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Flight: A Living, Breathing Document of Consciousness Volume 7 Issue 77, November, 2018 Articles and excerpts that will inform and inspire!

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Flight: A Living, Breathing Document of Consciousness

Volume 7 Issue 77, November, 2018

Articles and excerpts that will inform and inspire!

A Letter from the Editor:

I believe in magic. I am not talking the type of magic whereby you pull a rabbit out of a hat. I am talking about the magic that exists every day. The magic of a sunrise or sunset, the magic of a full moon, the magic of a plant growing in the middle of a concrete sidewalk, the magic of love and the magic of sorrow. I believe that all those forms of magic exist in our world and that it touches the hearts and souls of everyone, whether or not they "believe" in magic. This is why I honour Samhain (Halloween) and why I also honour Remembrance Day. There is something magical about connecting with those who have passed on. If we only remember them, then that is quite enough. When we honour them, that is more. When we tough our consciousness to theirs, that is immense. Let us never forget that we can always touch each other, even from opposite sides of the Veil.

This issue has a lot in store for you. Communication with rocks and crystals, connection with the Snow Queen, Sound Healing, a Book Review, and a few new sections. I am sure you will enjoy it all. Thank you to all of my contributors for you hard work and commitment to making this newsletter absolutely stellar.

Feel free to forward this to anyone you think may enjoy it. And if anyone receives it and would like to be on the monthly mailing list for it (subscriptions are FREE), simply drop me a line at [email protected] and I will make that happen.

Enjoy the read!

Trent Deerhorn


Deerhorn Shamanic Services Floating Drum Circle

With the impending lack of an affordable space for holding drum circles, Trent Deerhorn has come up with a dynamic solution in which the Drum Circle Community can participate! The Floating Drum Circle will now be available!

What is a Floating Drum Circle? It is a Drum Circle that is able to move from one location to another.

How does this work? Invite a minimum of 10 friends over for a drum circle in the privacy of your own home. Trent brings the supplies for the Drum Circle and the Ceremony.

Ceremony? Yes. As you all know, Trent's Drum Circles are Ceremony/Ritual based, which makes them both spectacular and unique. These celebrations can be in accordance to the phase of the Moon, or the Season, or whatever you choose to celebrate.

Who is in charge? You are in charge of the space and the people you invite and the number of people you can comfortably accommodate. Trent is in charge of the circle once it begins.

What if I don't have 10 people? It is important to have the minimum of 10 in order to be financially feasible for Trent to lead the circle. Upon your request in advance of the registration date, Trent can share the date and time and contact number with his contacts who can then contact you to see if there is enough space.

Who pays? Each person pays their fee ($20) ahead of the date of the Drum Circle. If the fee is not paid 3 days in advance of the circle, the spot goes to the next person in line on the waiting list. The host/hostess collects all fees and pays Trent before the circle begins on the date set. Hosts/Hostesses get the Drum Circle free of charge.

Children in attendance must be strictly monitored by their parents. 

Any damaged supplies must be paid for or replaced by the one who damaged it (or parents if it is a child) by a similar article of equal or greater value.

What is the method of payment? Cash only. This makes it much easier for the host/hostess to collect.

To arrange for a Floating Drum Circle in your home, please contact Trent Deerhorn at [email protected] or at (306) 978-5300.

Upcoming Events

Sound Healing - Discover your Sound in Crystal Singing Bowls

Dates: November 3rd & 4th

Time: 9:30am – 4:30pm

Location: Twig and Squirrel Wild Goods

504 20th St West, Saskatoon

Cost: $350

Early Bird Registration: $300 by October 19th

Contact: [email protected]

Household Hints and Handy Tips

Rock Talk by Ave Riddler

I had the joy of going full circle this month. Years ago when I first knowingly started working with crystals, I attended my first crystal workshop run by The Crystal Man, Theo Bromley. It was the first time I participated as someone led me through the selection, and working with a new crystal. For years following that workshop I would go to The Witch’s Brew any time Theo was coming through with his touring van full of crystals. He’s no longer using a van; his crystal tours are much bigger now! I remember helping unload the flats and boxes of crystals, and helping sort through them, and figuring out which should stay behind at the store. It was always a high point in my day/week to get that phone call “Theo’s coming”. For years after the Brew shut down Theo was part of The Crystal Weekend at Flowers by Fred, once again The Crystal Man would come touring though with his BUS of crystals, I had a none active hand in those days, but would happily attend the speakers featured at the weekend long event, and browse the minerals, take a few minutes to chat with Theo.

