december/january log

December 2015/January 2016 Christmas is soon upon us. Soon we will read once more the great story with Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus. While they are our main characters, there are many other important players in this epic tale. There is an angel and an innkeeper, kings and shepherds. And the donkey, of course. Now, the donkey isn’t actually mentioned in Luke 2 but it’s included in every children’s Christmas program and has a place in our imaginations as we visualize the story. Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem to be a part of the census; it would make sense that they likely traveled by donkey, as people did in those days. Donkeys are strong creatures. They’re quite a bit stubborn but very useful. People used them to carry their possessions and to carry their own selves on journeys of length. The donkeys were accustomed to carrying the loads of others. Sometimes at Christmas, we wonder how we can be more like the characters in the story. How can we be a willing servant like Mary? How can we be a follower of the light like the wisemen? How can we greet and welcome Jesus like the shepherds? This year, I wonder how we can be more like the donkey. More like the one who helped to carry the weight and burden of others. As we enter the holiday season, sometimes the weights and burdens add up. If not for us, certainly for people around us. The weight of the expectation of the season – the pressure to make this the best Christmas ever. The weight of family discord or the weight of grief. For some people, it’s the burden of not being able to fill the refrigerator with food or buy a winter coat that fits a growing child. In light of those weights and burdens that we might feel, or that those around us may feel, how can we be like our donkey in the Christmas story? How might we carry the weight and burden of others? Perhaps we can’t carry it all the way; but we can carry it for a short while, or offer to hold a portion. Maybe it’s by physically lifting a weight, like carrying someone’s groceries to their car at the supermarket. Maybe we help alleviate a burden by taking the time to listen, to spend uninterrupted time with one another, to give a hug. Maybe it is donating to the local food shelf or surprising someone with a needed gift. Maybe it’s a random act of kindness, sending a hand written letter, or giving a great big smile. It’s probably not often that we wonder how we can act more like a donkey. But try it this holiday season. How can you help carry another’s burden? The world will be a better place if we take the time to be donkey-like. Merry Christmas, Pastor Lindsay

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December/January LOG


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December 2015/January 2016 Christmas is soon upon us. Soon we will read once more the great story with Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus. While they are our main characters, there are many other important players in this epic tale. There is an angel and an innkeeper, kings and shepherds. And the donkey, of course. Now, the donkey isn’t actually mentioned in Luke 2 but it’s included in every children’s Christmas program and has a place in our imaginations as we visualize the story. Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem to be a part of the census; it would make sense that they likely traveled by donkey, as people did in those days. Donkeys are strong creatures. They’re quite a bit stubborn but very useful. People used them to carry their possessions and to carry their own selves on journeys of length. The donkeys were accustomed to carrying the loads of others. Sometimes at Christmas, we wonder how we can be more like the characters in the story. How can we be a willing servant like Mary? How can we be a follower of the light like the wisemen? How can we greet and welcome Jesus like the shepherds? This year, I wonder how we can be more like the donkey. More like the one who helped to carry the weight and burden of others. As we enter the holiday season, sometimes the weights and burdens add up. If not for us, certainly for people around us. The weight of the expectation of the season – the pressure to make this the best Christmas ever. The weight of family discord or the weight of grief. For some people, it’s the burden of not being able to fill the refrigerator with food or buy a winter coat that fits a growing child. In light of those weights and burdens that we might feel, or that those around us may feel, how can we be like our donkey in the Christmas story? How might we carry the weight and burden of others? Perhaps we can’t carry it all the way; but we can carry it for a short while, or offer to hold a portion. Maybe it’s by physically lifting a weight, like carrying someone’s groceries to their car at the supermarket. Maybe we help alleviate a burden by taking the time to listen, to spend uninterrupted time with one another, to give a hug. Maybe it is donating to the local food shelf or surprising someone with a needed gift. Maybe it’s a random act of kindness, sending a hand written letter, or giving a great big smile. It’s probably not often that we wonder how we can act more like a donkey. But try it this holiday season. How can you help carry another’s burden? The world will be a better place if we take the time to be donkey-like. Merry Christmas, Pastor Lindsay

