december 2010 - an-noor

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  • 8/8/2019 December 2010 - An-Noor




    Negligence towards recitationof the Quran and the Quran asa cure

    Maulana Habibullah Khairabadi SahibTranslated by: Qari Ismail Ishaq Sahib

    Many Ahadith of Hadhrat Nabi-e-Karim have been discussed regarding the recitation of the

    Quran. We have realized and understood from them

    that Hadhrat Nabi-e-Karim has sternly warned usagainst making our homes graveyards. Thus, we

    should continue to recite the Quran in the homes,because the homes in which the Quran is not recited

    are like deserted and inhabited.

    Ponder and reflect! Hadhrat Nabi-e-Karim

    has laid so much of emphasis on the recitation of the

    Quran, yet we do not take heed. We do not realizewhat darkness we have brought over ourselves by

    shunning the recitation of the Quran. Unfortunately,

    the Quran is used to adorn our homes or at most it is

    kept merely to recite on the death of some person. It

    is for this reason that today our homes are void of

    blessings and harmony. Even though outwardly itmay seem we are living a care-free and comfortable

    life, but in reality we live in misery and affliction, a life

    full of indulgence and sin. Why not so? The sayings

    of Hadhrat Nabi-e-Karim cannot be false. Think

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    for yourself when there is total negligence and

    indifference towards the Quran, never is it held in

    the hand, and for years it is not read nor do we listen

    to its recitation. Then, if Shaytan does take control of

    such a house and that house is inflicted with

    calamity, difficulty, hardship and stacks of worries,

    then who is to be blamed.

    Due to our indifference towards the Quran, wehave lost our direction. It is because of our attitude

    towards the Quran that we have made ourselves

    targets for criticism and condemnation. Our beliefs,

    character, ibadat (worship), monetary dealings,

    actions and deeds, in short every facet of our lives is

    ruined. So to say, together with our character our

    features have also become disfigured. The Quran is

    neither in our hearts nor on our tongues, nor is it

    visible via our limbs and actions. Yet we complain

    that fate is treating the Muslims unfairly. We have the

    audacity to complain and say that non-Muslims are

    blessed with every type of bounty. They have wealth,

    honour and ruler ship, and we as Muslims are

    deprived of these privileges.

    If only the Muslims could open their eyes and

    see the injustices they are perpetrating against the

    Quran then may be they will realize their

    unpardonable error and folly. Instead of looking for

    blame, the Muslims should rather turn their

    attention towards the Quran and solve their

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    problems through it. Even during these forlorn and

    trying times if we make the Quran our guide and

    align our lives according to its teachings, then most

    definitely we will progress tremendously.

    Consequently, even the rulers and tyrants of the

    day will be forced to accept the pure Deen of Allah


    The present day Quran is the same, whichwas revealed upon the most honoured and

    distinguished personality who had made it the

    directive and guide for the Muslims and the whole

    of mankind. It had brought life to the souls of men,

    and gave honour and dignity to the most

    downtrodden and uncivilized nation on earth and

    made them the leaders and rulers of the entire

    world. The Quran made men leaders in knowledge

    and virtue.

    If we so desire even today we could turn the

    direction of the whole of mankind towards AllahTaala the Creator, through the medium of the

    Quran. This will be possible only, if we take the

    Quran, off the shelves and place it into the

    crevices of our hearts. The Quran is not meant to

    be read upon only the dead, but also for the sake of

    self-reformation, adornment of our character and to

    rectify our monetary dealings and transactions. We

    should make the recitation of the Quran our most

    often read wazifah.

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    Hadhrat Nabi-e-Karim has said, O peopleof the Quran! Be mindful of the Quran. Recite it

    day and night. Dont be oblivious of the rights of

    recitation. That is, ponder and meditate in the

    meanings of the Quran, and propagate it, so that

    you may be successful, and gain goodness.(Mishkat)

    Hadhrat Umar

    says, Most surely, yourNabi-e-Karim has said that Allah Taala exaltsmany people by means of this Book (the Quran), and

    He also degrades and disgraces many others by

    means of the same, (Sahih Muslim). Those people who

    have an affinity and love for the Quran and act upon

    its injunctions, Allah Taala will honour them in this

    world, and will raise their status in the Hereafter.

