defense communities may/june 2013

D EFENSE COMMUNITIES THE MAGAZINE OF MILITARY HOUSING, LODGING & LIFESTYLES Special section: Outdoor spaces page 8 Winning the war on bed bugs page 24 Updated 2013 PCS Guide released page 30 Children and adults alike enjoy the benefits of outdoor play A Splash of Fun MAY/JUNE 2013

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The Magazine of Military Housing, Lodging & Lifestyles


Page 1: Defense Communities May/June 2013


The Magazine of MiliTary housing, lodging & lifesTyles

Special section: Outdoor spaces

page 8

Winning the war on bed bugs

page 24

Updated 2013 PCS Guide released

page 30

Children and adults alike enjoy

the benefits of outdoor play

A Splash of Fun

May/June 2013

Page 2: Defense Communities May/June 2013

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Page 3: Defense Communities May/June 2013


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Page 4: Defense Communities May/June 2013


2 Defense Communities


8 A Splash of FunSplashpads offer residents of all ages refreshing spraying water, colorful play features, and limitless fun.By Erica Montgomery

12 Barking Up the Right TreeDavey Tree transforms the traditional concept of a dog park into a functional and four-legged friendly space.By Blane Pshigoda

15 Play, Naturally An emerging trend invites Mother Nature back into children’s play environments with new rules. By Thomas Matzke, CSI, LEED AP

18 Top Outdoor Living Trends for 2013A recent survey found that American homeowners increasingly are drawn to outdoor areas for entertaining and recreation on their properties.Courtesy of Landscape Architecture magazine


20 Model HousingCorvias Military Living broke ground on the U.S. Army’s first privately developed apartment project built exclusively for unac-companied junior enlisted service members. By Corinne Stiltner

23 Smart StoragePortable storage solutions can save service members time and money on moving, or onsite or long-term storage.By Cherlyne Rouse

24 Winning the WarEarly detection is a key step in reducing time and money spent fighting and controlling bed bug infestations.By Jeffrey White

26 The Sustainable OptionThe military finds broad ben-efits—both green and fiscal—in re-upholstering furniture rather than buying new.By Mario Insenga



Page 5: Defense Communities May/June 2013

mAY | June 2013 3

A Publication of the Pro fes sion al Hous ing Man age ment Association

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Executive Director Jon R. Moore

Defense Communities (ISSN #1088-9000 USPS #004-502) is pub lished bi month ly by Stratton Pub lish ing & Mar ket ing Inc., 5285 Shawnee Road, Suite 510, Alexandria, VA 22312-2334, for the Pro fes sion al Hous ing Man age ment As so ci a tion, 154 Fort Evans Road, NE, Leesburg, VA 20176. PHMA mem bers re ceive this pub li ca tion at the an nu al sub scrip tion rate of $30.

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Postmaster: Send subscription/address changes to: Defense Communities, 154 Fort Evans Road, NE, Leesburg, VA 20176 or e-mail: [email protected].



Managing Editor

Production Assoc.

Art Director

Ad Sales Manager

Debra J. StrattonBirgitt SeymourLia DangelicoChristine UmbrellJanelle WelchAlison Bashian

Defense Communities magazine is designed to keep those who operate and manage the whole spectrum of military housing and facilities maintenance informed on the industry’s latest technology, prod-ucts, and services. It provides a forum for members to share lessons learned, news and events, and train-ing opportunities and updates.

The Magazine of MiliTary housing, lodging & lifesTyles

DefensecommunitiesDefensecommunitiesMay/June 2013 u Volume 24, Number 3 u

Please send your articles for Defense Communities to

Birgitt Seymour at [email protected].


September/October – July 2November/December – September 4


4 President’s Message PHMA President Del

Eulberg shares several updates on the association and its upcoming efforts.

6 From the Expert Frank Kaleba, PE, explains

a code update on arc-fault circuit interrupters.

34 Military Marketplace

36 PHMA Corporate Sustaining Members

44 Advertising Index

ABOUT THE COVER Two girls enjoy the Spin No°1, a ride-on aquatic play feature coming soon to base Splashpads® nation-wide.



Special section: Outdoor spaces

page 8

Winning the war on bed bugs

page 24

Updated 2013 PCS Guide released

page 30

Children and adults alike enjoy

the benefits of outdoor play

A Splash of Fun


30 Second PCS Guide ReleasedSargesList released its second PCS Guide—completely updated for 2013 and avail-able in time for the military’s biggest PCS season.By Kristin Beauchamp

31 Help for HeroesVeterans Village Las Vegas announces a large grant and a fundraising campaign. Adapted From a Press Release

32 Joining the Jobs Mission AlliedBarton Security Services is now a part of a national effort

to hire 100,000+ veterans.Adapted From a Press Release



Page 6: Defense Communities May/June 2013

It has been a sporty spring for the federal government and all our housing professionals supporting

DoD. Sequestration did happen and thank goodness there wasn’t a cliff to fall off! Having said that, the reduc-tions will not be easy. I think we were all happy that federal agencies were given flexibility in how the reductions will be taken as part of the continuing

resolution. This is good news, but tough choices remain. Furloughs appear to be in the plan as well as continued pressure on travel and training. These reductions and the highly restrictive travel guidance coming from OSD and the services have had a real impact on the PHMA’s ability to provide much-needed training.

As mentioned in previous columns and in correspon-dence from Jon Moore, we have to adapt to meet these new challenges. PHMA is truly blessed to have a dedicated team to help guide us through these challenging times, but we also need feedback and support from our membership. To that end, I wanted to update everyone about a few changes on our Executive Council and senior service advisors since our board meeting in February. Suzanne Harrison resigned her elected and voting position on the Executive Council, since being confirmed as the Chief of Army housing. Chris Cole has agreed to fill the remainder of Suzanne’s term as secretary of the board, and Joyce VanSlyke was then appointed to replace Suzanne for her remaining term as a board member. Additionally, since Corky Vazquez is no longer the Program Manager for the Navy housing pro-gram, the Senior Advisor for Navy becomes Bill Pearson, who is acting in that position.

The senior advisors are not voting members, but rath-er provide input to the Executive Council on current issues, policies, and programs of interest to their ser-vice. They attend all Executive Council meetings and offer timely advice on current or proposed PHMA pro-grams. Accordingly, with the concurrence of the executive council, I have appointed the following personnel as senior service advisors: Army—Suzanne Harrison; Navy—William Pearson; Air Force—Roberto Castellanos; Marine Corps—Robert Kass; and Coast Guard—Melissa Fredrickson.

We will have a special Executive Council meeting on June 5 that will include the senior service advisors and board members at large. Topics include: 1) Maintaining the professionalism of DoD housing workforce (i.e., pos-sibility of setting standards for housing management); 2) Current and projected PHMA financial status; 3) Outreach efforts to membership and leveraging best practices; 4) Outreach to corporate members; 5) Outlook for 2014 PDS; 6) Expansion of PHMA bylaws to include senior advisors from OSD; 7) MHLI—Online training course review; and 8) Defense Communities—Telling good news stories and encouraging articles by federal employees.

As you can see, we have a lot on our plates but need your support and active engagement in PHMA. We are only as strong and viable as our membership. I ask that every member reflect on the value of PHMA and get involved. Talk to each other about the benefits of belonging and the value of the training you have received. I also ask for your feedback as we navigate these challenging times. We are in this together and we need everyone involved. Thanks again and God Bless. n

PREsidEnT’s MEssAgE

4 Defense Communities

The Time Is Now for Support and Engagement By Del Eulberg, Major General (Ret.), USAF

Del Eulberg is vice president, Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. General Eulberg retired from the Air Force in 2009 as The Civil Engineer, HQ USAF, where he was responsible for installation support for 166 installations worldwide.

We are only as strong and viable as our membership. I ask that every member reflect on the value of PHMA and get involved.

Page 7: Defense Communities May/June 2013

DIFFERENT NAME, SAME COMPANY.Picerne Military Housing is now Corvias Military Living.

We are a Satisfacts 2012 national resident satisfaction award winner, recognized six years in a row for consistently delivering outstanding resident experiences.

What’s changed? Only our name.

Fourteen years ago, John Picerne

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Today, we’re called Corvias Military Living to refl ect the new name of our

parent company, Corvias Group. Everything else is exactly the same. John

Picerne still runs the company. We still provide #1 award-winning customer

service. And we remain committed to giving back to the communities where

we live and work while improving the quality of life for our service members

and their families.

Corvias Military Living – we’re proud to serve you. To learn more, visit

Page 8: Defense Communities May/June 2013

6 Defense Communities

An arc-fault circuit interrupter (AFCI) is a clever circuit breaker that detects “arc faults” and opens an electri-cal circuit, thereby turning off the power. These are

“clever” because an AFCI can distinguish between a normal arc and an arc fault. A normal arc (an electrical spark) occurs when you turn a switch on or off or remove a plug from a wall outlet. If you’ve ever heard a switch “pop” or “hiss,” you’ve heard an arc. They sometimes occur when older fluorescent lights or vacuum cleaners are turned on because lighting ballasts and motors have a high initial current draw. Technically, this is known as a “series” arc and doesn’t gener-ate enough heat to cause a fire. This is normal, and electrical systems are designed to handle this type of arcing.

Fire HazardsArc faults occur between conductors—the hot wire and ground or grounded neutral. These faults can generate high heat and a lightning-like flash, which often results in a fire. Another related type of fault is the “glowing” fault. Glowing faults are those caused by poor or corroded contacts or deteriorat-ing insulation, resulting in a current between conductors or along a conductor that slowly generates heat because of the resistance. The glowing heating coil in a portable heater is an example of this type of conductor. The heat from the high

resistance further breaks down the insulation or corrosion, and the increasing heat may eventually cause a fire. This became a frequent occurrence some years ago with aluminum wiring cor-roding (oxidizing) at panel or outlet contacts and causing fires.

More dangerous are parallel arc faults that occur when the insulation between wires breaks down. This can happen when a nail is driven into a wall, an electrical cord insulation deterio-rates, or a home handyman rewires a junction box into a tangle, allowing the wires to touch. In these situations, the current can increase very quickly, resulting in high heat, fire, and even an explosion. It can occur so quickly that normal circuit breakers cannot open the circuit fast enough to prevent damage.

Preventing ShockGround fault current interrupters (GFCIs) are designed to sense a small current “leaking” to a ground other than an intended grounded conductor and open the circuit. The unintended “ground” is often a person who has touched an energized piece of metal and become the path of current to ground. For years, GFCIs have been required in homes in areas where water is or could be present, such as kitchens, laundry rooms, bath-rooms, basements, or outdoor pools or jacuzzis. The purpose of a GFCI is to protect you from electrical shock. GFCIs open quickly upon sensing a small amount of current (5 thousands of an ampere). However, GFCIs are not designed to protect against parallel arc faults.

AFCIs are now required by the International Residential Code (IRC) in new or remodeled construction in several loca-tions in homes. Section E3902.12 of the IRC requires circuits protecting 15- and 20-amp outlets in family rooms, dining rooms, living rooms, parlors, libraries, dens, bedrooms, sun-rooms, recreation rooms, closets, and hallways to be protected by an AFCI. Other areas of a home are protected with GFCIs—bathrooms, garages, outdoor outlets, crawl spaces, unfinished basements, kitchen counter outlets, sink outlets, boathouses, and heated floors in wet locations.

The IRC is not incorporated within every jurisdiction, and there is no requirement in this or local codes to retrofit existing construction to meet current code requirements. The current code applies only to new construction or remodeling work requiring a permit. That said, even though it may not be required by your local jurisdiction, installing AFCIs adds pro-tection to your home. n

Frank Kaleba, PE, is a master code professional and a subject mat-ter expert instructor for training conducted by MHLI. Reach him at [email protected].


