debt consolidation-guide


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Post on 29-Jan-2015




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A Debt Consolidation Guide by McGuire Financial Group.


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Section 1 Introduction 1

Section 2 About Debt Consolidation 2 - 7

Canadian Debt Values

We Take Pressure

How Debt Consolidation Works

Section 3 Importance of Debt Advice 8

Section 4 Debt Management Plan 9

Section 5 Credit Card Debt Consolidation 10

Benefits Of Credit Card Debt Consolidation

Section 6 CEO & Founder – McGuire Financial Group


Section 7 References 13

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McGuire Financial Group is a financial planning company located in Canada, with over 18 years of experience in the financial service industry. The basic aim of the company is serving its clients throughout Edmonton & Alberta with its top rated financial services such as:

Investments, Financial Planning, Insurance, Debt Consolidation, Bad Credit Services, Credit Counseling, Mortgage Solutions, Credit management..

This Guide Explains:

About Debt Consolidation

Canadian Current Debt Values

Debt Consolidation Loans Works

Debt or Loan Advice

Credit counselling programs

This debt consolidation guide will explain, you must always think carefully before taking out a debt and

must consolidate before it makes your financial situations worst rather than better.


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About Debt Consolidation

What’s Debt Consolidation Loan?

Generally, a debt consolidation loan is a guaranteed loan, a person acquires to be able to repay other

financial loans. Basically you're borrowed money in one source to be able to repay other causes of debts.

Debt Consolidation Loan is a way to sort out all the financial problems and also help to get rid of

bankruptcy problem. By using the debt consolidation loan, you will deal only with one creditor, you can

afford only single payment this could relief some tensions from your mind. If once you take debt

consolidation loan, it help to reduce interest rate of your all loan amount.

Debt Consolidation Loan help to get rid of all loans by converting multiple monthly installments into

one single affordable payment.

Sometimes, it become necessary to take loans for different purpose like to by a car, home, etc. but you

face problems when it becomes difficult to pay multiple payments on different dates. So in all debt

consolidation loan is good for those who are seeking to get lower interest rate and to pay it off soon.


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Let's take a look on Canadian Debt Values:

Once again drawing attention towards Canada debt. There's a clock taking away showing the debt is

increasing by more than 11.2 million dollars a day. The clock estimating, this debt will surely exceed 17

billion by the year 2015!!

Do you sometimes feel like you are under financial say debt trouble?

Congratulation!! You have just found the day to sort out all your debt problems. You have taken a huge

step towards solving your financial conditions. Debt Consolidation Loan protects you against all legal

action by your lenders. Using a debt consolidation loan to pay off multiple accounts can provide you with

cheaper interest and a simpler payment process every month.

If your credit card payments, loans, mortgages etc. combine to make CAD $9000+, you'll be only one

step closer eliminating your fears of all such embarrassing phone calls and distracting debt warnings.


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Now, you are on your way to be debt free...

We'll tell you, you’re all possible options and rights.

After consolidating all your loans, we will arrange your counseling sessions where you learn the money

management skills that will help you keep money in your pockets.

We take your pressure...

You will work out with affordable payment plan for 60 month or less i.e. Just 5 years.

And, showing a great track record, as 96% creditors prepare money proposal but they actually get a

payment that is more than they get in the bankruptcy.

Give your piece of mind & save your boat loaded of money in the process.

This Layout shows the day time and night time debt (loan) pressure in the brain of a common person.


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How exactly does debt consolidation loan works?

The objective of a debt consolidation reduction loan is to simplify an individual's obligations to ensure

that they could manage their debts better. Lots of people feel that it’s simpler to simply pay one debtor,

rather than ten, so that they decide to mix all their financial loans.

This could usually be accomplished through charge card balance transfer promotions, personal financial

loans, or home refinancing.

However, debt consolidation has other benefits connected by using it that attract people who finish up

in precarious financial conditions. If you can to have a debt consolidation loan that may mean a set

payment per month plan, decreased rate of interest as well as reduced stress.


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Does a debt consolidation loan affect your credit?

Debt consolidation financial loans can improve your credit rating since you have compensated off much

of your outstanding debts. However, when you are not able to handle multiple bill obligations, you find

it hard to stay current in your bill obligations, you want to generate all your bills into one payment per

month, or you've got a desire to save cash then debt consolidation might be advisable for you personally.

Just like anything it's also wise to weigh the disadvantages along with the advantages.

Although, yes, you might have the ability to secure a lesser rate of interest therefore making your

payment per month lower, having a debt consolidation loan you might finish up investing more income

over time because they financial loans are extended out on the extended period of time.

Also, if your debt consolidation loan you are interested in, you need to first assess your finances

reasonably. After you have compensated off outstanding debt having a loan consolidation you've

basically removed up individuals’ accounts.


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For those who have a problem with investing you could discover yourself in financial trouble again but

this time around it might be compounded due to your debt consolidation.