    However, those who are indifferent to its injunctions

    will be disgraced and misled, and will be defamed by

    the people.

    Hadhrat Umar Faruq once appointedHadhrat Nafi Ibn Abdul-Harith as the governor

    of Makkah. He once enquired from him as to who

    he had appointed as the administrator of forests.

    Nafi replied that it was Ibn Abzi . Hadhrat

    Umar enquired as to who Ibn Abzi was?

    He was told that he was one of the slaves. Hadhrat

    Umar then enquired as to why a slave has

    been appointed as an administrator. Hadhrat Nafi said because he recites the Quran more often

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    (Sahih Mislim). It was on this occasion that Hadhrat

    Umar related the above Hadith.

    From the above incident, we come to

    understand how important and beneficial the

    recitation of the Quran is, due to which a person is

    honoured in this world already. On the contrary, we

    see the result of our indifference towards it before

    our eyes. Hence, it is the duty of every Muslim torecite the Quran daily and to make an all out effort

    to memorize some portion of it. Hadhrat Nabi-e-

    Karim has likened the person who has not

    memorized any portion of the Quran to a deserted

    house (Targhib). Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Masud

    says that the most impoverished and derelict house

    is the one in which the Quran is not recited (Targhib).

    The Quran a cure for all

    ailmentsOne unique feature of the Quran is that it is acure for all ailments, be it spiritual or physical. When

    the pious, Allah-fearing people read the Quran, then

    by the command of Allah Taala it is a cure for all

    their sicknesses. It was through the Quran that the

    people in the previous times were cured from

    physical ailments as well. However, as time passed,

    and the pious became fewer, the manifestations of

    the effect of the Quran also decreased. The result is

    that people today alternately go to doctors and

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    physicians for their sicknesses and ailments.

    Hadhrat Nabi-e-Karim said that two things

    should be used for the treatment of the ill, honey and

    the Quran (Ibn Majah). Regarding honey, Allah Taala

    says, that in it (honey) there is cure for thepeople.

    Hadhrat Ali

    says that the Quran is a

    potent remedy for all ills (Itqan). Hadhrat Talha Ibn

    Musarrifsays that when the Quran is recited in

    the presence of an ill person, the sick person will

    experience ease and comfort.

    Once a Sahabi

    came to Hadhrat Nabi-e-

    Karim and complained of a sore throat. He was

    advised by Hadhrat Nabi-e-Karim to recite the

    Quran (Itqan). Similarly, another Sahabi

    complained to Hadhrat Nabi-e-Karim about pains

    in the chest. He too was advised to recite the Quran,

    as Allah Taala says in the Quran that the Quran is acure for the ailments of the chest (Itqan).

    Allah Taala has kept cure for all illnesses and

    ailments in the Quran and we should have full faith and

    conviction in it. Our conviction and faith in the Quran has

    become weak. Therefore, when we recite it, we do not

    notice the desired effect. The faith and conviction of the

    previous people was strong in the Quran, therefore,

    when they read it, it had the desired effect.

    May Allah Taala bless us too with the blessings

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    of the Quran and make us benefit from it, both for the

    purposes of this world and the Hereafter,Aameen.

    TAFSEER(Commentary of the Holy Quran)

    By: Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi Sahib(Rahmatullaahi Alaihi)

    SURAH AL-BAQARAHNote: This part of Tafseer is the remaining portion of Surah Al-BaqarahTafseer and hence connected with the previous chapter of Surah Al-Baqarah Tafseer.