It’s been a few years since The Crystal Man has visited our fine city, there have been other mineral shows, and even until recently a continuation of a crystal weekend at the flower shop, with a different person supplying the minerals for it. But part of me always wondered if The Crystal Man would return.

I got the good news about Rock On Continuum which was a Crystal Weekend at Twig and Squirrel the weekend of October 12-14 2018 which, even more exciting, was marking the return of The Crystal Man! I was honored to be asked if I would be willing to be one of the presenters at the event. There was a suggested topic, which I could have readily talked about, but I recalled how much fun I had at a past “rock talk” I had done over four years ago in Regina, so I suggested that instead. At the Regina Rock Talk, I talked a little bit about my experiences with crystals, showed my favorite books that I use when looking up properties, then switched to more one-on-one work, where I invited people to bring me a rock and I would try listen to it, and then speak for it. See when I say I have rocks in my head I mean it! I joke that I am a rock whisperer. While it’s not like a conversation between two people I can “hear” stones. Sometimes the message I “hear” is how it wants to help you, or what it needs for clearing or cleansing, or other types of messages. It’s where my gift naturally leads, and I don’t get to explore it on a “large” format often; more often I do it one-on-one for friends actually. After the talk in Regina I was AMPED and could hardly wait to do it again! So when the opportunity came up for this Rock On Continuum, Crystal Weekend event I was thrilled to be able to offer this experience. I already felt like it was a full circle moment, to be presenting a topic at one of the Crystal Man’s events.

What I hadn’t expected, was that it would be a total full circle moment, with the difference being that Theo would ATTEND my talk, would participate as I did my rock whisperer thing. I was honored that he opted to go get a rock of his own for me to work with, he even admitted he originally didn’t think he’d want to. I was surprised to hear him say to the others attending my talk that what I was doing was special, I know not everyone hears stones like I do, but it was amazing to see his reaction. To remember how very far I have come since that first rock workshop where he taught me how to work with crystals, which in turn opened me up to my true gift with stones.

I came to a realization after this latest rock whisperer presentation that to me doing this in a group setting where I don’t always know the person handing me their crystal, there is a purity to the message, a moment where it’s honestly just me and that stone working together. When it’s a friend, sometimes it’s harder to divide the history you already know, from the message of the rock. I don’t always know why I’m being called to put a crystal on a certain place on the person, or what they might be dealing with in their life, but the crystal knows, and I am able to help that message be realized. It’s not constant, of course no “magic” is. Sometimes the crystal will remain mute, or all I get is that it’s private…none of my dang business. BUT sometimes it’s unexpected, you THINK you got it because it’s a rose quartz that will help you with loving heart stuff, but it really wanted to help you heal negative thought patterns that hurt your heart. I will never forget the pendulum I was handed in Regina, all I got clearly, loudly and ANGRILY was “I AM NOT A PENDULUM!!!” I couldn’t help myself from blurting it out with some force, and the poor owner started laughing and said that it didn’t work for dowsing, wouldn’t move at all! I wasn’t able to get past the angry “not a pendulum” part, but know the days of it being forced to act as one ended that day, I hope and trust that once the misuse was discontinued they had a much happier working relationship together.

The other part about that Crystal Weekend that was awesome to me was the name of the event, and how I have been ending each of these more personal experiences and knowledge sharing articles this year for Flight…so friends…Rock on!

Things to Know

No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

Book Review

By Trent Deerhorn

The daughter of a very dear friend went through a harrowing experience and came through on the other side of it. I had the honour of being asked to participate in assisting her healing. This book is new on the shelves and it describes the journey for the young woman and her family as she had a brush with death and came out a strong, vital and vibrant woman. It is heart warming as much as it is heart rendering. An excellent read if one wants to be inspired to meet life's circumstances head on.

