december 1999/january 2000

communications links. She also interned with Bell Communications Research and worked as a consultant in the radio common carrier industry. She currently resides in Manhattan. Joseph T. Weber '64 officially joined the Board on July 1, 1999, replacing Stevens Alumni Association Past President Donald E. Daume '67. Mr. Weber is a manager of Product Engineering for Automatic Switch (Continued on page 2) Four new members were added to the Stevens Board of Trustees recently: Stephen T. Boswell, M.Eng. '89, Ph.D. '91, president and CEO of Engineering, South Hackensack, NJ; Angie M. Hankins, Esq. '95, a lawyer With the New York, NY, office of Kenyon & Kenyon; Joseph T. Weber '64, current president of the Stevens Alumni Association, and Michael J. Mohr '99, repre- senting the latest graduating class. . Mr. Boswell directs all phases of business for his firm which performs deSign, construction supervision and consulting on environmental public works projects. He is an appointed municipal, planning board and zoning board .of engineer for over 30 northern NJ communities. A licensed profeSSIOnal in 22 states, he was appointed by the Governor to both the NJ Council.on Environmental Quality and the regional Intergovernmental TransportatIOn Coordinating Study Commission. He was also appointed by the New Jersey State Senate President to serve on the Environmental Risk Assessment and Risk Management Study Commission. Mr. Boswell is an adjunct profes- sor in the departments of civil engi- neering at Stevens and New Jersey Institute of Technology. He has a number of certifications and has authored several publications includ- ing environmental impact statements and wetland reports. In 1976 he earned his bachelor of arts degree in chemistry from New York University and a master of science degree from William Paterson College in Wayne, NJ. He is a member of the Board of Education in Wyckoff, NJ, where he resides. He received the distinction "Man of the Year" from the Wyckoff Angie M. Hankins, Esq. '95 YMCA in 1992 and in 1997. He and his wife Karen have one child. Angie M. Hankins '95 covers many areas of intellectual property law, including patent prosecution and litigation for the law firm of Kenyon & Kenyon. She obtained her J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1998. Prior to attending Stevens, she served in the U.S. Air Force as a telecommunications techni- cian maintaining analog and digital ALUMNILETTER IVolume XXXX, No.6 Dec. 1999/Jan. 20001 Stevens BOT gains new members The chair of the SAA Nominating Committee, Donald E. Daume '67, seeks suggestions for officers and decade representatives for the Assoc- iation's elections to terms beginning July 1, 2000. The president, first and second vice presidents and the treasur- er are elected for one-year terms. These positions require an intimate knowledge of the activities and finances of the Association and are usually filled by alumni/nae with pre- vious service and experience. Decade representatives are elect- ed to serve a two-year term on the Executive Committee and are expect- ed to attend monthly meetings in Hoboken. Alumni may either simply provide suggestions of members will- ing to serve as an officer or decade representative to the committee, or submit a petition to place the person on the ballot. Alternatives to the one-candidate slate are contained in the Assoc- iation's constitution. Article VI states in part: Section 3. Additional nomina- tions may be made by petition. The names of such nominees shall be placed on the official ballot provided that the petition for Officers be signed by at least 50 Active Members; that the petition for Decade Representa- tives or Graduate Representatives is signed by at least 25 Active Members; and provided that the petition is received by the Executive Secretary on or before Mar. 1. Send suggestions or nominations to Stevens Alumni Association, Nom- inating Committee, Castle Point, Hoboken, NJ 07030. Nominations sought for SAA 2000 election

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Page 1: December 1999/January 2000

communications links. She alsointerned with Bell CommunicationsResearch and worked as a consultantin the radio common carrier industry.She currently resides in Manhattan.

Joseph T. Weber '64 officiallyjoined the Board on July 1, 1999,replacing Stevens Alumni AssociationPast President Donald E. Daume '67.Mr. Weber is a manager of ProductEngineering for Automatic Switch

(Continued on page 2)

Four new members were added to the Stevens Board of Trustees recently:Stephen T. Boswell, M.Eng. '89, Ph.D. '91, president and CEO of Bosw~ll

Engineering, South Hackensack, NJ; Angie M. Hankins, Esq. '95, a lawyer Withthe New York, NY, office of Kenyon & Kenyon; Joseph T. Weber '64, currentpresident of the Stevens Alumni Association, and Michael J. Mohr '99, repre-senting the latest graduating class. .