    The obedient are freed of worries(5) Then, the text of the Holy Quran makes a

    subtle distinction between the two. In saying that

    those who follow divine guidance will have no fear,

    it speaks in general terms and uses a noun the

    Arabic phrase:

    is to be translated literally

    as no fear upon them. But in the next phrase

    , the Holy Quran employs a verb,placing before it a pronoun as the subject. The

    literal translation of the phrase is: they shall notgrieve. The implication here is that being totally

    free from all sense of loss is possible only to Men

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    of Allah or the saints1who follow divine guidance in

    all its details; as for the others, no man whether an

    emperor or a billionaire, can help being grieved at

    the loss of a valued object or the frustration of a

    desire, all of which is but a necessary part of the

    scheme of things. The friends of Allah do not have

    to grieve, because they annihilated their owndesires and their very will in submitting themselves

    totally to the will of Allah. The Holy Quran also tells

    us that those who go to Paradise will thank Allah

    for having removed from them all regret and

    sorrow: : All praise belongs ofAllah who has put away all sorrow from us (35:34).

    It means that some degree of sorrow is inevitable

    for every human being except those who have

    perfected and made fast their relationship with


    Let us make it clear that the verse does

    negate all grief and sorrow in the case of the

    friends of Allah, but the negation applies only to

    the loss of the worldly things and the frustration of

    1 The word Saints is very weak and only an approximate translation of

    the Arabic phrase Awliya-Allah, the friends of Allah a conceptwhich has only a faint resemblance with the Christian idea of a saint.

    Consequently, the term men of Allah has been used most frequentlythroughout this commentary.

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    the worldly desires. As for the anxiety about the

    other world and the fear of Allah and the deep

    sense of awe before His Glory, the friends of Allah

    are far ahead of other men in these. It has been

    reported that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

    often appeared to be worried and in deep thought

    this was not for fear of any trouble or loss in theworldly sense, but on account of his anxiety for his

    Ummah, and of his awe before Divine Glory.

    Nor does this verse imply that prophets and

    saints should not feel the instinctive and all too human

    fear when confronted by things which are generallyknown to inspire dread. The Holy Quran itself relates

    how the prophet Musa (Moses)

    was struck with

    fear when his stick turned into dragon:

    Musa felt a fear in himself. (20:67)

    But it was only an instinctive and physical fear,

    and the incident anyhow belongs to the early days of

    his prophet hood, for when Allah said:

    : Do not be

    afraid, the fear disappeared altogether. We mayexplain the incident in another way also. His fear did

    not arise as it does in the case of ordinary men, from

    the apprehension of some harm or hurt from the

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    dragon, but from the likelihood that the extraordinary

    event might lead the Israelites into misguidance. So,

    this fear was not worldly, but other-worldly.

    (to be continued, Insha Allah)

    [Tas-heelul Ahadith]1.

    HadithHadhrat Abu Musa Ashari (Radhiyallahu Anhu) says

    that Hadhrat Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:

    The virtues of Ayesha (Radhiyallahu Anha) over other

    women is the same as the virtue of Thareed over the



    In this Hadith the excellence and superiority of

    The Descriptin of the curryof Rasoolullah(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

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    Sayyidah Ayesha (Radhiyallahu Anha) over other women,

    and thareed over the foods is mentioned. Thareed is

    a delicacy with gravy and meat. Besides being tasty

    and nourishing, it easily digests, and was counted

    among the best of foods.

    Similar other types of dishes that Hadhrat Nabi

    Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) loved was gourd(marrow). He used to search for pieces from the

    curry and eat it. Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi

    Wasallam) also regarded vinegar as a delicious curry.

    In one Hadith Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi

    Wasallam) has mentioned: Use olive oil for eating andfor using (on the body) for it is from a mubaarak

    (blessed) tree. Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi

    Wasallam) also ate roasted meat. Hadhrat Nabi Akram

    (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) loved eating forequarter/

    forearm (of a goat/sheep). He used to break the

    meat with his teeth.

    Hadhrat Abu Hurrairah (Radhiyallahu Anhu) says

    that he saw Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi

    Wasallam) eat a piece of cheese. Another dish

    mentioned in the Hadith is called Saweeq.

    Saweeq is a kind of mush/drink made from wheat or

    barley (it also included dates with sugar).

    Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was

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    once observed taking a piece of bread and put a

    date on it and he said This is the curry of this

    bread. He then ate it.

    Hadhrat Anas (Radhiyallahu Anhu) says: Hadhrat

    Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) liked to eat the

    leftovers of a pot and cup (plate). This is a sign of

    complete humbleness. He first fed others, then likedfor himself what was leftover.

    Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) also

    loved halwa (sweet dish/anything sweet) and honey.

    Similarly Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

    ate dates with cucumbers. A cucumber has a cold

    effect and dates a hot one. By combining the two it

    becomes mild. At times melon was eaten with fresh



    1. Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

    gave virtue to thareed over dishes..

    2. Thareed is a delicacy in which bread is mixed

    with the meat gravy.3. Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

    also loved gourd (dodhi).

    4. Olive oil should be used in food and for rubbing

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    on the body as it is from a mubarak tree.

    5. Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) also

    liked sweet things and honey.

    Seerat of Hadhrat

    By: Hadhrat Maulana Qari Syyed Siddeeq Ahmad Baandwi Sahib

    (Continued from the previous issue)

    Arrival of delegations

    The Muslims got the opportunity of spreading

    Islam on a large scale once the roads became safeafter the treaty of Hudaybiyyah. That is why the

    Quran referred to this treaty as a clear victory. There

    were still a few people who were prevented from

    accepting Islam due to pressure from the Quraish.

    The conquest of Makkah removed this obstacleand the message of the Quran reached every home.

    The Quran, with its uniqueness, left a firm impression

    on the hearts of everyone. Those who could not

    tolerate the Muslims or Islam were now, actually

    coming from far off places to Hadhrat Nabi Akram(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Happily, they accepted Islam

    and were prepared to sacrifice their lives for Islam.

    Most of these delegations came in 9 A.H. The number

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    of Muslims increased to such an extent that when

    Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) performed

    Hajj in 10 A.H. more than one hundred thousand

    Muslims joined him. The number of those who were

    unable to perform Hajj, was more than one hundred


    Hadhrat Abu Bakr , the ameer of Hajj

    After returning from Tabuk in 9 A.H. Hadhrat

    Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) appointed Hadhrat

    Abu Bakr as the leader of Hajj and sent him to


    10 A. H.Hajj

    Hajj was already made fardh before 10 A.H.

    Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) left for

    Hajj on the 25th Zee Qadah 10A.H, the Sahabah(Radhiyallahu Anhum) joined him. They numbered over a

    hundred thousand. Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi

    Wasallam) tied his Ihraam at Zul-Hulaifah six miles

    from Madinah. They reached Makkah on Saturday,

    4th zilhijjah and thereafter performed Hajj.

    Khutbah at Arafaat

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    On the 9th Zilhijjah after reaching Arafaat,

    Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) delivered

    a very inspiring khutbah which was full of advice and

    wisdom. This was the last message of Hadhrat Nabi

    Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). The following lines of

    the khutbah should be inscribed on the heart of every


    O People! Listen to me so that I will be able toexplain all those things that are necessary. I donot know whether we will be able to gather next


    The life, wealth and honour of a Muslim issacred until the Day of Qiyaamah as is thesanctity of today (Day of Arafah), this month(Zilhijjah) and the city (Makkah). Each personshouldfulfill the responsibility entrusted to him.

    O People! Your wives have rights over you and

    so do you have rights over them.

    O People! All Muslims are brothers. The wealthof another person is not lawful without hispleasure. Do not become disbelievers after mydeath by fighting with each other. I have leftwith you the Book of Allah. If you hold steadfast

    to its laws, you will never be misguided.

    O People! Your Rabb (Lord) is one and yourfather is one. You are all the children of Aadam

    and Aadam

    was created from soil.

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    The most honoured amongst you is he who hasthe most fear of Allah Taala. No Arab holds

    virtue over a non-Arab except by virtue of histaqwa (fear of Allah). Remember! I haveconveyed the message. O Allah! You are mywitness that I have conveyed the message.Those present, should convey the message to

    those who are absent.

