dear family of faith, - fbc jax · admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize his...


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Page 1: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for
Page 2: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for
Page 3: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Dear Family of Faith,

The journey of faith calls us to walk together in the Word of God. We are so glad that you are joining us on this journey through the last part of the book of Matthew. We will encounter our Savior and discover much through His life and ministry, and apply great truths to our own life and family.

Our desire is for you to make disciples who make other disciple makers. The beginning point is each of us growing in our faith and being in community with others in our Sunday School Group. Spending time daily in God’s Word by walking through the passages in this PSG devotional booklet will prepare you for Sunday with your Group. As you have your quiet time each day, jot down your answers to the questions and exercises. Spend time on Saturday reflecting on the week and use Sunday to take notes and apply the Word of God.

Again this quarter, our children in elementary ages and older will also be walking through the same scriptures and quiet times. Our family worship times are strengthened as we walk together in God’s Word. Your quiet time will prepare you to spend time talking with your family members and friends around the Word of God.

We will pray for you and your family as we walk together through God’s Word. May He enrich you as He calls you to deeper commitment to Him and as He gives us more of His passion for the Father and for making disciples. We would love to hear how your quiet time and family worship time are strengthened through this quarter. Blessings to you all!

Serving Jesus with you,

Steve CliftonExecutive Pastor of Education for Median Adults


Page 4: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Sunday Lesson Title Scripture

*Easter emphasis

List of Lessons

March 5 Who is Jesus? Matthew 16:13-28March 12 Is Jesus Fully God? Matthew 17:1-13March 19 What is Required? Matthew 19:16-26March 26 More Than a Prophet? Matthew 21:1-11April 2 If I Reject Jesus? Matthew 21:33-45April 9 Offered to All? Matthew 22:1-14April 16 Where is Jesus?* Matthew 28:1-15April 23 What about the Future? Matthew 24:36-51April 30 How Do We Remember? Matthew 26:17-30May 7 Do I Have the Strength? Matthew 26:36-46May 14 Loyal? Matthew 26:63-75May 21 Crucified Matthew 27:41-52May 28 What Do We Do Now? Matthew 28:16-20


Page 5: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Week of February 27, 2017

Matthew 15:1-20

Jesus cares more about the heart than outward displays of religion.

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.”

Matthew 16:24 (NASB)




The heart is the source of every thought, desire, word, and behavior. Jesus seeks to transform the source of our actions before He changes the actions themselves. Jesus said, “It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man” (v. 11). It’s not the behavior that ruins us—it’s the thoughts that drive it. We must focus on the cause before we focus on the effect: “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders” (v. 19). Before Christ can be Lord over our lives, He must be Lord over our hearts. Only when our hearts are fully subjected to Him will our behavior follow.

• What was Jesus’ primary concern in this passage? ________________________________________________________

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• What is the connection between our actions and our hearts? ________________________________________________________

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Ask Jesus to be Lord over your heart first by purifying it. Repent of anything in your heart that does not glorify Him.



Page 6: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Matthew 15:21-28

Jesus came to seek and save those who recognize their need for salvation. MAIN IDEA

Jesus’ delay in healing the Canaanite woman’s daughter did not indicate His lack of compassion; rather, it demonstrated His desire for the loyalty of those who call upon Him. The Canaanite woman demonstrated great humility—her shouts for Jesus’ attention demonstrated her acknowledgement of her severe need for Him. Her calling Jesus “Lord” was an acknowledgment of His divinity (vv. 22, 25, 27). Her persistence in asking for Jesus’ help displayed her belief in who He was. The discussion about the sheep and the dogs was a differentiation between Jews and Gentiles; the woman’s birthplace, Canaan, indicated her paganism. Her insistence was that even though Jesus had come to rescue God’s chosen people, His salvation would not be limited to a single people group: She, a Gentile “dog,” could be saved (v. 27). Jesus’ delay in healing stretched the Canaanite woman’s faith as it magnified the God she needed.

• How did the Canaanite woman demonstrate humility? How are humility and desperation intricately linked?

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• Are you lacking humility in your requests to God? If so, what will it take for you to be humble before the Healer?

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Go before the Lord in humility. Ask Him to forgive you for any pride. Get to a place of brokenness. Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you.




Page 7: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Jesus abundantly provides for us for His glory.MAIN IDEA

The miracles of Jesus continually drew large crowds. No matter how hard He tried to be alone—for indeed He went up the mountain to sit alone with God (v. 29)—Christ was followed. The sick, the diseased, the maimed, the demon-possessed, and the heartbroken—they all flocked to Him in hopes of being healed by Him. Jesus healed in different ways and fed more than 4,000 people. The end result was always the same: “The crowd marveled as they saw the mute speaking, the crippled restored, and the lame walking, and the blind seeing; and they glorified the God of Israel” (v. 31). When Jesus displays His great power, the end result is the glory of God.

• What sticks out to you about Jesus’ encounter with the sick? How did His physical healing always bring glory to the Father?


• How does this display of His power encourage you to turn to Jesus? ________________________________________________________


Praise God for being the Healer of both sickness and sin. Invite His healing hand over you. Bring Him glory in every circumstance.


Matthew 15:29-39WednesdayMarch



Page 8: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

God is more concerned with inward matters of the heart than external religious activity.


The Pharisees demanded a physical sign from the Lord, but instead Jesus gave them a spiritual lesson (vv. 1-4). Even the disciples were befuddled at Jesus’ metaphors. Jesus told them, “Watch out and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees” (v. 6). Yet the disciples took Him literally and started talking about bread. By this point, Jesus had expected the disciples to be so in tune with His ways that He questioned them, “How is it that you do not understand that I did not speak to you concerning bread? But beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees” (v. 11). He was warning them to beware of the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees which included seeking God through religious activity. Beware when God wants to teach you something spiritual but you remain stuck in the physical—for God is always looking beyond the surface of things.

• How were the questions of the Pharisees and the disciples one and the same? Which groups were led to Truth, while the other denied Him?


• In what ways are you depending on your religious activities instead of a personal relationship with God?


Ask God to help you draw near to Him. Acknowledge your weakness before Him. Ask Him to help you seek Him only.


Matthew 16:1-12ThursdayMarch



Page 9: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

The call to follow Jesus is the call to deny yourself and take up your cross.


When we deny ourselves, we participate in a great exchange. We exchange our unrighteousness for Christ’s righteousness. We exchange our hopelessness for His promise. We exchange our plans and desires for His divine purpose. Note that Peter did not lose his personality when he confessed Christ as Lord (for he was just as passionate as he always was); he merely lost his self-sufficiency. Jesus affirmed this when He blessed Peter, “Because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven” (v. 17). When we participate in the great exchange of the cross, we give up our rights. But the gain is hundredfold: we get access to the heart and thoughts of the Father through the Holy Spirit. Peter’s knowledge of the lordship of Christ was not because he was a “disciple;” it was because the Holy Spirit had revealed it to him.

• Why did Jesus ask Peter who He was? What is the significance of such a question?


• What evidence is there in your life that you have died to yourself and taken up your cross?


Go before the Lord in humility. Read Romans 5:6-8 and reflect on the cross. Confess Jesus as Lord and give over your life—that includes your thoughts, your opinions, and your will—to Him.


Matthew 16:13-28Friday



Page 10: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

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• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is Who Is Jesus? from Matthew 16:13-28. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.




Page 11: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Page 12: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I

am well-pleased; listen to Him!” Matthew 17:5 (NASB)

Week of March 6, 2017

Matthew 17:1-13

Until we recognize the divinity and royalty of Christ, we will not take His words seriously and live accordingly.MAIN IDEA


The degree to which we adhere to the words of others can be directly related to the degree to which we trust them. In other words, the more we take someone seriously, the more likely we are to listen to what that person says. The same is true of Christ. When they saw Christ’s majesty, Peter, James, and John instantly grew in their understanding of Jesus. Jesus “was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him” (vv. 2-3). The presence of Moses and Elijah affirmed that Jesus was before, in, and above all of history.

• What did Peter, James, and John see? How did they interpret it? ________________________________________________________


• What aspect of Christ’s majesty can you reflect on this week to adore Him more?



Give praise to the One who was present at both the beginning of creation and the place of bloodshed where your life was ransomed. Thank Christ that He is King and worship Him in adoration right now.





Page 13: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Matthew 17:14-23

The object of our faith is more important than the size of our faith.


We must be careful lest we glorify our action of faith over the Person in whom our faith is placed. The littleness of the disciples’ faith was not deemed little because of its size—for Jesus affirmed that “faith the size of a mustard seed” would move mountains (v. 20)—but the size of the God in whom they trusted. In this instance, the disciples’ faith was more on the miracle itself rather than the Healer. Their focus was not on the greatness of God but on the greatness of what they might be able to do. It was the littleness of the object of their faith that prevented them from healing the man with the demon. The reason why the metaphor “mustard seed” (the tiniest seed) faith is so effective has not to do with the adequacy of faith but with the adequacy of God.

• Why did Jesus rebuke the littleness of the disciples’ faith, yet also affirm that faith the size of a mustard seed could move mountains?

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• Do you tend to focus on the act of your faith rather than the Person in whom your faith is placed? Why is it important to make such a distinction?

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Ask God to show you areas of your life where you may not be trusting Him fully. Ask for forgiveness, and thank Him for being willing to share His power with you when you learn to trust in Him.





Page 14: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Followers of Jesus are free from the law, but they are not free from offending others with their freedom.


The issue at stake in this unusual passage is the two-drachma tax, also known as the half-shekel tax. One shekel equaled four drachmas, and a drachma was approximately equivalent to the Roman denarius—the standard wage for a day laborer. Hence, this tax involved two days’ wages. All Israelite males over the age of 20 paid this tribute annually for the upkeep of the Jerusalem temple. Jesus used this moment to reinforce two themes of His teaching throughout Matthew. First, disciples should avoid unnecessarily offending others. Second, ultimately Jesus was pointing them to the spirit of the law instead of the letter of the law. Jesus’ teaching here helps us understand how to navigate our freedom and how it might offend others.