Mr. Boswell directs all phases of business for his firm which performs deSign,construction supervision and consulting on environmental public works projects.He is an appointed municipal, planning board and zoning board .of adjus~entengineer for over 30 northern NJ communities. A licensed profeSSIOnal eng~eerin 22 states, he was appointed by the Governor to both the NJ Council.onEnvironmental Quality and the regional Intergovernmental TransportatIOnCoordinating Study Commission. He was also appointed by the New Jersey StateSenate President to serve on the Environmental Risk Assessment and RiskManagement Study Commission.

Mr. Boswell is an adjunct profes­sor in the departments of civil engi­neering at Stevens and New JerseyInstitute of Technology. He has anumber of certifications and hasauthored several publications includ­ing environmental impact statementsand wetland reports. In 1976 heearned his bachelor of arts degree inchemistry from New York Universityand a master of science degree fromWilliam Paterson College in Wayne,NJ.

He is a member of the Board ofEducation in Wyckoff, NJ, where heresides. He received the distinction

"Man of the Year" from the Wyckoff Angie M. Hankins, Esq. '95YMCA in 1992 and in 1997. He andhis wife Karen have one child.

Angie M. Hankins '95 coversmany areas of intellectual propertylaw, including patent prosecution andlitigation for the law firm of Kenyon& Kenyon. She obtained her J.D.from the University ofVirginia Schoolof Law in 1998. Prior to attendingStevens, she served in the U.S. AirForce as a telecommunications techni­cian maintaining analog and digital

ALUMNILETTERIVolume XXXX, No.6 Dec. 1999/Jan. 20001

Stevens BOT gains new members

The chair of the SAA NominatingCommittee, Donald E. Daume '67,seeks suggestions for officers anddecade representatives for the Assoc­iation's elections to terms beginningJuly 1, 2000. The president, first andsecond vice presidents and the treasur­er are elected for one-year terms.These positions require an intimateknowledge of the activities andfinances of the Association and areusually filled by alumni/nae with pre­vious service and experience.

Decade representatives are elect­ed to serve a two-year term on theExecutive Committee and are expect­ed to attend monthly meetings inHoboken. Alumni may either simplyprovide suggestions of members will­ing to serve as an officer or decaderepresentative to the committee, orsubmit a petition to place the personon the ballot.

Alternatives to the one-candidateslate are contained in the Assoc­iation's constitution. Article VI statesin part:

Section 3. Additional nomina­tions may be made by petition. Thenames of such nominees shall beplaced on the official ballot providedthat the petition for Officers be signedby at least 50 Active Members; thatthe petition for Decade Representa­tives or Graduate Representatives issigned by at least 25 Active Members;and provided that the petition isreceived by the Executive Secretaryon or before Mar. 1.

Send suggestions or nominationsto Stevens Alumni Association, Nom­inating Committee, Castle Point,Hoboken, NJ 07030.

Nominations soughtfor SAA 2000 election

Page 2: December 1999/January 2000

Class of 2003 arrives at Stevens

Call (201-216-5165) or e-mail ([email protected])for more information and to reserve a place.

Attention All Environmental ProfessionalsKeep the evening of Tuesday, March 7,2000, open!

Our SAA Special Interest Group (SrG) provides a great opportunityto learn about new developing technologies and to network with

other Stevens alumni in the field.

Executive Secretary: Anita LangEditor: Ellen Usher Durkin

Assoc. Editor: Andrea J. Ritola

The Stevens AlumniletterVolume XXXX, No.6 Published by the

Stevens Alumni AssociationCastle Point, Hoboken, NJ 07030

(201) 216-5161, for alumni and friends ofStevens Institute of Technology

© 1999 by theStevens Alumni Association

President: Joseph T. Weber, Jr. '64First V.P.: Alex E. Kalven '54

Second V.P.: Henry P. Troy '65Vice President: Janina M. Rogacki '84

Treasurer: Thomas P. Bentey '63

Do you ''winter'' elsewhere?Notify the Stevens Alumni

Office of a seasonalchange of address and the

months it is effective sothat mail reaches you.

