defect tracking software project presentation

The coinage of popular term ‘Bug’ for Defects. Evidently the first instance of Defect found in computing history on MARK II by Lady Grace Hopper

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It is the presentation made to explain my viewers about the software project we are developing .


Page 1: Defect Tracking Software Project Presentation

The coinage of popular term ‘Bug’ for Defects. Evidently the first instance of Defect found in computing history on MARK II by Lady Grace Hopper

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Defect Tracking Software


Page 3: Defect Tracking Software Project Presentation

Defect Tracking Software

Final Year Project Student Intern Project


Page 4: Defect Tracking Software Project Presentation

Defect Tracking Software

RTM Nagpur University Final Year BE Project Department of Computer Engineering ,

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering ,Nagpur

Guided By:

Ms Chanda Panse Submitted By:

Amitabh MukherjeeDeepit ChaturvediAkshay SarafShiv Prakash

Page 5: Defect Tracking Software Project Presentation

Defect Tracking Software

Agenda :



tion About Defect

Tracking Systems

Critical Applications

Defect Classification

Bug Lifecycles

Softwares Survey


ect Software

Requirement Specification

Development Environment

Development Timeline

Current Status


al D



ent Flow Chart

Entity Relationship Diagram


User Interface






pe Literature Survey


Our Proposed approach



Shiv Prakash Amitabh Mukherjee Akshay Saraf Deepit Chaturvedi

Page 6: Defect Tracking Software Project Presentation

April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareAbout DFS Critical Applications Defect Classification Bug LifeCycle Software Survey

What is a Defect ?A software Defect is the common term used to describe an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that produces an incorrect or unexpected result, or causes it to behave in unintended ways.Most defects arise from mistakes and errors made by people in either a program's source code or its design, and a few are caused by compilers producing incorrect code.Defects can have a wide variety of effects, with varying levels of inconvenience to the user of the program. Some defects have only a subtle effect on the program's functionality, and may thus lie undetected for a long time. More serious defects may cause the program to crash or freeze leading to a denial of service. Others qualify as security defects and might for example enable a malicious user to bypass access controls in order to obtain unauthorized privileges.

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareAbout DFS Critical Applications Defect Classification Bug LifeCycle Software Survey

What are the Types Of Defects ?Conceptual error : Code is syntactically correct, but the programmer or designer intended it to

do something else Maths Defects Division by zero Arithmetic overflow or underflow Loss of arithmetic precision due to rounding or numerically unstable

algorithms Logic Defects Infinite loops and infinite recursion

Syntax Defects Use of the wrong operator, such as performing assignment instead of equality

test. In simple cases often warned by the compiler; in many languages, deliberately guarded against by language syntax (continued)

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareAbout DFS Critical Applications Defect Classification Bug LifeCycle Software Survey

What are the Types Of Defects ? Resource defects Null pointer dereference Using an uninitialized variable Off by one error, counting one too many or too few when looping Access violations Resource leaks, where a finite system resource such as memory or file

handles are exhausted by repeated allocation without release. Buffer overflow, in which a program tries to store data past the end of

allocated storage. This may or may not lead to an access violation. These defects can form a security vulnerability.

Excessive recursion which though logically valid causes stack overflow (continued)

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareAbout DFS Critical Applications Defect Classification Bug LifeCycle Software Survey

What are the Types Of Defects ?Co-programming defects Deadlock Race condition Concurrency errors in Critical sections, Mutual exclusions and other features

of concurrent processing. Time-of-check-to-time-of-use (TOCTOU) is a form of unprotected critical section.

Team working defects Unpropagated updates; e.g. programmer changes "myAdd" but forgets to

change "mySubtract", which uses the same algorithm. These errors are mitigated by the Don't Repeat Yourself philosophy.