A GFCI and AFCI are shown side by side—the AFCI can directly replace comparable existing GFCI in a panel box.

Code Update on Arc-Fault Circuit InterruptersBy Frank Kaleba, PE

Page 9: Defense Communities May/June 2013

mAY | June 2013 7

Other installations include: Fort Carson, Maxwell AFB, Fort Polk, Naval Submarine Base/Kings Bay,Tinker AFB, Robins AFB, Nellis AFB, Marine Corps Base/Kaneohe Bay, U.S. Coast Guard/Kodiak Island,

Eglin AFB, Pope AFB, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Social Security Administration

Compliant with: Resource Conservation & Recovery Act, Executive Order 13424, Federal Green Purchasing Program, Public Law 103-329




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Page 10: Defense Communities May/June 2013

Aquatic playgrounds offer fun and refreshment for all ages

A Splash 0f FunBy Erica Montgomery


8 Defense Communities

Residents enjoy the Splashpad at Fort Hunter

Page 11: Defense Communities May/June 2013

mAY | June 2013 9

Splashpads® are best known for their refreshing spraying water, colorful play features, and limitless fun. These aquatic playgrounds are becoming increasingly popular and are popping up all over the globe—in parks, aquatic centers, resorts, shopping centers, and most recently

in military communities. But what about Splashpads has everyone, including military housing communities, wanting in on the fun?

A Local AttractionSmall towns, large cities, resort areas—you name it, all sorts of areas have installed Splashpads that are bustling with people. After all, who doesn’t love to get wet and have fun—especially when you have your own local spray park?

Karen Simon, a child and youth programs administrator, says that having this sort of local attrac-tion was especially important for those at their Naval Station in Guantanamo Bay.

“We are a very small community here in Gitmo,” she said. “We cannot go into town. So our resources are very limited here, but families want to enjoy recreational activities and socializing.” And with the grand opening of their Splashpad in April 2013, they can now enjoy those activities right at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Station.

Community EnrichmentA Splashpad filled with vibrantly colored features helps bring any location to life. But Laura Belton, housing director at Fort Hunter Liggett, says that her community’s Splashpad has brought people together.

“It is one of the best things we have done for the children on this post,” she said. “They do events out there all the time. They have birthday parties out there for the children, and they do a whole-day barbeque. The whole community comes together.”

Fun for AllFrom misting ground sprays to huge dumping buckets, there is something for everyone. When design-ing Splashpads, Vortex uses a bay concept, incorporating a toddler bay, family bay, and teen bay—all with age-appropriate features. So the toddlers can hold themselves up on the Waterbug, while their little hands feel the soft streaming water. Meanwhile, the older Splashpadders can aim the spray can-nons at one another, and experience the intense pressure of the Power Volcano. And the whole family can gather and enjoy the family bay features, like running through the brightly colored misting spray loops or standing under the laminar water spray of the Aqua Dome.

Belton agrees that the Fort Hunter Liggett Splashpad is truly fun for all ages. “My favorite feature is the Snakehead,” she said. “It is a snake that comes up and over and spits out water. I love that Snakehead.”

Aquatic playgrounds offer fun and refreshment for all ages

A Splash 0f FunGuantanamo Bay’s colorful Splashpad

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10 Defense Communities

Environmentally Sustainable“We have to generate our own potable water. So water con-servation is very big here,” said Simon of the Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay. But being water conscious doesn’t mean you can’t have a Splashpad. Vortex offers a number of differ-ent water management solutions. For the Guantanamo Bay

Splashpad, a water recirculating system made the most sense. You also can choose to repurpose the water for irrigation or choose low-flow features that you can use with a flow-through system for minimal water usage. The Splashpad activator also helps keep water waste down. It’s a really good tool, said Belton. “The kids just run their hands across the sensor to acti-

vate it. So the water is not running when the kids aren’t there.”

A Quality InvestmentMany communities that do not have the budget for large swimming pools or aquatic centers are learning that Splashpads can be a great alternative. Splashpads typically cost much less to run and maintain than swimming pools.

With Splashpads, you also have the ability to build on in phases. You can start with what fits in your current bud-get and add on to the pad down the road. The interchangeable anchoring system also allows for swapping out fea-tures. Many communities even choose to periodically rotate features between multiple Splashpads in neighboring parks. This keeps each Splashpad new and exciting for local Splashpadders.

“[A Splashpad] was money well spent to improve the quality of life for our army families,” said Belton.

What It’s All AboutVortex is always innovating to be sure that its Splashpads are safe, environ-mentally sustainable, cost-effective, and a source of fun for all. According to Belton, it seems the Fort Hood Liggett Splashpad may have done just that.

“The families and the kids love it,” she said. “And they have fun. And we have enough stress in our lives… it is wonderful to see the children run around like they are supposed to. And not have any stress or worries, and just laugh and have a good time.”

Good, healthy fun for all. Now that’s what it’s really about. n

Erica Montgomery is inside sales and marketing coordinator, Texas Sales and Support Office, Vortex. Reach her at [email protected].

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Page 13: Defense Communities May/June 2013



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� Networking with both federal and private sector leaders

� $15,000 in college scholarships for yourself and/or your family members given annually

� Up to $6,000 in Continuing Education Scholarships for members given annually

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We are working towards a greener PHMA and we would like to send out membership reminders via email. This membership drive will help us

make sure all of our contact information is current. If you have recently joined or renewed, you can add a free additional year to your membership.

Page 14: Defense Communities May/June 2013

12 Defense Communities

Barking Up the Right Tree

Davey Tree tackles an unconventional park project


By Blane Pshigoda

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mAY | June 2013 13

The 100- by 100-foot spaces were just native grass areas, but a Davey Tree employee saw possibilities. When faced with a request to build a dog park, Davey

Project Manager Kevin Sharkey began to imagine the spaces taking on a whole different shape—literally.

Sharkey envisioned the dog parks of Peterson Air Force Base and Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado to take the shape of a dog bone, which he said made the parks functional yet aesthetically pleasing.

The project began as a result of a satisfaction survey con-ducted by Tierra Vista Communities (TVC), where residents expressed a desire for a park for their four-legged friends. As part of a commitment to the client and the military families it serves, Davey’s commercial grounds team created the land-scape enhancement that all inhabitants can now enjoy.

Distinctive DesignPeterson Air Force Base features Kentucky bluegrass sod, a fire hydrant, and three transplanted Colorado blue spruce trees, add-ing to two existing Marshall’s seedless green ash trees that help provide a noise barrier for nearby homes. Schriever Air Force Base features Kentucky bluegrass, a couple of moss rock boul-ders, and two poplar trees—chosen because they grow rapidly.

“The park is a huge success for not only our client but the community’s residents as well,” said Sharkey, who was instru-mental in the park’s design. “It gives the residents a place to take their pets and let them off the leash to get exercise, all within five minutes of their homes.

“Our client knows they can come to us with any idea, that we will get creative, and give them the best.”

Exceeding ExpectationsThe dog-park design was a big hit with not just the resi-dents, but the communities’ management staff, too. “Our

team always goes above and beyond, but Sharkey really took this project to the next level,” said Davey Project Manager Cinde York. “He created a fabulous design that was received so well that once the park at Peterson was completed, Schriever’s management replicated it for their

How Is a Dog Park Built?Building a dog park that is both useful and attractive takes planning—it’s not as easy as simply erecting a fence. Dog parks are constructed in five main steps:1. Consult the professionals. Professionals such as

staff at Davey Tree understand the importance of maximizing your property investment and maintain-ing an attractive and professional appearance.

2. Choose the perfect location. This helps to ensure best use and effectiveness. Is the park easily acces-sible to residents? Does it fit residents’ and their four-legged friends’ needs?

3. Pick trees and shrubbery. Select situation-appro-priate trees and shrubbery for decoration and noise reduction. Be sure to take into consideration the trees’ growing speed when planning.

4. Shape the lot. Grate out the space in your desired shape (in this case, a dog-bone!).

5. Place the grass. Choose and place climate-specific turf. In this case, the team chose Kentucky bluegrass because it comes back well after dormancy in the cold climate, said York.

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14 Defense Communities

community.” Peterson’s park name—Garden of the Dogs—and Schriever’s park name—Pup’s Peak—also were a result of resident input. TVC sponsored a contest that allowed residents to voice their opinions.

Crews completed installation in time for the “National Night Out” celebration, an August event attended by about 1,000 to promote neighborhood spirit and safer communi-ties. Residents have since enjoyed time there and expressed their satisfaction, saying the dog park helps make the govern-ment housing area feel more like home, said Sharkey.

“It is Tierra Vista’s mission to ease the lives of military families and to provide them a better quality of life,” said Project Director Pete Sims. “The installation of the dog park was a minor project that we anticipate will make a major difference.” Garden of the Dogs and Pup’s Peak have been big hits and went beyond expectations. “We are committed to helping Tierra Vista create a friendly and comfortable community for the military families who are stationed

there, and we’re pleased to be able to offer landscape enhancements that add to their quality of life,” said Sharkey.

“I’ve seen other dog parks in communities where it’s simply a plain, square piece of sod,” added York. “Because of Sharkey’s creative design, we were very excited about this project and it turned out to be really special.” Because of the dog parks’ popularity and the communities’ positive feedback, Sharkey said he will be suggesting dog parks at all of the bases on which he works in the future.

“These designs range from new rock and mulch beds to building berms and adding additional plant material to enhance the beauty of the community,” he said. “With the success that we have had in providing these services, I’m proud of the relationship we have developed with our customer.” n

Blane Pshigoda is a division manager with Davey, commercial grounds management. Reach him at [email protected].

Community-building activities make living at Balfour Beatty Communities more fun!

Planting Flowers

Vegetable Garden


Page 17: Defense Communities May/June 2013

mAY | June 2013 15

Dirt, mud, sand, trees, leaves, flowers, bugs, water… “Not in my playground!” Natural elements can be surprisingly absent in some of today’s outdoor play areas. As designers creating

playful environments for the defense community, we have, on occa-sion, heard and acknowledged comments and opinions similar to this during the design process. Upon reflection, the approach seems somewhat outdated for an outdoor playground design, particularly in light of the current green movement and back-to-nature thinking. Many playground areas designed in the past several years have featured clean hardscape with a few natural accent areas; however, there is an emerging trend to invite Mother Nature back into our children’s play environments, with new rules. The result is much more than the return of the sandbox; it is making nature an interactive and educational aspect of the “natural” playground environment.

VOA brings nature back into playground spaces

By Thomas Matzke, CSI, LEED AP

Play, Naturally

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16 Defense Communities

The Playground We KnewThe typical child development center (CDC) playgrounds of the past consisted of a blend of hardscape and softscape ele-ments with an emphasis on the hardscape. The hardscapes, man-made features that have developed into the sophisticated components so often seen in today’s playgrounds, include but are not limited to such elements as synthetic fall materials, paved trike paths, playground equipment, benches, fences, alarms, and shade structures.

The softscape features, most typically designated as landscape elements, usually take a backseat to the hardscape playground equipment and shade structures, so we might see a limited patch of grass and possibly a tree. These softscape elements have not seen much change over the years. For those who raised their hands, yes, there are exceptions, and there are playgrounds old and new that are ahead of their time (accolades to the many progressive-thinking educators), but for this discussion, we are stereotyping the standard playground that we see in the typical DoD CDCs and exploring how the trend is changing to include a healthy dose of natural elements.

The Natural PlaygroundPlayground areas are an outdoor continuation of child activity rooms (CARs), and each is designed for individual age groups. It is not surprising then that the new programs have places for nat-ural activity areas both in the classroom and on the playground. In the classroom, whether a display area or a science area, there is a place with sticks, pine cones, dirt, leaves, turtle shells, and a butterfly. There are pots with live plants on the window sill, and an indoor garden grown and nurtured by the children.