Copies of this amazing story can be found at McNally Robinson Book Store, Twig and Squirrel, Soul Foods Grocery and online at

Local Photographers

Gail Fulkerson:

I chose this photo to brighten the day the November issue is published, in case most subscribers live where the skies are grey, snow blankets everything, the wind bites deeply, warm days are a distant memory, and Spring is months away. 

*Note: If you have a photograph that you would like to share, please do! Include a short blurb of what the photo means and why you chose that one. Share your talent with us!

From the Flower Spirit Cards by Melanie Eclare

Ox Eye Daisy

The effervescent open-armed joy and bliss of the Ox Eye Daisy spirit brings a sense of completion. It is only possible to feel a deep state of bliss if we first surrender ourselves to all that is. As we drop through the layers of emotion protecting our innocent inner core, we meet a point of resistance. If we can allow ourselves to sit with and experience all that is, then we can transmute any pain into consciousness and bliss. First, we need to know how we feel, then we can move past the resistance and without judgement accept exactly where we are and how we are.

Try this now. Sit quietly and notice how you feel inside and where there is any resistance, pain or tension. Just sit, allow it to be and notice if you would rather be avoiding it. We have many ways of running away from ourselves. Just surrender and accept it and, as you continue to be in the moment with your feelings, all resistance will fade and you will become aware of something else.

Once we can surrender to our own state in the moment, we can learn to access a deep calm and tranquility. Within this state is the potential for bliss and a miraculous sense of heightened awareness. Start to live your life beyond all resistance and notice those moments of bliss begin to expand into more and more of your being. As we take the time to be aware of how we feel, we can use it as a tool to become conscious and live more in the moment. An expansive sense of bliss is the reward, so keep practising and revel in the essence of the Ox Eye Daisy spirit.

Please note, this is the last of the Flower Spirit entries for FLIGHT. I am not sure which of the several options are going to replace this section, but once that is decided I am sure that you will enjoy it. Blessed Be!


By Gail Fulkerson

Pale sunlight drips through the cracks

Between mountains of rock-grey clouds;

Gusting winds tear the dead and lifeless

From bough and stem;

Temperatures cool, encouraging

Light frosts to touch everything.

The imminent arrival of

The Snow Queen

Is at hand.

She slowly unfurls her billowing

Gown and cape,

The same vestments

That kept her safely hidden,

While she slumbered

In the furthest reaches

Of the North.

Snow elves stand guard

At the entrance to

The ice cave,

Where their Queen sleeps.

The penalty for any who

Breach the perimeter

Of their monarch’s


Is snow blindness,

At the least,

Or death by polar bear,

At the opposite end of the spectrum.

If you’re lucky,

You may freeze to death

Before the bears find you.

At the appointed hour,

The Sun lowers itself

Below the horizon.

His hunt for

The Queen

Is over.

The Snow Queen

Awakens as the


Shifts from grey to black

In the cave.

She rises from her bed,

Stretches the sleep

From her body,

And exits the cave.

She approaches a nearby stretch

Of open water,

A crack in the thick ice, and

Dives into the frigid waters.

She takes her sustenance

From the marine life

Beneath the

Surface of the sea.

She slakes her thirst

In large draughts from

The ice-cold seas.

It is time:

When the Queen departs,

The snow elves will

Burrow into the snow

And take their long rest.

The Queen heads south,

Trailing her cape and gown

Behind her,

Leaving snow squalls,

Blizzards, and

All manner

Of winter storms

In her wake.

Her annual trek

Takes her to the

Boundaries of

Her realm;

Going further

Risks her life,


In some years,

She discovers

There is no one

Watching the border.

She will allow

The hems of her

Raiments to billow

Past the limits of

Her border lands,

Giving southerly frontiers

A taste of her

Killing frosts and snow

Before she retreats north,

And to safety

In her crystal cave.

Before she departs,

The Snow Queen

Scans her pristine,

White dominion.

When she is satisfied that

She can do no more

To enrich the beauty

Of her wide-ranging territories,

The Snow Queen turns,

And slowly begins her

Return to the North.

The elves have awoken;

They make ready for her

Long awaited return.


In the distance!

Our Queen returns!

The elves’ uninhibited joy brings a tear

To Her Royal Majesty’s eye.

She is Home.

Why I won’t do relationship coaching…

By Loriann Zuzak

FAIR WARNING: If you are offended by foul language or honesty, stop reading and go about your business.