Comments out of date or incorrect: many programmers assume the comments accurately describe the code

Differences between documentation and the actual product

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareAbout DFS Critical Applications Defect Classification Bug LifeCycle Software Survey

Some Unusual DefectsHeisenbugs:• Those bugs that manifest only under certain condition . These bugs normally

escape the debugger of the developers .Bohrbug:• A Bohr bug or bohrbug is a bug that manifests itself consistently under a well-

defined (but possibly unknown) set of conditionsMandelbug• A mandelbug is a computer bug whose causes are so complex that its

behavior appears chaotic.Schroedinbug• A schroedinbug is a bug that manifests only after someone reading source

code or using the program in an unusual way notices that it never should have worked in the first place, at which point the program promptly stops working for everybody until fixed.

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareAbout DFS Critical Applications Defect Classification Bug LifeCycle Software Survey

What is a Defect Tracking System ?

Defect tracking is the process of finding defects in a product (by inspection, testing, or recording feedback from customers), and making new versions of the product that fix the defects. Defect tracking is important in software engineering as complex software systems typically have tens or hundreds or thousands of defects: managing, evaluating and prioritizing these defects is a difficult task.Defect tracking systems are computer database systems that store defects and help people to manage them.A Defect tracking system is a software application that is designed to help quality assurance and programmers keep track of reported software defects in their work. It may be regarded as a sort of issue tracking system

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareAbout DFS Critical Applications Defect Classification Bug LifeCycle Software Survey

Why is it Necessary ?Software defects are expensive. Moreover, the cost of finding and correcting defects represents one of the most expensive software development activities. For the foreseeable future, it will not be possible to eliminate defects. While defects may be inevitable, we can minimize their number and impact on our projects. To do this development teams need to implement a defect management process that focuses on preventing defects, catching defects as early in the process as possible, and minimizing the impact of defects. A little investment in this process can yield significant returns

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Cost of Defects during the Software LifeCycle

Page 14: Defect Tracking Software Project Presentation

April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareAbout DFS Critical Applications Defect Classification Bug LifeCycle Software Survey

What are the Components of a good Defect Tracking System ?A major component of a bug tracking system is a database that records facts about known defects. Facts may include the time a bug was reported, its severity, the erroneous program behavior, and details on how to reproduce the bug; as well as the identity of the person who reported it and any programmers who may be working on fixing it.Typical bug tracking systems support the concept of the life cycle for a bug which is tracked through status assigned to the bug. A bug tracking system should allow administrators to configure permissions based on status, move the bug to another status, or delete the bug. The system should also allow administrators to configure the bug statuses and to what status a bug in a particular status can be moved to.

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareAbout DFS Critical Applications Defect Classification Bug LifeCycle Software Survey

Why is it Critical to software development ?defects can have a wide variety of effects, with varying levels of inconvenience to the user of the program. Some defects have only a subtle effect on the program's functionality, and may thus lie undetected for a long time. More serious defects may cause the program to crash or freeze leading to a denial of service. Others qualify as security defects and might for example enable a malicious user to bypass access controls in order to obtain unauthorized privileges.

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareAbout DFS Critical Applications Defect Classification Bug LifeCycle Software Survey

Examples of Extreme Effects of DefectsDefects in the code controlling the Therac-25 radiation therapy machine were directly responsible for some patient deaths in the 1980s.

In 1996, the European Space Agency's US$1 billion prototype Ariane 5 rocket was destroyed less than a minute after launch, due to a bug in the on-board guidance computer program.

In June 1994, a Royal Air Force Chinook crashed into the Mull of Kintyre, killing 29. It was caused by a software bug in the aircraft's engine control computer.

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareAbout DFS Critical Applications Defect Classification Bug LifeCycle Software Survey

Financial ImplicationsIn 2002, a study commissioned by the US Department of Commerce' National Institute of Standards and Technology concluded that software defects, or errors, are so prevalent and so detrimental that they cost the US economy an estimated $59 billion annually, or about 0.6 percent of the gross domestic product.

As per GARTNER estimates the global market for testing will be about $13 bn by 2010 . And Indian IT companies would take over 70 % of testing market.

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareAbout DFS Critical Applications Defect Classification Bug LifeCycle Software Survey

What is the standard methods of Defect Classification?

The mainly used defect classification approaches have been proposed by companies: IBM and HP. The IBM approach is called Orthogonal Defect Classification (ODC) .

