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The last issue this Year of Censor This!


Page 1: December Censor This!

























Check out the Provincial Roundup on page 9!


Page 2: December Censor This!


It’s that time of year again! December has rolled around and so has Censor This! - packed with interesting articles for you to read. We’ve been slaving away and slurping hot choco-late to build this newspaper (sounds difficult, doesn’t it?). If you weren’t able to go watch the KSS production of Secret in the Wings, page 17 is full of beautiful candids for you to see! Feeling extra Christmasey? Take a look at pages 6 and 7 for holiday crafts and recipes. The ski hills and skating rinks have opened and we’ve got articles for the winter sports lover in you! Want to learn something new? Check out our articles on androg-yny, suicide awareness or universities. The war between Starbucks and Tim Hortons is on with a vengance on page 11 - root for your favourite! You all know those New Years resolutions that never stick so we put the spolight on those shifty promises on page 16. As always, Censor This welcomes your input, opinions and contributions so if you have something to say send it straight to Mr. Manderioli (Rm 231) or to [email protected]! Have a great holiday and a happy New Year!

Who is Censor This?General Editor: Zoë ShayJournalism crew: Danielle Beleutz, Renee Berger, Lauren Boyd, Mishka Miller, Mary Bunka, Harsha Bharma, Sarah Thorburn, Zoe Shay, Esme Jackson, Kolby Zinger-Harris, Julia Roigk, Mackenzie Schermann, Jayden Craigie, Jess D’Vaz, Mr. Manderioli.

Editor’s Message...

Table of Contents4-5: News6-7: Seasonal8-9: Sports10-11: Entertain-ment and Opinion12: Worldly13: Seasonal14-15: KSS Music16: New Years17: Secret in the Wings18: Christmas19: Holiday Horoscopes and Joke-Off

6 - 7 8 - 9

-Best Wishes, Zoe


See Mme Hazel in room 237 to orderscarf is pictured below

4 - 5

Page 3: December Censor This!


On the covers..

1614 - 15 18

Left: KSS gets into the holiday spirit with a Christmas tree set up in the MPR on December 5Right: our festive French cover with the many ways to say Merry Christmas!photo of tree taken by Zoe Shay



Page 4: December Censor This!


KSSVideoProduction11/12studentsareintherunningforsomethinggrand.OnNovember7th,2012,agroupofadvancedstudentssubmittedtheirentry“BeforeYouGo”totheBCAADryGradVideoContest.Dayslatertheydiscoveredtheywereinthetoptwenty,andthenthetopten,andthispastweek,thegroup’svideohadsqueakedintothetopfive.Videoentriescameinfromallovertheprovince.Accordingtocontestrules,onceinthetopfive,oneweekisgivenforpeoplefromaroundtheprovincetovoteonthetopthreevideos.Thethird-placewinnerreceives$1000,second-place$2000andfirstplace$4000. BythetimevotingclosedonDecember5th,“BeforeYouGo”wasbelievedtobeinthetoptwo(thisisuncon-firmed,however).Ontheirwebsite,BCAAsaiditwouldbean-nouncingthetopthreewinnersduringthefirstweekofJanuary.Meanwhile,videoproductionstudentsareontheedgeoftheirseatswaitingtofindout.$4000.00wouldgoalongwaytohelpDryGradatKSS. “Beforeyougo”wascreatedbyLexiWuthrich,JoshFrank-lin,TeganMorgan,ShanelleConnell,ClintonPedersonandJustinKoren.Theyspenttwomonthsfilmingandeditingthepiece.Checkthevideooutat: BCAAintroducedtheDryGradVideocontestasawaytohelppromotesafetyandresponsibilityduringthehighschoolgraduationseason.Thisistheirwayofraisingawarenessamongstudents,staffandparents,andagreatwaytoencouragesafeparticipation.Photo by Renee Berger

KSS Video One of Top 5 in BCAA Contest

byJaydenCraigie ThosewhohavelostlovedonesduetosuicidehaveplayedanessentialrolethroughoutthesuicidepreventionmovementinNorthAmerica,mostespeciallyinCanada.Lossandhumansufferingareoftenattheveryheartofsocialchange.Itisoftensurvivorswhochanneltheirpainandpassiontoshineaspot-lightonsignificantconcerns,bringustogetherinacommoncauseandchallengeustodosomethingandgetinvolved.Weareindebtedtothosewhoareaffectedbysuicidefortheircourage,andtheinspirationtheirstoriesofhope,healingandresiliencequicklybring. Suicideprevention,likesuicideitselfiscomplexandrequiresamultidisciplinarycombinedapproachthatincludesacademics,researchers,frontlineworkers,healthcareproviders,policymak-ersandthosewithlivedexperience.Weallhavesomethingtolearnfromeachother,allofushavinguniqueandimportantcontributionstomake.Experience,passion,researchandevidence,policyandpracticemustallbeincluded,takenintoaccountandcarefullyconsideredwhendevelopingandpro-motingsuicidepreventionstrategiesandcampaigns. Grievingisnecessaryandweallgrievedifferently.Grievingtakestimeandtherearenoshortcuts.Forsome,griefisprivateandquiet,forothersitmaybepublicandloud,forothersitissome-wherein-between.Weallneedtofindexpressionandoutletsforourgrief.Forthoseofuswhoknowthepainofasuicidedeathgriefofteninvolveslookingforanswers,makingsenseofsomethingthatrefusestomakesense,seekingtoregainmeaningandpurpose,andfindingawaytotakeaction.Some-timessuchactionincludesharnessingourpaintomobilizeothersandgetinvolvedinsuicidepreven-tionandpublicawarenesscampaigns. Publicawarenesscanbeinspiredandinformedbyourgrief.However,thereareconcernsifsuicidepreventionendeavoursbecomethemeansofexpressionastoexpressingorprocessingourgriefastherearegoodreasonstokeeptheseaspectsseparate.Rememberingandmemorializingsomeone,regardlessofhowtheymayhavediedisimportanttothegrievingprocessandhealing.Weshouldhoweverbecautiousthatpublicaware-nesscampaignsthemselvesdonotbecomethememorial. Itisimportanttoconsiderthepossibilitythatwhenonepersonisfeatured,thoseatriskmayeitheroverlyidentifywiththatpersonandincreasetheirriskorconverselymaynotbeabletoidentifywiththematallandthereforefeelthemessagedoesnotapplytothem.Thepotentialrisksofexpo-sureneedtobeconsidered,includingwhatmighthappenwhenavulnerablepersonfeelstheirlifehasnovalue,purposeormeaning;thatnoonecaresandarethenconfrontedwithverypublicimagesandmessagesthatseemtobeadirectresponsetoaspecificandveryrealsuicidedeath.Whileanindividually-focusedapproachmayprovidecomforttothosemostdirectlyimpactedbythatdeathbysuicide,itmaynotbethebestwaytoencourageavulnerablepersontomakedifferentchoicesandchangetheirbehaviour.

Suicide Awareness: What Everyone Should Know

World NewsbyJonDerksen

Photo taken from Google

From left to right: Tegan Morgan, Lexi Wuthrich, Clinton Pederson, Josh Franklin, and Justin Koren. Missing from the photo is Shanelle Connell.

