dec 09 •93 17:06 from tf subcomm ittee to 96282042 it. w … · 2017. 9. 23. · flaqe.003 s to...

DEC 09 93 17: 06 FROM TF SUBCOMM ITTEE TO 96282042 PAGE. 002 .10"11 O. _ ..... 1ollC1IWIAN. c_....... IIUf1rl' It. w .... llIAH. J. fIIOQ1lH1AO. CAUFOJIIlIA l'IliUP '" 11Wl'. nlOMAI J. 1tUl.1V. .Ill. 'VIIIQ,",-A IDW/lllIl ... 1iWld'I. JAGlC 1111.0•• TIllAt ALIWI". IolIC*& O. OIlUY. CAIlOl" COWIII. fIJJHIlII WCtWiL 8IUlAIUI, ftMllA MtltllY/WI. 0'Wf0H0M4 IWI ICHAII'IIL COl.OMOO TAUZlN.l.OUIlloAHA JOIlAA'l'ON, f'IlCAI !lOll W\'OIN. 0III00lil AWl IlIGa?W CIo!lIlIWlA IlIUW M. iW.l.. """" .I, OIHllll MAIYIllT. lWINOl, IlU. lllCMAMlIOH. "aw ,MIl \lI'TOlII, M1CHIO.M JIIIILAT1'IlI'r. I.ANtAI CI.JIl' .-ruM... l'LOllIDA .,lONN ,,"NIil. Tl)lAi IlIoL 'AltOIII. NlW 'tOM Mel( IOUCMIR\IlllP@A IIM11.1 OHIO JiIoI COGIIIA. , .... " .... ICOfT CUJa. WlICO...." J,!IOY 0lIGIA GAl" It. '1IAH1lI. COIilIllCTlCU1' nl,*" J.. iIWlTOI'!. _"OM JAIdII ",-""'VAMlA UIOI.'MUI TOWNt.1NlW YOIlIl MlCMAIl. D. CIWO.IOAHO GJM't L tTuOOl. lIMIMcIlUII"I'T' IlICHAJIl) H_ L.IM!lo1\N. I!1UlJllt 'Al.LOIlIl A. IIlW .......IY ,c:At.lo It. WMHlIIOfCiN. 1UAI l"'" lOll*. IHIIIIAlOO IIla'WN, 0I!l0 1UICIDtJA. Wi JON liWUOIlII ..AIIOOlJI.....UVllI••.,. lIINNIYW.lMA ItNlCill l.MII&IIT. AIIItAH.I.u .ll.UI J. IlICJ'I'H. IT"" OlllKTOIl AHO II COLHI n t. mlQltlQljl. OfI'tl'lY lIT"'" DIlIIICTOlI 1I.1t ••oue of (olllmittee on fnerlr anb erte "om 2\25. l\Ipfnam loUt' euler liutl'i". .1 .... n1t01I. IK 205 tH'US December 8, 1993 The Honorable Levitt, Jr. Chairman Securities and Exehange Commission 450 Fifth street, N.W. D.C. 20549 Dear Chairman Levitt: Pursuant to Rules X and XI ,o,t the Rules ot the U. S. House ot Represent·atives, and our continuing' oversigbt of aecuriti,es and exchanges, we ,are oonducting an inquiry into issues raised in the securities and Exchange cODUlllssion's EDGAR Status Report (J'une 30, 1'993) which was received by the Committee on October ,8" 1993" and in press reports about National Science Foundation funding for a project to make the EDGAR databae& available on theqlobal Internet computer network. The EDGAR report reveals that the start ot manaatory electronic tiling is approximately 25 months bebind the schedule originally proposed by 80M Fed.eral, Inc. Moreover, the conuni tment ot $,70.6 mIllion is $19.1 million above the original award of $51.5 million for the e,ight-year contract. The eight- year EDGAR con,tract has a aeleqa,tion of procurement authority from tne General Services Administration of $78.3 million, $7.7 million above the currant contract commitment and $26.8 million over the original contract award. The appendix on technical issues does not address the existence" if any, of a disaster recovery plan tor the EDGAR system. Pl.ease include, such a report in the Oecember31 status report. We would also appreciate an evalua'tion of your cost- containment program. Finally, I am enclosing a copy ot: my De,cember ,8, 19'93 letter to the National Science Foundation and asking you to respond to the questions posed therein, as appropriate.