A defect is classified across the dimensions: Defect type Source Impact Trigger Phase found Severity (continued)

Page 19: Defect Tracking Software Project Presentation

April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareAbout DFS Critical Applications Defect Classification Bug LifeCycle Software Survey

What is the standard methods of Defect Classification?

HP approach called Defect Origins Types, and Modes. It contains• Defect Origin • Defect Types• Defect Modes

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Defect Tracking SoftwareAbout DFS Critical Applications Defect Classification Bug LifeCycle Software Survey

Defect LifeCycle

New defects or enhancements are

submitted by the user

Team leaders assign priority to new issues .

Issues priority are updated on the

Management System

Development Team fixes the bug and change the

issue status

Development team releases new internal

version with new features

Quality Assurance team checks the fixed issues

via report engines

Fixed issues are closed in the Management


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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareAbout DFS Critical Applications Defect Classification Bug LifeCycle Software Survey

What software does Sun use for Defect Tracking ?Sun uses a software called BugDB , for managing its hardware and software defects .It has a rich set of user interfaces and reporting tools.It has been recently shifted from the SYBASE database to Oracle Database .

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareAbout DFS Critical Applications Defect Classification Bug LifeCycle Software Survey

What software does Open Source (Firefox, Linux) Use ?

Both Linux and Firefox use BugZilla for the Defect Tracking.BugZilla Supports the following features that make it very attractive for users The ability to run on freely available, open source tools. While Bugzilla

development includes work to support commercial databases, tools, and operating systems, this is not intended to come at the expense of open source ones.

The maintenance of speed and efficiency at all costs. One of Bugzilla's major attractions to developers is its lightweight implementation and speed, so calls into the database are minimized whenever possible, data fetching is kept as light as possible, and generation of heavy HTML is avoided.

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Defect Tracking SoftwareAbout DFS Critical Applications Defect Classification Bug LifeCycle Software Survey

Why is BugZilla Popular ?Free Software Projects

Mozilla: Linux Kernel: Gnome: KDE: Apache Project: Open Office: Eclipse:

Linux Distributions Red Hat: Mandriva: Novell:

Companies NASA: Facebook: Plus Akamai, Nokia, The New York Times, Yahoo! and many more...

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LifeCycle of a BugZilla Bug

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BugZilla: The Bug tracking Software for Firefox Browser

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BugZilla: Bug Tracker for the Linux Kernel

Page 27: Defect Tracking Software Project Presentation

April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareAbout DFS Critical Applications Defect Classification Bug LifeCycle Software Survey

What are other freely available soft wares for DTS ?GNATS: GNU Bug Tracking System home page - A portable incident/bug report/help request-tracking system which runs on UNIX-like operating systems. It easily handles thousands of problem reports, has been in wide use since the early 90s, and can do most of its operations over e-mail. Several front end interfaces exist, including command line, emacs, and Tcl/Tk interfaces. There are also a number of Web (CGI) interfaces written in scripting languages like Perl and Python. IBM Rational ClearQuest - A defect and change tracking system that captures and manages all types of change requests throughout the development lifecycle.BugAware - Web based bug tracking system and help desk solution for the company intranet. Features include email alerts, advanced reporting, team management and custom fields.

Page 28: Defect Tracking Software Project Presentation

Defect Tracking Software

Agenda :



tion About Defect

Tracking Systems

Critical Applications

Defect Classification

Bug LifeCycles

Software Survey


ect Software

Requirement Specification

Development Environment

Development Timeline

Current StatusAc





t Flow ChartEntity Relationship Diagram


User Interface






pe Literature Survey


Our Proposed approach



Shiv Prakash Amitabh Mukherjee Akshay Saraf Deepit Chaturvedi

Page 29: Defect Tracking Software Project Presentation

April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Problem Statement:

To develop a defect tracking software for the HCL Infosystems Limited Client . This software will be used by the client in tracking the bugs and defects in the software’s overall lifecycle and deployment .Also It will be implemented in the software development process to achieve significant cost advantage arising out of defects in the software.