There is a relationship you are neglecting and it’s not the one you think.

While the world’s richest coaches get fat selling you on the idea that your marriage can be saved by the two of you “working” on the innocuous “it” between you and your partner; it is my opinion that ALL exterior relationships can be resolved and collapsed peacefully OR enlivened and strengthened beyond your wildest dreams, by focusing instead on the most primary relationship, the one between YOU and YOU – between you and your soul.

If you don’t love yourself, the story you will tell yourself about all of your external relationships is likely something like, “I’m here, I’m in this, but nobody loves me.” The way forward is not to continue to batter the mirror ( be it the husband, wife, parents, children, coworkers) in front of you with “Why won’t you love me? What do I have to work at? What do I have to do with you/to you to make me feel loved by you?”

The way forward becomes clearer when we ask, “Why don’t I love myself?” “What reasons do I have to believe I am unlovable?” Figure this one out and all the exterior garbage/dysfunction/undesirable life experience will begin righting itself on its own, because the love you think you don’t have will begin coming FROM you, THROUGH you and TO you. The world as your mirror will begin to reflect back on you just how many ways your are loved and how loving you are.

If you ignore this primary relationship (the one between you and you), no matter how much work you do on an unhappy marriage, not matter how much relating work you do over issues with co-workers, friends, family, even your children….if you overlook this relationship between you and you, you will never truly succeed in any of the relationships outside of yourself in the world around you.

All the scheduled date nights in the world WON’T DO SHIT when the two of you are constantly lying to yourselves and making the other “the problem” in your marriage (hello blame) and neglecting your soul work. YOU are the problem in your partnership. BOTH of you. And no personal work being done, means there isn’t a hope in hell the two of you will ever do anything but continue to make each other suffer. We make each other suffer so much when we don’t take responsibility for ourselves and our primary interior relationship with our soul and its longings, its Truth and its function as a conduit for love.

These relationships, the never ending human need to interact with other people and the dysfunction (whatever particular brand of that seems to follow you around) cannot be dealt with by just working outside of yourself. Because the initiating pain is actually the level of dysfunction you are perpetuating inside of you between YOU and YOU.

It is an invitation to soul work.

It’s an invitation to get back to you.

The quality of the relationship you have with yourself – both its strengths and weaknesses will become the point of origin and dictator of the colouring of ALL your relationships (whether harmonious or otherwise) that you experience in your exterior world.

This is why I will never involve myself in relationship coaching. The work is ALWAYS between YOU and YOU first. Everything will right itself if you live bravely and courageously by your soul’s desires for expression, in self-honesty and Truth about who you are and what your heart desires.

How compassionate are you with yourself?

How willing are you to be good to you?

How willing are you to be respectful to you?

How willing are you to live honestly and behave compassionately towards yourself?

Any marriage or partnership (even friendship) where the agreement is, “I won’t do me so you and I can be together” is a recipe for a very special kind of suffering and soul-famine. And you won’t nourish that emptiness by beating the dead bird of your suffering exterior relationships without any change to your interior world. Ever heard this one? As within, so without.

Doesn’t it strike you that relationship coaches have it ass-backwards? The work on the “without” is crap, without dealing with what’s “within”. I better keep working safely on the outside of myself so I can experience futility, frustration and make agreements about the “hard road ahead’ I have trying to make this thing work.

Nah. Simplify that shit. We all know that an indicator of TRUTH every time is simplicity. If it’s not simple, it’s likely untrue. Enough convoluted relationship crap.

Get back to you and you.

“Why is my partner such as asshole?”

Instead try asking, “How did I teach this person I was OK with being treated this way?” or “How have I been an asshole to me?” Newsflash: It’s not ok to treat yourself like shit and then expect the world around you to treat you like gold. And it’s likely you’re being a royal asshole to someone in your field of attention, even if it’s not the asshole you’re complaining about. The video game of life you are playing doesn’t work that way. It hands you back everything your disown about yourself.

“Why does this keep happening to me?”

Instead try, “What is the belief underneath this pattern that keeps confirming the way I see the world? What is this pattern confirming about how I think things have to be? How is this pattern confirming the story I tell me about how I am always treated? About how things always turn out for me?” Then, based on what you come up with, go at those beliefs and confront them.