Call (201) 216-5165 or [email protected].

The male to female ratio for theclass s!ands at 77.6% male to 22.4%female, with 339 males to 98 femalesin the entering class.

133 of the 437 students were inthe top 10% of their high school classand 192 were in the top 20%.

The Stevens Scholar programincludes 35 members of the class of2003 and there are 40 scholar athletes.

You're invited to the next meeting of the reorganizedStevens Alumni Environmental Professionals (SAEP).Hosted by Professor George Korfiatis, the meeting will

include a presentation and tour of the environmentalfacilities and exciting new projects that are part of the

"Technogenesis" program at Stevens.

Incoming statistics for the Class of2003· are some of the most impressivein recent years. Stevens received 2,3"37applications fgutdmission, from whichthey selected 1,381 students. Of theseaccepted students 478 made depositsto enter Stevens with 437 actuallyarriving on campus to start their firstyear.

Of the 437 in the class of 2003,there are 54 transfer students, 25 inter­national students and six internationaltransfers.

Four added to BOT(Continued from page 1)

Corp., Florham Park, NJ, which is adivision of Emerson Electric (to. Hehas served as first and seCond vicepresident of the Stevens AlumniAssociation and is also'll class captain,agent and telethon worker in additionto being a member of the Edwin A.Stevens Society.

He received a master of science inelectrical engineering degree fromNJIT in 1971. He and his wife Pennyreside in Glen Ridge, NJ.

Michael J. Mohr '99 was chosenas the newest young alumni trustee onthe board, replacing Melissa K. Lasiw'97. He is employed with HamiltonSundstrand in Windsor Locks, CT, asan associate engineer. Mr. Mohrresides in Enfield, CT.

Are you interested in encouraginggirls and young women to pursue anengineering or science career?

If so, then the Lore-El Center forWomen in Engineering and Scienceinvites you to join our

Women in Engineeringand Science Network.

Network members participate inour on-campus and off-campusevents and speak with female stu­dents about career options in thetechnical professions.

To participate in our pre-collegeprograms, contact Karen Schotter,director of pre-college programs,201-216-5182, or e-mail her [email protected].

To join our undergraduate andgraduate programs, contacfKathleen Bott, director, Lore-ElCenter for Women in Engineeringand Science, 201-216-5180, ore-mail her at kbott@stevens­

Lore-EI Center looking forprogram mentors

Do these alumni fit jobopenings in your firm?

M-390 '83 B.E. Seeks position involvingengrg. consult. or project mgmt. utilization.Proven project mgmt. skills, strategic planning,

. problem solving and analysis skills. 17 yrs. ofresults-oriented expo in plant optimization andreliability.

M-391 '65 B.E./E.E. Facilities mgr. wilO yrs.expo in large corp. Seeks sr. level position infacilities and admin. services. Strong bkgrd. inoutsourcing, expense control/reduction andchange mgmt. MBA, P.E., Certified FacilitiesMgr. Prefer NJINYC area.

M-392 '76 B.E. Seeks design engrg. position.23 yrs. expo in defense, steel, aerospace andpackaging fields. Involved with projects frominitial concept through design and dev. stages.Performed preliminary st.ress analysis.AutoCAD 14 expo includes 3-D and solid mod­eling since 1992.

To learn more about an alumnus!alumna described above, write fora copy of the complete resume to:Stevens Alumni AssociationCastle Point on HudsonHoboken, NJ 07030or call (201) 216-5168


Page 3: December 1999/January 2000

MsMr. Myers is branch chief and a

propulsion laboratory engineer at theMarshall Space Flight Center inHuntsville, AL. He and his wife Anitaare residents of Huntsville. They havetwo children.

Carmine J. Capriglione '68 hasreceived a patent for "Cereal Selectorand Dispenser." The free-standing dis­penser consists of a covered unit sepa­rating three different yet equally-sizedcompartments each with its own chute.Mr. Capriglione is currently loOking fora manufacturer, user or company who isinterested in this device.

