defend against disease with immunity-boosting products ... · immunity-boosting products are...

SEPTEMBER 2019 | REPORT DEFEND AGAINST DISEASE WITH IMMUNITY-BOOSTING PRODUCTS As consumers look for products that protect them from rising health issues and focus on healthy ageing, products made to support immunity have potential to flourish. Michelle Teodoro, Global Food Science Analyst 1 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

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Page 1: Defend against disease with immunity-boosting products ... · Immunity-boosting products are appearing primarily in supplements and beverages Global: share of food, drink and supplement



As consumers look for products that protect them from rising health issues andfocus on healthy ageing, products made to support immunity have potential toflourish.

Michelle Teodoro, GlobalFood Science Analyst

1 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

Page 2: Defend against disease with immunity-boosting products ... · Immunity-boosting products are appearing primarily in supplements and beverages Global: share of food, drink and supplement


BENEFITS? ............................................................................................................................................ 4

[Graph] Global: % of food, drink and healthcare launches with immunity claims, by super category,

Apr 2014-Mar 2019 ........................................................................................................................... 5

[Graph] Global: share of food, drink and supplement products launches with immunity claims, by

top subcategories, Apr 2014-Mar 2019............................................................................................. 7

SUPPORT IMMUNITY NEEDS AT EVERY LIFE STAGE ...................................................................10

[Graph] Global: % of food, drink and healthcare launches with an immunity claim, by demographic

claim, Apr 2014-Mar 2019............................................................................................................... 12

LINK WITH GUT WELLNESS .............................................................................................................. 15

FORMULATE WITH BOTANICALS AND KNOWN NUTRIENTS.........................................................19

[Graph] Global: top ingredients in food, drink and healthcare launches with immunity claim, Apr

2014-Mar 2019................................................................................................................................ 20

[Graph] Global: top 10 micronutrients and related products, % of food, drink and healthcare

launches with an immune system functional claim, Apr 2014-Mar 2019 ........................................22

[Graph] Global: select herbal ingredients, % of food, drink and healthcare launches with immunity

claims, Apr 2014-Mar 2019 ............................................................................................................. 24

2 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

Page 3: Defend against disease with immunity-boosting products ... · Immunity-boosting products are appearing primarily in supplements and beverages Global: share of food, drink and supplement

Mintel recommendsSupport immunity needs at every life stageSupport immunity as part of a long-term healthy ageing strategy for health protection and prevention.

Develop immunity-boosting products, ranging from infants to the silver generation.

Position with gut wellnessMany food and drink products offering immunity benefits also come with digestive health benefits as thetwo are often linked. Offer several functional properties beyond gut health, including protection of theimmune system with probiotics. Postbiotics are also ingredients to watch out for.

Formulate with immune-boosting foods and nutrientsMicronutrients like vitamins A and C and zinc are some of the more common and recognised ingredientsfor products with immune-boosting benefits. Consider expanding into botanicals that take inspirationfrom traditional and ancient medicines, which provide natural and holistic healing attributes.

3 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

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Nutrition and lifestyle are found to play a critical role in balancing the immunityresponse and reducing incidence of immune-related illnesses. Consumers considerstrong immunity important for achieving a healthy lifestyle and are looking forproducts that can protect their body against immunity concerns.

4 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

Page 5: Defend against disease with immunity-boosting products ... · Immunity-boosting products are appearing primarily in supplements and beverages Global: share of food, drink and supplement

Factors affecting immunity: diet, stress and inactivityPoor dietExcessive consumption of sugar and processed food can affect the immune system.

Stress and inadequate sleepChronic stress raises cortisol levels in the body, which decreases the production of "good"prostaglandins. Sleep is also an important factor for building a strong immune system.

Physical inactivityPhysical exercise helps increase blood flow and supports the body in removing waste. The improvedblood flow also provides circulation of antibodies.

Source: Experimental Cell Research; Frontiers in Immunology; Journal of Sports and Health Science

Launches of immunity-boosting products are niche but havegreat potential to flourishImmunity-boosting products are overlooked by a lot of companies. Over the last five years, the share ofnew products with immunity claims has been limited, particularly in food and drink, but are more frequent insupplements.

