. Twelfth and L streets northwest. Chinese Wives Bar& Congresman J. C. Ketcham of Michigan will address the meeting. The Supreme Court of the united Taking part in the entertainment States hasustained the ruling of are C. W. Donaldson, Miss Georgia Commissioner of Immigration White Stuart. Samuel White. Den Holcomb, at Seattle, Wash. that a Chinese en- Steward List. and Mr.. Nichols. titled to residence in this country ________________0doe not Posse"s the right to bring amesw~as an, his'wife or minor children here. yes LiBRARY WIL DI A won, a Seattle Chinaman. appealed to sthe court from the commissioner's W decision. The Joseph and hlinabWth iaobins Pennell CollectCo of Whistleriana. presented by them to the Library of Congress. will e open for a special I exhibition In the Library buildingS o Bureau of Prints. Southwest pavil- ion. Thursday night, from 8 to 10 Ag o'clock. The wollection Includes mef of theo r most famous works of James Mdac- GETI THE 'GL Neil Whistler, the celebrated Amer- :an atist Pe tis ng WDemnoey an rotsb ther aeLa of pogre wilo ae on to diseiaHClIL P ehobitdo noth ra ryh newsding Bunrakof Pwnt Sothet Pabiof beur day t he t, Ifro the o3 wilhe olectorntcues m of thec thot fs wtnforo theme ac- easonabslerie ceerathey Awil- en arobetbinunetaeth. ab whordosintavrts" n peewho smake aoig pfto diee 'h from eac fnotraltenes papertadertisins edthe the ofak t roet h mauses.n I the.afchey peoeI voionJm efr rotbred bythe npaersthker-hy, 1 wsawy that te vgnoant ofite serithuce O£i srne n a ,9hti tipstingbefort th0.m mat w reasontole poricy adey bwiefrlllmbdt tet wit robbe y anudrke whorrdoes noerndtriedsitaan whonmut emak It techigeasanpronwfrit t e fro eachWth fale.fddenenral.l a A'nd in' hwat coues es-g aigeadohestO andssesledIIstetchoeibleotha more bt ifuld nthanee te me- wnesfle odCnvn robed of the or drthak eer--tr o atV~'sadt that. adhthatns die wpickout us ito seda po o uqumaet oxHs' ebatnee onl "Sayothes DaWai'th h lasi ee o Mother mons"Mothersnoced donyf" It Is the educational ~wer of oththiclreflowm Advertising that is ~he most Jhsnieabte ihe Impressive feature In the e akgo bg e development of this wonderful i factor in modern merchan- ewn iachce.i disin g1the power to teach j'TrRUN irI JQ people the use of things that RM3I add to the comfort and con- dtr' Ne-Jfs eco tentment of living--that makei lfreTaRckr e oni easier and more Interesting AK T D the struggle for existence. TRUMAMWISEwYOg inmsa dem se *smp das'trmttom the ofsm eas "tasrad 6""s de The - pnn et( . -et y"ear o *as eale ow to the leek et a mestrt OW "M And to tb that -the. 30avY us- pretaat ""W low "asfr deo 4- livery of asy ,sal, for ftdias 3so4 by rail, whiCh wel have real- IF put tho easel eat of Nmem if Navy Departmest had asepte them. As a result of this. Goertart of the Navy D#aby 0esterday d4o" to give the Chosaoemao ad OMlo Canal anotler Obas. to bid ma th dcimsrt, S1eal 60=1144ib th Cvaormn oaiBol te te Proving Grends at IndIan On the Brat bids West Virginla dmss* came Into stif competition with the Maryland eoal. and the Neer De- partment was about to meset e" from the former bids deflvered IW rail to Iadian Med. The entire Maryland deleotion Is Congrees, headed by 00 zihlman, the Chamber -e of Washington. and alamar df organisations of Cumberlad , pe- titiosod Secretary Deaby to have ha navy deatinue the use of the ChOsa- peak. ad Ohio Canal, as It retlld to A large extent on the GOVC#6- seat's business for its elstm Congressman Zihleass was In- formed by Secretary Deaby yester- day that the Navy Department U deelded to, rejeet all previes NO and call for further bids e dL shipments. This .will givie the esaal a chane* for its life and it is the belief of Congressman Sibem and others of the Maryland deleation that the canal sill be able to make cheaper deliveries than by rall. Auto Hits Chiln . HARTFORD, Ceen.. May I.-41s- on children were injured in Talose street yesterday wha LAMle Gross- spoon. et this city, drove his aute- mebile into a group of -e Several have palatul injurtes. - spoon was arrested. MWIN....... - mn &MEICA: GEORGE WASQ N .p 6 PANUAND11E ITAT111 OLD NORYM3 BTATI Ji ~l MUDOON: *DW etS0 at sesact. IRSELF UP ID OW DOWN" d Care2ntier ADDIG . JOmmient EAR EXCLUSIVELY ED SPORTS SECTION mws Something.~ Said at Reno: F.. July 4. 191I.-JIm leffies yfll world that a areat nteq a itati. but in Johnsone i sr to any other bolero that he heavier than bia eseomente: he Toda be'ill mee.'"t as boxer by far. The nubleIo is et man Is a great fi-hter. saw his best days. loafed fer cis failed: Jim Corbett tried It and as. Youse- Corbott. Geerqe Dixn. Itmrouut nJ aton ave tro it arae Sysonby. Co in or iweaoof SJohnson to win. e of those fihs Weh eve t be a master to aet away with han Jeffriep I den't esseet 3m a ~.rnnwal eut. ma. fit a a i kftinK a~n TION OR I4T!W1 IN TO HISR . r Jef ot a* th ifteenth round) H E KNOWS.