Take for instance you could re-finance your house, you house is now considered collateral. In case you

return into more debt you risk having your home repossessed if you're not able to maintain your

obligations. So, again, while debt consolidation is has an abundance of benefits it's not a fast fix.

Lastly, be advised that you will find not-so trustworthy companies in your area that victimize debt-riddled

people and charge absurd costs connected with debt consolidation and don't have associations with

creditors they claim that they can have. Research each company or lender before you decide to jump

mind-first into anything. You can finish up in additional trouble than whenever you began.

One thing you should always keep in mind, once you consolidate your debt, it's critical that you close

your credit accounts. It's important to develop the discipline for paying cash only, otherwise you might

end up where you started.

By using the debt consolidation, you will deal only one creditor, you can afford only single payment this

could relief some tensions from your mind. If once you take debt consolidation loan, it helps to reduce

interest rates of your all loan amounts.

Debt Consolidation protects you against all legal action by your lenders. Using a debt consolidation to

pay off multiple accounts can provide you with cheaper interest and a simpler payment process every



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Importance of Debt Advice

Debt Consolidation Advice includes the help with a

wide range of money and debt advice issues

including budgeting, negotiating with creditors,

bankruptcy, mortgage and rent arrears and lots

more. A little advice can go a long way when

properly applied. Debt Advice is a good alternative

for paying off all tension and stress. Check out from

the following that how debt advice can help:

Low Monthly Payments

Stop Creditors Chasing You

One Single Payment

Avoid Bankruptcy

Stop Interest and Charges

Protect Home From Creditors

Flexible Plans to Suit You

Reduce Stress

If you are going through such condition, it’s time for you to think about debt consolidation loan because

it will help you to get rid of high interest rate. While taking debt consolidation loan you should keep in

mind that you are supposed to mortgage your property like home, car etc.

You can choose from collateral as well as unsecured loan. Although unsecured loan is better than

collateral loan but it is suggested that if a person is paying off his debt with credit card, then debt

consolidation loan will be beneficial for him. Since credit card carry high interest rate than unsecured

loan from a bank.


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Debt Management Plan

A Debt Management Plan is a strategic arrangement administered through a licensed debt Management

firm that helps reduce unsecured debts and interest rates at a reduced level over a fixed period of time.

Following a Debt Management Plan mentioned below, financial expert works directly with your all

creditors on your behalf and minimize the interest rates. This will cut out your monthly payments into

some amount that you can afford to pay every month, and also stop over-limit or late fees. Following

flow chart will explain this concept clearly.


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Credit Card Debt Consolidation

Most of people are unaware of credit card cancelling and other credit cards debt management tools.

Rather than consulting a debt counselor for help, they along with credit card debt file for bankruptcy in

fear of seizure of their own belongings such as house or the cars. Whether, bankruptcy must be the last

or final resort. There are a lot of solutions to settle credit card debts. Here we look some few debt

settlement strategies and their effects.

Once you are completely aware of your credit card debts, make an appointment with a trustworthy debt

advisor who has expertise in credit card debt counselling. He/she would be able to counsel you and

formulate a better plan to get out of the credit card debts. He/she may advise you to deal with your debt

collector using debt validations or will make a debt consolidation plan for your debt relief.

Usual benefits of the credit card debt consolidation program are:

Elimination of interest rates Eliminating stress from your mind via financial management plans & budgeting analysis. Reduction of monthly payments

Reducing debt collection calls. Proposals usually go along with your creditors 10 days after your

enrollment date.

Management of your all loans to ensure the earliest possible payoff

Re-aging of your past due accounts to a current status

Stop late fees and over limit fees

Re-build your credits.

Convert your bills into one easy and affordable monthly payment

Reduce creditor collection efforts because they are now being paid each month.


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Take the first step!!

McGuire Financial Group is ready to help you escape from such vulnerable financial situations and get

back on the road towards your debt free future.

One of our satisfied customer writes:

“I am very great full for your help with my consumer proposal. It liberated me for multiple debts and I

now can live with less stress.

I am quite sure about my debts now. I can pay my bills and manage my money. So, I won’t get in the

financial disaster again.”

Complete the form of this page. One of our counselors will contact you to determine that we're truly

the right people to help you and what programs you are qualified for...


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CEO & Founder – McGuire Financial Group

Glen P.Zacher is the CEO and Founder of McGuire Financial Group.

Glen is a Certified Infinite Banking Practitioner with the Nelson Nash

Infinite Banking Institute, and is a MDRT – Court of the table member.

Glen has been advising clients for over 18 years in creating custom

financial strategies.

Through education Glen’s clients are empowered to be in financial

control in creating their lifetime of wealth. His firm McGuire Financial

provides regular Boot Camps that empowers people to take back

financial control over their lives.

He works with individuals, families and business owners in designing and implementing a personal

banking strategy. He empowers his clients through education to create a life time of wealth giving his

clients financial control.

Glen invites you to contact him by telephone at 780.462.1289 or toll free 1.877.364.8204. You may

also contact Glen by email at [email protected]


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