deep multi-agent reinforcement learning for cost efficient

1 Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Cost Efficient Distributed Load Frequency Control Sergio Rozada, Dimitra Apostolopoulou, and Eduardo Alonso City, University of London London, UK EC1V 0HB Email: {Sergio.Rozada, Dimitra.Apostolopoulou, E.Alonso} Abstract—The rise of microgrid-based architectures is heavily modifying the energy control landscape in distribution systems making distributed control mechanisms necessary to ensure reliable power system operations. In this paper, we propose the use of Reinforcement Learning techniques to implement load frequency control without requiring a central authority. To this end, we approximate the optimal solution of the primary, secondary, and tertiary control with the use of the Multi- Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (MADDPG) algorithm. Generation units are characterised as agents that learn how to maximise their long-term performance by acting and interacting with the environment to balance generation and load in a cost efficient way. Network effects are also modelled in our framework for the restoration of frequency to the nominal value. We validate our Reinforcement Learning methodology through numerical results and show that it can be used to implement the load frequency control in a distributed and cost efficient way. Index Terms—Reinforcement Learning, MADDPG, Droop Control, Automatic Generation Control, Economic Dispatch, Load Frequency Control. I. I NTRODUCTION Electrical systems are undergoing major changes; there is a large number of deployed distributed generation that is slowly substituting large electromechanical generators [1]. In the past, the majority of the load was met by large generation units, such as coal or nuclear plants. Nowadays, every single house can be a prosumer, i.e., produce and consume energy; and deliver excess energy to the network. This is facilitated by new market designs, e.g., peer-to-peer markets. This paradigm shift is shaping our understanding of energy and bringing us a whole new branch of opportunities as well as challenges. In this context of decentralisation, coordination amongst generators to balance generation and load [2], [3] is more challenging. Traditionally, a hierarchical control system is used to meet this objective, i.e., primary, secondary and tertiary frequency control. Primary control keeps frequency between some acceptable limits; secondary control restores frequency to the nominal value; and tertiary control performs so in a cost efficient way. Secondary and tertiary control layers need a central authority to send appropriate control signals to generators to shift their generation to meet load. However, in this new paradigm where there are numerous generators participating in frequency control, the centralised approach has central limitations in terms of computation and privacy concerns. In this regard, new distributed schemes are necessary to deal with the aforementioned challenges [4]. Different approaches have attempted to tackle this prob- lem by implementing the traditional hierarchical control in a distributed manner (see, e.g., [4], [5], [6]). In [7], the authors propose a methodology for primary control to mimic droop control strategies which are by nature decentralised algorithms that act upon each generator. The proposed method- ology explicitly represents the modified system dynamics of having electronic inverters instead of large turbines. More- over, efforts have been made to implement a decentralised secondary control scheme, e.g., the centralised averaging PI (CAPI) presented in [8] and distributed averaging PI (DAPI) given in [9]. These algorithms use weighted averages of the frequency as the integral feedback. Despite their theoreti- cal appeal, they suffer from lack of robustness, and their communication demands make them difficult to implement in real-life scenarios [10]. Recently, several nature-inspired optimisation algorithms have been proposed to solve the primary and secondary layers of the load frequency control problem. Some of the most relevant ones are the water cycle algorithm (WCA) (see, e.g., [11], [12]), the yellow saddle goatfish (YSGA) (see, e.g., [13]) and the butterfly optimi- sation algorithm (BOA) (see, e.g., [14]). However, none of these techniques take the economic cost into consideration. Regarding tertiary control, it is usually common to solve a primal-dual algorithm that converges to the solution of the dual problem (see, e.g., [15], [5], [16], [17], [18]) where the communication between nodes enables joint global ac- tions. Nevertheless, as with other approaches, communication is intense between nodes and the system may become too complex. Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) is a promising alternative to implement load frequency control in a decentralised way addressing the aforementioned challenges (see, e.g., [19], [20]). The main drawback of these methods is their computational complexity, that grows exponentially in the number of agents. However, the rise of Deep Learning has opened the door to new techniques and algorithms that address these scalability issues in the load frequency control problem (see, e.g., [21], [22]). In MARL, various software agents learn optimal policies by negotiating, cooperating, and/or competing [23]. In this work we formulate the primary, secondary and tertiary control layers as an MARL problem so that the agents, i.e., gen- eration units, learn to keep generation and load balanced in a cost efficient way by controlling the energy supply while minimising information exchange. More specifically, we recast the load frequency control problem as a Markov Decision Process (MDP), as is usually the practise in reinforcement learning problems. We define the states which are the fre- quency deviation, the control action of each generator, and arXiv:2010.06293v1 [eess.SY] 13 Oct 2020

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Page 1: Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Cost Efficient


Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for CostEfficient Distributed Load Frequency Control

Sergio Rozada, Dimitra Apostolopoulou, and Eduardo AlonsoCity, University of LondonLondon, UK EC1V 0HB

Email: {Sergio.Rozada, Dimitra.Apostolopoulou, E.Alonso}

Abstract—The rise of microgrid-based architectures is heavilymodifying the energy control landscape in distribution systemsmaking distributed control mechanisms necessary to ensurereliable power system operations. In this paper, we proposethe use of Reinforcement Learning techniques to implementload frequency control without requiring a central authority. Tothis end, we approximate the optimal solution of the primary,secondary, and tertiary control with the use of the Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (MADDPG) algorithm.Generation units are characterised as agents that learn how tomaximise their long-term performance by acting and interactingwith the environment to balance generation and load in a costefficient way. Network effects are also modelled in our frameworkfor the restoration of frequency to the nominal value. We validateour Reinforcement Learning methodology through numericalresults and show that it can be used to implement the loadfrequency control in a distributed and cost efficient way.