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Post on 21-Sep-2019




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or =' WAMRN

PANY, Inc..NW. .


7Re ms,-29%r4

.now .W e en.

O stute4 corner bos.

r..... two...ths..e.,

1* 1 8611.i

- Pat ae Nt e

7_f m saRl1 thsegar WsAurIVUL AND n=A.

4 *24Utia CO. SI ice


Sow sASt e'r.aereo t. q

.e bt the me a h

REALTYA ON,alU815. 1410 G wt. N. W.

"ieeM ivA-

#owo Ti WaeINSt.

et,? m..W. Ies.Ma"m 12


t ste. Stae r.1/

Ab= t as, yard clity.Da~ibt. sgaeer weat eoc

tru-Ufc.. .tout esa.g fnd

trot~~ aIm os"nrtwest streetlaoe

OOE(Eclusive Agent).

bistee at w srat cs. 71694th $t.

oses agIe .in.aL. f. a.

0. Tw. N atia. Reaet N. W. se tl..

5NAW~Pj& 00 FAN, me.,Street N. W.

fret os aed heyt stre: one

On ete ear, es, S,

*p1. Nf. W., just of 14th st., 24qum a noirth of Par i W.

S large rosses, le-korsthroughout, eleettie lights. hot-watr heat, paved aley, lnelomedsleeing pereh.

* TOMI A. JA B5N,Ml aw 90 N. Y. ave. N. W.

I= YU-UnOXIUSIII Oft ONORED.&A e proysfN~te with frsoiou#4

vrs" i rL, 7~al"Ii at. N. W.

W N OUs ftr esale to;w 'l." t, la. Give"WRD &Cg. Inc.

9N 14th Street.W.

SU3U33ANIPOR SAL3%IuAMUtuL 'eg roon and bath home

city water. peoes, electric ligts and=an tole wita roerty. ,qewiy~paperede-.n 9..Peni houseand run. Abofdance of fruits adDer-

ties. " AJ. DAY (Only)16 Coord II4g. Naim 3631.


or wuty ein town, meat siL mme-41*1.1 sesion-ren house, witi pantry,

both, servsi toilet, furnace, electricno"e sol pump, two aide *cressed porch.san" lare seeping poreb; geragre; three-

Zageeacre shade tree, shrubs. fruit,Oekeeho"e; gardem plantedi interIor re-

ootae Wto.nstim aeue car or follogood.. road to Ata Vista. N.

S. T. DANA elep sone Bethesda 4. e


TODAYWahi~e5 ewTa'd.n"is ab'h. 0t

at-00 eet ri. .to Lyo Partk. O

Ne Ww York Ave.

.q "th~ i. caeti... ,mesa. £6 i.... ea.R...v.. .ahme. Phon o.

