deborah amar - differences between mainstream ux and games ux


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It can be a bit different…

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But it’s not that different!

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Focus groups User Interviews Field Studies Quan7ta7ve Research Market Analysis

Informa7on Architecture Wireframes InteracCve Prototypes FuncConal SpecificaCons

Usability Evalua7on Heuris7c Evalua7on User Tes7ng A/B Tes7ng Diary Studies

Focus Groups CogniCve Walkthrough User Scenarios Card SorCng User Journeys Personas

User Centred Design

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A few differences

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What do we test?

Menus and UI Usability Controls understanding and ease of use Understanding of the rules Difficulty balance Fun and Engagement

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MulCplayer and full content tests

Eidos Studios, Montréal

Microsoft Studios, Redmond

Player Research, Brighton

Epic Games Studios, Cary

Player Research, Brighton

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Dark Souls II


Kingdom Hearts I

Metal Gear Solid I

Flappy Birds

Candy Crush Saga

Darksouls II

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MetricsInterest in the storyline (since we last asked)

6.0 6.5 6.3


4.0 3.5


3.0 3.5




Very disinterested

Very interested

Neither interested nor disinterested

Realism of the storyline



3.8 4.05.1


6.0 6.3 6.8

4.04.6 4.9

Very unrealistic

Very realistic

Neither realistic nor unrealistic

Credits - Strange Morning - Storyboard created by Angel Ly (

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HeurisCcs and Best pracCces

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Let’s talk about games

UI vs Gameplay

Mario Kart 8 - Wii U

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User Interface

Generally, all UX and Usability best pracAces can be applied to UI

Nielsen’s HeurisAcs ✔

Learnability ✔ Memorability ✔ Efficiency ✔ Error PrevenAon ✔ SaAsfacAon ✔ UAlity ✔

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What about Gameplay?

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Not parAcularly trying to reduce the number of steps for players to reach their objecAve. A high number of steps can parCcipate in making the game challenging and saCsfying for the player

Save the princess

Efficiency/Error PrevenCon

Super Mario Bros. - Wii U

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Fun rather than UClity

Credits - (

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Gestalt Principles/Accessibility

Candy Crush Saga

Use of colours AND shapes to differenCate items

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Use of a safe space to teach interacAon to the players

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The Hunter: Will hunt and kill “lone wolves” or players far from the team —> Forces players to play as a team

The Witch: Will aSack if players gets too close or if she sees some light —> Forces players to adopt a stealth approach

The Boomer: If players shoot him, they will be covered in a liquid that will aSract a herd of zombies towards the team —> Forces players to think before they shoot



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Calls to acCon

Players are guided through the use of collecCble objects

Super Mario Bros. - Wii U

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Calls to acCon

The path is shown to players by Non Playable Characters (NPCs)

Assassin’s Creed 2

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Life is Strange


LiWle pink flowers were placed throughout the game to indicate the path

Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag

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Life is Strange


Use of white rock like texture to indicate climbable elements

The Witcher III

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Error PrevenCon

Clash of Clans

Players are asked for confirmaCon before they spend hard currency

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Error PrevenCon

Players can’t hurt their teammate even if they shoot themDestiny

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Blood stains are displayed on the screen when the player gets hurt

Give feedback/Keep user informed

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

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Time in the middle of the screen + change in the UI indicator

Give feedback/Keep user informed

The Crew

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Life is Strange

Give feedback/Keep user informed

Game informs the player that their decision will have a drasCc impact on the rest of the story

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Match between system & real world

The Crew

Enemy with lighter body armour and no helmet is easier to kill

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Hot topics

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Fun and Engagement EmoAons and Biometrics VR NarraAve tesAng PersonalisaAon of the experience Free to Play and MoneAsaAon

Hot topics

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