The Dumfries, VA, residentreceived his master of science degreefrom Fairleigh Dickinson University.

W Neill Myers '67

Richard R. Roscitt '73 has joined theadvisory board of NetBalance, aprovider of Web-based InfrastructureResource Management. He will provideguidance to NetBalance on strategy,marketing and operations.

Mr. Roscitt is executive vice presi­dent ofAT&T and president and CEO ofAT&T Solutions. With AT&T since hisgraduation from Stevens, he spent muchof his early career in a succession of net­working engineering positions ofincreasing responsibility and later held aseries of executive sales and marketingpositions. He is a founder of AT&TSolutions, a wholly owned AT&T sub­sidiary. Mr. Roscitt earned an MBA

Ethe space and strategic missiles sector atLockheed-Martin. Prior to that appoint­ment, he was COO of Lockheed­Martin's Electronics Sector which heled since the 1995 merger of Lockheedand Martin Marietta.

Mr. Corcoran began his career in1967 at General Electric Company andmoved to GE Aerospace in 1983, wherehe served in a series ofkey general man­agement assignments. In 1991, Mr.Corcoran was appointed vice presidentand general manager of GE AerospaceOperations, responsible for all manufac­turing and sourcing throughout GEAreospace's 13 business units. WhenGE sold most of its aerospace group toMartin Marietta in 1993, he was namedpresident of the new company's elec­tronics group.

Mr. Corcoran, born in CountyCavan, Ireland, is a graduate of the GEManufacturing Management Program.He is a member of the board of trusteesof Stevens and ofWorcester PolytechnicInstitute, Worcester, MA, and a memberof the board of directors of L3Communications Corp. He is a residentof Potomac, MD, with his wife Claudia.They have two children.

W. Neill Myers '67 was honored byNASA's Marshall Space Flight Centerin Huntsville, AL, with an Inventor ofthe Year Award. The award recognizesemployees with patented inventions thathave realized their commercial potentialor have contributed significantly to spe­cific NASA programs.

Mr. Myers is co-inventor of theSelectively Lockable Knee Brace,designed originally for knee injury andstroke patients. The brace. providessecure support to the patient whenweight is applied to the leg, while allow­ing free motion of the knee joint whenthe leg is not supporting any weight.The problems associated with lockingknee joints have prompted the need foran orthotic knee joint able to lock andunlock on demand. This invention,which has the ability to serve in manyother patient applications, is currentlyundergoing clinical trials to prove itseffectiveness and reliability and is beingevaluated to determine if it can be eco­nomically mass-produced.

Thomas A. Corcoran '67 has beenappointed the new president and chiefexecutive officer ofAllegheny TeledyneInc., Pittsburgh, PA.

He had most recently served aspresident and chief operating officer of

Dr. Alfred I. Woerner, Esq. '58, M.S.'61, has been included in the millenni­um editions of Who s Who in the World,Who s Who in American Science andEngineering and Who s Who ofMedicine and Health Care.

Dr. Woerner is semi-retired, livingin South Pasadena, FL, conducting sem­inars and consulting. He earned anL.L.B. degree from LaSalle Universityin 1968 and a Ph.D. from NYU in 1977.

He spends his spare time playingtennis, sailing, riding his motorcycle,and playing bass fiddle in a jazz group.He and his wife Margaret have threechildren. Friends may contact him [email protected].

William C. Zegel '61, M.S. '62, Ph.D.'65, chaired a Department of Defense(DOD) workshop entitled "ResearchNeed in Health Effects and ImpactsResulting from Pollutant Exposure" inJuly. The workshop is one of fourdeveloped by the Air Quality SteeringCommittee of the Strategic Environ­mental Research & DevelopmentProgram (SERDP) of the DOD througha contract with the American Academyof Environmental Engineers.

He presented another workshop,"Health Impacts of Air Emissions," toPartners in Environmental Technology,A Technical Symposium and Workshopin Arlington, VA, in early December.This workshop was also presented bythe SERPD in conjunction with theEnvironmental Security TechnologyCertification Program.

The workshops deal with determin­ing the direction of air pollutionresearch related to reducing the environ­mental impact of military facilities, par­ticularly mobile sources, such as mili­tary diesels, turbine engines and ord­nance systems. Dr. Zegel is vice chairof the Air Quality Steering Committee.