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Abstract:To develop a project titled “Defect Tracking Software ” which is an : automated bug / issue tracking system that provides automation of

keeping track of the component development processes & bug processing.

software application that is designed to help programmers/users keep track of reported software defects in their work.

is a web based application that can be accessed throughout the


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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status


Email notifications (user)

Email notifications (developer)

File attachments

History Trail

Full customization

Powerful reports

Submitting issues from website


Page 32: Defect Tracking Software Project Presentation

April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

FunctionalitiesIt is a database that records facts about known bugs. Facts may include:• Time a bug was reported, • Severity,• Assignment of Status,• Erroneous program behavior,• Details on how to reproduce the bug:• Identity of the user who reported it,• Identity of the developer/programmer working on fixing it.

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Functionalities Severity classification

• Critical – The bug causes a failure of the complete software system, subsystem or a program within the system.

• High - The bug does not cause a failure, but causes the system to produce incorrect, incomplete, inconsistent results or impairs the system usability.

• Medium – The bug does not cause a failure, does not impair usability, and does not interfere in the fluent work of the system and programs.

• Low – The bug is an aesthetic, is an enhancement or is a result of non-conformance to a standard

Priority classification • Immediate – The bug should be

resolved immediately. • High - This bug should be resolved

as soon as possible in the normal course of development activity, before the software is released.

• Medium – This bug should be repaired after serious bugs have been fixed.

• Low – It can be resolved in a future major system revision or not be resolved at all.

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

FunctionalitiesUser Maintenance:• Creating access, • Granting access &• Revoking access and

Deleting users from application.

Component Maintenance

• Creating a component • Granting &• Revoking access on components to

Users• Marking a component as “Active”

or “Closed”.

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Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

FunctionalitiesDefect Tracking:• Creating defects,• Assigning defects to users,• Modifying defects• Closing a defect.

A defect screen should at least have following details

Defect Number and Title Defect priority Date created Defect description Defect diagnosis Name of originator Name of Assignee Status Resolution

Page 36: Defect Tracking Software Project Presentation

April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Software Development Environment:

• MS Platform

• MS-SQL Server

• Oracle 10g Database

• Visual Studio 2008

• ASP.NET 2.0

• IIS (Internet Information Services) 7.0

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Software Development Environment:MS Platform• contains header files, libraries, samples, documentation and

tools utilizing the APIs required to develop applications for Microsoft Windows and the .NET Framework 3.0/.NET Framework 3.5.

• Application programming interface (API) is an interface in computer science that defines the ways by which an application program may request services from libraries and/or OS.

• Used to write applications that target • Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista & Windows

Server 2008

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Software Development Environment:MS-SQL Server

- application used to create computer databases.

- environment used to generate databases.

- support businesses by online transaction processing (OLTP) and decision support system (DSS) workloads.

- DSS workloads, are highly resource intensive.

- DSS queries touch large amounts of

data (often terabytes in size).

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Software Development Environment:Visual Studio 2008

It is a comprehensive set of tools that accelerates the process of turning the developer’s vision into reality.

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Software Development Environment:Visual Studio 2008• LINQ Support LINQ essentially is the composition

of many standard query operators that allows us to work with data in a more intuitive way.

Benefits :• significant – Compile time

checking C# language queries,• ability to debug step by step

through queries.

• Expression Blend Support

• XAML generator tool for silver light applications.

Benefits :• By this we can get extensive web

designer and JavaScript tool.

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

• Windows Presentation Foundation

Visual Studio 2008 contains plenty of WPF Windows Presentation Foundation Library templates

Benefits:• extensive graphic functionality.

• any visual developer who is new to .NET, C# and VB.NET can easily develop the 2D and 3D graphic applications.

• Multi-Targeting Support

Benefits:• We are able to create, run, debug

the .NET 2.0, .NET 3.0 and .NET 3.5 applications.

Software Environment for Development:

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Software Environment for Development:• AJAX support for ASP.NET In Visual Studio 2008, we have built-in

AJAX control library.


• Ajax Library contains plenty of rich AJAX controls like Menu, TreeView, web parts and VS 2008 contains in built ASP.NET AJAX Control Extenders.

• JavaScript Debugging Support

• It makes Debugging the error simpler with JavaScript debugging.

