december printing 2012

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DECEMBER 2012 VOL. 1 NO. 12



Oh come, Emmanuel!

Isaiah 40:3 In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our GodNovember 24, 2012, after the joint breakfast fellowship, about 75 members of our Chapter proceeded to the Betania Retreat House in Lahug, Cebu City, for our Chapters annual Advent retreat. When we entered the room, the above-quoted bible verse was prominently written in the board for all to see. It was the prophesy about the coming of Jesus which was fulfilled in the John 1:19-28 which partly says John answered, I baptize you with water, but among you stands the one you do not know. He is coming after me, but I am not good enough even to untie his sandals The above verses were perfect reminder for our Advent preparations. It was the time to sort out all our worldly concerns, put everything into perspective and create our own highway to God. The retreat was in a three-in-one format. The first part was the talk on the Catholic Churchs thrust on evangelism and faith building by Sr. Virgie M. Ligaray, RVM, the Parish Catechists Coordinator of the Sacred Heart Parish in D. Jakosalem Street. Since it is Advent and the time for each and every one of us to prepare for the Lords coming, Sr. Virgies talk aptly placed emphasis on moments of silence and listening to enable us to truly reflect and lead us to the discovery of who we really are. She used the humility of St. John the Baptist as an example and said that awareness is the key to the creation of our highway to God. It was important to find out whether we are already teaching our gospel and not Gods gospel anymore. Sr. Virgie then proceeded with the video presentation on Take it to the Top, by Mr. Joe Mauk of the Caliraya Recreation Center in Caliraya, Lucban, Quezon. The video used the TOP (kasing) to represent the different kinds of persons/personalities around and each had its own characteristics vis-a-vis its relationship with the Lord (see meaning of tops below). The top has three main parts - the string, the anchor and the knot. The string represents faith, the anchor represents Jesus Christ and the knot represents the Holy Bible. The video


presentation called us to have the right relationship with the Lord and keep a faith in the Lord Jesus based on the Bible. Without faith, it is impossible to live, says Sr. Virgie. After the film showing we were given time to reflect and determine what kind of top each one of us - a Warbling Wilbur, a pessimistic top a magnetic top, a diabolical top, a double trouble top, a New Zealand top, a Kauri top, an unimportant top, a Philippine top, or the biggest top in the world. After lunch, Bro. Ani reinforced the talk of Sr. Virgie with another video showing entitled Amazed and Afraid: The Revelation of God Becoming Man, the first lesson of the Catholicism Series by Rev. Robert Barron of the World on Fire Catholic Ministry. It emphasized that Jesus Christ is unique, fully human and fully divine; he is the privileged door by which each man can be restored to right relationship with God. The video presentation clearly defined the four tasks of Jesus as the Messiah: a) Gathering the tribes, b) Cleansing the temple of God,


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Happiness in giving... Solemnity of Immaculate conception Baptism for the children... Celebrating Christmas day


There is more happiness in givingNo one can be honest and say He had received nothing from the Lord

THE time has come to countthe blessings each one of us have received during the year. God may have blessed us with good health, good and profitable business, success in our jobs, successful children, family vacation, etc He may have lifted us up from trials, sacrifices, pains, challenges, strained relationships, financial problems, and other concerns. When our fingers are not enough to count all the blessings and favors we received from God, our hands should continue to be open to share those blessings with others. Christmas is just two weeks away. As we all know, it is the time to spread the message of love, harmony and peace. It is also a time either to express our generosity or to be showered with gifts. What do you think is the best action this holiday season, to give or to receive? For me, giving is the best action if done out of love and selfless motive just like Jesus giving up His life for our salvation. Acts 20:35 says,

there is more happiness in giving than in receiving, and if we seek joy in our hearts this holiday season, then we must extend our hands for others. Giving is not all about money and expensive gifts. No one is too poor as to have nothing to give. A person who never has enough money this holiday season may have too much of something else. These could gifts of time and love which are the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas. Looking around, there are several opportunities and people whom we can share our blessings. Hopefully, the victims of typhoon Pablo, the fire victims, the street children, our sick brothers and sisters in the community, the prisoners, and others in need, will find place in our generous hearts. Lastly, we wrap each other as a family united by our faith in Christ and commitment to BCBP, and present ourselves as our gift to God this Christmas. Merry Christmas!