I am not saying any of this is easy. It’s convenient (and comforting and familiar, even if painful) to keep blaming the quality of the relationships in your life on the people around you, BUT the real badass wizard of life will see that it’s all just calling you back to yourself to deal with you. To confront how badly you treat yourself, how disrespectfully you talk to yourself, how unreasonable your expectations are of yourself all the time, of how hateful you can be towards yourself, of how you never feel good enough, how you never give yourself permission to do the things your heart really desires. How you hate and disapprove of yourself just for wanting the things you want – because someone once told you that was “bad”. How you NEVER give yourself permission to be you.

Our capacity for self-made suffering as human beings is unreal.

Carry that all around inside you and then go spend thousands on marriage counseling pretending your partner is the reason things don’t feel so good.

Take back your power. Do the soul work. The world will right itself around you. Your world around you will respond to your courage and bravery.

It could be as simple as “I’m going to start loving me the way I want to be loved, today.”

And if fears come up that “he’ll leave me” or “she won’t approve of me” or any other number of fears around the death or ending of something you’ve been putting off for a long time that you’ve been too afraid to acknowledge is unfolding honestly in front of you……

Save yourself the counseling fees and get on with the business of doing you, loving you, respecting you, caring for you and new people and relationships that can reflect that new level of treatment you’ve demonstrated to yourself will come up in your field of attention to be experienced and loved, too.

I know this for myself because I’ve experienced it in my own life. My life has demonstrated this to be true for me.

I wonder what new way of experiencing yourself, your life and the world around you could be yours if you chose to deal with the relationship between you and you?

How does it feel to be you these days?  

Working with Coach Loriann Zuzak is a journey into the heart.  It is an invitation to sovereign living.  A life experience born of new energy, clarity, resourceful solutions and new ways of looking at situations, problems and ideas awaits.  

Get in touch by email, [email protected] or call 306-262-0083.  Read more at under Articles.   

"If you are looking for the best experience in personal/professional coaching, I highly recommend Loriann...whenever I see her, I leave feeling good about LIFE and my place in it."  

Thought for the Day:

Perfect kindness acts without thinking of kindness. - Lao-Tse

Extremes in Our World that You should Know:

Which is the world's most visited city?     

  London      ...   After a several years of competition with Bangkok, London has regained its place as the world's most visited city(according to MasterCard's 2014 Global Destinations City Index).   The city sees about  18.69 million international visitors annually   , generating  $19.3 billion in revenue for their city.     

I believe that we are in desperate need of having two levels of psychiatric inpatient care across the province. When there is only one level of care, both voluntary and involuntary patients are housed together. In level one care I have been exposed to some very shocking and overwhelming things. I believe that if there had been two levels of care accessible to me when I needed it, I would never have reached involuntary status. If I knew that there was another unit I could have been admitted to, I would have gone to the hospital much sooner than I did. I want to be clear that although I write about restraints being shocking, they are ABSOLUTELY necessary. I have a great deal amount of respect for both psychiatric nurses and care aids. In one moment, they are ethically restraining one patient and then are asking how another patient is doing with compassion in the next. I have a lot of respect for the doctors, nurses and care aides that work within psychiatric units. Living with the stigma attached to mental illness, which has told me that I should be ashamed and at fault for having an illness, has not been easy. Stigma makes it difficult for anyone to share their story, no matter what field you work in. At this point I am not ready to go in front of a camera. However, I am choosing to share a piece of creative writing under the pen name of Alice Falling.

Alice Falling: We Need Two Levels of Care

As I write this in a psychiatric unit, I’m fighting feelings of Deep Shame

I came in with dark depression, but now this place is driving me Insane

Trying to keep it all together... I have been curled up into a ball

The last thing I need is to hear two men yelling... as security takes them down in the hall

I want to get out of here and hop this barbed wire fence

But I know they would chase me down... and charge me with an offence

I was assaulted by a male patient in this very unit... way back in ‘09

I give true thanks that at least by now our security guard... can tell me that it’s all fine

I’m recently in recovery from an addiction... to alcohol and drugs

But it’s harder to be sober in here with all the yelling... and the lack of hugs!!