    After performing Hajj, Hadhrat Nabi Akram

    (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) remained in Makkah for a few

    days and thereafter returned to Madinah.

    11 A. H.Sariyyah of Hadhrat Usaama

    After returning from Makkah Muazzamah,

    Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) prepared

    an army on the 26th Safar 11 A.H. to fight the

    Romans. Amongst the soldiers were many leadingSahaabah (Radhiyallahu Anhum) like Hadhrat Aby Bakr


    , Hadhrat Umar Farooq

    and Hadhrat

    Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah

    . Hadhrat Nabi Akram

    (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) appointed Hadhrat Usama

    as the Ameer (leader) of this army. This was the last

    army that Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

    arranged himself. This army had not yet leftMadinah

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    when Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) fell

    ill. Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

    thereafter passed away and Hadhrat Abu Bakr

    dispatched this army.

    (to be continued, Insha Allah)


    Statements andAnecdotes of Faqeehul-Ummat Hadhrat Mufti

    Mahmood Hasan

    Gangohi Compiled By: Mufti Farooq Meeruti Sahib (Daamat Barakatuhum)


    Is the rank of man higher than that of angels

    Question:- Is the rank of man higher than that of


    Answer:- Some human beings like Ambiyaa and

    especially Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi

    Wasallam) are higher in rank than the angels.

    However, some angels like those who are

    appointed to bring Wahi(revelation) are of higherrank than some human beings like the general

    masses. The common and general masses

    amongst humans have a greater rank than the

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    common angels. This detail appears in the

    following text of Sharh-ul-Aqaaid:

    The proof of Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu AlayhiWasallam) being alive

    Question:- Since when did the issue of hayaat-un-Nabi(Hadhrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam being

    alive in his grave) come about?

    Answer:- From the time of Hadhrat Nabi Akram

    (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) passed away the issue

    had come into existence.

    Question:- Nowadays, different sects have sprung up.

    Some claim that Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi

    Wasallam) is alive and some claim that Hadhrat

    Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) is dead.

    Answer:- How can this second claim be true when

    Hadhrat Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

    himself has mentioned, I am alive in my grave.

    An incident of Hadhrat Madani

    inrelation to Hayaat-un-Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).

    Once while conducting a hadeeth lesson in

    Masjid-un-Nabawi, the issue of Hayaat-un-Nabi

    came up and Hadhrat Maulana Husain Madani presented proof for it. The students

    present there continued raising objections and

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    Maulana continued to answer continued to

    answer each of them. Suddenly Maulana looked

    to the right. The place that was the Rawda-e-

    Aqdas was no longer visible and instead Hadhrat

    Nabi Akram (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) himself

    appeared in his physical form. Maulana then

    said: if you do not believe it through proof, then

    believe it through seeing. When they looked

    back after turning around, the Rawda-e-Aqdas

    again appeared as normal. (to be continued, Insha Allah)



    FOLLOWING A MADHABBy: Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani

    Translated by: Muhammad Amin Kholwadia

    (Continued from the previous issue)


    Advocates of Taqleed claim nothing more than

    this. In summary Taqleed advocates:

    1. There is no Taqleed in the fundamental beliefs ofIslam.

    2. There is no Taqleed in issues which are obvious

    and which have been transmitted to the degree

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    that they have become almost undoubted.

    3. There is no Taqleed in those issues of theQuran and Sunnah which are conclusive and

    are not contradictory.

    4. Taqleed is made in those issues where there are

    different and perhaps contradictory statements

    on the same issue in the Quran and Sunnah

    and where instead of relying on ones own

    judgment, the opinion of an expert scholar is

    trusted and adhered to.

    5. The Mujtahid is not infallible and therefore hisopinions are subject to correction.

    6. If an expert scholar finds a sound Hadith to

    which there are no contradictions, then he must

    forsake the opinion of his Imam and follow the


    So if this method is tantamount to Shirk, then what

    act on earth is protected from this sort of Shirk? In reality,

    even opponents of Taqleed engage in a form of

    following, after all even they were not born Mujtahids.