Dr. Zegel is president of and a prin­cipal engineer at Water & Air Research,Inc., a firm of engineers, biologists, andplanners, which provides environmentalservices to both private and publicclients across the United States. Dr.Zegel resides in Gainesville, FL, withhis wife Carole Eastman and two chil­dren.


Page 4: December 1999/January 2000

Steven Abbattista, M. Eng. '95, hasbeen promoted to the position of associ­ate engineer of O'Dea & Associates, anengineering firm with offices inHawthorne, NY, and Dallas, TX. Hejoined the company in 1992 and openedthe fum's Dallas office in 1995.

Mr. Abbattista obtained his bache­lor of science d~gree from ColumbiaUniversity in 1992. He is a member ofthe American Society of Heating,Refrigerating and Air ConditioningEngineers, The Real Estate Council andthe Greater Dallas Chamber ofCommerce and an associate member ofthe American Institute ofArchitects. Heand his wife Maria reside in Irving, TX.

Avraham N. Kluger, Ph.D. '89, co­authored research notes for "Theantecedents and consequences of unioncommitment: a meta-analysis" pub­lished in the Academy of ManagementJournal, Vol. 42, No.3. Dr. Kluger is asenior lecturer in the School of BusinessAdministration of Hebrew University ofJerusalem.

Mrs. Force is currently a humanresources manager with the WarnockAutomotive Group, Inc., in EastHanover, NJ. She has previouslyworked as a mediator and arbitrator inprivate practice, helping resolve maritaland business disputes: She is also presi­dent of the New Jersey Association ofProfessional Mediators.

Born in France to Hungarian immi­grants, she moved to the U.S. with herfamily. Mrs. Force earned a bachelor ofarts degree from Drew University in1980 and has mediation training fromSeton Hall Law School. She moved toVerona in 1986 with her husband Kevin.They have two children, Rebecca andKimberly.

Stefan P. Merino, M.T.M. '98, a spe­cial agent in the Diplomatic SecurityCorps of the US Department of State,received the Director Award for finish­ing fust in his class of Special Agents.He received the highest combined scorein tluee areas: academic achievement,physical fitness and marksmanship. Mr.Merino also finished second overall inphysical fitness. He is a graduate ofFranklin and Marshall College and is theson of Stevens Professor Donald N.Merino '60, M.S. '63, Ph.D. '75, and hiswife Rosemarie. Mr. Merino is a resi­dent of Tenafly, NJ.

Maria T. Force, M.S. '82, became thefirst female mayor of the town ofVerona, NJ, in June 1999. Receiving themost votes in the 1997 election earnedher the deputy mayor position for twoyears followed by a succession to theoffice of mayor. She will serve a two­year term.

Walter F. Schlauch, M.M.S. '67, hasbeen appointed president of NationalStarch and Chemical Corporation,Bridgewater, NJ. He continues as chiefoperating officer.

Mr. Schlauch joined NationalStarch 35'years ago as a chemist in resinresearch. He was named divisional vicepresident in 1980 and in 1986 was elect­ed a corporate vice president. Fromthere he became group vice president,Adhesives and Resins, and was electedto the board of directors. In 1995, hebecame group vice president,. SpecialtyChemicals and Electronic Materials, andin 1997, he was appointed executivevice president of that same division.

Mr. Schlauch received a in 1963 from City College ofNew York and completed the AdvancedManagement Program at the Universityof Pennsylvania's Wharton School,Philadelphia, PA. He lives with his wifeGeraldine in Lebanon, NJ.

John B. Pormann '92 just completedhis graduate work at Duke University,where he received his master of sciencedegree in 1996 followed by a Ph.D. inJan. 1999. Both degrees were in the areaof computer science. His thesis coveredthe area of high performance and paral­lel computing, with his specific projectcoming from the biomedical engineeringfield involving computer simulations ofthe flow of electrical current in the heart.

Dr. Pormann now is employed inthe Programming Environment andTraining group of Logicon, a Northrop­Grumman company. Logicon is the pri­mary contractor for the Department ofDefense's major shared ResourceCenter-a super computing center affil­iated with the US Navy's oceanographicoffice.