Index Terms—Reinforcement Learning, MADDPG, DroopControl, Automatic Generation Control, Economic Dispatch,Load Frequency Control.


Electrical systems are undergoing major changes; there is alarge number of deployed distributed generation that is slowlysubstituting large electromechanical generators [1]. In the past,the majority of the load was met by large generation units, suchas coal or nuclear plants. Nowadays, every single house canbe a prosumer, i.e., produce and consume energy; and deliverexcess energy to the network. This is facilitated by new marketdesigns, e.g., peer-to-peer markets.

This paradigm shift is shaping our understanding of energyand bringing us a whole new branch of opportunities as wellas challenges. In this context of decentralisation, coordinationamongst generators to balance generation and load [2], [3] ismore challenging. Traditionally, a hierarchical control systemis used to meet this objective, i.e., primary, secondary andtertiary frequency control. Primary control keeps frequencybetween some acceptable limits; secondary control restoresfrequency to the nominal value; and tertiary control performsso in a cost efficient way. Secondary and tertiary control layersneed a central authority to send appropriate control signals togenerators to shift their generation to meet load. However,in this new paradigm where there are numerous generatorsparticipating in frequency control, the centralised approachhas central limitations in terms of computation and privacyconcerns. In this regard, new distributed schemes are necessaryto deal with the aforementioned challenges [4].

Different approaches have attempted to tackle this prob-lem by implementing the traditional hierarchical control in

a distributed manner (see, e.g., [4], [5], [6]). In [7], theauthors propose a methodology for primary control to mimicdroop control strategies which are by nature decentralisedalgorithms that act upon each generator. The proposed method-ology explicitly represents the modified system dynamics ofhaving electronic inverters instead of large turbines. More-over, efforts have been made to implement a decentralisedsecondary control scheme, e.g., the centralised averaging PI(CAPI) presented in [8] and distributed averaging PI (DAPI)given in [9]. These algorithms use weighted averages of thefrequency as the integral feedback. Despite their theoreti-cal appeal, they suffer from lack of robustness, and theircommunication demands make them difficult to implementin real-life scenarios [10]. Recently, several nature-inspiredoptimisation algorithms have been proposed to solve theprimary and secondary layers of the load frequency controlproblem. Some of the most relevant ones are the water cyclealgorithm (WCA) (see, e.g., [11], [12]), the yellow saddlegoatfish (YSGA) (see, e.g., [13]) and the butterfly optimi-sation algorithm (BOA) (see, e.g., [14]). However, none ofthese techniques take the economic cost into consideration.Regarding tertiary control, it is usually common to solve aprimal-dual algorithm that converges to the solution of thedual problem (see, e.g., [15], [5], [16], [17], [18]) wherethe communication between nodes enables joint global ac-tions. Nevertheless, as with other approaches, communicationis intense between nodes and the system may become toocomplex. Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) is apromising alternative to implement load frequency control ina decentralised way addressing the aforementioned challenges(see, e.g., [19], [20]). The main drawback of these methodsis their computational complexity, that grows exponentially inthe number of agents. However, the rise of Deep Learning hasopened the door to new techniques and algorithms that addressthese scalability issues in the load frequency control problem(see, e.g., [21], [22]).

In MARL, various software agents learn optimal policiesby negotiating, cooperating, and/or competing [23]. In thiswork we formulate the primary, secondary and tertiary controllayers as an MARL problem so that the agents, i.e., gen-eration units, learn to keep generation and load balanced ina cost efficient way by controlling the energy supply whileminimising information exchange. More specifically, we recastthe load frequency control problem as a Markov DecisionProcess (MDP), as is usually the practise in reinforcementlearning problems. We define the states which are the fre-quency deviation, the control action of each generator, and













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their action space. We model the dynamic behaviour of thegenerators and the network to determine the probability statetransition function of the MDP. We design the reward functionof the agents so that frequency deviation and total cost areminimised. The design of the reward function is critical, sinceit determines the behaviour that each agent will learn. Inorder to determine the reward function we make use of thefrequency deviation as well as optimality conditions of theeconomic dispatch problem to incorporate the cost componentin the proposed framework. We use this setup to estimatethe action-value function of each state-action pair with theMulti-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (MADDPG)algorithm. MADDPG is an actor-critic algorithm; this meansthat the architecture of each agent is split into two. First, theactor directly estimates an action while secondly, the criticassesses the suitability of an action by estimating the action-value function of the state-action pair. In MADDPG, the criticsuse central information to teach each actor the dynamicsof the environment as well as the behaviour of the rest ofthe agents. In operation, actors only use local informationsince they have learnt how other actors behave during thetraining phase. Each actor and critic is modelled with a LongShort-Term Memory Network (LSTM) so that previous historyis stored and acted upon. To summarise, the contributionsof the paper are: i) reformulation of the load frequencycontrol problem as a Markov Decision Process (MDP); ii)use of a detailed model taking into account the network,renewable-based generation and generator rate constraints; iii)design of the reward function of the agents so that frequencydeviation and total cost are minimised; iv) development ofthe proposed framework to solve the optimal load frequencycontrol in a fully distributed manner with only the use oflocal information; and v) validation of its robustness againstuncertainty introduced from renewable-based generation. Thisproblem was initially introduced in [21] and is extended in thispaper to implement tertiary control or economic dispatch, i.e.,the generation units modify their output to meet the changein load in a cost efficient way; to include a detailed powersystems’ model by explicitly incorporating the network, wind-based generation and a more realistic model of synchronousgenerator by including the generator rate constraints (GRC).