As consumer interest for improved immunity grows, they will look for products that meet immunity needs.

Global: % of food, drink and healthcare launches with immunity claims, bysuper category, Apr 2014-Mar 2019




Food Drink Supplement





Source: Mintel GNPD

5 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

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Immunity-boosting product launches gain traction in Europe andNorth America

Global: % of food, drink and supplement launches with immunity claims, by top region,Apr 2014-Mar 2019

Region% share of global food, drink andsupplement launches withimmunity claim

% change in launches: Apr2014-Mar 2015 to Apr2018-Mar 2019

Europe 41% 50%


34% 34%


11% 53%


9% 14%

MiddleEast &Africa

6% 20%

Source: Mintel GNPD

6 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

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Immunity-boosting products are appearing primarily insupplements and beverages

Global: share of food, drink and supplement products launches with immunity claims,by top subcategories, Apr 2014-Mar 2019


66 55 44 44 44 33 22 22 22


ins & d


… Tea



g yogu

rt & liq

uid cultu

red m



up milk





l rep



Cold cere


Baby c




age m


Baby f



2 month







Source: Mintel GNPD

Immunity-boosting products are appearing in beveragecategories

Drinking yogurt

Dukat b-Aktiv LGG Natural Yogurt contains LGG (Lactobacillusrhamnosus GG) dairy culture and vitamin B6 that contributes to thenormal function of the immune system (Croatia).

7 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

Page 8: Defend against disease with immunity-boosting products ... · Immunity-boosting products are appearing primarily in supplements and beverages Global: share of food, drink and supplement

Beverage mixes

Rasna Native Haat Badam Vita Beverage Food Mix contains seleniumand copper said to be good for the healthy functioning of the immunesystem (India).

Juice shots

Vive Organic Immunity Boost Wellness Shot with Elderberry contains aproactive defense blend that includes cold-pressed ginger root, cold-pressed turmeric root, elderberry and black pepper that activates theturmeric (US).

Look beyond food and drink in offering immunity claims

For pets

CannaShroom Immune Supporter with Five Mushroom Blend containsorganic hemp oil, organic mushrooms (chaga, maitake, reishi andshiitake) and turkey tail that helps boost immunity and reduceinflammation, stress and anxiety (US).

For hand creams

The KORA Organics Rose & Noni Daily Hand Cream contains noniextract that is rich in more than 100 vitamins and minerals to enhanceimmune performance and protect the skin from environmental damagecaused by free radicals (Germany).

8 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

Page 9: Defend against disease with immunity-boosting products ... · Immunity-boosting products are appearing primarily in supplements and beverages Global: share of food, drink and supplement

For skincare protection products

VIVAIODAYS Organic World Secrets for Baby & Kid Turmeric BroadSpectrum Sunscreen SPF 30 contains organic sea buckthorn pulp oilthat helps naturally strengthen skin immunity (US).

9 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

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A healthy immune system is relevant at every life stage. Brands should supportimmunity as part of a long-term healthy ageing strategy. They can target allconsumers from infants to seniors with products for health protection andprevention.

10 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

Page 11: Defend against disease with immunity-boosting products ... · Immunity-boosting products are appearing primarily in supplements and beverages Global: share of food, drink and supplement


of Chinese consumersaged 55-74 who have

health issues 'eat morehealthy' in order to

address poor immunity

Position immunity as a healthy ageingstrategy for protection and preventionA strong immune system helps to keep a person healthy by fighting offharmful bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. However, the immunesystem can become compromised by dietary and environmental lifestylesthat can make people sick, like the common cold and flu, as well as moreserious infections and diseases such as cancer.

Consumers are more aware and knowledgeable about the importance ofhealthy eating for immunity protection. They are now looking at food,drink and supplement products that offer holistic ageing and preventativesolutions, from the beginning to later years of life, as discussed inMintel's 2019 Food & Drink Trend Through the Ages.