Outside on the playground there is even more opportunity for children to interact with nature. The playground has hills, water, flowers, nature paths, sand, stages/platforms, sculpting areas, sound, wind, places to hide, open areas to run, shady trees, places to sit, and the garden—these concepts are all taken from a typi-cal CDC nature program. Berms and hills are designed so that children can have vantage points and change their views. Water is a natural element that kids can feel, play, and experiment with, plus witness its effect on nurturing plants. Plants are wonders of nature and kids can see the tiniest flower to the largest tree to the fruit produced by their garden. The seasons of the tree shrubs and grass also can be observed during the year. Grass can produce natural pathways, and landscape can shape the way children move around the playground. These places also provide natural hideouts that complement the high-tech playground equipment hideouts. Outdoor stages have a different context than the indoor areas; the wind blows when the children perform, creating a dif-ferent environment wherein the playground becomes the audi-ence. Outside also has different sounds than inside, and kids can express themselves with plays, singing, instruments, and more just by being outside. The garden is the classic outdoor natural

element and provides endless opportunities to explore the won-der of growing things and harvesting. Kids love to show their parents what they have grown.

The natural elements above are just a sampling. A carefully planned and programmed curriculum of some of these natu-ral elements can support social, dramatic, and quiet play, as well as stimulate peer interaction and creative opportunities to promote healthy imaginations. We talk about these natural elements as a new emergence on the playground, but most edu-cators already know that they are a key part of a child’s develop-ment at any age—we just have to get them into the playground.

Who Designs It?In the past, the traditional CDC playground design team includ-ed the client/educator, architect, landscape architect, playground designer, and playground equipment vendor. Recent govern-ment guidelines and CDC programs requiring more natural ele-ments in playgrounds also call for more design specialists with expertise in childhood development whose many roles include integrating nature into the play environment. Among these specialists are the outdoor playground safety specialist, the early childhood developmental specialist, and the CDC resident training and curriculum specialist. These specialists, working with the traditional design team, bring a new level of expertise to the integrated and curriculum-loaded playground, creating opportunities for children to safely engage in the outdoor play environment and participate in structured and nonstructured interaction with the various natural elements.

New RulesThe sandbox and all of its potential for imagination is back, but it has new rules; it is covered when not in use, shaded, and well-drained to keep it sanitary. Kids can play on bright-colored equipment with high-tech synthetic fall protection below, and they can race their trikes around the paved paths, but the won-der of nature now is part of and within the physical and mental grasp of every child regardless of his or her age.

The centerpiece is a place to garden, where kids can watch things grow and then taste the fruits of their labor with their par-ents. Plants attract insects that are a natural part of the outside world, and butterflies are at home on the flowers and the play-ground equipment. Grass and berms are places to play, pretend, and imagine. Children may get their hands a little dirty now and then, but the opportunities for discovery are limitless. Children are magnets for absorbing context; they retain a tremendous amount of information by seemingly “breathing in” their sur-roundings. Why not let them breathe in some nature? n

Thomas Matzke, CSI, LEED AP, is associate principal with inter-national architecture, planning, and interior design firm, VOA Associates Incorporated. Reach him at [email protected].


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NOTES: Visit our Web site at MHLI.ORG often for updated information on scheduling of all courses. Customization of current courses or development of other courses is available. Contact the Training Director responsible for your specialty via the MHLI Web site (

All RCI courses are for Army RCI Staff and RCI Project Partners Only! MHLI has been accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET), 1760 Old Meadow Road, Suite 500, McLean, VA 22102; (703) 506-3275.

Visit MHLI.ORG and Register Today!

FY 2013 MHLI Training Opportunities


6–10 May 13 FAC 309: Certifi ed Military Housing Inspector (CMHI) Misawa, Japan

13–17 May 13 FAC 309: Certifi ed Military Housing Inspector (CMHI) Sasebo, Japan

3–7 Jun 13 PVT 606: Advanced Pro Formas Savannah, GA

4–13 Jun 13 PVT 600/600A: CDPM™ Levels 1 & 2 (Combined Course) Fort Campbell, KY

10–14 Jun 13 FAC 309: Certifi ed Military Housing Inspector (CMHI) Okinawa, Japan

17–21 Jun 13 HSO 100/200: Housing Referral Services (Combined Course) Fort Bliss, TX

17–21 Jun 13 MGT 401/402: Management Training Series (Combined Course) El Paso, TX


15–19 Jul 13 CS 106: Certifi ed Housing Customer Service Representative (CHCSR) Twentynine Palms, CA

15–19 Jul 13 PVT 600A: CDPM™ Level 2 Clarksville, TN

15–19 Jul 13 UH 503A: CDUHM- Level 2 Yokosuka, Japan

22–26 Jul 13 UH 503A: CDUHM- Level 2 Okinawa, Japan

22–26 Jul 13 PVT 606: Advanced Pro Formas Nellis AFB, NV

29 Jul–2 Aug 13 HRS 300: Advanced Housing Services Offi ce Fort Bliss, TX

5–9 Aug 13 PVT 600B: CDPM™ Level 3 Fort Belvoir, VA

12–16 Aug 13 LDG 502/503/504: Lodging Management (Combined Course) Okinawa, Japan

19–23 Aug 13 FAC 303/306: Housing Inspections (Combined Course) Virginia Beach, VA

27–29 Aug 13 MGT 404: Management Executive Retreat Colorado Springs, CO

16–20 Sep 13 UH 503: CDUHM—Level 1 Norfolk, VA

16–20 Sep 13 PVT 606: Advanced Pro Formas Tacoma, WA


FOR AIR FORCE STUDENTS: The Air Force is now centrally funding certain course tuitions. All Air Force students must submit their nominations through the AFIT Web site at www.afi The Air Force POCs are Vicki Mazza 937-255-5654 x 3522, vicki.mazza.ctr@afi or Jeffrey Kallas 937-255-5654 ext 3584, jeffrey.kallas.ctr@afi

FOR ARMY STUDENTS: All funding for Army attendees must come from Installation funds.

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18 Defense Communities

Top Outdoor Living Trends for 2013

Recent survey findings highlight a demand for sustainable, low-maintenance landscaping


Drs. Julian and Raye Richardson Apartments in San Francisco were designed by Andrea Cochran Landscape Architecture and won the ASLA’s Award of Excellence in the Residential Design Category.


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American homeowners increasingly are drawn to adding outdoor rooms for entertaining and recreation on their properties, according to the 2013 Residential Landscape

Architecture Trends survey conducted by the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). The results also show demand for both sustainable and low-maintenance design.

Outdoor Living SpacesLandscape architects from across the country who specialize in residential design were asked to rate the expected popularity of a variety of residential outdoor design elements in 2013. The category of outdoor living spaces, defined as kitchens and entertainment spaces, received a 94.5 percent rating as somewhat or very popular. It all but tied with gardens and landscaped spaces at 94.4 percent.

Across all categories, 97 percent of respondents rated fire pits and fireplaces as somewhat or very in-demand for 2013, followed by grills (96.3 percent), seating and dining areas (96.3 percent), and lighting (95.1 percent).

Attractive and Sustainable“In this uncertain economy, homeowners want to get more enjoyment out of their yards,” said ASLA Executive Vice President and CEO Nancy Somerville, Hon. ASLA. “They want attractive outdoor spaces that are both easy to take care of and sustainable.”

Decorative water elements—including waterfalls, orna-mental pools, and splash pools—were predicted to be in demand for home landscapes (90.9 percent). Spas (81.5 percent) and pools (75.3 percent) are also expected to be popular. Terraces, patios, and decks are high on lists (97.6 percent), as are fencing (89.6 percent) and ornamental water features (84.2 percent).

Practical GardeningAmericans still prefer such practical yet striking design elements for their gardens as low-maintenance landscapes (93.9 percent) and native plants (86.6 percent), with organic slightly increasing in popularity (65.3 percent compared to 61.2 percent in 2011). In keeping with the local food movement, more people are opting for food and vegetable gardens, including orchards and vineyards (82.7 percent).

Besides planting locally and organically, other sustain-able elements continue their popularity with homeowners. Native or drought-tolerant plants (83 percent), drip irriga-tion (82.5 percent), permeable paving (72.8 percent), and reduced lawns (72.6 percent) are making their way into outdoor living spaces across the country.

Additional information on residential landscape architec-ture can be found at n

Originally published in Landscape Architecture and authorized for reprinting by the American society of Landscape Architects.

Additional Survey ResultsOutdoor Recreation Amenities (Overall rating for 2013)

Percent Rating Popular or Somewhat Popular: � Sports/recreational spaces (tennis courts, etc.) – 54.3% � Movie/video/TV theaters – 34.4%

Landscape/Garden Elements (Overall rating for 2013)

Percent Rating Popular or Somewhat Popular: � Organic gardens – 65.3% � Xeriscaping or dry gardens – 63.8% � Ponds/streams – 58.3% � Rain gardens – 58.2% � Rooftop gardens – 50.4% � Plant walls/vertical gardens – 47.9%


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Interior and exterior photos of Drs. Julian and Raye Richardson Apartments

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Model Housing

On February 20, 2013, Corvias Military Living (formerly Picerne Military Housing) broke ground on the U.S. Army’s first privately developed apartment project built exclusively for unaccompanied junior enlisted service members. The $72 million project, known as Reece Crossings, is designed to give more

than 1,400 junior enlisted personnel the choice to live on post at Fort Meade at no cost to the Army.

This new apartment community could be a prototype for what military housing for junior enlisted service members will look like in the future. It has the potential to serve as a solution for installations, like Fort Meade, that face a shortage of housing options for unac-companied junior enlisted personnel.

The success of public/private partnerships has been demonstrated for more than a decade through the privatization of housing for military families and senior unaccompanied sol-diers, as well as Army lodging projects. Reece Crossings is the newest, and first-of-its-kind, public/private venture to fall under the Military Housing Privatization Initiative. The project will be developed and managed by Corvias through a 50-year partnership with the Army.

Katherine Hammack, Assistant Secretary of the Army for installations, environment, and energy, noted at the groundbreaking that partnerships, like that with Corvias, will become more critical as the DoD becomes increasingly dependent on the private sector, and the communities in which it has military bases, given today’s fiscally challenging climate.

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By Corinne Stiltner

Corvias Military Living sets new housing standard for unaccompanied junior enlisted service members

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Breaking GroundVertical construction on Reece Crossings, a 14-building, mod-ern apartment community comprised of 432 one-bedroom-with-den and two-bedroom apartments, is slated to begin in July 2013, with the first building and the clubhouse set to be delivered by the end of 2013.

Reece Crossings offers modern apartment living at an afford-able price for junior unaccompanied service members. Cable, high-speed Internet, and utilities, plus access to exclusive amenities and gathering spaces, are all included at no extra cost to the service member. Apartments come fully furnished with a sofa, media cabi-net, barstools, and coffee table, in addition to a queen-size bed, desk, and night stand in each bedroom. Reece Crossings will keep money in the service member’s pocket with-out skimping on space.

More Living SpaceThe increase in living space will greatly improve the quality of life for the ser-vice members living at Reece Crossings. The 816-bed apartment project will offer 1,126-square-foot one-bedroom-plus-den and 1,186-square-foot two-bedroom apart-ments. The current average size of a service member’s room in the barracks is roughly 440 square feet. A large kitchen with a breakfast bar and full-size appliances, and a laundry room with washer and dryer, are just two examples of the apartments’ amenities that will aid the service members in developing valuable life skills to prepare them for future off-post living. Service mem-bers residing at Reece Crossings also will enjoy private master suites, which include individual bathrooms, walk-in closets, per-sonal climate controls, and private climate-controlled secure storage for military gear.