For a woman with anxiety to sit between two men... both wearing a Restraint

Taking a benzo could affect my recovery, though I feel like I could faint

It gives me the chills to see a nurse walk by with one hand on a needle... and another on a restraint

I want to demonize other patients, but I know that in my own illness... I have not been a Saint

It this supposed to be a deterrent... so I do not want to come back??

Well it is working!! I’m literally counting down the hours... until I am able to pack!

Trying to be mindful in here in a place... that I just don’t want to be

But it’s something we all need to learn in life... when we do not feel free

I want to live beyond these walls... never to return

I’d prefer a gender-specific treatment centre... if I started to crash & burn

I believe we are in desperate need of having two levels of in-patient care

My depression would have never gotten this dark... this whole thing just really Isn't fair

If there were two levels, I wouldn’t have reached the status of involuntary

We would’ve caught it before things got too dark... and prevented my family from getting weary

As I write this in a psychiatric Unit, I’m fighting feelings of deep shame

I came in with dark depression, but now this place is driving me Insane

I’ll always be thankful to the Doc in the wrong ward, who is a wizard of medication

And the nurses that do all that they can in a system that has some of the lowest funding in the nation!

I am sincerely thankful for all of the nurses, care aides and doctors who have helped me while I was an inpatient in psychiatric care.

~ Alice Falling (2018)


First time I heard about paraprosdokians, I liked them. Paraprosdokians are figures of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected and is frequently humorous. (Winston Churchill loved them). 

In filling out an application, where it says, "In case of Emergency, notify..."

I answered "a doctor."

From 365 Zen daily readings by Jean Smith

Focusing on something called "Zen practice" is not necessary. If from morning to night we just took care of one thing after another, thoroughly and completely and without accompanying thoughts, such as "I'm a good person for doing this" or "Isn't it wonderful, that I can take care of everything?", then that would be sufficient.

-Charlotte Joko Beck, Nothing Special

Reflections from the Shaman's Hut

I am into skulls. Some find that to be a creepy thing. I never have. I like collecting them. I have ever since I was a small child wondering through the forest around my farm where I grew up. I would often find the skulls of birds, or predators and such. I had a stash of them that no one knew about. I knew that my parents would likely freak out if they knew I was collecting them. So I hid them away and would visit them regularly.

I still have skulls but now they are displayed with joy and pride throughout my home. My healing room has a deer skull, a buffalo skull and an owl skull. They serve to enhance the healing energy of the space. I decorate them so that they are more "palatable" for common folk, and that way they don't tend to freak out upon entering the healing room. But I also have human skulls in the form of art pieces and Halloween decor. Those tend to come out in mid to late September and go into a storage bin around mid-November.

So why skulls, you might ask? Well, here is the thing. The skull is the container of the Third Eye and the Crown Chakra. So it not only houses the brain, but it also houses the chakras that connect us to our personal insights and to our spiritual life line. The Ancients would honour the skulls of every living thing...and after death would commemorate that living being by placing the skull on an altar or in a holy place. Some would utilise the skull like a modern day cell phone and "dial up" the connection with Spirit. These are practices that existed world-wide and in every culture. When we go a far enough back we will always find skulls, sometimes catacombs filled with them.

For me personally, the energy of a real skull brings forth inspiration. That is the infusion of a spiritual connection. When I work at my altar I place my hand on the buffalo skull and give thanks for the abundance of well-being and love and sustenance in my life. When I wear my skull earrings or necklaces I am opening myself up to communication from Spirit and from the Ancestors who have walked this earth before me. I draw on that energy for wisdom and guidance and for healing as I walk my path as a healer myself. Perhaps one day my own skull will be on an altar for healing...hopefully AFTER I have left this world.

I know that for some that is a morbid and dark thought. For me it is full of LIGHT and LOVE. Why would I not want to pass the healing energy on to the next healer? It is there for the purpose of healing even long after I cross over to the other side of the Veil. We all become a part of the rest of nature when we die. Our bodies and our physical energies go back to the earth. Where our soul or spirit goes to seems to be a huge subject of debate between varying paths, so I will only talk about the physical energy. I have my own thoughts about where the rest of it goes, but that does not need to be part of this discussion. So if our physical energies go back to the earth, is it not possible that it, as well as the other forms of energy, can be recycled and reused? Of course it can. That is the natural order of things.