Benefits:• We can set break points• Run the JavaScript step by step• We can watch the local variables

while debugging the JavaScript• Solution explorer provides

JavaScript document navigation support.

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Software Environment for Development:• Nested Master Page

Support • LINQ Intellisense and

JavaScript Intellisense support for Silverlight applications

• Intellisense Filtering• Multilingual User Interface

Architecture - MUI

• Visual Studio 2008 Split View

• Debugging .NET Framework Library Source Code

• In built Silverlight Library • Inbuilt C++ SDK

Page 44: Defect Tracking Software Project Presentation

April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Software Environment for Development:ASP.NET 3.0

• An entirely new technology for server-side scripting.

• A powerful tool for creating dynamic and interactive web pages.

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Software Environment for Development:What is ASP.NET?• ASP.NET is a server side scripting technology that enables scripts

(embedded in web pages) to be executed by an Internet server.• ASP.NET is a Microsoft Technology • ASP stands for Active Server Pages • ASP.NET is a program that runs inside IIS • IIS (Internet Information Services) is Microsoft's Internet server • IIS comes as a free component with Windows servers • IIS is also a part of Windows 2000 and XP Professional

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Software Environment for Development:

IIS (Internet Information Services) 7.0

• Internet Information Services (IIS) - formerly called Internet Information Server - is a set of Internet-based services for servers created by Microsoft for use with Microsoft Windows.

• It is the world's second most popular web server in terms of overall websites.

• Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 introduces a new XML-based configuration system for storing the IIS settings.

• This new configuration system was introduced with ASP.NET and is based on a hierarchical system of management system.

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Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Software Environment for Development:

• ApplicationHost.config - This configuration file stores the settings for all our Web sites and applications.

• Administration.config - This configuration file stores the settings for IIS management. These settings include the list of management modules that are installed for the IIS Manager tool, as well as configuration settings that any management module uses.

• Redirection.config - IIS 7.0 supports the management of several IIS servers from a single, centralized configuration file. This configuration file contains the settings that indicate the location where the centralized configuration files are stored

IIS (Internet Information Services) 7.0

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Software Environment for Development:Oracle 10g Database • The first database designed for grid

computing, • The most flexible and cost-effective way

to manage enterprise information.• It provides the highest possible quality

of service.• In provides numerous quality and

performance enhancements, • Oracle Database 10g significantly

reduces the costs of managing the IT environment, with a simplified install, greatly reduced configuration and management requirements, and automatic performance diagnosis and SQL tuning.

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Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Oracle 10g Database• Automatic Database

Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) It analyzes data in the Automatic

Workload Repository (AWR) to identify potential performances.

For each of the identified issues it locates the root cause and provides recommendations for correcting the problem.

An ADDM analysis task is performed and its findings and recommendations stored in the database every time an AWR snapshot is taken.

The ADDM analysis includes:• CPU load • Memory usage • I/O usage • Resource intensive SQL • Resource intensive PL/SQL and Java • RAC issues • Application issues • Database configuration issues • Concurrency issues • Object contention

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Automatic SQL Tuning

• Oracle 10g allows the optimizer to run in tuning mode where it can gather additional information and make recommendations about how specific statements can be tuned further.

• This process may take several minutes for a single statement so it is intended to be used on high-load resource-intensive statements.

In tuning mode the optimizer performs the following analysis:

• Statistics Analysis

• SQL Profiling

• Access Path Analysis

• SQL Structure Analysis

Oracle 10g Database

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Automatic Storage Management (ASM)

• It simplifies administration of Oracle related files by allowing the administrator to reference disk groups rather than individual disks and files, which are managed by ASM

• The ASM functionality is controlled by an ASM instance

• The main components of ASM are disk groups, each of which comprise of several physical disks that are controlled as a single unit.

ASM provides the following functionality:

• Manages groups of disks, called disk groups.

• Manages disk redundancy within a disk group.

• Provides near-optimal I/O balancing without any manual tuning.

• Enables management of database objects without specifying mount points and filenames.