The Kaigsuonan sa Central is a monthly newsletter of the Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals (BCBP) Cebu Central chapter. Anchored at Bringing Christ into the Marketplace and Winning the Marketplace for Christ. The team welcomes original manuscripts and photographs from its members and reserves the right to accept and reject articles for publication. Please send articles in MS WORD File For your comments, suggestions, corrections and articles, please email it through: [email protected]




Solemnity of the Immaculate conceptionn


catholics, myself included believed that the immaculate conception was the phenomenon of the conception of our Lord Jesus Christ, through the intervention of the Holy Spirit. Research, however reveal that the title Immaculate Conception, is defined as the sinless state on the conception of the Blessed virgin Mary by Her mother Saint Anne. The conception of our Lord by Mary is rightly termed as the Annunciation of our Lord, a feast that we celebrate on March 25, exactly nine months before Christmas. It would take Pope Pius IX in December 8, 1854 for this to be declared a church dogma, or a declaration of the church as a manifestation from God, and an infallible teaching of the church. Another misunderstanding is that, by her immaculate conception, Mary did not need a saviour. When defining the dogma declared by Pope Pius IX , it explicitly affirmed that Mary was redeemed in a manner more sublime. He stated that Mary, rather than being cleansed after sin, was completely prevented from contracting Original Sin in view of the foreseen merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race. Mary found favor from God and was given this special privilege as she was destined to be the mother of our Saviour. Actually, doctrines are defined formally only when there is a controversy that needs to be cleared up or when the magisterium (the Church in its office as teacher) thinks the faithful can be helped by particular emphasis being drawn to some already-existing belief. The definition of the Immaculate Conception was prompted by the latter motive; it did not come about because there were KAIGSUONAN sa CENTRAL


widespread doubts about the doctrine. In fact, the Vatican was deluged with requests from people desiring the doctrine to be officially proclaimed. Pope Pius IX, who was highly devoted to the Blessed Virgin, hoped the definition would inspire others in their devotion to her. Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception is the titular Patroness of the Philippines. Many parishes and towns were named Concepcion in honor of Our Lady. The two principal shrines are the Manila Cathedral in Intramuros, Manila and the Parish of the Immaculate Conception in Malabon. No doubt the veneration of the Blessed Virgin as the Immaculate conception is a tradition that has strengthened our faith in God our Saviour and our King.3


BCBP Central supports the baptism of childrenn

Masbate outreach... on the risen



Nov 18, 2012, BCBP Cebu Central, extended again their love to the residents of Sitio Kaimbol and Sitio Kadasig by cosponsoring a baptism ceremony and welcoming into the Christian world twentythree (23) children. The two sitios were the beneficiaries of our Medical/Dental Mission last July 29, 2012. After learning from the residents that many of their children are not yet baptized, the Chapter answered to the call of helping them bring these children to Christ. The baptism ceremony was held at the San Lorenzo Ruiz Church in Tisa, Cebu City. Bringing with us one big lechon from the Chapter together with some bam-i, fried chicken, and rice donated by our brothers and sisters with big hearts, we immersed ourselves with the families of 23 children. That gesture of love and generosity brought a lot of happiness, smiles and thank yous from the Gods flock. As we watched the delight on the faces of the children and parents, we could say that, indeed, it was one big welcome to the Christian World for the children. The feasting on the food and the festive atmosphere brought us to realize the impact of our support to the spiritual lives of the children. This event was timely and special since Cebu is also celebrating the sainthood of our very own teenager saint, San Pedro Calungsod who went across the globe and sacrificed his life so that people will be baptized and Christianized. As we went home tired but happy, we realized that we were pursuing the works of San Pedro Calungsod and by being part of making another baptism possible, it was a better way of emulating his values. It was indeed one meaningful, blessed and fruitful way to celebrate and to say Thank You Lord, for using us to make your presence felt by your sheep that you love so dearly. It may a small part we played but still we feel blessed that we celebrated it not just in words but in action.