At the groundbreaking event, COL Edward Rothstein, Fort Meade’s Garrison Commander, commented that he feels this community will improve the military expe-rience for the unaccompanied junior enlist-ed troops by giving them the opportunity to live on post, close to the community, work, and the training resources available to support them.

Back on BaseThis innovative project was designed to bring young service members back on base

and provide them with the much-needed support, mentor-ship, and camaraderie of their peers and commanders. The design and location of Reece Crossings are a direct reflection of the unaccompanied junior service members’ needs. First-class amenities including weight lifting and fitness room facilities, a state-of-the-art clubroom with multiple flat-screen TVs, sports ticker and video gaming, a cyber café with charging stations


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and Internet access, as well as basketball and sand volleyball courts, offer service members places to unwind with friends. The gathering spaces, like the 6,233-square-foot community clubhouse, resort-style lap pool, and outdoor grilling and pic-nic pavilions, are planned to promote camaraderie and boost morale among the service members while reducing isolation.

Located within walking distance of the dining facili-ty and workplaces, such as Defense Information System Agency (DISA), Defense Media Activity (DMA), and Defense Information School (DINFOS), Reece Crossings will decrease gate traffic and installation congestion and reduce commute time. Living on post also will help lessen feelings of seclusion sometimes experienced by service members who live off post.

To help ensure sustainability, Reece Crossings has been designed in accordance with LEED Silver, Low-Impact Development (LID), and ENERGY STAR® guidelines, includ-ing advanced storm water management techniques such as bio filtration facilities and rain gardens. Use of low-flow toilets, faucets, and showers, as well as Energy Star-rated appliances, also will reduce energy consumption. The project will be constructed with recycled, low-maintenance, regional materials to reduce transportation costs and carbon emissions from delivery vehicles. n

Corinne Stiltner is a communications specialist with Corvias Military Living. Reach her at [email protected].

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Expanded living spaces for dining and relaxing

boost quality of lifeLight pours into a bedroom

at Reece Crossings

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Businesses face fluctuating moving and storage needs. Seasonal inventory, renovations, new location open-ings, and other challenges create a need for non-permanent storage solutions that keep inventory,

fixtures, and other items safe while preserving a clean and pleasant environment. Consider portable storage containers for the following business needs.

On-Site StorageFrom office renovations to emergency restoration, portable storage containers can provide a simple and reliable tempo-rary solution. Containers can be stored on property yet out of sight, providing convenient access to inventory.

Off-Site StorageIn cases where there’s a need to store goods for later use, some portable storage container providers also offer off-site storage centers where your container can be stored in longer-term situations. Furniture, seasonal inventory, and fixtures can all be stored off-site and then re-delivered to your business as required, freeing up floor space, project resources, and time to help keep your business running smoothly. Logistics and TransportationPortable storage containers also can be a great solution for logistics and inventory management. Providers can often create customized solutions to store and transport inventory closer to the point of use, whether it’s materials for a brand-new complex, or repair and remodeling needs. Using portable

storage containers as part of a comprehensive logistics pro-gram can help optimize processes by providing a new dimen-sion of flexibility and control.

PPM/DITY Relocations & DeploymentsPortable storage is ideal for military PCS moves. Skip the hassle of renting, driving, loading, and unloading a truck. A containerized moving solution offers customers the benefits of moving and storage convenience, scheduling flexibility, and control of their household goods— all at a competitive price.

Portable storage containers also are excellent for long-term storage during deployments. Not only do containers afford peace of mind by keeping customers’ belongings securely stored, if they PCS upon their return, a customer’s container can often be sent to the service members’ new duty station. The portable storage container system eliminates the time wasted emptying a storage unit, loading up a rental truck, and then driving to the destination. Imagine the extra time and hassle service members can avoid when another company can do the driving for them.

PODS is one of the leading providers of containerized moving and storage solutions. The company has proudly served the military community since 1998, offering unique solutions and quality services to customers in the continen-tal United States, Hawaii, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom. n

Cherlyne Rouse is program manager of PODS. Reach her at [email protected].

Smart Storage

Portable storage containers offer convenient solutions

for moving as well as onsite and long-term storage


By Cherlyne Rouse

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T he early detection of bed bug infestations has slowly emerged as one of the most important aspects of reducing the cost associated with their control and the psychological impact they have on humans. One

of the biggest mistakes many property managers make when dealing with bed bugs is assuming that residents will report the problem. Research has shown that as many as 30 percent of the public may not react to bed bug bites. In addition, bed bugs typically infest areas of least disruption first (box springs and headboards), which makes their visual detection difficult. These facts, combined with shame and fear typically associ-ated with bed bugs, can mean that infestations may go three to six months or more without being detected or reported. This lag in detection allows for populations to establish and expand, costing property managers $2,000 to $3,000 more to eliminate when compared with an infestation that was detected within the first month of introduction.

As the importance of early detection becomes more evident through years of experience, product development companies are trying to capitalize on the attention paid to the early detec-tion of bed bugs. New monitors are being introduced to the market every month; however, with the speed that many of these devices are making it to the market, there is often little known about their effectiveness. The intent of this article is to introduce the different types of bed bug monitors on the market and suggest a few within each category that should be considered for the early detection of bed bugs.

Interception DevicesInterception devices are intended to be placed in bed bug “high- traffic” areas and capture bed bugs as they travel around a home in search of food. Some examples of high-traffic areas are under the legs of beds and couches as well as along baseboards throughout the home. As bed bugs attempt to gain access to a bed or couch to feed on a sleeping person, the bugs climb the outer walls of these devices and fall into a pitfall trap specifically designed to prevent bed bugs from climbing out.

When placed proactively under the legs of beds and couches, interception devices can detect low-level bed bug infestations 70 percent of the time when left in place for one week and greater than 90 percent of the time if left for two weeks, according to research conducted at Rutgers University. These devices can greatly assist in the early detection of bed bugs as well as serve as a valuable asset when incorporated into a control program. Additional research has indicated that once installed, these devices can capture and eliminate large numbers of bed bugs between bed bug treatments and help reduce infestations.

One example of an interception device is the BlackOut Bed Bug Detector. Research has indicated that bed bugs are attracted to black, which is one of the reasons the device is molded in black. Also, in addition to adult bed bugs being visible with the naked eye due to their color and size, freshly hatched bed bugs are white and are easily seen in the trap wells of this device.

Winning the WarEarly detection is

the first step in fighting bed bug


By Jeffrey White

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Active Bed Bug MonitorsActive bed bug monitors have attractants incorporated into their design that attract bed bugs to the monitor, which helps in identifying bed bugs early on. Research has indicated that bed bugs are attracted to three components: carbon dioxide, heat, and chemicals on the surface of skin. These devices usually incorporate one or all of these components in an effort to detect bed bug infestations.

One of the most effective active bed bug monitors on the market is the Verifi Bed Bug Detector by FMC. This device incor-porates carbon dioxide and a chemical lure to attract bed bugs to a pitfall on the top of the monitor and a harborage located on the back of the device. The carbon dioxide booster releases car-bon dioxide for 24 hours and the lure is active for 90 days after installation. Research conducted at the University of Florida has demonstrated the Verifi will activate bed bugs from within 5 feet of where the device is installed. Early results from field tests conducted with Verifi have demonstrated that is has the ability to detect bed bugs in 70 percent or greater of low-level infested homes when installed for less than one week.

Passive MonitorsPassive monitors do not have any attractants incorporated in their design and only trap bed bugs when they randomly walk across the devices. The most common example of a pas-sive device is a traditional glueboard that many facilities have installed for rodent and insect monitoring. These can be used as part of a bed bug monitoring program but should not be relied upon to determine if bed bugs are present or absent.

Canine Scent DetectionDogs have been specifically trained to detect the odor of live bed bugs and their eggs. The benefit of using canines to inspect an area thought to be infested with bed bugs is that they can cover large areas in a much shorter time when compared to human visual inspections. Dogs also tend to be much less inva-sive when inspecting an area. While canines can be one of the most efficient ways to inspect large areas in the shortest amount of time, there are issues to be aware of that can cause headaches in the long term.

Some of the most common issues to be aware of when using canines to detect bed bugs are false alerts—indications that bed bugs are present when they cannot be visually confirmed. Always attempt to verify what the canine has indicated with a 50% confirmation rate. In the areas where you cannot confirm the presence of bed bugs, consider using the monitors dis-cussed above for two weeks or more in an effort to determine if bed bugs are in fact present. If after two weeks you cannot confirm the presence of bed bugs, there is a fair chance that they were either never present or are no longer present in that area.

Early DetectionThe early detection of bed bugs is one of the most important

aspects of dealing with this invasive pest as we move into the next five to 10 years. There are no silver bullets for this pest on the horizon; therefore, the only cost-effective option is to detect the infestation as soon as possible. Convincing property managers and homeowners of the importance of installing early detection devices in their homes is the only surefire way to begin to win the war on bed bugs. n

Jeffrey White has his masters in entomology and is the techni-cal director of BedBug Central, which designed and developed the BlackOut Bed Bug Detector. Reach him at jeff.white@

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Right: Bed Bug Central’s BlackOut Bed Bug Detector

Above: A bed bug infestation in mattress piping

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26 Defense Communities


The Sustainable Option

Reupholstery: The fabric of a greener military establishment

By Mario Insenga

(Left and right) “Before” and “After” shots of reupholstered leather furniture

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In every military housing facility, assets wear down with regular wear and tear, and inevitably don’t remain look-ing as clean, crisp, and new as they did when they were purchased. Through the years, after several residents

occupy a military housing facility, the fabric on a sofa or desk chair and other seating begins to discolor or becomes stained. More often than not, soft cushions begin to deteriorate and lose their original form, causing discomfort to the occupant and creating an overall outdated look to the establishment.

Cost containment opportunities are often limited. Furniture at a military housing operation isn’t just something you can do without. Whether a desk chair, a headboard, or lounge seating, assets are a necessity in any military facility, and these furniture pieces must be updated regularly to meet occupant comfort and satisfaction.

Buying New: Not a GivenA more sustainable solution than buying new furniture is re-upholstering, a process tailored to meet the needs of the facil-ity with considerably less financial investment and damage to the environment.

Refinishing furniture—re-upholstering pieces using durable, functional, and aes-thetically pleasing fabric and replacing dete-riorating foam—can save a military facility’s management team up to 80 percent when compared with the cost of buying new. There are no disposal costs or hassles, since furniture restoration is completed on site.The value of reusing existing furniture also is heightened when you consider that modern assets are often not as well made as the well-built existing furniture, which oftentimes is made from solid wood. Refinishing and re-upholstering existing furniture means your newly restored assets, such as dining chairs, headboards, and sofas, become like-new again, and the quality and craftsmanship of the original purchase remains intact. Buying into these solutions, you extend the return on the original furniture investment and pre-serve a military institution’s budget for other pressing necessities.

In addition to being financially and envi-ronmentally responsible, furniture asset management services, such as re-upholster-ing, also stand as requirements put forth by the federal government. According to the U.S. General Services Administration, as dictated by regulations in Executive Order 13242 and USC Title 40, government agen-cies and establishments are required to implement sustainable environmental prac-

tices across renewable energy initiatives, waste management programs, construction projects, and more. Other legislation, such as the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 23.204, also requires agencies to purchase products and services dedicated to environmental preservation. These “green” savings aren’t tallied in a capital expenditure account, but ultimately benefit all of us in terms of carbon impact, waste management, and following guidelines set forth by the GSA.