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World News

byReneeBerger EveryonehasheardthetalkabouthowtheworldissupposedtoendonDecember21,2012.ThemostpopulartheoryonwhytheworldisgoingtoendisthattheMayancalendarendsonthatday.TheMayanswerefamousforpredictinghistoricalevents,somanypeopletookitforthetruth.Oncewordgotoutaboutthisrevelation,therumorspreadveryquicklyandbecamethetopicofmanydiscussions.Ingeneralmostpeopleareskepticalabouttheendoftheworld,buttherearesomewhotrulybelievetheworldwillendonDecember21standhaveothertheoriestobackthemup. OnepopulartheorybesidestheMayans,isthewintersolsticethatishappeninginDecember.Supposedly,thenoondaysunconjunctsthecrossingpointofthesun'seclipticwiththegalacticplane,whilealsocrossingthecenterofourgalaxyonthisday.Manyscientistsagreethatatthecenterofeverygalaxythereisablackhole,soitmaybeapossibilitythatoursunvanishesforever. Anothereventthatissupposedtooccuristhereversalofthemagneticpoles.Every750,000years,giveortakeafewyears,themagneticpolesreverse,andrightnowweareoverdueforarever-sal.Apolereversalisaroundthecorner,andifthishappensthentherewillbeenoughUVradiationoutdoorstokillus. Oneofthetheoriesthathasnoscientificevidencebehinditisthatthefinalbattlebetweengoodandevilissettooccurin2012.ThisdayiscalledArmageddon,andmanyreligiousteach-ingsagreethatthisisgoingtohappenin2012.ChristiansalsobelievethattheRapture,whichisthesecondcomingofChrist,isgoingtooccursoon.ItistoldthatonRapturedayChristwillbringallthegoodpeoplebacktoheavenwithhim,whiletheothersarelefttosufferinthehellthatearthwillbecome.Becauseapocalypsealsomeans“revelation,”otherpeoplebelievethatonthe21sthumanitywillsimplygothroughagreatspiritualtransformationandwewillbeelevatedtoahigherlevel, Therearemanyothertheoriessuchassunstorms,catastrophicevents(ex.alienattack,envi-ronmentaldisasters,etc.),theHadronCollider,andsoon.Inreality,the world is probably not going to end.Theideathatsomanythingscouldgowrongaroundthesameperiodoftimeisabsurd,anditisquitesuspicious.Ithinkthatafewpeopleclungtotheideaoftheworldendingandgottoocarriedawaytryingtoconvincetherestofus.Ifyouthinkaboutit,theworldcouldendatanygiventimeandwewouldn'tknow.Youcan'tpredicttheendoftheworld,onlytimewilltell.

byJessD’Vaz IfyouweretoaskmewhatIcouldn’tlivewithoutIwouldmostlikelysaymycellphoneandiPod.Manyteenagerswouldprob-ablyhavethesameresponseasme.Whydowedependsomuchontheseobjects?Thesetinyhandhelditemsaresomethingmanycan’tsurvivewithoutforaday.Whatwouldhappenifallthepowerwentouttomorrow?Wewouldhavenothingtoconnectuswiththerestoftheworld.Itwouldbelikeoldtimeswhennothingelsewouldmatterexceptforwhatwasgoingonatthatverymoment.ImeanIfinditrudewhenI’mtalkingtosomeoneandtheyjustwhipouttheirphone.It’sjustlikethempullingabookoutwhileI’mtalkingtothem.Rudemuch?Realitymustjustbetooboringforus,soweoccupyourmindswitheverythingelse.Imeanwhatisthissadrealitycomingtoo?

End of the World Coming Soon?

Our Vices: Cellular Devices

Wanttofindashowthatisthrilling,suspense-fulandfilledwithitsmomentsofhumor?WellthatshowwouldbePrison break.Prisonbreakisathrillingshowaboutabrother’sdedicationtobreakhiswronglyaccusedbrotheroutofjail.MichaelScoffield,themaincharacter,purposelygetssenttojailtobreakhisbrother,LinkenBur-rows,outofjail.Theseriescontinuesforthreeseasonswithamovieattheend.Astheybreakoutofjailtheshowfollowsasthebrotherstryandregainwhatisleftoftheirlivesandputthepiecesbacktogether.Astheirstoriesprogresstheissuesgetharderandhardertodealwith,andthebiggerpictureofhowabsolutepowercorruptsishighlighted.It’ssosurprisinghowaddictingthisgrippingTVshowis.MyadviceistogettothenearestTVandwatchitrightnow!Youaremissingoutonagreatshow.

Prison Break CaptivatesbyJessD’Vaz

Photos taken from Google

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1 lb Butter or margarine, softened 1 lb Dark brown sugar 1 doz eggs 1 lb Flour 2 tsp Vanilla extract 2 tsp Baking powder 2 tsp Baking soda 2 tsp Burnt sugar (found in Caribbean markets) Cinnamon and nutmeg to taste 1/3 cup Rum

The fruit mixture includes the following2 cups 1 lb Prunes 1 lb Raisins 1 lb Currants 1 lb Cherries

In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar together until pale yellow. Add 2 eggs at a time, mixing well after each addition. Add vanilla and burnt sugar. In a medium bowl, sift together all dry ingredients. Add slowly to the large bowl, mixing well. The batter will be very heavy. Add about 2 cups of the fruit mixture (more or less according to taste). Mix well. Pour into well-greased and floured cake tins. Bake at 350 degrees for an hour or until a knife inserted in the middle comes out clean. Once the cake is cooled (do not remove it from the tin), pour approximately 1/4 cup of Wray and Nephew White Over Proof rum over the cake, be moderate as this rum is 63% alcohol. Cover tightly with aluminum foil. Keep the cake in the fridge or a cool place. Check the cake every 2 to 3 days. If it becomes "dry" add some more rum. Continue in this manner for as long as the cake lasts. Fruit Mixture: Chop fruit in blender or food processor. Put into a jar which can be tightly sealed. Cover the contents with rum and seal the jar.Keep in a cool place. It is also great with vanilla ice cream! *Editor’s note: This is an adult’s recipe.

Jamaican Christmas Cake Recipeby Mishka-Gaye Miller

Our Christmas trees are up, and have been decorated to the brim. Nevertheless, there’s always room for more. This year, Censor This! is encour-aging a little bit of holiday creativity and offering an easy ornament idea to grace your tree for the years to come! First, get your wax paper laid out, and turn up the heat on the glue gun. Once you have your wax paper ready, spread a slight amount of dish detergent and water onto the paper in order to prevent sticking. Now grab your glue and make your shape. We're going to keep it simple here at Censor This! and put together a simple snowflake. Once done, we wait. Once the snowflake is dry, peel it off. A second layer of glue may be applied, depending on how durable you'd like your ornament to be. Now gather your mod podge and spread it out over the orna-ment and once that's done, gather your glitter and prepare to attack. Now's the time to smother that ornament in whatever glitter you can find, and remember, there's no shame in layering. Finally, you're able to let it dry. So, grab a hanger. Stick it on the top of your ornament, and glue it towards the top!. Ta-da! You're done! Remake as many as you'd like, and hopefully they'll prove to last a few years.