2, ap ...ertla,... nprrs~nselIt . s D. G; ARMAN,

District National Bank Bldg.Frmnklin 8908.

oWNR f4t Meheapest ne 0-en

s.1 east terns, Do A-Os Tils-s . fe.


96---LOT8S869DhR ALE HEIGHffTS.oropportunt to buy these

lots at the old wietheylast. m uldn ites,.

86 down and $1 a week rids youof your lanidlord. Write or

us for full particulars orest oeupon:Gentlemsen: Please send full

a at bnana-lots

I are........................

TalE 3. W. HoLtoWAY CO.,1110 F St. N. W

yea build4ng lola, insie,f r, e .me.,r fre to then.

. , . frS9 o*n. s.i D. ARMAN,~.

1 ' RSLEfT soa 9

Po I







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;:itayuhtoig-se stRutbfecs ce t ag i rel tiv nd


MADAME KMtruvel K 9T. N. 31.

led coDst to coast;baa a



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P RA. JAN. BCATNT.o---e Pp lor t a e NG -W ep

cial m Am ission8c t and ~ar eveni

Privaea by dlil bay pitmeo.intotne Coll.$2

s ADAME BEALSKRberlove, health b tne and f liiy -b el

wos en an hop wil!l "? t;w h

-gytin __mia m Medium

1ho as"e of the United at#ag~iast Charles W. Moreland. In INthe Court of Appesl ysterdaVPe~SI*ed writ f .error to the 4Vmb

involves the question ofrte66op 00wity of the got of MMfe3.- , the "Nel-s.Ppert Ast."ftio it Oote. that the wl~u

fai et a man to support is wtfqais iniaeneanoh adI_'_e' ~ by a fne or imprisonmentin the trIe workhouse for 4 oneyear wr g, During the time of lt-pr Pit th wife or children ro

14, qsate a d'iy for'the husbandsIn the 3 elend oeAe the. detendant

was treed tor aea-s rt of big twoinser 4hi4rea) and a verdiet Of guiltywas given.The writ yesterday was grated

AttRaar fster Wood following hisarwotent, that the 4voeile Gout hede eded It* Jurigdietion in eldieeMoteland, to pay hia Wife l .

Ol 1. $641,941.54 bad boen sel-looted b wives and- minor childrenunder 4b. "Nen-support (4W." Thissun was disbursed through tba Jav.evale court. It was pointed cot thatthee paymeats to dependents te notaliftont in any sense of the wordbut are "Imposed for the publie andIndividutl good where the desertionand abandonmentay* found to bewilful and the dependent@ to be Innecessitous circumstances."


The estate of Emma .7. -Wx,widow of Henry Wai, who died Feb-ruary 3 last, Is estimated at about$95.000, according 10 a petition forprobote of the will filed hyFloyd E. Davis. one of the executorsnamed in the will with %Dr. HarrisonCrook, the husband of 'arah E.Crook, daughter of testtria and soleben*fciery under the will.

Petitioner describes the real es-tate left by lestatrix to includetwenty-one dwellings in the sduth-west section of the city. principallyalong M street, and places their as-seased value at $31.630. the personalproperty being estimated at $70.-634.88.Attorney George Francis Williams

represents Davis who said that Dr.Crook, who resides at 920 8 streetsouthwest, who is also named anexecutor in the will. declined tojoin him- in the petition to probatethe will.

cLAIVOYANTs4Nssed by the District of Columbds

MADAM JEANETTE.Gifted Clairvoyant and Palmist.Givois ad"ie 00 busies" mattea Iose

health an famfi &Eir@; tells it the sYOu lovs Is tree or false, what part of tCountry is Iuiess to Yeu. What to do tobe soceessful t life. wves you dated andftem tl you Wht has 0aseInIlan wiha Is happenin, wit ahisg a,n'le It". .e " tall toWls breadtts jest as the a4dl and-Pcate tells when and whomMein will matter what you hope fos, or ambMItio

Ttpantoes t. hel re. 1114 V t.Vo~X h4 and UT sts.

R-ZPAH ELDONWorld's Greatest Clairvoyant. tVslimlst endqpirit Medium.L Readings daily from Is a.

OFFiCE OF THE COM~iIsIONERSt. D. e..Washington. May 16, 1921N.Waled oro-

trbut idn, un in. e

prpoae map hdupnapiationre toteurehasln Off cer.uRopm2a losa rictW K J~l~e FUDOL.PK. CHARtISS

ieas. P, C.