    Many opponents are not scholars in any sense of theword and even those who are scholars do not have the

    academic command over every issue. Antagonists of

    Taqleed who are non-scholars will follow the

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    answers offered by scholars. Hence, there are several

    compilations of Fatwas where no immediate

    commitment is made to present proofs, and even where

    there exists some dialogue on proofs, how can a lay

    person determine right from wrong? Thus even the

    opponents of Taqleed end up being Muqallids

    (followers). As for those who are scholars, they remainunder the obligation to examine all the resources on the

    Quran and Sunnah before reaching a decision in an

    issue. (to be continued, Insha Allah)

    Family Bond

    Bringing UpChildren In Islam

    By: Maulana Dr. Muhammad Habibullaah Mukhtaar

    Translated by Rafiiq Abdurrahmaan

    (Continued from the previous issue)

    Some of the reason for debauchery in


    Encourage children to be well-mannered

    and cool tempered and behave well towards other

    people. We refer to some verses of the Noble

    Quran and some Ahadith on the subject of

    adopting honour, good manners and dealing with

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    people kindly.

    The Noble Rasool (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was

    sent to teach graceful manners to the people1. Allah

    Taala, The Exalted, has commanded the adopting

    of good manners.2 Compassionate relations with

    people and a forgiving attitude are part of good

    manners.3 On the day of Qiyaamah (resurrection),

    the scale will tilt in favour of a well-mannered

    person.4 This is what the Noble Rasool (Sallallahu Alayhi

    Wasallam) has commanded.5 A well-mannered person

    is one who is full of faith.6 Good manners are a

    significant part of the Deen.7

    By being well-mannered and followers of

    Islamic etiquette, murabbiis can set an example to

    children and guide and lead them. We are

    commanded in the Noble Quran to forgive and

    1 Ahmad, Haakim, Bayha-qii.2 Surrah Aaraaf, 7:199.3 Ibn Mardawiyyah.4 Abu Dawuud and Trimidhi.5 Trimidhi.6 Abu Dawuud and Trimidhi.7 Muhammad bin Nasr.

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    forget, and to adopt impeccable manners.8

    Therefore, parents and guardians must fulfill

    their obligations towards the education and training

    of their children. They must remember that if they

    are lethargic in this regard, children will turn out to be

    vagrant and vulgar. (to be continued, Insha Allah)

    Telephone Ethics

    Laws pertaining to the use of

    Mufti Muhammad Salmaan Mansurpuri Sahib

    (Continued from the previous issue)

    (11) Watching cricket, soccer or other

    sports on a cell phone.

    Question:-Can one watch cricket on ones phone?

    Answer:- Watching cricket on ones phone is a

    futile act and a waste of precious time.

    Often acts of sin are also perpetrated when

    adverts with immoral pictures are viewed

    during the match. Generally, people cannot

    turn their eyes away when any un-Islamic

    8 Surrah Aaraaf, 7:199, Surah Fussilat [Haa Meem Sajdah]. 41:34, Surah Aali-

    Imraan, 3:134.

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    aspect will be aired. Hadhrat Abu Hurairah

    has reported that Hadhrat Rasulullah(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: The beauty of

    ones Islam is that he forsakes futile

    actions. (Shuabul Imaan, Fatawaa

    Raheemiyyah, vol 10, pg 326).

    (12) Playing games on a cell phone.

    Question:- Can one play games on the cell phone?

    Answer:- Playing games on the cell phone is

    also a futile act and a waste of time. It is

    necessary to refrain from it. Hadhrat

    Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) isreported to have said: It is the dictates of

    ones Islam that he forsakes futile acts.

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    (4) Listening to Deeni talks on ones cell

    phone.Question:- Can one listen to Deeni talks or the

    recitation of Naaths on ones phone,

    with visuals on the screen or without


    Answer:- Listening to Deeni talks and

    permissible Naaths is allowed, provided it

    is not accompanied by pictures.