So yes, I am into skulls. I put them to good and constructive use and I enjoy the energy that flows through them to me. I hope that, in sharing this, others who perhaps simply "collect" skulls out of a sense of fascination might stop and consider that perhaps there is a deeper reason as to why they are attracted to them. And perhaps, through conscious connection, their lives will become enhanced in ways that they never before dreamed.

Blessed Be!

For more articles from the Shaman's Hut, visit Trent's blog at

Encouragements for Personal Development:

Taken from Meditations with James Van Praagh

When you send out love, a person receives that love. It may not be detected on a conscious level, but it is nevertheless very effective. The more you send out love, the more you receive love back.

According to the Farmer’s Almanac 2018:

Pucker Up

The dwarf Meyer Lemon Tree grows between 6 and 10 feet tall and features fruit that is sweeter and less acidic than a true lemon. To grow indoors, start with 1-to-2 year old plants. Choose a container with good drainage and plenty of space; fill with a peat moss-based potting soil. Place in full sun by a south-facing window; the day and night temperatures should be at about 70F and 55F, respectively. Keep soil evenly moist; mist leaves daily. Although the plant is self-pollinating, you can help it to fruit indoors by using a cotton swab to transfer pollen from the anthers to the center stigma inside each flower.

November 4th: Daylight Saving Time ends at 2:00 A.M.

November 7th: New Moon

Many ornamental grasses have interesting stalks and seed heads that can be enjoyed during the winter months. Put off pruning the dried grass until spring, just before new growth appears.

November 11th: Remembrance Day (Canada)

November 16th: Apply protective mulches on the perennial garden after the ground has frozen 1 to 2 inches deep.

November 23rd: Full Beaver Moon

Clear moon, frost soon.

Ask the Shaman: With Trent Deerhorn

Q: Is it beneficial at times to take a rest from healing while on a healing journey?

A: So often people do tend to think in one of two extremes. Either they think that their healing journey needs to be completely given over to another, be it a doctor, or specialist, or traditional healer or shaman or what have you, OR that they need to go completely balls to the walls and pedal to the metal. I like to encourage people to do what they know within is right for them at any given moment on their healing journey. I rarely will even suggest a particular spacing between healing sessions with me. I know that their inner wisdom voice will organically indicate to them when the next time together with me will be. And there are benefits to spacing things in between. We do tend to need some integration time between healing sessions. Sometimes less really is MORE. The trick is to actually listen to your body and your inner wisdom voice. Without listening, then everything goes eventually into crisis, just like it did when you first became ill or got into a state of disharmony. So listen. Take the time every day to check in with your inner being. It will guide you as to what you need to do and who you need to see for any aspect of your healing. Sometimes people are shocked when I say, "If you need to see a doctor, by all means SEE A DOCTOR." They think that I am the type who is completely anti-medical profession. Nothing can be further from the truth. Yes, I think we can all work together as members of a person's healing team. No, I am not territorial about your healing. So see whomever you need to see. I will do my part for you when it is me you are seeing. And yes, rest when you need to.

Tidbits and Tickles:

A patient had broken his leg and it was going to have to be set. To get him ready for this painful event, he was heavily sedated.

While in this "state," he spoke rather freely with the hospital staff and with his wife. She apparently learned several things about her husband.

When it was time to reverse the medication, the wife said, "Wait! Not yet. I have some more questions I want to ask."


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Of the previous Issue:

Jamie Wrote: I loved the Rock Talk article this month, and what a huge crystal that IS.

Evelyn Wrote: Beautiful poem, Gail Fulkerson! Thank you!

Brian Wrote: Thank you, Trent Deerhorn, for sharing your journey in rediscovering your amazing voice!

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Ryan Hauser

(306) 270-0138

[email protected]

Face Time with the SHAMAN!

As part of my Shamanic Practice I have, for years, provided long distance healing work for people. This sometimes comes as an energy treatment and sometimes as a telephone counselling session. Well, now there is even another option available! We can now have sessions on Face Time and you can speak to me face to face! If you are interested in this option, simply email me at [email protected] or phone me at (306) 978.5300 to make arrangements. Blessed Be!

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