The remainder of the paper is organised as follows. InSection II we describe the power system model that weadopt to develop our analysis framework. In Section III, weformalise the frequency control problem as an MARL prob-lem. In Section IV, MADDPG is used to implement primary,secondary and tertiary control in a multi-agent problem. InSection V, we present numerical studies to demonstrate thatthe proposed methodology is a valid alternative to solve loadfrequency control in a distributed and cost efficient manner.In Section VI, we summarise the results and make someconcluding remarks.


In this section, we introduce the secondary and tertiarycontrol models that we utilise to develop our framework. Morespecifically, we introduce dynamic models for synchronousgenerators, the automatic generation control (AGC) system,the network, and the economic dispatch.

The system frequency indicates if supply and demand areproperly balanced. When the generated power exceeds theload the system frequency increases. Similarly, the systemfrequency decreases if generation is not sufficient to meetthe load. Thus, controlling the frequency of the system is astandard approach to balance demand and supply [24]. Thefrequency control is divided in a hierarchy of three layers:primary, secondary and tertiary control. In primary control,generation and demand are rapidly balanced since the syn-chronous generators are either speeding up or slowing downdue to the load generation imbalance. This is achieved bya decentralised proportional control mechanism called droopcontrol [25]. Then, a secondary control layer implementsan integral control that compensates the steady-state errorderived from droop control. Automatic Generation Control(AGC) [26] implements the secondary control layer collectinginformation from all generation units in a centralised way.Last, the tertiary control layer is related to the economic aspectof power system operations. This layer establishes the loadsharing between the sources so that the operational costs areminimised [27]. Tertiary control is implemented through theeconomic dispatch, which calculates the optimal operatingpoint in an offline process. Next, we present two models,i.e., Model I and Model II, for the description of the powersystem dynamics. These two models will be used to formulatethe frequency control problem of a power system with ngenerators denoted by G = {G1, . . . , Gn}.

A. Model I: Balancing Authority (BA) Area Model

It is common in power systems operations to model thedynamic behaviour of the entire balancing authority areainstead of individual generators. In this regard, we defineby ∆ω the deviation of the centre of inertia speed fromthe synchronous speed; the total mechanical power producedPSV =

∑i∈G PSVi

, with PSVithe mechanical power of

generator i; and the total secondary command ZG =∑i∈G zi,

with zi the participation of generator i to AGC. Then the BAarea dynamics are:


dt= PSV − PG −D∆ω, (1)


= −PSV + ZG −1

RD∆ω, (2)

where M = 2Hωs

, with H the system inertia constant and ωs

the synchronous speed; TSV =∑

i∈G TSVi

n , TSVithe time

constant of the mechanical power dynamics of generator i;D =

∑i∈G Di, with Di the machine i damping coefficient;




with RDi the governor droop of gener-ator i. In this case we neglect the network effects and setPG = PL(1 + ρ), where PL is the system load and ρ denotesthe sensitivity of the losses with respect to the system load.The normalised participation factor of bus load changes ∆PLi

with respect to total system load change ∆PL is denoted byσi, the output of generator i is denoted by Pi, then ρ, whichdenotes the sensitivity of the losses with respect to the systemload is

ρ =∑i∈G


∂Pi. (3)

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B. Model II: Synchronous Generator DynamicsIn Model II the individual generators’ dynamics are repre-

sented. For the ith synchronous generator, the three states arethe rotor electrical angular position δi, the deviation of therotor electrical angular velocity from the synchronous speed∆ωi, and the mechanical power PSVi

. We denote by zi theparticipation of each generator i in AGC. The evolution of thethree states of the generator i is determined by:


= ∆ωi, (4)


= PSVi − Pi −Di∆ωi, (5)



dt= −PSVi + zi −



∆ωi, (6)

where the inertia constant is Hi; the synchronous speed isωs and Mi = 2Hi

ωs; the machine damping coefficient is

Di; the governor droop is RDi ; and the parameter zi is aninput provided by the AGC. The definitions of the machineparameters may be found in [25]. The output of generator iPi is determined by (11).

C. NetworkLet us consider a power system with N nodes and PLi

represents the real power load at bus i. Further, let Qi andQLi denote the reactive power supplied by the synchronousgenerator and demanded by the load at bus i, respectively.Then, we model the network using the standard nonlinearpower flow formulation (see, e.g., [25]); thus, for the ith bus,we have that

Pi − PLi = Vi


Vk(Gik cos θik +Bik sin θik), (7)

Qi −QLi = Vi


Vk(Gik sin θik −Bik cos θik), (8)

where Gik+jBik is the (i, k) entry of the network admittancematrix and θik = θi − θk.

We assume that i) bus voltage magnitudes are |Vi| = 1p.ufor i = 1, . . . , N , ii) lines are lossless and characterised bytheir susceptances Bik = Bki > 0 for i, k = 1, . . . , N withi 6= k, iii) reactive power flows do not affect bus voltagephase angles and frequencies, and iv) coherency between theinternal and terminal voltage phase angles of each generatorso that these angles tend to swing together, i.e., δi = θi. As aresult, we neglect (8) and simplify (7) to be:

Pi − PLi =

N∑k=1i 6=k

Bik(δi − δk). (9)

If bus i does not contain a generator then Pi = 0.In order to increase the accuracy of (9) we can slightly

modify it by incorporating an approximation of the losses. Wedefine the normalised participation factor of bus load changes∆PLi with respect to total system load change ∆PL by σi,then ρi, which denotes the sensitivity of the losses with respectto the system load at bus i is

ρi = σi∂Plosses

∂Pi. (10)

Then (9) becomes:

Pi − (1 + ρi)PLi=

N∑k=1i 6=k

Bik(δi − δk). (11)