    (to be continued, Insha Allah)

    Great Personality



    By: Allamah Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Salihi Dimashqi Shafii (Rahmatullah Alayhi)

    (Continued from the previous issue)

    Imam Sahibs Students

    Hereunder, the names of some of Imam

    Sahibs famous students are listed as mentioned by

    Hafiz Abu Muhammad Harithi, Qadi Abul-Qasim Ibn

    Abu Al-Awwam, Khatib Baghdadi, Abul-Muayyid

    Khawarizimi, Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Kurduri,

    Abul-Hajjaj Muzayyi, Allamah Ayni and Shaikh

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    Qasim Hanafi. As a form of tabarruk (blessing), the

    names beginning with Muhammad are listed first:

    1. Muhammad Ibn Aban Salih Quraishi Umawi Kufi.

    2. Muhammad Ibn Aban Ghanawi.

    3. Muhammad Ibn abu Shaybah Ibrahim Ibn

    Uthman Abasi.4. Abu Amr Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Abu Adi.

    5. Muhammad Ibn Ishaq Ibn Yasir Mutallibi Imam

    Ahle Maghazi.

    6. Muhammad Ibn Ismail Ibn Bukairbin Atiq Taymi


    7. Muhammad Ibn Ismail Farsi.

    8. Muhammad Ibn Ismail Qanad Kufi.

    9. Abu Ismail Muhammad Ibn Ismail Ibn Muslim


    10. Muhammad Ibn Ashath Asadi Shami.

    11. Muhammad Ibn Bishr Abdi Kufi.

    12. Muhammad Ibn Bishr Ibn Bashir Aslami Kufi.

    13. Muhammad Ibn Bukair Qadi of Damighan.

    14. Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Jabir Ibn YasarHanafi Yamami.

    15. Muhammad Ibn Hajjaj Lakhami Kufi.

    16. Muhammad Ibn Hujr Ibn Abdul-Jabbar Ibn

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    Wail Ibn Hujr kufi.

    17. Abu Sabbah Muhammad Ibn Hasan Basri.

    18. Abul-Hasan Muhammad Ibn Hasan Ibn

    Zubalah Makhzumi Madani.

    19. Muhammad Ibn Hasan Ibn Atash Yamani Sanani.

    20. Muhammad Ibn Hasan Ibn Ali Ibn Husain Ibn

    Hadhrat Ali

    21. Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Hasan Ibn Farqad


    22. Muhammad Ibn Hasan Ibn Imran Wasiti.

    (to be continued, Insha Allah)


    Letters to theEditor

    Misleading BookDear Editor,

    This has a reference to your editorial, Academic

    Deviance at KU by Jenab Fayyaz Ahmad Zaroo Sahib,

    An-NoorJuly 2010. It is really surprising that how such a

    misleading book, that is, Irfan-e-Quran, was released in

    presence of huge gathering of secular scholars as well as

    Islamic scholars at KU and no one make an objection. It is

    worthy of note that Mr. Abdur-Rahman War is not an

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    Islamic scholar, so his sham research on Irfan-e-Quran

    should be treated as trash.

    Muneer Ahmad Beigh

    From: Safa-Kadal, Srinagar.

    Home Truths

    Dear Editor,Your editorial (Academic Deviance at KU,An-Noor,

    July 2010) dispels the myth that all Maulana Hadhraat of

    Darul-Ulooms are completely oblivious to the intrigues of

    the sophisticated enemies of Islam. Your said editorial is

    well-founded and garnished with many home truths too.Zulfiqar Majeed

    A freelance journalist, Srinagar.


    UPFayyaz Ahmad Zaroo

    Raheemi faculty on Hajj Some faculty members of Darul-Uloom Raheemiyyah

    Bandipora went on Hajj in the sacred month of Zilhijjah

    1431AH. This year the said faculty members taught theirclasses till the end of Zeeqadah and then set out on the Hajj

    journey. They returned in the sacred month of Muharram

    1432 AH except the esteemed rector of Raheemiyyah who

    returned immediately after performing Hajj, that is, on 16

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    Zilhijjah, so that the administrative work may not suffer at the

    Raheemiyyah campus.

