dearest dearest love the love

Page 1 The dearest love The dearest love Betty Neels Dearest Love (2007) Original Title: Dearest love (1995) Publisher: Harlequin Ibérica Stamp / Collection: Jasmine 2098 Genre: Contemporary Starring: Titus Tavener and Arabella Plot: "I want to marry, but I'm not in love with you ..." Titus Tavener was a successful doctor with hard work and no wife. Arabella had applied for the post of assistant clinical and housekeeper his home, but was delighted the other work that offered Titus. It was a offer he could not refuse, but had no idea that everything is complicated if I fell in love with him ... Page 2 Betty Neels - The dearest love Scan Mariquiña and edited by Laila No. Pages 2-105 Page 3 Betty Neels - The dearest love Chapter 1 Dear Sir, With reference to Lady magazine ad this week, would apply for the position lama custodian keys. I am twenty-seven, I'm single and childless and possess several years of experience in the monitoring chores such as washing, ironing, cleaning and cooking. Possess a diploma cordon bleu cooking. I have basic knowledge to repair minor electrical faults and plumbing. I can answer the phone and take messages. I would bring my cat with me. Sincerely, Arabella Lorimer It was the last letter he read the old man sitting at his desk

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The dearest love

The dearest love

Betty Neels

Dearest Love (2007) Original Title: Dearest love (1995)

Publisher: Harlequin Ibérica

Stamp / Collection: Jasmine 2098

Genre: Contemporary

Starring: Titus Tavener and Arabella

Plot: "I want to marry, but I'm not in love with you ..."

Titus Tavener was a successful doctor with hard work and no wife.

Arabella had applied for the post of assistant clinical and housekeeper

his home, but was delighted the other work that offered Titus. It was a

offer he could not refuse, but had no idea that everything is complicated if

I fell in love with him ...

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Chapter 1 Dear Sir,

With reference to Lady magazine ad this week, would apply for the position

lama custodian keys.

I am twenty-seven, I'm single and childless and possess several years of

experience in the

monitoring chores such as washing, ironing, cleaning and cooking. Possess a


cordon bleu cooking. I have basic knowledge to repair minor electrical faults and

plumbing. I can answer the phone and take messages.

I would bring my cat with me.

Sincerely, Arabella Lorimer

It was the last letter he read the old man sitting at his desk

consultation, a large room on the ground floor of an ancient and luxurious home in


Wigmore Street London. He reread, gave a muffled laugh and put it in the

pile in front of him. There were twelve candidates, and Arabella Lorimer was the


enclosing references and the only one with a legibly in detailing

the relevant facts. Too bad it was not a man.

He began to read the letters again. It was halfway when he interrupted

arrival of his partner. Dr. Titus Tavener came slowly. He was a very tall man

and stout. He was handsome, blue and cold eyes and firm chin. Her hair, in


Blond time, he had become grizzled, but, nevertheless, looked younger

forty I had.

Dr. James Marshall, bass, robust and almost bald, greeted him with joy.

'Just the man I needed. Here I have the applications for the post of

concierge. Wear an hour reading them. I've decided that I will accept. Read them


give me your opinion, but you will not change my mind.

He laughed while Dr. Tavener sat and took the pile of letters. The

read and placed back together.

There are two possibilities: the old bus driver, although he confesses

suffering from asthma attacks, and Mrs. Butler looked the letter in his hand

-. But is the right person to open the door? Although, of course, the vast

Miss Arabella question is Lorimer and his cat, which I find very little



Because it is clear that this is a single woman with no luck. I do not believe

Have Your Skills which claims to possess. I hesitate when leaving a

stuck pipe or blown fuse in your hands.

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He laughed their socio -Titus, I hope that one day, before it is too

Later, you meet a woman you change your mind.

It's unlikely-Dr Tavener smiled. Maybe it was too

Lorimer hard to miss. There is always the possibility that it is an Amazon

a toolbox.

'Soon you'll know. I've decided I can serve.

-why Not? -Dr Tavener got up and went to the window to

watching the street. Mrs. Lane will be glad to leave. His arthritis does not

improve and

chances are you are willing to leave us and go live with her daughter. Guess

your furniture will be. Do we have to furnish the house?

Depends. Perhaps Miss Lorimer has the own-the Dr. Marshall

He pushed his chair back. Tomorrow will be a day of hard work. I'll see if

your rider can come at five to interview. Will you be back for


Not likely. I have more appointments at the clinic that I can attend. Of

Anyway, going out to dinner She turned to look at his socio-. I think you

chosen well. James. I have to do some paperwork He went to the

gate-. Would I tell Miss Baird can go home? Are you going too?

I'll stay an hour. See you tomorrow.

He went to his office, for which he crossed the elegant lobby, smiling

Miss Baird to the receptionist that the two doctors shared, followed by the

corridor, went downstairs to the basement, and came to his apartment, which

consisted of a small waiting room, a treatment room, where he worked the

nurse, and her own practice, overlooking the garden of the back of the building.

It was a small but well kept garden, which highlighted the first flowers

Autumn. He glanced briefly before starting to read the notes on their


Dr. Marshall reread the letter from Arabella Lorimer and called the

Miss Baird.

-Mande A note by courier. This address. Tell the lady who

come tomorrow at five. It's a shame you do not have She got up and turned off the


desk lamp. I'm going home. Dr. Tavener is going to be working

awhile, but check that continues here before leaving. You can go as

send the message.

He went home to his wife and family. Much later, Dr. Tavener is

he mounted his Rolls-Royce and went to their lovely home overlooking the canal,

Little Venice.

Arabella read the message from Dr. Marshall sitting in the kitchen. It was a

small damp room from which looked a little bit worn grass and

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broken fence, but preferred the room, where sat home with all its

prized possessions. He had not invited in there Arabella because of his cat,

Percy, who would destroy the furniture. She did not care. She was grateful to


Westlake, the village postmaster, having convinced his aunt, Miss Pimm, for

the stay at her house for a few days while looking for work and a place to


It was not easy to leave Colpincum-Witham, his people. His parents

had been killed in a car accident. Then he learned that he was not

home, since the house was mortgaged and had to leave. Had almost nothing of

money. He sold everything except the basic furniture that might work and, as

there was

ability to work in town or nearby, and his uncles, who lived far

from there, had offered to help, although many tips, he went to London with

Percy. I did not want to live there, but, as he had told the postman, was a great


in which there had to be work. Arabella quickly realized that it could only

do housework. He had no other qualifications than her diploma

kitchen and, as never had to work, had no experience, something that

required to find work.

He read the note. He had applied for the job almost desperate, anxious

losing sight of the Miss Pimm, barely concealing his impatience

get rid of her and Percy. He had agreed to house them for a few days, but

It had been a week and had told Arabella that despite the money you

came well, it was a quiet person who did not like having strangers in their


Arabella she sat quietly, without conceiving hopes but,

while imagining how would the basement room that accompanied

the position. The would furnish his things and, hopefully, have a garden in the

rear of the house, where Percy could get some air. He climbed into his little

bedroom with her heels and examined their scanty clothing cat. Era

important to be well dressed for the appointment.

He arrived in Wigmore Street two minutes before the hour. The clock struck five

when Miss Baird made her move to the doctor's office Marshall, who

sat down at his desk. He put down his pen and looked over the

glasses. A moment was silent.

-¿La Miss Lorimer? Sit down, please. I have to confess that I

waiting for someone ... more sturdy ...

Arabella sat with simplicity. She was a short, plump, brown haired girl

wearing faded collected with a current gray face, big eyes and,

thick lashes. It was as little as possible like a housekeeper, thought Dr.

laughing to himself. We would see when Titus met her.

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I read your letter with interest, Miss Lorimer. Could you tell me about her

last job?

I've never worked. I've always lived in my house. My mother was delicate

health and my father spent much time outdoors. I did housework and me

responsible for minor repairs.

Why do you want this job? He noticed with satisfaction that she was

quiet, seemed nervous.

My parents died recently in a car accident. I'm out

home. We lived in Colpincum-Witham, south of Wiltshire. There is no work for

who does not have some degree -he paused. I need a place to live and

housework you can provide me. I applied for several jobs, but not

I may have to Percy me.

-¿ Percy?

My cat.

Not that I object to have it if you stay in your room. You can go to

garden, of course. But did you know that is qualified for the job you think? Have


clean rooms; my office, reception and waiting room, the hallway and

stairs, my partner's office; dusting, open the door

during business hours, empty the bins, close the door and open it

in the morning ... Are you a nervous person?

No, I think not.

-All Right. Ah! When there is nobody, you must answer the phone, running


and take messages' I threw a shrewd look. Is not it too much for you?

Of course not, Dr. Marshall. I'll be happy to work for


-Do You think well that is a month to test? Mrs. Lane, who is retiring,

must be in your room. Go with Miss Baird and the present. Then

then please return here to make final arrangements.

The basement was not what Arabella had imagined, but had possibilities.

The room was large; the front windows let see the feet of those who

passed and had thick bars, but the other end, but were small,

you could open. There was a door full of bolts, locks and chains

into the garden. On one side of the room there was another door to a hallway

where was the narrow stairs to the top floor and ending in

another heavy door and, beyond the ladder, had a very small kitchen and a

bathroom even smaller. Mrs. Lane walked quickly in front of her

indicating what was each room.

I'll take the furniture, of course. I'm going to live with my daughter.

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I have some furniture, Lady Arabella Lane he said politely.

I hope the room stay as welcoming as you had.

I've got my pride, my dear He boasted Mrs. Lane. Not a

too young?

I'm very strong and I am used to housework. When do you want


'As you come to settle. I've been happy here, but I am old. Ya me

hill climbing.

Again in the presence of Dr. Marshall, Arabella sat after

he asked.

Well, do you want to work here?

Yes, and I do my best to be satisfied, sir.

-very Well. Set date with Mrs. Lane and tell me when to come. What

it is clear that it must be the same day that she leaves.

On the street, Arabella looked for a phone booth to call the repository

Sherborne and ask them to take the furniture to London. It was urgent and the one

time, luck was on his side. A truck came to London three days later and

They could send him the few things he possessed at a price much lower than

had expected. He turned to talk to Mrs. Lane.

If I come in the morning and you leave in the evening, can we make the

change without interrupting the normal routine?

'I think so. My son will come with a van, so I gather my

things as you arrive.

I'll tell Dr. Marshall.

-very Well. I have to see it to pay me and also tell you.

Back home the Miss Pimm, Arabella said he would leave three

days later. I dined fish and chips at the corner store and lay down.

As he undressed, told Percy would soon have a home of their own.

It was a docile animal, but was not happy at home of Miss Pimm, very

different from the spacious house and garden where he had always lived. There

was a

ball on the end of the bed and slept Arabella as his instinct told him

that better times ahead.

After leaving Arabella, Dr. Marshall continued sitting at his

desk doing nothing. Soon he entered the Miss Baird.

What do you think of our new housekeeper?

It's a very nice young She gave him a thoughtful look. Hope

be able to perform all the heavy work.

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'I have said it is a very skilled worker. You will start

within three days. I want to be there when the doctor sees Tavener by


Dr. Marshall had no chance until the next morning, when speaking of a

difficult case with his colleague, to tell that he had hired a new housekeeper


He starts in two days ... with the cat.

'So it is suitable for the job? asked Dr.

Tavener laughing. Hopefully that answers the phone and empty the bins with


I imagine he will Dr. Marshall added mischievously. To

accounts, is young.

-With Provided it does its job ... 'The Doctor was already Tavener

engrossed in his notes and spoke without showing interest.

Despite doubts whether the furniture would arrive, whether Percy would not


the last moment or if Dr. Marshall would think better and would not give the

employment, Arabella moved smoothly, with cat and scarce goods, the

Wigmore Street basement. It was true that empty room, had a look

dingy and dirty, but after cleaning the floor, washing windows and remove the

cobwebs from the darkest corners, the young man saw possibilities. With the aid


employees moving bed placed in a corner of the room, put

a small table and chair next to the window and ordered back

orderly other things against one wall. His work began to

The next morning, so convinced Mrs. Lane to write him a

task list. Then he made the bed, placed Percy in its carton and

He rolled up his sleeves.

There was hot water in abundance, and Mrs. Lane had left several

brushes and mops in the cupboard next to the staircase. Arabella was

to work with a purpose: that would be his home and Percy, and was to be

comfortable as possible. Housekeeping was before comfort. He rubbed, brushed


dusted until late afternoon, when he was satisfied with the result.

Dinner in the kitchen was prepared freshly cleaned, Percy gave hers and sat

to the table, glad of effort. After drinking a cup of tea, made a

list of things that still needed. It was not long, but would have to go

buying them slowly, with each pay. He estimated that up to Christmas it would

all I wanted, but I was not worried: after the last terrible months

had passed, had everything we wanted.

He washed the dishes and opened the gate with Percy under his arm. The garden

I was surrounded by a high brick wall, around which there were beds of

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flowers, but also a good grass strip. He left Percy on the floor and watched

while exploring first with caution; then with joy. After the small

Miss Pimm yard, this was paradise.

He sat on a rustic, tired but happy seat. He had made good time that

day but started to refurbish and twilight had darkened colors

garden. Percy picked up and returned inside. Then, remembering the instructions

Mrs. Lane, climbed the ladder and inspected all rooms

make sure the windows were locked, they had bolted the

doors and all the lights were off. Mrs. Lane had told him that in the

two upper floors lived a neurologist and his wife. Entered through a small door

side of the facade. Although the doctor had retired, occasionally entertained

a patient.

But they have nothing to do with us. You never see.

Nevertheless, it was nice to know that the house was not completely

empty. She closed her calmly and inspected everything to, the following morning,


where he was and, as was practical sense, was looking to find the key

Incidentally, the extinguisher and the counter gas and electricity. He also sought a


containing useful tools like a hammer, nails, replacement bulbs,

a wrench and tape. They were stored in a cabinet, and was

sure no one had approached them long ago. He put all

in place and said he had to ask for a plunger. A clogged drain was

nuisance, especially in a place where people wash their hands constantly.

Satisfied at last returned to his room, showered and went to bed. Percy, no one

invite him, climbed into bed and sat at the feet.

He rose early, ordered the room, made the bed, fed to Percy and

took it out to the garden, had breakfast and went upstairs. She wore a gown

new nylon.

It had everything I needed: a vacuum cleaner, furniture polish and chamois.

He emptied the bins, put the chairs in place, ordered magazines, brought luster to

Caller opened the front door and windows. When he finished, everything had a

nice but austere. He got out and went into the garden, where cut flowers. He


three vases and put one in each office and the third, in the waiting room.

That was another thing, he thought. He realized that he had forgotten the other


waiting. He returned to the garden, cut more flowers and placed them in a center

in the table,

side of the magazines.

We do not know the colleague of Dr. Marshall, but expect it to be so

nice as this.

He returned to the basement, were made and when they knocked on the door was

opened. Was the

doctor nurse Marshall, who called Joyce Pierce.

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'Are you the new housekeeper? he asked. Do you think you will like the


-Yup. It lets me live here and I do not mind doing housework.

It was closing the door when he arrived the other nurse, who was short and pretty.

-The New housekeeper? he asked, raising his eyebrows. What would be

Dr. Marshall thinking? Madge'm Simmons. Working for Dr. Tavener

He expressed coldly. Come on, Joyce. We have time to have tea.

The first patient did not arrive until nine, so I ran down Arabella

the stairs. I still had to undo the trunk with bedding, linens and

curtains. As I could buy some curtains for front window,

so as not to see the feet of passers.

A quarter to nine rose again. There was no sign of the two nurses,

although heard about. He stood in the lobby helplessly. The door

He opened it and turned to her. The man who entered seemed enormous. He


watched its elegance and its attractive features, it would colleague Dr.


-Oh My God! The housekeeper! He laughed.

Her laughter annoyed. We said good morning coldly and went down to his room.

He closed the door quietly.

She has a gorgeous plant he told Percy - but is rude. They returned

to knock on the door and went to open the first patient. During an hour or

least, was up and down until the last patient arrived and Miss

Baird said Dr. Marshall wanted to see.

Good -the days peered over his glasses. Where did you get those


-of -the Garden question had surprised. It's the bottom of the


-good Idea. Are you doing the work?

Yes, thank you.

'Miss Baird will tell you what to do when we leave. One of

the two again in the afternoon, at three. Will you be free when you have collected


eaten, but again a quarter to three. Sometimes we were working

after five, but it is rare. Did you tell Mrs. Lane where were the


No, but the find.

He nodded and looked up as the door opened. Doctor

Tavener entered.

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This is my partner, Dr. Tavener. This is the new housekeeper.

-and We know Arabella said coldly. If you do not need anything else ...

One moment said Dr. Tavener-. I must apologize, Miss ...


Miss Lorimer. I behaved rudely, but I assure

that was not laughing at you as a person.

Not-its importance has beautiful eyes threw a fierce look

serenity belied his response. He looked at Dr. Marshall.

-Yup. You can go. If you need anything, do not hesitate to ask. Arabella, who

was a

practical girl, stopped at the door.

I need a plunger She realized that Dr. Marshall was

puzzled. It is used to unclog drains and pipes. Not expensive.

Is there any stuck pipe, Miss Lorimer? he asked gravely the

Dr. Tavener, without moving a muscle of his handsome face.

No, but it is something that usually happens at the most inopportune moment, so

useful to have one handy.

Yes, of course he remarked Dr. Marshall. Good thinking. I believe that

We have always called a plumber.

'It's not always necessary.

-Ask The Miss Baird to take care of it.

Dr. Tavener closed the door and sat down.

-A Paragon cried softly. With plunger

included. What we know about it, James?

Comes in Colpincum-Witham, in Wiltshire. The parents died in a

accident and for reasons unknown, had to leave home. Is

assume that no money. It has excellent references pastor and doctor

people. We will have one month he smiled test. Is there also flowers in your


'Of course. Do not forget that the new broom sweeps clean.

Do not you like?

Dear James, do not know and it is unlikely to see enough

to form an opinion She picked it up and went to look out the window. I believe

I'm going to Leeds. From there I will go to Birmingham and back the next day.


Baird has arranged my appointments so you can have a couple of days.

-very Well. I do not really want to go to seminary in Oslo. Are you going you?

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-of Course. Missing two weeks, right? He looked at his watch. You better

I get to work. I have to finish an article for The Lancet He went to the

gate-. Incidentally, I have two patients after five.

Arabella returned to his room, ate, he fed Percy and pulled the garden,

unaware that Dr. Tavener was sitting at his desk at

side of the window. He looked at it without paying much attention, admired the

gray coat

Percy and forgot about them.

The Miss Baird had been a great help. He had told Arabella that

there were some shops five minutes walk, on a side street. She took a

shopping bag and went after him. They were removed from the streets

prosperous, with large houses. They were a newsstand, a fruit and

grocery store, enough for what I needed. He bought food for two

days and newspaper. He promised to devote that Saturday afternoon, her free, to

buy some things from the list. Receive a weekly salary, he had told the

Miss Baird, and, although he must save because they did not know what could

happen, could

afford some amenities. I would be all day Sunday to work without


After the first day, the week passed quickly; in the end, Arabella had

accustomed to his new job. Recently saw the nurses, let alone the doctor

Marshall and anything to your colleague. When he went to the Miss Baird pay

him, he heard no

wanting to one of the nurses comment that Dr. Tavener again on Monday


Thank goodness he added, because it has the full agenda. It will

leave in two weeks, the seminar in Oslo.

Not having time for love, right? He laughed the other nurse.

Arabella, with the delicious weight of the pay envelope in his pocket, experienced

a vague relief that were to march again. He had been careful not

meet him, but not sure why, and two days earlier, while Dr.

He had been away, he had felt much more at ease. In his room, he began to

count the contents of the envelope.

When his parents lived, she had lived a very comfortable life.

There was always money; They had not been spoiled, but had given everything

needed or requested. What at that time was holding was, for her, a

large sum of money and had to think carefully about how to spend it. Not to


buy clothes: I had was the quality, and although not much, enough to

their needs. He took paper and pencil and scanned the list.

Until one did not finish the housework, after visits on Saturday

morning. I ate quickly, he attended Percy, put a brown skirt and sweater

game, introduced her tired feet in Italian loafers bought

with his mother in a happy time trying not remember too

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frequency and with a bag swinging on the shoulder, took the bus to the street

Tottenham Court.

Moving boxes containing various treasures: curtains that could be cut

to hang in the basement windows and make cushion covers, objects

china and cookware, a watch, a radio, some books and a carpet

small to look good in front of the stove. Had to buy needles and thread,

curtains, scissors, extra towels, shampoo and soap, a roll of thin floor mat;

would be difficult to transport, but the effort was worth it; a paint color

sepia and a brush. He loaded with all purchases, returned by bus.

Once in his room, changed clothes and went outside with Percy. There were

dark and no light in the rooms upstairs. The house was

silent and empty. A cold wind blew. A Percy did not like the wind, so

It turned into a hurry. After dinner, Arabella washed the dishes and went to

check that everything was in order. Then he went to place mats, which

improved significantly the appearance of the room as it covered almost the entire

floor of

dark brown color. And when chenille spread a tablecloth on the table, his

cheerful crimson encouraged further room. The curtains were of the same color.

It was too late to start sewing them that night, but at least I could sew

the curtains he had bought. When finished it was bedtime. He hung up and

He went to bed, satisfied with the work done.

He awoke at midnight without knowing where he was and suddenly overwhelmed


grief and loneliness, cried herself to sleep again. He awoke in the

morning and saw Percy sitting on his chest that looked, which was part of

his old life. He sat up immediately and refused to self-pity. You had to

paint the walls and, if I had time, I would start with curtains.

We have a home 'I said to the cat while vestía-, money and labor.

Makes a beautiful morning. Let's go into the garden.

The air was fresh. He thought everything would, in the places to be visited in the

weeks later, and went to breakfast feeling very cheerful.

By late afternoon it had already painted the walls. The light sepia

Room provided clarity and warmth. As smelled too much like painting,

He opened the gate despite the coolness of the night, full of enthusiasm, cut

fabric for sewing curtains. While wielding the scissors, he thought of what

buy with the next pay: a quilt, a table lamp and a pair of

pictures. The list was endless!

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Chapter 2 The next morning, arriving at the consultation, Dr. Tavener saw the curtains and

He smiled. Unlike Mrs. Lane, the new housekeeper did not like the view

from his window. There were fresh cut flowers on your desk and did not look nor

Mote; bin was empty and turned the elegant stove. He sat

examine the notes of his first patient with the hope that as satisfying

state of affairs continue. Although this girl was totally inadequate for the

Use: in the end, the work will be excessive or seek something more appropriate for


Meanwhile, Arabella, ignorant, fortunately, such conjecture fulfilled its

tasks effectively. The Miss Baird had given him good morning with joy at

to get; even the two nurses had smiled when I opened the door. A

was then opening and closing the door for a while for

patients who, for the most part, paid no attention: it was a small being and

bland did not deserve a second look.

No I had to go buy lunch. The milkman had left the milk, and

had everything we needed to make bread. He made the dough, kneaded and

allowed to rise and,

while, he continued with curtains. As it was so handy with a needle and cuisine,

was ready for the arrival time of patients in the afternoon. Then, when

all were gone, the hang.