• How is the temple tax here different from the taxes of Rome which are referenced in Matthew 22:15-22?

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• How has your expression of freedom in Christ been offensive to others? ________________________________________________________

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Spend some time praising God for His absolute authority over all aspects of this world and ask Him to show you how your life can give Him the most glory.


Matthew 17:24-27WednesdayMarch



Page 15: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

We are called to adopt childlike humility toward Christ as we seek genuine discipleship. MAIN IDEA

Jesus called His disciples to humble themselves like a child. The disciples’ focus was not on their Father for Himself but on their status before Him: “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” they asked (v. 1). Their obsession with being “the greatest” was connected to their misunderstanding of their adoption as sons and daughters of God. While the disciples competed for the attention of their Father, the child rested in confidence knowing that Jesus “called [him] to Himself” (v. 2). Jesus reminds us to have the humility of children, a humility rooted in awe and wonder at the magnificence of God.

• What does this passage teach you about the intentions of Jesus for His disciples? What does this teach you about the tenderness of our heavenly Father?


• What small actions of legalism or competition do we take that distract us from childlike humility before the Father?


Take time today to sit in childlike wonder before your loving Father. Seek His face and open your heart to truly know Him.


Matthew 18:1-5ThursdayMarch



Page 16: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

God is relentlessly gracious toward the lost.MAIN IDEA

We celebrate that which we most value. Through this parable Jesus reminds us that the Shepherd not only loves mankind corporately, but also individually—hence His chase after the wandering one. The Shepherd’s joy is echoed in the way that Jesus phrased the question to His disciples. Indeed, the way He questioned evoked an obvious answer: “What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep…” (v. 12). The rhetorical question implied an affirmative response in the Greek: of course that is the way one would act. His graciousness is reflected in His celebration: “Truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more” (v. 13). The pursuit of the Shepherd over His one lost sheep is evidence of the passionate longing He has for His flock and the joy that overcomes Him afterward.

• How does this parable speak of the value Jesus has for individuals? How does it speak of the intimate relationship Jesus wants to have with each of His followers?

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• What are some ways we can imitate Jesus’ valuing of individuals? Who is someone you can focus on loving well this week?

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If you are feeling lost or alone, know that your Shepherd sees you and seeks after you. Allow Him to find you this week. Thank Jesus for loving you as you are and for having your best interest in mind as you seek a deeper relationship with Him. Listen for His voice and follow Him in humble submission.


Matthew 18:6-14Friday



Page 17: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

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• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is Is Jesus Fully God? from Matthew 17:1-13. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


Page 18: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for



SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 19: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Week of March 13, 2017

Matthew 18:15-20

Jesus commands us to be peacemakers, not peacekeepers.

And looking at them Jesus said to them, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Matthew 19:26 (NASB)



Nowhere in the Bible does God promise us a lack of conflict. What He does promise us, however, is a method of handling it. Until the kingdom of heaven fully has its way on earth, we are to live “on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). We do so by applying kingdom principles—including methods of establishing peace—into our relationships. Jesus readies our hearts for the ways of the kingdom: “Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven” (v. 18). Heaven is a place of perfection, a realm without qualms or conflict. Until we get there, we are called to seek peace in all of our relationships.

• What does the method Jesus gave us to deal with conflict reveal about the nature of God? What does it reveal about the nature of mankind?


• Are there some conflicts in your life for which you need to pursue peace? If so, what steps will you take this week to contact the offender or the offended?

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Pray peace over specific relationships in your life—your spouse, your children, your coworkers, your church family, and your friendships. Ask the Lord to help you to do the right thing in mending any of those relationships that are fractured.





Page 20: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Matthew 18:21-35

The forgiveness of Jesus requires and enables us to forgive those who have hurt us.MAIN IDEA

The passion of Christ necessitates our compassion for others. The depth to which God has forgiven us calls us to forgive others. The parable of the forgiven slave illustrates the reciprocal nature of forgiveness for the believer: although “the lord of [the] slave felt compassion and released him and forgave him the debt” (v. 27), the forgiven did not understand his forgiver’s nature. The slave did not comprehend the magnitude of his debt, nor did he realize the reciprocity of forgiveness: “But that slave went out and found one of his fellow slaves…saying, ‘Pay back what you owe’” (v. 28). The fact that “he was unwilling” to forgive (v. 30) shows that the servant made a conscious choice to harden his heart, and therefore welcomed judgment upon himself. God eternally and unconditionally forgives those who repent of such an immense a debt that we dare not keep track of the number of times we grant forgiveness to others.

• What does the difference in the monetary debt between the slave and the landowner and the slave and his fellow slave illustrate about our relationship with Jesus?


• In what ways is pride a root of unforgiveness? How can we remind ourselves of the debt God forgave us, in order to consciously forgive those who have offended us? With this in mind, whom do you need to forgive?


Repent for any unforgiveness you hold in your heart right now. Ask Jesus to forgive you, and then forgive the person who has hurt you.





Page 21: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Marriage is God ordained—a sacred reflection of the union between God and man through Jesus. MAIN IDEA

Marriage was not man’s idea, but God’s. At its core, marriage reflects the relationship between Christ and the church. Because God created marriage, man has no authority to break it. God sustains what He creates; His disapproval of divorce reflects His desire to uphold the picture of His unfailing love for the church. Jesus affirms the Lord’s authority over His creation, and thus of marriage: “So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate” (v. 6). Note the intentionality of God in creating marriage in the garden of Eden—“from the beginning,” Jesus reminds His hearers of marriage’s origin (v. 8). The act of divorce is an act of breaking a sacred piece of creation, as well as a beautiful covenant ordained by God. As Christ followers, we are called to preserve what He has created and instituted—our marriages.

• Which of Jesus’ words illustrate that marriage is God ordained? How does marriage’s being God’s institution reflect its sacredness?

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• How does marriage reflect the covenant God ordained between man and Jesus Christ? See Ephesians 5:25.

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Thank God for being the Creator of both mankind and marriage. Look for ways you can preserve the relationships He has created and cherishes through the keeping of your vows.


aMatthew 19:1-12WednesdayMarch



Page 22: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Everyone is welcome to come to Jesus, even the least of the least.MAIN IDEA

We must take every precaution to notice the corners in which the overlooked dwell, for this is the place Jesus’ eyes are most directed. Note that it was not the Pharisees who lamented Jesus’ attention upon the children but His disciples—those who “knew better.” The actions of the disciples portrayed a dismissal of little ones widely held by adults in their society. Yet Jesus’ eyes are always on the overlooked—those whose hearts are absent of pride, those who are sick or despised, those who are hungry and desperate—these are the ones to whom “the kingdom of heaven belongs” (v. 14). All those who are thirsty, come drink at Jesus’ table. All those who are tired, rest at His feet. And all those who are told they will amount to nothing, those told they are too small to make a difference, those who are deemed ignorant and inexperienced—oh, let these little children come to Him.

• In what ways does Jesus express the heartbeat of the Father by calling forth the children in this passage?


• What buried attitudes or hastily spoken words do you still express to those who are younger? How do these prejudices actually “hinder them from coming” to Jesus (v. 14)?


Repent of any hardness within your heart toward those who are younger than you or different from you. Ask Jesus to give you a heart for the least of these, that you may imitate His loving-kindness and acceptance.


Matthew 19:13-15ThursdayMarch



Page 23: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Jesus requires that we have no other gods before Him.


Inherent within the love of Christ is the call to action—everything that He said, He did. Everything that He preached, He lived. Everything that He loved, He died for. The rich young ruler may have desired God; he may have been highly spiritual. The ruler thought he kept all the commands. Then Jesus challenged him: “Go and sell your possessions and give to the poor” (v. 21b). Note Jesus’ phrasing right before His call for the young man to give up everything he owned—“If you wish to be complete” (v. 21a). Our desire for completeness in Christ is exhibited in our willingness to obey Him. The young man “went away grieving” because he came face to face with his unwillingness to obey Christ. Indeed, we mistake our desire for God as love if we are unwilling to lay down anything that hinders our way to get to Him.

• How is Jesus’ command for the young man to sell everything not a call toward works-based salvation? In what ways are the young man’s actions attached to the attitude of his heart?

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• What is your treasure? What are your gods that keep you from following the one true God whom you claim to love?

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In a moment of solitary prayer, meditate on what is distracting you from running to Jesus. Lay down that distraction before Jesus—throw it aside—and run the race of endurance back into His presence. See Hebrews 12:1.


Matthew 19:16-30Friday



Page 24: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

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• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is What is Required? from Matthew 19:16-26. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


Page 25: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for



SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 26: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Week of March 20, 2017

Matthew 20:1-16

God’s grace is extended to all.

The crowds going ahead of Him, and those who followed, were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David; Blessed is He who comes in the name of the

Lord; Hosanna in the highest!”Matthew 21:9 (NASB)



The nature of the gospel is that it is all-inclusive. Indeed, the only exclusivity of the gospel is that it is for those who receive it. The reality is that in the kingdom of God no one earns favor with God. The parable of the laborers in the vineyard demonstrates this. After the landowner had already selected laborers, he “saw others standing idle in the market place; and to those he said, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you’” (vv. 3-4, italics added). As the landowner continued to do this, the more stragglers he found. May we not be the Christians who, having known Christ a long time, mistake our experience for special privilege or our hours of labor for a right to entitlement.

• How do you see the graciousness of the landowner demonstrated in this parable?

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• In what subtle ways do you try to keep the gospel “exclusive?” How does your life show your commitment to make new disciples?

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Thank God for His all-inclusive grace. Ask Him to remind you of your great need for Him and to help you celebrate His grace in the ways you relate to His other chosen ones.