all take a peek at our Masbate Outreach after it was launched more than three months ago. Since I wrote about its successful launching last August 12, 2012, where we had forty-three (43) fresh new breakfasters, it is just about time to update you on its latest happenings and developments. The latest count on the accumulated number of breakfasters is about seventy (70) as of end of November. The last two joint breakfasts in November were the big haul of first timers since the launching. On November 10, we had thirty-six (36) breakfasters from the outreach, twenty-four (24) were first timers and twelve (12) were regular breakfasters On Nov. 24, we had thirty-nine (39) breakfasters from the area, thirteen (13) were first timers, twenty-four (24) were regular breakfasters, Our couple sharer was the former Chapter Head of Iligan, Bro. Buddy and Sis. Chillie Gerona. Brother Buddy is a Masbatenio who is now a successful businessman in Iligan. Since its launching, we have joint breakfasts twice a month. Our chapter is lovingly taking care of its new baby hoping and praying that soon this, too, would become a new chapter. For now, we already have some able and faithful regular breakfasters. The Mission Team is now in the process of forming the governance team of the outreach. This core group will soon undergo the first Brotherhood Christian Life Program (BCLP) in the outreach this coming February 2013. The sustainability of Masbate Outreach remains our great challenge. We need enormous financial resources to keep the two regular breakfasts in a month. We encourage sharers and servants who can take the rigors and sacrifice in travel, servants who are willing to offer two days (Friday and Saturday) of their time for the Lord. We must keep the momentum of the growth. Please sign-up as sharer or servants with our Outreach Coordinator, Bro. Jay Aviles. Let us all pray that God will continue to bless our efforts for the Outreach. May He protect us all who unceasingly support the evangelization work of bringing Christ into the marketplaces in Masbate. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples! 1 Chronicles 16:24





Celebrating Christmasn


UNLIKE any other baby, the one born that night in Bethlehem was unique in all of history. He had a heavenly pre-existence (John 1:1-3, 14). He is God, the SonCreator of the universe (Philippians 2:5-11). This is why Christmas is called the incarnation, a word which means in the flesh. In the birth of Jesus, the eternal, all-powerful and all-knowing Creator came to earth in the flesh.Stores and malls have been revved up about Christmas since the beginning of the ber month. And in malls, by far, are the biggest retail sales almost every week. Festive decorations, big ads, Santas Villages and all the rest are part of that process. Christmas has become a very commercialized holiday. In the rush to buy presents and outdo last years gift- giving, many people tend to submerge the true meaning of Christmas beneath busyness and consumerism. Aside from big dinners and expensive gifts, there are other ways to celebrate this important event in the Christian calendar that reflect the true meaning of the holiday, and give the gifts to the One whose birthday it is! At our chapters Christmas party last December 1, we had this theme: Preparing our Hearts for Christ, thus the early celebration. This brings to encourage all of us to reflect on the true reason for the season- Jesus Christ. The following are some ways to celebrate Christmas: Consider preparing some special foods for the poor and needy, visiting friends or relatives who live alone or have no family close or dropping in to see the sick in hospital. You might even give handmade gifts to people who arent likely to get much this season. Spend time with others to celebrate. Gather together at the homes of friends and family, and spend some time in fellowship with others who believe as you do about this special time. Wish others a Merry Christmas. Wishing others a Merry Christmas helps spread the cheer. 4.Give to others. Whether to your family and friends, or to others less fortunate, spend some time this Christmas in giving--love, time, forgiveness, understanding, patience or material things. We give in remembrance of the gifts of the Magi to the Savior, but at the very heart of it all, recall that we are to give because He first gave to us. Spend time quietly being thankful for the gift of Jesus to the world that we celebrate on Christmas. This is the day that Christians have set aside to celebrate the beginning of the greatest gift mankind has ever received. Coming into the Christmas season with a grateful heart is essential if you really want to make the extension from Jesuss giving of His amazing gift to your giving and receiving. Invite God to come and celebrate the day with you, in your home. Some people choose to do this by attending a Christmas Eve service with the whole family. Some do it by sitting before the Christmas tree and silently inviting God to just be with them. Also talk about the cheer, camaraderie, and general goodwill that goes around during this season. Have a very Merry Christmas and a bountiful New Year 2013! 5