He currently resides in Mandeville,LA.


Ahmad H. Khan '85 authored "Get itright the fust time: apply design con­straints early in the design process"which appeared in the May 1999 issue ofElectronic Systems magazine and"Reduce Board Turns" which was inPrinted Circuit Design in June 1999.

Mr. Khan is employed as a chiefexecutive officer with CADSoftSolutions, Gaithersburg, MD, and holdsa patent in microelectronics. His previ­ous employment included working forViewLogic as an application engineerresponsible for addressing customerdesign problems and serving as a seniorsales engineer for EMA Mid-Atlantic.

Mr. Khan and his wife Faiza havetwo children and reside in Gaithersburg,MD.

from the Sloan School ofManagement atMIT. He currently is a member of theStevens Board of Trustees and a residentof Florham Park, NJ.

Lawrence F. Sciancalepore '91 earnedhis MBA from the University ofConnecticut in 1999. He is currentlyemployed with Omega Engineering inStamford, CT, and resides in Milford,CT, with his wife Grace and their twochildren, Joseph and Adriana.

Tonya S. Richardson '86 received LongIsland University's Teacher of the YearAward for 1999. She is a 12th grademathematics teacher and guidance coun­selor at Brooklyn Technical High Schoolin Brooklyn, NY. She had previouslytaught for three years in the STEPUpward Bound Program and also inBRIDGE at Stevens. She had alsoworked as an engineer at NYNEX.

Teaching has been the fulfillment ofa life-long dream for Ms. Richardson. Inaddition, she teaches Sunday School andserves on the Board of Trustees andscholarship committee of CornerstoneBaptist Church in the Bedford­Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn whereshe lives.

Ms. Richardson earned a Master ofArts degree from Columbia UniversityTeachers College in 1999. She is amember of the National Council forTeachers in Mathematics and theMathematics Association ofAmerica.


Page 5: December 1999/January 2000

OIl!cial Volla'yball Oflha Molten ll!

Men's InvitationalVolleyball Championship

Corporate Sponsorship Packages available through the Athletic Department.Support history in the making. For Package Information call Patrick Dorywalski, Athletic Business Manager &

Head Volleyball Coach, at 201-216-5691 or e-mail to [email protected].

Page 6: December 1999/January 2000

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}l CeCe6ration ofLife

Cfiar[es 0/ Scfiaejer, Jr. '36

1914-1999jIIumnus, pfiiCantfiropist


1Jiursaay, Pe6ruary 10, 20004:00 p.m., Canavan Arena

CfiarCes 0/ Scfiaejer, Jr. AtfiCeticd 1?§creation Center

Last Call for the Stevens Alun1'ni Directory

The telephone verification phase of our alumni directory has been completedand now final proofreading begins.

Since we are publishing only enough directories to cover pre-publicationorders placed at this time,please let a Harris representa­tive know if you are interestedin purchasing your directory.This is your opportunity toreserve a copy of the StevensAlumni Directory if you havenot previously ordered one.

If you wish to place an order,please contact our publisherdirectly at the followingaddress:

Customer Service DepartmentBernard C. Harris Publishing Co., Inc.P.O. Box 41135Norfolk, VA 23502

Phone: 1-800-877-6554

For more details on these events, callthe Alumni Office at (201) 216-5163.

January12 Wednesday, 1 p.m., Stevens Club

of North Carolina (Raleigh!Durham) luncheon

27 Thursday, noon, Stevens Metro­politan Club luncheon

February3 Thursday, 11 :30 a.m., Stevens

Club of West Coast Floridaluncheon, Bradenton

7 Monday, 5:45 p.m., SAA ExecutiveCommittee Meeting, Faculty Club,Howe Center (date changed fromFeb. 14)

8 Tuesday, noon, Class of '42Mini-Reunion in Naples, Florida

9 Wednesday, 1 p.m., Stevens Clubof North Carolina (Raleigh!Durham) luncheon

10 Wednesday, 4 p.m., Celebrationof Life, in honor of Charles V.Schaefer, Jr. '36, Canavan Arena,Schaefer Center