At half past five tranquility reigned. He had fired the last

patient; soon after, the nurses were gone and then Miss Baird. The

Dr. Marshall was gone and supposed that Dr. Tavener either. Take one

time in ordering and closing doors and windows, but first hang the curtains.

They were nice. He had fashioned from which hung in the

dining room of his old house. He admired how and hiding the hated hanging bars

and he went to pick up the rooms. He wore a plastic bag first, emptied the

bins, a task that Miss Baird had stressed him not to forget. Was

it putting things in place, shook the cushions on the chairs waiting room,

turned off the lights, picked up magazines and put back on the table. Then

He went to the doctor's Tavener and was surprised there was light. Doctor

I was sitting at his desk and did not look up.

-Be Kind enough to come back later, Miss Lorimer. I'll stay another


Arabella left without saying anything and went to the basement, where dinner was

prepared. Percy ,

pleasantly sated, he sat in front of the stove. In the bread was

oven. Cheese soufflé was prepared, set the table and placed in its center a

vase of garden flowers. By leaving home, had been allowed to take things

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essential, as flatware, and some silverware; the salt and

pepper; and porcelain coffee set his mother. Also a valuable teapot.

I would have liked to take the silver, but dared not, although it took a jar

and two glasses of wine expensive glass.

Soufflé and ate an apple and made coffee before removing the pan from the oven.

It had been almost two hours. She put her robe and climbed back. She found Dr.

Tavener coming out of the consultation.

There's a delicious scent she said, stopping to see.

I've made bread, 'said Arabella, so cold and polite and desire

they hurry up and go away to do their job.

-¿Ah, Yes? Did you also smells of paint? Do not be alarmed: it is a very faint odor.

I doubt

that someone noticed. Are not you afraid to stay here alone?

No, sir.

The doctor gave him good night and she closed the door and locked.

He stopped on the sidewalk and looked out the basement window. The curtains


runs and just a strip of light showed. He frowned. Was not interested in the girl,

but it did not seem right to live in this tiny basement. He shrugged: the

After all, she had chosen employment.

A week later, Arabella had acquired a routine that allowed her no

be viewed during business hours. One afternoon, when ordering desk

Miss Baird, had seen the patient list the next day, which gave him a

idea what time you arrive. Thereafter, the list looked every afternoon, and

Not all patients arrived in the early morning; there were times when no

no one showed up to ten, which gave him time to sweep and dust

of your room and have a coffee in peace. Once organized life will

was bearable, but not exciting. As his room was almost

as I wanted, I thought to go on Sunday to the parks of London. He missed the

field. He had made a promise that, whatever happened, one day march

London, but had to save before looking for a job near his old


We'll come back he assured Percy -. I promise. But we have to

stay here for a while, a year or two, until I have enough money to

feel safe.

On Monday morning only Dr. Marshall was presented. His colleague would

just after lunch, he told the Miss Baird, because he was going

query in one of the hospitals in the vicinity.

-has Many patients warned to Arabella. Do not mind working up

later. Is not married and has no relationships. If you want to go buy added

gently, I'll phone and door.

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-Thx. I'll go for some vegetables. I'll be back in a quarter


-No Hurry. Do you prepare yourself food?

-Yup. Have much time late in the afternoon.

It was a sad morning. It was not yet October and it was cool. Arabella

arrived at the greengrocers, chose onions, turnips and carrots, bought meat at the


next door and hurried back. A stew was easy to prepare; I could leave

simmering and not be spoiled by too late to have dinner.

He prepared during mealtime, gave Percy their ration of meat and

arranged to receive the first patient of Dr. Tavener. The last was gone before

the six Arabella, as he had already ordered the doctor Marshall,

began to close doors and windows. At the end, Dr. Tavener was still no

signs of life, so he went to the basement, set the table for dinner and saw how it


the stew. I was almost ready. Off a delicious smell.

Dr. Tavener, about to leave, he stopped in the lobby, with its

splendid nose, sniffed the air. He opened the basement door and sniffed again.


He went downstairs and knocked on the door. There was a moment of silence

before him

invited to enter. Arabella was at the door with a look of


None of them spoke. She was surprised to see it. I did not know

Who could be and was scared a little. As for Dr. Tavener, stayed

looking around.

Why, I see you've been busy and with very good results he observed.

He glanced at the table in a white tablecloth, a porcelain dish, one

crystal glass and a vase with flowers. Your new housekeeper truly

I commonly left. I hope I have not scared. There was a smell so delicious

wanted to know what it was. Is your dinner?

She nodded.

Fontanera besides, are you an expert cook? asked fun

-. If so, it certainly could have found a better place.

Nobody let me take Percy .

The doctor examined the cat, sitting in front of the stove and looked.

-A Beautiful animal. Good evening, Miss Lorimer added, seeing that the

progresaba- no conversation. Will it close with key?

I was hoping to do's voice was sharp.

With that you comply with your duty ... smiled. And it came out so quietly

as he had entered.

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Not only rude Arabella said to Percy -. It's a real rude.

When he heard the front door close, rose to sort the query and close.

Then he dropped to Dine postponed.

Later, sitting in front of the stove as she sewed the sleeves pads are

I began to think Dr. Tavener. It was obvious she did not like and yet,

it was down to his room, something that Dr. Marshall never think. Perhaps

should have been more sympathetic. But had a housekeeper who displayed

sympathetic with your employer? He doubted it. Dr. uneasy. When they lived their

parents, he had friends, boys and girls her age, but none of the boys

He had loved her, and she had been attracted to one in particular. The

Dr. Tavener was not like them. Not only because he was handsome, but because it


greater. He stopped thinking about him and concentrated on his work.

During the rest of the week I only saw him briefly, and Dr. apart from

hello coldly, did not speak. Dr. Marshall, however, without showing

any interest in his private life, were always sympathetic if they looked for


Then Dr. Tavener went to Oslo, his nurse took vacations and

Arabella had less to do. It was true that controlled every morning and afternoon

It was in order in the query, but I had to vacuum and clean the

dust, found the missing doctor. Also, I had to open the door less often,

so extra time available to make apple jam with fruit

apple fallen at the back of the garden. He had asked permission to the physician

Marshall to collect them. This is what was given and had added that he knew

that could be used. So, for several days, there was a pleasant scent

Baked apples from the basement. Also made bread, rolls and cake. The

small cupboard, whose shelves were long gaps time because Mrs.

Lane just liked canned food, began to fill.

Dr. Tavener back the next day, had told him Miss Baird, but

late afternoon, so it would not be consulted, and it was likely to leave

directly to your home. Arabella dusted his office for the last time and

flowers placed. As the room was cool, would hold good night.

He must remember to put the heating on in the morning and turn on the stove.

He also left everything for the nurse, so she could get a tea

to get. He made the round of doors and windows and went to his room.

The next morning, Dr. Marshall had many patients. Young

was busy opening the door. Doctor nurse Tavener, who was

moody, reproached no heating on earlier. By

Later he began to rain heavily, so patients left damp marks

shoe on the floor, while unwittingly, getting wet with umbrellas

the chairs. Arabella's been cleaned carefully, but at the time, were

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stained moisture. I wish I had to slam shut the door

patients after.

In the end, the house returned to be quiet and went for the cleaning tools. The

Dr. Tavener had no signs of life. He must have gone straight to his

house, as he told the Miss Baird. Arabella was quick to clean, because

I wanted to return to his room. Had failed to take a break when

snack, so reveled in her dinner to be prepared: one

omelette with salad. Yesterday had prepared a vegetable soup, and

take a couple of apples and grapes and bread and butter and tea. What

more could you ask for?

The weather had turned nasty: wind was cold and raining a lot. The

Rain gave him a feeling of loneliness when hitting the windows. He wondered

What sounded so different from the rain at his home in Colpincum-Witham. There,

the wind

blowing through the trees, producing a sound that he loved. He had finished

clean when he remembered the nurse had complained that there was

enough light in the waiting room. We had to change the bulb with more

powerful. He went to look and climb the ladder to the basement, to reach

the lamp hanging from the ceiling. You climb on the top step, heard that opened


front door, and entered Dr. Tavener. He was hatless and wore briefcase in

hand. He put it on the floor, Arabella took her by the waist to lower the

ladder, removed the bulb hand and placed it on the lamp. He lowered only

then waved.

Young, caught unawares, had not opened his mouth. He regained his speech and

thanked dryly.

He makes a horrible night He's stared at it. Would you be so kind as to

make tea or coffee? Whichever is easier.

Arabella went to the kitchen which was next to the office, but Dr.

He extended a hand.

No, no. No need to do it here. May I lose you?

If you want factly he said, after looking doubtfully. He was

to tea.

The room had a very inviting; I had left one of the

lamps and lighted stove.

Sit down, please, 'said shyly. It will not take long.

The doctor sat in an old armchair and Percy climbed onto his lap.

'Have you eaten? Do not smell like soup?

You hungry? he asked while warming the teapot and poured the tea.

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I'm starving. My housekeeper does not expect me tomorrow -the observed

while preparing tea. You could go out to dinner. Want to join me?

She looked at him in surprise Thanks, but I already have dinner prepared -he

pause. You can dine with me, if you want, I do not know if appropriate: I am the


-Also Is a splendid cook 'I smiled and stood up. And I do not think

there is no law prohibiting the housekeepers invite a guest to dinner.

Well, well seen ... He paused, not knowing what to say.

What about after the soup?

Well omelet and salad He put another plate on the table. Do not have dessert, but

no bread with butter and cheese ...

-¿Pan Home? I can not think that there can be nothing better. While preparing

tortilla, I'll buy a bottle of wine. There are five minutes.

The doctor left; Arabella heard the door close and start the car. It hulled

three eggs in a bowl and then a fourth, was a very large man.

The omelet was ready to fry when the doctor returned. He put the bottle on the

table and asked if he had a corkscrew. It was a fine wine, burgundy that

cost almost half the weekly wage of the young. He uncorked to leave

breathing. Arabella threw the soup in the old dishes that had been her grandmother.


Dr. tasted it and said it was worthy of valuable porcelain which had

served. He poured the wine, and the young, animated by its fruity flavor, forgot


It was a housekeeper and returned to be a well educated lady with a nice life

social. Dr. Tavener, inducing talking with skill, learned many more

about her. Not that the questioned, but he dropped a few words from time

time and gently encouraged to keep talking.

They finished the omelette and they talked while taking the bread,

butter and cheese. If the doctor he found an unusual dinner, gave

examples of this. The bread and butter, when was the hostess herself who had

made bread, was exactly the right way to end a meal. As it was a

Giant man, almost all heavily buttered loaf was made. Arabella

would have to return to the store the next day.

It was nearly ten o'clock when the doctor left. He walked her to the door

lock it. The doctor stood on the sidewalk while thinking polite

Farewell Young and heard the noise of bolts and the key turning in the lock.

It never bothered him that Mrs. Lane was alone at home, by the

simple reason that several members of his family used to spend a few days with


but Arabella had no one. The idea that was alone all night so

was chasing for the way back.

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The following Saturday afternoon, Arabella added a new member to your


Buying again and, as I was laden food for a week, trying to tackle

narrow streets. It was a gray and cold day. It was getting dark early and had

begun to sparkle. With his head bowed against the cold wind,

Young took an alley that approach the house of Dr. Marshall. It almost was

at the end when a weak movement in a manhole made him

stop. It was a puppy she moaned so softly that it is barely audible. He left

plastic bags and leaned forward to see better. It was a pitiful sight: I was very

thin and wet and had tied the hind legs. Arabella snorted with rage and

He knelt. The rope was tight but poorly tied, so it did not take anything

untie and place the animal on top of the bag to take him to his room.

It was a very young puppy that although they had cared for and fed, no

would have been good. As it was, was pitiful look, ribbed

visible through the skin and wounds on the sides. Nevertheless, the animal is

was still on the table while the young man carefully examined and even moved

the tail, which was long and similar to that of a rat. Arabella stopped buying on the


It took hot water and rags and washed gently. Then he wrapped a

old curtain and put it in front of the stove where too tired to move,

He lay there. Percy came to examine in turn.

Bread and warm milk Arabella said that, living in the sole company of a

cat, used to express their thoughts aloud. And get to work I went. The

Animal welcomed him and swallowed with incredible speed, which gave

more milk, believing it would be dehydrated and seeing the indignant look of

Percy ,

gave him dinner, before taking his jacket and store purchase. Then prepared

tea and I took the puppy throwing frequent glances. He slept issuing

moans. Next, Percy lay down and curled up next to that skinny little being,

like he was doing a good deed.

Very well. Percy -what encouraged Arabella. It will be a beautiful dog if


He woke up a little while, and she gave him a piece of food Percy and pulled

the garden. At bedtime, put it at the foot of the bed, next to Percy. He had better

aspect. Arabella woke up in the night and was still sleeping, but Percy was

I had lying beside her. It was then that he began to wonder what would

Dr. Marshall to know that, in addition to a cat, a dog had. What is it

I was going to say? The puppy was very young, would bark weakly, perhaps not

even bark

to get stronger. No cause problems for a while; was

too weak to behave like a normal puppy. Satisfied with her

decision, he went back to sleep until soft Percy pushes awakened.

As it was Sunday, I had the house to herself, which was very convenient.

He took over the garden the cub, trembling in terror, and then gave the

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breakfast for the two animals. At the end they lay off the stove. Percy stretched

by heat and the puppy even closer to him and fell asleep.

He ate and slept all day. At the end of the afternoon just shaking occasionally

when he moved his ridiculous tail and striving to show gratitude.

'I'll stay with you,' said Arabella. A Percy likes you and me.

And no need to thank me.

The puppy, unaccustomed to a friendly voice barked feebly, dined by

second time and fell asleep, this time with ugly head on the stomach of the cat.

Monday came, and restlessness seized the young, but continued his

tasks as usual. At the end of the day, nerves had become

a sense of security thanks to the exemplary behavior of the puppy,

no doubt because he had not yet recovered, did nothing but eat and sleep

Tolerant nearest Percy .

At the end of the week there was considerably fatter, though he was

enjoying snuggling and sleeping. Gladly left the garden before anyone else and

although the

darkness scared if Percy was near, he ventured to the lawn and even

ran around him a few minutes. Carelessness, overconfidence because,

was the bane of Arabella. On Friday afternoon, after checking that all

had gone, he went into the garden before cleaning. It was a nice afternoon and still


It was dark much. He took the flashlight and walked up the path while

animals playing in the grass.

Dr. Tavener, who had returned to a role he had forgotten, came

quietly in his office, and as there was still some clarity, not

he bother to turn on the light. He knew where the paper was, picked it up and gave


turned to leave, but before looked out the window, beneath which was Arabella

Flashlight focusing on animals.

-¡Vaya! cried softly as she watched the girl led them to

interior. She hurried to the front door and left. He got in the car and went

home laughing quietly.

As Arabella, unaware that they had discovered, dinner gave their

peers and rose to be cleaned. Then dinner was prepared before starting to

make another pillowcase.

The Saturday morning had a lot of work. The Miss Baird said that the

Dr. Tavener had only two patients, but had to go to hospital, so no

I would be back till noon.

I'm afraid that you can not clean until it turns to leave.

Arabella, who on Saturday put the house upside down, changing the flowers and

cleaned everything I could, replied that he did not care, though inwardly

felt annoyed. Should do the weekly shopping and did not like the idea of dating

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and let the doctor in his office. What if the dog barking? The shops closed at

Dr. five ... would stay up so late?

It was a relief to arrive just before the others leave, is

shut up in the query and then prepare to leave. Arabella was taking off

powder chairs waiting room, as the noise of the vacuum could

bother him, and heard him coming down the hallway. Expected to be addressed

directly to

the door to leave, so he turned to say good afternoon and I

found staring sternly. He dropped his heart sank: would

I discovered the existence of the puppy? That seemed.

Since when there is a dog in this house, Miss Lorimer? he asked

a soft voice like silk, which brought Arabella carelessly.

He's not a dog, but a very young puppy He left the suede and made him


-¿Ah, Yes? And Dr. Marshall has permission to have it here?

-Do Not. How did you know?

'I saw him, and you too, the other evening in the garden. I hope that is not

uprooting plants flowerbeds.

If he had been thrown into a sewer with feet bound to be

died she said angrily, know the blessing it is to smell the flowers.

-¿Lo Found and, of course, I brought it with you?

'Of course. And I do not think that however bad character you have, what

I had left there.

You're absolutely right: I would not. If you have the kindness to support my bad

character, maybe I could glance at it. Should not be in very good


But promise me that you will not take to get him in a kennel. It's so


-I Will not.

He went downstairs followed by him and opened the basement door. Percy , asleep

the foot of the bed, opened one eye and went back to sleep, but the dog was

dropped from the

bed and trotted toward them, tail wagging. Dr. Tavener bowed, took it and

put it under his arm.

It's very little he observed, and very battered-what examined with

watch out-. It has two unsightly sores on the chin 'I felt their paws.

How long have you had it?

-From Last Saturday. I thought I would die.

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It's undeniable that saved his life. But have to see a vet -

He looked at her and smiled; he was a man austere than the doctor who was in and

out of the

consultation with hardly look if tropezaban-. If I return to the four, did you take

me to the vet? He is a friend and know you need this animal.

-What Go to the vet with you? Me? Arabella looked at him with eyes


Not bite, he responded softly.

Excuse He blushed. Is that caught me by surprise. The only thing is that,

please do not come before four, because I have to do the weekly shopping.

Not take long, right? A Percy liked dinner ...

I suppose it will not be long, but I could not let a ... this ... Percy


Yes, of course. He is very friendly.

-Even Though my bad character 'I reminded gently and watched the beautiful color

her cheeks. He went to the door. I will be back at four.

Arabella did many things within hours. I still had to take the

garbage and polish the gold from the front door. But he said he would

Later, while a tailored suit and a good pair of shoes he got and

her makeup and combed. It was important to look as little as possible to a


the doctor did not want to feel ashamed. He took all the money I had, and

that reminded how the vet bill amounted whenever he examined

dogs when their parents lived. At four o'clock he went to the door


The doctor came in the moment she put her hand on the doorknob. Do Not

He wasted no time in compliments.

Where is this little animal?

-In The basement. I will not let up. I'll get him and take to drive from my

front door.

-do Well. He'll be with you in a moment He went to his

office to call.

He was waiting outside the car when Arabella came out with the dog under

arm. He opened the door of the front seat, got in the car and left.

The puppy was afraid and Arabella, trying to keep him quiet, just

was set in the direction they took. Once he looked up and asked if

this was not the zoo, what the doctor responded with an affirmative grunt.

When the car stopped and the doctor helped her get off, she looked around

interest. I did not know London very well. In happier days, she and her mother had

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gone to town shopping or theater, or her father had been to dinner to

celebrate a birthday.

Where are we?

-In Little Venice. The vet lives in that house. Has the consultation on the street

Marylebone, but has agreed to examine the dog here.

How kind! He climbed the stairs with him, and when a woman looks

sober and apron opened the door, followed him inside.

'We are waiting, Ms. Wise said Dr. Tavener-. Are we climbed?

Yes, he is waiting. At the end of the stairs greeted a man of age

Doctor, tall, thin, balding.

Go ahead -the he greeted. Where is the puppy, Titus?

Dr. Tavener has stepped aside to make way for Arabella.

'This is Arabella Lorimer. John Clarke, a genius for animals.

They entered a pleasant room full of books and papers. There were two cats

sleeping in a chair and a black labrador stretched in front of the fireplace.

Sit -invitó Mr. Clarke. I'm going to take a look She looked at

Arabella. Titus told me how he rescued. At first glance it seems that

good food and a good dose of affection will soon recover He

He leaned over the animal and examined it carefully. All right. I'll give you

something to

where applied to the sores and we'll put vaccines as it is here. Me

happy to say has nothing broken or damaged. How is it called?

-even Not named Arabella smiled at Mr. Clarke.

-You Can choose on the way back 'I smiled back and handed the


Will ya send the invoice or it ...?

Not charging for emergency or accident replied cheerfully

Mr. Clarke. Bring to a review within one month, or sooner if

worried. So yes I will charge. Titus knows where step inquiry.

-Thank You very much. I hope we have not ruined his evening.

Not at all He cast a quick glance at his face expressionless Doctor

Tavener-. Nice to meet you, and feel free to return if you are worried.

'You have been very kind, doctor Tavener, to bring us to the vet said

Arabella as he climbed into the car. Mr. Clarke is a very nice man. Already

we have made you lose a lot of time. If you leave us the bus stop,

we'll go home.

Any idea which bus to take?

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Well I can not but ask.

He think of a better idea. We can snack and then take her.

-¿Merendar? Where? It really is not necessary.

I live in the next street and my housekeeper is waiting to prepare.

And do not worry about Percy . We've been out less than an hour and will take in

snack less.

'And the dog?

-Also Has the right to take There was a nice snack street

bordering the canal and had stopped in front of his house. And do not make me



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Chapter 3 The doctor led to Arabella, who clung to the puppy into your home,

a building of sober Georgian facade overlooking the canal at the back. The

lobby was square; it went a staircase to the right and had several doors

leading to other rooms. For one of them appeared a large woman and

bony, austere hairstyle and long, thin face.

Oh, Alice! Miss Lorimer, this is Mrs. Turner, my housekeeper. I have

Miss brought a snack. Can we do next?

Arabella offered his hand and Mrs. Turner was gravely shook

while throwing a glance at the dog.

-How Is it going? said the young man. Within five minutes, sir, he added.

Perhaps the lady wants to leave me the jacket.

'No need answered the doctor. It will not stay long.

You can put it on a chair She grabbed the dog as he spoke.

Arabella took off his jacket, placed it on the arm of a chair and beautiful

followed the lounge which was great. The windows in the back overlooked a

wrought iron balcony overlooking, turn the channel. She crossed the room,

barely aware of her beauty, in their eagerness to look out the window.

He does not seem that we are in London he declared, and there is a garden ...

So it was, under the window, small, surrounded by high walls, trees

and shrubs that isolated him from the houses on either side.

Dr. Tavener stared wordlessly and, then, to be

account of his silence, Arabella turned to him.

'Sorry, I have not been very polite, but it has been a beautiful surprise.

Yeah, right? He smiled. I've lived here several years and still I

surprises. Sit back and merendaremos.

Arabella looked around and saw the comfortable chairs and large sofa facing the

fireplace; mirror gold on this framework and rosewood table behind

sofa; three mahogany tables with lamps and cabinets inlaid

Dutch on each side of the fireplace. It was a beautiful room. Below

windows was a rosewood desk with pictures of silver bezel. He would have

liked to look at, but good manners prevented him, so he sat

quietly in one of the chairs at the time that Mrs. Turner entered

with a tray, which had cucumber sandwiches, Swiss and fruit cake. The

Young watched in silence and had a lump in my throat. Long ago

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not seen an equal snack, neither eating nor drinking from a china

so fine, you did not serve tea from a silver teapot.

-Sirva You -the invited Dr. sitting opposite her. Continued with dog

in the arms.

You want me to what I have?

No, no. It does not bother me. It's a shame that my dog is not here. It is an animal

very meek, a farmer. He would have made a mother.