Base: 727 seniors aged 55-74 who have health issuesSource: KuRunData/Mintel

In China, brands should seek ways to boost the immunity of allagesFood, drink and supplement products that cater to the needs of all ages for better immune system wouldbe appealing.



of Chinese consumersaged 55-74 are

interested in foods thatcould improve theimmune system



of Chinese parents withbabies aged 0-3 are

concerned by lowimmunity when feeding

their child



of Chinese parents aged20-49 would want to

purchase food and drinkthat can improve their

children's immunity

Base: 800 seniors aged 55-74; 3,000 internet users aged 20-39 who have children aged 0-3; 3,000internet users aged 20-49 who have a child aged 4-12Source: KuRunData/Mintel

11 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

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In the West, consumers show interest in strong immune systems



of consumers aged35-44 are interested inbeverages that feature

immunity boosting



of consumers aged55-64 would be

interested in yogurt/yogurt drinks that support

immune health



of users of functionalfood and drink aged

16-24 are motivated touse functional food and

drink that boosts theimmune system

Base: US: 345 internet users aged 35-44; UK: 400 internet users aged 55-64 who have eaten/drunkyogurt or yogurt drinks in the last month; Germany: 1,003 internet users aged 16+ who have usedfunctional food and drink in the last six monthsSource: Lightspeed/Mintel

Offer immunity benefits in products targeted at vulnerablegroupsBrands should offer products with immunity benefits to consumer groups who are at risk of variousillnesses, such as seniors, pregnant and nursing mothers and children.

Global: % of food, drink and healthcare launches with an immunity claim, bydemographic claim, Apr 2014-Mar 2019






% of launches with immune system claim

Maternal Seniors (aged55+)

Babies & toddlers(0-4)

Female Children (5-12)






Source: Mintel GNPD

12 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

Page 13: Defend against disease with immunity-boosting products ... · Immunity-boosting products are appearing primarily in supplements and beverages Global: share of food, drink and supplement

Formulate products designed to enhance immunity of differentlife stages

Probiotics for pregnant women

USP Zdrowie Estabiom Pregna Preparation for Pregnant Womencontains Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) and two strains ofgynaecological bacteria to help build the infant's own immunity throughthe intestinal microbiome (Poland).

Immunity-boosting micronutrients for seniors

Vinamilk Sure Prevent Special Nutrition Supplement contains zinc,magnesium, selenium and vitamins of group B, C, A and E that helpreduce tiredness and improve appetite, sleep and body resistance(Vietnam).

Zinc for kids' body resistance

Wonder White Sandwich Bread is high in fibre and formulated withvitamins and minerals including zinc for a healthy immune system(Australia).

Provide for immunity needs of consumers at every life stageTarget parents with immunity-boosting products for kidsInfants are highly susceptible to infections and diseases. Receiving the right nutrition at such an age isvital as it improves immunity, leading to healthy growth and development.

59% of Chinese parents would feel encouraged to buy food and drink products that can improveimmunity for their kids.

13 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

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Manage the immune system of pregnant womenPregnant women are considered to be a unique population group due to their complex 'immunological'condition which leads to higher risk. They are more severely affected by cold, flu and other infectiousdiseases.

Address age-related immunity lossAs consumers age, their immune response is reduced, which contributes to more infections anddiseases. As life expectancy in developed countries has risen, so too has the incidence of age-relatedconditions like immunity loss.

Seniors would be interested in products with immunity benefits, but there are few on the market.

Power Vita Sênior VitaminMineral Supplement (Brazil)

Seniors are a relatively untapped potentialwhen it comes to immunityManufacturers can develop products that help strengthen the immunesystem, especially to help seniors reach their goals of staying active.

Brands should educate consumers about ways to improve their immunesystem. Considering that 54% of Chinese seniors are interested in foodsto improve their immune system and 21% claim to have poor immunityand are not taking any measures to help it (health supplements ormedical treatments), immunity is an untapped opportunity.

Boosting the immune system is also a important reason that motivatesEuropean consumers aged 55+ to use functional food and drink.Although still niche, the percentage of senior-positioned food, drink andhealthcare product launches with an immunity claim has increased by48% in the past five years.