D. Economic DispatchThe economic dispatch process is formulated as an optimi-

sation problem, where the objective function that needs to beminimised is the sum of the individual costs of all generatingunits, ci(Pi), for i ∈ G ; this is typically a quadratic functionthat computes the production cost of each generation unit.Here, the constraint is that the system has to keep generationand load balanced; if generation and load are balanced thenfrequency is also nominal. The economic dispatch problemmay be formulated as:




subject to∑i∈G

Pi = (1 + ρ)PL.(12)

E. Wind-based generationThe increasing penetration of renewable-based resources in

the system introduces a source of uncertainty in power systemoperations and thus in load frequency control problems. In thisregard, we investigate the effect of wind-based generation unitsin the proposed framework. The relationship between the windspeed and the generated power can be efficiently modelled as alinear dynamical system [28]. More specifically, PW denotesthe real wind generation power output; ∆v the variation ofthe wind speed; αW1

and αW2are parameters that depend on

the wind turbine characteristics; Wt is a Wiener process andβW1

and βW1coefficients that represent prior knowledge of

the wind speed probability distribution. Then, the dynamicsof the wind-based generation power output are formulated asfollows:


= αW1∆PW + αW2

∆v, (13)

d∆v = βW1∆vdt+ βW2

dWt. (14)


In this section we formulate the load frequency control prob-lem as an MARL problem. Reinforcement Learning (RL) is anarea of Machine Learning strongly related with the notion ofsoftware agents [29]. RL studies how software agents interactin an environment to maximize their long-term performance.We use MARL to train a collection of agents how to implementthe load frequency control problem in a distributed way. Inthis paper, an agent physically represents the controller of ageneration unit. As such, by using the MARL scheme, whichallows for a fully distributed control architecture, the loadfrequency control can be achieved with no communicationinfrastructure between the agents, i.e., generating units. Thecontroller physical circuit of each generator does not have tobe connected with any of the other controllers, thus allowing a

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Fig. 1: Diagram of proposed load frequency control scheme.

physical “distribution” of the load frequency control system. Adiagram of the entire architecture and how the reinforcementlearning based AGC design fits in the power system dynamicsis shown in Fig. 1.

RL problems are mathematically formalized through aMarkov Decision Process (MDP) [30], that is defined as thetuple:

MDP = 〈S,A, P,R〉, (15)

where each term is:

• S or state space: all possible states where the agentcan be in the environment. There are two continuousstates in the load frequency control: the deviation fromsynchronous speed which is quantified by ∆ωi for eachgenerator i or ∆ω in the case of the BA area model;and zi, the current control action of each generator i.These states provide to the agent information about thedifference between demand and supply and how muchthey are contributing to the total generation.

• A or action space: all possible actions that each agenttakes in every state. Our agents-generators can increaseor decrease the control action zi in order to modify thestate of the environment.

• P or probability state transition function: it defines thedynamics of the environment, modelling the transitionbetween states. This is determined by the modellingapproach we are following, i.e., Model I as describedin Section II-A or Model II given in Section II-B. Forthe BA area model or Model I described in Section II-Athe transition equations derived from (1) and (2) are:

M d∆ωnew

dt = P oldSV − (1 + ρ)PL −D∆ωold, (16)

TSVdP new


dt = −P oldSV + Znew

G − 1RD

∆ωold, (17)ZnewG =

∑i∈G z

newi , (18)

znewi = zold

i + ∆zi, (19)∆ωnew = ∆ωold + d∆ωnew

dt ∆t, (20)

P newSV = P old

SV +dP new


dt ∆t. (21)

For the detailed modelling of Model II given in Sec-tion II-B the transition equations based on the (4),(5),

(6) and (11) are as follows:dδnew


dt = ∆ωoldi , (22)



dt = P oldSVi− Pi −Di∆ω

oldi , (23)


dP newSVi

dt = −P oldSVi

+ znewi − 1


i , (24)

znewi = zold

i + ∆zi, (25)

∆ωnewi = ∆ωold

i +d∆ωnew


dt ∆t, (26)

δnewi = δold

i +dδnew


dt ∆t, (27)

P newSVi

= P oldSVi

+dP new


dt ∆t, (28)

Pi − (1 + ρi)PLi=∑Nk=1i 6=k

Bik(δnewi − δnew

k ), (29)

where ∆zi is the increase or decrease in power generationby each unit i in G estimated by each agent. MADDPGis used to estimate ∆zi, as described in Section IV.

• R or reward function: it defines a numerical signal orreward expressing the value of being in a state andperforming an action. The reward function considers twodifferent dimensions in our case: frequency deviation andoperational costs.

MARL attempts to learn an optimal policy π : S 7→ Athat maximises the cumulative reward, or return. However,the reward is instantaneous and does not address the globalnature of the task, i.e., one bad action can lead to an extremelygood position from which the agent can obtain a good reward.Thus, action-value functions Qπ are used in RL to express theexpected long-term reward achievable from being in an state,taking an action and following a policy π:

Qπ(st, at) = Eπ [Rt|st, at] = Eπ

[ ∞∑k=0

γkrt+k+1|st, at


(30)where E[·] is the expectation operator, γ is the discount factor,which expresses the fidelity in long-term predictions of Qπ ,the cumulative reward achievable in the long run Rt, and thereward rt at time t. Most algorithms strongly support theirlearning process in value functions, such as Q-learning [31].

The action-value function associates a value Qπ to eachstate-action pair. However, when the number of states andactions is too large, it becomes computationally challenging toestimate them efficiently. Recent work has merged the field ofRL with Deep Learning, giving birth to a powerful algorithmcalled Deep Q-learning (DQN) [32]. This algorithm usesdeep neural networks as parametric function approximatorsto estimate the action-value function of each state-action pair.