Arabella opened his mouth to ask where it was, but stopped in time.

Maybe she told him. He did not, but he wondered if he should not put a name to


Yes He bit one sandwich. There was something solemn thought to

compensate how bad it happened.

Very good idea. Take a piece of cake. Mrs. Turner is a good

cook smiled slightly. While I'm talking to someone, right?

She was not sure what it said smiling. Maybe it was sarcasm.

'What breed is the dog? she asked.

-of A mixture, in my opinion. The ears look like a spaniel; i believe

it will be very large, look hooves. I do not know what to think of the tail. In

As for the name ... how about Bassett ?

She gave him a thoughtful look and laughed. At laugh was almost beautiful,

thought the

doctor. It would be interesting to know more about her. When she forgot her role

housekeeper, was a totally different person.

However, he had not forgotten. He put the cup and stood.

I've been here longer than I thought. I hope I have not spoiled


He did not try to restrain her, but went to get his coat and rode in the car

with Bassett . He went with her when they reached Wigmore Street, checked


It was in order and said goodbye thanking good afternoon so cold but friendly.

When I went to close the door, her screams stopped him.

-just A moment! Stop! Do I have to talk to Dr. Marshall Bassett ?

-of Course. On Monday morning, before they reach patients -

saw the concern on his face. I'll talk to him before. He is a man very

kind and also you are an excellent housekeeper.

-¿Lo Do? Do you promise? Did not you forget?

-Cumplo What I promise, Miss Lorimer His gaze was cold. And I have

an excellent memory.

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-¡Vaya! I have bothered.

No, it does not bother me; I am surprised, I am puzzled and intrigued me, that's all

He waved his head and closed the door firmly.

She stood in the lobby, thrown into confusion. In addition, he had forgotten

to give thanks for the snack. He dropped to his room and attended animals.

Then he went to finish cleaning. The next day, if it was good, lead to

Bassett to walk to the nearest park. Would have to carry him, of course,

because he had no necklace or belt. He stopped thinking about Dr. Tavener. It had


friendly and helpful, but she did not like him, even worse, did not think it would


formed an opinion of it. Lacked of any interest to him, even though

I was willing to help if needed, as would help a

stranger who stumble on the street or an old lady across. It was humiliating,

but logical.

He had a great Sunday strolling through the park with Bassett under his arm.

He returned for dinner. It had been a very pleasant day, he thought Arabella

while preparing for bed. It was very lucky to have a home and a

employment. He had managed not remember all day I had to see the

Dr. Marshall morning, but awoke concerned, at night, and

finally sleep again thinking that the doctor had told him Tavener

talk to him first.

I'd say the animals affirmed that they slept addressing that, under that

aloofness, there is a very nice man. If you know better, you may

to dislike.

Dr. Tavener, while driving home late at night, after

an urgent call to visit a patient at home, also thought

it. He had telephoned Dr. Marshall to speak of Bassett and this, of

good-natured, he had agreed to the dog to stay. The two had laughed

about the situation, but at the time, while driving through the streets

silent, his thoughts were more serious. Arabella was a nice girl; do not

should work housekeeper. Despite not having any academic qualifications,

came from a good family. He remembered how good start was the table when

had dinner with her and her safety and naturalness that evening at home. That life

was not for

her, but saw no way to improve it. Find something more suitable was difficult,

cause of dog and cat, and knew enough to know that not


He entered his house and Beauty , which had gone to pick up that afternoon, went

to his

meeting and entered him in the kitchen while the doctor was preparing coffee. Are

He sat down, because he was tired, with the animal at his feet.

-The Solution is to look for the animal husband said.

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Beauty wagged his tail and Dr. caressed the ears, accompanied her basket and

He went upstairs to bed. It could still sleep a couple of hours. His last thought

before falling asleep was to find the right man for Arabella would be a

difficult undertaking.

Arabella went to see Dr. Marshall as he sat in front of his


Do you have trouble? I wanted to know, after giving kindly good


She did not mince words, but did not mention Dr. Tavener. Perhaps

he had forgotten to talk to his colleague, which would be embarrassing. But no

he had forgotten.

'Yes' I smiled, Titus told me he has a dog. Great. I have not

no objection provided they do not leave loose and disturbed patients. Are

at home in the house? Okay One is installed?

Yes, thank-what would have embraced.

Go away, then. The doorbell will start ringing at any

time. I think he added it would be better to call her by her name

stack. Do you have any objection?

Not -podían call it as they wished. Bassett was his.

As he opened the door to a patient, the doctor came Tavener, said good

days and went directly to the query. The next patient admitted was his,

a beautiful, tall girl, looking and well made-up clothing.

No one bothered to pay attention to Arabella: a quick glance and

Sometimes a vague smile of thanks. The new patient would do the same,

but stopped short.

-¡Arabella! What are you doing here? Oh my God! With that horrible gown and



Hi, Daphne replied the young man as he closed the door. I work here.

Are you going to see Dr. Tavener? The consultation is at the bottom ...

I know where Daphne is affirmed laughing. We are old friends. But what

are you doing here exactly?

I'm the housekeeper.

Kinder What a joke! He laughed out loud, and I was going to say something else


He rang the bell.

Arabella was opened. Turning around, Daphne was gone.

Once in the office, Daphne sat at the doctor.

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Hello, Titus. Centuries ago no see. Mom asked me what I

passed. I'm not sick, but I want you to give me something for the headache -

elegant legs crossed. I have taken a tremendous surprise. Arabella, one

girl I know, I opened the door and said to be the housekeeper, neither more nor

less. I suppose you know he ran out of money when his parents were killed

a few months ago. It's a bit humiliating after living surrounded by

comforts. Not a great friend, of course he laughed. We lived several

kilometers from each other, but we have mutual friends smiled so

charming-. What about my migraines?

Tell me exactly where it hurts she said in anodino- tone. Perhaps you

worry about something or you're going too.

-¿A Parties? Well, I enjoy life, why would not I? At the end of

After all, you're only young once and also helps me to kill boredom.

It's likely that boredom is the cause of the pain. I suggest you

avoid them stay up late a few nights, you reduce the drink and give a long

walk every day.

-Titus, Which vejestorio are! exclaimed making a pout. And I

thought to invite you to come home for the weekend, but now I will not.

'Anyway, I am not free He stood up and handed him the recipe

I had written. Take it for two weeks. I'm sure you have nothing.

He opened the door to leave and she smiled as she passed. A beautiful face, but

empty, he reflected. If he married, you would an intelligent woman who would


without tinkering with earrings and nail look. There had to be beautiful, or

even pretty. Lately he had begun to want to have a

companion. He felt that he had already past the age of falling in love and also

based on mutual liking marriage and had character support

more likely to succeed than one that was launched powered by the passion of

time. He sat, dismissed such thoughts and focused on the notes of his

next patient.

After work, he thought back to Arabella. It was inconceivable that

remained housekeeper to clean dust, pass the vacuum cleaner, take out the

garbage abrillantara golden and, above all, was alone at night without more

protection than a dog and a cat. Urgently had to take care of that


Regarding Arabella avoided as far as possible, while at the same

time, wanted to know more about him. The fleeting vision he had of his life had

aroused his curiosity. I had assumed it would be a recalcitrant bachelor, but

the gossip of the nurses made him think he was a man very socially

request, a party that several women were after. Had not seen with their

own eyes had smiled his old friend Daphne? He thought it would be

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nice to be married to someone like him, living in a beautiful home and return to

relate to people. Having clothes and buy it without looking first

price. They said that was not a reason to get married. He finished cleaning and low


prepare dinner and take animals to the garden.

Came another Sabbath. He went shopping, did a thorough cleaning and went into

the garden to

by flowers. Bassett had gained and lost much of his shyness and followed

Percy of flowerbed on flowerbed. He promised that the next day would put their


necklace and bring it to the park belt. The nights were getting colder.

They came right away and had dinner in the heat of the stove. Arabella had

finished sewing

the upholstery covers, so it was down some magazines room

expected to read. Before bedtime came back up to check that everything was

closed. He'd gotten used to being alone.

He enjoyed every minute of Sunday. The walk in the park was a success.

Bassett had been good; jogged while wearing the belt and barked

weakly. They had returned to snack time. Then Arabella sat

do the math of the week. Despite having three mouths to feed, getting

save a little each week. The future was uncertain; even though he stayed in

that house the rest of his working life, need money when you retire. Missing

much yet, but might fall ill, losing their jobs, need a house

while looking for another. In a short period of time, one or two months, when

feel more secure financially, look for a job as a cook. He had to

have somewhere to not oppose the presence of a dog and a cat. It would

be difficult, and she was great in that basement, but he realized that

both doctors felt uneasy about the fact that work for them. He feared

Dr. Marshall's been hired by a sudden whim and although no

I regret, perhaps he was thinking better.

He finished the accounts, gave dinner to Percy and Bassett and pulled the garden.


had dinner, went to check everything was in order and decided to go to bed early.

He thought his life, although boring, was safe. Before I went to sleep to dream

awake. As it was a practical girl, she did not consent to his thoughts

movement toward the perspective of a young man who fell in love madly

her and marry her on the spot, but the miraculous offer of a job as a cook,

very well paid, in a mansion with a house for her on the farm, where there is

if you would oppose their animals.

Doctors arrived early Monday morning. Dr. Marshall

He went to see his colleague.

He makes a beautiful morning he remarked affably. The garden also

is looked very nice small chrysanthemums was on the desk.

Our Arabella has it all very welcoming.

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James said Dr. Tavener leaving writing-, we must do something

regarding it. For starters, we should not hiring her. One of my

patients went to school with Arabella, known for years, saw her

often die before their parents.

'And that friend was surprised to see it occupying a position so little


I think he thought it was funny 'Dr Tavener with furrowed


-¡Vaya A friend! I guess Arabella is very proud and do not want to

embarrass your friends.

I do not like the idea that to be alone at night.

-¿Ah, No? Maybe you're right. He is very young, but not a person

nervous, as I said.

'I would have said anything just to get a roof.

What do we do then? As either find her a husband ...

It's an excellent cook. If we find someone to accept the

presence of animals would be safe and live in a better environment. -

It would be a good wife, very skillful also: being her, do not call

plumber or electrician. Now that I think Titus would be very suitable for you.


it's time for you to marry; Patients like the married doctors. It is He joke

He quickly added when her colleague did not respondía-. I have to go back. Have


full agenda this morning?

-Yup. This evening too. And I have to go to hospital late.

-A See if you come to dinner one day. I'll tell Angie that calls you.

I'd like very much, thank you.

Dr. Tavener opened the folder of medical records, but did not read.

He decided he had found the solution: Arabella find a job in the field,

because, basically, it was a country girl. While that was going to be very

lonely without her.

Arabella, unaware that they were planeándole the future, the work performed

domestic, bought wool lowered because of color, a very practical brown not

It sold well, and began to knit a sweater, without removing eye Percy and Bassett .

Dr. Tavener, who possessed considerable wealth, had a house

field in Wiltshire, which had belonged to his family for more than

two hundred years. When the work permitted, he went with Beauty and engaged in

gardening and walking. His parents had died, but his grandmother lived there with

an escort. The Butter and his wife attended, which also had care

their parents and if they lived long enough, you also take care of him when he was

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old. The house without them could not imagine. It was there the following

weekend, on a

stormy autumn day. After Swindon had to leave the highway and take a

Tetbury secondary road. Then he had to turn down a narrow

path leading to a village, after which the house was located.

There was light in the windows and smoke coming from the chimneys. Stopping

the car

front door, it opened to make way for a dog rushed to the

vehicle while barking happily. Was Duke 's brother Beauty . He started

circling the car, happy to see their occupants. Butter the

waiting inside the house.

It's a pleasure to see you again, sir Titus Butterworth said. My wife does

prepared snack. I'll take the dogs to the kitchen to feed them.

Mrs. Tavener is in the living room.

Dr. crossed the hall and into the living room, long and low ceiling,

windows at each end, hung with heavy velvet curtains that

fused with dark green and red of the vast carpet. Tables and chairs

were Georgian and Jacobean, and had an ornate fireplace with a large

mirror above. On both sides were comfortable armchairs and a sofa, but the two


that was in the room were sitting in chairs high back with a

table between them where a deck was.

Dr. Tavener kissed her grandmother, a beautiful old severe features

I was sitting very straight.

Dear Titus' I smiled, how nice to see you again. Do not come

much home.

My house is in London he pointed gently. At least while I work.

Yeah, ya, and I'm sure it's a nice house, but this is home

Family She stopped. It is time for you to be a family, Titus.

The doctor just smiled and shook hands with the chaperone. Miss

Welling was a slender woman of uncertain age, a sharp nose, brown eyes

myopic and an anxious expression that was not justified, since only received

hospitality and kindness from her employer; but docility and anxiety

seemed to shape the nature of the lady. Despite the appearance of severe

Mrs. Tavener, never asked questions to her companion and, over the years, had

learned to accept its cautious outlook on life.

The Welling Miss greeted the doctor with pleasant voice, then

apologize and leave the room with the excuse of going to see if the tray

snack ready.

This creature ... said Mrs. Tavener-. You'd think the trick.

Sit down and tell me what you've done lately.

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The doctor pulled up a chair and briefly described how the day went.

After tea he took to walk the dogs, when it was dark. To the

again found herself alone her grandmother.

'Miss Welling has to get ready, dear. We have one hour to

us, to tell me what's bothering you. You look like your father the greater

the problem, unless it shows on your face. Is that you've fallen at last?

No, no. I think I never fall in love enough to marry. But

yes I have a problem 'I spoke of Arabella with placid and devoid of interest- voice.

Can you think of something, Grandma?

Looks like this girl has a job as inappropriate. On the other hand,

Titus, has a home, independence and may have with them their animals. Must

grant much importance to the sense of security. Verse mired in

poverty and loneliness without notice must have been horrible. It does not seem


submit to an unknown future, although the work more enjoyable. Who knows

if you would be happy? Also, you would lose contact with her. Do you like it?

-Yup. It is surprising, but we have much in common. It is not demanding as

companion and is very capable of answering shear mode.

Seems that is capable of taking care of herself said Mrs. Tavener hiding

a smile, although I agree with you that being alone at night is not advisable.

I'll dig around, and if I hear anything you would communicate immediately. Is

presentable girl?

-Yup. He wears good clothes, though outdated; has good manners; not

beautiful, but has very beautiful eyes and a pleasant voice.

Mrs. Tavener pondered the answer, but chose not to comment.

I'm going to go shopping in London next week. Do we leave you a bed?

The Miss Welling come with me, of course, but I promise I will not cause


I'll be happy. Want to go to the theater? There are several good works cartel. Me

I'm afraid I'll be out all day, but the nights have free.

It would be very nice to go to see a play. Something romantic and music, to be

possible. Are too many three days for you?

-Podéis Quedaros longer if you wish, grandmother. You know you're always


Yes, dear, I know. Tuesday and will arrive Thursday afternoon.

Butter lead us in the car and gather She stopped. No reason for the

Butter lady did not accompany. They could leave early, and she would have a

couple of hours

for shopping before your husband to seek us out.

-good Idea. Arrange things as you want with Mrs. Turner.

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-Thx. Would you care to examine the Miss Welling while we're there?

You can stop by the query. I'll send a taxi. Do not want to admit it, but

I think not sleep well.

'Of course. The Miss Baird will give you time and call you by phone.

At that time, Ms. Welling entered the room and changed the subject.

On Sunday morning, the doctor took his grandmother to church and after

eat, devoted the day to read the newspaper, take the dogs, snack and return to

his home in Little Venice. It took a detour to get to the city for the street

Wigmore. The curtains were drawn basement, but let see a strip of

light. He suppressed the desire to knock on the door and spend an hour with

Arabella for

tell your weekend.

It's ridiculous said so quickly that Beauty , which was half

sleeping and sitting beside him, threw a sleepy bark.

Mrs. Tavener arrived in London on Tuesday and, when his grandson came to

Late in the afternoon, I was in the room with Miss Welling. They spent a

nice evening together. The doctor told him he had tickets to a musical

had long been in the lineup. He had already seen, together with the daughter of a

old friend who was visiting London. The show had not liked

much, but maybe it was because her companion was a nondescript being and

devoid of conversation that never ceased to fix her hair and touched up her lips.

As for Miss Welling, had an appointment with him the next morning, despite

their timid protests that he was a busy man and that he was


'Of course,' said the Doctor kindly. But as it is here, has the

opportunity to be surveyed. Not take long and, at the end,

will return directly here by taxi.

Arabella, to check the list of patients Miss Baird, noted that the

doctor had added a name: a Miss Welling, at eleven. Wednesday,

Dr. used to leave shortly after ten to pass query in the hospital.

He had glimpsed on Monday and Tuesday, and he had greeted with a quick

nod. Henceforth, try to avoid it, since his presence seemed

displease both. He was puzzled, because he had been so kind as

concerning Bassett and when they snacked together, he had been so friendly that

did you forget that it was his housekeeper.

On Wednesday morning, it was cold, it was dark and drizzling, so the

Patients who were arriving were cranky. By giving them good morning

kindness, merely a grunt or a string of complaints while shaking

umbrellas on the polished floor or waterproof gave him soaked.

It was a little depressing. So when the doorbell rang again and opened the door,

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was a pleasant surprise that the old lady was on the threshold the hello

cheerfully. She was accompanied by a much younger lady, anguished face

that, despite everything, she smiled in response to his greeting.

Miss -¿La Welling? Go to reception and then continue to the end of the corridor,

to the waiting room. Can I have your coat?

Go. I'll wait for the old lady said, patting the

ribs. He turned to Arabella. A horrible day, right? London is

this horrific time. I guess you live here.

-Yup. I am the housekeeper. I have your coat?

-no Thanks. No aspect of housekeeper.

Arabella blushed, but the lady was older and maybe just moving the


I'm happy; It's a good job. Do I took the doctor's waiting room


Not necessary: here again the Miss Welling. Good Morning.

Arabella went to the basement. This was the last patient. It would take a coffee

quickly before her to the door.

Twenty minutes later, was the doctor himself who accompanied Miss


I'll call a cab He stopped when he saw his grandmother sitting in the room


Good morning, Titus he said smiling.

The doctor said nothing, but smiled back before crossing the room and

hold her hand.

What do you think Arabella? Because you come to that, right?

You're absolutely right. It is a totally inappropriate for her work. You'll

have to think of another. As you said, it's not pretty. Though beauty no

matter when you can cook He stood up. How is Miss health


-In General, good. What we talk tonight? I'm late to the hospital. The

nurse was within the query, so that the doctor accompanied both

Ladies at the door and, minutes later, he left. When Arabella climbed back

only found the nurse grumbling because the doctor thought back that

Later, when she hoped to have the afternoon off and go home early.

While trying to shelter from the rain on the way to the shops, Arabella

he thought that Dr. Tavener working too. He hoped he had time to

eating right and sleeping enough. It was hard to tell, since

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he was always well dressed and his face gave nothing of what he felt. They said,

as she picked a few turnips and carrots, I had to stop thinking about it:

It was a waste of time.

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Chapter 4 Dr. Tavener not know when he had thought of this crazy idea: maybe

at a dinner with a lovely woman sitting on each side, both looking for

husband and the two divorced. Although not cocky, I knew he was handsome, that

had a splendid physique and more than enough money to satisfy the most

greedy women. Or maybe it had been a morning at the cottage,

while walking the dogs in the garden before breakfast. The night had been

cold and ice had hardened every twig and blade of grass, and had wished

Arabella was at his side to enjoy the view.

'Not that I have fallen in love she said to Beauty - but it is a good


She would stand between him and the tedious women who presented him their

friends with the wrong idea that any of them would like to take for

wife. Would be relaxing to come home being Arabella in it.

As the idea was totally absurd, the doctor did his best to avoid the

young. This was wondering what he had done to upset, because if they saw the

look man threw him boded storm. He felt uncomfortable because

before had been friendly and had given him things. He tried to forget it all


A midweek, while still cleaning the rooms by the

morning, the lights went out. There must be a fuse. And yet there was

dawn, went blindly into the hall, where, foresight, had left a

flashlight in a drawer. All objects related to electricity were in

a closet down the hall. As the fuse box was behind everything

Moreover, knelt to achieve better.

Dr. Tavener, who arrived early, had entered noiselessly and

stopped short when he saw the shapely figure of Arabella protruding from

closet. Before he could speak, she had stood with fuse

in hand.

He could have called the 'I said in a clipped voice timbre. I had known

it was you He spent the dirty hand over his cheek and left a stain.

How would have known?

-for Feet.

'Why the feet? he had placed his briefcase and took the fuse hand


Well She blushed, recognize people by the sound of footsteps.

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The doctor nodded, went to place the fuse and returned. She had put back

vacuuming where he had left. He faded to thank and

when he went on again, the doctor reached out and stopped her.

One moment, Arabella. I want to say one thing. Unfortunately, I have

time to explain in detail, but I want to make a proposal. I dunno

pleasantly surprised added. I would like to consider the possibility of

marry me. If you think we can reasonably argue later

He smiled. Do not want to entertain more.

He went into his office and closed the door softly, while Arabella

was pale, her mouth open and a fast heartbeat. Once seated against

desk, the doctor asked if he had gone mad. A Arabella had no doubt

some of it was. Due to overwork him had crossed wires and

I did not know what he said. Would ignore him and would show that he had not



At five had already left the last patient; half an hour later

were all the others. Arabella clean up. At the end, while making a knot

a bag of garbage, Dr. Tavener returned with a bottle under his arm and

box marked Harrods in hand.

Can I dine with you? We would do in my house, if I had you to

stay here.

Look young -the put the bag on the floor, I understand. I guess it has

been working too much and thought talking to another. He has no


No, does not get picked up the bag. I totally sane. How about dinner and

what we mean? He smiled suddenly. I have many things to explain.

Very well, 'I smiled back.

They went down and the doctor took the bag to the container, after giving the

bottle and

box. As he washed his hands had not been thought crazy, but one of

the most judicious things he had done in his life.

Arabella inspected the small cupboard. He had thought of an egg with dinner

a baked potato, but that was good for the host. Put to cook macaroni,

It grated cheese, beat an egg and put some potatoes in the oven, while the doctor

looked seated, Percy knees and Bassett curled up at his feet. Not saying

nothing. It was getting nervous. He wondered what she could tell, but nothing


suitable. He remained silent and set the table. The doctor had brought a bottle of

claret. He uncorked the breathing stopped and then poured two glasses.

Delicious, 'she said after probarlo-. What's in the box?

-Tartaletas Fruit. Why not a moment feel? Does it have to be

necessarily next to the kitchen?

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Arabella had put macaroni and cheese in the oven. It would take

half an hour to get ready, like potatoes. The only thing left to do

dress the salad was lettuce, so he sat on the couch, as he took

a chair and faced her.

