deep neck infections

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Page 1: Deep Neck Infections

Deep neck Deep neck infectionsinfections가천의과대학 길병원

구강악안면외과 김 현민

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차례차례1) facial spaces2) each spaces ; buccal masticator sublingual & submandibular parapharyngeal retropharyngeal 3) case report 1.2 4) summary5) references

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Fascial spaces of clinical signifFascial spaces of clinical significanceicance

Face ; buccal canine masticator – masseter , pterygoid , zygomaticotemporal parotid Suprahyoid ; sublingual submandibular – submaxillary , submental lateral pharyngeal(pharyngomaxillary) peritonsillar Infrahyoid ; pretracheal (anterovisceral) Spaces of total neck ; retropharyngeal danger space space of carotid sheath by Topazian & Goldberg

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Fascial anatomyFascial anatomy

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Fascial anatomy 1Fascial anatomy 1

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Fascial anatomy 2Fascial anatomy 2

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Fascial anatomy 3Fascial anatomy 3

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Fascial anatomy 4Fascial anatomy 4

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Fascial anatomy 5Fascial anatomy 5

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Fascial anatomy 6Fascial anatomy 6

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Cellulitis versus abscess on CCellulitis versus abscess on CT imagiesT imagies

Abscess ; single or multilocated low density masses, peripheral irregular rim enhancement, fluid collections

contrast injections (a)before (b)after on RPA/PPA

Cellulitis ; without a low density collection, no fluid collections hypodensity with(a),without(b) complete ring enhancement

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Buccal space infectionsBuccal space infections Symptoms ; round dome shape swelling, trismus, 원인치의 동요 및

타진 반응 , 상하안검 swelling Anatomy ;

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Masticator space Masticator space infectionsinfections

Symptoms; trismus, painful swelling, dysphagia etc Anatomy ;

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Masticator space Masticator space infectionsinfections

* Mn 에서 야기된 odontogenic infections 은 upward 되며 masseter m 감염은 PS , temporalis, lat.pterygoid m 로 spread ,

med. Pterygoid m 감염은 PPS , lat. Pterygoid m 로 spread 된다 . Downward 되어 sublingual, submn spaces 로 spread 된다 . * Mx 에서 야기된 inf 은 downward 되지 않고 superficially temporal,

MS, deeply lat. / med. Pterygoid m 을 involve 한다 . MS 는 mn inf. 의 primary site 이고 PS & pharyngeal space 는 MS 의

2nd site 이며 mn inf. 은 sublingual & submn 으로 직접 전파된다 . By Koichi Yonetsu

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Submandibular space infectioSubmandibular space infectionsns

Symptoms ; neck rigidity, trismus, dysphagia, respiratory distress, sialorrhea, pyrexia,

Anatomy ;

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Submandibular space infectionSubmandibular space infectionss

*Schematic drawing of the 3 types of pathways type 1; beyond mylohyoid ridge & posterioly from adjacent sublingual space ; with mylohyoid m enlarge

type 2 ; from inflammatory periostitis of mn ; no or rare PPS,MS involvement mild symptoms without trismus & dysphagia

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Submandibular space infectionSubmandibular space infectionss

* 만약 감염이 PPS 로 spread 되면 dysphagia 발생되며 PPS 는 med. Pterygoid m 같은 MS 감염시 자주 spread 된다 . 그런데 ,Submn space inf 시 PPS 사이에 fasciaL barrier 가 얇아서 전이가 용이하다 . 이는 med. Pterygoid m involvment 없이도 동시에 감염이 일어나는 것으로 확인 될 수 있다 .

type 3 ; downward from MS

Type1(57.6%) > type2(15.2%) > type3(12.1%) by Y.Ariji et al

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Parapharyngeal space infectiParapharyngeal space infectionsons

Symptoms ; fever(38.5), chill, throat swelling, odynophagia, dysphagia, neck pain & stiffness, respiratory distress, sialorrhea, trismus ( PPS swelling+ & trismus- = peritonsillar abscess)

Cause ; most common cause - peritonsillar abscess odontogenic sourse(20-39%) by Larry J. Peterson Anatomy ; ant prestyloid compartment- fat filled post retrostyloid compartment-major neurovascular bundle (h

ard palate- upper PPS, lower PPS)

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Parapharyngeal space infectioParapharyngeal space infectionsns

Anatomy – MS,PS(lateral) , CS(post) , RPS(posteromedial) PPS 의 displacement direction 은 origin of lesion 을 sugge

st 한다 . By VFH Chong et al

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Parapharyngeal space infectioParapharyngeal space infections imagiesns imagies

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Retropharyngeal space Retropharyngeal space infectionsinfections

Symptoms ; fever, decrease oral intake, odynophagia, malaise, torticollis, neck pain, trismus, otalgia, headache, neck swelling,

Anatomy ;

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Retrppharyngeal space infectiRetrppharyngeal space infectionsons

Lateral neck x-ray 는 first imaging test 되어야 한다 . Air sign 이 보이는 경우 specific 하다 . CT scan 은 RPS abscess manage 시 중요하지만 cellulitis 와 abscess 를 구분하는 데 한계가 있다 .