The spectrum of existing algorithms to solve MARL prob-lems is wide. Most of them use game-theoretic approachesto augment Q-learning, i.e., Nash Q-learning or minimax Q-learning [33]. In our problem, state and action spaces arecontinuous and the interaction of various agents is required.This limits the range of algorithms available in the literature.MADDPG addresses both problems at the same time [34].


In this section, we present the selection of the appropriatemulti-agent actor-critic algorithm that takes into account the

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Fig. 2: MADDPG schema in a frequency control scenario.

fact that state and action spaces are continuous, and the designof the reward function.

MADDPG is an actor-critic algorithm. This means that thearchitecture of each agent, or generation unit, is split into two.First, the actor directly estimates an action while secondly, thecritic assesses the value of the action by estimating the action-value function Qπ of the state-action pair. The Qπ estimatedby the critic is used by both the critic and the actor to learnhow to behave in the environment. In MADDPG, the criticsuse central information to teach each actor the dynamics of theenvironment as well as the behaviour of the rest of the agents.In operation, actors only use local information because theyhave learnt how other actors will behave.

We describe the actor-critic algorithm for the BA model orModel I. This is the same for the detailed modelling of ModelII presented in Section II-B, the only difference is that insteadof the deviation from the centre of inertia the input to theactor and the critic is the deviation of the rotor speed fromthe synchronous speed of each generator ∆ωi. For the BAarea model given in Section II-A we have each actor i thatestimates ∆zi given the state of the environment ∆ω and itscurrent zi. Each critic assesses each state-action pair definedby the environment and the actions of all the actors. The criticestimates each state-action action-value that is used duringactor’s training, as it can be seen in Fig. 2. We denote by∆z−i (∆z−j) the action predicted by all other actors besidesi (j) and z−i (z−j) the control action state of all other actorsbesides i (j).

Deep Recurrent Neural Networks, particularly Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs) [35], are used to modeleach actor and critic. LSTMs implement memory so thatprevious history is stored and acted upon [36]. In MDPs theMarkov assumption states that the current state comprisesall information needed to choose an action. However, in thefrequency control problem the dynamics are quite complexand the Markov assumption may not hold. Thus, LSTMs helpus correcting the violation of the Markov assumption.

The actor network, see Fig. 3, has as inputs ∆ω and zi andcomputes ∆zi. The critic network, depicted in Fig. 4, has asinputs the frequency state of the network ∆ω; the secondarycontrol action zi; the change in the action predicted by theactor associated to that critic ∆zi; the secondary control actionz−i; and the change in the action predicted by all other actors∆z−i. The critic network then computes the Qπ(·) value ofthe state-action pair estimated by the actor associated with that

critic. As seen in the respective figures, both networks have a100-neuron LSTM that implements memory, and three more1000, 100 and 50 fully-connected hidden layers. Generationrate constraints can be easily introduced in this neural networkbased approach. More specifically, the output ∆zi of eachactor can be bounded by applying a non-linear function (e.g.,sigmoid function, hyperbolic tangent, etc.) at the output of thenetwork, so the agent has to learn that it cannot generate atan unrealistic rate.

The design of the reward function is critical, since itdetermines the behaviour that agents will learn. Ideally, thereward function incorporates two different components: (i) thefrequency state of the environment to solve the primary andsecondary problem; and (ii) the operational cost associatedwith the system to solve the tertiary control problem. Takinginto account the frequency component in the reward functionis straightforward since we set a higher reward for smallerfrequency deviations. Next, we need to determine how todefine the reward function in order to take into account thecost component. In this regard, we study the case wherethe cost functions of generators are of the form ci(Pi) =aiP

2i +βiPi + γi for i ∈ G [5]. The cost minimisation is part

of the tertiary control in the hierarchical control setting; theformulation of which may be found in (12). For quadratic costfunctions under no generation limits we may find the optimalsolution in an analytical way [24]. The Lagrangian may bewritten as

L(Pi, λ) =∑i∈G

ci(Pi) + λ

((1 + ρ)PL −




where λ is the dual variable of the power balance constraint.The necessary conditions for a minimum are


= 0⇒ dcidPi− λ = 0⇒ 2aiPi + βi = λ,∀i ∈ G . (31)

The solution to the problem above defines the base pointoperation of tertiary control. We now define with the aid ofparticipation factors how would a generator participate in aload change so that the new load is served in a cost efficientway. We start from a given base point λ0 as found from (31).Assume the change in load is ∆PL; the system incrementalcost moves from λ0 to λ0 + ∆λ. For a small change in poweroutput on unit i ∆Pi we have

∆λ ≈ d2cidP 2


∆Pi ⇒ ∆Pi =∆λd2cidP 2


,∀i ∈ G . (32)

Fig. 3: Architecture of the MADDPG actor.

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Fig. 4: Architecture of the MADDPG critic.

Thus we wish that each generator i changes its output so thefollowing holds

∆λ =d2cidP 2


∆Pi =d2cjdP 2


∆Pj ,∀i, j ∈ G , (33)

i.e., for each generator the change in the action ∆zi, i ∈ Gwe wish that∣∣∣∣∣∆zi d2ci

dP 2i

−∆zjd2cjdP 2


∣∣∣∣∣ = 0,∀i, j ∈ G . (34)

Now we use these two conditions, i.e., frequency deviationand cost information, to determine the reward functions foreach modelling approach.

A. Reward function – Model IWe construct two conditions that will be used in the

formulation of the reward function. The first condition is:

C1 : |∆ω| < ε1,

where ε1 is some selected tolerance; this condition ensuresthat the reward function r will reward actions that help infrequency restoration. The second condition is:

C2 :


∑j∈G ,j>i

∣∣∣zi d2cidP 2i− zj d

2cjdP 2


∣∣∣(n− 1)!