• Supports large files

Oracle 10g Database

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Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Oracle 10g DatabaseAutomatic Workload

Repository (AWR)

• Oracle have provided many performance gathering and reporting tools which particularly in Oracle 10g is called as Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)

AWR Features

The AWR is used to collect performance statistics including:

• Wait events used to identify performance problems.

• Time model statistics indicating the amount of DB time associated with a process

• Active Session History (ASH) statistics

• Object usage statistics. • Resource intensive SQL statements

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Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Oracle 10g Database• Database Security


Package• Performance Tuning

Enhancements• Resource Manager


• Improved VLDB (Very Large Database ) Support

• Installation Enhancements

• MERGE Statement Enhancements

• Space, Object, and Transaction Management

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Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

• PC with 20 GB hard-disk• 1 GB RAM, • Ethernet Card,• Network Connectivity.

Hardware Environment for Development:

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Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Requirement Specification


Database creation

High level and‐Detailed Design

Development of web front endfunctionalities

Integrating the

front end ‐withthe



Final Review


Time in Weeks

4-5 7-11 12-18 21-2419-20 24-26 26-27


Page 56: Defect Tracking Software Project Presentation

April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareSoftware Requirement Specs Development Environment Development Timeline Current Status

Current Status of Project DevelopmentTechnology familiarizationDatabase creationHigh level Detailed Design• Flow Chart• Entity Relationship Diagram• Database Design• User interface

Page 57: Defect Tracking Software Project Presentation

Defect Tracking Software

Agenda :



tion About Defect

Tracking Systems

Critical Applications

Defect Classification

Bug LifeCycles

Software Survey


ect Software

Requirement Specification

Development Environment

Development Timeline

Current StatusAc





t Flow ChartEntity Relationship Diagram


User Interface






pe Literature Survey


Our Proposed approach



Shiv Prakash Amitabh Mukherjee Akshay Saraf Deepit Chaturvedi

Page 58: Defect Tracking Software Project Presentation

Flow Chart

Overview of the Software Function

Flow Chart

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ERD Diagram of Defect tracking Software


Page 60: Defect Tracking Software Project Presentation

April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareFlow Chart ERD Database User Interface Integration Testing

THE FOLLOWING POINTS WILL COVERED UNDER DATABASE 1.CREATION OF USERFor creating user we have to write query as :cerate user user_name identified by password .The various privilege assign to user are 1) grant privilege 2)revoke privilege

Object privilege

table view sequence procedure

Alter Yes Yes

Delete Yes Yes

Execute Yes

Index Yes

Insert Yes Yes

References Yes Yes

Select Yes Yes Yes

update Yes Yes

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April 10, 2023 DTS | Final Year Project | Dept. of CT,YCCE

Defect Tracking SoftwareFlow Chart ERD Database User Interface Integration Testing

2.Creating tables

Bug Data type

Bug_id number

Bug description varchar2

Bug_date Current time stamp

Bug_status number

Bug_priority number

bug_organisation varchar2

bug_reproduction varchar2

Bug_last updated byuser


Bug_project varchar2

user Data type

User_id number

User_password Varchar2

User_first name Varchar

User_middle_name varchar

User_last_name varchar

User_type varchar

User_email Varchar2

User unable notification number

User_auto subscribe bugs number

User_status number

User_created_bug varchar2

User_organisation number

User_component number

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project Data type

Project_id number

Project_name Varchar2

Project_active Number

Project default user




component Data type

Component_id Number


Current time stamp



Component last_update date

Current time stamp



Report Data type

Report_id number



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Defect Tracking SoftwareFlow Chart ERD Database User Interface Integration Testing

Emails Data type

Email_id Varchar2

Email_date Current time stamp

Email_password Varchar2

Emai_desc rition Varchar2

Email_action varchar2

Bug task Data type

Bug_task id Varchar2

Bug_task_bug desc Varchar2

Task_created date Current time stamp

Task assinged date Current time stamp

Task_planned end date Current time stamp

Task actual planned date Current time stamp

Task percent complete Number

Task status Number

Task description


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Organization Data type

Orgnization_id Number





session Data type

Session_id Number

Session_date Current time stamp

Bug subscription Data type

Subscription_id Number

Subscription_bug number

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Bug subscription


Bug task














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Advanced Search Bugzilla

User Interface

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Report Generation Page

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Preference Page

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Dashboard of CounterSoft’s Gemini Bugtracker