Base: China: 800 seniors aged 55-74; Europe: internet users aged 16+ who have used functional food anddrink in the last six months (1,045 in France; 1,003 in Germany; 1,212 in Italy; 1,431 in Spain; 1,458 inPoland)Source: KuRunData/Mintel; Lightspeed/Mintel

14 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

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There is a link between a healthy gut and better immunity. Brands could offerseveral functional properties beyond gut health, including protection of the immunesystem with probiotics.

Postbiotics are also ingredients to watch out.

15 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

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Boost immunity through gut microbiotaConsumers are becoming more aware of the importance and benefits of a healthy gut. This reflects thewidespread interest in gut health platforms, and clinical research continues to place the microbiome at theheart of the gut health conversation. Also, more research links gut health with other health concerns, frommental wellbeing to immunity.

The balance of bacteria in the gut influences the balance of the immune system. Around 70% of theimmune system lives in the gut, and gut bacteria helps immune system cells develop, teaching them thedifference between an antigen (which is an important factor in being at risk of chronic inflammatorydisorders), autoimmunity, infections and the body's own cells and tissues. As research has progressed,researchers have taken particular note of the link between gut health and immunity as they try to find waysthe intestinal environment can be enlisted to boost immunity more effectively.

While each person's gut microbiota is unique, which also varies with age, the most influential factors for ahealthy gut are environmental, including diet. Knowing this, consumers are focused on the idea of takingsupplements to improve the probiotic (ie intestinal) environment and look for more food and drinkformulations with probiotics, fermentation and prebiotics to improve their own wellness.

Ingredient spotlight: probiotics as an immune system boosterProbiotics are claimed to It is claimed that probiotics offer several functional properties beyond gut healthincluding stimulation of the immune system.

According to the Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology Journal, consumption of probiotics significantlyreduced the incidence of upper respiratory infection and flu-like symptoms, with an oral temperature higherthan 38°C compared to the placebo group.

Though still niche in global food, drink and healthcare products, brands are starting to explore andleverage the functional benefits of probiotics. For example, Vedanta Biosciences has developed a newcategory of therapies for immune-mediated diseases using live human microbiome-derived bacteria. Also,Chr. Hansen's probiotic strain Bifidobacterium animalis ssp.lactis (BB-12) has been granted a patent inSouth Korea for enhancing immune response in conjunction with an influenza vaccine and in infant milkformula.

Highlighting probiotics' ability to boost immunity could increaseawareness among consumers

In non-dairy yogurt

Nancy's Plain Probiotic Oatmilk Non-Dairy Yogurt contains billions ofcarefully selected live probiotics in every serving includingBifidobacterium lactis BB12, described as the defender which supportsimmune system and digestion (US).

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In powder supplement

CJ CheilJedang Byo Expert Care Skin Immunity Lactobacillus Powderis formulated with CJLP-133 fruit- and vegetable-origin Lactobacillusextract to improve skin condition and immunity and to support a healthydigestive system (South Korea).

In fruit snacks

Mariani Premium Berries and Plums with Probiotics is powered byGanaden BC30 Probiotic with Bacillus coagulans GBI-30 and 6086,which are said to support the digestive system and immune health(Mexico).

Postbiotics could be the next probiotics for gut and immunityProbiotics are the most prominent bacteria in gut health and are gaining attention in the immunity-relatedhealth space. However, other categories of ingredients, such as postbiotics, are also making progress.

According to a recent study conducted by Trends in Food Science & Technology, postbiotic is a newlycoined term for metabolic byproducts or "beneficial waste products" of probiotic bacteria. Forms ofpostbiotics include organic acids or short-chain fatty acids, peptidoglycans and polysaccharides. Thesebacteria produced in our digestive tracts could be key regulators of gastrointestinal (GI) health and helpdecrease inflammation and boost immunity.

Mostly applied commercially in personal care products, postbiotics potential is now appearing inpharmaceutical and functional food and drink categories. Though still in its infancy, big brands are startingto dive into this niche trend. For example, Danone Nutricia have started research on postbiotics. They havereformulated their Aptamil follow-on formula that contains a combination of 'prebiotics and postbiotics'which provide infant with immunity and digestive health benefits.