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November 3, 2015 - Red Oak Grove Council Meeting The meeting was called to order by Shad Rudlong. Opening devotions were led by Pastor Lindsay reading from Christ in Our Home on Give Thanks. We all participated in creating a wreath of thanks that will be the project for GIFT this month. Dennis Magnuson was welcomed to the meeting. He brought up several very good ideas, one to make sure we have extra helpers to assist members getting into and out of church, particularly in bad weather. Another idea was that Greeters are an extremely important part of welcoming folks to church. He also offered to provide extra help and assistance to the new Trustees. The Council thanked Dennis for his care and consideration of our church community. Pastor’s Report: The first session of GIFT was held with about 35 attending. The second session of GIFT will be on November 4, 2015. Confirmation was held for four youth. All Saints remembered from the past year and newly baptized saints were welcomed. Pastor attended the Pastor’s Conference, part was focused on Interactive Ministry. Fourteen visits were completed, 7 with communion and two Prairie Manor services. The Secretary’s Report was given. A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve. The Treasurer’s Report was given. A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve. The highlights were: beginning balance was $5,779.66, with deposits the balance was $14,716.11. After expenses the remaining balance was $4,534.04. The Improvement Fund has a balance of $661.55. Deacon’s had no report. WELCA Report was given. Co-chairs for the coming year will be Joyce Peterson and Marlys Peterson. Questions had been raised about the counter tops in the kitchen, directions for using the phone in the basement and they will be sending donations to the Marie Sandvik Center. The Trustees reported that the fan in the attic has been adjusted, the snow blower and lawn mower will be tuned up. The wire above the south door was fixed. Old Business included coffee serving for fellowship hour. Mary Weikum will organize everything. This has been completed for the entire year. Coffee money will be available to offset the cost. All members will still be encouraged to help in any way they can. Another item that was discussed was that the enclosed trailer has been sold. New Business: A request has been made to use the church facility on Labor Day weekend. A facility use policy will be sent to the party and a decision will be made after that form is returned. The President-elect has resigned the position, the Council will seek volunteers to fill the position and that appointment will take place at the December meeting. Red Oak Grove will host the Community Thanksgiving service on November 22, 2015 at 7 p.m. Council will serve coffee and will furnish pies. Attending: Shad Rudlong, Holly Ille, Dean Peterson, Ardell Swenson, Bill Maxwell, Bob KIttelson, Angie Wagaman, Mike Hoffman, Pastor Lindsay and Laura Tjomsland. Next meeting will be December 6, 2015 with a potluck supper and activities. November Eucharist Assistant and coffee hour organizer is Dean. Meeting was adjourned and closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted, Laura Tjomsland

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WELCA Minutes for November

On October 25, 2015, WELCA gave 4 confirmands gifts. Their Bible verse was embroidered on a pillow case. Helen Broitzman hand embroidered a flower on each case. WELCA for November was held on the first at 10:15 a.m. in the Fellowship Room. The meeting was called to order by President Pat Hanson. The purpose was read together. Linda read devotions from Psalm 100 verse 4. Secretary’s Report from September was read and the report from Guest Day was shared. Thirteen area churches were present on October 7th at 9 a.m. for Guest Day. 67 were guests plus Red Oak Grove. Report placed on file. Lavonne gave the Treasurer’s Report, approved and placed on file. Two correspondence: Jessica Ferguson for her graduation quilt and Adalynn Heilemann for baby quilt and angel. Ruth Circle turned in 7 school kits for missions. Officers have been completed with Marlys Peterson and Joyce Peterson accepting the nomination as Co-Presidents. Katie has finished the cleaning of the church. Our 2015 missions were voted on: Good Earth Village $ 50 Lutheran Campus Ministry 25 Christ Thru Hands in Faribault 25 Lutheran Social Service 100 Rachel’s Hope 50 BP Boys and Girls Club 100 Marie Sandvik 50 Peace and Power Ministry 150 Red Oak Grove Church 1,000 Total $1,550 Virginia Davis made a motion to accept. There will be a 90th birthday celebration for Lavonne Smith on Sunday, November 29, 2015. Her family will be planning dinner. Please bring Thankofferings to the December meeting. Birthday Song was sung. The Lord’s Prayer was recited. Next meeting will be Wednesday, December 2nd at 12:30 p.m. serving potluck. Two helpers from each circle please. It will be the installation of officers. Respectfully submitted, Linda L. Christianson

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Pastor Acts: Wedding – Tara Maxwell and Nathaniel Johnson Baptisms – Hank Scott Strand Charlie Edward Skinner

Please know: Parking help is available in these snowy, icy months! Originating from a conversation at a Council meeting, Red Oak Grove introduces its own ‘valet’ service! You won’t get a ticket stub in exchange for your keys and the person parking your car won’t take a tip but we are here to help! Please pull into the circle drive and come into church. Connect with a greeter and they will happily help find someone to park your car! When you’re ready to leave, we’ll find someone to go fetch your car too. Please let us help you by asking!

tidings |ˈtīdi ng z| plural noun poetic/literary

news; information : the bearer of glad tidings. Church Council reminder: The December Church Council meeting will be held on Sunday, December 6th at 6 p.m. with a 6:30 p.m. potluck/$5 gift exchange to follow. Spouses are invited.