BCMR... a renewaln


NOVEMBER 16 - 18, 2012 was the appointed weekend and Betania Retreat House was the appointed place for 16 married couples to rediscover each other and renew their commitment as a pastoral team in the Brotherhood Christian Marriage Retreat (BCMR) of BCBP Cebu Central. There were 8 couples from the home chapter, Cebu Central, 5 couples from Talisay Chapter, 2 couples from Cebu North Chapter, and 1 couple from the San Carlos Outreach of Cebu North.Indeed it was a powerful weekend with powerful messages in a solemn environment with a very lean service team headed by Mike and Joyce Fernan. Though schedule was really tight, everything fell into place that there was order in the flow of activities. We had very responsive and cooperative couples. It was heartwarming to see them intently listening to the different talks and diligently doing their reflections and dialogues too. We had a good mix and range of participants. We had couples married for a little less than 2 years with the longest at 33 years married. Although strongly discouraged to socialize with other couples during the weekend, meal time would be used for getting to know the other participants. By the end of the retreat, we were just like one big happy family. Judging on the way our participants were when they arrived Friday afternoon and how peaceful and joyful they were on Sunday, we could just thank and praise God for touching all of them. In the mini sharing we had Sunday afternoon, our couples expressed how delighted they were for eventually choosing to spend time with each other in the BCMR in spite of being reluctant to leave their families behind. Realizations of their specific roles as Christian husbands and wives strengthened resolutions to build a Christian home with the husbands leading the domestic church and the wife as a support and a helpmate. Healing and forgiveness were also evident in 6

most of the couples present. Many of them shared how touched they were in the session. One even shared that her husband had finally gone to Confession after 25 years. Communicating and understanding each others differences was a big step many couples achieved in the weekend especially from one couple who had a wide age gap. Even the topic of sex in marriage was openly discussed, better appreciated and understood. Altogether, we had a meaningful and fulfilling weekend that we even had a participant who was so excited to share that she likened her response to the weekend to an enthusiastic movie fan coming out of a blockbuster movie. The success and the victories won in this BCMR wouldnt have been possible without Gods loving hand, the power of the Holy Spirit and of course, the support and prayers of the community. AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIA! COMMENTS FROM THE PARTICIPANTS: BCMR is a very effective tool for the couple to strengthen their relationship and lead a married life in accordancetothewillofGod. I commend the hard work and effort of all the BCMR service team, chapter leaders, AGLs and Intercessory Group members. To God be the Glory Always! Thank you BCMR 4 for a wonderful and enlightening weekend. We gathered a lot of learnings andrealizations.GodBlessBCBPandmorepower.