By avoiding the need to purchase new furniture, you are not contributing to consumer demand that fuels manufacturing with the high energy use needed to make, package, and ship furni-ture—while simultaneously reducing your carbon footprint by up to 90 percent. Likewise, well-built existing furniture is often of a higher quality and buying new would likely mean repeating the environmentally damaging cycle of buying, disposing of, and replacing furniture all over again sooner than necessary.

Tried and True MethodsThe benefits of re-upholstering furniture have been proven not only at military housing facilities and government offices, but also at universities and hotel chains around the

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globe. Specialized production teams, like ours, work quickly, efficiently, and effectively, so re-upholstered seating, head-boards, and other soft furniture are available for occupants that same night—a feature highly sought after by housing and lodging personnel.

For example, for more than 10 years now, we’ve worked with the U.S. Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida. Instead of a major overhaul all at once, the facility has set a goal of refinishing and re-upholstering furniture in one building per year. This undertak-ing began in 1999, when we upholstered chairs in the housing quarters to look like new, and we have moved to a different building each year since then. Last year, over a three-week period, 1,331 chairs were refinished and re-upholstered on site, netting this location 69 percent in total cost savings, without interrupt-ing military officials and their housing tenants. Not only did the U.S. Naval Air Station preserve its budget, but it also significantly reduced the estimated carbon footprint for a project of this cali-ber. While it would normally take 166.67 tons of carbon dioxide to dispose of old furniture and ship in new assets, by investing in furniture asset management, the station only emitted 1.64 tons of carbon. The project proved that an establishment can simul-taneously demonstrate fiscally and environmentally responsible initiatives without disruption or a significant period of downtime.

The Modern MilitaryThe use of environmentally responsible and cost-efficient ways of doing business at military establishments is a requirement that is constantly building momentum and at the top of facility managers’ priorities across the nation. In addition, the govern-ment’s money-saving tactics have garnered much attention over the past couple of years as taxpayers demand a more thoughtful approach to conserving and utilizing budgets. By implementing re-upholstery and refinishing solutions, the government and its military establishments can reap the entire value of current furni-ture assets and protecting budgets for other, more vital programs.

Furthermore, due to GSA requirements and regulations, many government officials have begun taking a more environmentally conscious approach to managing facilities. The U.S. Department of the Interior, which oversees roughly 3,000 real estate assets (and landmarks like the Statue of Liberty), has been construct-ing net-zero buildings to conserve power, purchasing renewable energy, and using more alternative-fuel vehicles in recent years.

The Refinishing Touch has collaborated in environmen-tally friendly and budget-friendly efforts with all branches of

the military looking to preserve and restore existing furniture assets. Re-upholstering worn furniture is another step toward maximizing shrinking budgets and operating with the envi-ronment in mind.

To that end, and to better meet the needs of military hous-ing clients, we developed Touch Textiles in 1998, our fabric arm, offering attractive and durable materials for re-upholstery in military environments. Earlier this year—at our clients’ request—we added a high-quality recycled leather line called Embrace, which offers the unique look and durability of leather through environmentally responsible sourcing. Its rich, multidimensional appearance and resistance to wear make it a perfect solution for military or any institutional furniture. The latest technology provides a seamless design process, as well as fabric selections, measurements, and cuts that ensure a perfect fit and minimize scrap fabric waste.

The military is finding broad benefits, both green and fis-cal, in re-upholstery. Reputable furniture renovation compa-nies, with superior materials and installation, are becoming a trend in military housing establishments, ultimately improv-ing the look and function of furniture, both short- and long-term ROI, the planet, and the bottom line. n

Mario Insenga is the president and founder of The Refinishing Touch. For additional information, please visit The Refinishing Touch’s website at

Corporate Spotlight:

Picerne Military Housing Renamed as Corvias Military Living

Corvias Group, a privately owned, vertically integrated real estate solutions group, announced that its military housing division will now be called Corvias military Living, advancing a corporate re-branding that began in July 2012 with the introduction of the company’s new student housing division, Corvias Campus Living. the switch from Picerne military Housing to Corvias military Living will help Corvias Group reinforce its brand by unifying the names of the established, award-winning, military housing division with that of the new student housing division under the parent company name. through its work on seven Army installations nationwide, such as Reece Crossings, the first-ever on-post apartment community built for junior enlisted single service members, Corvias military Living has reshaped the expectations of what the quality of life can and should be for service members. Ceo and founder John Picerne says that while his company’s name is changing, its commitment to partnership and innovation will not.

Re-upholstering worn furniture is another step toward maximizing shrinking budgets and operating with the environment in mind.

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A fter last year’s guide received more than 10,000 downloads in less than five months and a great deal of positive feedback from the military com-munity, the SargesList team decided to make the

guide a yearly undertaking.The 2013 version is completely updated for the new year and

is available just in time for the military’s biggest PCS season. Like last year, the guide was completely produced by a team of

veterans and 12 military spouses who draw upon many years of PCSing experience. It includes time-tested tips, worksheets, check-lists, and everything military members and their families need to get organized, get going, and get settled into a new community.

It also provides step-by-step instructions, chronological information, current financial entitlements, checklists, PCS acronyms, and worksheets and tips for budgeting, planning, and executing a successful move. Readers will also find easy, clear instructions on navigating the government’s DPS military move system. Additionally, the guide includes tips on house-hunting, road trips, Exceptional Family Member information, and even pet relocation.

New features this year include articles from seasoned military spouses with tips about PCSing while pregnant, PCS fitness, PCSing alone, Exceptional Family Member informa-tion, and more.

SargesList is encouraging its readers to share the guide freely—personally and professionally—with the intention

of helping as many military families as possible in 2013. The guide can be viewed at or SargesList team also is responsible for SargesList.

com—Trusted Military Classifieds and Together with the PCS Guide, the team looks to ease the entire transition experience. is powered by R&B Communications, the technology team that develops and maintains the DoD-sponsored Automated Housing Referral Network (

SargesList serves military as a one-stop portal to con-nect when PCSing to buy and sell needed items as well as find local information. bridges yet another gap, and serves as an open forum for military families to review places they have lived and learn about where they are going.

These resources were developed out of a passion to help the people who serve our country and sacrifice so much for our freedom, and save many people valuable time and money.

Help your friends, coworkers, and customers by linking to the Ultimate PCS guide. For more information about ways to share, visit n

Kristin Beauchamp is public relations manager, SargesList—Trusted Military Classifieds. Reach her at 866/63-SARGE x18 or [email protected].

Second PCS Guide ReleasedSargesList released the second edition of its free ultimate PCS Guide

By Kristin Beauchamp

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Veterans Village Las Vegas, a comprehensive housing and resource facility for U.S. veterans and their fam-ilies located in a repurposed Econo Lodge motel, received a $600,000 grant from The Home Depot

Foundation (THDF). The grant was presented by THDF COO Fred Wacker and was made possible with the help of dozens of Home Depot employee volunteers who have provided hundreds of hours to help refurbish and renovate the Veterans Village facility and campus.

According to Wacker, THDF has been actively engaged in supporting Veterans Village since its inception. This is the single largest grant in THDF’s western division and the single largest grant nationwide to a single project in the Foundation’s history.

“To put your life on hold, leave your family, and frequently put yourself in harm’s way—all to protect the freedoms of this great country—is a selfless act from which we all benefit,” said Wacker of our country’s veterans. “Facilities like Veterans Village Las Vegas that are working to house and connect vets with a variety of resources to help them better integrate into society play a critical role in our communities. The Home Depot Foundation is proud to support Veterans Village Las Vegas so it can continue and expand its mission.”

Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn G. Goodman led a contingent of elected officials who attended the grant presentation cer-emony. “We are very proud that Veterans Village is in the heart of our city,” said Mayor Goodman. “The renovation of a tired

and aging motel is remarkable in itself, but we are even more inspired by its new purpose—to provide housing and services to veterans and their families. Veterans Village is a model pub-lic/private partnership, and we are grateful to The Home Depot Foundation for providing the means to make it a reality.”

“We are humbled and overcome with gratitude for The Home Depot Foundation and its belief in what we do,” said Arnold Stalk, founder and visionary of Veterans Village Las Vegas. “Thanks to The Foundation, Veterans Village is a comfortable, clean, and modern facility that our vets so deserve. Thanks to the hundreds of hours provided by Home Depot volunteers and workers, we are inching closer to our goal of completing renovations this year.”

Stalk also announced the launch of a 103-day fundrais-ing campaign—VEGAS LOVES VETERANS—to encourage locals to donate what they can up to $103 ($1 per day from Valentine’s Day through Memorial Day 2013)—to show sup-port of veterans from all conflicts who have defended our freedoms over the decades. (; click on the Vegas Loves Veterans icon or donate button).

In addition to providing temporary housing for vets and their families, Veterans Village provides a comprehensive roster of services to vets through partnerships with other community organizations and government agencies, including employ-ment training and referrals, continuing education and degree programs, exercise training, medical services, mental health counseling, and special veteran-centric activities and events. n

Veterans Village receives $600,000 grant from The Home Depot Foundation, launches

“Vegas Loves Veterans” fundraising campaign

Adapted From a Press Release

Help for Heroes

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32 Defense Communities


AlliedBarton Security Services,, the industry’s premier provider of highly trained security personnel, is honored to join the 100,000 Jobs Mission, a coalition of companies committed

to hiring at least 100,000 U.S. military veterans by 2020.Launched in March 2011 by 11 major employers, the coali-

tion of private sector companies continues to grow, and through 2012 these organizations collectively hired 52,835 veterans.

“AlliedBarton is excited to be a part of the 100,000 Jobs Mission, as we have made hiring military veterans, reservists, and their family members and caregivers a priority within our company,” said Jerold Ramos, director of strategic recruiting/military liaison, AlliedBarton. “As a member of the coalition, we are able to expand our military hiring efforts, network with more service members looking for careers, and share hiring best practices with other members.”

AlliedBarton hired more than 4,500 veterans, reservists, national guardsmen, and active-duty service members in 2012. AlliedBarton’s company-wide military hiring program,

Hire Our Heroes(SM),, is an essential part of its recruiting strategy. AlliedBarton also is proud to be named by G.I. Jobs magazine as a 2013 Top 100 Military Friendly Employer and Top Military Friendly Spouse Employer.

The 100,000 Jobs Mission,, is a unique grassroots effort originating in corporate America to combat the high unemployment rate among U.S. military veterans, especially those returning from service in Iraq and Afghanistan. The member companies represent a wide variety of industries across the United States.

For more than 50 years, AlliedBarton Security Services has provided superior security officer services to protect people, homes, and businesses. AlliedBarton tailors security programs to meet clients’ needs with committed professionals who enhance clients’ brands. The most honored security services provider, AlliedBarton consistently delivers exceptional ser-vice, which creates a differentiated experience for clients and the people they serve. n

AlliedBarton Security Services is now part of the 100,000 Jobs Mission to hire veterans

Adapted From a Press Release

Joining the JobsMission

Page 35: Defense Communities May/June 2013

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36 Defense Communities

pHMa corporate SuStaining MeMberS


Tim McCullumP.O. Box 1545Richmond, IN 47375800/843-3714; fax 765/935-3450E-mail: [email protected]

Alliance Laundry SystemsSusan PepplerShephard Street, P.O. Box 990Ripon, WI 54971920/748-1671; fax 920/748-1720E-mail: [email protected]

Allied Contract Inc.Dawn Bradford124 N. Peoria AvenueTulsa, OK 74120918/556-1241; fax 918/556-1245E-mail: [email protected]

Capitol SupplyDavid Ostan1000 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway, Suite 452Sunrise, FL 33323888/485-5001 x5919; fax 954/907-0770E-mail: [email protected]

uHD Supply Facilities MaintenanceCynde Beedle10641 Scripps Summit CourtSan Diego, CA 92131858/831-2171; fax 858/831-2497E-mail: [email protected] site:

uintirion/MicroFridgeBenjamin Otte2 Annette Road, Suite 3Foxboro, MA 02035800/637-7567E-mail: [email protected] site:

Kenyon International Inc.Suzanne Owens8 Heritage Park RoadP.O. Box 925Clinton, CT 06413860/664-4906; fax 860/664-4907E-mail: [email protected]

uthe Home DepotLyn Alvarado5481 W. Waters AvenueTampa, FL 33634813/806-3170; fax 888/806-0119E-mail: [email protected] site:

ART WHOLESALERSArtline Wholesalers

Puneet Bhasin1 Midland AvenueHicksville, NY 11801800/678-6540; fax 516/931-5735E-mail: [email protected]


Benjamin A. Saltzer2892 Collier AvenueSan Diego, CA 92116619/282-3211; fax 619/282-0108E-mail: [email protected]

BATH PROdUCTSSwanstone Corp.