Page 27: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Matthew 20:17-19

Jesus knew exactly why He was going to Jerusalem—in order to die for us!MAIN IDEA

The beauty of the love found on the cross of Jesus Christ is that it was voluntary. Jesus foretold of His sacrifice to the twelve disciples with an emphasis on its deliberate nature: “The Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn Him to death, and will hand Him over to the Gentiles” (vv. 18-19, italics added). In the original language of the New Testament, the word “deliver” means to entrust for care or preservation; to give over; to commit; to transmit. In every way, Jesus handed Himself over to the chief priests and scribes. Jesus’ death was planned, prophesied, and prescribed. He knew exactly why He was going to Jerusalem; after all, the best display of love is in an intentional sacrifice.

• What does this passage reveal about the nature of Christ’s love for us? ________________________________________________________


• In what ways are you reminding yourself of the intentionality of Christ’s sacrifice? How are you expressing gratitude to Jesus for setting out to pursue you?


Praise Jesus for displaying His love for you. Thank Him specifically for handing Himself over to die for you.





Page 28: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Greatness is achieved in the kingdom of God, not through position and authority, but through service and humility.


The extent of our love is to be modeled after Jesus’ love. Our love, demonstrated through service, must cost us something. Two of Jesus’ disciples, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, did not yet understand their call to such a sacrifice: “You do not know what you are asking” (v. 22). James and John wanted to gain prominence above the other disciples. Although Jesus promised His disciples they would sit on 12 thrones ruling over Israel in the Messianic Age (Matthew 19:28-29), the way James and John went about this was void of humility. Jesus’ call for the disciples to drink His cup is a metaphor for His suffering. In response to this display of pride, Jesus calls the disciples and us to live lives of humble service toward others.

• What is Jesus referring to when He references “the cup that [He is] about to drink” (v. 22)? What are the implications of His cup?

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• What is the relationship between service and sacrifice? What are the characteristics of a disciple of Jesus who weds these two together?

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Thank Jesus for dying for your sins. Thank Him that He is the ultimate example of service. Ask that His love would embolden your own and that such love would compel you to serve others and make sacrifices.


Matthew 20:20-28WednesdayMarch



Page 29: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Jesus’ healing was always motivated by compassion and redemption. MAIN IDEA

Our needs, however specific, will always seek their fulfillment in the identity of Jesus. This account of the two blind men is particularly unique because it features the men’s understanding of Jesus’ identity. These men “[heard] that Jesus was passing by, [and] cried out” (v. 30). This means that they had some understanding of the nature of Jesus’ divinity. Indeed, it was their recognition of Jesus that fueled their faith in Him; and it was their faith in Him that made them well (Mark 5:34; Luke 17:19). Their calling Jesus “Son of David” (v. 30) implied their acknowledgment of Jesus’ royal blood, as it is a reference to the Lord’s kingship. Jesus’ questioning them, “What do you want Me to do for you?” (v. 32) was His way of confirming their understanding and drawing them out of their circumstances and into the presence of His identity as Healer. Jesus exquisitely reminded them of His authority, as He would be the one to heal them with compassion. Jesus was “moved with compassion” (v. 34) and healed them. Jesus’ compassion reminds us of our need for grace. Our need for grace should direct us into His presence—one characterized by authority, compassion, and redemption.

• What characteristics of Jesus are exemplified in this passage? How was the men’s healing directly related to their understanding of Jesus’ core characteristics?


• How can you rely on Jesus to get you through difficult circumstances? ________________________________________________________


Thank Jesus for being the King of compassion and redemption. Like the blind men, address Him as “Son of David” and affirm His kingship over your life.


Matthew 20:29-34ThursdayMarch



Page 30: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

The Son of God proved Himself to be greater than the prophets by becoming the very One for whom the prophets longed and predicted.


The first eleven verses of Matthew 21 serve as a thesis for Jesus’ authority, which would be called into question by the religious authorities in later verses of the same chapter (Matthew 21:23-46). Yet rather than an authority that embraces His kingship, Jesus’ “triumphal entry” in Matthew 21:1-11 is a misnomer, for it emphasizes His humility. While Jesus’ humility was demonstrated in the way He entered the city (on a borrowed colt), His authority is found in the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies of His arrival. Jesus entered through the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem, the gate Jewish tradition said the Messiah would enter (based on His arrival at the Mount of Olives—Zechariah 14:4). Jesus was consciously making preparations to enter Jerusalem after the fashion of Zechariah 9:9, with echoes of Isaiah 62:11. Zechariah’s prophecy was widely interpreted in rabbinic literature as messianic. “He who comes in the name of the Lord” (v. 9) echoes John the Baptist’s announcement of Jesus in Matthew 3:11 and refers to the Messiah—an allusion to both Psalm 118:26 and Psalm 148:1. In every way, Jesus’ arrival into Jerusalem was a mirror of prophecies that long awaited Him—a further confirmation of His authority over the Jews.

• How did Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem fulfill Old Testament prophecy? ________________________________________________________


• In what ways are you recognizing the authority of the King of kings in your

life? ________________________________________________________


Praise God for the thoroughness and continuity of His Word. Thank Him for preparing for the coming of His Son the Messiah, down to the last detail. Recognize and praise Jesus for His authority over the Scriptures and over your life.


Matthew 21:1-11Friday



Page 31: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

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• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is More Than a Prophet? from Matthew 21:1-11. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


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SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 33: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Week of March 27, 2017

Matthew 21:12-17

Jesus showed His authority over the temple and restored proper worship, but the children were the only ones who recognized it.

Jesus said to them, “Did you never read in the Scriptures, ‘The stone which the builders rejected, This became the chief corner stone; This came about from the

Lord, And it is marvelous in our eyes’?”Matthew 21:42 (NASB)



Jesus looks for soft hearts, ones that unashamedly declare His holiness and glory. After being scolded for making the temple a place of commerce and nationalism, the priests and scribes then turned upon the children who praised the One who put the religious leaders in their place. The priests and scribes were “indignant” (v. 15), for they objected to the title the children gave Jesus. Note that it was the children, not the religious leaders, who affirmed Jesus as “Son of David” (v. 15). The children recognized Christ’s royal nature, His kingliness, as He came from the line of King David. Since the religious leaders rebuked the nature of the children’s praises—specifically that of Jesus’ kingship—they were actually rebuking Jesus Himself, for they were objecting to a distinct part of His nature. Neither legalism nor unbelief fits into the kingdom of God.

• What was significant about the children’s praises? Why were the religious leaders upset about the specific title the children gave Jesus?

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• What specific characteristic of Jesus can you give Him praise for today? ________________________________________________________

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Praise Jesus for being the King of kings. Recognize His royalty and His lordship in your life. Repent for the times your words or actions have demonstrated unbelief at His lordship.





Page 34: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Matthew 21:18-22

Jesus invites His followers into a faith that revives, transforms, and empowers.


There is no room for fruitlessness in the kingdom of heaven. The cursed fruitless fig tree represented Israel’s moral barrenness. The tree’s cursing forewarned God’s people of His coming judgment against Jerusalem and its temple—hence it was appropriate this event took place directly after Jesus cleared out the temple of its money changers (vv. 12-17). Jesus is in the business of saving us and changing us. “Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ it will happen” (v. 21). Jesus is always inviting His followers into a faith that transforms because such faith is rooted in Him, and will be revived and not cursed.

• What did the fig tree represent? Why did Jesus curse it? ________________________________________________________


• Examine your own life: is your faith producing fruit? If there is no fruit, where do you say you are placing your faith?


Confess any and all sins that prohibit your growth. Invite the Vinedresser to prune you and to kill off anything that does not have you growing closer to Him. Ask Him to increase your faith.





Page 35: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

The authority of Christ is unchallengeable and unquestionable. MAIN IDEA

Because the authority of Christ is from heaven, His credibility is unchallengeable and unquestionable. By reminding His listeners of the prophet John the Baptist, whose words faithful Jews trusted, Jesus beat the priests and elders at their own game: “John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying, ‘Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand’” (Matthew 3:1-2). By questioning the authority of John the Baptist, who proclaimed Jesus as Messiah, the scribes and priests were forced to consider Christ’s divinity. Jesus answered their question of entrapment by enabling them to consider His authenticity. Jesus never argued for the sake of arguing—His questions always pointed His listeners to the Answer Himself.

• What was the purpose of the scribes and priests’ question? ________________________________________________________


• How does your questioning of God’s authority demonstrate a lack of faith in Jesus?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Praise Jesus for being the Answer. Ask Him to guide you as you ask tough questions of the Lord.


Matthew 21:23-27WednesdayMarch



Page 36: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

The thing required of us is that we believe in Jesus who was sent to be our Savior.


God accepts the lowly because they are the ones who realize their need for a Savior. Jesus is looking for followers who acknowledge their need of Him. The parable of the two sons is a metaphor for the contrast between those who reject Jesus and those who accept Him. The difference between the follower of Jesus and the one who denied Him is that of a heart change, one only possible through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Even though in the beginning the first son disobeyed his father, the key is that “afterward he regretted it and went” (v. 29). He underwent a heart change. In contrast, the second son demonstrated his disobedience through his lack of follow-through. The second son is equated to the priests and scribes, who “did not even feel remorse afterward” (v. 32). The second son demonstrated his flawed character, for he is one who does one thing and says another—he is a hypocrite. How convicting it must have been for the biggest hypocrites in Judaism to stand before Jesus and hear of their inadequacy within the kingdom of God (v. 31).

• What common trait(s) did the first son have with the tax collectors and prostitutes (v. 31)? What drew Jesus to these people?


• Are you lacking humility before God? Do you think you are better than another sinner? If so, what will you do about it?


Thank Jesus for dying to unite the lowest of the low with Himself. Repent for thinking you are better than another sinner. Ask God to humble you.


Matthew 21:28-32ThursdayMarch



Page 37: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Enmity and apathy are both wrong responses to Christ.


