death of fire

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  • 7/26/2019 Death of Fire


    Death Of Fire

    By Conor Pennington

    Ahh! screamed Conor as bolts of fire came rolling down the volcano. It

    had been a blur of how this happened, which was maing it hard for himto remember when the volcano started erupting. addie, Conor, Ben, and

    "annah were on a bush wal at the #olcano $ands. #olcano $ands was a

    mountain range which had mountains and a volcano formed there and

    wasn%t a very high tourist attraction but they lied it. After that, he

    remembered them splitting up and he heard weird sounds. &hen he

    remembered the volcano e'ploding. Conor started to worry about how

    everyone else was, how they were coping with the eruption and if they

    were oay. (espite being worried, he had to get it off his mind for now

    and continue to run. Conor was running from the flowing lava at thespeed of lightning but he still wasn%t running at a fast enough speed. "e

    new he didn%t have far to run before the lava burnt him. "e looed for

    side rocs on the mountains beside the volcano to )ump onto but he didn%t

    see one that would mathematically be close enough to )ump onto. It was

    either die rising his life to save it or die running from the fast erupting

    lava. "e definitely wanted to live so he had to attempt to live. *ith all his

    might, he )umped to the closest ledge, )ust getting his hands on it. "e

    pulled himself up. "e had survived the eruption. *ith survival, he now

    started to climb up the mountain and find everyone else.

    *hen he got to the top, he had a very good view of the entire #olcano

    $ands. "e could see ma)ority of the lands, the smoe and ash from the

    eruption to the remaining trees and grass. +n a ledge a little lower, he

    spotted addie and "annah with Ben nowhere to be seen. Conor climbed

    down to them. "e saw "annah%s leg badly burnt from the lava.

    *here%s Ben ased Conor.

    *e don%t now, addie replied, I%ve got through to help via the radioand there will be a search party out for Ben while detectives investigate

    the volcano for answers on why it erupted. Conor was )ust about to reply

    until he slipped on the bandage and fell off the ledge. It was a twenty

    metre drop to the ne't ledge, but lucy for everyone, Ben was found on

    the ledge Conor fell on. Ben was an A-grade student at econdary chool

    and new all about first-aid. /uys! I found Ben on this ledge below you.

    Although, my anle is very sore now. Can0 yelled Conor before Ben cut


    I%m checing his anle out. 1ust let the investigators now that I%ve been

    found and Conor%s been in)ured. addie radioed through to find out the

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    investigators were on their way which was a good thing for "annah and

    Conor who had been in)ured the most. Ben and addie only had cuts and

    bruises on them.

    About five minutes later, the plane of the five investigators came down.addie climbed up the mountain to see if they needed help. "ello

    investigators, what are your names and do you need any help 2sually

    the greeter would be Conor but he couldn%t wal, let alone climb. "i. I%m

    Adrian and the other four of us are $ue, Aaron, 1ae, and 3ory. &oday,

    we won%t be needing any help but than you very much for asing,

    replied Adrian. Conor, addie, and Ben were very good friends with

    Adrian. $ue and Aaron stretchered "annah up into their plane by using

    ropes which pulled the stretcher up. &hey then did the same thing with

    Conor. "annah%s leg was severely burnt and Conor%s anle was lightlysprained. Adrian waled away from the stretchers and went to addie. "e

    waled so casually. "ey addie. I should probably tell you that 3ory and

    I will be staying in the #olcano $ands for the ne't few days to investigate

    the eruption. &here was radio activity sensed on the radar during the

    eruption. If there is radio activity around, if it e'plodes again, I may not

    survive. It too a while for addie to tae in. If I don%t tae this )ob,

    then my position will lose money. I don%t want you to tell anyone. addie

    was beside herself. he was almost in tears. It was a hard decision she

    had to mae, almost as hard as choosing between sittles and shapes.he agreed with Adrian that she would eep the secret. he gave him

    possibly his last hug as a friend. (espite still going on the plane, she

    regretted leaving him. he new Conor would be so upset when he found

    out this news. &he plane too lift-off, leaving Adrian and 3ory in the

    eruption 4one.

    Adrian and 3ory started their adventure down the mountain to the

    volcano. &hey had to get to the bottom of this radio activity sensed. If

    there was, they didn%t have long to find it and shut it down. 3ory, as he

    was climbing down, discovered a secret tunnel that lead to the volcano.

    Adrian decided to tae this pathway while 3ory too the longer way. *hen

    Adrian split up with 3ory, his heart started pounding. "e new this how

    the other guys almost died. "e waled into the tunnel slowly at first but

    sped up a little as he new there wasn%t long left before the volcano

    erupted again under radio activity. It was starting to turn into a race

    against time. "e was speed waling through the tunnel until he came to a

    mysterious hole in the ground. *hy would there be a hole in the middle of

    a tunnel It seemed very creepy to him. "e decided to see if there was

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    anyone stuc down the hole by dropping something down there. "e

    piced up a small, blac pebble so he could see if there was any reaction.

    Adrian dropped it and he heard it hit the ground after about five seconds.

    A scary monster started forming in front of Adrian. It was very fiery which

    caused the tunnel to suddenly become very warm. Adrian startedbecoming as wobbly as a )elly. "e felt a shoc go right through him. &hen

    he heard a rumble. It was happening. &he worst possible thought was

    happening. 3adio activity was creating lava monsters and a volcano

    eruption. 3ory came in to the tunnel from behind Adrian as he heard the

    rumble. Are you0 "e stopped as he saw the lava monster. It attaced

    3ory giving him third-degree burns. Blood came pouring out of his leg. "e

    struggled to breath. Adrian ran up to him very fast so he could help him.