'I realize that I have had to catch by surprise, but I assure

I was serious. Let me explain. I'm forty years old, Arabella, not

I'm young. I fell in love and out of love many times, but I have not found

the right woman, so I preferred to remain single. However,

lately, I wish I had a wife, someone who return home each day,

companion for leisure, someone to end the rivalry between my

friends to see who gets married -the looked at him. You'll notice that

want to get married for the wrong reasons, although they may not be worse than


many. However, those are mine. I like you too much to pretend

no other. I'm not in love with you, but I like your company to such

point that I miss when not. I worry that live here alone, which

conduct a menial job and has no friends nor fun. I believe

we'd get along fine, Arabella, and this would be in our mutual


Isn't is ...? said softly. You mean, me not being

proposing this because I give it? Because if so, I'll throw something at the head

marriage-he had been proposed several times in happier times, but never

so clearly and so devoid of sentimentality.

Not the pity, I've never done -the looked earnestly. I'm interested,

often annoys me, amuses me, agree with me on what matters ...

'You are very frank.

Will ya accept if it were not? Would you believe me if I told you I'm in love?

Of course not! It is an absurd idea pursed her nose. Dinner is ready.

A Arabella liked he rose immediately to serve more wine and

take the dishes to the table as he spoke of different things without mention them

they. That gave him time to recover from the shock.

They dined and took the tarts for dessert. The conversation was not forced.

They talked about books, were in friendly disagreement on how to grow roses,

agreed on the pleasure of having animals to care ...

He had a pony Arabella said sadly. And a donkey He stopped.

So? he asked softly.

They wanted to sell, but I took them to a game reserve. I hope they continue

there. It was horrible having to abandon them.

-¿Cerca Your home?

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-Yup. Sure knows her name she said.

I've heard of it. It has very good reputation.

Arabella made coffee, while the doctor was washing the dishes. He did very well,


he asked if he usually did, despite having a housekeeper.

'Mrs Turner began to address me by my parents die. I acknowledge

rarely I have to do housework, but I am fully capable of

do so when necessary.

Coffee were taken off the stove. The animals were pushing each other to

be as close as possible to heat.

Arabella took a sip of coffee. He had drunk too much wine and he had

gone to his head. He had also rosy cheeks. She realized that

the doctor looked at her, so she hid her face in the bowl.

Well ... How long will it take to decide?

I think I will not to be alone. His presence distracts me. Even Though

seems impolite to say 'he added rapidez- is not my intention

be rude. Simply I have to think in perspective. Do you understand what

I mean?

-Yup. I give it a week. Then I'll ask. During that week,

I did not pay attention. Not because I try to avoid it, but so that you can make an

She rose decision and forced to do the same to her by taking it out of hand,

that touch seemed cool, comforting and little exigentes-. She Thank you for dinner

He bent and kissed her on the cheek. Good night.

If you change your mind ... She looked at him in the face.

No, I promise I will not He went to the door. It is not necessary that

up. I shut it off, but remember to bolt later.

She sat a long time without doing anything. His head was in a whirl,

but not worth to think about it. In the morning he could reflect on

that amazing night with his usual good sense.

Rose, bolted the door and saw that everything was in order, as

always did. He showered and went to bed.

'I'm not able to sleep he told Percy , who had already been installed at the foot

bed and licked thoroughly at Bassett . But fell asleep as he put his head in

the pillow.

In the dim light of a gray November morning, the whole thing seemed a

impossible dream. At the end of a busy day and replete patients

moody, angry with Dr. Marshall and the barely reached

glimpse the broad shoulders of Dr. Tavener, and it did not seem so impossible.

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He was unable to make a decision. Every night, before an attentive audience

formed by Percy and Bassett , had weighed the pros and cons. But it was not

same as talking to someone. The end of the week was coming, so he decided

I had to do something. When the doctor was leaving, the last as always,

that night, Arabella stopped him.

Does she have five minutes? I need to talk to someone and advice. But

I only know what you. I hope you do not mind. It's about us, but pretending

we talked about two other people. Do you get me?

He was relieved to hear nothing but his voice pleasantly distant and

accompanied the office. The doctor left his coat on a chair, asked him to sit

and he did too. Arabella stopped paying attention momentarily thinking

the coat, a magnificent piece of cashmere, it should have been hung as

was due, and not throw in any way on the chair. But I tidied their

thoughts and looked him in the face.

Let's see he explained. I, ie, the girl that I want to talk,

it is not safe to do right if he marries the man in question. Do not know why

expect. A lot Exits that person? Did you like the girl friends? Maybe it's a

whom she does not like. I would not want to be ashamed of it: it's not clever or

witty or anything. Maybe the girl makes a mistake, and the bad is that it is

old-fashioned and not divorce She looked at him gravely. When one

home, to do the impossible to be a good marriage.

The girl said no need worry calmly and with a

term interest-only denoted a placid. Has, if I may say,

scant regard for herself. It is fully equipped to meet

the duties of the wife of a doctor. Le surprised how tiring that are the

intelligent and witty after a busy day women. It is also

unlikely that a marriage that takes place when both members

love and respect go to ruin. In fact, not involved feelings

intense ensures that go well 'I smiled. Would helps?

Yes, I think so. But there is more. Are you rich.

I'm afraid yes' said apologetically, but never me

troubled, neither let it concern for you.

No ... you see. I would not marry you for your money.

No, I'm sure there said gravely, though his eyes shone


Thanks for the conversation and said advice by Arabella while

rising to his feet. I hope it has not already late for what he had to do.

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He said no, he said good night and went joyfully home, where

Mrs. Turner was waiting with the caveat that it would be late for dinner with


I suppose you will not notice the time. Always working ... I will

high time to marry, doctor. I've said it a hundred times added while

went to the kitchen. The doctor took the stairs two at a time, laughing.

One day will bring a surprise 'I promised.

I told you to come soon, he complained Angie Marshall Titus as he heard the

excuses doctor and received the roses that it offered.

'Have you entertained? asked Dr. Marshall. Sign in to have a drink.

It will not come any more, so we can talk about the work. You'll come to dinner

Christmas, right? Angie is looking for a girl who waited achieve -not interest

reply. Today we had a lot of work. Have you been to catch up

with paperwork?

Not -Titus sat in the lounge with its hosts-. I've been

talking to Arabella.

It's lovely. Are you worried about something? He looked at his wife. You like,


It's a shame you do not find a good husband.

-No Need to do. Are you going to marry me.

Praise be to God! It's perfect for you, Titus. You had to have brought


-The Left vacuuming and grumbling by leaky faucets.

Looks like an angel said Mrs. Marshall laughed, and your type of woman:

unsentimental and practical. Are you really in love with you?

Not at all, 'said calmly. I do it, but we fall well and

we agree on what we consider important. I am sure that our

marriage will be lasting and successful.

Many years ago-we know said Mrs. Marshall, and was

starting to believe you do not marry. We are very happy for you, Titus. Will be

nice to come home knowing that I expected someone like her.

You're very understanding, Angie. It is fortunate that James loves you.

We've been married sixteen years-Dr Marshall looked proudly.

Bring Arabella to dinner one night to see how well you can run a

marriage. Oh my God! We'll have to find another housekeeper or a janitor.

What do you think the old bus driver?

-good Idea. It will be the first thing to instruct Miss Baird morning.

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The rest of the evening was spent chatting; later, both doctors were to

Dr. Marshall's office to discuss several patients. Dr. Tavener

he returned home late. Mrs. Turner had gone to bed. He put the car in the garage

and he brought Beauty to walk through the silent streets. He was happy.

Arabella was too. He had taken a decision and had no intention of

change. He had seen enough of sad cases of girlfriends who had

married driven by the fire of passion, and whose marriages had gone to

fret in a few years to know that liking the same things as the

books, music and lifestyle, and pleasure each other's company had more

likely to be lasting, despite his lack of emotion. Recognized to be

love had to be wonderful, no doubt, but it was clear that the

Dr. Tavener was not a man to waste time in romanticism, and,

since both liked each another, he saw no reason for your

marriage was not a success.

Dr. Tavener kept his word and did not try to talk to her. He came to

week and suddenly had spent the week of term.

All but two doctors, had gone home. They were talking in the

lobby. Arabella heard them pulling out the cleaning tools from under the

ladder. Perhaps Dr. Tavener can not approach; maybe wait to climb it. The

Dr. Marshall laughed, the front door slammed shut and a moment

later, Dr. Tavener down the stairs. Took the broom and chamois and

led her to her room.

-Leave It for later. Will you marry me, Arabella?

You will be asked the same emotion that I would ask you to lend a letter. But

What else young expected? He sat down and pointed to a chair.

Yes he stated. Yes I will, thank added to not look so dry.

-Magnífico. We can carry out our plans. You can leave the house

end of the week. We have already hired a concierge who will start Sunday.

I will ask special permission; James Marshall will be the godfather; will be a


quiet ...

You said "our plans" she interrupted in a clipped voice. It seems like

das course you would agree with everything you have planned.

Excuse me, sorry. It was an unforgivable error. Wear all week

making plans. Say what you want to do, Arabella, and it will be.

Well, actually, I find it all very reasonably said seriously.

Where can I go?

I have a house in the country. My grandmother lives there. Want to go and stay


her a few days while I organize everything? Do you have something against

marrying a

village church?

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-Do Not. Very much, but maybe your grandmother ... do not know me.

Yes knows you. You met her when I brought her companion to the query.

So you know who I am? She sighed. Does the housekeeper?

-Yup. But he also knows you're a lovely woman who will be a good


I'll try by all means.

We are agreed that no false sentimentality among us

-the doctor bent and took her hands. We will be friends, co

willing to respect the privacy of another without rancor, to enjoy our mutual

company and be together leisure if we so desire.

If that's what you want ... I'll help, right? Have friends. Do you get

at home?

With frequently smiled suddenly. And now I'll enjoy it more

as before.

'Without ladies bent on marrying to bother? He gave a laugh

-. When you see me, believe that you have gone mad.

In that case cease to be our friends. Tell me, do you have enough money?

You might want to buy clothes.

I have enough time, but I guess I need more after

married, if I have to look like the wife of a doctor. Want me to go with your

grandmother, but I do some shopping.

-of Course. Let's see. If I get the new concierge begin Saturday

instead of Sunday, did they suffice a couple of hours on Saturday morning? Tea

I will take the field on Saturday afternoon. Once there, you can always go to Bath.


will take away.

Who is Butter? it was like turning the pages of a book and discover something

New in each.

He and his wife run the house.

Then if you do not mind, I prefer to buy there and spend the morning

Saturday pack. What about Percy and Bassett ?

He will go with you, of course. Want to keep some of what you have here? -

He scanned the room in a cold look. Does the porcelain and silver? I'll call a

moving truck to carry everything to Little Venice. Is the furniture?

All I want to keep the worktable is my mother. When

get married?

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I -¿Dentro one week, ten days? But only if it's okay. If you're in

Granted, we could get married on a Saturday morning and return here on Sunday.

'What can attend to your patients on Monday? It seems reasonable -

noted the look of relief male face and recalled that his marriage was a

amicable settlement that should not interfere with their work.

I do not like anything having to leave you here. Do you have to sweep and clean?

'Yes; is my job, I should do while still here.

When we marry He passed his arm around her shoulders, you will not

to touch a chamois or cloth for the rest of your life.

-a Perspective that no girl would refuse. Will you tell me when to get

the new concierge to be prepared?

Tomorrow will tell you. Take care, dear.

Hastened to do housework. There were only two days for the

Saturday and had things to do. The clothes would have to do until I could go

shopping. It was not the latest fashion, but Titus not be ashamed of it. Had

to pack and store your prized possessions, and leave the room clean

to the concierge will take a good impression. She told the animals

as he gave dinner and then began to wrap silverware and

porcelain, except whatever need the following two days. He lay more

Late, while planning what remained to be done.

Dr. Marshall's summoned the next morning.

Well, well, 'he said cheerfully, so that leaves us, but I hope that the

we will see much more frequently in the future. Of course I never thought to stay

much time here, Arabella, and, if I may say, I'm happy for you and

by Titus. I am sure you will be very happy. Titus has cited the concierge this

morning for you to show you the house and explain what to do. Tell

Titus suit you when you pick it up on Saturday. You must come to dinner

home to meet my wife, but I hope I'm asked to be best man at the

marriage, in which case she could accompany me.

'Of course Arabella exclaimed. And thanks for volunteering to be the godfather.

I have relatives who live nearby and in any event not think they


The new concierge was a middle-aged man who had been dismissed from

the bus company. He was delighted to regain work and home. Era

widower and lived in a room in Elephant and Castle. I was very happy

out of there.

He inspected the basement and said it was top.

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I have some furniture she said. I guess he will not let the curtains and

mats. They are paid, of course.

He said I leave free the girl, the man fell welfare, and will

let furniture, pans and so on. I'm getting married and do not need.

'Really I leave them?

-Yup. I'll make coffee and explain what their work and quickly,

when the last patient has left, I'll show you the house.

What a dog is so cute! And a cat. I have a cat. I guess

no problem to live here.

Well, I got permission to have Percy , not Bassett . I met him and

had nowhere to go. A cat keeps company, right?

'Of course looked around. This is fine, I assure you.

It's a good job and are all very friendly. If you have already finished the coffee,

We're going up. Could you come on Saturday around eleven? I'll leave the bed

made with

clean sheets, and milk, bread and food in the cupboard. When you have finished

cleaning on Saturday, will the rest of the time. I take the opportunity to go


the shops you need are a five minute walk from here. Has to take the

narrow street that man out there listening intently left-

-. Both doctors like that doors are locked and lock

when they are not. It's something that I check every night before bed.

I guess Dr. Marshall will be told you have to open the door to

patients. The Baird, the receptionist lady is very friendly and helpful.

Soon, the man left. Arabella swallowed a sandwich and took more

coffee before going up to open the door to patients in the afternoon. Dr. Tavener

There was no sign of life. The Miss Baird told him that he had

gone to Birmingham and would not return until the following Friday.

'I have not had occasion to congratulate her and wish,' he said to be very happy.


Doctor is an excellent man. I'm sure it will be fine.

Not yet know when we marry Arabella replied after giving thanks.

-The Going to miss you, all of us ...

-Thx. I've been very happy here. The new caretaker looks very nice and

is happy to return to work.

On Saturday morning he got up early. He spent the vacuum, removed the

dust and put flowers in vases. After a quick breakfast, put on his suit

under the robe and found that everything was ready for the arrival of Mr. Flinn,

before climbing to open the door. He was punctual. He went down with him to

teach the

cupboard, when the milk went explain and show the list of addresses

I had left on the table.

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Dr. Tavener had not arrived and, although Arabella was a person

sensible, feared for a moment that he had forgotten, or worse, they would

I had thought better and did not want to marry. Recognized that it was an absurd


Product excited and unsure of what she felt. The doctor arrived before noon.

He greeted friendly and asked calmly if she was ready, which

Arabella irritated. "It would say that marriage is something that every day,"


disgruntled. Nor did he hurry to leave, as it was talking with

Mr. Flinn before commenting would send Butter that afternoon to pick up the


He took Bassett under his arm and Percy basket with the other hand.

'Have you fired all? wanted to know.

Yes Arabella shook hands with Mr. Flinn and wished him luck. I thought you

said Mr. Butter said living in your new home, once in the car.

So is. Today comes to London to pick you up and take you there this afternoon. I


a must, but go at night. My grandmother is waiting for you and will take care


very highly of you.

"If beautiful and charming and take expensive clothes, I get angry a lot,

ride a scene and get to ask my pardon on his knees by treating

as a package, "he thought irritably.

-I'm Sorry. I can not take you, because it is something that has emerged this


and I have to solve.

Arabella blushed and smiled slightly Dr. observing her cheeks.

'Do you think well that the wedding will be held next Saturday? Will you have


buy everything you need?

Yes, thank you. Will Percy and Bassett to come with me to the other house?

-Of Course, and bring back Sunday. Bassett is becoming

a dog very well educated and Percy is happy if you're with him, is not it?

-Yup. Do you think it will not leak?

-¿En The cottage? No. There's a high brick wall around the property

and Duke , the brother of Beauty , not remove them eye.

Mrs. Turner came to the door to meet them and the girl who felt uneasy

by his reception, he was relieved to their warm welcome.

Years I've been telling the doctor who should marry said Mrs. Turner

while he took her with her to arreglarse-. And, with all due respect, Miss

Lorimer, I think you have chosen well. I will be very glad to be at your service.

-Many Thanks He stopped and held out her hand. Do we hand?

I'm sure you know exactly how you like things the doctor.

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Of course I do. It's an easygoing person, but I like things

certain way. When did you get married?

-The Next Saturday. I hope you come to the wedding. It will be very quiet.

Nothing in the world would stop me from going, miss.

Arabella was alone. He combed his hair and lips slightly retouched. As I was a

little nervous, not hurried. He returned to the lobby. The doctor called from

a door at the bottom of it.

-I Am here. Let's have a drink before dinner.

It was a small and charming room with a fireplace with fire

on, chairs and shelves. The window overlooking the garden and canal. Below it

There was a round table with two chairs in mahogany.

-Breakfast Here. You can use this room as living room. The table

Work your mother can go well there, do not you think? He put a chair to

it beside the fireplace and nodded to the three animals sitting in a row,

with Bassett in the middle, front of the fire. I think that Beauty is going to adopt if

Percy was

consents He gave her one glass. Champagne, because we have something to


Right? For us and for a happy future together.

'I hope,' said Arabella with fervor, and he drank.

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Chapter 5 By midafternoon, Arabella left with Butter on dark blue Jaguar that

it had arrived. He had greeted her with evident pleasure and gone to the kitchen

eat something before leaving. At that time I was sitting beside her, with

animals in the back seat, and I knew I should be happy and contented,

but also experiencing a slight concern. Titus had behaved

kindly and had made him feel comfortable in a situation that could

result embarrassing him, but nevertheless, I felt that

relieved by his departure. Whatever it was what I had to do that afternoon, or

whoever had to do, had to be important. "What a friend?" He

he asked anxiously. At the end of the day, he had said that he had

love many times. Maybe that woman could not marry, because it was either

I did not want? He would have gone to say goodbye to her ... meditated on that sad


which had imagined until he appears truth and, as in the background

It was a romantic, I felt like mourn. If I had been alone, I would have done, but

Butter, after a long silence, began to tell what was the house that is


-The House of Little Venice is beautiful conceded, but to which we are

a real home. Not very big but has a lot of ground and a garden which

pride, Miss. My wife and I have lived there for years, serving the

family doctor. It is a very popular person in town. Mrs. Tavener

also lives there with a chaperone, have their own rooms. Living

under the same roof, but it -adelantó independently a huge truck and

he stayed in the fast lane.

He drove well, which had surprised Arabella. He looked like a man

ordinary, middle-aged, of driving a wagon without passing

and forty miles per hour, however, ran at that time to twice


Am I going too fast for you, Miss?

No, no. I like speed.

'Dr itself running in his Rolls. Do you drive?

Before he did so. A Rover.

It's a car that's fine. There is a Mini in the garage of the house. It's just that

need to scroll.

Arabella supposed to happen alone most of the day. He tried to imagine the

future, but was unable.

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They had almost reached. He was anxious to have a cup of tea, but at the same


wanted to in the car much longer, since the encounter with Grandma

Titus made her nervous. The fact that already knew did not help most

minimal, since then, was the housekeeper. Maybe the old horrorizase you

idea that his grandson to marry a working girl, much as Titus said.

It appeared the people, stone houses and red roof nestled in a valley

strait between hills; church, too big for the size of the place,

was in the center; the only road I had walked past her,

continued up the hill and turned sharply on top. So Young

first glimpsed the house and sighed with pleasure. It was a beautiful sight to light

winter dusk, with lit windows. When stopped at Butter

the door, went through it a small, stout woman, ignoring

cold, stood on the steps.

Arabella, who Butter helped her from the car, firmly gripped Bassett and

Percy in your cart.

-and You're here-the woman took the free hand of the young and shook

-. I am Mrs. Butter, Miss. It is a pleasure to welcome you. Among which makes

cold. Sure you want some tea. Mrs. Tavener and Miss Welling who have

taken, but I'll take care of preparing a cup before anything else. So give me

his coat. Butter, leads the animals to garden and then may be with Miss

Lorimer, before giving dinner.

There's a shopping belt Bassett said Arabella, and harness Percy .

You want me to do?

-and I got it, 'said Miss Butterworth. There will be tea and then

take my wife's quarters Mrs. Tavener.

So Arabella quickly found himself in a small room with panels

Wood, dimly lit by sconces and table lamps, fitted with

comfortable chairs and a fire burning in the fireplace.

-The Doctor uses much this room he explained while Mrs. Butter

put the tray with tea on a table. It comes after removing the dogs.

She says she is hungry and he and the animals devour everything that serve them.

It's a giant, right, miss? And there is no better man She paused while

salía-. We are excited to marry. This house needs a wife and


Arabella, somewhat overwhelmed, smiled nodding and once alone, took tea and a

scones with jam. I was beginning to worry about Bassett and Percy when Butter

came with the dog jumping beside her and the cat under his arm. He also entered a


labrador, who addressed Arabella and looked at her soft eyes. She stroked his head


Animal gasped with pleasure and sat before the fire. The puppy did quickly to their

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side. And, to the surprise of Arabella, Percy , after several attempts approaches,

did too.

If ready, Miss Butterworth said, take her to see Mrs. Tavener.

Close the door and let these three to befriend observed

that vacilaba- young. Do not be afraid, Miss. Duke is a piece of bread and also will

love cats.

Arabella discovered that the house was bigger than I thought, with many corridors


stairs. The Lady Tavener quarters were on the first floor, in part

back of the house, at the end of a hallway. Butter knocked and opened the Miss

Welling, who greeted the girl with a smile and invited her in.

'Mrs Tavener is looking forward to see her again. I wish you every happiness

world. We are all delighted that Dr. marry.

Led by a small hallway with several doors and opened the last. The

room was spacious; had a window at one end and an excessive furniture.

It was very hot due to the fire in the elegant fireplace. Mrs.

Tavener was sitting in a high-backed chair with a book in her lap.

Ah! Titus's fiancee. Dear, I am very happy to welcome you in

our family. Come and kiss me.

Arabella carefully weaved between tables, chairs and cabinets, kissed the old

on the cheek and sat down, after she asked.

Not even half an hour ago Titus called. I was wondering if you had arrived.

He was about to leave. What a bummer not able to bring you there! But I think it is

was a matter of who wanted to commission personally. It will be great

you here a few days. You must feel at home, because that's what

it will be. I live here with Miss Welling, but I promise it will not interfere nor me

I intrude on the lives of Titus, and he smiled at you. Hopefully, if need

advice or someone to talk to, please come see me.

I guess I'll need lots of advice she liked the old woman. Be very

little privacy of Titus.

Well, dear She shot a pensive look, I'm sure you'll

will tell you everything you want to know. I guess you will have not had many

speaking opportunities.

"So," thought Arabella.

Mrs. Butter went to look a little while.

I'll teach her room, Miss, because the doctor will arrive within

an hour and want to be prepared. I've taken the liberty of deshacerle the


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The room was lovely with yew furniture and curtains apple

pastel to match the pale color of the carpet and bedspread. He bathed and had to

resist the temptation to stay for hours in the hot water leaving roam their

thoughts. It became the only dress she owned, which already had several years but

remained elegant; put on makeup and hair up in a bun and went down to the

small room, where animals were still sitting, apparently very

happy and making friends. The mantel clock struck seven.