What you need:• Hot Glue and Glue Gun

• Wax Paper • Dish Detergent • Glitter • Mod Podge (optional) • Paint Brush • String or Wire

by Esme JacksonChristmas Crafts: Snowflake Ornament

Page 7: December Censor This!

All year 'round, people are counting down the days to Christmas. It's the same all over the world, except for the different date at the end of the count down. Christmas isn't always celebrated on December 25 as we have gotten used to, and even then the celebrations differ tremendously. In Russia, Christmas is being replaced by the Festival of Winter, though in some parts of the country traditional Christmas celebrations continue on. Instead of Santa Claus, the traditional Christmas figure is Babushka, her name meaning grandmother, who comes around to distribute presents to the children on their Christmas Day, January 7th. Only 1 percent of the Japanese population actually believe in Christ, however nearly all Japanese decorate their stores or homes for Christmas. A Buddhist monk named Hotei-osho acts as Santa Claus and brings the children their gifts. However, most children don't like the thought of Hotei-osho, so they receive their gifts from Santa instead. Instead of spending Christmas Day with family; the Japanese spend the day doing nice things for others, espe-cially the sick people in hospitals. In Holland, Father Christmas is known as Sint Nicolaas or Sinterklaas. He arrives on the last Sat-urday of November by steamboat from his workshop in Spain. Instead of elves he's got helpers named Zwaarte Piet, or Black Peter, and instead of reindeers, he rides a snow white horse through the streets and on top of houses. December 5th is the Eve of Sinterklaas, where families receive and give gifts. December 25th is celebrated only by the religious Dutch and they spend most of the day singing carols and hymns. Christmas may be celebrated differently all around the world, but the thought behind it is always the same. The meaning of Christmas is to celebrate with your family and to give to and help people in need. Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Joyeux Noel! Zalig Kerstfeest! Frohe Weihnachten!


SeasonalChristmas around the world

Days are getting shorter, commercials more obnoxious and cheesy Christmas songs become more prevalent on the radio. All of this can only mean one thing: Christmas is fast approaching! Every year, we celebrate this holiday, get days off school, give and receive presents and have too much to eat. But it seems to me that we are more and more forgetting why we are celebrating De-cember 25, depending on your background. Christmas is a Christian holiday, signifying the birth of Jesus, son of Maria and Joseph, more than 2000 years ago. But the origin of the holiday is even older than that. Long before Christianity evolved, people all around the world in different cultures celebrated the winter solstice, which usu-ally occurs around December 21 and 22. They held feasts in honor of their gods, like the pagan god Oden in Germany or Saturn, god of agriculture, liberation, and time, and Mithra, god of the children, in Rome. Around Solstice the Romans also celebrated Juvenile in honor of the children. Since Western and Northern Europe was greatly influenced by its old traditions when they were Christianized, they most likely adapted their already existing holiday, as Christmas had not been celebrated at all in the beginnings of Christianity. The earliest reference of December 25 as the Jesus’s day of birth dates back to the Chronography of 354, an illuminated manuscript compiled in Rome. As Protestant England didn’t want Pope Gregory XIII, who made the reform on the Julian calen-dar, to dictate “what day it was,” they continued to use the Julian calendar. Since this calendar is eleven days ahead of our current calendar, people used to celebrate Christmas on what is now Janu-ary 6. This day is in some parts of England still known as Old Christmas Day. In America, Christmas has a rocky histo-ry (see “Christmas Cancelled”) but it was Wash-ington Irving, American author, who re-invented Christmas with the publication of his book The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon, gent. in 1819, in which he tells short stories about a fictional Christmas celebration in an English mansion. It is him we have to thank for celebrating Christmas as we do today!

A Different Julia Roigk

Christmas is one of the most important hol-idays in modern times with a large religious and commercial following. But it could shock some to know that Christmas hasn't always been this popular. In the beginning of the 17th century Oliver Cromwell, a puritan and leader of a group in fa-vor of religious reforms, took over England with the help of his followers and banned Christmas because he didn't believe in the custom. Although Christmas was celebrated differently in that time, people still wanted to have their celebration, which resulted in Christmas being re-instated in 1660. The early pilgrims in America from Eng-land were again strongly Puritan in their be-liefs, making Christmas not an actual holiday in early America. In Boston between the years of 1659 and 1681 the whole Christmas celebra-tion was outlawed and anyone who ignored the law was fined five shillings, valued at around 25 pounds in today's time 40 dollars Canadi-an. That was quite a bit of money at that time. After the American Revolution the Eng-lish life style was completely out and that includ-ed Christmas. Christmas wasn't declared a federal holiday in the United States until June 26, 1870. The modern Christmas holiday is thought of as being a time to celebrate with family and friends and feel real love.

Illustration of a 19th century Christmas celebra-tion. Photo by

by Lauren Boyd


by Danielle Beleutz

Page 8: December Censor This!


Winter WonderlandAnother Year At Stuart Park Skating Rink!After its grand opening in December 2010, the Stuart Park outdoor rink has been a popular feature of downtown Kelowna. The traditional Christmas ambiance, accessibility and free ad-mission make skating a perfect pastime for the holidays.

Surrounded by bright lights, skating on the rink at night isn’t a problem. After special requests from the public in 2011 the rink’s hours have been extended to 11pm. However weather condi-tions may change, so people are encouraged to call the public skating hotline for updates on the status of the Stuart Park rink: 250-469-8800.

by Brienne Welton

Big White is Back!

Photos contributed by Google

by Renee Berger

The rink has opened on December 1st to its habitual success. KSS student Paige Briscoe declares, “I’m so excited to go skating there with my friend Willa Holmwood. We’ve never been there before and we’re excited to try it out!” Open daily from 6 a.m. to 11 pm, the outdoor skating rink could be the perfect activity for you this holiday season. Go check it out.

It’s that time of the year again where the days get shorter and the snow covers the ground like a powdery white blanket. This marks the beginning of the ski sea-son and the opening of Big White. This year Big White opened on November 29th and you can feel the excitement as everyone prepares themselves for yet an-other ski season. Big White is a perfect place to spend this winter season; it is in fact awarded one of the top 5 family ski resorts in the world by the Sunday Times in the UK. Even if you don’t like skiing and boarding, there is tons of other ac-tivities that you can do up at Big White. The majority of people go to Big White to ski and board, but there are end-less amounts of things to do there. First off, day passes for skiing/boarding cost $65 while seasons passes cost $850 after

October 14th. As well, if you’re new to skiing or snowboarding, there are lessons available and Big White offers equipment that you can rent. The next most popular activities are tubing and skating. As well as being enjoyable, it only costs $18 for a day pass for tubing and skating. Other activities that they offer at Big White are dog sled-ding, snowmobile tours, sleigh rides, snow biking, and much more. Big White also has condos that you can rent and a village full of restaurants and various stores. Big White offers something for everyone, so why not spend your winter up at Big White?

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Censor This! had a chat with Elijah Gould-ing, an MMA fighter in grade 10 at KSS. Elijah trains at Toshido MMA in Kelowna with Da-vid Lea. Goulding recently fought in Vancou-ver at Battlefield Fight League with competitor Joshua Lam and lost just by 28 to 29 in a split decision. awarded Elijah with fight of the night and his entire team and many supporters are extremely proud of how much effort and training went into this competition.