    May Allah Almighty approve Hajj of the Muslim Ummahand benefit the whole Ummah with the blessings of Hajj.

    Raheemiyyah holds staff-meetingof

    Islamic MakaatibDarul-Uloom Raheemiyyah Bandipora convened an

    edifying meeting of the staff members of Islamic Makaatib

    (Makaatib is the plural of Maktab which is a part-time school

    for Muslim children where the Holy Quran and the basics of

    Islam are taught) on 11 Muharram 1432 AH at its campus

    Bagh Bandipora. The said meeting which continued from

    Zuhr to Asr was attended by all the staff members and

    teachers of Makaatib.It is pertinent to mention here that Darul-Uloom

    Raheemiyyah Bandipora is running three hundred (300)

    Makaatib under its aegis throughout the state of J&K. And at

    present there are ten thousand plus (10000+) children, who are

    studying at schools, colleges and are engaged in other works

    in daytime, coming in these Makaatib where they are learningthe Holy Quran and the basics of Islam in part-time hours.

    The head of the department of Makaatib (HoD

    Makaatib), Jenab Hafiz Hidayatullah Sahib, discussed the

    important items with the esteemed staff in detail and stressed

    upon the excellence of teaching method at every maktab. The

    meeting was concluded with the edifying speech of the

    esteemed rector of Raheemiyyah varsity, Hadhrat Maulana

    Muhammad Rahmatullah Sahib Zeeda Majdahum. It was highly

    beneficial and improving meeting for all of us, said some staff

    members at the conclusion of the meeting to this columnist.

    On the same day, that is, on 11 Muharram 1432 AH, a

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    gathering of Khanqah-e-Mahmoodiyyah was convened after

    Maghrib-Salaat in the spacious Masjid of Raheemiyyah. The

    said gathering was attended by one hundred responsiblepersons from the valley enthusiastically, despite the fact that the

    entire valley is reeling under the intense chill and cold weve.

    This gathering was very beneficial and edifying for all of us.

    Raheemiyyah condols the saddemise of

    Deoband rectorDarul-Uloom Raheemiyyah Bandipora held a

    condolence meeting on the sad demise of the esteemed

    rector of Darul-Uloom Deoband, Hadhrat Maulana

    Marghoobur-Rahmah Sahib Nawwarallahu marqadahu who

    passed away on the first Muharram 1432 AH. The esteemed

    rector of Raheemiyyah could not attened the Salaat-e-Jenazah despite the repeated attempts. A condolence

    message was faxed to the office of Darul-Uloom Deoband.

    The Raheemiyyah rector and faculty have deeply

    sympathasized with the bereaved family. Before the said

    demise the care taker administrator of Deoband, Hadhrat

    Maulana Khamoosh Sahib, was passed away. May Allah

    Almighty provide the best substitute to Darul-Uloom Deoband.

    Gold Opportunity

    As it has been made public earlier that Darul-Uloom

    Raheemiyyah Bandipora has purchased a large chunk ofland adjacent to its new complex in the vicinity of Bagh

    Nussoo Bandipora. The payment was required in

    instalments. Many Muslim men and women donated for

    the same, may Allah Taala accept their donation. Now

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    the last and final instalment is due, so immediate donation

    is needed.

    Donation can be deposited in the bank account of

    Darul-Uloom Raheemiyyah under the account No: CD

    1226 JK Bank Branch Bandipora. Donors are requested

    to please inform the office of Darul-Uloom Raheemiyyah

    after depositing their donation in the bank on phone as itis necessary for maintaining the accounts and dispatching

    the receipts.

    Some persons desire to donate without disclosing

    their names and addresses to the Raheemiyyah office.

    But the office must be informed about the same as it will

    save the accountants from any kind of inconvenience, and

    such kind of information does not violate the rules of

    hidden donation.

    Issued by: Naazim Sahib

    Darul-Uloom Raheemiyyah, Bandipora Kashmir.