< ε2,

where ε2 is some selected tolerance; this condition ensuresthat r will reward actions that follow the cost efficient path.

When only the primary and secondary control problemsneed to be solved, the reward function may be formulatedusing C1 as

r =

{d, if C1,

0, otherwise,, (35)

Fig. 5: Diagram of the training process for developing theproposed load frequency control scheme.

where d is a constant.On the other hand, by taking these two conditions into

account we may formulate a general form of the rewardfunction to solve all levels of control from primary to tertiaryas

r =

d1, if C1 ∧ C2,

d2, if C1 ∨ C2,

0, otherwise,, (36)

where ∧ is the logical and; ∨ is the logical or; d1, d2 areconstants with d2 < d1. This reward function both helps infrequency restoration as well as performs the latter in a costefficient way, since the critic values actions higher that if bothpurposes are met.

B. Reward function – Model IIIn order to ensure frequency restoration, i.e., secondary

control, we wish that |∆ωi| < ε for all i ∈ G . To this end, weformulate the reward function as follows:

r =

d′1, ∃i : |∆ωi| < ε

d′2, ∃i, j : j 6= i, |∆ωi| ∧ |∆ωj | < ε,

d′3, ∃i, j, j′ : j 6= j′ 6= i, |∆ωi| ∧ |∆ωj | ∧ |∆ωj′ | < ε,...d′n, |∆ω1| ∧ |∆ω2| ∧ · · · ∧ |∆ωn| < ε,

0, otherwise


(37)where ∧ is the logical and sign; d′1, d

′2, . . . , d

′n are constants

with d′1 < d′2 < d′3 < · · · < d′n. This formulation ensuresthat the reward is higher when more generators’ frequencydeviation is smaller than a specified tolerance. In this workwe have not performed the tertiary control for Model I, whichis part of future work.

A flow diagram of the training process of determining theRL-based control for each agent is shown in Fig. 5.


We validate the MARL methodology using three test sys-tems. We formulate the reward function and present the resultsof the primary and secondary control problem for Model Iand the detailed modelling of Model II taking into account thenetwork effects. We also demonstrate the flexibility of the pro-posed methodology to incorporate generation rate constraintsas well as its robustness against the uncertainty introduceddue to wind-based generation. Next, we formulate the rewardfunction and present the results of all levels of control forone single BA area using Model I. We demonstrate that thegenerators are able to restore the system frequency back tonominal and operate at a point close to optimal when a changein load occurs in a distributed way. We compare the resultswith an standard distributed optimal load frequency controlalternative [15].

A. Secondary Control – Model IThe test case to validate the secondary control using Model

I comprises of a group of eight generating units or agentsthat interact with a load; the parameters of the environmentcan be found in Table I. In each training episode, the load

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Nominal frequency fnom = 50 HzInitial operating point Pi = 0.375 pu, i = 1, . . . , 8

Inertia parameter M = 0.1 puDroop RD = 0.1 pu

Load damping D = 0.0160 puGenerator time constant TSV = 30 s

TABLE I: Eight-generator one-load power system data.

Nominal frequency fnom = 50 HzInitial operating point P1 = 1.5 pu, P2 = 1.5 pu

Inertia parameter M = 0.1 puDroop RD = 0.1 pu

Load damping D = 0.0160 puGenerator time constant TSV = 30 s

TABLE II: Two-generator and one-load power system data.

varies around a nominal set point randomly. The modificationis indicated by PL ± ∆PL = 3 ± β pu, where β follows auniform distribution. The reward function has been derivedfollowing (35) and is defined by:

r =

{10, if C1

0, otherwise.

During operation, only the actors interact with the environ-ment. They only observe local information about the frequency

of the system and the control action that they are executing.As a consequence of the training phase, they know how to actaccording to the states of the environment in order to keepload and generation balanced. The validation of the trainingis tested by changing the load by 0.15 pu and observing howthe generators modify their output.

In Fig. 6a the cumulative reward obtained by the agentsis depicted. The agents can obtain 1, 000 at maximum perepisode, i.e., the maximum reward per step is 10 and thenumber of steps per episode is 100. The agents learn howto obtain higher rewards as the number of episodes increases,since if that was not the case the cumulative reward functionwould oscillate around small values near zero.

In Figs. 6b, 6c the centre of inertia speed and powerresponse of an eight-generator system when a single loadincreases by 0.15 pu is depicted. However, as it can be seenin Fig. 6d, the solution may be unrealistic given that theoperational cost component is neglected in this test case. Assuch, one agent learns to balance the entire system while theothers have zero output. Further analysis on secondary controlusing Model I may be found in [21].

In order to highlight the ability of the proposed frameworkto implement generation rate constraints, we have used ModelI to conduct numerical analyses of the response of a two-agent system, whose data can be found in Table II and isdepicted in Fig. 7, when the generation rate of each unit is

(a) Smoothed cumulative reward per episode with 95%confidence levels. (b) Centre of inertia speed.

(c) Power response of the eight agents. (d) Secondary control action of the eight agents

Fig. 6: Secondary Control Model I: Change in load by 0.15pu.

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Fig. 7: One-line diagram of a two-generator and one-loadpower system.

Nominal frequency fnom = 50 HzInitial operating point P1 = 1.5 pu, P2 = 1.5 pu

Inertia parameter M1 = 0.1 pu, M2 = 0.15 puDroop RD1 = 0.1 pu, RD2 = 0.08 pu

Load damping D1 = 0.0160 pu, D2 = 0.0180 puGenerator time constant TSV1

, TSV2= 30 s

TABLE III: Two-generator and two-load power system data.

bounded by different values. We modify the load by 0.15 puand limit the output of each actor ∆zi to 0.1, 0.05, and 0.01pu respectively by using a hyperbolic tangent function. Asdepicted in Fig. 8a, although the system manages to meet thenew load, the generation rate constraints affect the elapsedtime until the new steady state is reached. This can be alsoinferred by observing Fig. 8b, where the actual values of ∆ziare shown. When the generation rate is more constrained, i.e.,the generators are allowed to modify their output in smallerincrements, the system spends more time balancing generationand demand, as expected.