Censor This!: What’s the best part about MMA?Elijah: This is a hard question, I love it all. I love the physical challenge.Censor This!: What does it take to be a great fighter?Elijah: A strong will, good attitude and heart, a good coach/team and work ethic.Censor This!: Any words of advice for anyone who wants to get involved in MMA?Elijah: Come to Toshido! Work hard and you can make it!Censor This!: Alright, thanks Elijah for talking to us and Censor This! wishes you the best in your MMA career.

MMA Fighter Elijah Goulding Comes in a Close Second

Elijah Goulding (left) lost by just one point in the Vancouver Battlefield Fight League against competitor Joshua Lam (right) in an intense MMA fight. Contributed by

by Zoe Shay

KSS Teams a Fixture at Provincialsby Kolby Zinger-Harris

KSS Students Shine!the final match between Kelowna Secondary and Oakland with anticipation. The game was hosted by KSS and it was an exciting night with a packed audience of students and family. The Owls didn’t win this time, but placed a hard-fought second,

nonetheless. The team should be commended for its work ethic and achievements this season. All in all, KSS has much to be proud of

KSS is proud of its various sports teams which have now finished their seasons with impres-sive rankings at their respective provincial tournaments. Notably, the school recogniz-es its AAA Boys Soccer team and the Senior Boys and Girls volleyball teams. Without a doubt, these players merit some pride reflect-ing back on their challenging fall season. Team coach Lum Balducci led the AAA Boys Soccer team amazingly this past year. Team captain Joel Burma, a grade 12 student at KSS, certainly worked hard along with the other play-ers to make it the best season the team has ever seen. This was only the second time the AAA team has made it into the provincial tournament. Furthermore, having come in fifth, they placed the highest they ever have. To be sure, the ex-cellent leadership of Balducci and Burma, along with the hard work and devotion of the entire team was what allowed them to rise to a new standard. Not to be forgotten is the Senior Girls Vol-leyball Team, which also came in fifth at provin-cials. A perfect example of athletic excellence, the team practised hard during the season and hopes to continue to achieve and improve for future seasons. Last, the Senior Boys Volleyball Team had a most intense provincial tournament. Upon mak-ing it into the final game, the entire student body of KSS was buzzed with excitement and awaited

Team Captain Joel Burma demonstrated fantastic skill and leadership this fall season.

The Senior Boys volleyball team players get ready for the game. Photo by Lauren Boyd and Harsha Bahmra

when it comes to fall athletics. Without a doubt, the various teams at Kelowna Secondary prove to be some of the best in the province and will continue to excel standards for years to come.

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“TherewerenosurprisesinGatlinCounty.Wewereprettymuchtheepicenterofthemiddleofnowhere.Atleast,that’swhatIthought.Turnsout,Icouldn’thavebeenmorewrong.Therewasacurse.Therewasagirl.Andintheend,therewasagrave.” Ethan Wate was a typical teenager;school, sports, friends. Then, he met a girl,and suddenly, everything he knew changed.BeautifulCreaturesisanovelbyKamiGarciaandMargaretStohl.TheduocreatedthesmallSouth-erntownofGatlin,SouthCarolina;atownwhereeveryoneknowseachother,andtherearenose-crets.Thatis,untilLenaDuchannescomestotown. Lena is the niece of the town recluse,and, as such, is immediately excluded. If thatwasn’t enough, Lena wasn’t a normal girl. This book tells the story of how thesetwo met; and how everything changed forthem; even the way Ethan viewed his bor-ing, cookie cutter, proper Southerner neigh-bors. Even the peoplewith nothing to hide haddeep secrets, ones that nobody would expect. Garcia andStohl have created a remark-ableblendbetweenaproperSoutherntownandadark,dangeroussecret.Thebookalmostrelatesto

Givenchy,AlexanderMcQueen,StellaMcCartneyandProenzaSchoulerallhavesome-thingincommon.No,it’snotthesky-highpricesoftheirclothing-it’stheprettyfaceadvertisingtheircollections.AndrejPejic,21yearoldSerbi-an-bornandAustralian-raisedmodelisflauntingtheirdesignerclothinginmagazines,prestigiouseventsandfashionshowseverywhere.What’ssounusualaboutayoung,beautifulmodelposingforpictures?Well,youcanfindAndrejnotonlyinimpeccablemenswearsuitsbutalsoinwed-dingdresses,highheelsandstunningwomen’sclothingaswell.Androgynousmodelsarepop-pingupinmajordesignercollectionsmoreandmoreoftenasthelinesbetweenmaleandfemaleblur. InhisbookThe Art of Seduction,RobertGreenegivesadviceinsuccessfullycatchingtheeyeofthepopulation:“Inasocietywheretheroleseveryoneplaysareobvious,therefusal

Beautiful CreaturesbyMackenzieSchermann

Androgyny in the Media



Somehowit’snotquiteChristmasifyoudon’thaveoneofyourfavoriteChristmasmoviesplayingasyouwrappresents,bakecookies,ordowhat-everitisthatmakesitfestiveinyourhome.(Personally,ItrackSantaonNORAD.)Whateveryourfavoritegenreis,there’sdefinitelysomethingforeveryone thisholidayseason.CensorThis! isproud topresent thedefinitiveguide to classicChristmasviewing.Allmovies arebasedonrecommendationsfromKSSstudents.1. RudolphtheRed-NosedReindeer(1964)(TheoriginalwithHer-mie theDentist-Elf.) “Let’sbe independent together.”This isaclassicChristmasmoviewithsomecutesongsandinterestingcharacters.It’stheperfectChristmasmovietowatchwithayoungersiblingorcousin.2. ThePolarExpress (2004)ThePolarExpress is aheartwarmingChristmasclassicthathasdelightedmanychildren.Thoughsomeolderaudiencesfindtheanimationatad...creepyandthelackofnamestobeirritating, all can agree that themovie leaves youwith a true sense ofChristmasspirit.3. Elf(2003)WillFerrellstarsasBuddy,ahumanchildraisedintheNorthPolewhosetsoff, fullofChristmasspirit, tofindhisrealfather.DiscoveringthatmuchofManhattanislackinginChristmasspirit,Buddytriestochangetheiropinionsandmakethembelieve.It’sacutefilmwithsomefunnymomentsthataresuretoputasmileonyourface.4. It’saWonderfulLife(1946)GeorgeBaileyhasgivenupmostofhisdreams tohelpothers,andhis lifehasspiralledoutofcontrol. It isChristmasEve,andheconsiderssuicide.Enterhisguardianangelstageleft.It’sanamazing,heartwarmingmoviethatwillremindyouofthetruemeaningofChristmas.5. HomeAlone(1990)AChristmasclassicabouteverykid’sdream:havingthehousetothemselves.Kevinisaneight-year-oldwhosefamilyaccidentallyleaveshimbehindastheyleavefortheirChristmasvacation.HomeAloneisagreatmovieabouttheimportanceoffamily,newfriends,andsecuritysystems.