Source: Trends in Food Science & Technology; Journal of Applied Microbiology; Aptamil

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Interest in postbiotic heightensAs consumers are gainingawareness and interest in thebenefits of postbiotics, brandsshould gaze beyond probioticsand prebiotics for gut andimmune health.

Mentions of postbiotics on USsocial media sites have seen a91% monthly increase over thelast year. Brands shouldeducate consumers about thislatest gut microbiome ingredienttrend.

* social media mentions of probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics on Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter, July2018-July 2019Source: Infegy/Mintel

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Micronutrients like vitamins A and C and zinc are some of the most common andrecognised ingredients for products with immune-boosting benefits. To meet thedemand for natural products offering holistic healing benefits, brands shouldconsider expanding into botanicals that foster inspiration from traditional andancient medicine.

19 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

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Start with trusted micronutrientsProper nutrition is essential for a strong and healthy immune system. To help protect oneself againstinfection and bolster defenses, the inclusion of immune-boosting nutrients in the diet is a must.

According to Harvard Health Publishing, there is some evidence that various vitamin and mineraldeficiencies such as of zinc, selenium, iron, copper, magnesium, folic acid and vitamins A, B6, C and Echange immune responses in animals. However, the impact of these on the animal's health is less clear,and the effect of similar deficiencies on the human immune response has yet to be assessed.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has authorised a set of immune-boosting nutrients that canbe used in a wide variety of products with immunity claims including copper, folate, iron, selenium, vitaminsA, B12, B6, C and D and zinc.

Source: Harvard Health Publishing; European Food Safety Authority

Micronutrients dominate as an immunity ingredient in food anddrink

% o

f la



Global: top ingredients in food, drink and healthcare launches with immunity claim, Apr2014-Mar 2019


3333 3333

1919 1717 1414 1313 1313 1212 1111








and fr

uit pro






and ve


ble pro



onal fibre













Source: Mintel GNPD

20 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

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Highlight the key micronutrients for immune system


Bertil's Kelasin Zinc Acetate Mouth Spray is a fast and long-acting zincsupplement that is said to promote the normal functioning of theimmune system and increase resistance to viruses (Finland).

Vitamin C

Superfoods Energy Fruits SF Superfoods & Supershakes CamucaoAntioxidant Supershake is high in vitamin C, which provides cellprotection from oxidative stress, normal functioning of immune systemand increases iron absorption (Spain).

Vitamins B6 and B12

Vitabiotics Wellwoman Pomegranate & Cranberry Vitamin Drink isformulated with iron, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 to contribute to thereduction of tiredness and fatigue, and to support the normal functionsof the immune system (Nigeria).


Aaccrue Organics GetSetGrow Stage 2 Rice Dal & Fruits InstantOrganic Baby Cereal is fortified with iron, provides nutrition andincreases immunity (India).

21 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

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Saúde Tropical Brazil Nuts contains antioxidant and flavonoids, whichhelp to maintain healthy immune and nervous systems, and help toprevent atherosclerosis and cancer (Brazil).

Vitamins B6 and B12

Biostime SN-2 Bio Plus Stage 3 Premium Organic Toddler Milk Drinkcontains vitamins B6, B12 and zinc to support normal immune systemfunction (Australia).

Top micronutrients included in immune-boosting productsBetween April 2014 and March 2019, vitamins C, D and B6 were the leading micronutrients found in food,drink and healthcare products with an immune system claim.

In the same period, 58% contain vitamins and 48% contain minerals as an ingredient.

Global: top 10 micronutrients and related products, % of food, drink andhealthcare launches with an immune system functional claim, Apr 2014-Mar2019

% of launches that contain ingredient


in C*


in D*


in B6*


in A*



in E an

d …







in B1*



* includes all child ingredientsSource: Mintel GNPD

22 © 2019 Mintel Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Confidential to Mintel.

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of consumers wouldlike to have energydrinks with natural


Expand into botanicals and draw oninspiration from traditional and ancientmedicineThe recognised ingredients for immunity is going beyond familiarimmune-boosting micronutrients including vitamin A and C and zinc.Brands are now shifting towards the use of natural sources of nutrientslike botanical substances for immunity such as ginger, camu-camu,elderberry and medicinal mushroom.