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Report Generation in Gemini Bugtracker

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Briefly, there are many ways to connect to the Oracle database in .NET:

Oracle's Data Provider for .NET called ODP (need to confirm whether Oracle 9i is supported) - this is supposedly the best way. Microsoft's data provider for Oracle - next best and comes as part of the .NET Framework base class libraries..NET ODBC & .NET OLEDB- for performance

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Advantages of

Wide Coverage of Oracle FeaturesBy providing access to the most advanced database functionality, dotConnect for Oracle allows developers to harness the full capabilities of the Oracle server and optimize their database applications. dotConnect for Oracle stands out as the set of components with the widest support of Oracle functionality.

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Software Testing Life Cycle- PhasesDefine testing ?

Process of exercising or evaluating a system or system component by manual or automated means to verify that it satisfies specified requirement (IEEE 83a)

What is Testing? process used to help identify the correctness, completeness and quality of developed computer software. Find out difference between actual and expected behavior. The process of exercising software to verify that it satisfies specified requirements of end user and to detect errors

We Test !! We Test !! Why Detect programming errors - programmers, like anyone else, can make mistakes. To catch bugs/defect/errors. To check program against specifications Cost of debugging is higher after release Client/end user should not find bugs Some bugs are easier to find in testing Challenge to release a bug-free product. Verifying Documentation.

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Software Testing Life Cycle- PhasesRequirement Analysis

The objective of Requirement Analysis is to ensure software quality by eradicating errors as earlier as possible in the development process, as the errors noticed at the end of the software life cycle are more costly compared to that of early ones, and there by validating each of the Outputs.

Prepare Test Plan- Activities Prepare product requirement document Develop risk assessment criteria Identify acceptance criteria Document Testing Strategies.

Design-Activities Setup test environment Design Test Cases: Requirements-based and Code-based Test Cases

Execution- Activities Initial Testing, Detect and log Bugs Retesting after bug fixes Final Testing Implementation

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Software Testing Life Cycle- PhasesBug Reporting, Analysis, and Regressing Testing

Detect Bugs by executing test cases Bug Reporting Analyze the Error/Defect/Bug Debugging the system Support during Acceptance-Activities Installing the software on the client’s environment Providing training for using the software or maintaining the software

Inspection and Release-Activities Final Review of Testing Replication of Product Product Delivery Records Evaluate Test Effectiveness Client Acceptance

Software Installation Analyze and Address the Error/Defect/Bug Final Testing and Implementation Update respective Process

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Software Testing Life Cycle- PhasesSupport during Acceptance-Activities

Installing the software on the client’s environment Providing training for using the software or maintaining the software

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Defect Tracking Software

Agenda :



tion About Defect

Tracking Systems

Critical Applications

Defect Classification

Bug LifeCycles

Software Survey


ect Software

Requirement Specification

Development Environment

Development Timeline

Current StatusAc





t Flow ChartEntity Relationship Diagram


User Interface






pe Literature Survey


Our Proposed approach



Shiv Prakash Amitabh Mukherjee Akshay Saraf Deepit Chaturvedi

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SIGNIFICANCE… Large telecommunication company employ a software measurement

program and to predict pre-release defects. Using version history information, developers can find around 88% of the

defects with 28% false alarms Compared to same detection rate with 50% false alarms without using

historical data

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Goal of the project Code measurement and analysis

of the software system.

Construction of a defect prediction model to predict defect prone modules before testing phase.

Storing a version history and bug data

Business Objectives Decrease lifecycle costs such as

testing effort.

Decrease defect rates

Measure/ control the time to repair the defects

Improve code quality

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• all-in-one metrics extraction and analysis tool • it is freely available• It extracts 22 to 26 static code attributes in different granularities, i.e.

package, class, file, method level• It is able to parse programming languages such as C, C++, Java, JSP,

PL/SQL• forms a dependency matrix that keeps inter-relations between modules of

the software systems.• a simple user interface

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SOME IMPORTANT TERMS• Versioning Control Systems (VCS) are useful for recording the history of documents edited by

several developers.