Christmas ClassicsbyMaryBunka





HarperLee’sTo Kill A Mockingbird;ifthenovelwaswrittenwithin the twenty first century, anddealswith romance and the supernatural.Manyallusionsinthebookare,infact,directedtowardsHarper Lee’s famous 1960 novel. The authorshavemadethestorycometolife;whenyoureadit, it feels as if you are there, as if you are theonethatistellingthestory.Itisveryrelatable;thecharactersarestill trying tofigureoutwho theyare.Thebookalsousesalotofimagery;whenasceneisdescribed,youcanalmostsmellthegrass,tastethefoodandhearthewhisperofthebreeze.Itcapturesthesenses,andtheimagination.Also,insteadofbeingfromthefemalepointofview,asmanyteenbooksthesedaysareitiswrittenfromamale’seyes,whichbringsoutanentirelynewper-spectivethatisn’talwaysseeninnovelsthesedays. Goodreads, awebsite specializingon re-viewingbooksandgatheringreadersopinions,hasratedthebook3.79outof5,andmostofthereviewsthatcanbereadarepositive,althoughafewsaythatitwastoolongofaread.However,ifyoureadandenjoyedShiver, Hush Hush, Night World, Twilight, City of Bones...Ithinkyouwillenjoythisbook.

toconformtoanystandardwillexciteinter-est.Bebothmasculineandfeminine,impudentandcharming,subtleandoutrageous.Letotherpeopleworryaboutbeingsociallyacceptable;thosetypesareadimeadozen,andyouareafterapowergreaterthantheycanimagine.”Androg-ynousmodelshavethatconceptnaileddownandthefashionindustryhasdefinitelynoticed. Androgyneshavealwaysbeenseenasintriguingandhavebeenobjectsoffascinationthroughouthistory.Thankfully,androgynyisbe-ingrapidlyintegratedintomediaandsocietyasminoritiesarebecomingincreasinglyacceptedineverydaylife.Androgynyinfashionisgrowingintoamajortrendthatwearesuretoseemoreofinthenearfuture.KeepyoureyesopenforAndrejPejic,LeaTandothermodernandrogy-nousmodelsaswellasfamousfiguresfromthepastsuchasAnnieLennoxandofcourse,DavidBowie!

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Whenitcomestothebeverageandsnackscenario,Starbucksisundoubt-edlySydneCole'sscene.ShelovesStarbucksandwoulddefinitelypreferitoverTimHortons.Aswellashavingadeliciousuniquevarietyofdrinks,Sydnealsoremarkedonthevariousoptionsforcustomdrinks."Youcanorderthedrinkhoweveryoulikeit."AbigbenefitofStarbucksinSydne'sopinionisthenon-dairymilkoption.Thosewhoareveganarenotatallprohibitedandcouldorderanythingonthemenuby simply requesting soymilk.Unfortunately somevegans aredeterredbyTimHortons,whoonlyoffersdairymilk.Anotheritemonthemenu these twofranchisesdonothave incommonalsohappens tobeafavoriteofSydne's.ThechocolatechipbananabreadisuniquetotheStar-bucksmenuandisreportedbySydnetobescrumptious.Apart from the menu, Starbucks has another advantage over Timmies.Sydne'sattentioniscapturedbythewarm,cozyatmosphereofeveryStar-bucks location shehas frequented.AroundChristmas time iswhen theirskilledpromotionandmarketingskillreallystandsoutforher."ThefirstsignofChristmasiswhenStarbuckscomesoutwiththeirChrist-mascup."Sydnedeclared,fondlyrecallingthecups'adorabledecorationsofreindeerandsnowflakes.Shesummarizesthatshedoesn'tgetthat'warmcomfortablefeeling'wheninTimHortons, commenting on its lack of art and comfy couches. Shecountersmostpeoples'argument,thatStarbucksistooexpensivebysayingthatitsfabulousselection,classystyleandcozyatmospheremakethepriceworthwhileeverytime.

TysonDachwitswouldchooseTimHortonsoverStarbuckswithouthes-itation. From the blue collar atmosphere to the doughnuts (namely theHoneyCruller)andthehotchocolate,TimmiesisTyson'spreference.HeistrulyadevotedTimmiesfan.Hisappreciationforthiscompanygoeswaybackintohischildhoodwhenheusedtoplayhockeyintheirleague.“IplayedTimbitshockeyasakid,soIknowfirsthand theirgenerositytowardsthecommunity”hestatesfervently.TysonparticularlyrespectsTimHortons'supportofathleticsforkidsthroughtheirprofits.HealsolikesthefeelingandambianceofTimHortons,referringtoitasan ‘averageJoe feel.'ThemainadvantageTimmieshasoverStarbucksaccordingtoTysonisthelowerprice.TimHortonsoffersqualityaswellas an ample selectionof doughnuts,muffins andvariousother heartierfoodsStarbucksdoesnothave.Chilisandsoupsareamong theuniqueaspectsoftheTimHortonsmenu,whichismoremealcentralasopposedtothesimplesnacksofferedbyStarbucks.AnotherplusforTysonisthegreatservicehereceivesfromTimHortons.“Theservice is faster thanStarbucksbecausetheydon’thavetomakesuchcomplicateddrinks”hesays,havingnoticedthelonglineupsoftenseeninStarbucks.HeproudlysupportsthisCanadiancompany.WhenTysonvisitsTimHortonshe is served fast and feelsgoodafter-wardsaboutsupportingaCanadiancompanywhois in turnsupportingkids’sports.Nottomentiontheothergoodfeelingofhavingmoremoneyin your pocket in the long run!ForTyson,TimHortons is an obviouschoice.

Tim Hortons vs. StarbucksThe Official Breakdown!

"TimHortonshasalotmorefood,anditswaycheaper.Thecoffeeisbetter,andsoarethedoughnuts." Miguel




TysonDachwitsenjoysTimHortons’HoneyCrullerandwhitehotchocolate SydneColeatStarbuckswithagrande ChaiteaLatte




And what KSS students are saying on the debate








An interview with a fan of each


Page 12: December Censor This!


Happy Adventure, Newfoundland isn't called Newfoundland's most peaceful com-munity for nothing. If you're tired of the stress and anxiety of society, Happy Adventure is your place. Look at the beautiful views and discover how to be one with nature. Enjoy lounging on the serene beaches and catch the annual pirate themed recreation of the discov-ery of Happy Adventure complete with Pirate ships, people in stereotypical pirate garb and of course planks just waiting to be walked.

by Lauren Boyd

Top places to go in Canada continued...

Eureka, Nova Scotia is said to be one of the most beautiful places in Canada in the fall. If you’re a nature enthusiast this is your place with its picturesque views of the roll-ing green hills and countryside you just can’t go wrong. In the fall months Eureka is at the peak of its beauty with wild, vivid co-lours and beautiful clear skies. Eureka is a great place for a landscape artist to live with its seemingly endless inspirational sights.

Snowflake, Manitoba is a small community in the south of Manitoba close to the US. Snow-flake used to be called Hamilton until the whole town was moved so the railway would run through it. Snowflake is in an area popular for its winter sports such as snowshoeing and cross country skiing; it’s a beautiful place to take a relaxing winter time holiday. In a society where too much info coming at you too fast is the prob-lem, a trip to quiet, slower paced Snowflake is the ultimate destination for your relaxation needs.