Washint Seeds Mauled to sterage1353 01 Cas~Anf5

poaseilb recevehd aROO ~ a.".nilIoec. m.. in

(aters) pela ol d fors

.THU ROYAL EZFRE88.@eneral mag and hauling. geei t.o

Uweed ith ~ .,..eqUpped to f%rOt-elss serviseti

abi oing.e PacknL Cran se

Wo . 5645. tbiNGF.4UYTR.3.3. W


Pshes. U. Seie-setl.ERim& UXPRUSSFIREPROO 3WR. io


'ir g town hMS U

4ue- bad and fatheite Was e 6 se *SaIe to Wak.

toet he reastedno 'pay" frobe

forNooases~ toton g

ith i wife and abs, tsa out"why." me chned at the Rod Crossafter his funds. a te-4ilar bi hadbeen "ed up. Ste naid OUft hadfWiled to So -a Wlaim for his dia=9IttI with the Bureau of War Risikto an**. He didn't know he had tountil the Red Crose Ottaws 4014 hit.DillIplameelaims he had 6een writ-Ie the burese for two years for hiscoftpensation. ,

oRn" comemI3G NgWS.And. now things will be different.

His wift, who has been staying at51? Thirteenth street north*est fortwo weeks-on the bounty of the RedCrows will soon be ready to go back.for she has 02,000 In compensationcomin1to her from the Bureau of

Wa oih.on the appearanoe of the artiele

i The Times last night. deseribngthe plight of the es-service sanwife, the bureau of War 1ish n-suranee seat a representative areundto see her. He told Mrs. Dill1planethat the bureau was Investigatingher husband's case and found that$2.000 compensation..was due them."Why. I ean buy a house with

that much money., said the littlemother. "It certainly will b fine.


Validity of indictments AttaokedIn Brief Flied With Su.

preme Court.A plea in abatement. attacking the

validity of an indictment recently re-turned against them was today diedin the District Supreme Court byJohnston Rt. Zimmerman. secretary ofthe Coal Board of Trade, the Indict-meat charging conspiracy to restrainthe coal trade in this city.

It In charged that the grand jurywhich heard the testimony in thecase and reported the indictment wasImproperly. constituted by reason efone of its members being in the em-ploy of the United States Government.Attorneys Tobriner & Graham and

Edwin C. Brandenburg representingpetitioner declare that George H. VonKirk, a member of the grand jury inthe matter is a clerk In the office ofthe surgeon generals offiee of thearmy receiving disability compenva-tion from the United States. Govern-ment.

District Attorney Laskey says hewill oppose the motion on the groundthat a pensioner is not such an em-ploy* of the Government as. woulddisqualify him for jury duty.


An open meeting for all membersof the American .Legion in Washing-ton will be held in the board roomof the District Building beit Tues-day night. under the auspices ofStuart Wolcott. Post No. 1.The principal speaker will be Maj.

William T. Morgan. who institutedthe vocational training system in thearmy. He will talk on "The Amer-lcan Fighting Men." Senator Walsh.of Massachusetts will also speak. Themeeting will be presided over by Com.

. .T. Beaulac.

"Talks onBy TRI

"Say it WithFlowers"

That's the way 'to say italways in Advertising-say itin words that have a seductiveodor-that leave a pleasantsensation in the mentkl ol-factories. Pay no attentionto the critical chap who wantsa law passed prohibiting theuse of adjectives in Adver-tising. Some of these chapswould not hesitate to censorthe Twenty-third Psalm.

It's easy to get too mahyadjectives In Advertising,' butit's fine to use the right onesin the right place "Say itWith Flowers"-and. if youcan't "Say It With Flowers,"hire some one who can. Thepurpose of Advertising is tocreate a new want-and youcan't do it with the dry stemsof a flowerless rhetoric.