If you would like to purchase a Poinsettia for Christmas the cost is $10. The sign-up sheet is on the table in the narthex. Make checks payable to WELCA and they can be given to Lavonne Smith, Marilyn Ulland or Holly Ille. The last day for ordering is December 6th.

The Mitten Trees are up and waiting to be filled with caps, mittens, scarves and gloves. The items will be given to the schools in Austin and Blooming Prairie.

Christmas at Red Oak Grove December 13th – Christmas Program at 9 a.m. December 24th – Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship/Holy Communion at 5 p.m. December 25th – Christmas Day Worship/Holy Communion at 9 a.m.

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December 2nd, 5:45 – 7pm: GIFT – eating together, playing together, and praying together. Join us for tacos, a birthday cake for Jesus, Christmas program preparation, and hearing the story of Jesus’ birth. All are welcome to join in the fun.

It’s LEFSE time at Red Oak Grove! Come to teach another or come to learn how to roll and flip! This delicious activity is for absolutely everyone! We need learners, teachers, and samplers! We will be making the lefse on Sunday, December 6th following worship. If you are interested in helping to prepare the lefse dough the day before, we will be peeling and ricing potatoes beginning at 10 a.m. on Saturday, December 5th in the church kitchen. Please join us! Confirmation families, please note our December schedule:

+ December 2nd: Attend GIFT with your family. Supper begins at 5:45. (see above) + December 9th: Bell Ringing at HyVee, Austin, 6-8pm. We will need a few parents to join us/drive. Let Pastor Lindsay know if you’re willing. More details to come. + December 16th: Christmas party at the parsonage, 6:30-8pm. + NO Confirmation on December 23 or 30th. Enjoy holiday time with your family!

Sunday, December 13th: Christmas Program during our 9am worship! This year’s Christmas program will be an interactive walk through the ABCs of Christmas. Distribution of letters will be done at our December GIFT – we would love each family to choose a letter or two or three to ‘be’ in the Christmas program! You will decorate your (foam board cut out) letter and during the Christmas program, when it’s your turn, read how your letter connects to Christmas! (The scripts for each letter – most only a sentence or two long – will be taped to the back of your letter that you decorate.) We will also maintain the tradition that families serve coffee hour following the program. Please bring two dozen bars/cookies/cupcakes/your choice to be served on the 13th.

The 2016 offering envelopes will be in the narthex soon and ready to be picked up. Please do not use them until January 1, 2016. End of Year Giving Deadline – Donations for the 2015 tax year must be in to the church office by December 31, 2015. If you would like a copy of your Contribution Statement for 2015, please let the church office know. All reports to be included in the Annual Report should be in the office by January 17, 2016. We will have installation of our 2016 Council on January 10th. Thank you to those who faithfully served: Shad Rudlong, Emily Elkins, Bob Kittelson, Angie Wagaman, Scott Basness, Bill Maxwell, Ardell Swenson and Mary Weikum. We also thank those who have agreed to serve in 2016: Jacob Ulland, Jenny Ingvalson, Vi Christianson, Marilyn Helleck, Jamie Hanson, Pete Kleinschmidt, and Tammy Harber.


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January – Tom and Tammy Harber/Laura Tjomsland

February – Shad and Anne Rudlong/Mike and Bonita Herdina

March – Karen Johnson, Ardell Swenson, Judy Wambeam and Connie Trihus

April – The Wesely and Sistek Families

May – Steve and Holly Ille/Brent and Jenny Ingvalson

June – The Gary Ulland Family

July – Julie Hoffman, Marilyn Helleck, Pat Hanson and Marlys Peterson

August – Mary Weikum, Cindy Hingeveld and Bob Kittelson

September – Bill and Diane Maxwell/Pete and Cathy Kleinschmidt

October – Mary Weikum, Cindy Hingeveld and Bob Kittelson

November – The Nolan Christianson Family

December – Carolyn Zipse and Family

The people listed above have volunteered to be in charge of coffee each month. If you would like to serve on a certain Sunday, please contact a person listed for the month in which you would like to serve. Thank you.

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