    It was unusual that he ran to him as he never sprinted. 3ory! I%m here

    mate. Come on. 5lease continue to breath. 6ou can survive! Adrianyelled. ore lava monsters came out of the hole and surrounded them.

    &here was no way out. &he lava monsters burned Adrian down, almost

    immediately taing his life. &here was no way out of this situation. &he

    lava monsters burned a hole through the top of the tunnel and left 3ory%s

    and Adrian%s bodies to rot on top of the hole.

    &wo wees later, bac at home, there was still no call from Adrian and

    3ory confirming they were alright. addie was really worried. "ow was

    she going to tell Conor what Adrian had done *ith all this on addie%smind, she decided to go and tal to "annah in the Investigators "ospital.

    As she waled in, Conor was there which was a shoc. "ey Conor. *hat

    are you doing here ased addie.

    "ey! I got discharged from hospital. I thought I would see how "annah

    is coping with her burns.

    $oo. I need to tell you something. I don%t blame you if you hate me for

    eeping it a secret. Adrian told me there was radio activity sensed on the

    radar during the e'plosion. "e was staying to investigate this theory so he

    doesn%t lose money. Conor, I thin Adrian and 3ory are dead, addie told

    Conor in a sobbing voice. As Conor started crying, addie hugged him. "e

    was thining the same as her now that he new that. (espite being

    upset, he got his phone out and called Ben to tell him to get a helicopter

    ready. addie, we are going to go and find out what happened, and

    we%re going to do it together. addie issed him in a proud way. It taes

    courage to search for your friend despite him possibly being dead. &hey

    waled up the stairs to meet with Ben and got some technology including

    lava shields, radios, invisibility belts, and phones. &hey )umped into the

    helicopter and too lift-off.

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    About thirty minutes later, they flew over a mysterious hole in the #olcano

    $ands with blood around it. It looed lie the colour of crystal red. &o

    Conor, it looed very suspicious so they landed to investigate. "e, with

    addie and Ben behind him looed down the hole. &hey saw what theyfirst feared was in there. It was Adrian%s and 3ory%s dead bodies. addie

    fell into Conor%s arms, so upset. &ears were going everywhere from

    everyone. Ben suddenly heard a bu44ing in the bacground. "e looed up

    to see that "annah was out of hospital in a helicopter. /uys, I%ve done

    research in hospital and I have located the radio activity and found

    camera vision of the entire #olcano $ands. I now everyone is mourning

    over Adrian%s death, yes, I found out through the camera and I teared up

    myself a little, but we have to ill what illed him before anyone else gets

    hurt, "annah said through the helicopter microphone as she landed.addie, Conor, and Ben agreed to get mercy on the monsters that too

    his life. &hey all got to wor on the )ob.

    /oing down the mountain, they ran in pairs. addie and Conor paired up.

    Ben and "annah were paired up while addie and Conor were the other

    two running together. Ben threw the other three a secret shield. All you

    had to do was press a button on the bo' and they could go through the

    lava. addie saw monsters up ahead. /uys, dodge! she yelled as they

    came closer. Conor tried to put on his shield but it failed. "e started toworry. "annah ran bac to help him but the lava monster threw a fire ball

    at Conor. "e was burning. addie used her bo' and made herself invisible

    to the lava monsters. Conor! I%m so sorry it ended this way! I love you

    and you will forever be in my heart! she yelled as she cried. he issed

    him for the last time. "annah started crying. *e have to leave him!

    Conor would want us to get to the radio activity for him! Ben yelled from

    miles in front of them. "annah was hesitant but eventually dragged

    addie off her boyfriend. It%s going to be alright. 7eep your head up. I

    now today has been tough but you can%t live forever, said "annah in a

    calming voice. &hey continued to the end where there were pipes leading

    underground. *hich pipe do we tae ased Ben.

    8o need to go down, replied "annah as she pulled her phone out, I

    haced into the system earlier. I )ust needed to get close enough to be

    able to shut the radio activity down for good. "annah cliced buttons

    which disabled wires in the system leading to shutting it down. &he lava

    monsters died down into puddles of water. It was shocing for "annah to

    see what they were made out of. A guy came up out of the pipe. &hey

    couldn%t recognise him with the hoodie on. Ben grabbed him and the

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    hoodie slid bac to reveal a face. It was Aaron! Ben handcuffed him and

    held him by the cuffs. *hy did you do this Aaron 6ou do realise you%re

    going to get fired from your )ob as an investigator ased "annah.

    I wanted to get everyone who was above me as an investigator out ofmy life. *hen I say that, I wanted every investigator dead so I could be

    the lead investigator, he replied.

    "ow could you! 6ou illed Adrian and Conor. 6ou too their lives. I hate

    you for taing them away from me! &hey weren%t )ust my friends! &hey

    were my best friend who is a guy and my boyfriend and you too their

    lives! "annah held addie away from him while Ben waled him away.

    6ou will have to come to the Investigators 1ail Bloc and be sentenced to

    si'ty years )ail, fifteen for each murder plus another fifteen for owningdangerous radioactive e9uipment, e'claimed Ben. &hey went bac to the

    helicopters and flew bac, giving everyone the news of what had

    happened at the #olcano $ands. Aaron got loced up for si'ty years with a

    minimum parole of forty-five years. &he #olcano $ands returned to how it

    was before, how it was meant to be, 9uiet and calm.