Titus arrived minutes later, accompanied by Beauty .

I'm sorry I was not here when you come down, 'he said cheerfully.

I arrived half an hour ago and was in my office. Have you seen my grandmother?

All Right. Are

Butter deal with thee as it should? He sat there in front of her. It seems that the

animals have settled well he affirmed to see that Beauty is sitting next to

Percy. I hope you do the same.

I'm sure yes She tried to sound cheerful and complacently. The house is


-Yup. Tomorrow I'll show you, and also the farm. Will you come with me to the

church in the morning?

Yes, I would. Have you had a good trip?

Excellent. We try to come here as often as possible, and

would be very nice to come with me when I have appointments out of town. A

end of the month must go to Leiden. I have friends there that I think you'll like.

Are they Dutch?

-The Other. His wife is English. At Christmas will come here, of course.

Hours later, his head resting on the pillow and half asleep,

Arabella decided that even if it had doubts were gone. Being with

Titus was like being with an old friend. He was right: without experiencing

deep feelings for one another could behave as friends. Are

awakened during the night and thought for a moment that he was in the basement.


sat on the bed not feel uneasy about the animals at the foot, but remembered

were sleeping dogs happy with Titus in the kitchen and she

was in another room.

The next morning, the pastor and his wife returned to them after

visit the church. The lady showed a clear curious and kept Arabella

ask questions about the wedding. As a sherry were taken, Titus eluded their

business questions and when they left, he told Arabella that the woman was

an excellent wife, but he was getting into where not called.

He'll go to the wedding, of course Do not you think that at ten too

early? After we eat here with my grandmother and return to London by the

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Later He crossed the room and took his arm. Come show you the house before

we eat.

It was an old and spacious building. Besides the great hall, there was a dining


the doctor's office, a small room that animals seemed to regard her

property and another room overlooking the garden in the back, where there was a

emissions. They stood looking at the garden.

There is a pool at the bottom, beyond those rhododendrons and Kitchen

Garden is across the bow at the end of the wall. Let's get on the floor

above. For now leave the kitchen to not hinder Mrs. Butter.

Arabella agreed.

'This is your room,' he said opening double doors facing the end of


It was large with a balcony and light colored carpets. Curtains

Silk matched the bedspread. The bed was mahogany four-poster canopy.

There was a huge vanity of the same wood, bedside tables with lamps, a rocking


and chairs. It was a lovely place to wake up every morning.

It's lovely 'said Arabella, as she turned slowly. What

behind those doors?

-The Toilet and dressing. The other door is a closet.

Beyond the toilet and the dressing was another, smaller bedroom and very


It's my room Titus explained concisely.

Arabella lost count of the bedrooms taught before boarding the

next floor. The rooms of this were smaller. At the end of the hall was

a door to the house of Butter.

-We Also have two maids, but come every day glanced at his watch. Will be

better go down to eat. If you want, this afternoon we visit the farm. I almost

forgot she said as they walked, pulling a box from his pocket. Ring ...

It has been in the family for a long time. Spend a bride to the next.

Hope you are well.

Arabella took the box and opened it: it was a splendid diamond ring. He does not

made as if to put it on. It would have been a sentimental nonsense. He was fine and

He reached out to admire. By unromantic that would have been his

delivery should not appear ungrateful.

It's beautiful. Thank you very much, Titus. I'll take it with pride 'I smiled and

surprised a look in his eyes which puzzled but disappeared

away to be replaced by the usual bland expression. He believed that the

I had imagined.

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I see you're wearing the ring said Mrs. Tavener as they ate.

You have beautiful hands. How about your future home?

They talked about the house and its history, the town and its inhabitants. At the end


eating, the old woman went to her room, saying goodbye until teatime. They

They had coffee in the lounge, with animals lying by the fire.

Go to the shelter and teach thee in the garden before it is made of said night


Even though it was winter, the garden was wonderful.

'I remember ... Arabella stopped.

-¿El Your backyard? I imagine that most of the cottages

this area have these walled gardens. Let's see greenhouses. I inherited the

home gardener. It is an old curmudgeon who cultivates all. Last summer

I hired her grandson. Eventually it will become as good as his grandfather.

'Just take care of all this is an old and a boy? pointed flower beds, the

fruit trees, shrubs ...

Several times a week come two men to help them out with the

heavy work. Come this way.

-Titus He said without moving from site- do not know ... I do not know if I'll be

your height or the

all this.

Now understand why I need a wife -the took her arm and

led by a path along the rows of cabbages and leeks. Someone I

help also be at its height.

But is your home.

And will be yours.

You've got an answer for everything.

-Do Not. The last thing you want is to coerce. Just say it and

you'll never be as free as the wind.

'Do you really want me to marry you? Are you absolutely sure?

Completely He leaned and kissed her on the cheek. Come with me. I have

something to show you.

He put his arm around her shoulders and doubts of young disappeared. Being your

wife would not be more difficult to be housekeeper.

Isn't be another garden, right? he asked through another bow. Ah! Are

the stables. Will you ride a horse?

Yes, all I can He opened the door of the first square. Get In.

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There was a pony and a donkey. Both raised their heads when

Arabella entered. The pony whinnied and went to meet, followed by donkey.

'But are Bess and Jerry ! cried while hugging, he spoke in his ear

and caressed.

It's a wedding gift Titus said softly. Shot, sugar Bess and

a carrot for Jerry .

Oh, Titus! said ignoring him. How can I ever thank you? It is most

wonderful that has happened to me since I left home -not saw him

frowned and smiled weakly. She stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek.

Do you get the picture ... He started to mourn.

He put his arm around her and left her mourn over one of their own.

Arabella sobbed hard and spoke with tearful voice.

Excuse me. What a way to behave! But I'm so happy ...

It's nice to see again old friends' I made a great scarf

inmaculado-. They are in good shape. I imagine that no longer mounts to Bess .

Not doing it since I was fifteen. It is very old, like Jerry .

'That seemed. Well, they can enjoy here on the rest of their lives.

There is a meadow across the patio. Take them out several hours a day. A Dicky,


Spooner old grandson, animals are given great. You can leave your

care peacefully.

'I can not stop to thank widely smiled through her tears.

'You have to. I am delighted sorry pleased. Do we go back?

I have to go after tea.

Arabella gave a last embrace animals, he assured them that he would see the day

Next and headed for home, unaware that her face, little

remarkable, did not fit the traces of tears and red nose. He stayed

horrified to look in the mirror in her room. As it was almost dark, Titus

I would not have noticed her condition. He turned to makeup, combed her hair and

went to lunch

Mrs. Tavener and her companion, who looked a shadow. This was

contrite appearance, but Arabella noted that he took a hearty snack.

It seemed that, despite his afflicted air, Miss Welling was happy, because the

Tavener treated her like an old friend. It was a nice snack, but Titus

had to leave.

'I'm going, Grandma. I will return on Saturday early morning He leaned to

kiss her, gave his hand to Miss Welling and whistled Beauty .

By the look he gave her, Arabella understood he wanted to accompany

out. She followed him into the hall, where he hoped Butter. The doctor took a


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give instructions. Face to face they were alone. If she had expected

a minimally romantic gesture, he had in vain.

She sticks to Duke to run daily. Butter usually does, but I

looks like your walking pace will be better for the dog. Tell Butter which day you


shopping. Do not buy too: you can buy anything you want when

return to London. Take care of the puppy and Percy . It seems to have adapted

well to their new situation.

He did not ask if she also had. A spark of resentment

inflamed inside, but disappeared remember Bess and Jerry .

He -Conduce with bent to pet care Beauty .

Are you happy, Arabella? she asked for her surprise.

Yes, Titus.

He opened the door, kissed her cheek, led to Beauty in the car and left.

"What I expected, after all?" Arabella asked. And he was talking about the

wedding dress with Mrs. Tavener.

All were very friendly and were trying to make her feel happy and as if

I was at home. She was surrounded by warmth and comfort. Although meals

the did with the old woman and her companion, had the rest of her day. A

Despite the winter weather, took long walks with Duke , allowing him

familiar with the landscape around her. I also went for coffee with the pastor

and his wife. It was assumed that Titus and she was deeply


They're very kind to host it at home confided to Arabella. Titus leads

bachelor too long. I'm hoping that you go to live there. It is a house

beautiful, right? And wonderful for the kids smiled mischievously at

misinterpret the blush of youth.

A midweek, took Arabella Butter Bath and came in to pick

afternoon, after he had finished buying clothes. Arabella wore

get all your money; was not much, but it would suffice for what was intended


It was lunchtime when he found what he wanted: a suit jacket

sky blue wool and silk blouse to match. After sniffing around for a while, found

velvet hat that pulled low, thought the favor. As they had

been expensive purchases, went to the department store on the main street where


pleated skirt with a matching jacket three quarters, two sweaters, underwear and

a simple dress ... and stayed almost penniless. He had good shoes and gloves.

She wanted a new handbag, but would have to wait. He ate in a cheap coffee

and he went to the site where the pick Butter.

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Back in his room, he reached what he had purchased in bed. Era

enough, but would have to buy after marriage. Her wardrobe was

totally inappropriate for the wife of an eminent physician. He put on his hat

He decided it was what had been spent on it. That night at dinner, told

Mrs. Tavener had done very good shopping.

That week, Titus had telephoned once. Come on Saturday at the

breakfast time. Dr. Marshall and his wife would do on a Friday night.

Butter and had instructions to house them in the house. The look on Saturday


in the church. There was hanged after saying goodbye like his older brother.

On Saturday, Mrs. Butter, great defender of tradition, brought the

breakfast room.

Dr. -and are here, Miss said breathlessly. The Marshall are

breakfast with him. Have breakfast you. I'll be back in half an hour to prepare

the bathroom. Do not be late for church.

Arabella took breakfast, because his judgment told him he would

too excited the day to eat. He dressed trying to be

as attractive as possible: the end of the day, it was the day of your wedding. He

looked at

approval in the mirror. Would have liked to be pretty, but as Titus did not love her,

supposed that did not matter and that his appearance would improve with good


a good makeup and a visit to a good hairdresser.

It was time to go. Mrs. Butter went to look. She had put on a hat

huge and boutonniere coat.

He's beautiful, 'he said. The doctor went to church and Dr. Marshall

the wait.

You're very pretty, 'said the Doctor Marshall while besaba-. I like

much the hat. Are we going?

It must have been a quiet wedding, but half the people were crowding in

church. At the door, Arabella hesitated, but Dr. Marshall pinched her arm.

-Titus Want to give you the 'he whispered as he handed a bouquet of


Arabella inhaled the fragrance doctor took his arm and walked serenely

nave to the altar, staring at the broad back of Titus. When

They were almost at its height, he turned to look at her and smiled. She returned


smile. "The meeting of two old friends," he thought confusing. Everything would

be fine.

He vows firm voice and with the intention of keeping. The future was

unpredictable, but try to do everything possible to be the wife wanted Titus. Are

was so absorbed in his thoughts, he did not hear a word of


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The rest of the day passed like a dream. He talked, smiled, shook hands,

They kissed, drank too much champagne, cut the cake with the firm hand of Titus

on the

hers and finally found the Rolls, with animals in the back seat and all

covered in confetti. On leaving the village, Titus stopped the car.

We should have brought a brush and dustpan he observed. Come you

remove the confetti.

They laughed as she did the same thing and then undertook the difficult task

to deprive any cat whiskers and dogs.

That's better. Now I see you. I like the hat.

Thank you, and thank you for the flowers. The wedding was very good, do not you

look like?

'Of course. Now we enjoy a good life together. It is very

different, but I'm looking forward to it.

-me Too.

Mrs. Turner had attended the wedding. Had gone with Butter one hour

before them. When you return to Little Venice, would be there for them, and Butter

would have already started way back, not wanting to miss the party that was

held in the village pub occasion of the wedding.

Dr. Tavener led quickly; there was little traffic and although starting to

dusk, looked good road. When it arrived it was dark. All lights

house were on. Mrs. Turner opened the door.

I've never been to a wedding better assured told them. Flowers, organ and

You, madam, that was a pleasure to watch her. They have a snack in the lounge. I'll

take care


'You are a gem, Mrs. Turner. Want lead to Mrs Tavener his

room first? I'll take animals to the garden. Give them to eat right away.

Arabella followed Mrs. Turner upstairs to a room at the

back, overlooking the canal. It was very large with a balcony and bay window

similar to his room in the cottage furniture. There were a couple of

comfortable chairs, beautiful lamps on the tables, and delicate watercolors hung on



That's the bathroom door. The dressing is on the other side, ma'am. Yes

want something, you just ask.

I'm sure everything will be fine. Hope you advise me ...

'I will gladly. Had he not lived in London before working in the


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-Do Not. He lived in the countryside near Sherborne, in a not so big house like

Mr., but rambling. This house is beautiful. We seem to be in

London. It's so quiet ... Help someone in the house, Mrs. Turner?

-Yup. In the morning comes Maisie, a good girl who works as it is

due and is always happy. I'll make tea, ma'am. He must be dead


Later, sitting in front of Titus in the lounge, while talking about and he

watched the mail, had the strange feeling that had spent years married, which

made company as an elderly couple who get along and I could stay

silent if they chose both. It was comforting and what was expected, but it

assaulted the doubt Titus one day discovered that he had a long life ahead

before reaching that nice stadium. What if I met a beautiful woman and

fall in love? So do not be content to sit in front of the fireplace. There was

sure, but it seemed that he had never really looked at, but as he looked at

a friend or relative. She was sure she felt comfortable with it, that he

liked, but it would suffice after a while? Do not miss him dinners and

divorced ladies committed to amuse? He frowned. He must not think

those things on her wedding day. He would see how to improve appearance, buy


people would know, would dinners ...

The doctor, who was watching, wondering what he was thinking.

It's been a long day. I think you're tired.

'Yes lied quietly. Do not you care that up to bed? The

quickly they went to open the door he did not find it very flattering. There was

sure what I had expected it to happen, but not, of course, to give you the

good night ...

That Sleep well. Is it okay breakfast at half past eight?

Yes, thank you. Are we going to go to Mass in the morning?

I'd like to come with me.

'Of course I'll go. Good night.

Isn't anything you regret? He kissed her on the cheek.

-It's My pleasure. I want to go to the kitchen to say goodbye to Percy and Bassett .

Sure. Take them to the room, if you want.

No, no. I am sure they are happy with Beauty .

She passed her way to the kitchen and turned to him.

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Chapter 6 Arabella was not tired at all. Nestled in the huge bed, reviewed

the day's events. Everything had gone without a hitch, but knew it would be

and Titus would not have consented to anything but perfect. He liked the wedding

and felt at home in this comfortable villa beside the canal, although the

cottage had conquered. In addition, Bess and Jerry were there. Titus had

said he would often and knew enough to know that there are

desdeciría. Want to know how to fill the days. He fell asleep as he thought.

They had breakfast together, talked about when they would lodge, what

day she would go shopping, what were the best places to take the dogs to

Walking ... it was a nice and easy conversation. Despite the doubts of night

above, Arabella felt very comfortable.

-¿Sacamos To walk the dogs this afternoon? suggested him. Bassett has to

run and Beauty can take care glanced at his watch. We can walk to church. Are

takes only ten minutes. I have to make some calls. See you in a


She wandered through the house to get familiar with it. Then he went into the


with animals. It was cool. He wore the costume. The coat had known

better times, and did not know if I wear it or not to go to church. It was likely that

Titus and knew what people would think it was a ragged wife. Fortunately,

had a felt hat that would go well with the suit, impeccable hat,

simple and elegant, she had made a very famous milliner.

He was waiting when he came down. He knew how ran his

eyes and blushed.

You're fine, 'he said. But you should not wear something heavier?

-The Coat is very old: you embarrass me replied simply.

'That never. But you'll be happier if you do not take. Tomorrow you have to go

shops and begin to acquire what you need, Arabella. And I do not mean any

Store; I note in Harrods. Go there, please, and buy anything you like.

'That observation is dangerous when it is done to a woman.

-A You, no. Whenever I get time I will spend an assignment; meanwhile, see


It's a very expensive store. I've spent years without stop by there.

Well now you can have a look and see if it's still on your taste. Them

I'll call in the morning and give you my account number.

-Thx. But you have to tell me how I can spend. I have no idea.

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He said a sum that made Arabella stop.

-¡No You're not serious! It's a fortune!

Dear Arabella, now you're my woman and I'm proud of you, so,

like all husbands, I want you to have all the nice things you want.

In addition, as a married man, we have to invite people home and I warn

that before you know it, you see sitting in meetings, drinking coffee and

organizing benefit parties, for which you'll need clothes. I guess you like


'Of course. In Harrods I'll go crazy. I'll need more than a day.

-The Days as required. I expect a busy week. We'll go

Lodge on Saturday. Next week I have to go to Leiden and would like

you accompany me.

I'd love to, but I have the expired passport.

-and Take care of that tomorrow.

They had come to the church. Several people greeted Titus. A Arabella him

Mass liked, but could not stop thinking about the expected purchases.

Mrs. Turner was a splendid cook, roast beef, vegetables and

the pudding were delicious. As the days grew shorter increasingly, they removed


dogs to the park, where they were walking until dark and Bassett was so

Tired Arabella had to carry him while Beauty was running around

another tireless. They snacked front of the fireplace and talked about what they

would do the

following week.

We'll leave for dinner a day Titus- said. This gives you the opportunity to wear one


your clothes new added winking.

'How well! Where?

-A Claridge's. So we can dance he observed how her arrebolaban the

cheeks. On Wednesday I will be back soon. Are we going that day?

Yes -during briefly plunged into the pleasant dream of being

transformed into a beauty overnight, wonderful dress and

a conversation that would smile Titus. At least he could try. Suddenly

wanted to realize his presence, not as a friend or partner, but

as an attractive woman.

They ate quickly, glad to be company to such an extent that,

ready for bed, Arabella thought life with Titus would be very

nice. Those were the early days, it was clear, but had started well

foot. Perhaps in time even had just wanting to. It was not done illusions that

were to fall in love with her, if she had not done all lovely women

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he must have known it was unlikely that he did it. The thought

provoked laughter and fell asleep immediately.

They breakfasted early and Arabella, as he knew that Titus wanted to look at the

mail and reports of patients simply say good morning with joy.

Later she would also mail. I had many things to think about. Are

had awakened early and had made a list of clothing that would buy. The

mentally reviewed and added some items, while trying to guess what

that would cost.

Remember Titus said suddenly, buy what you like and do not look the


'You do not know how much I have spent?

-Do Not. I'll pay the bills when they arrive, if they are nonsense, I say 'I

smiled. I've already given you an idea of how much you can spend, but I will not


repairs if you spend a few hundred pounds more.

After a while he left. Arabella took dogs and Percy garden. When

re-entered, went to the kitchen to talk to Mrs. Turner.

Could shop around the house with me one day? And tell me what

like or dislike the doctor. And I would love to buy some time if you tell me

we need.

That the Lord bless you. It will be a pleasure to teach the cabinets and pantry.

You should inspect china, linens and silver, as well as

bills. Every morning we decide the meals and make a list of the

purchase if necessary.

I'm going out. I'll be out a while. Take care of animals, please. I will

-not buy clothes could avoid telling.

-very Well. But note that shopping is tiring, so do not forget

eating he said Mrs. Turner maternally.

Arabella put the suit and fedora. As Titus had asked

to call a taxi, so he did. Although thought was a splurge, it was a good

way to start the day. He crossed Harrods paneled doors and went to the

delicious task of spending money. By midmorning had already bought a coat

snuff colored cashmere, knit a suit jacket, a dress, a wool skirt,

a cardigan and several blouses. A cup of coffee was taken, caught his breath and

went to

looking dresses. For lunchtime, and as he knew what he wanted, he had bought

a dark pink crepe dress, another green silk, very simple, with skirt

narrow, long, tight sleeves and square neck, and, unable to resist a

dark blue skirt and blouse long sleeve evening.

He went to the restaurant and took an omelet and coffee. He decided he had bought

enough for one day. He had made a rough estimate of what had been spent,

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and although everything was expensive, still had much to buy, such as clothing

Inside, shoes and a suit. He returned to his new home in a taxi, loaded with boxes

and bags.

It had started to rain, so a waterproof added to the list.

He had eaten late, but Mrs. Turner offered snacks as


Just one cup of tea, 'said Arabella, before getting all this to my


-and I'll take care of them take it. Sit down and take tea.

So he did. Then he went upstairs followed by the animals, which are

placed in a corner and saw open packages and examine what had

I purchased. He did not resist the temptation to try on some clothes. He was giving

turns on itself with crepe dress when the doorbell rang. Would be the

Mrs. Turner to remind you that was after six and that the doctor would be

about to arrive. Arabella turned to face the door with guilt.

Come in, Mrs. Turner.

But it was Titus.

-Titus, I missed the said time stopping in the middle of a gyro.

I thought it was Mrs. Turner. Sorry. My intention was to be down waiting.

-¿Sentada Knitting and drinks served? he laughed. Verte with that

pink dress pleased me more than would a serious and busy wife -

He glanced around the room full of clothes and papers. You've given the

first step commented dryly. Are you going to wear that dress on Wednesday?

If you want me to wear. I have others. I bought many things.

-Estupendo. I wondered where was Beauty . I see you're admiring

the show.

'Do not you care that have gone with me? They were happy to see me.

-Also I'm glad to see you, Arabella -the took her hand and gave

a kiss. Baja for a drink before dinner. I'll get around these three garden


He hissed animals, who followed him in droves. She changed clothes,

He combed his hair and her makeup briefly.

On Wednesday night, dressed and ready to leave, he looked in the mirror. The

pink dress certainly created an illusion of beauty. He had bought the best of

facial creams, the best cosmetics, and had cut his hair. Actually

dam enthusiasm, had tried different hairstyles, but none was left

OK, so it ended up collected hair in a bun, and wore years


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Maybe it was the pink dress which made the night a success, although

devoid of romance. Titus had been very busy that day, and she was given

good to hear. Much of the dinner passed between comments and observations

about treatments, medicines and the difference between a doctor and a surgeon.


He listened interested and filed longer words I had never heard of

look them up in a dictionary and find out what they mean next time.

-Would You like to dance? Titus asked after the waiter offered them

coffee-. It would be a shame not to show that dress so pretty.

She immediately got up and made a joking comment about the orchestra,

but, suddenly, he was cranky. The doctor could have done a

nice comment about his person, although it was not true. It was not a

beauty, but knew she was attractive in that luxurious surroundings. "What

difference does the

appearance! I can dance, 'he said.

It was true. He did it with grace and lightness and flexibility of a reed. The

It was also a good dancer.

It's like dancing with a moonbeam he told the hearing in a few

moments. I married a jewel, which is not only a Fontanera first,

they danced beautifully. We have to do it often before I

make too old.

I -¿Demasiado old? He lifted his head. You're not. Are not you in flower


Thank you, Arabella, I dare to forget the footprints of time, '

smiled. Did you know that you are attracting the eyes of many fans?

No, did not know She blushed. I suppose it's the dress.