Robbin Mabery515 Olive Street, Suite 1800St. Louis, MO 63101314/231-8148 x3225; fax 314/231-8185E-mail: [email protected]

BEdROOM & LOUNgE FURNISHINgSuaDM international

Gary Raphael5565 North Elston AvenueChicago, IL 60630-1314773/774-2400; fax 773/774-2099E-mail: [email protected] site:

ublockhouse contract Furniture companySteve Perko3285 Farmtrail RoadYork, PA 17406717/764-5555; fax 717/767-8939E-mail: [email protected] site:

uMarvin J. perry, inc.Jodi Perry Yeager10563 Metropolitan AvenueKensington, MD 20895302/949-1301; fax 301/949-1304E-mail: [email protected] site:

uValley Forge Fabrics, inc.Jason Gans2981 Gateway DrivePompano Beach, FL 33069954/971-1776; fax 954/971-1775E-mail: [email protected] site:

BUILdINg PROdUCTSAmerican Direct Procurement

Byron Whetstone11000 Lakeview AvenueLenexa, KS 66219913/677-5588; fax 913/677-5576E-mail: [email protected]

uthe Home DepotLyn Alvarado5481 W. Waters AvenueTampa, FL 33634813/806-3170; fax 888/806-0119E-mail: [email protected] site:

uWilsonart internationalMark Kieckhafer2400 Wilson PlaceTemple, TX 76504-5131254/207-2381; fax 254/207-8809E-mail: [email protected] site:

CABINETRyuWilsonart international

Mark Kieckhafer2400 Wilson PlaceTemple, TX 76504-5131254/207-2381; fax 254/207-8809E-mail: [email protected] site:

CARPET & UPHOLSTERy CLEANINgucoit cleaning & restoration Services

Shawn Aghababian897 Hinckley RoadBurlingame, CA 94010800/243-8797 x245; fax 650/697-6117 E-mail: [email protected] site:

CLEANINg & SANITIZINgS&Y Trading Corporation

Yohanan Berlinerblaw2200 North Federal Hwy., Suite 229CBoca Raton, FL 33431561/395-4333 or 800/309-3393; fax 561/395-4303E-mail: [email protected]


Van Tran 1000 Jupiter Road, Suite 800Plano, TX 75074800/906-7199; fax 800/910-8284E-mail: [email protected]


Toni Pahl1000 Davey Road, Suite 100Woodbridge, IL 60517630/741-7900; fax 630/741-7974E-mail: [email protected]

CONSTRUCTIONuHunt Military communities

Richard Theroux4401 N. Mesa StreetEl Paso, TX 79902915/298-0479; fax 915/298-0478 E-mail: [email protected] site:

CONSULTANTSuuBooz Allen Hamilton

John Stowers700 N. St. Mary’s, Suite 700San Antonio, TX 78205210/244-4200; fax 210/244-4206E-mail: [email protected] site:

uuMHLIJon Moore154 Fort Evans Road, NELeesburg, VA 20176703/771-0055; fax 703/771-0299E-mail: [email protected] site:

COUNTERTOPSVT Industries, Inc.

Trisha Schmitt1000 Industrial ParkHolstein, IA 51025800/827-1615; fax 712/368-2923E-mail: [email protected]

uWilsonart internationalMark Kieckhafer2400 Wilson PlaceTemple, TX 76504-5131254/207-2381; fax 254/207-8809E-mail: [email protected] site:


Steven Carter1500 Klondike Road, Suite A210Conyers, GA 30094678/995-4242; fax 678/937-0609E-mail: [email protected]

dEvELOPERSuuBalfour Beatty Communities

Chris Williams10 Campus BoulevardNewtown Square, PA 19073610/355-8100; fax 610/335-8201E-mail: [email protected] site:

uclark realtyStephanie Amateis4401 Wilson Blvd., Suite 600Arlington, VA 22203703/294-4606; fax 703/294-4756E-mail: [email protected] site:

uuCorvias GroupLaura Calenda1405 South County Trail, Suite 530East Greenwich, RI 02818401/228-2819; fax 401/336-2561E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

uHunt Military communitiesRichard Theroux4401 N. Mesa StreetEl Paso, TX 79902915/298-0479; fax 915/298-0478 E-mail: [email protected] site:

uuLend Lease (US) Public Partnerships, LLCMarc Sierra1801 West End Avenue, #1700Nashville, TN 37203615/963-2694; fax 615/963-2686E-mail: [email protected] site:

uulistings denote pHMa platinuM Members. ulistings denote pHMa golD Members.

Online AcademyComing soon your favorite MHLI certi� cation courses

will be converted into dynamic online learning!Say goodbye to extra travel and lodging expenses to maximize your training dollars and unleash your potential for success! Professional MHLI training will be more accessible and easier to reach when you enroll in the MHLI Online Academy. Professional certi� cations will be o� ered alongside critical technical training, including Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Study and learn when and where it’s most convenient for you: Can’t � nish in one sitting? Save your progress and come back later with our all access platform that tracks your progress from anywhere you have access to the Web.

Customize your learning experience: Take advantage of individual modules that can be used toward earning one of many MHLI certi� cations. Enjoy the bene� ts of online modules combined with instructor led courses, live forums and instructor led portions.

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Page 39: Defense Communities May/June 2013

Online AcademyComing soon your favorite MHLI certi� cation courses

will be converted into dynamic online learning!Say goodbye to extra travel and lodging expenses to maximize your training dollars and unleash your potential for success! Professional MHLI training will be more accessible and easier to reach when you enroll in the MHLI Online Academy. Professional certi� cations will be o� ered alongside critical technical training, including Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Study and learn when and where it’s most convenient for you: Can’t � nish in one sitting? Save your progress and come back later with our all access platform that tracks your progress from anywhere you have access to the Web.

Customize your learning experience: Take advantage of individual modules that can be used toward earning one of many MHLI certi� cations. Enjoy the bene� ts of online modules combined with instructor led courses, live forums and instructor led portions.

MHLI is certi� ed by the International Association for Continuing Education & Training (IACET) to o� er Continuing Education Units (CEU) for our training.

Visit us online at WWW.MHLI.ORG for more informationor please call 703-771-0055 today!



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38 Defense Communities

pHMa corporate SuStaining MeMberS

uuLincoln Military HousingSam Merrick3360 Murray RidgeSan Diego, CA 92123858/874-8100; fax 858/874-3259E-mail: [email protected] site:

uuMichaels Military Housing, LLCRonald Hansen3 E. Stow RoadP.O. Box 994Marlton, NJ 08053 856/596-3008; fax 856/355-1547E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

unew orleans navy Housing, llcAlex Lewis8027 Jefferson HighwayBaton Rouge, LA 70809225/954-4828; fax 225/924-4945E-mail: [email protected] site:

uunited communities, llcMike Haydinger78 East Main StreetMarlton, NJ 08053 856/985-1777; fax 856/985-2445E-mail: [email protected] site:

dEvELOPMENT & PROPERTy MANAgEMENTAmerica First Properties

Niles AndersenOne Burlington Place1004 Farnam, Suite 400Omaha, NE 68102402/930-3013; fax 402/930-3047E-mail: [email protected]

uuBalfour Beatty CommunitiesChris Williams10 Campus BoulevardNewtown Square, PA 19073610/355-8100; fax 610/335-8201E-mail: [email protected] site:

uuCorvias GroupLaura Calenda1405 South County Trail, Suite 530East Greenwich, RI 02818401/228-2819; fax 401/336-2561E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

uuForest CityAngelo Pimpas50 Public Square, Suite 1200Cleveland, OH 44113216/621-6060; fax 216/263-4800E-mail: [email protected] site:

uuLincoln Military HousingSam Merrick3360 Murray RidgeSan Diego, CA 92123858/874-8100; fax 858/874-3259E-mail: [email protected] site:

uunited communities, llcMike Haydinger78 E. Main StreetMarlton, NJ 08053856/985-1777; fax 856/985-2445E-mail: [email protected] Web site:


Nora VandenBerghe626 12th Street SW, Suite 104Everett, WA 98204877/348-3647; fax 425/347-3056E-mail: [email protected]


Pete Graves1000 Atlantic DriveWest Chicago, IL 60185800/234-4900; fax 630/231-4343E-mail: [email protected] site:

dRAPERIES, BEdSPREAdS, & WINdOW TREATMENTSAccessories for Contract Sales, Inc./Casson Art

Carolyn SmartP.O. Box 4187416 Starling AvenueMartinsville, VA 24115276/638-1450; fax 276/638-3877E-mail: [email protected]

uaDM internationalGary Raphael5565 North Elston AvenueChicago, IL 60630-1314773/774-2400; fax 773/774-2099E-mail: [email protected] site:

Contract Décor Inc.Marc Stewart 72-184 N. Shore StreetThousand Palms, CA 92276760/343-4444; fax 760/343-4441 E-mail: [email protected]

Mill Distributors Inc. Thomas Wieder45 Aurora Industrial ParkwayAurora, OH 44202800/322-6555; fax 330/995-9207E-mail: [email protected]

RMP AssociatesRhonda Pearson2208 Newcastle StreetBrunswick, GA 31520-8737912/280-0773; fax 912/280-0595E-mail: [email protected]

Southwest DécorLouisa Flores3645 Fredericksburg RoadSan Antonio, TX 78201210/732-9327; fax 210/732-9347 E-mail: [email protected]

Thomas W. Raftery Inc.Gary Rigoletti1055 Broad StreetHartford, CT 06106860/278-9870; fax 860/278-9873E-mail: [email protected]

uValley Forge Fabrics, inc.Jason Gans2981 Gateway DrivePompano Beach, FL 33069954/971-1776; fax 954/971-1775E-mail: [email protected] site:

EdUCATIONALInstitute of Real Estate Management

Nancye J. Kirk430 N. Michigan AvenueChicago, IL 60611-4090312/329-6010; fax 312/410-7910E-mail: [email protected]

uuMHLIJon Moore154 Fort Evans Road, NELeesburg, VA 20176703/771-0055; fax 703/771-0299E-mail: [email protected] site:

ELECTRONIC LOCkSukaba access control

Fred Crum2608 Manor Oak DriveValrico, FL 33596813/634-3344; fax 813/654-7145E-mail: [email protected] site:

FABRICSMayer Fabrics

Richard Mayer321 S. Alabama StreetIndianapolis, IN 46204800/428-4415; fax 317/267-2629E-mail: [email protected]

uValley Forge Fabrics, inc.Jason Gans2981 Gateway DrivePompano Beach, FL 33069954/971-1776; fax 954/971-1775E-mail: [email protected] site:

FAUCETSMoen, Incorporated

David Ricci7 Pointe CircleJackson, NJ 08527973/220-7859; fax 732/367-9215E-mail: [email protected]


Gregory Murray1390 Timberlake Manor Pkwy., Floor 01Chesterfield, MO 63017314/922-9030; fax 866/404-4920E-mail: [email protected] site:

FIRE, WATER, WINd RESTORATIONucoit cleaning & restoration Services

Shawn Aghababian897 Hinckley RoadBurlingame, CA 94010800/243-8797 x245; fax 650/697-6117 E-mail: [email protected] site:


Dale Carson1813 Augusta BoulevardFairfield, OH 45014631/835-0275; fax 631/864-8151E-mail: [email protected]

CCA Government Floors & InteriorsMelanie Terrill430 South Pickett StreetAlexandria, VA 22304703/370-0000; fax 703/823-8512E-mail: [email protected]

Continental Flooring CompanyDiane Conti9319 N. 94th Way, Suite 1000Scottsdale, AZ 85258480/949-8509 or 800/825-1221; fax 480/945-2603E-mail: [email protected]

Shaw Builder GroupJeff ManleyP.O. Box 2128Dalton, GA 30722706/275-2423; fax 706/428-3393E-mail: [email protected]

uSherwin-Williams Bill Rafie101 Prospect Avenue, 10 MidlandCleveland, OH 44115216/515-4313; fax 216/566-1392E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

FURNITUREAdden Furniture Inc.