Next, we validate that the proposed framework is robustagainst the uncertainty introduced by wind-based generation,as described in Section II. We model a wind-based generator asa stochastic process with parameters αW1

= −0.002, αW2=

0.01, βW1= −0.5, and βW2

= −0.4,. We train the two-agentsystem of Table III to balance the load under such conditions.In Figs. 9a, 9b, it can be seen that the load is met and thefrequency is close to nominal under the scenario that the wind-based generation evolves randomly. More specifically, minorvariations appear in the frequency response as the agents adaptto re-balance the load.

B. Secondary Control – Model II

Analogously, we have designed a test case to validate theperformance of the proposed solution using the detailed ModelII. The dynamic behaviour of two generators that are partof a BA area is explicitly taken into account as well asthe network. The configuration of the system that has twoloads, i.e., PL1

and PL2, can be found in Fig. 10. The

parameters of the environment can be found in Table III. Ineach training episode, each load varies around a nominal setpoint randomly. The modification of each load is indicatedby PLi ± ∆PLi = 1.5 ± β pu, where β follows a uniformdistribution.

The reward function has been derived following (37). Set-ting ε = 0.05 pu; d′1 = 100; and d′2 = 200. The rewardfunction is formulated as follows:

r =

100, ∃i : |∆ωi| < 0.05

200, |∆ω1| ∧ |∆ω2| < 0.05

0, otherwise.

In Fig. 11a the cumulative reward obtained by the agentsduring training can be seen. Again, we notice that the agentsare learning and have discovered how to obtain higher rewards.In this case, the agents learn how to jointly balance generationand demand.

Following the same schema, we change both loads by0.15 pu and then we observe how the frequency and eachgenerator output change. The rotor electrical angular velocityof each generator is restored as it may be seen in Fig. 11b.The generation output of the two generators may be seen inFigs 11c and 11d; Fig. 11c is a zoomed in version of Fig. 11d.In Fig. 11c, where the timescale is up to 100 s, we notice thatthe total power of the generators meets the new load; thusrestoring frequency. However, the secondary control systemsends signals to the generators to modify their output as seenin Figs 11d and 11e. The system frequency is nominal sinceeven if the output of the two generators changes the summationof the output remains constant and equal to the new load.

We demonstrated that the proposed framework may beapplied to solve primary and secondary control problemswith the detailed modelling with Model II. This is achievedin a distributed way, i.e., without centralising any kind ofinformation, the agents learn how to balance the system. Here,the agents learn that keeping ∆ωi close to 0 for all generatorsis associated with high rewards.

C. Tertiary Control – Model IThe test case designed to test the performance of all levels

of load frequency control in a single BA area comprises oftwo generation units or agents that interact with a load whoseconfiguration during training may be found in Fig. 7. Theparameters of the environment can be found in Table II withcost functions for generator 1 c1 = 2P 2

1 [£/pu] and generator2 c2 = P 2

2 [£/pu]. In each episode, or training simulation, theload varies randomly around a nominal set point. The loadvaries as PL ±∆PL = 3± β pu, where β follows a uniformdistribution.

The reward function has been derived following (36). Weset ε1 = 0.05 pu, ε2 = 0.2 pu, d1 = 200, and d2 = 100. Thuswe have the two conditions:

C1 : |∆ω| < 0.05,

andC2 : |2z1 − z2| < 0.2.

Taking these two conditions into account we may formulatethe reward function as

r =

200, if C1 ∧ C2

100, if C1 ∨ C2

0, otherwise. (38)

The reward function is used only during the training period.In the operation phase, the actors interact with the environmentwithout experiencing any reward. Agents only observe thefrequency of the system and their own control action zi. Theyhave learnt during training how to behave according to theevolution of the environment to balance supply and demandwhile minimising operational costs. For the operation phase,we change the load by 0.15 pu and then, we observe how theagents restore the system frequency.

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(a) Centre of inertia speed. (b) Secondary control action of the two agents.

Fig. 8: Secondary Control Model I: Change in load by 0.15pu with ∆zi bounded at different levels.

(a) Centre of inertia speed. (b) Secondary control action of the two agents.

Fig. 9: Secondary Control Model I: Change in load by 0.15pu with wind-based generation.

Fig. 10: One-line diagram of a two-generator and two-loadpower system.

We can observe in Fig. 12a the cumulative reward obtainedby the agents. The agents can obtain 20, 000 at maximum perepisode, i.e., the maximum reward per step is 200 and thenumber of steps per episode is 100. The agents learn how toobtain higher rewards as the number of episodes increases. Ifthat was not the case the cumulative reward function wouldoscillate around small values near zero.

In Figs 12b, 12d we see how the agents restore the frequencyto the nominal set point, thus balancing supply and demand. InFig 12c the rate of change in frequency (RoCoF) that measuresthe dynamic performance of the system is depicted. The max-imum, minimum and mean RoCoF values are 0.607, −0.712and 0.002 respectively, thus being within the admissible limitsof 1 Hz/s recommended by ENTSO-E [37]. Actors learnhow to balance generation and demand without exchanginginformation. The agents have learnt that keeping ∆ω closeto 0 is the key to obtain high rewards. Thus, the agents may

perform primary and secondary control in a totally distributedmanner.