FROM PAGE 1c) Dealing with the enemies of Israel, and d) Reigning as Lord of the Nations. The whole video brought us to a deeper understanding of who Jesus is in our present lives with perspectives back in the ancient times.The final speaker for the day was Fr. Jason Dy, S.J. (also from the Sacred Heart Parish) and his topic was about the Sacrament of Waiting. Most of us find waiting a very mundane and arduous task and we all dislike being at the waiting end. But as Fr. Jason went along, he showed us several video presentations that opened our eyes to different dimensions of waiting. The video clip Godot showed us waiting as a mystery. The video clip about the life cycle of the Monarch butterfly showed us waiting as a sacrament. It showed us the value of the process of growth and that waiting for others to grow and to mature was an expression of real love. The video clip about Typhoon Ondoy showed us that we are all longing for deliverance and are all waiting for God to make us whole, complete and reconciled. Fr. Jason also talked about our call to servanthood and he used the image of Mama Mary in the Visitation as an example of the perfect image of a servant-in-waiting. Mama Mary did not just sit at home and wait for her time to deliver, but rather she went to the home of Elizabeth and took care of Elizabeth until she gave birth. The final video clip of the day was the Christmas Shoes, a beautiful depiction of a boy, because of his deep gratitude for all the love his mom had shown him, bought a pair of shoes for his dying mom to wear in meeting Jesus after her death. After Fr. Jasons talk we had a beautiful exercise with the result was shared to each other. You might want to try this during your time of reflection and preparation this Advent by following these relatively simple steps we were asked to do. Trace your dominant hand on an empty sheet of bondpaper. Write your name on the wrist portion. On the thumb, write the best gift/favor you received from God lately that made you proclaim his goodness. On the pointer finger, write the name of a specific person/s (one or 2 names only) and what you want most for him/her to grow and change. On the middle finger, write what God wants you to grow and change in your life. On the right finger, write what God wants you to proclaim to others. On the tiny finger/pinky, who is the God you are waiting for this Advent (e.g., God the healer, God the provider, etc.) The day ended with the celebration of an anticipated Mass in honor of Christ the King. As an added bonus, Fr. Jason asked us all to offer our drawings of our hands and he blessed these. He asked us to keep our drawings on our possession during the entire four weeks of Advent saying who knows, you might be in for a surprise after the four weeks are done! All in all, it was a very productive recollection, full of new insights and revelations, and I was really blessed that I came. I have always made it a point to attend our Advent recollections because it grounds me and reminds me to prepare for the coming of the babe in the manger. Sometimes, in the frenzy, busyness and anticipation of the Christmas, we get carried away by the magic of the season and just jump straight to the material and physical celebration of Christmas. TOGODBETHEGLORY!






GLAM NIGHTstyle of salsa. The Fernan with their courtship dance popularized in Mexico and the Governance team doing the Samba medley. Each could not help but enjoyed the time being together as a family united in waiting for the coming of our saviour. Below are the smiles caught on camera. Enjoy!

CALENDARSDECEMBER ACTIVITIESn DEC. 1, 2012@ Casino Espanol BCBP Cebu Centrals Christmas Party n DEC. 7, 2012 @ USP First Friday Mass and Teaching n DEC. 8, 2012 @ Casino Espanol Centrals Joint Breakfast n DEC. 15, 2012 @ Casino Espanol Centrals Joint Breakfast Masbate Joint Christmas Breakfast @ Jollibee n DEC. 16, 2012 Christmas Social Action n DEC. 29, 2012 Christmas Feeding

LAST December 1, the BCBP Cebu Central held its annual Christmas party at Casino Espanol dubbed as BCBP Glam night. Each sisters arrived in their glamorous attire while the brothers could not be beaten when itcomes to getting themselves dressed up also for the special event. The most awaited portion of the night were the dance presentation by each unit. The Presas unit doing the boogie and mambo dance. The Orbita unit doing the cha cha dance. The Fuentes unit with the sensuous


n JAN. 4, 2013@ USP National Day of Thanksgiving and Family Mass n JAN. 5, 2013 @ Casino Espanol Mens Breakfast 2013 Plans Finalization @ Don Mertos n JAN. 7-12, 2013 Action Group Meeting n JAN. 12, 2013@ Casino Espanol Simul Breakfast Masbate Joint Breakfast @ Jollibee n JAN. 12-13, 2013@ Betania Brotherhood of Christian Business Retreat n JAN. 18, 2013@ USP Prayer Assembly n JAN. 19, 2013@ Casino Espanol Mens Breakfast n JAN. 21-26, 2013 Action Group Meeting n JAN. 26, 2013@ Casino Espanol Joint Breakfast Masbate Joint Breakfast @ Jollibee