Titus looked at the top of his head, smiling. Your company will

it was delicious. It was so spontaneous and so simple, and always willing to accept

plans and desires. Did efforts to attract, which, after young

intriguing of which he believed to be in love, it was something he greatly valued.

The weekend went to the cottage and how, despite the cold, the sun was shining,

They walked miles with Beauty and Duke leaping past them and Bassett

trying to keep up with him.

Maybe we should have left with Percy said Arabella while

took into his arms. It is still very small.

She has a heart of a lion. Let me take you step to -disminuyó

alcanzara- what it. We go to Holland on Thursday. I think we should bring the

animals here before we leave. Butter will care, and his wife adores Percy .

You would like to go to Holland?

-Yup. Will you be out all day?

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-Good Part. But I'm sure you'll get along with Cressida. I know

to Aldrik since we were students. Leiden is not great, but there are many

things to see. We were invited to the dinner that takes place at the end of the

seminar. Must

go label.

But all will be Dutch.

-I Do not. In addition, all speak English.

I think it will be fun.

They snacked with Mrs. Tavener before returning to London. It wanted to be

describe in detail the life they lived there.

That is much healthier than your London home he stated. Arabella

looks much better than when you arrived yesterday. Of course, when you have

children will have to spend much more time here. Children feel very well the

country air. Arabella, who was blushing, looking at the cup and tried to find

an appropriate response.

You're absolutely right, Grandma said Titus-. Young children enjoy

much in the field. For me it was terrible to have to leave when I had to go

first added to a boarding school, getting, thereby divert

conversation into other courses.

"If you dare mention it, I'll throw something at the head," thought Arabella sitting

silently beside her in the car. But he did not, but spoke of various things,

So when they arrived, she had already forgotten. Anyway, wanted

they would have said something about it, that would have laughed or joked

about it. It was the first time I avoided talking about something and felt weird. It


that Titus had forgotten, but had perhaps just seemed a comment

Funny grandmother.

They left early in the morning to take the animals to the field,

then take the overnight ferry from Harwich. It was a long journey. Were by the

highway to Hatfield, where they stopped for a drink at a small cafe, with

waitresses aprons flowers.

What fun! she said.

Titus agreed. When he was with her, she felt ten years younger.

On the boat, after dinner, Arabella went to his cabin, where, despite

the rough seas, slept like a log. Titus, seeing her breakfast with gusto, smiled. His

marriage would be a success: it was not only a good companion and a person

sensible that did not require him to devote time and attention, but it was very

pretty with new clothes. He looked askance as he buttered a

muffin. Furthermore, dressed exactly as he liked.

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It took less than half an hour to get to Leiden in the car. They rounded a

narrow street of well-preserved old houses with gable roof. Titus

He helped her out of the car, took her arm and stopped before an elegant

door, which opened an elderly bony face, accompanied by a huge san

Bernardo and other tiny dog. The woman smiled the doctor.

Mies, what a joy to see you! -Titus Petted the dogs. Arabella,

this is Mies, the housekeeper of Cressida.

They shook hands and entered the time when a young woman came down the


-Titus, I had to open haberos He kissed and turned to Arabella. I am

Cressida. Nice to meet you, Arabella smiled with joy and his eyes shone

-. Aldrik had to go to hospital, but will return to eat. Come out and take one

coffee. Titus, going to the salon. I'm taking Arabella upstairs.

Arabella followed his host, relieved at how nice it was. It had

concerned about the possibility that Cressida was a statuesque blonde who looked

over his shoulder. But measured and what she was no beauty,

of course, but was so happy that even seemed beautiful.

-Titus Said he would later seminar daily said Cressida

- So I have made here. The next door is a dressing room, so do not

you mind if dawn comes. This was my room one night when

Aldrik brought me here. He then took me to the Frisian Islands to babysit some

She smiled sweetly friends. It is a charm. Hope you liking. Titus

also seems a heaven. Arabella had been fixing his hair without saying

a lot of.

Let's see the twins before lowering. They have two months. They are boy and girl.

What luck!

Arabella followed her.

Look. They are asleep. They are very good she said proudly, and have a

wonderful nanny. Sorry to talk so much she said as they walked into the living


but I'm so glad to have met you. I have English friends, but the

Most live in the Wadden Islands. We have a house there.

Titus rose when they entered; dogs did the same and stayed

standing politely until all three were seated. Over coffee,

they talked about mutual friends, Christmas and fun posed to

children. When Aldrik arrived at Arabella liked it immediately. It was a year or


younger than Titus, with gray hair, but was handsome, very tall and wide

back. He kissed his wife, Titus shook hands and smiled at Arabella.

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The only thing I feel is going to be such a short visit, 'he said. Titus

must bring to spend a week or two, to go to the Frisian Islands, which is

our true home.

'Do not you work here? she asked.

Yes, but not all the time. Have you seen the twins?

Yes, they are adorable.

That's what we believe -dirigió his wife an affectionate look and

He sat next to Titus-. This later work on asthma is present.

Want to come?

When they finished eating, the men left. As it was good

Later, they were sheltered children and took a walk in the stroller. They were

asleep while the women chatted. Arabella realized that in the

previous months he had missed it: small talk about

clothes, husbands and babies. They returned for tea and then helped the nanny

bathing children, give them dinner and bedtime. The men returned then and

went to see the babies, what I meant to get them out of the crib, while the


showed their disapproval. Kids did not care: they issued sounds of joy

while his father held and raised no objection when they were passed


Arabella began to hum a tune as he changed for dinner.

This was a happy and babies, wonderful home. It would be nice ... should not think

that. He went down to take a sherry. The dinner was exquisite.

The seminar started at eight o'clock and although breakfasted all

together, men are not much entertained. Aldrik gave a long kiss to his wife,

while Titus Arabella pinched his cheek. Cressida watched from the corner

eye. It was obvious that these two get along, they were comfortable together, but

missing something ...

-After Feed children at ten, do you want to go to

stores? They are not bad. I like the suit you're wearing.

As they ate, Aldrik called to tell you that the doctor would go to dinner Tulsma

with them.

He met Titus the last time he was here, honey, and share your interest

for long-term medication. Sorry. I know you do not like, but practically

has invited itself, and Titus seems excited. This is a topic that interests you very


'Nothing to do then. All I ask is that you do not run

until late.

We'll come back around six. What you're having fun with Arabella? How are


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-What am having a great time and the kids are great. She hung

the phone and sighed.

Comes someone to dinner Cressida- said. It is a very smart doctor who

speaks of enzymes and antibodies. She has been invited, and sorry, because

expected to spend the night chatting. If suggests that he will return, I will tell you

we have to leave.

They spent the afternoon doing nothing and, after tea, bathed the kids,

because the nanny fought, then changed clothes. Arabella was one of the

knitted dresses I had bought. While combing decided that, on returning to

London, go to a good hairdresser and permanent would, or perhaps cut the

hair ... anything as it was different from the bun was being done.

When the men returned, they were in the room. Aldrik opened the door

He greeted cheerfully and lay aside to let a woman. Cressida not

He had said what it was: a stunningly beautiful, with big blue eyes and hair

blond and curly. She wore a silk dress in gauging its opulent chest.

It seemed a doctor at all, but a romantic and mysterious person.

Arabella smiled and reached when presented, but thought, not knowing

Why, that was his enemy.

Titus had just dedicated a smile upon entering. He felt filled

resentment, but repressed. And would give free rein later.

It's a pleasure to meet you 'said Arabella lying. What work as

interesting you! He sat on a couch and patted the spot beside her. Sit here and

tell me about it. How long have you know Titus ago?

Geraldine Tulsma several years ago-looked closely. You do not bring

long married, right?

No, but we were friends before Arabella said lightly. Do you

you're not married?

Aldrik had served them a drink. Arabella leaned back on the cushions,

aware that beautiful dress hung in folds. After all, for that

I had bought.

No, I'm not married. I have rejected many proposals. My work me

He spoke with cutting matter much voice. Which meant that little girl

Graceful making condescending questions? -. Have not talked to you Titus


Well no. If it has, it will have been to discuss how intelligent you are. He and

I have many common interests that have nothing to do with their work or

to the hospital.

I came tonight to continue exchanging views with him.

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'What a good idea! It's a shame you do not see him more often Raising his view

in the time Cressida joined thereto.

-¿Os Ye know? -quiso to know. I feel that there is a man

you, Geraldine, but have warned us with very little time.

-it Does not matter. Titus is I want to talk.

-very Well. How about dinner before?

Arabella took asparagus, coq au vin and chocolate mousse and orange, and


knew the same: nothing. The deep antipathy he felt for Geraldine had taken

appetite, but talked and laughed as others. Geraldine tended to monopolize the

word of tedious way to talk about themselves, their aims, ambitions and

theories. They returned to the lounge for coffee and, then, Geraldine Titus

suggested that

They were talking quietly.

I'm sure Titus is keen to hear your views Arabella said, the

time devoted her husband a smile as sharp as a dagger.

Of course I do, if you do not mind, 'said Titus- Cressida. We do not want

bore you with medical issues.

-Usad My office Aldrik- interjected. Then we will bring more coffee.

When they left, Cressida went to see if the children slept.

I'm sorry Geraldine has invited itself tonight, 'said Aldrik-. Is a

Heavy He looked at his watch. As we make more coffee I'll tell you that took her


It's very good, 'said Arabella with precaution that Titus has known

someone who likes to talk. I know nothing of hospitals or medical.

Nor Cressida either. But do not know how wonderful it is to get home by the

night and talk to someone who does not know the difference between a ichthyosis


produced by a nettle rash.

'I do not even know what a rash!

They were laughing when they returned Titus and Geraldine. Aldrik asked for

more coffee.

Cressida came down and took it casually chatting.

Is not it time you went back to see the children, darling? Aldrik- asked.

I'll take Geraldine home while you're up.

'Do not bother. I have already asked Titus to take me. So will finish

speak. We have not had time.

-¿Nos We going? Titus asked as he set the cup. Morning

started soon, right?

It's a shame that you stay so little time she affirmed. We Should

see us more often.

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A malevolent devil seized Arabella.

Why do not you come and visit us? she asked and smiled at her husband. Do not


looks good idea, Titus?

-Espléndida Exclaimed with an inscrutable face showed no or

pleasure or displeasure. Are we going?

Geraldine and Titus said goodbye. Aldrik Cressida and accompanied them to the

Arabella door while on his way to the window. The hall light went outside and

Geraldine saw Titus and held a conversation beside the car in which she

not involved and laughed at a joke that did not hear.

The enemy ... Geraldine was modern, attractive and resolved. Divorce does not

mean nothing to her, and Titus was a prize worth. "I am

exaggerating "he thought. "Why do I feel this way? It is as if he wanted to Titus'. I


breathing, because it was true: she loved him. He closed his eyes and, when

opened, the car

he was gone. "Luckily, because there would come, he would have punched

Geraldine and

I would have it thrown into the arms of Titus' he thought.

I wanted to mourn despair. But mechanically smiled and returned with a

cheerful comment to Cressida, not realizing he was white as

paper and trembling.

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Chapter 7 Cressida was about to ask Arabella if it was bad when

Aldrik touched the arm of his guest.

Come closer to the fire, Arabella she said cheerfully. Let's have another cup

coffee he began to talk about the conference and the seminar to which Titus and he

had to IR. Next year will be held in London, so we'll see you there.

-Tenéis To stay inside house Arabella had recuperado-. We love

calves with children, of course.

Chatted for half an hour and as Titus did not appear, Arabella was

to bed. She lay awake until after midnight, he heard his footsteps.

He thought he had a crush on him weeks, but had not noticed. Had

I done any good to know before you ask her to marry? You have denied:

marry someone who did not love her when she was in love would have been a

... just unbearable situation in which was at that

moments. "But there is no reason not to try to make you love me," he reflected.

The right makeup, a good hairdresser, sexy clothes, a conversation

Bright and friendly attitude, but not much, to conceal their

feelings. He must not think he was trying to get his attention and his only

interest in life was to him.

He escaped a few tears and dried them with impatience. To beat

Geraldine and others like it, tears were useless. He slept fully resolved

to defeat the enemy.

When it came down to breakfast, the men had already left.

I've been awake for hours Cressida 'I said as she poured the coffee. Aldrik me

He has read his lecture. It always does, although not understand anything. Said to

bring him

Luckily, though not required. Did you awakened Titus to read your own? -

not wait for an answer. We have no choice but to listen, right?

I guess me being educated gradually. Would you let sleeping twins

all night?

-Yup. A couple of times I had to feed them, but now they have

grown usually sleep until six at a stretch. Aldrik help me and do not wake up to

nanny until the hour of morning tea He poured more coffee. What do you think of

Geraldine? He smiled. You do not have to be educated.

I do not like -untó butter-toasted. It's too beautiful and

is delighted to have met. And what breasts!

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It's terrible, right? -Cressida Laughed. But it's very intelligent. Aldrik not

supports it, but admire his intelligence. Have you told Titus what you think of it?


entertained long. We heard when he returned last night.

Yes, returned very late. Hope you did not mind. I was too tired to

speak added.

'I tell him all the details. That's the beauty of being married:

count things that are not said to anyone else.

Arabella nodded so quietly that Cressida was quick to change the subject.

If you want to go see the city, the nurse will stay with the twins

until lunchtime. We can see the university, the church of San Pedro, the channel

Rabenburg, where you see the hospital, Bree Street ...

I Everything all in one morning?

Well, be a quick visit, but better than nothing. We also need to

find time to have a coffee in Leyden Oude Rotisserie.

The morning passed pleasantly and, to his surprise, the men went to


Not you expected Cressida- said. But we are very happy that

you are here.

We have decided that all day without seeing you was too. What have you done?

They returned again after six, this time without Geraldine. Arabella made

curled up in bed, he thought with delight at the lovely night they had spent:

a delicious dinner and a chat before the fire occurred about everything under the


Titus had kissed her with an unexpected affection when he went to bed. Sure

It could be because the others were watching, but did not think Titus pretend


did not feel. The next night we went out. They put one of the new dresses.

He was glad to have chosen the pink dress, because they went to a restaurant

small, exclusive and very expensive. Then they went to Scheveningen, to dance to

the casino.

Titus bought some chips, he tried his luck and won, like Cressida. He would have

betting liked what he had won, but the men dragged track

dance. Was a great evening, much of which had been spent

dancing in the arms of Titus happy.

The next day was the last of your stay and would fire a

banquet, so Arabella was glad to have taken the green dress. While

he looked in the mirror before going down, decided that seemed the wife of a


He wished, while putting pearl necklace her father had given her to meet

eighteen, Titus also would have given one. Although the ring

married was everything a woman could want.

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You're fine Cressida 'I said when he entered the room. She was

beautiful in a dress of gray taffeta. He wore a diamond necklace and bracelet

exquisitely. Arabella could see them while lovingly enveloped Aldrik

in a shawl of angora.

Titus held his coat with impersonal courtesy would have spent on a

old aunt. Arabella, angry, thanked him politely, her cheeks

lit. "I could at least try to pretend he" thought.

Titus, who was watching, reflected on how beautiful she is put in the

few weeks they had been married. Supposed to clothing. Returning to England,

would be responsible for buying jewelry. He felt a surge of pleasure at her and

He bent to kiss her cheek, an action that was liked by Cressida, which in

the privacy of her bedroom, her husband had told his guests not

behave at all like a couple of newlyweds.

'My love, he observed her husband, you can not judge others by your

experience. Is likely to be more effusive when they are alone, as we are


The banquet was magnificent and very formal. Arabella had never seen so many

old men in tuxedos, smoking cigars and drinking glasses of gin, or many

circumspect austere ladies with big hair and breasts covered satin

black. There were also younger people, but dominated by older members

college and hospital. They were nice people, and it seemed that Titus the

knew them all. Everyone shook hands, smiled and said how pleased

were that Dr. Tavener had a wife so lovely.

At dinner he sat between a young man and an older man, who lent him so much

attention to her beautiful eyes sparkled and his face shone, but not only

to experience pleasure. He noted that Titus had to Geraldine on your right, across

of the long table. He had to admit I was gorgeous with Chiffon

blue. "Too bad there will not be dancing," he thought. They had a long desk,

after which time listening were further speeches, some in

English but mostly in Dutch. It was difficult to maintain an attitude of interest.

When finally they rose from the table, small groups were formed and people

going from one to another with a cup or glass in hand. The men were very

serious, so they would be assumed Arabella exchanging diagnostics,

she listened with feigned interest to a professor who told him in detail

University history. As they prepared to leave he found


'Ah! You are here, 'he said with a condescending voice. We have not talked in

overnight satisfied smiled and turned to best show off the dress. And Titus

We spent a delightful evening. You do not care, right? We know today ...

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-All Titus friends are mine he interrupted gently Arabella

- And remember to be happy to see you if you go to England. But maybe

you retain your job here.

-Do Not. I am well known in England and the United States, and Europe.

I can take a vacation whenever you want.

'How well! It was a pleasure meeting you. We return home tomorrow, but Titus

and you have told it. So goodbye.

Why do not we say tot zien? It means ...

I know what it means. I have to go. Cressida is waiting for me.

There was no sign of Titus.

As has brought the car Cressida- said, will lead to Geraldine. Do Not

I understand why this woman has no car. You'd think He has asked ...

stopped feeling the pinch of Aldrik.

-The Problem is that you offer Geraldine hand and said arm is taken

Aldrik-. Did you have fun, Arabella? I'm afraid it was too serious.

'I've had a good's eyes sparkled with anger him. Many teachers and

handsome doctors live here!

So is. I have to control Cressida in these meetings. It dies by

bearded professors.

As I let beard, I abandoned affirmed Cressida as they went towards the

car. When we get home I'll make a good tea and take us on

criticize the kitchen while the feminine dresses dinner. There was one, safe

you saw, Arabella, purple velvet, very tight where it should ...

The evening ended on that lightly. They were drinking tea and talking

For a long time, but Titus did not appear. Arabella, on the pretext that he had to

will pack up to leave in time to catch the boat, went to bed, after

tell you that for years he had not gone so well.

'You must come soon. I'm going to miss you very much.

When he left, Cressida got the cups.

Darling began, something is not going well ...

My love, Arabella and Titus are already mayorcitos -Aldrik smiled. We do not


to worry. Arabella is not stupid.

You mean Titus is?

No, no. Men are blind, honey, as you well know.

I wish we were as happy as we are, 'he said as he ran


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At breakfast, Titus looked well rested and was dressed so

impeccable. He had dated Aldrik to walk the dogs, and at that time

They were deep in conversation while their wives talked about what

planned to do at Christmas. After a while they went to see the kids and it was time


leave. Arabella and Titus said goodbye for the last time, mounted on the car,

Hoek reached and took the ferry to Harwich.

When they arrived in London, Mrs. Turner was waiting and lots

Letters to Titus and several messages on the answering machine. Titus left the

office just in time for dinner.

Have to go to hospital. It is an urgent matter. Sorry, Arabella. Do not

stay awake waiting. Tell Mrs. Turner with a lock.

'I'll leave something to eat in the kitchen. I hope it's nothing serious and that

you can fix it.

You're the perfect wife he said as the besaba-. These things happen


It's normal replied casually. Take something when back if we are

You lying.

She heard the front door close and was to inform Mrs. Turner, while

thought that the wife of a doctor had to be prepared for such things

happen not once, but many. He dined alone thinking about him. It was everything a

girl could wish for and loved, two reasons that strengthened his resolve to

get love her. It was not enough to go to his liking and, perhaps,

feel affection for her. He had to do something to make the look with different eyes,

not as a pleasant companion, always willing to listen, but as a

woman surprised him.

At eleven he had not returned. Mrs. Turner had already closed the door and

Arabella went to bed.

I Everything okay? Arabella asked to go down to desayunar-. Been

I up all night?

Titus seemed rested, but she realized she was tired.

Until four. The patient will recover.

-I Am glad. I guess you will feel satisfied.

Yes he smiled. I'll be in my office until this afternoon. Then I have to go to

hospital. I hope to be back to five. What will you do today?

I had thought going to the hairdresser. Perhaps I cut my hair and make me


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Not surprisingly exclaimed sharply. I like the hair you have.

Do not be touched. Flush your times as you want, but do not get mowed nor


Very well-what looked with eyes wide. I thought it would improve my


You're looking great as you are.

-Thx. I thought you might like short curly hair, and wanted to please.

Well I do not like. And that reminds me, why on Earth do you tell Geraldine

Tulsma to come and visit us?

I thought you liked me and told me that you were old friends. You spent much

time together ...

He spoke with such ingenuity that Titus leaned back in his chair and looked

thoughtfully. Then he smiled.

It's true. It's very attractive, right? Aside from having a brilliant brain.

It's almost beautiful and must be nice to know that when you speak, the other

understands exactly what you say picked up breathlessly. It would have been a


wonderful for you, Titus. Had he known of its existence ...

It's an interesting idea, dear She got up and gave him a friendly pat

on the shoulder. I have to go. Until this afternoon.

Arabella called the house and spoke at length with Mrs. Tavener and

Butter also, who assured him that the animals were fine.

They're wanting to see you, ma'am. I hope to come this weekend.

Me too, but I do not know if the doctor will be free. I want to talk Christmas

with his wife ...

He thought it would be nice to return to the field. He prepared to leave. There was

thinking about holiday gifts. He would go window shopping to see what to buy.

It would have been fun to Titus go with her.

When he returned he asked what he had done.

I've been window shopping to decide what to buy Christmas gifts.

Tomorrow I will take half a day. It was something that I had thought. We will

shopping together.

'How well! I have listed ...

I thought I would never forget that afternoon together. Titus parked in the


hospital and were walking to Harrods, where they devoted themselves to spend

money hand

filled. They bought gifts for everyone, friends and employees.

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Now we have to find something for my grandmother said Titus while

entered a jewelry that was like the cave of Aladino-. What do you think will


Something that can be put easily and you can carry every day.

A chain?

They chose a gold pendant, which was perfect for the elderly. While

enveloped her, Arabella turned to admire in silence the content of the showcases.

Titus was generous, and there was no doubt him if expressed his desire for a

diamond necklace would buy. But that was not what he wanted. Would rather

a bag of apples that he had bought no indication for its


They returned home and packages piled on the table in the living room.

-Envuélvelos In pretty paper Titus- 'I asked. I'm sure you'll do

very well. That will busy you tomorrow. I have to go to Birmingham and maybe


left to sleep.

He watched as she spoke and she quickly assumed an expression of

interested concern.

You want to make you a bag? Are you going to go by car?

-Yup. Will not you feel lonely?

No, by God! I have to wrap all the presents and also still me

are some who buy and have to write the Christmas cards.

-The Address list on my desk. Normally usually write the

Miss Baird, but is much better than the firm you for both.

-very Well. Can you go to the cottage for Christmas?

Yes, unless something urgent arises. We will also go next Saturday,


Yes, please. I want to see the animals. I talked to your grandmother,

I expected you to be free this weekend.

Now I work. Can we dine half an hour later?

Of course I do. I'll tell Mrs. Turner. I spent a wonderful afternoon.

Thank You.

Me too He seemed distant.