People reject Jesus for many different reasons. In this parable, Jesus focused on those who were hostile towards Him. Jesus’ immediate audience were those in Israel rejecting Him as the Messiah. In the parable, the master was portrayed as a landlord with tenants, an appropriate metaphor for God and His chosen people. The details of the wall, winepress, and watchtower underline the care and protection God has lavished on His vineyard, Israel. The vine-growers stand for those to whom God has entrusted His nation. The master’s departure corresponds to the period following God’s election of Israel in which He leaves His people to do His will. That the vine-growers express enmity to the slaves in the parable references Israel’s rejection of the prophets who came before Jesus. Their killing of the son is a depiction of Jesus’ death that would soon come at their hands. Though they act to judge the Son, the reality is that the Son would one day judge them. The parable is not only a direct warning to Jesus’ immediate audience, but also to those who actively oppose Him. Opposition to the Son will be met with judgment from His Father.

• In your own words, what was Jesus’ message in this parable? What was the primary point He made?


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• What are some of the excuses people often give for rejecting Jesus? ________________________________________________________



Spend time in prayer for your lost friends who reject Jesus. Pray that God would open their eyes and that they would submit to Him as Savior and Lord.


Matthew 21:33-46Friday



Page 38: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

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• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is If I Reject Jesus? from Matthew 21:33-45. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


Page 39: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for



SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 40: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Matthew 6:1-4

Week of April 3, 2017

Matthew 22:1-14

Jesus invites all to the wedding feast of the King, but not everyone will come.

For “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”Romans 10:13 (NASB)



The kindness of Christ welcomes everyone to His Father’s wedding banquet, for salvation is offered to every person (Titus 2:11; Revelation 19:6-9). Christ is infinite in compassion, but His kindness is conditional. In this parable, although all are invited, few choose to attend the banquet (v. 3). The Father is not interested in dining with ungrateful children, but He gladly accepts those who respond to Him. Note that the king invited those on the outskirts—“Go therefore to the main highways, and as many as you find there, invite to the wedding feast” (v. 9), for these were the ones who wanted to come. The man not dressed in wedding clothes in verses 11-14 does not speak to his physical unworthiness, but to his heart that refuses God. His refusal to wear festive garments dishonors the king. Similarly, many false disciples appear to honor Jesus by calling Him “Lord,” but their lack of repentance keeps them from sitting at the banquet table. In contrast, those who are invited later from the streets are “both evil and good” (v. 10). These are the disciples who are invited into the kingdom of God despite their past, despite their lack of a religious upbringing, and despite their unworthiness. These are the ones who respond in faith and partake in the feast with the King of kings.

• How does the king’s invitation to the lowly to dine with him speak to Christ’s work of cleansing and renewing every believer upon salvation? What does the king teach us about the love of Father God?



• Which guest are you at this banquet? Have you responded in humility to the King’s invitation?



Thank Jesus for being the Savior of all people, regardless of background. Thank Him that He looks for true and faithful followers. Ask Him to make you worthy of His banquet. Respond to Him in faith and repentance.





Page 41: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Matthew 22:15-33

God calls us into earthly submission and eternal glory.MAIN IDEA

While the kingdom of heaven supersedes any earthly institution, our kingdom citizenship entails earthly obedience. The Pharisees’ effort to trap Jesus in a contradiction once again left them baffled as Jesus’ words both challenged and surprised them. The Pharisees hoped to stump Jesus as they questioned His view of the foreign occupation by Rome. The poll tax at issue here went to support the foreign, pagan oppressors. Yet Jesus noted that the inscription on the coin, an earthly treasure, implied submission that was not inclusive for eternity. Jesus recognized earthly authority: “And they brought Him a denarius. And He said to them, ‘Whose likeness and inscription is this?’ They said to Him, ‘Caesar’s.’ Then He said to them, ‘Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God the things that are God’s’” (vv. 19-21). God’s sovereignty must be acknowledged, but God’s rule doesn’t negate the fact that human governments have legitimate authority.

• Why does Jesus tell the Pharisees to look at a piece of currency to prove His point?


• How does your submission to earthly authorities demonstrate your ultimate submission to God? Read Romans 13:1-7.


Ask the Lord to help you trust in His authority while you submit to those He has allowed to rule over you on this earth.





Page 42: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

The law of God is summed up in this: love God and love others. MAIN IDEA

Jesus’ love not only transforms you, it transforms those around you through your God-given love. The life of obedience is the outworking of the commandments to love God and to love His neighbor. The obedience of a believer is hinged upon these two commandments, for out of one flows the other. In this passage, Jesus demonstrated knowledge of Old Testament law and also authority over it. He quoted Deuteronomy 6:5, replacing “strength” with “mind” or “understanding.” Going beyond the original question, Jesus added a second commandment that is also foundational (Leviticus 19:18). “The second is like it” implies that this commandment is of equal importance. Divine love issues in interpersonal love; you cannot have one without the other. Jesus best demonstrated this—out of His divine love for His Father, He lived a life of obedience. Jesus’ love for the Father expressed itself in love for mankind, His Father’s creation: “Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love” (John 15:9). These two commandments are the greatest because all others flow from them; indeed, the whole Old Testament hinges upon them. Jesus’ love not only transforms you, it transforms those around you through your God-given love.

• Why is loving God foremost to loving others? ________________________________________________________


• How is your love for God demonstrated in your love for others? ________________________________________________________

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Thank Jesus for dying on the cross for your sins. Revel in the love of the Father and allow it to fill you, that it may compel you to pour yourself out in love for others.


Matthew 22:34-46WednesdayAPRIL



Page 43: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Our Lord is not interested in our performance, but in our heart. Jesus’ rebuke against the Pharisees was not based upon their actions—for their actions were good in so far as they conformed to the law—but for their unchanged hearts, which were not good. Verses 1-12 exposed the Pharisees for doing actions only to be noticed—“they do all their deeds to be noticed by men” (v. 5a). Their need to be noticed stemmed from a heart more concerned with self than God. In verses 13-36, Jesus listed eight woes for the Pharisees, specific rebukes that revealed the insincerity of their hearts: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside they are full of robbery and self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also” (vv. 25-26). In this Jesus was reestablishing the natural progression of transformation—when one knows the Lawgiver, he or she naturally is able to follow His laws. While the Pharisees busied themselves looking holy, they failed to turn to the Source of holiness.

• What are some of the basic reasons Jesus rebukes the Pharisees? ________________________________________________________


• Are you more concerned with the appearance of holiness than holiness itself? Explain.

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Ask the Lord, the most holy One, to cleanse your heart. Invite Him to work in your life, so that your motives are not for self-satisfaction, but for Kingdom impact.


Matthew 23:1-36

Outward conformity to the law is no substitute for a changed heart. MAIN IDEA




Page 44: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Our hope rests in the triumphant return of Jesus Christ.


Darkness always gives way to light. After years of trials and tribulations, the Son of Man will come and get His bride. Jesus does not gloss over the fact that the earth will know pain: “Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name” (v. 9). Darkness attracts darkness; indeed, many false Christs will attempt to proclaim sovereignty over the situation—they will seek to give answers and will promise the world’s healing—but the promise of Christ’s return is the healing His faithful followers must seek. Unlike the false hope that comes with false prophets, the believer’s hope rests in Christ’s triumphant return—for it will be full and final. Darkness always gives way to light: “But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky” (v. 29-30a). In the midst of darkness, our hope rests in our waiting on the Light of the world.

• What do these verses reveal about the character of Christ? Which of His attributes are highlighted in this passage?


• How can we hold onto hope in the midst of a tumultuous world? How can we anticipate the return of the Light in the midst of darkness?


Pray for the Lord’s return. Thank Jesus for dying for you and for His promise to return and claim His bride. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you endurance as you press on toward the end.


Matthew 23:37–24:31Friday



Page 45: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is Offered to All? from Matthew 22:1-14. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


Page 46: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

OFFERED TO ALL?Sundayapril


SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 47: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Week of april 10, 2017

Matthew 28:1-4

The power displayed in the resurrection inspires us toward awe and reverence.

“He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying.”

Matthew 28:6 (NASB)



Every detail of the resurrection points to its miraculous nature; and as such, we are compelled to respond humbly and reverently. The “severe earthquake” (v. 2) attests to the cosmic significance of the resurrection, while the angel sitting on the stone (v. 2) indicates the heavenly nature of the resurrection, as well as the evidence of triumph it brought God and His heavenly creatures. The witnesses were in awe; the experience terrified the guards so much that it temporarily paralyzed them, for they “became like dead men” (v. 4). The verb “shook” in verse 4 to describe the guards comes from the same root as “earthquake” in verse 2. Indeed, both spiritual and physical forces worked together to evoke an awe-stricken response from witnesses.

• What details surrounding Christ’s resurrection attest to its being a miracle? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________


• Since God is able to raise Christ from the dead, what are you able to trust Him with?



Thank Jesus for rising from the dead. Thank Him that such a miracle has radically changed your life. In prayer, use words that specifically express your awe and reverence toward Him.




where is jesus?


Page 48: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Matthew 28:5-6

He is risen!MAIN IDEA

The emptiness of Jesus’ tomb attests to the miracle of His resurrection. On their visit to the tomb, the women expected to come face-to-face with death, yet what they encountered was fullness of life. The angel acknowledged the One whom they were expecting: “Do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified” (v. 5). The angel called the women to acknowledge that Jesus had been crucified but was now alive. At the angel’s words, the disappointment over the circumstances that put Jesus in the tomb was soon followed by the joy of His being gone: “He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said” (v. 6a). We must never get over the fact that the King of kings is risen!

• What does the emptiness of Jesus’ tomb say about His conquering both the spiritual and physical realms?


• How are you maintaining an attitude of awe and adoration toward the risen Lord in your daily walk? How can you remind yourself of God’s resurrecting goodness amidst the sin and strife of life on earth?


Thank Jesus for not only being the defeater of sin, but also the defeater of death. Praise Him that no physical barrier is too great for Him to surmount. Ask the Lord to continually remind you of His goodness in the midst of death here on earth.





Page 49: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Our response to the resurrection of Jesus must always be, “Go and tell!”MAIN IDEA

The nature of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is that it evokes a response. The angel’s instructions to the two Marys after he showed them Jesus’ empty tomb was, “Go quickly and tell His disciples” (v. 7). The angel explained the reason for such a joyous response—for “He has risen from the dead” (v. 7). Immediately after their understanding of the resurrected Christ, the women “left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy and ran to report it to His disciples” (v. 8). Their immediacy was not merely a reflection of their obedience, but of the nature of the miracle that they witnessed. Indeed, Christ’s death and resurrection shook the world.