I know an unde tker inBuffalo who adveitses soseductively, persuasively andconvincingly that he makesyou want to die just to havethe joy of getting his servicesat his price. He takes all thegloom .out of funerals andinvests them with a quiet andrephiseful contentment-a sortof satisfying~ and comforting

expriece hatisto be lookedforward tq with ifAsue

,dAraryint theIz taenPgcaea sss fe. n the War two

I go~ blie"dqd ay 5t ad. 'to AM054 ~ iiIowM

*6eathe st.4 Pedroe"And 40 will a hppy. I

thiuk Ill. dest v gsrib*andwrite a ett4l141data all

!a . s i is at the P p iEanlSd - 44060boo a, W1 I

's "OU00T Wils UngimasThe appearaee of the artlefe is

The "%ealast ight-. used, thewepmpathy of Wa enlate,who went to the house where urs.Dilliplaseais etavlng. to effe 'ssist-

Twelve Waebingtoniana Vlsited her.O Womos left' mame a.4 ph"sebai-bey had told Mrs. Dillisiaae to ean"her ,p It she seeded ear pore a&-ssItanee. The Salvation Arny seat areprestoative., wio promised to sup.ply her with enough fuads to payher rest for another two weeks. ornatil she got satisfaction from theWar Rios. 9. D. Lambourps, of a3Bhewrier blas. sent a cheek.The owner of the premises at $17

Thirteenth street has been very kindto the 14ttle mother. She gave up hersewiagtero, the most eomfortablein the bovesi when she took the soi-dier.s wife in two weeks ago. asdpays she Panmstay at $17 ustil she Isall Axed up. This mertiag -at 10O'clock an appointment was set forMrs. Dilliplane by the War Risef sop-resentative, and she wat- up tbreto get matters straightend out.


Work of Bureau Formed toCheck "Ad" Frauds to Be Set

Forth at Misting.Fake "sales" and "auctios** are

thing of the past in the District ofColumbia, according to the BetterBusiness Bureau of Washington.whose Investigators ezamipe Into theconditions of sales and publishedoffers, and if errors are found, re-quitre corrections by the violator.The bureau Is composed of the

larger merehants and all the newspa-pers and was formed to prevent fraudis advertising and merchandising. Thework will be fully explained at thegeneral meeting of the bureau temo--row night in the rooms of the Ameri-can Institute of Banking. 1214 Vstreet northwest, by Director F. X.Wholley.Talks will be made by George

Christian. Jr.. John Poole. R. B. H.I a and H. H. Kenner. executiveeretary of the Associated Advertis-ing Clubs of the World.

FEDIG, NEW PATENTSOMCR,NTM F D.C.The newly appointed assistant com-

missioner of patents. Karl Fenningof Cleveland. Ohio. was born in thiscity and attended the public schoolshere. Later he was graduated fromTrinity College. Hartford. Conn.. afterwhich he came back to Washingtonto graduate from the National Uni-versity Law School and fnish a postgraduate course at George Washing-ton University. After being admittedto the local bar. Fenning, who Is abrother of Attorney Frederick A. Fen-ning. moved to Cleveland and on-graged In practice. In 1917 he marriedHasil O'Neal of Connecticut. He is amember of the University Club and anumber of Cleveland clubs.


"Say It With Flowers." Idon't think any one can' readthe advertisements of amodern, up-to-date florist Inthe newspapers without beingreminded of the educationalvalue of Advertising--itspower to distribute the usefuland the beautiful among thechildren of men. When thisparticular undertaker to whomI, have referred began to ad-vertise in the street cars hisadvertisements were some-what of a shock to the sensi-bilities of certain people whodid not believe that a serviceof that kind could be adver-tised But it soon becameplainly evident that such aservice could be advertisedwith a nice, delicate regardfor the feelings of people whoknow they will have to diesometime.

Then it began to dawn onthis enterprising undertakerthat there were a whole lot ofpeople who do not ride onstreet cars who were going todie sometime and that manywho' did not ride on streetcars would never see his ad-vertising. On looking througlythe street cars each morninghe discovered that most ofthe passengers had their nosesburied In the daily newspapers--so he determined to takehis messae into all the homes

thrurth A~enewqrens


**At- ** tho U W

a ae.,aa -., t.r~o of the Neor

aEWa s smeitnto that o

abmat Chevyofh S5lopeging

fo r-10"*

lmng ofTfth bu andforea. l!