• History Touch (HT). We define a history touch to be one of the commit actions where changes made by developers are submitted and include modifying, adding or removing files.

• History. The history of a file subsumes all HTs that occurred to that file from its birth until present

• Release is a point in time in the history of a project which denotes that a new or upgraded version is available.

• Defect count is the number of defects identified in a file. The file a is more fault-prone than the file b if the defect count of the file a is higher than the defect count of the file b.

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Mann-Whitney nonparametric TEST

• Definition: A non-parametric test (distribution-free) used to compare two independent groups of sampled data.

• Assumptions: Unlike the parametric t-test, this non-parametric makes no assumptions about the distribution of the data (e.g., normality).

• Test: The hypotheses for the comparison of two independent groups are:• Ho: The two samples come from identical populations

• Ha: The two samples come from different populations

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Constructive Quality Modeling for Defect Density Prediction: COQUALMO

COQUALMO predicts the defect density of the software under development where defects conceptually flow into a holding tank through various defect

introduction pipes and are removed through various defect removal pipes.COQUALMO consists of 2 sub-models, namely the• Defect Introduction (DI) model • the Defect Removal (DR)model

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PHASE II: BUG TRACING AND MATCHING • planned to store defect data, i.e. test and production defects. • collect metrics from the completed versions of projects and match the

bugs as well.

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PHASE III: DEFECT PREDICTION MODELLING • construct prediction model with the data collected • We decided using three measures:

– probability of detection, pd– probability of false alarm, pf – balance from signal detection theory

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1. Requirements Specification

2. Technology familiarization

3.Database creation

4.High-level and Detailed Design

5.Development for web front end functionalities.

6.Integrating the front-end with the database

7.Integration Testing

8.Final Review


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SECOND STEP…• Extract data on defects occurring in other softwares• Add data to the software database • Introduce defects based on the data provided

Some softwares :• Agilent Feature Extraction Software• Prest• Six Sigma Software Metrics• Fact Extraction Tool Chain

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Spiral Model

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Plug-in applications• Plug-in applications are programs that can easily be installed and used as

part of your Web browser. • Initially, the Netscape browser allowed you to download, install, and

define supplementary programs that played sound or motion video or performed other functions.

• These were called helper applications. • A plug-in application is recognized automatically by the browser and its

function is integrated into the main HTML file that is being presented.

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Examples of applications and their plug-ins

• Microsoft Office uses plug-ins (better known as add-ins) to extend the capabilities of its application by adding custom commands and specialized features

• Rockbox, a firmware for digital audio players, can use plug-ins, for example: play games, use the text editor

• Email clients use plug-ins to decrypt and encrypt email (Pretty Good Privacy) or to send oversized email attachments (Globalscape Mail Express)

• Graphics software use plug-ins to support file formats and process images (Adobe Photoshop)• Media players use plug-ins to support file formats and apply filters (foobar2000, GStreamer,

Quintessential, VST, Winamp, XMMS)• Packet sniffers use plug-ins to decode packet formats (OmniPeek)• Remote sensing applications use plug-ins to process data from different sensor types (Opticks)• Software development environments use plug-ins to support programming languages (Eclipse

, jEdit, MonoDevelop)• Web browsers use plug-ins to play video and presentation formats (Flash, QuickTime,

Microsoft Silverlight, 3DMLW)

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2010The IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering Innsbruck, Austria,February 16 – 18, 2010 [Deadline: September 15, 2009 ]

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ICCSN 2010

2010 International Conference on Communication Software and NetworksSingapore, February 26-28, 2010[Deadline: October 1, 2009]

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ICCAE 2010

2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation EngineeringSingapore, February 26-28, 2010[Deadline: October 10, 2009]

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ICACC 2010

2nd International Conference on Advanced Computer ControlShenyang, China, March 27-29, 2010[Deadline: November 5, 2009]

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Thank You !!!

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Questions & Answers !!

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Happy Teachers’ Day* !!

* I(n advance)