“I believe that education is all about being excited about something. Seeing passion and enthusiasm helps push an educational message” Steve Irwin Preparing to go to that college or university for the first time and get a good education? You’ve probably re-searched all your educational options, checked out a long list of potential schools, and studied hard for finals. You have done everything to prepare, right? There are some things you may have forgotten. MAKE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN YOU CHOOSE THE RIGHT SCHOOL FOR YOU. One of the toughest things about choosing the right post-secondary school is going through the vast amount of information available on the thousands of colleges and universities out there. Good places to begin are the Best Colleges 2013 website published online by U.S. News & World Report, Maclean’s university rankings and the 4 International Colleges and Universities website. There are tips for helping to pay for college, an admissions guide, and a college personality quiz. Whenever possible, make a visit to the college or university campus and check it out for yourself. Decide what you want in a university/college, and consider the aspects you’re looking for. Keep an open mind, do your homework on the schools you’ve narrowed it down to, and keep your perspective. GET YOUR FINANCING SECURED BEFORE YOU GO. My advice: save every dollar. College is expensive and every dollar saved now is one less dollar you may have to work for later. Look for grants, scholarships, and any sort of financial aid necessary to help pay for your education. Additional budget advice includes $7,800 per year for accommodation, $5,354 for food, $800 for books and resources, and $1,630 for other expenses. A student, who graduated from Penn State University with a degree in information sciences, paid around $50,000 for four years. He had loans totalling around $25,000. He said many students don’t realize how much debt they’ve amassed until it comes time to pay. “The students themselves don’t really know what they’re getting into.” BE PREPARED FOR AN EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER. One thing that many never consider when they go to another province or state to attend school is the emotional toll on being separated from the life you’ve known. Leaving the security of family and friends can create a tremendous strain on you emotionally, and even physically. You’re going into a new world full of new people with new and differing social norms. Depression, anorexia, and manic depressive illness can set in if you don’t monitor your situation. Many say staying busy with classes, getting to know more people, and spending time in extra-curricular activi-ties can help. Taking time to pick the right school will really pay off there. Post-secondary school can be one of the most exciting and chal-lenging times in a person’s life. Great changes will occur and you need to be prepared for that. You’ll learn new things and discover things about yourself that you never knew. Post-sec-ondary school can be the experience of a lifetime, so make sure you prepare yourself as much as possible ahead of time, and rely on those around you for help with the rest. Good luck!

University Tips by Dr. Jayden Craigie

Photo from taken in Happy Adventure Newfoundland near a diner in the evening.

Photo from Eureka, Nova Scotia is said to be one of the most beautiful places in Canada.

Photo from Snowflake, Manitoba near a school.

Page 13: December Censor This!


Merry Christmas from Censor This! Staff

What are They doing for the Holidays ?

L-R: Grace Freiheit - “I’m going to Hawaii for 3 weeks.” Serena - “Sleeping” Photo by Lauren Boyd.

Madison - “Going to Vancouver for a family trip.” Photo by Lauren Boyd.

“Going to Party at Big White :P”- Davis, Doson and Merinda Photo by Lauren Boyd.

Ashley - “Opening presents and planning for a family trip.” Photo by Lauren Boyd.

Tina Light - “I’m having family over, going Christmas caroling and collecting food around the neighbourhood for the food bank, I might even go cross-country skiing with my family.” Photo by Lauren Boyd.

Ryan - “I’m going to visit my grandma and go to a christmas party.” Photo by Lauren Boyd.

Left to rightFront row: Harsha Bharma, Lau-ren Boyd, Zoe Shay, Danielle BeleutzBack row: Renee Berger, Brienne Welton, Esme Jackson, Mr. Man-derioli, Mishka MillerMissing from the photo are Mary Bunka, Sarah Thorburn, Kolby Zinger-Harris, Julia Roigk, Mack-enzie Schermann, Jayden Craigie and Jess D’Vaz

photo by Ms. Corinna Nicol

Page 14: December Censor This!



Photo contributed from Facebook

by Mary BunkaLyndall Huber is an up-and-coming songstress at KSS. The grade twelve student is a member of the R&B Band and has shown incredible prom-ise. Lyndall got involved this year, her grad year, after auditioning in the fall. We caught up with her between jam sessions to ask about her musi-cal life.

Censor This!: So Lyndall, how much time do you spend practicing?Lyndall: Usually there’s about five and a half hours of practice each week between all the dif-ferent music classes at KSS.

C: Other than the music, what is your favorite part of being a part of the R&B band?L: It has to be how much fun we all have. It re-ally feels like you’re on tour with a real band.

C: Are you planning on pursuing a career in music?L: I would love to. The hardest part for me is not knowing where to start. I take it day by day to try to figure things out from there.

C: What, or who, is your inspiration?L:Musically, I really don’t have a specific person who inspires me, rather it’s the people I meet day to day. There are way too many talented people to just pick one and say that one is my favorite.

C: What’s the hardest part of being a singer?L: I’m always afraid because there are so many [singers] out there, with the amount of talent I’ve seen at KSS it scares me to think about how many other people have the same dream as me.

C: Any advice for people hoping to audition for any of KSS’ music programs?L: Just do it. I kick myself for even thinking about not trying out. It’s my favorite part about going to school. Really.

The R&B Band runs throughout the school year, covering popular soul and blues hits. If you’re ever in the mood for some great music and unbe-lievable Owls talent, go check them out!

Page 15: December Censor This!


KSS R&B band rocks MPR with SOUL

On Friday November 30, KSS students were treated to an energetic noon-hour performance by KSS’s very own 17 piece Rhythm and Blues Band. The students, joined by Mr. Wong on piano and Mr. Manderioli on drums and percussion respectively, performed Motown and Soul classics for a very en-thusiastic audience.

The band covered Stevie Wonder’s “Superstition,” Tina Turner’s “Proud Mary,” Cee Lo Green’s “For-get You” and 7 other equally infectious tunes.

“I was very impressed with Ife Oyodele’s vocals and stage presence. I also thought Josh Donaldson was good on bass guitar and I enjoyed Liam Patter-son’s electric guitar solos,” stated Harsha Bhamra.

“The group was poised, polished and professional,” added Lauren Boyd.

No question, the MPR kids and the rest of KSS got a show to remember. Led by our beloved Mr. Neil Wong, the KSS R’n’B band has been in existence for the past 4 years and is available for hire.

by Censor This! staffRave Review of GiG

Ife Oyodele and band mates do a funky cover of Cee Lo’s “Forget You” in front of KSS students and staff.

Foreground: bassist Josh Donaldson and lead guitarist Liam Patterson

Above: Ife, Kennedy, Cassidy and Lyndall belt it out for their peers

Handsome, musical and charismatic Mr. Wong...

All photos on this page by Lauren Boyd


Page 16: December Censor This!