• What does the angel tell the two women at the tomb? What does he promise them afterward?

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• What does the urgency with which the women responded speak about their joy? Do you respond to Christ’s resurrection in the same way? With whom could you share your faith this week?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Praise Jesus that His death and resurrection are worthy of being told. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a renewed sense of eagerness and urgency to share the good news of Jesus with the lost.


Matthew 28:7-8Wednesdayapril



Page 50: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Jesus’ incarnation, death, and resurrection validated the nature of Immanuel—“God with us.” And when we understand that God is with us, we are moved into a state of intimate worship and communion with Him. The risen Lord inspires our worship; the beauty of Immanuel is that He will always meet us in our worship. As the women ran to report of His resurrection, Jesus was already waiting to receive them: “And behold, Jesus met them and greeted them” (v. 9a). Jesus’ presence incited an intimate and humble response from the women, for immediately upon seeing Jesus in the flesh, they “came up and took hold of His feet and worshiped Him” (v. 9b). The act of falling upon one’s feet was a sign of reverence and submission. Christ invites us to worship Him in our daily lives.

• Which came first—the women’s worship or Christ’s presence? How is our worship of Christ a response to His presence?

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• How can you worship God in a new way this week? ________________________________________________________

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In a time of prayer, list some attributes of Jesus that you adore. Tell Christ what you love about Him and thank Him for His constant presence.


Matthew 28:9-10

The risen Lord inspires our worship!MAIN IDEA




Page 51: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Skeptics of Jesus will always attack the miracle of His resurrection—for without a risen King, Christianity is a dead religion.


To deny Jesus’ resurrection is to deny Jesus Himself, for God’s power to raise Him from the dead is an inherent part of His identity as the risen King. The King being raised from the dead attests to God’s miraculous power—if you reject Jesus’ deity, you reject Jesus. The “large sum of money” (v. 12) used to persuade the soldiers reflects the leaders’ attempts to cast doubt on the resurrection. The guards, chief priests, and soldiers conspired to discredit Jesus’ validity by denying His resurrection. Soldiers would have been killed for falling asleep while on duty. Their denying the miracle reflects the truth found in Acts 10:40-41a. The chief priests and soldiers were not Christ’s witnesses, but were His skeptics. Skeptics of Christianity try to discredit the resurrection for if Christ was raised from the dead it proves He is God.

• How is Christ’s resurrection an essential part of the Son’s divinity and, thus, of Christianity?

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• Have you encountered deniers of Jesus’ resurrection? How can you be a

better witness to this miracle while sharing the gospel? ________________________________________________________

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Praise Christ for His divinity and power. Revel in the truth of His resurrection.


Matthew 28:11-15Friday



Page 52: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

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• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is Where Is Jesus? from Matthew 28:1-15. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


Page 53: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

WHERE IS JESUS?Sundayapril


SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 54: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Week of APRIl 17, 2017

Matthew 24:32-41

Although His second coming remains a mystery, followers of Jesus will be given signs that anticipate the return of their King.

Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.Matthew 24:42 (NASB)



Both friends and enemies of God will be surprised when Christ returns. Yet followers of Jesus receive the benefit of knowing His voice and are, thus, able to recognize the signs He gives that anticipate His return. Christ’s second coming will be foreshadowed, much like tender fig tree branches and new leaves indicate the arrival of summer (v. 32). In His goodness, God gives signs of His Son’s second coming and followers of Christ, “when [they] see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door” (v. 33). Jesus confirms that His return will be on a “day and hour no one knows…but the Father alone” (v. 36), and that His return will interrupt people in ordinary activities of life (vv. 40-41). The ultimate unveiling of Jesus will be a gift of extraordinary proportions; until then Christ followers are given signs along the way—all of which build anticipation.

• Why does Jesus talk about a fig tree in reference to His second coming? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• What are some ways we can anticipate Christ’s return without being consumed with its signs? How do we balance the anticipation of signs with the anticipation of the sign Giver?

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Thank Jesus for giving clues to His followers in anticipation of His return. Ask the Lord to guide you this week as you live out your calling in Christ Jesus.





Page 55: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Matthew 24:42-51

We ready ourselves for the second coming of Christ by obeying His commands, making disciples, and loving our Savior more.


Jesus calls us into an alertness of His second coming. We ready ourselves for His coming by obeying His instructions. The slave who followed his master’s instruction to be “in charge of his household” (v. 45) is an illustration of the daily decisions made by a disciple of Christ who anticipates his Master’s return. The slave is depicted as an overseer or manager, head over other slaves in his master’s household. Among other things, he will have to see that the rest are properly fed at the proper time (v. 45). The parable of the faithful slave is the attitude Christ calls His followers to adopt: “Blessed is that slave whom his master finds so doing when he comes” (v. 46). At the root of discipleship is the understanding that the Master will come back to gather His disciples. Christians should be about their Lord’s work, honoring Him in every area of life.

• What do the two parables in this passage illustrate about the nature of Christ’s return to earth?

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• What are some practical ways we can ready ourselves for Christ’s second coming? How can we go about the Lord’s work in anticipation of His return?

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Ask the Lord to prepare your heart for His return. Repent for when you have not obeyed His Word and, thus, have not anticipated His second coming.





Page 56: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

We are called to make proper preparations for the coming of Jesus Christ. MAIN IDEA

The level of intimacy one has with Christ is reflected in how much one prepares for His return. The parable of the wise and foolish bridesmaids illustrates the level of preparedness Jesus desires His bride (the church) to have when He returns for her. Torches were needed in first-century Palestine wedding processionals, as the oil lamps lit the path covered in darkness that was taken by the bride and groom to walk to the great banquet. The five bridesmaids who ran out of oil represent those who do not count the cost of persevering in discipleship. Indeed, they ran out to buy their oil, yet they were too late (vv. 9-10). The bridegroom refused reentry for the five when they returned because they were not his as evidenced by their lack of preparation. As Christ’s bride, we are called to make proper preparations.

• Who does the bridegroom represent in this parable? Who do the five unprepared virgins represent?


• What are some “proper preparations” we, as Christ’s bride, can take to prepare the way for the Lord’s coming while also lighting the paths of darkness in this world?


Praise Jesus for being a good and intimate bridegroom. Ask Him to show you ways you can ready yourself for His second coming.


Matthew 25:1-13Wednesdayapril



Page 57: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Our Master has gone away for a while, but He is soon to return and it will be revealed how we have lived our lives for His honor. In the parable of the talents, each of the servants represent not only a level of competency of stewardship, but also a level of devotion to their master. And in each case, the master demanded faithfulness. In all but one, the servants demonstrated hearts that earnestly sought to do their master’s will—this was demonstrated through their faithfulness in keeping his word. Note that the master praised the servants individually—each according to his work. Jesus is uninterested in our “amount” but in our heart. Jesus demands a level of preparedness in each of us in proportion to our abilities: “You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master” (v. 21). Our preparedness for the coming Master is reflected in our efforts of stewarding the talents He has given us.

• Why does the master condemn the third servant? ________________________________________________________


• What gifts have you been given, financially or personally, that you can use to steward well the kingdom of God? How is your level of anticipation for the coming Master in proportion to how much you give of yourself to His will?


Ask God to give you a new understanding of your abilities and encouragement to use those resources for His honor and glory. Affirm your trust in His good nature and use that trust to compel you to serve with your whole heart.


Matthew 25:14-30

Jesus is coming again. We must be faithful to do all we can with all that He’s given us.





Page 58: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Good works are external indicators of who will dine with Jesus at the feast of His kingdom.


Our works do not create our salvation; they serve as evidence of it. The nature of Jesus is one of compassion and service. His followers are to imitate Him in every respect. The verbs found in this passage illustrate Jesus’ desire for action. He is deeply concerned over our works: “For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me” (vv. 35-36). Furthermore, we must never fail to understand that the King is the origin of our action. Our good works for others are expressions of our faith, not in our own charity, but in Christ—for “to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me,” (v. 40) the King says.

• What does this passage teach us about the character of Jesus? ________________________________________________________


________________________________________________________ • How does this passage illustrate the innate connection between Christ’s

character and our good works? Why must we never mix the two up? ________________________________________________________


Praise Christ for the grace of His salvation. Thank Him for what He did for you on the cross. In gratitude, ask that His love be the driving force of your good deeds for others.


Matthew 25:31-46Friday



Page 59: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

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• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is What about the Future? from Matthew 24:36-51. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


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SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 61: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Week of april 24, 2017

Matthew 26:1-5

The timing of Jesus’ death at Passover confirmed His identity as the true Lamb who would save His people from the judgment of God.

And when He had taken some bread and given thanks, He broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of

Me.” Luke 22:19 (NASB)



The nature of the Lamb of God is illustrated in the order of events that took place before His being slain. Christ’s timing is perfect, even in His death. Jesus is specific in His announcement that His arrest and crucifixion are at the start of the Passover Feast, which commemorated the Israelites’ flight from Egypt in the days of Moses. Jesus’ specificity affirms that He is the new Moses. The Jewish leaders’ initial fear to publicly seize Jesus during the Passover, for “otherwise a riot might occur,” (v. 5) is a concern people might protest the arrest. As it turns out, the priests do arrest Jesus secretly (v. 4), just as He predicted (v. 2). Christ’s divinity is further confirmed as His prediction in Matthew 16:21 comes to pass: “He must…suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed.” The divine timing of Christ’s death is illustrated in its fulfillment of divine prophecy.

• Why is the timing of Christ’s arrest and crucifixion taking place during Passover significant to Israel’s history?

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• How does Christ’s timing—even amidst the brutal and grim reality of His death—further convince you of His divinity and, thus, of His trustworthiness?

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Thank Jesus that His crucifixion demonstrates divine order in the midst of a world of chaos. Submit your will to Christ’s—trust in His timing before your own.