Once in the office, not phoned immediately. It was true that

He had gone very well, perhaps because Arabella was clearly delighted with

everything he saw. His face shone with pleasure. It was really nice, and clothing

new had not changed: remained free, fair and undemanding. Era

very pleasant to live with her and would miss if ... just thought made him frown

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furrowed. Was growing fond much with it. Forgot to work and continued


Arabella also rambled while changing dress, but it was with

a good end: focus on the best way to get Titus fell in love with her.

It was, for him, a friend always available, like a pair of comfortable shoes. Such

After a bit of coldness, a light show of independence ... though not

I had no idea how to implement them. Apart from occasional comments

he looked good, new clothes had not made much impression to Titus. Era

a pity that he could change face. I had tried all kinds of makeup,

but all he felt that was rare.

-Okay. We'll let fate take its course He gave a finishing touch to

hair down.

They spent the evening discussing their plans for Christmas. There was a party

Children in the village to which they had to go. Another traditional custom was

invite to come home to children singing carols on Christmas Eve.

Are we going to put the Christmas tree? Arabella asked.

-of Course. Butter is responsible. There will be some members of my family:

an aunt, two cousins with their children and uncle to entertain my grandmother.

Do not I have said before because I did not want you to worry about having to


so many people. See you soon, but Christmas is a tradition that I do not like


A house full of guests for Christmas is wonderful. I'll be happy

to meet your family. If you tell me their names, I buy you a gift.

'Do not you care? I'm afraid I will not have time. We have nothing else

to do this weekend, right? He stretched his legs and he took the paper.

-The Marshall come to dinner after tomorrow. Within two weeks -

added, we are invited to a party at Mrs. Lamb. You told me


I'd forgotten -the looked over his diary. It is a matchmaker

indefatigable. I knew my mother well and considered it his duty to find me


-¡Vaya! Do I need to go? I can say I have a headache ...

My dear, my main purpose was to marry you end the

Mrs. Lamb efforts to introduce young ladies who considered appropriate

for me.

If he had intended to compliment, had expressed very

ineptitude. Arabella sighed. Not only had to deal with Geraldine, the enemy,

but was also Mrs. Lamb.

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Is there go label?

-Yup. Buy yourself something to be beautiful.

"Who wants to be beautiful?" Thought Arabella, and smiled sweetly. Seek

something he opened his eyes, a dress of black velvet, tight skirt open

up top and low-cut. He could not compete with Geraldine, but also had


The next day, Harrods, that dress was not bought, but another gray chiffon

silver highlighted her curves. Was examined in the mirror and nodded Tester

satisfied. Which showed hid, or was it vice versa? In any case, it was a work

Art. Who cared about the price?

By leaving the store that amount felt guilty for having spent when

so many people desperately needed. He opened his wallet and gave everything

containing an old man selling cigarettes. Had to walk back, but had

made someone else happy.

It was Titus's office to find the address list for cards

Christmas. There was another list of charities. He read it and felt an impulse

loving towards him: he was rich, but also generous.

The Marshall were Sunday dinner. Arabella had planned a menu

especially with Mrs. Turner: watercress soup, roast lamb and cake. He was dying

cook, but knew that Mrs. Turner would have been offended. Furthermore, it was a

excellent cook. He went to shower and change clothes. Before lowering opened the

closet door to look back gray dress. His mere contemplation

excited. Titus hoped the same would happen.

The evening was a success. The Marshall were pleasant company and dinner was

excellent. They had coffee and chatted until men went to

Titus office to discuss a case. Arabella and Mrs. Marshall stayed

alone. It had been years since Titus knew and had urged him often to marry.

At that time she was satisfied because Arabella was the perfect woman for her

friend. It was not pretty, of course, but had charm, a nice voice, good

silhouette and beautiful eyes. It looked like they were together, almost as if they


old friends. There were themselves newlyweds loving glances, but

Titus was a man who did not show his feelings, and seemed to Arabella

either. Mrs. Marshall started talking about the party of Mrs. Lamb.

-and See how he assured'll enjoy Arabella, unaware of what

terribly wrong in that statement.

The following Saturday, Arabella and Titus went to the cottage. It was one day

cold and gray, but the house looked inviting. When they arrived they went out to

meet Butter

with dogs. Percy , wiser, and she did not like the cold, had set in

the lobby. Arabella turned to Titus with a radiant smile.

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What a nice to be home! She stopped. What I mean is that

London is also our home, but this is different, right?

I know what you mean. Are we going to see my grandmother?

Mrs. Tavener was in her room, sitting by the fire, while the

Miss Welling read to her. When they entered, Arabella with Percy in the arms, and

dogs jumping at his side, turned to them.

'What a joy to see you again! Ms. Welling, bring the sherry. Let's drink

to celebrate.

They did as he had the trip to Leiden. Arabella was the most

he spoke; Titus looked and added things. The day passed very quickly and the next


They left after tea, this time with Beauty and Bassett , while Percy

he stayed in the house, as he and Duke had become very good friends.

We'll be back next weekend Titus said, looking at his

discouragement expression. If you want, you can stay a week or two after


'And leave you in London? By no means affirmed without thinking.

Titus turned to her, but she was looking out the window.

He soon left Monday morning. Arabella finished writing the

buy cards and gifts. When Titus returned in the afternoon, she was given

realized he was tired. He looked back and thought maybe it was not

tired, but worried. When asked what he had done that day, she told

calm voice.

What a relaxing to be with you, Arabella! Are well-behaved dogs?

The party will take place the next day. Arabella was eager to have the

best appearance. Cream occurred in the face, manicure was done, the hair was

washed and

He looked at the dress. That day, after breakfast, said goodbye and went to Titus

talk to Mrs. Turner and take the dogs to the garden. Her face flushed to

the cold, came back and went to the room of Titus to prepare clothes

overnight. The interrupted the doorbell. Mrs. Turner was open and

he let someone: Geraldine Tulsma. Arabella ran down the stairs and saw

I had a suitcase at his side, dropped his heart sank.

Here I have, Arabella She presented with total control of the situation.

I have a couple of days and I know that Titus will love me He gave her his hand.

We've known for so long that we have to tread ceremonies.

He's in the hospital said Arabella. What a joy to see you! he added fee.

It -¿Volverá at lunchtime?

No, not again until five. We have a party tonight.

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I'll go with you. Surely we can talk there. You know how it is

parties, noisy and lots of chatter: ideal for quiet conversation.

I want to talk about a theory ...

'How well! Arabella exclaimed feeling ridiculously. Come in, sit down and take

a coffee. I'll tell Mrs. Turner make you a room.

It was a nightmare. It was quite possible that Geraldine despise her as a woman,

but Arabella served as listener. By late afternoon you ears were ringing. Geraldine

had a very high opinion of herself and wanted others to know.

"I do not think Titus is to cheer," thought Arabella to hear that the door

main open.

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Chapter 8 Arabella got up and went into the hall, eager to tell Titus Geraldine

It was there, but it came with it, forward and took the man's hand between


'I've cried with vibrante- surprised voice. I have a few days off and I

come quickly, because I knew you'd love to talk to someone with a mind

similar to yours.

The doctor released her hand. Looking at him you could not guess their feelings.

'Of course it's a surprise in a cheerful voice said.

I knew you'd be happy She waited impatiently for crossing the lobby

Arabella to kiss on the cheek. I'm told there's a party tonight.

I'm sure no one will care to go.

I'm going to call, when Titus said Arabella managed to recover

voice and it sounded cheerful. I'm sure Geraldine will go. At the end of

After all, there will be many people who will not mind one more person.

Yes -hidden a smile, do it, dear. Now if you'll excuse me ... I'll be

my studio if you need me, Arabella.

I suppose you have to leave Geraldine observed with expression

Disenchanted. I'm going to my room to unpack and rest until

Titus finished what I have to do. Arabella, the perfect hostess, the

He led upstairs, offered him a snack, took another blanket and told him that the

alerted to Titus had ended.

I hope the dogs do not make noise Geraldine said. I do not like. And

have a cat.

-Yup. We love animals.

He lowered his eyes flashing with anger. She would not have minded so much if


He had shown shocked or surprised by the appearance of Geraldine. But no

there had been no expression on his face. Or rather an expression of light

fun, for she could find no reason.

She phoned to explain the arrival of an unexpected guest, and I

ensured that the hostess was very glad to see a friend of Titus.

-Amiga Muttered to himself.

When he turned he saw Titus in the doorway, watching her.

I'm glad you've come Geraldine. I'll talk to Mrs.


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This was shown upset. Dinner for two would have to be for three.

Look so come, unannounced grumbled. How long is going to stay,


I think not much. He said that a few days.

Mrs. Turner glanced ice cream to the sauce that was stirring.

Returning to the living room, Titus was there, sitting in his armchair with Percy in

her lap,

while the dogs were dozing in front of the fireplace. Arabella watched him


Geraldine I'll tell you've left the office. He asked that the

warn. I'm sure you do not want to miss a minute without being with her She

launched toward the door, but stopped the voice of her husband.

Will ya wrong to think that you're doing everything for her and I

we're together?

Is not it what you want? I have not noticed that -salió quickly reject the

room and went to knock on the door of his guest.

As he dressed for the party, he thought that if Titus and Geraldine wanted to be

together, it was given the opportunity. After making an appearance with his

invited, had claimed a domestic pretext and had left alone.

And enjoy each other's company, 'said Percy , who was watching

as he dressed.

Contrary to the wishes of a woman in love ruled the gray dress

silver and chose one that was not designed to attract male attention: A

elegant brown silk dress that would certainly be overshadowed by others in the

party. Had overlooked the fact that he sat in wonder and the

elegance of the garment highlight from the crowd.

Hair and makeup, and down the hall where Titus was. He got up and


You're lovely He pulled a box from his pocket. I would like you to put

this, 'unfastened the pearl necklace she was wearing and put one of diamonds. Do


said nothing and watched as he walked to the mirror. It was a delicate necklace:

diamonds were set in gold in the form of bouquets. It looked like a

spider-sequin studded. It takes many years in the family and passes

wife wife.

'So it is right for your wife to drive tonight he said while

looked in the mirror. She turned toward him with encendidas- cheeks. We must


appearances, right?

If this is how you see it ... She had turned very pale. The door opened and

Geraldine came with another floaty chiffon dress a very bright pink.

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What a gorgeous dress! Arabella exclaimed. It has both ... both

colorful. Do not you think?

'Of course' said Titus.

I do not like seem bland He looked pleased and smiled at Arabella. Already

There will be time to dress brown, black or gray in old age. Are we going to meet

someone interesting tonight?

I'm sure other.

If not, you can always resort to Titus Arabella added softly.

Comment made that her husband threw a cold look.

The party was in full swing when they arrived. Arabella, conducted by the

Titus steady hand from one group to another, smiled and shook hands, feeling

Geraldine's breath on his neck, in his attempt to stay as close as possible

Titus. If it bothered him, showed no sign of it. After the first dance

Arabella, gave it to a young and dancing as they walked away, Arabella observed

how her husband bowed his head to hear what he said Geraldine. Soon he saw

will dance together, then out of sight, as I was going from one partner to another:

a small and graceful girl with a brown dress was the perfect complement

for the diamond necklace around his neck.

He returned to them at dinner buffet was served, but was unable to talk to

him, because there were half a dozen people at the table. Besides, what could I


She continued dancing the other night while laughing and talking and wondered if


You fall in love with her. Some men expressed the pleasure it gave them their

company, which was much more than Titus had. That reflection was

unfair, but the memory could easily be lost by anger or sadness, and she

I was jealous of heavy Geraldine.

Once back first thing in the morning, the lady showed an alarming

tendency not stop talking about the evening. Arabella did not know what to do.

Ask him to

you go to bed ?, her bed and leave it ?, Titus make a funny comment

and drag him upstairs?

Well, I have to finish some things said Titus-. Good night,

She kissed Geraldine Arabella with parsimonia-. I will not bother you, dear.

I sleep little, Titus -the face of Geraldine denoted alarm. Am

sure I'll be awake when you finish affirmed honeyed voice while


Percy was on the top floor waiting for them.

'I think that cats are dirty animals Geraldine said.

'Have you seen a cat wiping? It's a shame that some beings

humans are not as thorough.

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The house was silent. Once in his room, Arabella undressed,

her robe and went downstairs on tiptoe. Bassett and Beauty were in the kitchen.

Always going to see them before bedtime. They were already asleep, but woke

when he entered. We said good night, sitting between the two, with one arm

around each. It had been a horrible day and was glad that

It was over.

Though maybe tomorrow he told them that much worse.

Soon he came back up silently without realizing that Titus had

open the office door and watched.

Geraldine 'Is not you? Titus wanted to know while preparing for

get out.

'I wanted breakfast in bed factly replied Arabella.

Did you see it? Want me to tell you?

Would you mind telling you I organized a visit to the Royal College of

Doctors at eleven in the front door? I'll be back on the five He

he came to the door. Have I said how lovely you were last night?

He left before I could answer, which was fortunate, because

fumed at the thought that strolled with Geraldine by the College of

Doctors. I did not know precisely what it was or what it is visited, but it was


knowing they were going to spend the morning there and probably eat together.

He rose to give the message to Geraldine and noted with satisfaction that his guest,

who dressed seemed to have a wonderful guy in the bed looked smooth and

simply, fat.

I'll eat outside Geraldine said no thank Arabella and while

biting one toast. A Titus liked my company, 'glanced

sly. But you know that already.

No, I do not know. At least, I know your version. Tell me.

'I have loved many men, but only one which would

married: Titus. You have said that he wanted to marry me-not wait for an answer

-. But then he was a fool. He wanted to make his mark in the world of medicine


I rejected every time he came to Leiden. It was a mistake: two brilliant minds like

our were destined to merge into one. I do not blame her for marrying

you; you have nothing that can come between us. You do not count: no

you are neither intelligent nor beautiful. Although I'm sure you're a good person.


I'm not jealous. You are his wife, but does not want you, which, in my view, a

woman who loves him is obvious.

What a interesting! Arabella could not stand more. But if we

talking you'll be late. If you've finished breakfast I take the tray.

Do you know how to get there? No, so take a taxi or ask a guard.

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It was with Percy and dogs when Geraldine went to say goodbye. He accompanied

at the door and after close, it was said that mourn him good, so he leaned against it

and sobbed and moaned for a while. After washed his face, powdered her nose and

He took the coffee that took Mrs. Turner, who carefully avoided looking at him


swollen and red nose.

That woman said Mrs. Turner to Betty , one of the girls who was going to help

-. I would like to get my hands on. The doctor must have lost his mind.

And do not ever say anything about it or I'll give the roller.

Arabella took the dogs for a walk. At lunchtime, he did not eat. You

Mrs. Turner said she was going shopping and would return to snack time.

I had no idea where he was going. He spent a taxi, stopped him and asked him to

take her

Oxford Street, because it was the first place that came to mind. They had on the

Christmas lights and sidewalks were crowded with people buying. I walked

slowly, pausing to contemplate the windows. He bought several things that neither

needed or liked especially: a scarf, socks and a

big earrings jewelry. When he returned was outstanding. We were

ridiculous, but shook his head to watch them glow and sway. Were left positions


went down to lunch in the company of animals.

'Dr Tulsma' I returned an hour ago Mrs. Turner said. It is

resting. Did I tell you I have already served tea?

Geraldine appeared five minutes later. Arabella handed him a cup of tea and

buns and asked him what he had done.

'It was a gorgeous day said very loudly. I had never

so much fun. We talked a lot and have eaten well. I do not know how

to separate from you.

Do you have to go back soon? He tried not to look enchanted.

Dear Arabella, duty calls. Flight tonight. I called a taxi

before returning.

-What You call a taxi? Arabella repeated. You mean you're a

about to leave?

-Indeed he glanced at his watch. Within about ten minutes.

Titus isn't waiting for? It will be disappointed, and I'm sure you'll

airport would.

-and We have fired. We must be content with these brief visits.

We already see again.

He rose to his stuff and Arabella, dazed by the suddenness of it all, is

fired and wished him good trip.

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You're very nice. I understand that Titus is found in you exactly

kind of wife you need: undemanding, allowing you to live your life and lacking

Child romantic ideas. Goodbye, Arabella.

He escorted her to the waiting taxi and closed the door. Mrs. Turner,

that appeared in the hallway, looked at his face.

I'll prepare another pot, lady. Sit back and take it. I'm not one to

say, but it's nice to be home again quiet.

It's a very beautiful woman with Arabella said weakly.

-The Beauty is on the inside. Return to the living room to sit in front of the

fireplace and

I'll bring tea.

Arabella took a little and leaned back in his chair, with Percy on his lap and

dogs stretched at his feet. The day's events were strangers and

course had the sentence of death of any hope on

Titus feelings toward her. Geraldine had made clear that he would have married

Titus had it not been because he would not abandon his career and although

Arabella hated her, did not believe that he had told a pack of lies about it.

Titus had made clear before they married, they were friends and that love is not

had nothing to do.

She sat with tea forgotten, when her husband entered.

Hey, where is Geraldine? -were the first unfortunate words

he delivered.

Ago-half hour left to Arabella airport stood on the


'How unexpected! He sat there in front of her. Did they called to come back?

'You have to pretend, Titus. He told me what yours. Ye despedisteis this

Later after lunch, right? He would know that swallowed the lump that

tears had formed in her throat. All I feel is that you be both

so unhappy. Sure you can solve. These days it is easy and not

like ...

Before you continue with this story, Arabella, let's speak frankly

and said in a low voice and with a cold hard look. Let's talk bluntly me you're

saying that Geraldine and I are in love, we are unhappy and that you,

very kindly, you want a divorce.

That's what I said, with sufficient clarity as to who understood

even an idiot. I know I need a wife; I guess all men with

a profession in need. But why did you choose me? She she replied

herself. I'm not picky, I let you live your life and not have childish ideas

Romantic: were his own words.

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-¿Eso You say? It seems that Geraldine told you many things. And the believed?

I did not want to believe it, really. But someone like her, an important doctor and

renowned not lie. Besides, you said you wanted to get married for the wrong


so there would be someone when you come home, a companion, someone who

end up with attempts to marry your friends. I accepted because I knew nothing of


Do not you want to hear my side?

It's natural and human want. But I do not want ... I'm sure

talking about it will make you feel bad.

Not'm going to feel bad, Arabella, but blind with rage, and if you keep sitting there

I full of tenderness and understanding, I'll wring your neck.

In that case, I'll go sit somewhere else.

He left quickly grabbing Percy hard and went to the kitchen to say he had

headache and went to bed.

'You some dinner?

-Do Not. thx. Dr. dine at the usual time.

The doctor had served a drink and had reseated. It was sunk

in thought for a while, but ended up laughing.

-¡Vaya A pair of fools we are made! said the dogs, which

showed their understanding and went back to sleep.

'Madame has gone to sleep he informed Mrs. Turner with gravity,

as she poured the soup. Having migraine and no wonder. Maybe not me

appropriate to say, but this friend of yours has upset the lady.

'This soup is delicious. The Tulsma Dr. and Mrs. Tavener have little

in common. And his visit was unexpected glanced at his faithful housekeeper. I

think it is

unlikely to visit again.

'I think very well, sir, because I do not like seeing impaired lady,

how sweet it is, as you no doubt know.

No doubt. Want to turn up some dinner? A light snack is often better


Arabella, strengthened by a delicious light dinner, slept soundly and

It came down to breakfast. He did not want to apologize, did not see the reason; the

end of the day had

I wanted to wring his neck. It was he who should apologize. He sat in front of him,

He poured a cup of coffee, took the plate of scrambled eggs offered and gave the

good morning politely.

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Do you feel better? he asked with a carefree attitude that

annoyed at once. Nothing like sleep to restore vision

normal things.

My view of things is exactly the same as yesterday she said in a voice

frost while on a buttered toast. It makes no sense to continue

talking about it.

Maybe not now. Do you remain in your absurd accusations, Arabella? -

His voice was soft, but had a nasty tone.

Arabella thought with a slight shudder, she must be very

angry, though his face calm. Although it was not going to scare.

Yes, said clearly-and are not absurd. You said in Holland

Geraldine was one of the most honest and trustworthy doctors who had known. No


You're going to accuse of lying, right?

I have to go, 'he said without looking at the clock to answer your question.

Today I have a lot of work. If nothing strange happens, I will be back at six. How

about dinner with

Marshall? Very well. Within a couple of days, when you've calmed down, talk


I do not want to talk quietly. I have nothing more to say.

I'm surprised. I, however, have much to say. There will be time

when we are in the cottage.

She put her hand on his shoulder to get out and made contact, suddenly the

Her eyes fill with tears. She loved him, and he was behaving so

wrong. She was not sure how to do this, as it seemed that he had not given

proved sweet and understanding.

Christmas was coming. He wrapped more gifts, Christmas cards placed by

around the room, as they had sent them many, and devoted much time to make a

centerpiece with flowers and holly. He was very nice; so was the tree

Christmas was in front of the window, with the twinkling lights and balls


He recalled that the next day would go several wives of doctors for coffee. The

I had known at home in Marshall and it seemed a good idea to invite them to take

coffee. He realized that inspired them curious, but were too polite

to prove it. It would be nice to be part of your circle.

He took the dogs for a walk and then went to make last minute purchases. Had

left for last gift Titus, hoping to reach one

miraculous inspiration on what you would like. Had it all. The only thing I could

windows do was watch and wait for something to appear. Although he was

angry with him and feel miserable, loved him. It had to be something special.

What he gave to a man who had everything? He found him in a small bookstore,

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packed to the rafters with rare books and old maps and prints: one of the first

editions of the Canterbury Tales , Chaucer, with the original text. He remembered

Titus had mentioned that interested him and, if he was not mistaken, only had the

modern version. He took it, thinking that it might be the first and last

gift you would. I had the uncomfortable feeling that the quiet talk that

had proposed would bring a future that did not want to contemplate.

For dinner of Marshall, took great pains to dress: donned a dress

green velvet, long sleeves and high neck and as I had time, there was a

complicated bun.

Titus had returned when he came down the hall. He sat with dogs reading

the newspaper, but rose when she entered.

I'm going to change. Have you drawn to dogs?

Yes, they have already walked.

-very Well. Want a drink?

No, thank She sat down and Percy is up to lap while Bassett was

laps around the chair.

Did you have a good day?

Yes, thank you. Tomorrow morning will come some people for coffee.

I'll be out all day, probably late. Do not wait up for me.

I guess you're too busy she said politely.

-Yup. I have to go to Leiden in the morning, but will return in time to go home


He left the room, leaving her terrified. You would see Geraldine, of course,

tell him what had happened and, when he returned, talk and Titus would break the


A dinner at the home of the Marshall came uncrowded; Arabella knew them

all. The house was decorated with Christmas and the atmosphere was clearly

festive. They dined quietly while chatting casually. It was

Later when they left and said goodbye by wishing the best for the holidays.

'It was a beautiful evening. I've had very good, 'said Arabella,

staring, coming into the house. I'm going to bed. Do you marches early?

-Yup. Do I give hints Cressida?

-¿La You go see?

-Yup. Who thought I would see, Arabella?

Well Geraldine course.

Ah, yes, of course 'She turned to go to the office. Good night.