Linda Kane710 Chelmsford StreetLowell, MA 01851800/625-3876; fax 978/453-1449E-mail: [email protected]

uaDM internationalGary Raphael5565 North Elston AvenueChicago, IL 60630-1314773/774-2400; fax 773/774-2099E-mail: [email protected] site:

American Contract FurnitureLindsay Santos106 North J DriveBoerne, TX 78006913/422-5262E-mail: [email protected]

uaVteQ, inc.Karen Cook1151 Empire Central DriveDallas, TX 75247214/905-9001E-mail: [email protected] site:

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mAY | June 2013 39

pHMa corporate SuStaining MeMberS

ublockhouse contract Furniture companySteve Perko3285 Farmtrail RoadYork, PA 17406717/764-5555; fax 717/767-8939E-mail: [email protected] site:

CMA Inc.Paul Snyder8425 Progress Drive, Suite BBFrederick, MD 21701240/215-9700; fax 240/215-9721E-mail: [email protected]

ucort Furniture rentalPeggy Moore801 Hampton Park BoulevardCapitol Heights, MD 20743888/472-2678; fax 301/333-3530E-mail: [email protected] site:

DCI Inc.David Kober265 S. Main StreetLisbon, NH 03585800/552-8286; fax 603/838-6826E-mail: [email protected]

Foliot Furniture, Inc.Alex Coallier721 Boul Roland GodardSt. Jerome, QC Canada J7Y4C1800/545-5575; fax 450/565-8932E-mail: [email protected]

GSA Integrated Workplace Acquisition CenterDan McAneney20 North 8th StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19107215/446-5094; fax 215/446-5115E-mail: [email protected]

uHD Supply Facilities MaintenanceCynde Beedle10641 Scripps Summit CourtSan Diego, CA 92131858/831-2171; fax 858/831-2497E-mail: [email protected] site:

Integra, Inc. Chandra PutnamP.O. Box MWalworth, WI 53184800/235-0234; fax 262/275-3614E-mail: [email protected]

KJL-Letts Design, Inc.Debra Joyce1100 North Magnolia Avenue, #AEl Cajon, CA 92020619/464-8010; fax 619/464-8016E-mail: [email protected]

Marvin J. Perry and AssociatesMalcolm WilsonP.O. Box 77Kensington, MD 20895-0077301/564-1112; fax 301/564-1076E-mail: [email protected]

ModuForm, Inc.Darlene Bailey172 Industrial RoadFitchburg, MA 01420-0004800/221-6638; fax 978/345-0188E-mail: [email protected]

New England Woodcraft Peter Osborne481 North StreetP.O. Box 165Forest Dale, VT 05745802/247-8211; fax 802/247-8042E-mail: [email protected]

unorix groupPete Graves1000 Atlantic DriveWest Chicago, IL 60185800/234-4900; fax 630/231-4343E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

Rodco-BrandtJuergen RichterP.O. Box 270Mansfield, TX 76063817/477-4118; fax 817/477-4728E-mail: [email protected]

urt londonAbbi Adams1642 Broadway Avenue NWGrand Rapids, MI 49504877/613-2012; fax 616/364-1131 E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

Sauder Manufacturing CompanySteve BrittonP.O. Box 1000Grabill, IN 46741800/943-5263; fax 260/627-6496E-mail: [email protected]

Savoy FurnitureDavid KratzerP.O. Box 248300 Howard StreetMontoursville, PA 17754570/368-2424; fax 570/368-3280E-mail: [email protected]

uthomasville FurnitureCarole Snider401 East Main StreetThomasville, NC 27360336/476-2175; fax 336/472-4057E-mail: [email protected] site:

utrade products corporationAllyn Richert12124 Pope’s Head RoadFairfax, VA 22030888/352-3580; fax 703/502-9399E-mail: [email protected] site:

Transformations FurnitureJaret Wieland16840 State Road 37Harlan, IN 46743260/657-5527; fax 260/657-5691E-mail: [email protected]

Trinity Furniture Inc.Jorge LagueruelaP.O. Box 150Trinity, NC 27370336/472-6660; fax 336/475-0037E-mail: [email protected]

uuUniversity LoftJames Jannetides2588 Jannetides Blvd.Greenfield, IN 46140317/866-5755; fax 317/631-1516E-mail: [email protected] site:

FURNITURE INSTALLATIONucrowning touch installations

Richard Tyner 1801 S. Myers StreetOceanside, CA 92054760/224-4555; fax 760/859-3330E-mail: [email protected]


Roberta Bernhardt9350 Industrial TraceAlpharetta, GA 30004770/642-4169; fax 770/475-4782E-mail: [email protected]


Jon Moore154 Fort Evans Road, NELeesburg, VA 20176703/771-0055; fax 703/771-0299E-mail: [email protected] site:

gOvERNMENT SERvICESu northrop grumman corporation

Joe Munter1235 South Clark Street10th Floor, Suite 1000 Arlington, VA 22202703/604-4469E-mail: [email protected] site:

gROUNdS MAINTENANCE MANAgEMENTuDavey commercial grounds Management

Blane PshigodaP.O. Box 75563Colorado Springs, CO 80970719/638-1210; fax 719/638-1233 E-mail: [email protected] site:

gUEST AMENITIESAmerican Hotel Register Company

Jason Doonan100 S. Milwaukee AvenueVernon Hills, IL 60061847/743-1554; fax 847/743-3554E-mail: [email protected]

HOME LENdINguchase

Gregory Murray1390 Timberlake Manor Pkwy., Floor 01Chesterfield, MO 63017314/922-9030; fax 866/404-4920E-mail: [email protected] site:


Abbi Adams1642 Broadway NWGrand Rapids, MI 49504877/613-2012; fax 616/364-1131 E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

HOUSINg PRIvATIZATIONuuBalfour Beatty Communities

Chris Williams10 Campus BoulevardNewtown Square, PA 19073610/355-8100; fax 610/335-8201E-mail: [email protected] site:

uuLincoln Military HousingSam Merrick3360 Murray RidgeSan Diego, CA 92123858/874-8100; fax 858/874-3259E-mail: [email protected] site:

uuMichaels Military Housing, LLCRonald Hansen3 E. Stow Road P.O. Box 994Marlton, NJ 08053856/596-3008E-mail: [email protected] site:

HOUSINg REFERRAL SySTEMSRunzheimer International

Paul Giese1 Runzheimer ParkwayWaterford, WI 53185262/971-2428; fax 262/971-2373E-mail: [email protected]

kEy CONTROLukaba access control

Fred Crum2608 Manor Oak DriveValrico, FL 33596813/634-3344; fax 813/654-7145E-mail: [email protected] site:


Tom Davis9250 Rumsey Road, Suite 200Columbia, MD 21045240/683-4343; fax 410/992-0943E-mail: [email protected]

uDavey commercial grounds ManagementBlane Pshigoda755 Highway 105, Unit # 16Palmer Lake, CO 80133719/491-3287; fax 719/572-0247E-mail: [email protected] site:

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40 Defense Communities

Munie Greencare ProfessionalsJoe Munie1000 Milburn School RoadCaseyville, IL 62232618/624-5005; 618/632-5475E-mail: [email protected]

TruGreen LandCareAnita Childress7840 Bethlehem Road, Suite 100 Manassas, VA 20109703/366-3260; fax 703/368-4687E-mail: [email protected]

LIgHTINgJES Lighting, Inc.

Jamie Schumaker5605 West Hemlock StreetMilwaukee, WI 53223414/760-3377 x201; fax 414/760-3380E-mail: [email protected]

LINENSA-1 Textiles

Carol MoranP.O. Box 5259Chatsworth, CA 91313800/351-1819; fax 800/453-0952E-mail: [email protected]

LOdgINg SUPPLIESBABCO International, Inc.

Betsy Marco911 S. Tyndall AvenueTucson, AZ 85719520/628-7596; fax 520/628-9622E-mail: [email protected]

MAINTENANCEUnited Laboratories, Inc.

Eric Frazier320 37th AvenueSt. Charles, IL 60174630/377-0900; fax 630/762-7377E-mail: [email protected]

Windsor IndustriesLeean Bradburn1351 W. Stanford AvenueEnglewood, CO 80110800/444-7654 x206; fax 303/865-2807E-mail: [email protected]

MAINTENANCE SUPPLIESuHD Supply Facilities Maintenance

Cynde Beedle10641 Scripps Summit CourtSan Diego, CA 92131858/831-2171; fax 858/831-2497E-mail: [email protected] site:

Lowe’s CompaniesAmber Miller1000 Lowes Blvd.Mooresville, NC 28117704/758-2262; fax 336/217-2761E-mail: [email protected]

uthe Home DepotLyn Alvarado5481 W. Waters AvenueTampa, FL 33634813/806-3170; fax 888/806-0119E-mail: [email protected] site:

Wilmar Industries, Inc.Chris Thompson1141 Crabapple CircleWatkinsville, GA 30677706/310-9529; fax 706/310-0184E-mail: [email protected]

MATTRESSESuamerican bedding MFg, inc.

Dale ReynoldsP.O. Box 1048Athens, TN 37371423/745-1512; fax 423/745-2772E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

ulions Volunteer blind industries, inc.Eric Carpenter758 West Morris BoulevardMorristown, TN 37813423/586-3922; fax 423/586-1479E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

Paramount Sleep Richard Diamonstein1112 Kingwood AvenueNorfolk, VA 23502757/855-3321; fax 757/855-2029E-mail: [email protected]

Sealy ContractLeo VogelOne Office ParkwayTrinity, NC 27370336/861-3539; fax 336/861-4045E-mail: [email protected]

SKYDEX Technologies, Inc. David Russell12508 E. Briarwood Avenue, Suite 1-FCentennial, CO 80112303/952-8930; fax 303/799-6434E-mail: [email protected]

Winston-Salem Industries for the BlindMark Murray7730 North Point DriveWinston-Salem, NC 27106336/245-5759; fax 336/759-0551E-mail: [email protected]

MOLd REMEdIATIONucoit cleaning & restoration Services

Shawn Aghababian897 Hinckley RoadBurlingame, CA 94010800/243-8797 x245; fax 650/697-6117 E-mail: [email protected] site:


Gregory Murray1390 Timberlake Manor Pkwy., Floor 01Chesterfield, MO 63017314/922-9030; fax 866/404-4920E-mail: [email protected] site:

uWells Fargo Home MortgageDavid Gibbons2701 Wells Fargo WayMinneapolis, MN 55408612/312-4363; fax 612/312-4390E-mail: [email protected] site:


Lisa KlinkhammerP.O. Box 88051Steilacoom, WA 98388916/761-8717; fax 866/637-2743E-mail: [email protected]

PAINTS ANd COATINgSPPG Architectural Coatings

Korey Maryland113 Blackwater LaneIrmo, SC 29063336/254-2411; fax 866/247-6003E-mail: [email protected]

uSherwin-WilliamsBill Rafie101 Prospect AvenueCleveland, OH 44115216/515-4313; fax 216/566-1392E-mail: [email protected] site:

PAyMENT PROCESSINg SERvICESuMilitary assistance co.