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Page 1: DEC 09 •93 17:06 FROM TF SUBCOMM ITTEE TO 96282042 It. w … · 2017. 9. 23. · FlAQE.003 s TO 96282042 [)ISS ' I) JOHN D. DINGELL CHAIRMAN co: The Honorable Carlo. J. Moorhead

DEC 09 • 93 17: 06 FROM TF SUBCOMMITTEE TO 96282042 PAGE. 002

.10"11 O. _ ..... 1ollC1IWIAN. c_.......IIUf1rl' It. w....llIAH.~ ~. J. fIIOQ1lH1AO. CAUFOJIIlIAl'IliUP '" 11Wl'.~ nlOMAI J. 1tUl.1V. .Ill. 'VIIIQ,",-AIDW/lllIl ... 1iWld'I. JAGlC 1111.0•• TIllAtALIWI".~ IolIC*& O. OIlUY.CAIlOl" COWIII. fIJJHIlII WCtWiL 8IUlAIUI, ftMllAMtltllY/WI. 0'Wf0H0M4 IWI ICHAII'IIL COl.OMOOw,~ Y· TAUZlN.l.OUIlloAHA JOIlAA'l'ON, f'IlCAI!lOll W\'OIN. 0III00lil AWl~ IlIGa?W CIo!lIlIWlAIlIUW M. iW.l.. """" .I, OIHllll MAIYIllT. lWINOl,IlU. lllCMAMlIOH. "aw 1iI~ ,MIl \lI'TOlII, M1CHIO.MJIIIILAT1'IlI'r. I.ANtAI CI.JIl' .-ruM... l'LOllIDA.,lONN ,,"NIil. Tl)lAi IlIoL 'AltOIII. NlW 'tOMMel( IOUCMIR\IlllP@A IIM11.1 CIl~ OHIOJiIoI COGIIIA. ,....".... ICOfT CUJa. WlICO...."J,!IOY~D. 0lIGIA GAl" It. '1IAH1lI. COIilIllCTlCU1'nl,*" J.. iIWlTOI'!. _"OM JAIdIIO.~. ",-""'VAMlAUIOI.'MUI TOWNt.1NlW YOIlIl MlCMAIl. D. CIWO.IOAHOGJM't L tTuOOl. lIMIMcIlUII"I'T'IlICHAJIl) H_ L.IM!lo1\N. Cil.~I!1UlJllt 'Al.LOIlIl A. IIlW .......IY,c:At.lo It. WMHlIIOfCiN. 1UAIl"'" lOll*.~l.IHIIIIAlOO IIla'WN, 0I!l0~I 1UICIDtJA. Wi JONliWUOIlII ..AIIOOlJI.....UVllI••.,. lIINNIYW.lMAItNlCill ~. l.MII&IIT. AIIItAH.I.u

.ll.UI J. IlICJ'I'H. IT"" OlllKTOIl AHO II COLHI nt. mlQltlQljl. OfI'tl'lY lIT"'" DIlIIICTOlI

1I.1t••oue of Ilt~tejmtatibd

(olllmittee on fnerlr anb ~om erte"om 2\25. l\Ipfnam loUt' euler liutl'i"..1.... n1t01I. IK 205tH'US

December 8, 1993

The Honorable Ar~hur Levitt, Jr.ChairmanSecurities and Exehange Commission450 Fifth street, N.W.Wash1~qton, D.C. 20549

Dear Chairman Levitt:

Pursuant to Rules X and XI ,o,t the Rules ot the U. S. House otRepresent·atives, and our continuing' oversigbt of aecuriti,es andexchanges, we ,are oonducting an inquiry into issues raised in thesecurities and Exchange cODUlllssion's EDGAR Status Report (J'une30, 1'993) which was received by the Committee on October ,8" 1993"and in press reports about National Science Foundation fundingfor a project to make the EDGAR databae& available on theqlobalInternet computer network.

The EDGAR sta~us report reveals that the start ot manaatoryelectronic tiling is approximately 25 months bebind the scheduleoriginally proposed by 80M Fed.eral, Inc. Moreover, the contrac~

conunitment ot $,70.6 mIllion is $19.1 million above the originalaward of $51.5 million for the e,ight-year contract. The eight­year EDGAR con,tract has a aeleqa,tion of procurement authorityfrom tne General Services Administration of $78.3 million, $7.7million above the currant contract commitment and $26.8 millionover the original contract award.

The appendix on technical issues does not address theexistence" if any, of a disaster recovery plan tor the EDGARsystem. Pl.ease include, such a report in the Oecember31 statusreport. We would also appreciate an evalua'tion of your cost­containment program.

Finally, I am enclosing a copy ot: my De,cember ,8, 19'93 letterto the National Science Foundation and asking you to respond tothe questions posed therein, as appropriate.

Page 2: DEC 09 •93 17:06 FROM TF SUBCOMM ITTEE TO 96282042 It. w … · 2017. 9. 23. · FlAQE.003 s TO 96282042 [)ISS ' I) JOHN D. DINGELL CHAIRMAN co: The Honorable Carlo. J. Moorhead




TO 96282042

I)[) ISS '


co: The Honorable Carlo. J. MoorheadThe Honorable Edward J. MarkeyThe Honorable Jack Fields


The Honorable Arthur Levitt, Jr.The Honorable James J. DuderstadtPaqe 2

Thank you tor your cooperation and attention to thi. re­que.t. Your re.pon.e by Friday, December 31, 1993 would beappreciated.

DEC 09 •93 17: 07 FROM TF 5UBC~I TTEE