Page 62: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Matthew 26:6-16

Our devotion to and worship of Jesus should always be our highest priority. MAIN IDEA

The worthiness of Christ necessitates a response, and such a response entails the reordering of priorities. To make Jesus our highest priority, we must first experience the pain of sacrifice. The woman (Mary) was undone at the worthiness of Jesus—her sacrifice reflects such understanding. The “alabaster vial of costly perfume” (v. 7) was literally myrrh, and her anointing of Jesus’ head and feet was in preparation for His burial, as corpses were covered in sweet-smelling perfumes. Hence, Jesus’ words: “For when she poured this perfume on My body, she did it to prepare Me for burial” (v. 12). The perfume was worth a year’s wages, and possibly an heirloom. Yet Mary was willing to sacrifice such a cost because she understood who took first priority. Jesus in His worthiness was Mary’s greatest love, for she put Him before her belongings. Indeed, the worthiness of Christ propels us to unabashed devotion.

• With the understanding that Jesus was anointed for burial, how do Mary’s actions demonstrate her understanding of who Jesus is?


• We must understand the worth of the person for whom we are sacrificing. Does your level of sacrifice reflect your belief that Jesus is who He says He is? If not, which priorities in your life need to be reordered?


Repent if you have placed any person or possession above Christ. Invite Him to reorder your priorities and make Him first in your life. In thankfulness, share with Jesus why He is worthy of your full sacrifice.





Page 63: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Jesus reminds us of God’s past faithfulness to invite us into further intimacy.MAIN IDEA

Jesus Himself is the connector between us and the Father (see John 14:9). In every aspect, Jesus points to the Father. In doing so, He reminds us of the Father’s past faithfulness. The last meal He would share with His disciples would be a meal that would commemorate His Father and find its fullest meaning in Himself. Jesus would dine with His disciples for the final time “on the first day of Unleavened Bread” (v. 17), a day that celebrated the Lord leading His people out of Egypt. Nothing with yeast could be eaten or left in the homes of faithful Jews as they rushed for freedom. As the Father faithfully delivered His people from oppression, so His Son would be the ultimate fulfillment of freedom. The Son would open the way to intimacy with the Father.

• In what sense is the Feast of Unleavened Bread both a reminder of God’s past faithfulness and a foreshadowing of Christ’s death?


• How does obeying the commands of Jesus develop our intimacy with the Father?



Spend time in prayer thanking God for past victories He has won in your life, along with the ultimate victory of His Son.


Matthew 26:17-19Wednesdayapril



Page 64: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

The nature of sin is that it is a deliberate act of defiance against our Lord—for sin begins with slow, yet conscious choices of neglecting our first Love. Sin begins with temptation and desire and gives birth to death. Judas had the best seat in the house sitting next to the Messiah at the Passover Feast. The disciples experienced a relationship of love and intimacy with Christ, yet Jesus knew one of His own had forsaken Him: “Truly I say to you that one of you will betray Me” (v. 21). We see the first evidence of Judas’ betrayal in the way he referred to Jesus. While the other apostles called Him Lord, Judas continued to call Him Rabbi, which means Teacher.

• What is the significance in the disciples’ response to Jesus versus Judas’ response to Jesus?


• What little steps or compromises have you taken to neglect your first Love? What steps will you take to draw near to Him once again?


Thank Jesus that He is a God of intimacy. Thank Him that He is always wooing us back to Himself in His mercy, most lavishly displayed on the cross. Repent for any compromises of sin in your life, and uproot anything that prevents you from being present and intimate with your Savior.


Matthew 26:20-25

We often know when we are betraying our Lord, for sin is a choice of forgetting our first Love.MAIN IDEA




Page 65: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

The Lord’s Supper has a past, present, and future significance.


In the Lord’s Supper, Jesus was anticipating the joy of the marriage supper of the Lamb. Jesus faithfully used symbols to point people to both their need for and fulfillment in Him; He did this by reminding sinners of their depravity, directing them to salvation, and pointing forward to their future glory with the Father. The breaking of the unleavened bread at Passover reminded His disciples of their past, for the bread symbolized the haste with which the Israelites departed from Egypt. By pointing out their slavery, Jesus was pointing out their need for freedom. Yet Jesus also gave the bread new meaning, the bread represented His body that would be broken and killed in His impending death. The wine they drank was a symbol of His blood, which would be the fulfillment of His people’s covenantal need for forgiveness (Exodus 24:8; Jeremiah 31:31-34). Jesus’ promise, “I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom” (v. 29) serves as a glorious prophecy for the future. Verse 29 is an implication of the future Messianic banquet (Revelation 19:9).

• What symbols does Jesus use to point to Israel’s past, present, and future? In doing so, how does Jesus affirm authority over all circumstances of His people?

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• Reflect on verse 30. How can we treat the Lord’s Supper not only as

a sober reminder of our depravity and need for a Savior, but also as a celebration of Christ’s conquering and our future celebration?

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Thank Jesus for being Lord over the past, present, and future. Thank God that His divine plan anticipated His people’s needs and, in every step of the way, fulfilled them. As you partake in our church’s next Lord’s Supper, be mindful of the symbols as well as the One who gave them extravagant meaning.


Matthew 6:1-4Matthew 26:26-30Friday



Page 66: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

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• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is How Do We Remember? from Matthew 26:17-30. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


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SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 68: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Week of may 1, 2017

Matthew 26:30-35

We cannot put too much confidence in ourselves, but we must place our confidence in Jesus alone.

And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but

as You will.” Matthew 26:39 (NASB)



Worship reminds us of our dependence upon an all-powerful God. Both Jesus and Peter worshiped the night of the Lord’s Supper, but only one’s confidence was directed in the right place. Worship reminds us that our strength does not come from within. Worship draws us out of our current circumstances and refocuses us on the sufficiency of Jesus. It is noteworthy that upon accepting His fate, Jesus with His disciples sang a hymn (v. 30). As He was at the onset of intense agony, Jesus reminded His disciples of the weakness of the flesh. Jesus reminded Peter that human confidence, if misappropriated, would waver: “Truly I say to you that this very night, before a rooster crows, you will deny Me three times” (v. 34). Peter’s disbelief in his propensity for faithlessness demonstrated both ignorance and overconfidence. Peter’s objection—“I will not deny You” (v. 35)—revealed that he trusted his own abilities more than the words of his Lord. We must always come back to worship, because it’s in worship we find the sufficiency of God in the midst of our weakness.

• In what ways did worship provide a solid place of confidence for Jesus, but not for Peter? In whom did Jesus trust? In whom did Peter trust?

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• How can we regularly examine our hearts in worship? How can we make sure that our worship is directed at the Lord and not unknowingly at ourselves?

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Praise Jesus for placing His confidence not in His flesh, but in the solid place of His Father. Repent for the moments this past week when you have trusted in your own reasoning before that of your Father.





Page 69: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Matthew 26:36-46

To drink the cup of God’s wrath on our sin required Jesus to demonstrate strength and submission to the Father’s will.


Through obedience to God’s will, Jesus’ divinity surpassed any human desire to forego the plans of God. Jesus’ humanity implies a desire to live, while His divinity attests to His submission unto death. In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus showed His humanity, for He did not want to experience the wrath of His Father: “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me” (v. 39a). We must acknowledge Jesus’ plea. In the same cry, Jesus models for us godly obedience: “Yet not as I will, but as You will” (v. 39b). To drink the cup of God’s wrath upon the world is not possible in human strength. The Son’s desire for the Father’s will triumphed over any temptation for fleshly disobedience.

• How does Jesus demonstrate obedience in His prayer to God? ________________________________________________________


• Do your own prayers model that of Jesus? Are you pursuing the Father’s will more than your own?


Thank Jesus for His perfect obedience to God’s will that led to our freedom. Ask the Lord to show you in your own walk how your obedience will bring about triumph.





Page 70: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Jesus did not resist His betrayal or arrest, for He exchanged His glory for our freedom. MAIN IDEA

The absence of Jesus’ resistance is authoritative on its own, for it portrays the strength of His humility. Jesus did not resist His betrayal or arrest. Instead, in His words He revealed total submission: “And Jesus said to [Judas], ‘Friend, do what you have come for’” (v. 49a). The humility of the Lamb of God while one of His own betrayed Him echoes the prophecy of Isaiah, “Like a lamb that is led to slaughter, and like a sheep that is silent before its shearers, so He did not open His mouth” (Isaiah 53:7). Jesus did not come to earth to fight earthly authorities, but to conquer spiritual forces. Jesus did not come to fight by resistance, but to win through submission. In obedience to the Father’s will, Jesus traded His deserved glory for our undeserved freedom—and what a glorious and eternal exchange it was.

• How is Jesus’ behavior toward His betrayers a demonstration of divine power? In what ways is obedience a sign of strength? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• Is your behavior to those who have persecuted you similar to Jesus’? How willing are you to give up the right to be heard so that, through silence, you allow the justice of God to reign?



Ask the Lord to reign in your life and fight your battles for you. Submit your heart to His will in love and obedience.


Matthew 26:47-50Wednesday



Page 71: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

The obedience of Christ’s cross was ultimately His obedience to the Word of God. Upon His arrest, Jesus did not fight back, for He knew His battle was embedded in the spiritual realm and not in physical quarrels. Although a zealous Peter cut off the ear of a servant of the high priest, Jesus directed his disciple toward sober-mindedness: “How then will the Scriptures be fulfilled, which say that it must happen this way?” (v. 54). On a separate occasion, Jesus addressed not a passionate disciple but a warring crowd: “But all this has taken place to fulfill the Scriptures of the prophets” (v. 56a). Jesus had peace in the midst of strife because He knew His death would fulfill Scripture and, in so doing, bring glory to His Father.

• What does it tell us about Jesus when He fulfills the Scriptures? ________________________________________________________


• How does obedience to Scripture sometimes lead us to a path of pain? Even so, how can we remind ourselves of the glory and pleasure that awaits disciples who are faithful?