New Year’s Eve is the time when peo-ple reflect on life and their past year. Many people make plans for the new year and think about the lifestyle they wish to change. Most of the time these plans are for-gotten by the first few weeks or months into the new year, simply because people forget them or because they were not realistic in the first place. This is a cycle that may never be broken. The most common resolution in North America is to lose weight. Many gyms offer discounts in the new year to facilitate this resolution and they are crowded at the be-ginning of the year. However the turn out at the gyms slows down by mid-February and is completely back to normal in March. Others vow to spend more time with loved ones, live a healthier lifestyle, get in touch with their spirituality, quit habits like smoking and drinking and be more chari-table, etc.To make your New Year’s resolutions be-

New Year’s Resolutions that Never Work

The most awaited day of the year by many people, New Year’s Eve, is right around the corner. It’s the time to share with friends, family, remembering the past, and hoping good things for the future. It’s time to celebrate the dawning of a new year and the passing of the old year. It’s the biggest party night of the year. Many people go out to parties, staying out until the morning for the countdown to the New Year. Others prefer to stay at home and celebrate in their own spe-cial way. Whether it’s in Kelowna, or out of town, with friends or family, your New Year’s Eve should definitely be memorable! There are many New Year’s Eve des-tinations for everyone. Many people want to resolve to try new things for New Years Eve. If you want adventure or if you want to savour the beautiful sceneries of Europe, then Amsterdam or Berlin might be the place for you. In Amsterdam the celebration be-gins as early as December 29th. They have many festivals, parties and events happen-ing all around the city. In almost every public place there are throngs of people from all over the world celebrating. Their annual, traditional countdown takes place in a large grassed square in the museum quarter of the city which is followed by an amazing fireworks show.

Activities for New Year’s Eve Berlin is known for having the big-gest open-air party for New Year’s Eve. There’s live bands, electronic music, light and laser shows, visual media and countless places for food and drink. The best part is that there’s a live music stage set up where the fall of The Berlin Wall took place, filled with international food stalls, dance floors and more stages. New York however, is the most popular place for New Years Eve! If you would rather stay in North America to celebrate New Year’s Eve then New York City is the place for you. New York City has their annual Time Square Ball Drop. Why not go see it in person instead of on television like every year? It’s not some-thing to do every year but going to New York especially for this event would be a great experience and make a great memory. But if you want to stay home, don’t worry! There are many activities to do in Kelowna. There are so many ski resorts near and at Kelowna that have special New Year’s Eve events planned for visi-tors. Silver Star has a magical Torchlight parade down their village, and the largest fireworks show of the winter. Also there is a New Years Eve dinner Tour Extravaganza and a New Year’s Eve snowmobile Tour. Big White has many packages to make your

holiday and New Year even better.Among them are Christmas Winter Wonder-land Holiday, Sip and Savor and VIP Treat-ment. They have fireworks every Saturday that can be seen anywhere in Big White and an even more spectacular Firework show on New Year’s Eve with free bonfire and hot chocolate that can be enjoyed with friends and family. So, go and make this New Year’s Eve the most memorable night. There’s something for everyone whether you’re on a budget or you just feel like being adventur-ous.

www.fodors.comWatch the ball drop in New York City’s famous Times Square

come a reality rather than a fad you should divide and conquer the activities to achieve your desired results. Break larger tasks into smaller ones and make a plan to achieve your goals one step at a time. Another effective method is to cre-ate a sense of accountability. Designate a friend, mentor, or companion for sharing successes, monitoring progress and offer-ing support. The benefit of involving others in your goals and plans is instant access to experience, knowledge, and wisdom and it also raises the bar of responsibility. However many shy away from sharing their goals with others so when they do not live up to them they are not viewed as failures, That is why it is important to find someone who has simi-lar aspirations. Since we live in an electronic age, a good way of keeping up with your goals is to store them into your smart phone as a re-minder. If you do not own one, another good way is to write them down and place them in

a place you will always see them -like onyour fridge door or a poster in your room. Most importantly, make a commit-ment to yourself and remember the reason your resolutions were made in the first place!

Happy New Years!by Harsha Bhamra

by Mishka Gaye-Miller

Page 17: December Censor This!


Secret in the Wings a Great Experience!This November, the Night Owl Theater was pleased to present 6 shows of Mary Zimmerman's "The Secret in the Wings.” This non-linear play explored visually amazing and darkly accurate versions of Grimm's Fairy tales. Ms. Holmwood, the cast, and crew had a great time rehearsing the play and making these stories come to life each evening. Here are some of the secrets of the play... Isabella Thomson & Anne-Marie Holmwood

On this page in clockwork rotation, see pictures of the cast and crew of the Secret in The WingsAll photos contributed by Anne-Marie Holmwood

Page 18: December Censor This!


Quelques-uns de nos élèves internationaux ont été interviewés par des élèves internationaux de ma classe de Français 12, puis toute la classe a contribué pour vous donner une idée de comment se déroule le Noël dans leur pays – amusez-vous en lisant et en apprenant de leur histoire de Noël, autour du

monde. -Mme Hazel

NOËL AUTOUR DU MONDENoël en ItalieLe 24 décembre, pour le dîner de Noël (Le Reveillon), toute la famille vient ensemble pour manger les pâtes tortellini avec le poisson. Avec un sapin artificiel de Noël dans la salle, ils disent «Buon Natale» (Joyeux Noël en Italien) et parlent de «Babbo Natale» (Père Noël en Italien) qui viendra ce soir. Puisque la maison était décorée le 8 décembre, tout le monde peut se reposer, et avec les chansons de Noël de Michael Bublé qui jouent en l’air, la maison est remplie de l’esprit de Noël. Après le dîner, la famille va à l'église. En rentrant ce soir, ils se couchent en attendant «Babbo Natale». Le lendemain, la famille se réveille pour ouvrir tous les cadeaux, et elle fête encore le Noël.

Noël en AllemagneJ’ai une petite histoire à vous raconter. Ma fête per-sonnelle de Noël en Allemagne se déroule comme ça: Chaque Noël je vais à l’église avec ma mère, mon père, mon frère et ma grand-mère qui vit à côté de nous. Après ça, nous revenons et mon frère et moi, nous attendons, chez ma grand-mère, l’enfant Jésus. C’est une tradition, et bien que nous ne croyions plus que l’enfant Jésus va arriver pour nous donner des ca-deaux le soir du 24 décembre, nous l'attendons pareil. Mes parents ont une petite cloche et ils le sonnent dès qu'ils finissent les préparations du dîner et de mettre les cadeaux sous le sapin de Noël. Quand mon frère et moi étions plus jeunes et nous pensions encore que l’enfant Jésus existait et arrivait avec des cadeaux, nous étions super excités - j’aime encore imaginer le temps où j’étais jeune et aimais attendre l’enfant Jésus. J'ai tou-jours voulu le trouver et lui parler.

Par Theresa Riehm

Noël en NorvègeEn Norvège, les célébrations d'hiver com-mencent le 13 décembre avec le jour de Saint Lucia, où c'est une tradition qu'une fille porte un peignoir blanc. Ce jour-là, les norvégiens font des poudings de riz avec seulement une amande. L'enfant qui trouve l'amande gagne une surprise – un gâteau massepain! Entre Noël et la Nouvelle Année, les enfants reçoi-vent les bonbons chaque jour. En Norvège, les gens mettent les sapins de Noël faux et vrai, et ils attendent Julenissen – comme le Père Noël, mais plus mince. La chanson de Noël que Re-bekka préfère est «Tenn Lys». Les norvégiens disent «God Jul!» au lieu de "Joyeux Noel!"