Rick BoswellP.O. Box 1270Elizabethtown, KY 42702270/706-6220; fax 877/237-7960E-mail: [email protected] site:


Brian Hirsch1500 South Wolf RoadWheeling, IL 60090414/731-1663; fax 414/255-3478E-mail: [email protected]

TechnicideJim Harper63 Via Pico Plaza #302San Clemente, CA 92672949/340-9532; fax 714/442-9638E-mail: [email protected]


Rainer KronbachP.O. Box 255Ransbach-Baumbach GE 562220049 2623 80090; fax 0049 7161 929532E-mail: [email protected]

Safeplay SystemsEric Torrey4452 Winfred DriveMarietta, GA 30066770/591-7000; fax 770/926-4194E-mail: [email protected]

Vortex Aquatic StructuresVirginie Guilbeault328 Avro StreetPointe-Claire, Quebec, H9R 5W5 Canada514/694-3868; fax 514/335-5413E-mail: [email protected]


Cherlyne Rouse5585 Rio Vista DriveClearwater, FL 33760727/538-6418; fax 727/532-2660E-mail: [email protected]

PRIvATIZEd MILITARy HOUINgBoyer Hill Military Housing

Danny Davis4049B Cambridge Loop Hill Air Force Base, UT 84056801/784-5608; fax 801/784-5602E-mail: [email protected]

PROPERTy MANAgEMENTuc e Mckenzie & associates, llc

Charles McKenzie724 S. Shelmore Boulevard, Suite 100Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464843/849-1122; fax 843/849-0595E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

uuCorvias GroupLaura Calenda1405 South County Trail, Suite 530East Greenwich, RI 02818401/228-2819; fax 401/336-2561E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

uuForest CityAngelo Pimpas50 Public Square, Suite 1200Cleveland, OH 44113216/621-6060; fax 216/263-4800E-mail: [email protected] site:

uHunt Military communitiesRichard Theroux4401 N. Mesa StreetEl Paso, TX 79902915/298-0479; fax 915/298-0478 E-mail: [email protected] site:

uuLincoln Military HousingSam Merrick3360 Murray RidgeSan Diego, CA 92123858/874-8100; fax 858/874-3259E-mail: [email protected] site:

pHMa corporate SuStaining MeMberS

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pHMa corporate SuStaining MeMberS

uuMichaels Military Housing, LLC Ronald Hansen3 E. Stow RoadP.O. Box 994Marlton, NJ 08053856/596-3008E-mail: [email protected] site:

unew orleans navy Housing, llcAlex Lewis8027 Jefferson HighwayBaton Rouge, LA 70809225/954-4828; fax 225/924-4945E-mail: [email protected] site:

uunited communities, llcMike Haydinger78 East Main StreetMarlton, NJ 08053 856/985-1777; fax 856/985-2445E-mail: [email protected] site:

uWinnresidential-Military Housing ServicesPatrick Appleby6 Faneuil Hall MarketplaceBoston, MA 02109617/239-4590; fax 617/239-4482E-mail: [email protected] site:


Gina Dolezal15600 Trinity Blvd., Suite 106Fort Worth, TX 76155972/975-1600; fax 972/988-0564E-mail: [email protected]


Peggy Moore801 Hampton Park BoulevardCapitol Heights, MD 20743888/472-2678; fax 301/333-3530E-mail: [email protected] site:

uuForest CityAngelo Pimpas50 Public Square #1200Cleveland, OH 44113216/621-6060; fax 216/263-4800E-mail: [email protected] site:

uuMilitaryByOwner Advertising, Inc.David Gran129 Lupine DriveStafford, VA 22556866/604-9126; fax 540/752-1591E-mail: [email protected] site:

PCS America, LLCJoe Lawrence201 S. McPherson Church Road, Suite 202Fayetteville, NC 28303910/527-9300; fax 919/751-9815E-mail: [email protected]

uWinnresidential-Military Housing ServicesPatrick Appleby6 Faneuil Hall MarketplaceBoston, MA 02109617/239-4590; fax 617/239-4482E-mail: [email protected] site:


Rainer KronbachP.O. Box 255Ransbach Baumbach GE 56222 0049 2623 80090; fax 0049 7161 929532E-mail: [email protected]

ucreative outdoor Designs inc.Grace KellerP.O. Box 300Ballentine, SC 29002803/732-3620; fax 803/732-9210E-mail: [email protected] site:

GameTimeStephanie Riggs401 Chestnut Street, Suite 410Chattanooga, TN 37402423/648-5895E-mail: [email protected]

Mueller Recreational ProductsRoss Heusman4825 South 16th StreetLincoln, NE 68512402/423-8888 x237; fax 402/423-1593E-mail: [email protected]

Play Mart, Inc.Tabitha Sani170 Allens WaySomerset, KY 42501-6154606/679-2572; fax 606/678-0911E-mail: [email protected]

ROOFINgABC Supply Co., Inc.

Drew Denick7760 South Tropical TrailMerritt Island, FL 32952608/368-2503; fax 608/364-0503E-mail: [email protected]

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42 Defense Communities

SEATINg & TABLESBuzz Seating, Inc.

Art JacobsP.O. Box 31379Cincinnati, OH 45231877/263-5737; fax 513/772-7328E-mail: [email protected]

unorix groupPete Graves1000 Atlantic DriveWest Chicago, IL 60185800/234-4900; fax 630/231-4343E-mail: [email protected] site:

SECURITy & SAFETy PROdUCTSCorKey Control Systems, Inc.

Lin Sedley2817 Milo Hae LoopKoloa, HI 96756800/622-2239; fax 808/742-7652E-mail: [email protected]

ukaba access controlFred Crum2608 Manor Oak DriveValrico, FL 33596813/634-3344; fax 813/654-7145E-mail: [email protected] site:

Onity, Inc.Ronald Kandcer2232 Northmont ParkwayDuluth, GA 30096866/866-6489; fax 678/512-7565E-mail: [email protected]

Stanley Security SolutionsJeff Huggins112 Rivendell CourtMount Holly, NC 28120980/721-3536; fax 704/827-0149E-mail: [email protected]

Wooster Products, Inc.Chuck HessP.O. Box 6005Wooster, OH 44691800/321-4936; fax 330/262-4151 E-mail: [email protected]

SHOWER BASESu Mincey Marble Mfg., inc.

Donna MinceyP.O. Box 2381Gainesville, GA 30503770/532-0451; fax 770/531-0935E-mail: [email protected] site:

SOFTWAREuuRealPage, Inc.

Stacey Blackwell4000 International ParkwayCarrollton, TX 75007972/820-3015; fax 972/[email protected] Web site:

uuYardi SystemsBrigitta Eggleston430 South FairviewGoleta, CA 93117 805/699-2040 x1424; fax 805/699-2041E-mail: [email protected] site:

SOLId SURFACESUrban Systems Corporation

Richard Engelstad212 Van Buren Street NWWashington, DC 20012202/243-7339; fax 202/547-0159E-mail: [email protected]


Bill Rafie101 Prospect Avenue, 10 MidlandCleveland, OH 44115216/515-4313; fax 216/566-1392E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

STRATEgIC PLANNINg/SURvEy SERvICESucel & associates inc.

Kelley Calderon12121 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 204Los Angeles, CA 90025310/571-3113; fax 310/571-3117E-mail: [email protected] site:

SURvEySSatisFacts Research

Doug Miller2360 W. Joppa Road, Suite 322Lutherville, MD 21093866/655-1490; fax 866/655-1491E-mail: [email protected]

TEMPORARy QUARTERS ucort Furniture rental

Peggy Moore801 Hampton Park BoulevardCapitol Heights, MD 20743888/472-2678; fax 301/333-3530E-mail: [email protected] site:

M RentalsMamie Salazar Harper10910 Montana Avenue, #AEl Paso, TX 79936915/775-1155; fax 915/772-8304E-mail: [email protected]

TRAININg ucallSource

Laura Bavetz31280 Oak Crest DriveWestlake Village, CA 91361818/673-4779; fax 888/299-0182 E-mail: [email protected] site:


Tammy Cragg15280 Addison Road, Suite 100Addison, TX 75001888/766-1253; fax 877/791-4775E-mail: [email protected]

YES Energy ManagementBrigitta Eggleston2150 Lelaray StreetColorado Springs, CO 80909719/632-9100; fax 719/632-4526E-mail: [email protected]


Karen Cook1151 Empire Central DriveDallas, TX 75247214/905-9001E-mail: [email protected] site:


Sean Voyles2417 Data DriveLouisville, KY 40299866/459-4976; fax 502/271-5954 E-mail: [email protected]


Abbi Adams1642 Broadway Avenue NWGrand Rapids, MI 49504877/613-2012; fax 616/364-1131E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

pHMa corporate SuStaining MeMberS

PHMA International Officers & Board

*Major general Del eulberg, USAF (Ret.)


*elijah “Wilkie” Wilkerson, USA (Ret.)

Executive Vice President

*chris cole, Private Sector


*barry Scribner, Private Sector


*Darlene Mccoy, USMC

Chairperson for Chapter Operations

*Jon r. Moore, PHMA

Executive Director


allen Frye, uSaFJoyce VanSlyke, armyJudi teague, air Force

Mary Scott, armyrobert Harris, navy

*Indicates Executive Council Members


Contributing toward better qualityhousing for military members and their families by:u raising the level of housing

proficiency and professionalism u improving communications

and networking u offering education, training,

and certification, and u recognizing and awarding

housing professionalism.

Page 45: Defense Communities May/June 2013

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44 Defense Communities

pHMa corporate SuStaining MeMberS

A d v E R T I S I N g I N d E x

Company, Contact Phone Web Site Page

Balfour Beatty Communities Kathy Grim 610/355-8206 14

Coit Cleaning & Restoration Shawn Aghababian 800/367-2648 25

Corvias Group Amanda Filipowski 401/228-2800 5

Davey Commercial Ground Mgmnt. George Gaumer 800/447-1667 x 225 22

HD Supply Facilities Maintenance 877/610-6912 C2

Lowe’s Companies, Inc. Natalie Bartos 212/590-7431 33

MilitaryByOwner Advertising Dave Gran 540/446-4676 29

Oakwood Corporate Housing Mary Jacenich 888/268.9998 41

R.J. Thomas Mfg. Co., Inc. Bob Simonsen 800/762-5002 27

SafePlay Systems Eric Torrey 770/591-7000 7

Salsbury Industries Ricardo Alva 323/846-6700 10

The Refinishing Touch Mario Insenga 770/642-4169 7

University Loft Company James Jannetides 317/631-5433 C4

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Customer Service 800/644-8083 43

Yardi Systems, Inc. Spencer Stewart 800/866-1144 C3

Zeager Bros. Inc. Bob Zeager 800/396-8524 21

Corporate Spotlight:

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Corporate Spotlight:

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Page 47: Defense Communities May/June 2013

SMARTER One system providing real-time accounting, reporting and centralized resident management

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YARDI Voyager™ Military Housing

Page 48: Defense Communities May/June 2013

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