Praise Jesus that His actions always pointed to God the Father, even when it cost Him His life. Thank God that His Word is true and the death of His Son fulfilled the prophecies about Him. Entrust your life to the God who always keeps His word.


Matthew 26:51-56

Jesus was committed to the fulfillment of the Scriptures, and not the will of men.





Page 72: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

To follow Christ at a distance will lead to denying Him.MAIN IDEA

The dying Savior deserves wholehearted commitment from those who are following Him (Mark 14:31). Jesus was taken to the high priest Caiaphas. It is here He awaited an indictment, but He did so alone. Take note: “Peter was following [Jesus] at a distance as far as the courtyard of the high priest and entered in, and sat down with the officers to see the outcome” (v. 58). Here we see Peter beginning to wane in his faithfulness, for not soon after he would deny the One whom he so adamantly defended in Gethsemane (vv. 69-75). Our private walk must match our public walk. Peter claimed he would die for Jesus, but he wasn’t willing to live for Him (Mark 14:31). We must be bold in our walk with Christ, because half-hearted journeys will end in denial.

• What does this passage teach us about the steadfastness of Christ? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• Is your public walk with Jesus the same as your private communion with

Him? What does Philippians 1:21 have to say about what Jesus’ death demands from His followers?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

By and through His love, ask Christ to increase your faithfulness to Him. Pray that the words of Psalm 56:13 will be true of your own steps as you walk with God: “For You have delivered my soul from death, indeed my feet from stumbling, so that I may walk before God in the light of the living.”


Matthew 6:1-4Matthew 26:57-58Fridaymay



Page 73: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

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• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is Do I Have the Strength? from Matthew 26:36-46. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


Page 74: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for



SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 75: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Week of MAY 8, 2017

Matthew 26:59-60a

Jesus was completely innocent.

Jesus said to him, “You have said it yourself; nevertheless I tell you, hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power,

and coming on the clouds of heaven.”Matthew 26:64 (NASB)



Jesus cannot be our Savior if He is not completely sinless. The religious leaders, out to convict Jesus of blasphemy, did not hide their efforts; they weren’t trying to come across as nonpartisan arbiters—yet they knew what they were seeking did not exist. Although they desperately tried to scrape together evidence in order to convict Christ, He was completely innocent: “They did not find any, even though many false witnesses came forward” (v. 60a). The accusations of the chief priests and Sanhedrin could not stand against Christ’s spotless perfection, for He was guilt-free. Many skeptics today still doubt Jesus. Though they try to disprove His divinity, they will never reach their end goal. We must trust in Jesus and His sinless testimony and we must be wary of those who claim wisdom but reject Jesus.

• Name an instance (or passage) in the Gospels in which Jesus claimed to be God that later became a charge of blasphemy against Him by the Pharisees.


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• What are some accusations people today might levy against Jesus’ claim that He is God?

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Praise Jesus for who He is. Thank Him that He is guilt-free of any claims against Him. Ask God to help you be brave as you defend the name of your Savior before His skeptics.





Page 76: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Matthew 26:60b-62

Those who try to disprove Jesus’ claims are baffled by His true identity.MAIN IDEA

The number of false witnesses illustrates the difficulty of trying to bring any meaningful charges against Jesus. Indeed, “even though many false witnesses came forward” (v. 60a), none could come up with a testimony with which to charge Jesus. It was then that two last witnesses came forward and accused Jesus of blasphemy for His claim over the temple of Jerusalem: “This man stated, ‘I am able to destroy the temple of God and to rebuild it in three days’” (v. 61). Such a claim is a garbled misinterpretation of John 2:19-21, where Jesus was not referring to the physical temple, but “the temple of His body.” The charge that Jesus claimed He could destroy and rebuild the temple outraged the Jews and could easily have been interpreted by Rome as a social or political threat—although the Jews’ charges entirely missed the point. Jesus did not come to be a political savior, but to save people from their sins. Those who tried to disprove His claims were baffled by His true identity.

• Why would the Jews be upset that Jesus claimed He could destroy and rebuild the temple in three days? How was their claim, in and of itself, invalid?


• What effects does misinterpreting Scripture have on those who claim to know it?


Pray by name for those you know who try to disprove Jesus’ claims. Pray that they would see the truth and be drawn to Him.





Page 77: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Jesus is the King of Kings, and He reigns over our eternal home. MAIN IDEA

In a sense, today’s passage is the climax of Matthew’s unveiling of Jesus’ identity as the Messiah. Jesus initially chose not to answer Caiaphas’ question in verse 62. Jesus was not there to defend Himself legally. To whom can the King of Kings, who reigns over all, ever truly answer? So Jesus answered him affirmatively. Jesus quoted Daniel 7:13 and Psalm 110:1. He was the Christ, the Son of God. Correct interpretation must allow for Him also to be the heavenly Son of Man who occupies the most honored position in the universe, next to the very throne of God, second only to His Heavenly Father, and who will return to earth as judge of the cosmos. Jesus then will judge those who now judge Him. Obviously, this kind of Messiah is far more than a human political or military revolutionary. He is King of an eternal home.

• How did Jesus answer the question as to whether He is the Messiah, the Son of God?



• What do the lost people in your life make of the claims of Jesus? How are you addressing them when you share the gospel?

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Pray that God would give you wisdom to share about Jesus as the Messiah who rules over our eternal home.


Matthew 26:63-64Wednesday



Page 78: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

In the eyes of the council, Jesus committed a capital offense by equating Himself with God. This is why the high priest tore his clothes in the traditional sign of outrage and/or grief. So self-righteous and self-assured of their (wrong) understanding of Jesus, the authorities spat in Jesus’ face, physically abused Him and mocked His prophetic reputation. The members of the council had no room in their hearts and minds for Jesus being who He is. They could only conceive of a Messiah that would reward holy men for their performance; they had no room to accept a suffering servant who would give His life as a ransom for many. Self-righteousness breeds suspicion of grace.

• Why did the members of the council find Jesus’ response so insulting? How were they misguided?


• At one point in time, you were blind to the truth about who Jesus is. How were your eyes opened?


Ask God to reveal any remaining areas of self-righteousness and thank Him for grace in your life.


Matthew 26:65-68

Self-righteousness breeds suspicion of grace. MAIN IDEA




Page 79: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

It isn’t until we are emptied of pride that we realize our deep need for Jesus.


The contrast between Jesus in the previous passage and Peter in this one is astonishing. While Jesus held up well under life-threatening conditions before the most powerful authorities in Judaism, Peter failed miserably under far less threatening conditions in the presence of people of very little status. As awkward and uncomfortable as the conversations made Peter feel, there was seemingly nothing he could do to escape them. His pride drove him deeper and deeper into sin. What began with a simple dismissal turned into a vehement denial, and immediately upon this third denial, the rooster crowed (Matthew 26:34). It was at this moment that Peter was emptied of pride and realized his deep need for the very one he betrayed. To embrace grace, we must be emptied of pride.

• What drove Peter’s denial of Jesus? ________________________________________________________

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• Have you ever had an experience that mirrored Peter’s? When has your sin

eventually driven you to brokenness? ________________________________________________________

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Rejoice that God emptied you of pride and filled you with His grace.


Matthew 6:1-4Matthew 26:69-75Fridaymay



Page 80: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for



As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

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• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is Loyal? from Matthew 26:63-75. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


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SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 82: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Week of may 15, 2017

Matthew 27:1-10

All sin is a betrayal of innocent blood.

Now the centurion, and those who were with him keeping guard over Jesus, when they saw the earthquake and the things that were happening, became very

frightened and said, “Truly this was the Son of God!”Matthew 27:54 (NASB)



All sin, from past to present, is a betrayal against Christ. The spotless Lamb of God came to shed His innocent blood for the sins of the world. The blood shed at the cross connects our need for salvation with the grace offered through Jesus’ death. Thus, our sin is a betrayal of Christ’s innocent blood. In Psalm 51:4, David says: “Against You, You only, I have sinned and done what is evil in Your sight.” At the end of his life, Judas recognized the holiness of the One he betrayed. Judas said, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood” (v. 4). It is the blood of Jesus that washes away sin; but before it does, the blood of Jesus must first convict. We must remember that sin is not just an offense of the law, but ultimately against the Person who came to fulfill the law on our behalf.

• What does this passage reveal about the nature of sin? How is sin a betrayal against God?

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• How did Jesus’ death reconcile your betrayal with His innocent blood? What does it take for you to recognize your sin for what it is—betrayal against the holy God?

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Praise Jesus for His precious blood. Thank Him that His blood is pure and holds power. Thank Him that His spilt blood—His death on the cross—convicts mankind of sin. Repent for any sin in your life that betrays Jesus.





Page 83: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Matthew 27:11-26

The actions of Jesus were louder than the shouts of His accusers. MAIN IDEA

Even as they accused Him, the submission of Jesus stunned those who condemned Him. While He was before Pilate, Jesus did not utter a word in defense of His name—this testifies to the worthiness of Jesus’ name, for someone who is truly worthy need not be defended. Jesus’ silence sparked amazement: “He did not answer [Pilate] with regard to even a single charge, so the governor was quite amazed” (v. 14). Jesus’ silence illumined His innocence. Despite the warning that came from a dream of Pilate’s wife, leading her to call Jesus a “righteous Man” (v. 19), the shouts of condemnation by the people of Israel grew louder. No fault could be found in Jesus; Pilate himself asked, “Why, what evil has He done?” (v. 23). The actions of Jesus were louder than the shouts of His accusers.

• How does Jesus respond to Pilate? How does Jesus’ overall silence illustrate both His humility and His power?


• How does Jesus maintaining humility during a time of utmost humiliation inform you on how to live your life in the face of accusations or insults?


Praise Jesus that His silence was a witness of His control. Ask Him to humble you right now, that the actions of your faith will be louder than your words.