Chose town*"u liep orwzains pairs,otetho 6 18t "it fi.toebny~-44"a a.

the entio*lr. tepe

* '

*400t53S %hot stairt1M0114.t poaU pe untu Friday

t~t.,.,a, made at the dinner ofthe Ch.vy Chas -workers at theehuroh- last wgh. wihen PostmastarGener6 3se Ao' 1 stirring *ppealfor meitlati pemt .A s maishodand wesuabeed to se the graveprobleiss* heter*' the ua p. showedthat the lager conutiutors withinthe eengregation of the churchalready, had leped over the PM$60AWA0barrier an were well on their waytoward the $750 0 goal. The can.paiga Is e today In e*raost to roundup the rest of the necessary. funds forthe now building as quickly asTOKA I RD

possible.The Chevy Chase canvassers. all

volasteer Businese and professienri Reorganization Measure Createsmoa. have been divided Into team;with a captain at the head of each. Unhierd-of Powe, -|eors--Chevy Chase men and women also arejoining with the downtown campaign- C&M. Curry.era i teams. including Messrs. Con- Opposition to the bill to reate anrad Yong. 3.MH. Winnemore. Charles Alaskan development board todayqey. LP . Colladay, R. Harv hairsr- was voiced by Secretary of Agricul-

went. Walter, C ly, Booth. Seiry, ture Wallace in a lengthy letter togatWalter,AncharnBonth, Yheuny. Congressanan C. P. Curry. chairmanMrs, aoltera Mrs. Caol E. Doylo

of the House Committee on TrrI-Mrs. Williatt a.rlt. MMol A.Doyl. tories.and. William 3. Elliott. Mrs. Michael "Apparently the enactment of thisand is. Marcellus A. Shields. measure would set up a form of Ad-Ce . Robert N. Harper and Edward ministration wholly difterent fromJ. Stelwagen have been added to the anything we have over had before inlist of homtary chairmen of the gee- any State or Territory." said Secrs-oral committee of Washington citissus tary Wallaee.and Charles A. Douglas, Dr. James ' He pointed out that the proposedMontgomery, C. J. Goeckler and A. D. board Oeuld have eentrol over theMerritt have been appointep on that national forest., water powers. birdcommittee. Douglas was on the pro- reservations.aguiculturak experimentgram of today's luncheon at the stations, 'fisheries,.game and fur-booa.Willard as a layman representative. ing animals. and the unreserved pub-of other Presbyterian chubrches tha lic lands of the Territory.that at Chevy Chase. Zenator Ball. "Tho enactment of this measureof Delaware. chairman of the Senate would be highly prejudicial to na-Committee on the District of Co;um- tional interest and to Alaskan in.bia: Senator Calder of New York. Con- terests as well." added the Secretary.gressmn Frederick N. ZIthman ofMaryland and Commissioner Rudolp Rare also participating in today'sluncheon conference. RICHMOND. Va.. May IT.-The State

Corporation Commission today issuedan order which increases the rates ofall carriers in Virginia for conven-floes and' large gatherings from afare and a third to a fare and a haltFOR Nfor a round trip. This increase was

A program of dancing and entertain- refused a month ago. ad a rehearingment has been arranged for next wan, allowed In the opinion today.Saturday night's meeting of the Michi- Commissioner Adams dissented. it isgan State Soet4y. to be held in the effective June 1.Thomson School. Twelfth and Lstreets northwest. Chinese Wives Bar&Congresman J. C. Ketcham ofMichigan will address the meeting. The Supreme Court of the unitedTaking part in the entertainment States hasustained the ruling of

are C. W. Donaldson, Miss Georgia Commissioner of Immigration WhiteStuart. Samuel White. Den Holcomb, at Seattle, Wash. that a Chinese en-Steward List. and Mr.. Nichols. titled to residence in this country

________________0doe not Posse"s the right to bringamesw~as an, his'wife or minor children here. yesLiBRARY WIL DI A won, a Seattle Chinaman. appealed to

sthe court from the commissioner'sW decision.The Joseph and hlinabWth iaobins

Pennell CollectCo of Whistleriana.presented by them to the Library ofCongress. will e open for a special Iexhibition In the Library buildingS oBureau of Prints. Southwest pavil-ion. Thursday night, from 8 to 10 Ago'clock.The wollection Includes mef of theo r

most famous works of James Mdac- GETI THE'GLNeil Whistler, the celebrated Amer-:an atist