Indeed, an approach to natural sources of nutrients for specific healthneeds is still an overriding trend that influences functional NPD. The useof ancient and traditional ingredients and techniques give products ashortcut to being perceived as natural and holds a holistic healingattribute. However, it is still necessary that such immune healthingredients can demonstrate that they will deliver fully researched andevidence-based benefits.

Base: 2,942 internet users aged 20-49 who have drunk soft drinks in the last three monthsSource: KuRunData/Mintel

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Explore different botanical ingredients in food, drink andhealthcare productsBotanical ingredients are mostly revered in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) or Ayurveda and havelong been used as tonics for their immunity properties.

Global: select herbal ingredients, % of food, drink and healthcare launches withimmunity claims, Apr 2014-Mar 2019

Apr 2014-Mar 2015 Apr 2018-Mar 2019







Holy bas




ng ext







ea ex


Reishi m






* select ingredients include herbal substances, herbal preparation, fruit and fruit products, vegetable andvegetable productsSource: Mintel GNPD

Emerging functional ingredients for immunity products

Echinacea extract

Korean Drug Immu-Gold Dietary Supplement Liquid is formulated withechinacea extract to support acute respiratory tract infection, preventflu, help improve the immune system and promote respiratory systemhealth and resistance (South Korea).

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Macarena Punch Maca, Quinoa, Passion Fruit, Carrot and Apple Drinkcontains maca that provides natural energy, mental agility and bodilyresistance (Peru).

Reishi Mushroom

Purely Elizabeth Chocolate Sea Salt Grain Free Granola Bar ispowered by one of the world's most scientifically studied medicinalherbs, reishi mushroom, used to support healthy immune function andaid the body's response to stress (US).

Highlight the naturalness and holistic healing of immune-boosting herbals and botanicalsWith its roots in ancient and traditional medicine, immune-boosting herbals and botanicals appeal toconsumers who perceive that they are natural, effective and safe.



of soft drink consumersaged 20-49 are

interested in soft drinkswith traditional Chinesemedicine (eg ginseng,




of US consumers areinterested in superfood

flavours or ingredients ina non-alcoholic beverage



of UK users of sportsnutrition products wouldbe interested in sportsnutrition products withhealth-boosting herbs/


Base: 2,942 Chinese internet users aged 20-49 who have consumed soft drinks in the last threemonths; 2,000 US internet users aged 18+; 625 UK internet users aged 16+ who have used sportsnutrition products in the last three monthsSource: KuRunData/Mintel; Lightspeed/Mintel

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Ingredients to watch: elderberry forimmunityAccording to a recent study from Journal of Functional Foods, the ancientherbal remedy elderberry can help fight against influenza.

Elderberry, particularly Sambucus nigra (commonly known as Europeanelder) has been used for centuries to fight upper-respiratory infections,supply the body with antioxidants and boost immunity in the form of teasand syrups.

Native to the Americas and Europe, the sweet and sourish fruit is low incalories and is packed with vitamin C, dietary fibre and antioxidants in theform of phenolic acids, flavonols and anthocyanins.

Only 2% of food, drink and healthcare products with a immune systemclaim contained elderberry, but such launches have increased by 38% inthe past five years.

Source: Mintel GNPD; Journal of Functional Foods

Elderberry applications range from supplements to tonics andjam


Sambucol Original Black Elderberry Extract is a liquid supplement saidto strengthen the immune system (Norway).


Lowicz Elderberry Jam contains elderberry and apples to support bodydefense mechanisms (Poland).

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Concentrated tonic shot

Teaonic My Immunity Mojo Revive Herbal Wellness Shot containselderberry juice blended with lemon, ginger, hibiscus and cayennepepper that supports immune defense for daily activities and promoteshealthy living (US).

Meet the expertMichelle Teodoro

Global Food Science Analyst

Michelle specializes in food science and ingredients with a focus onnutrition. Her experience covers nutrition and dietetics concentrating onfood service, clinical nutrition, health and wellness programmanagement, nutrition research and marketing. She’s a licensedNutritionist-Dietitian and an Accredited Nutritionist.

Read more by this expert | Get in touch

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