Page 84: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Mocking, torture, and crucifixion could not deter our Savior from paying the price for our sin. MAIN IDEA

Nothing, no amount of pain—not even mockery, torture, or crucifixion—could separate us from the love of God. Jesus endured torture on our behalf in the midst of incredible pain. This passage illustrates the universal rejection of our Lord. Those who encountered Jesus as He walked along the Via Dolorosa (“Sorrowful Way”) could not bear to look upon His marred face. The soldiers mocked Jesus’ kingship in every way, from a scarlet robe (v. 28) to a crown of thorns (v. 29). Soldiers mockingly worshiped Jesus with feigned adulation (v. 29) and then humiliated Him by beating Him over the head with a rod. Note that Jesus refused to drink the wine mixed with gall (v. 34), which was most likely a pain-killing narcotic intended to ease His misery. Jesus refused to decrease His suffering or lose consciousness of His surroundings. The suffering of Christ must not be overlooked, for it was by His stripes of torture that we have been healed (Isaiah 53:5).

• How did Jesus demonstrate resilience and victory even while He was humiliated and tortured?

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• Why did Jesus need to suffer and die in order to save humanity? What verses from the Old Testament can you think of that remind you of why our sin necessitated Christ’s suffering?

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Take a few minutes to reflect on the suffering of Christ. Thank Him that He took on your sin, so that you might walk blameless and free.


Matthew 27:27-34Wednesday



Page 85: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

The cross of Christ was not only the subject of scorn for sinners, but also the place of appeasement for the wrath of God. Christ’s death reached its full anguish when the dying Son experienced the pain of His Father’s rejection: “Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying…‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?’” (v. 46), a quotation of Psalm 22:1. This cry, uttered from His lips while on the cross, reflects the significance of Jesus’ agony and longing for His Father. Jesus’ words indicate an abrupt loss of communion with His Father that had been so intimate throughout His life. Christ bore the sins of all humanity, spiritually separating Him from His Father. The cross of Christ was the place of utmost pain, as well as the reckoning of a most glorious exchange. Indeed, “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21).

• What did Jesus cry to Father God while on the cross? What significance does His cry bear on His act?


• Why must the cross of Christ be understood as an exchange of our sin for Christ’s glory and fellowship with the Father? How does this passage vividly illustrate such a significant exchange?


Thank Jesus for dying for you. Reflect on His death and suffering. Reflect on what His death entails for your life, as well as how it radically altered your position before the Father—from slave to son (Galatians 4:7).


Matthew 27:35-56

Jesus endured the ridicule of man and the wrath of God as He died for us on the cross.





Page 86: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Our sanctification would not have been possible if our old life had not been buried with Jesus in the grave.


The burial of the sinless Christ emphasizes His death and also implies the death of sinners who identify with Him. Jesus invites us into both His death and burial—while His death was the perfect sacrifice for our sins, His burial implies the substitution of our old life for His new one. Even the Pharisees and chief priests recognized the power of Christ, for they made every physical, earthly precaution to keep Him dead and buried: “Therefore, give orders for the grave to be made secure until the third day” (v. 64). Pilate agreed with their motives, “You have a guard; go, make it as secure as you know how” (v. 65). The significance of Jesus’ burial is highlighted in Romans 6:4 which says: “Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.” We cannot be made new unless we put to death our former life—an action only possible through Jesus’ work.

• Where do you see both the physical and spiritual significance of Christ’s burial in this passage? What do verses like Romans 6:4 and Galatians 2:20 have to add about the spiritual significance of Christ’s death and burial?

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• At what point in your life have you buried your sins and died with Christ?

How does such an event impact the way you daily live your life? ________________________________________________________

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Thank Jesus for His unfathomable work on the cross for you. Pray for the faith to take hold of the truth of His unique life and unmatched resurrection.


Matthew 6:1-4Matthew 27:57-66Fridaymay



Page 87: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for


As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

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• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is Crucified from Matthew 27:41-52. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


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SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 89: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Week of may 22, 2017

Luke 24:28-35

Jesus appeared to His followers to prove that He had risen indeed.

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I

commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.Matthew 28:19-20 (NASB)



It was important that Jesus show His followers that He was back. At the heart of Jesus’ appearance was His intentionality. Jesus appeared before His disciples in multiple contexts that they might understand He had indeed risen. A number of the resurrection appearances are associated with meals; the similarity between this passage and the Lord’s Supper (Luke 22:19) is striking. It was during the breaking of bread that the disciples understood Jesus was alive: “When [Jesus] reclined at the table with them, He took the bread and blessed it, and breaking it, He began giving it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized Him” (vv. 30-31). The term “recognized” involves “knowing,” a certainty of the things the disciples were taught. The resurrection of Jesus answered questions, clarified doubts, and proved His return.

• Why was it important for Jesus to show His disciples that He had risen? What is particular about the context of the disciples’ recognition in this passage?



• What do you need to do this week to put yourself in a position to have your eyes opened to Christ in a fresh way?



Spend time in praise and reflection as you think back on the meaning of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, reflecting on the significance of each event. Praise Jesus for the hope that underscores His resurrection.




Page 90: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Luke 24:36-45

Jesus let His followers touch His physical body to prove that He was risen indeed.MAIN IDEA

Jesus calmed the doubts of His disciples with the physical reality of His presence. Jesus’ mere appearance frightened the disciples as they concluded it had to be a ghost (v. 37), while the experience of touch enlightened their understanding. The scars in Jesus’ body served as physical evidence for questioning and worried hearts: “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; touch Me and see” (vv. 38-39). Directly we see Jesus address His disciples’ doubts with the powerful proof of scarred hands and feet. Jesus did not reject the physical reality of life, for the spiritual and the physical are linked. He proved this time and again, through His incarnation, death, burial, and resurrection. The profound and spiritual are understood through physical and tangible means—Jesus used His physical scars to point to the eternal truth of His victory.

• What did Jesus ask His disciples to do in this passage? What does His request reveal about His character?


• To whom can you proclaim the resurrection this week? How can you use the intricate details found in Scripture as evidence that Christ really did rise again?


Praise Jesus for His resurrection, which is the physical evidence of the power of salvation. Thank Jesus for being God made flesh, who died and rose again.




Page 91: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

The Holy Spirit must empower us in order for us to humbly proclaim our resurrected King. MAIN IDEA

Before we can go out into the world and proclaim the name of our resurrected King, we must wait on His Spirit to equip us. The disciples were “witnesses of these things,” of the resurrected Jesus; as such, they were commanded to proclaim Him (Luke 24:48). Yet before the disciples could charge the mission field, they were commanded “to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24:49). The disciples were Jesus’ witnesses, and they were to proclaim what they themselves had seen and heard. First, however, they were to wait in Jerusalem until Jesus sent the promised Holy Spirit so they would be divinely empowered to fulfill this mission (Acts 1:4-5). Because we are not proclaiming our words but Christ’s, we must rely on His Spirit and not our own power to do work for His Kingdom.

• What did Jesus charge His disciples to do in Luke 24:49? Is the second part of His command contradictory to the first? Why or why not?

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• What is the role of the Holy Spirit? What does a failure to listen to the Holy Spirit and wait for His direction reveal about a person’s belief in or relationship with God?

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Ask the Father for ears to listen to the Holy Spirit’s promptings as you seek to do His will this week.


Luke 24:46-49 and Acts 1:1-8Wednesday



Page 92: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

When we recognize Jesus’ authority, we are not frightened but confident because our confidence is rooted in something outside ourselves. Jesus dispelled the doubts of His disciples through the revelation of His authority. Although “some were doubtful” (v. 17), immediately “Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth’” (v. 18). We will be amazed at the work we can do in Christ’s name when we submit to His authority. When we relinquish all control of the outcome, we are free and ready to proclaim the gospel to whomever, whenever. Jesus further affirmed His authority to His disciples in that, in their witnessing, they were proclaiming His name—not their own—“baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (v. 19). Christ’s authority is reassuring—and compelling.

• Why did Jesus begin the Great Commission with a declaration of His authority? How does Christ’s authority, being the foundation for the Great Commission, change the intrinsic nature of the gospel?


• With whom in your life do you know you need to share the gospel? What have been some fears or barriers that have prevented you from doing so?


Praise Jesus that He has all authority. Thank Him that the outcome of sharing the gospel doesn’t matter because our job is not to save but to share. Give over any thoughts or feelings of control you have to God, trusting in His divine and extraordinary authority.


Matthew 28:16-20

The authority of Jesus silences our doubts and compels us to go and make disciples with confidence.




Page 93: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

Jesus’ ascension gives us confidence to go and fulfill the mission we have been given.


The confidence we have in proclaiming the gospel of Jesus is rooted in the divinity of Jesus Himself. Jesus’ divinity was clearly illustrated in His ascension to heaven. Note the relationship between the disciples’ worship and their recognition of Jesus’ divinity: “While He was blessing them, He parted from them and was carried up into heaven” (Luke 24:51). Immediately after the disciples witnessed Christ’s ascension, they worshiped: “And they, after worshiping Him, returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple praising God” (Luke 24:52-53). Our mission is propelled by our worship because worship takes the focus off ourselves and puts it onto the divinity and authority inherent within the Name we are proclaiming. While witnessing Jesus’ ascension, the disciples were focused on Him: “And…they were gazing intently into the sky while He was going” (Acts 1:10). The ascension of Jesus provided the disciples with a new perspective, one that was God-focused, God-confident, and God-adoring.

• According to these two passages, how did the ascension of Jesus give His disciples the confidence to go and make more disciples?

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• What is the relationship between our mission and our worship? How has

understanding the authority and divinity of Jesus given you confidence to proclaim His name?

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Spend a few minutes adoring Jesus for who He is, reflecting on His divinity. Thank Jesus that His authority gives you confidence. Ask the Holy Spirit to empower you to share the gospel with someone new this week.


Matthew 6:1-4Luke 24:50-53 and Acts 1:9-11Fridaymay26


Page 94: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for


As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is What Do We Do Now? from Matthew 28:16-20. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


Page 95: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for

WHAT DO WE DO NOW?Sundaymay28

SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 96: Dear Family of Faith, - FBC JAX · Admit that you can’t do life on your own and recognize His power to change you. PRAY Tuesday Feb. 28 6. MAIN IDEA Jesus abundantly provides for