by Carl Boucher RPS abscess – lat. Neck x-ray – air sign+- drainage (with CT) air sign—IV anti –no improvement-CT scan improvement-IV continue Young children 에서 neck plain films 는 true lat, orientation(neck exten

sion, full inspiration, swallowing& expiratory crying 을 avoid 하여야 RPS thicken 을 방지할 수 있다 .by P.Bradley Brechtelsbauer

Lat. Neck x-ray diagnosis ; 1)smooth lordotic curve of cervical vertebra-C2,C3 7mm wide 적어야 , 평균 3mm, C6 14mm 소아 , 22mm 성인 soft tissue shadow 가 정상

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Retropharyngeal space Retropharyngeal space infectionsinfections

2) presence of gas 3) straight cervical spine or reversed kyphotic curve loss of the lordotic curve by Larry J. Peterson

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Retropharyngeal space Retropharyngeal space infectionsinfections

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Case report 1Case report 1Pt ; 38/F

CC ; 내원 5 일 전 개인치과 발치 후 우측 swelling으로 내원

PI ; mouth opening limitation, dysphagia, Rt buccal & sub mn swelling / Td/ redness

Dx ; masticatory spce, lat. Pharyngeal space abscess Tx ; I & D X 2 (submn & submental, deep neck carotid sheath

area) anti theraphy ( aug + micronomycin + flagyl) fluid etc supplementary tx (O2 etc) 초진 lab ; WBC 30260, segmental neutrophil 85.9%, C

RP 36.5

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초진 모습초진 모습

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치료 임상 사진치료 임상 사진 1) 초기 I&D (02.9.13), 2 차 I&D(02.9.14)

2)3 차 I&D(02,9.17)

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치료 후 사진치료 후 사진 02. 9.27

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초진 초진 CT (02.9.14)CT (02.9.14)

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22 회 회 CT(02.9.17)CT(02.9.17)

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33 회 회 CT(02.9.19)CT(02.9.19)

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44 회 회 CT(02.9.25)CT(02.9.25)

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Case report 2Case report 2 Pt ; 30/M CC ;transfer from ENT d/t deep neck infection from

dental origin Hx ; 02.5.20 #38 ext 후 ENT 로 입원 PI ; both submn swelling & Td mouth opening limit, dysphagia, dyspnea, neck Td & redness, #38 area pus DX ; submn & mental space abscess pretracheal space abscess descending necrotizing mediastinitis Tx ; I & D 3 회 (local 1, general 2 with TS)

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초진모습초진모습 초진 lab ; WBC 16120, segmental neut92.7%,

ESR119, CRP25.1

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치료 임상 사진치료 임상 사진

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치료 후 사진치료 후 사진

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초진 초진 CT(02.5.25)CT(02.5.25)

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22 회 회 CT(02.5.29)CT(02.5.29)

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33 회 회 CT(02.6.3)CT(02.6.3)

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44 회 회 CT(02.6.12)CT(02.6.12)

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Deep neck infections 의 치료는 early radiologic Dx, medical management(effective antitherapy), intensive surgical management & airway control 등 요소가 필수적이다 .

Culture 를 시행하는 것이 중요하지만 감수성검사가 시행되기 전까지 penicillin derivatives & clindamycin 과 같은 항생제로 early intervention을 시행하여야 하고 cellulitic stage 에서는 항생제만으로도 가능하지만 abscess 가 확진 되면 surgical intervention 이 시행되어야 한다 . CT 및 MRI 등의 이용은 임상증상의 한계를 보이는 deep neck infection 시 고려되어야 한다 .

만약 초기 항생제 치료 48 시간내 증상의 호전이 보이지 않거나 abscess 가 임상적으로 확인가능 하다면 I & D 는 충분히 고려되어야 한다 .

AIR way 확보는 RPA, Submn A 시 tracheostomy 가 필요로 하는 경우도 있으므로 충분한 환자의 monitoring 이 중요하다고 하겠다 .

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ReferencesReferences 1.Y.Ariji et al.odontogenic inf. Pathway to the submn space; imaging assessment.

Int.J.Oral Maxillofac.Surg.2002;31;165 2.VHF Chong & YF Fan. Radiology of the PPS.Australasian radiology.1998;42;278 3.Larry J. Peterson.L.contemporary management of deep infections of the neck.J.

Oral Maxillofac.Surg.1993;51;226-231 4.Carl Boucher et al.RPS abscess; a clinical & radiologic correction;J.of Otolaryng

ology,1999;28;134 5. Per-Lennart Westesson; contemporary maxillofacial imaging OMFS clinics of no

th america,1992 6. Topazian & Goldberg; oral & maxillofacial infections, 3rd edition 7. 김여갑 ; 임상구강악안면감염학 ,1995 8. Koichi Yonetsu et al; deep fascial inf. Of odontogenic origin: CT assessment of

pathways of space involvment. AM J Neuroradiology,1998;19;123