In order to test the optimality of the solution providedby the proposed approach in terms of cost, we need tocalculate the optimal point when the load in the system isPL = 3 + ∆PL = 3.15 pu for the cost functions givenin Table II. By solving the economic dispatch problem asgiven in (12) we have P1 = 1.05 pu and P2 = 2.10 pu.In Figs 12e, 12f, the behaviour of each generator output andits associated cost are depicted. It can be observed that theagents operate near the optimal solution, which is that thegeneration of generator 2 is twice that of generator 1. As seenin Fig. 12e, the control action of agent 1 stabilises around a setpoint that is approximately half of the control action of agent2. This does not coincide with the optimal solution (slightlyabove half the production, i.e., 60%), but through the trainingprocess the agents learn how to keep load and supply balancedin a fully distributed cost efficient way. The performance ofthe agents is determined by what actions they learn duringtraining that lead to high rewards. Thus, the reward functionis the main tool to show each agent what is the optimalaction. The reward function defined in (38) builds a rewardcombining two different dimensions: cost and frequency. Thismeans that the reward function can show various maximadepending on the combination of both reward dimensions. The

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(a) Smoothed cumulative reward per episode with 95%confidence levels. (b) Rotor electrical angular velocity of the two generators.

(c) Generators’ output in the first 100 s. (d) Generators’ output.

(e) Secondary control action.

Fig. 11: Secondary Control Model II: Change in load by 0.15pu.

agents learn by trial and error a behavioural heuristic to obtainhigh rewards, but they may converge to a local optimum thatmay be different from the global one. An improvement ofthe reward function (38) could help the agents to improve theresults showed here and to get closer to the optimal solution.

We compare the proposed framework with [15], neglectingthe network effects so that the comparison is fair since inModel I we do not consider the network. In [15], a distributedload frequency control algorithm that restores system fre-quency in a cost effective way is presented. This is achieved by

exchanging some information between the generators duringthe operation phase. The algorithm is based on a partial primal-dual gradient scheme to solve the optimal load frequencycontrol problem, this type of dual-based approach is fairlycommon in the literature of the minimum cost load frequencycontrol problem. We refer to this algorithm as benchmark al-gorithm. In Figs. 13a, 13b it can be seen that the benchmark al-gorithm manages to balance generation and demand, althoughit converges slightly slower than the proposed approach. InFigs. 13c, 13d the secondary control action and cost of each

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(a) Smoothed cumulative reward per episode with 95%confidence levels. (b) Centre of inertia speed.

(c) RoCoF. (d) Total power.

(e) Secondary control action. (f) Cost of the generators.

Fig. 12: Tertiary Control Model I: Change in load by 0.15pu.

agent are shown. The response of the benchmark algorithm issmoother than the proposed approach and the generation costis minimised. However, this solution still needs to share dualinformation across units. On the other hand, although thereare no optimality guarantees in the proposed framework, theresults show that a sub-optimal solution is reached, it is fullydistributed, i.e., no information is shared between the agents,and they only use local information.

We also run a numerical experiment implementing a morerealistic scenario, where an initial load increase of 0.15 pu

is followed by a continuous change in the load sampledfrom a uniform distribution defined in the [−0.1, 0.1] interval.We can observe in Figs. 14a, 14c that the agents managethemselves to keep generation and demand balanced, althoughthe load is continuously changing. The dynamic behaviour ofthe system is depicted in Fig. 14b, where it can be seen that theRoCoF does not go beyond of the admissible 1 Hz/s bound(maximum, minimum and mean RoCoF 0.595, −0.708 and0.002 respectively). Interestingly, it is shown in Figs. 14d, 14ethat the agents keep generating in a close-to-optimal ratio

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(a) Centre of inertia speed. (b) Total power.

(c) Secondary control. (d) Cost of the generators.

Fig. 13: Change in load by 0.15pu using the benchmark algorithm.

despite the continuous change in the load that increases thedifficulty of this task.

In the numerical studies we showed that load frequencycontrol may be performed efficiently in a distributed manner.More specifically, we showed that instead of solving theeconomic dispatch to obtain the optimal operating point, theMARL framework may be used to infer the production costsand the necessity of balancing demand and supply from thereward function and enclose this information in the behaviourof the actors. The benefit of the proposed approach is that theseagents can act in real time in a distributed way. Once trained,they do not need to centralise information at all. Dynamicsare embedded in the agents that only use local information.


In this paper, we proposed an MARL alternative to imple-ment load frequency control in a distributed cost efficient way.To this end, we expressed the load frequency control problemin an MARL setup and designed the reward functions basedon insights on the economic dispatch problem. We chose anappropriate algorithm, i.e., MADDPG, to solve this problem.Through the numerical examples, we showed that the proposedframework performs load frequency control in a satisfactoryway. In particular, we demonstrated that all levels of controlare achieved using Model I, i.e., restored frequency to thenominal value in a cost efficient way; and that secondary

control is performed under detailed modelling of Model II.Moreover, we showed that the proposed methodology cancope with generation rate constrains and uncertainty sourcesefficiently.

There are natural extensions of the work presented here.For instance, different elements of the MARL paradigm canbe enhanced, i.e., the reward function, the LSTM architectureand the introduction of domain knowledge could be furtheranalysed to come up with agents that are able to improvetheir performance. More specifically, other architectures suchas gated recurrent units (GRU) could be used instead of aLSTM. An exhaustive search of the appropriate architecture,parameters and hyper-parameters are left to be explored infuture work. Another obvious extension consists of adding thetertiary control layer to the network model. In our future stud-ies, we also plan on studying the applicability and scalabilityof these techniques in more complex scenarios. In addition,we will investigate the performance of MADDPG to deal withdifferent types of generation resources. We will report on thesedevelopments in future papers.


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