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Once there he sat across the desk. Despite being a man of brilliant

intelligence, had not been enough to realize when it had

love with Arabella. As I had not stopped thinking about it since the moment

he met her, he supposed it was love at first sight, but had not been

conscious even when he asked her to marry him, I just knew it was something

he wanted.

He tugged gently Bassett ears, because the animal had risen to

lap and put his hand on the head of Beauty .

When he told them again, Arabella and I need to talk. Maybe when

we cleared this misunderstanding is able to learn to love.

Arabella down to breakfast alone, determined to fill your day of activities not

have time to think. I had to wrap the latest gifts and give the

last instructions to Mrs. Turner, who would stay in the house at Christmas,

although they would go to visit relatives. At the request of Titus, Arabella would


Christmas food in abundance. Titus had several appointments after the holidays, so

they had planned to return to the cottage on the last day, too late. While

half listening what Mrs. Turner's Day dinner back told,

wondered whether it would be good idea to stay a while in the field. All

would seem natural, given the situation in which the marriage was, it was the most


The day seemed long even though they tried to keep busy. Just

back with the dogs when the phone rang. The cold voice seemed very Titus

close. He could not return that night; would the next day afternoon, but would

directly to the hospital.

-are You okay? wanted to know.

Yes, thank you though had tried to add something, did not

opportunity, given the rapid fired from her husband.

Although not in the mood, spent the rest of the afternoon deciding what

lead to the cottage. The day he was interminable. The morning coffee was

occupied part of the morning, and although he had laughed, talked and enjoyed the

company of his guests, he had felt ashamed before his comments on

newly married and rosy future.

Titus returned early the next day afternoon. He came unexpectedly

way to hospital. Arabella, who was making an artistic tie to a package,

raised in surprise.

I need a thing of the office he explained. I will be back at five. Will you be

ready to go soon?

-Yup. Will you drink before we leave? ¿Sandwiches and coffee?


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I -Merendaré hospital. We have dinner when we arrive. Telephones

to Butter, please, and tell him we'll be there around eight and have dinner.

He had spoken with kindness, but she realized she was impatient

leave. His hands trembled under the handful of tapes.

They left well before six, after giving your gift to Mrs.

Turner. The streets were full of traffic, because of Christmas, and took a

while to get to the highway. Titus had not opened his mouth.

Arabella tried to start a conversation a few times, but as only

monosyllables received in response, was silent. "Christmas," he thought with

bitterness. The former was terrible, because his parents had just died and

future looked bleak. But that would be worse, and the future remained the same

gloomy. How not going to be if she loved a man who was in love with

another woman?

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Chapter 9 There was a Christmas tree full of lights across the gate of the house of

field, and the light came pouring from the many windows of the building. Stopping

facing the door. Arabella heard the barking of Duke , who responded Beauty and

Bassett with such joy that almost left deaf. Titus he got out, opened the

door and let the dogs out the back of the vehicle, while

Shopping grabbed Percy . Arabella briefly stared around.

Butter had opened the door and Duke had come barreling to

receive and then three dogs had been running through the garden. Butter behind

another Christmas tree was visible in the lobby. Arabella sighed; Titus gave him

a quick look I did not see.

Welcome, gentlemen -Butter grinning from ear to ear. Dinner is les

waiting when ready. Mrs. Tavener and wish to dine Miss Welling

with you.

-¡Pues Clear! Arabella exclaimed. It will be a pleasure. I will greet his wife.

Titus had brought Percy basket. Arabella took him in his arms and

He went to the kitchen, glad to get away from the eyes of her husband.

Shortly afterwards dined together, and even Miss Welling seemed content

and two glasses of wine drank. Mrs. Tavener would not stop asking questions, to

which Titus willingly answered, turning frequently Arabella

for confirmation. Whatever their differences in private, had

they remain just that: private.

The old woman went immediately to bed, accompanied by the faithful Miss


slightly tipsy.

-Querría Observed Titus- talk, but I think that so far, no

Feel like listening.

Well not He sat near the fire hall, with Percy curled in

lap. I'm still angry and hurt. If you do not mind waiting a few days until

I again feel good, I'll listen.

But you will agree that we must bury the hatchet

during these days. I do not want to upset my grandmother, or obscure the laborious

preparations servitude arranged. They've been here so long that

then they would realize that something is wrong.

Yes, I agree. I will do my best to please you She paused

-. Can I stay a few days after the holidays? Only until you return to

following week. I think good idea. What about you? It's easier to see added

respondía- not you look at things from a distance. Do you understand?

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Yes, but certainly also depends on how you look: clearly and

sincerity or blinded by erroneous feelings.

-¿Sentimientos? 'I asked with shrill voice. You're the one who is blind!

She rose siding to Percy -. I am very tired. Good night.

He had reached the door before she reached her. Smiling

slightly and kissed her before she could face away.

You're a grouch 'I said and laughed.

Which, as was natural, made to lie down to mourn Arabella as he reached

your room.

Christmas Eve he awoke with the certainty that I had to hide their

feelings. Besides the extra bustle in the house, carolers

arrive late in the afternoon, had to go to church to carry a bouquet of flowers

greenhouse and had a Christmas meal for children in the auditorium

the people. It was to be a busy day and thanked God for it.

She dressed carefully, knowing what was expected of her. Titus nodded


'We will see in the baby food he said cordially, after

breakfast for all to see who had separated on the best terms the

night before. I have a few things to do while you go to church. We'll go

Midnight Mass. Also come my grandmother, Miss Welling and Butter.

Sounds good. Did you also Shall we go to Mass tomorrow morning?

-Yup. It usually takes us all morning, so we usually give gifts

to come back here, before eating. I guess you've already seen Mrs. Butter.

-Yup. Has arranged beautifully.

It was the assistant cook when my grandmother came here, newlywed. Should

being very young. Would thirteen or fourteen. Since then he has been here all


But married Butter.

-for That time there was a butler in the house. The service was very

cheap. Butter worked under him until he learned to drive. Since then

was our driver and that leads me home. It's more than a servant, is an old

friend, like Mrs Butter, which gave me bread slices with beef fat.

I was always hungry and in those days, the fat of the meat was delicious.

You went happy here? she asked, looking at the plate and imagined a

hungry child eating bread slices.

-Yup. And I will be. I can not say that, for now, be happy added


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Nor I, 'said Arabella, in a tone of voice he hoped was

sensible. Perhaps it was this the right time to talk on the table

Breakfast and the cold light of morning.

But there seemed to be that. Butter came to tell who had already cut

greenhouse flowers, if Arabella wanted to see them and give their approval after


I'm going now. I have already affirmed it ended suddenly anxious

Titus away from sitting so close to her and yet so far.

The flowers were beautiful and Arabella spared no praise.

'I'm taking them now. I will soon go to the church to place.

The new coat was placed with hat bought in a fit of

waste. It was a very soft felt, narrow wing. He was totally game

coat and he liked. He also liked the boots, very modern,

that enhanced his little feet. As it was Christmas, put a scarf around his neck

green cartoon holly. It was discussed in the mirror and thought it was not bad,

though Titus was not going to notice. This waiting below, I immensely within the


Shall we walk? 'I asked. We will separate in the church. I guess

you'll be a while there. At eleven we expect to have coffee in the rectory. Us

See you there.

They left together and Butter, who was watching, thought they were doing good

significant other. Only the doctor could have gotten such a perfect lady. Arabella,

while walking with Titus, he was surprised to realize that, despite

the fight, he felt very comfortable with him, listening to his informal chat. He,

I used to make their patients feel good, he watched her face

expressive and was satisfied.

He left the church after speaking briefly with the pastor, his arm

around the shoulders of Arabella. This led to the place where you had to

Laying flowers as he expatiated on the magnificent nature of the doctor.

She looks like her father she said. He has done much for the people, but not him

Like they know He gave her a grin. But of course you will not have

secrets, dear lady Tavener.

They met again at the rectory, where they drank coffee with son and daughter in


pastor and his sons. All talking at once and they kept serve scones.

Arabella, who apologized for getting ready before going to the hall of the people,

recalled that Titus uncles come to snack time and wondered if they would

as funny as the family priest. Hat is placed well, dusted the

nose and returned to accompany Titus people.

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The food was noisy child: children fought and girls, with their

Best Dressed at first seemed shy, but then made more noise than

children. They ate everything served them at a long table and drank huge

amounts of lemonade before removing firecrackers, put paper hats

and huddling around the Christmas tree for packages that would

give Arabella, who was having a great time. He had removed his coat,

I had put a paper hat and sang above his voice to children

smooth and clear.

Titus was delighted. The world was a wonderful place, and only Arabella and he

inhabited. He smiled slightly: he was too old to have that kind of

romantic thoughts. If she let him explain what had happened to

Geraldine ... But it would have to wait for the right time to do. While

both should hide their differences; maybe it was a good idea for her to stay in the


They returned home with dogs running around. They took a sherry

Mrs. Tavener. They ate heartily chatting happily and then

separated: Mrs Tavener went to rest, the Welling miss, to read in voice

high, Titus went to his office and Arabella, to inspect the rooms of the

invited to check that everything was in order. There would be six guests the day

Christmas, and eight more would go to lunch the next day, it was a holiday in


He looked out a window overlooking the rear of the building and saw Titus


with dogs. He seemed very pleased with his hands in his pockets, whistling.

He felt a strong desire to be with him. But he went downstairs and spent half an


talking to Mrs. Butter.

Guests arrived at teatime. First, the son of Mrs.

Tavener, a man with gray hair stiff and reserved attitude shook hands and

He asked her to call him Uncle Tom, and his wife, Aunt Mary, wearing thick

glasses and

muttered that it was a shame that parents of Titus were not there to see his

daughter in law.

'Uncle Tom is the youngest son of my grandmother she explained Titus-. Come


my cousins.

There were three young men, Bill, Thomas and Mark, and a girl, Josephine, the

Arabella same age. They shook hands and she realized that the

watched with interest. Thomas, a young serious aspect that seemed to cost

He smiled, was the first to speak.

-Empezábamos To believe that Titus would not marry.

As is the householder ... 'said Mark, a young cheerful with a

cautivadora- smile. I wish I had seen first. I am also a doctor and not

I've had time to get married, let alone find a woman to love -

Thomas drew his head. Just to promise, and Josephine is about to

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do. Before you know it, family gatherings will be full of


Everyone laughed, even Thomas, and sat down to tea by the fireplace.

Soon, Arabella was to help Mrs. Butter to set the table for dinner.

For some time they had spoken the menu: smoked salmon, lamb chops

garnished with vegetables and cream cake and fruit. The table was lovely.

Very happy, was to change.

It was past one when he went to bed. The church had been crowded and,

after Mass, no one seemed in a hurry, but everyone stayed to

express their good wishes. A lady Tavener had to convince her to

they were. Arabella had accompanied her to her room and left her in bed

with a hot drink.

You're lovely 'said the old woman. Titus is a lucky man.

In the morning, Arabella thought, as he sat beside Aunt Mary, who

Titus was perhaps not agree. They ate quietly before going to the

church. Upon returning, the whole family, in the company of Butter, met around

Christmas tree. Arabella and Titus handed out gifts, and, as everyone

had brought a gift for everyone else, the room quickly filled

colored papers. When he gave the ultimate gift, Arabella sat open

own. Titus sat with her on the couch, while passing a tray Butter

champagne glasses.

Why is it that we're both open packages? Titus said.

It's the result of curiosity, very natural 'I replied as he admired the

shawl Josephine had given him. He had once seen the gift letter

Titus on the label and left it on purpose to go. Dogs and Percy will

they had a gift, that Titus had bought, just as she had

acquired that had done to him. Everyone was opening presents and

nobody watched. She felt his hand in hers.

How did you know I collect old books?

I've taken a look at the library here and Little Venice. I hope

you like.

-I Love him. Thank you, dear.

Arabella opened the box of Titus. They were diamonds set earrings

Gold, a miniature replica of the necklace.

They're beautiful and matching the necklace 'I looked questioningly.

-The've Sent do.

But only a couple of weeks ago you gave me the necklace ...

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I knew you'd give he explained patiently and before we

marry. And I thought you would earrings fine.

-¿Los Took care he paused and continued softly before

we went to Holland? She swallowed the tears.

You two, what are you whispering? Mark cried. What has given you

Titus? It has to be something wonderful for you to shine and eyes.

Arabella got up and went to sit with him to teach pendant. All

They swarmed around them to see them.

You've got to wear them 'said Aunt Mary. Are not you going to thank the

gift? Come on, it's Christmas.

After putting them on, Arabella had no choice but to go back to the couch. Titus

had risen and Arabella stretched to kiss him on the cheek. But he took in

his arms and kissed her in a way that left her breathless.

Oh! Arabella shouted at him. She saw his eyes shone and her blue was

more intense.

It's a shame that we are not alone, 'he said softly, and dropped in the middle of

an explosion of jokes and laughter.

The rest of the day seemed unreal to Arabella. It had been the food and

snack, with new faces and names to remember and then had been a

quiet moments while the guests rose to their rooms

change for dinner. She had turned brown dress and necklace and

diamond earrings. They took a cocktail of champagne and ate turkey. He sat

Titus against the oval table and tried not to look at him, which he found very


The next day, with the house full of guests and townspeople who had

gone for a drink, was so busy I did not have time to talk to him. Era

the best. She was confused by the kiss he had given her, maybe he'd kissed her


because the family was present. When they were alone he would ask. Yet

Geraldine had to talk.

Titus returned to London after dinner and left there until the weekend,

they would pick her up. He walked to the door, once he had dismissed


Well, there is no doubt that we have made peace well he remarked Titus

with a slight smile.

I think ... 'began Arabella, but stopped at the sound of

phone ring in the hall table.

-¿Señora Turner? -Titus Got to aparato-. Is something wrong? How Leiden? Did he


I would tonight? Well looked at his watch. I'll be there in two or

three hours hung up.

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It was Geraldine said Arabella.

If you say it ... She shot a cold stare. His face was completely


He left without speaking or looking at her, and because she loved him so much he


instinctively that he was enraged.

-Conduce Carefully, please.

The car started without it would run a single glance. Arabella

He remained in the entry steps, shivering, until they disappeared lights

rear of the vehicle. When reentered, your guests attributed her pallor to

fact separating from her husband. He was surrounded by people who

tried to encourage her to drink and offered him recommended him to go to bed.

With all these emotions said Aunt Mary, you must be exhausted. And

everything went swimmingly, dear. We understand how you feel. Break Away

it's hard. But the wife of a doctor ...

The next day they all left after eating. Mrs. Tavener and

assistant retreated to their part of the house, leaving Arabella in the company of

animals. He had telephoned to London that morning and Mrs. Turner

had said that the doctor had left the hospital.

He looked exhausted said Mrs. Turner. With all those calls

phone just when it should be lying ...

Yes, Leiden calls.

That's it, lady. Not stopped ringing the phone. There must be a patient,

because the doctor said he would call later.

Arabella wished he had not made that call, because he only got the

day will prove more difficult. A long walk with the dogs helped her feel

better. Butter as they were going into town with his friends, had to be dinner.

A salad and scrambled eggs prepared, and put the coffee. He ate in

the kitchen table, picked up and went to watch TV. After a while he went out,

It took a sudden decision and called back to London. Mrs. Turner

responded again and seemed surprised when Arabella said he wanted to talk

with her husband.

He's gone to Holland, lady, very quickly. You will return tomorrow. I guess the

He called from there.

Sure yes Arabella replied at once. If he had to take the plane,

I would not have had time to give me many explanations. It would be urgent.

He thought that since I was alone, I had time to reflect. How did that

Titus had displeased spend Christmas there, playing the role of the perfect

host and husband. "Sure made the excuse of work in the hospital to return

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asap. What would you have said Geraldine to have had to go to Leiden

in such a hurry? "He took a magazine beside him and began to make pieces. The

exercise gave him some satisfaction, although I would have preferred that the

Geraldine magazine out. He experienced some relief, although he would have been


greater relief.

Two days before Titus returned. The filled with ceaseless activity:

brushed the pony and donkey, took long walks with the dogs, went to the


to tell the delicious Christmas had happened, he visited several ladies

town, eager to enroll her in various associations and activities ... Finally

Friday came and still no news of Titus. Nevertheless, I had a long

talk with Mrs. Butter on weekend meals. He said he believed

Titus arrive that night. I was excited at the thought of seeing him again, despite

it seemed inevitable that they were arguing, and heart, and badly damaged,

partírsele end up completely.

Late in the afternoon he decided suddenly that he could not cope with Titus.

Would and would go down the path that was in the back of the house, where

could see the lights of the car. When he had entered the house again. The

Butter were in the room, so went to the kitchen and headed for the door

overlooking the garden, beside which there were old hats and coats and wellies.


put a jacket and boots lady Butter and left.

It was still light, although there were clouds in the hills. No one knew if carried

flashlight. He decided not to, buttoned his jacket and walked.

The path to be followed was very steep. It came to him through the

blocks, to give carrots grown in the garden Bess and Jerry . When I had almost

finishing up the hill and saw the tops of the trees on top of the hill, and

it was dark. Clouds, before distant, were above his head, and began

to the first drops. While watching the village from the top, there was a

sudden gust of wind, and the trees swayed and creaked. Although not

nervous, Arabella wanted to be home, safe beside the fireplace.

You could go down the shortcut, a narrow path that had traveled once with

Titus. To do this I had to climb a little higher, but I thought you might find


trees, despite the growing darkness. He was right. It started to rain

hard; water became sleet as the wind was cold.

Found the path a few feet away, turned left to go to town,

stepped forward and fell into a ravine. It was full of leaves and there were

inches of water. She stood a moment, too surprised to

react. He got up slowly, brushed off his clothes and looked for a way out of there.

It was not a very deep ravine, but the walls were slick with the

ferns and damp earth. When he grabbed a fern, stayed with him in the

hand and landed in a puddle. I had to climb these walls before

darkened at all, so that circled carefully, palpándolas to find a

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place to support the foot, but there was none, neither large nor stones

I could amass.

"Possession," he thought. Although it was not scary nature, he felt a

twinge of fear at the thought of having to spend the night there. They said firmly

would not have to. The would miss at home. It was a pity that no

had brought a flashlight. If the wind stopped, I could scream. But in those

now would be a waste of breath. "The only thing I'm missing is a pair of rats'

she thought sadly.

The doctor stopped at the house with a sigh. He was talking to

Arabella, whether she wanted it or not, but before the kiss in ...

He received animals and Butter, which dedicated a big smile, the

while deploring the sudden arrival of bad weather, they offered tea and told

the lady was in the lounge. But he was not.

He took a cup of tea here after taking the dogs said Mrs.

Butterworth. It will be up. I'll call her.

Do not bother. Already I said Titus. He took the stairs two at a time,

He knocked on the door and entered. Arabella was not there, of course. He walked


room and went downstairs.

I do not think it has left said Mrs. Butterworth. I have already said that

he had taken the dogs and also we would have heard the front door, because

We were in the dining room and from there you will hear when closing.

Let's see the back door said the doctor. Missing Something? asked

while removing coats and coats hanging from it.

-My Boots suddenly 'said Mrs. Butterworth. I put them on this morning.

They were here. I wear them to go into the garden.

-Look For a flashlight, Butter, and go to town to see if anyone has seen

Mrs. Tavener. I'll climb up the path. Shake flashlight if found. I

I'll do the same.

He put an old raincoat, decided not to put boots because none were

their number, grabbed the flashlight that had brought Mrs. Butter and opened the

gate. The wind caught her breath while swirled dogs

around him, wanting to help. They walked up the path to very rapid pace,

pausing frequently to Titus to call with a voice Arabella

rivaled the wind.

Arabella heard. I was numb with cold and had frozen feet, despite

boots and not staying still. He had tried unsuccessfully to climb.

She was scared, and answering cry was barely a whimper. But again

try and Titus responded with another scream. A minute later, it was made eternal,

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saw a flashlight shining and raised his eyes to find four pairs of eyes that

watched, while the dogs barked happily have found.

But what a fool, 'said the doctor with a tender voice that almost Arabella

he began to mourn.

Not ye fall OMG she said.

Titus was examining the walls of the ravine, after ordering sit


Listen to me carefully. Go to the other end, that is; Hence the wall is a bit

lower. I'm going to lie down. Raise your arms all you can, and you'll catch

I will draw.

Not able. Weight lot.

Another of your ridiculous comments he laughed. He waved his flashlight in hopes

that Butter saw her and stretched his huge body in soggy soil. It was raining

seas, but I did not realize. He lowered his arms and caught cold hands of Arabella.

It landed in a pile of dirt beside her, covered with pieces of fern and

grass and soaked. Titus came up and helped her up.

Thank you, Titus he said, and began to mourn while he held her. He rang the

nose and tears dried. Sorry.

My dear girl, 'he said in a voice she had never heard.

He could have said more, but appeared Butter chugging uphill.

He contented himself, therefore, to kiss her.

'Madame has fallen into a ravine. It is cold and wet. Want

forward and tell his wife to prepare a hot bath?

Butter ran off. Titus Arabella scooped up and started to decline,

while the dogs trotted beside her.

-I Can walk, 'she said. He had called her "dearest child." Had she

I said to cheer? And that kiss? Something to remember for a long time.

The Butter were at the door with a bottle of cognac.

Ah, said Titus-, just what we need.

I do not like the cognac said Arabella.

It was a comment that the doctor, quite rightly, made no case.

Arabella drank at his impassive gaze. Then he returned to take into

arms, this time without the jacket, and carried her upstairs. Half an hour later, dry,

hot and clean, Arabella down.

Not have to dress, ma'am informed Mrs. Butterworth. The doctor says

that a gown and go to bed early.

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First, however, they had to talk. Titus was waiting in the lounge. His appearance

was that of someone who has not been approached a ravine in his life: the picture

rich gentleman who has all the time in the world. Arabella came slowly.

Geraldine would be difficult to ask him, but I had to.

-Titus ... He began.

He was found in his arms before he could utter another word.

Before you say anything, darling, I love you. I think I have always

loved, but had not realized. And before you throw me in the face of

Geraldine, I want you to know that I care a damn woman that I never have

Imported least. If you had not been so nosy and you had

determined to be with her all the time, you would realize your own. Y,

Yes, I went to Holland, because the mother suffered a stroke Aldrik -the looked at


And okay, honey?

I love you ... and I think I'm jealous.

There are ways to remedy that observed Titus. They saw that the faithful Butter

came to announce that dinner was ready and retired discreetly.

Always remember this day, my love Titus said after a while.

Me too, 'said Arabella and kissed her again.

Eighteen months later he was remembering that day, sitting by the window

the lounge with an open letter in one hand and a baby in the other arm.

Dad comes home, treasure, listen ...

He read the letter, this time aloud to your child's heard, though not

meant nothing to her tender ears.

My dearest love:

When you read this letter I'll be on my way home. I've missed you so much. The

week has seemed interminable without you. I guess you and our son sitting on

lounge reading these words ... Am I wrong? I can not wait for us to get back


Why the important people always get sick in remote locations? The

man is recovering. You will be taken back home by plane next week and

I can treat it without having to leave you.

Do not know which will land an hour, but will be with you as soon as possible.



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