Noël en SuisseLe Saint Nicolas va venir le 6 Décembre et il va laisser des noisettes et de petits cadeaux chez les enfants. Le soir pour célébrer Noël est le soir du 24 Décembre. On a un sapin de Noël et on le décore avec les bougies. Avant de recevoir des cadeaux on chante des chansons avec la famille. C'est l'enfant Jésus qui va donner des cadeaux. Après le déballage des cadeaux on va manger le dîner. Il n'y a pas de dîner traditionnel mais la plupart mange de la fondue. Il y a de différentes fondues et ma famille mange de la fondue bourguignonne. Après ça, nous allons à l'église. Joyeux Noël en Suisse-allemand est: "Frohi Wiehnachte".

Par Annina SchläpferNoël en BelgiqueLes traditions en Belgique sont beaucoup semblables aux traditions au Canada. Le sapin et les décorations sont les parties les plus importantes de Noël. Dans sa famille, Fluorine met un sapin, mais elle ne met pas les décorations autour de sa maison. Elle aime beau-coup les chansons de Noel aussi ! Normalement, elle va à l’église le matin de Noel. En Belgique, il fait assez froid, mais il n’y a pas énormément de neige. Quand elle était petite elle laissait du lait et des biscuits pour le Père Noel. Elle célèbre Noel la veille de Noël et le 25 décembre aussi. Toute sa famille est présente pour cette joyeuse célébration ! Par : Abbey Jones, Jamie McLean & Dhaamin Clarke

Noël en EspagneRicardo et Carlos vivent en Espagne. Pour Noël, ils chantent une chanson populaire, "Belen, campanas de Belen". En Espagne, ils disent "Feliz Navidad" pour "Joyeux Noël" et le Père Noël s'appelle Papa Noël. C'est très similaire ! De plus, Papa Noël ressemble à Père Noël de très près. Le jour de Noël, Ricardo et Carlos vont à l'église. Malheureusement il ne neige pas d'habitude, mais ils man-gent les plats délicieux comme Gambas, polvorones et Jamòn Ser-tano. Par ailleurs, le 6 janvier ils ont une autre célébration comme Noël- nous sommes très jaloux!

Par Julien Butler, Brea Simpson, Mackenzie Pesl

Noël en ÉthiopieEn Éthiopie, comme au Canada, on fête Noël. Leur Noël a lieu le 24 janvier. En Éthiopie, on appelle le Père Noël, Jésus. Il ne neige pas en Éthiopie pendant Noël. "Melcam Gena" c'est "Joy-eux Noel" à l'Éthiopien. Le jour de Noel tous les éthiopiens vont à l'église. Il y a cinq différentes langues en Éthiopie.

Noël en UkraineEn Ukraine, la fête de Noël est célébrée d'une manière similaire et aussi d'une manière différente du Canada. En Ukraine, Noel est célébré le 24 décembre où ils ouvrent les cadeaux de Noël le soir. Il y a un Père Noël aussi, mais il est un peu différent de le nôtre. Il est raconté d'avoir été le grand-père d'une petite fille, donc en général, comme un symbole, le grand-père dans la famille se déguise en Père Noël. Avant que les gens ouvrent leurs cadeaux cependant, la plupart des familles va à l'église. Dans la langue ukrainienne il y a une petite fille connue sous le nom Snegurochka, mais à l'origine elle était connue comme la fille du print-emps et au gel.

Par Peter Cho et Zachary Rintoul

Lucrezia GigIIetti – L’Italie

Theresa Riehm, L'AllemagnePar Aislinn Mcdivitt et Sarah Richter

Rebekka, La Norvège

Par Melissa Panza, Javiera Mervyn, et Emma McLeod

Nardos Kifle – L'ÉthiopieAnnina Schläpfer - La Suisse

par James McNaught et Amanda Schuffels

Diana Illichova-L’Ukraine

Ricardo- L’EspagneCarlos- L’Espagne

Florine Dieu- La Belgique

Page 19: December Censor This!

Censor This! Joke Off: Part Deux

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23—December 21)Linking up with others to have some fun may not always appeal. Don’t take life so seriously

go take a bath, let loose.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22—January 20)Keep connection with old friends. Mutual

friends and colleagues they might show you the way to make a new path.

AQUARIUS (January 21—February 19)Go Shopping and see what you can find. Make this the season that you give others the benefit of

the doubt.

PISCES (February 20—March 20)Cheer others up! Go give out some random acts of kindness to strangers. Among all of this, you find what seems missing. Who knows what you

find.ARIES (March 21—April 20)

An optimistic and exciting week ahead brings you even closer to a loved one, enjoy!

TAURUS (April 21—May21)To get some peace, you may need to find a quiet corner

and even be a bit anti-social for a while.

GEMINI (May 22—June 21)A slow start to the week soon host up as you

realize how much there is still to get organized!

CANCER (June 22—July 23)When launching into the reasons why someone close should not do something, think back. Re-

alising that you were in much the same situationLEO (July 24—August 23)

Compassion and love are not quite the same. In being spontaneous next week, you show love.

VIRGO (August 24—September 23)After a few difficult months, you are now ex-

pected to let your hair down and have fun.

LIBRA (September 24—October 23)There may not be everything that you could

wish for in your life at the moment. We all need something to strive for and look forward to

SCORPIO (October 24—November 22)Being at the heart of things suits you well

enough at this time of the year. Bring more satis-faction to every day by letting others help out.

1. What do you call a blind German? A not see

2. Why don't cats play poker in the jungle? Too many cheetahs

3. What does JC Penny and teenagers have in common? Pants 50% off

4. How did the blonde die while drinking milk? The cow sat down

5. What is the award given to the cat with the cutest bum? A catastrophe

6. What do you call a crate full of ducks? A box of quackers

7. How do you know if you're a red neck?You go to the family reunion to find a date

1. How did the bank robber escape the police who were chasing him? He ran into a meat shop, stepped on the scales and got a weigh.

2.If your house in San Fran-cis- co falls apart when an

earthquake happens, don’t blame the government or your home builder. It’s the San Andreas Fault.

3. If you have a bumpy landing at the Kelowna Airport, don’t blame the pilots or the steward-esses, because its the ashphalt.

4.Why did the man in Prague play chess while searching for a wife? He was looking for a Czech mate.

5. Are you sure, Mr. Ion, that you were hit by a proton? Yes, officer, I am positive.

6. Why did the white bear dissolve when it went into the water? Because it was polar.

7. Why did Mephibosheth’s report card come home wet? Because all of his marks were below C level.Check out our

next issue on January 23.13!

Mini Horoscopes

Renee’s Jokes: Mr. Bakker’s Jokes:

Well in our last issue Renee went up against Mr. Manderioli and, let’s face it, it was no contest at all! Mr. M’s lack of humour is the stuff of legend and was really no challenge for Miss B. Fortunately, this month a real challenger stepped up and it’s none other than our beloved Mr. Phil Bakker. Anyone who has had Mr Bakker for science or chemistry knows that he is very “punny” and really ought to be teaching English! Could Mr. Bakker dethrone our reigning champ, “Labergs?” Read below and find out......

Page 20: December Censor This!


God Jul

Frohi Wiehnachte

Feliz Navidad

Melcam Gena










Z Rizdvom Khrystovym


...Et bonne année à tous! De la classe de Français 12 de Mme Hazel!