Pe tisngWDemnoey anrotsb ther aeLa of

pogre wilo ae on to diseiaHClIL Pehobitdo noth ra ryh newsdingBunrakof Pwnt Sothet Pabiofbeur dayt he t, Ifro the o3

wilheolectorntcues mof thecthot fs wtnforo theme ac-easonabslerie ceeratheyAwil-en arobetbinunetaeth. ab

whordosintavrts" n

peewho smake aoig pftodiee 'hfrom eac fnotraltenes

papertadertisins edthe theofak t roet h

mauses.n Ithe.afcheypeoeI voionJm efr

rotbred bythe npaersthker-hy, 1 wsawythat te vgnoant ofite serithuce O£i srne n a,9hti tipstingbefortth0.m mat w

reasontole poricy adey bwiefrlllmbdt tetwit robbe y anudrkewhorrdoesnoerndtriedsitaanwhonmutemak Ittechigeasanpronwfrit t efro eachWth fale.fddenenral.l a

A'nd in' hwat coues es-g aigeadohestO

andssesledIIstetchoeibleothamore bt ifuldnthanee te me- wnesfle odCnvnrobedof theor drthakeer--tr o atV~'sadtthat. adhthatnsdie wpickoutus ito sedapo o uqumaet oxHs' ebatnee

onl "Sayothes DaWai'th h lasi ee o

Mother mons"Mothersnoceddonyf"It Is the educational ~wer of oththiclreflowmAdvertising that is ~he most Jhsnieabte iheImpressive feature In the e akgo bg e

development of this wonderful ifactor in modern merchan- ewn iachce.idising1the power to teach j'TrRUN irI JQ

people the use of things that RM3I

add to the comfort and con- dtr' Ne-Jfs eco

tentment of living--that makei lfreTaRckr e onieasier and more Interesting AK T Dthe struggle for existence.


inmsa dem se *smp

das'trmttom the ofsm eas"tasrad 6""s de

The -pnn et( . -ety"ear o*aseale ow

to the leek et a mestrt OW "MAnd to tb that -the. 30avY us-pretaat ""W low "asfrdeo4-livery of asy ,sal, for ftdias 3so4by rail, whiCh wel have real-IF put tho easel eat of Nmemif

Navy Departmest had aseptethem.As a result of this. Goertart of

the Navy D#aby 0esterday d4o"to give the Chosaoemao ad OMloCanal anotler Obas. to bid ma th

dcimsrt, S1eal 60=1144ib thCvaormn oaiBol te teProving Grends at IndIanOn the Brat bids West Virginla dmss*came Into stif competition with theMaryland eoal. and the Neer De-partment was about to meset e"from the former bids deflvered IWrail to Iadian Med.The entire Maryland deleotion Is

Congrees, headed by 00zihlman, the Chamber -eof Washington. and alamar dforganisations of Cumberlad , pe-titiosod Secretary Deaby to have hanavy deatinue the use of the ChOsa-peak. ad Ohio Canal, as It retlldto A large extent on the GOVC#6-seat's business for its elstmCongressman Zihleass was In-

formed by Secretary Deaby yester-day that the Navy Department Udeelded to, rejeet all previes NOand call for further bids e dLshipments. This .will givie the esaala chane* for its life and it is thebelief of Congressman Sibem andothers of the Maryland deleationthat the canal sill be able to makecheaper deliveries than by rall.

Auto Hits Chiln .

HARTFORD, Ceen.. May I.-41s-on children were injured in Talosestreet yesterday wha LAMle Gross-spoon. et this city, drove his aute-mebile into a group of-eSeveral have palatul injurtes. -

spoon was arrested.


.p 6



*DWetS0 at sesact.



d Care2ntierADDIG .



mws Something.~

Said at Reno:F.. July 4. 191I.-JIm leffies yfllworld that a areat nteq a

itati. but in Johnsone isr to any other bolero that heheavier than bia eseomente: heToda be'ill mee.'"tas

boxer by far. The nubleIo is et

man Is a great fi-hter.saw his best days. loafed fer cis

failed: Jim Corbett tried It andas. Youse- Corbott. Geerqe Dixn.Itmrouut nJaton ave tro it

arae Sysonby. Co in or iweaoofSJohnson to win.

e of those fihs Weh evet be a master to aet away with

hanJeffriep I den't esseet 3m

a~.rnnwal fit a a ikftinK a~n


r Jef ot a* th ifteenth round)