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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme ICT Project The European Open Source Market Place Deliverable D6.2 Dissemination and communication actions for Year 1

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This project has received funding from the European Union’sHorizon 2020 research and innovation programme

ICT Project

The European Open Source Market Place

Deliverable D6.2

Dissemination and communicationactions for Year 1

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Project Number : 645096

Project Title : AppHub

Deliverable Number : D6.2

Title of Deliverable : Dissemination and Communication Actions for Year 1

Nature of Deliverable : Report

Dissemination level : Public

Licence : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Version : 0.2

Contractual Delivery Date : January 2016

Contributing WP : WP6

Editor(s) : Olivier BOUZEREAU (OW2)

Author(s) : Olivier BOUZEREAU (OW2), Cédric THOMAS (OW2)

Reviewer(s) : Peter Deussen (Fraunhofer)

AbstractThis deliverable provides a summary on all the dissemination and communication activitiesendeavoured during the first year of the project. Such actions include website evolution andstatistics, marketing collaterals developed for the project, press releases, eventparticipations, conference presentations, etc.

Keyword listapphub, open source, software, quality, directory, market place, project, asset, platform,charter, community, advisory board, experts, best practices, CSP, users, dissemination,communication, website, statistics, collaterals, conference, presentation.

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Document History

Version Changes Author(s)

0.1 ToC, document structure and initial details O. BOUZEREAU (OW2)

0.2 Additional information and comments Cédric THOMAS (OW2)

0.3 Final draft O. BOUZEREAU (OW2)

0.4 Final O. BOUZEREAU (OW2)

Document Review

Review Date Ver. Reviewers Comments

Outline 15/12/2015 0.1 Peter Deussen (Fraunhofer)

Draft 21/12/2015 0.2 Cédric THOMAS (OW2)

QA 28/12/2015 0.3 PMB

Final 10/01/2016 0.4 Peter Deussen (Fraunhofer)

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Glossary, acronyms & abbreviations

Item Description

CA Consortium Agreement

CAB Community Advisory Board

CSP Cloud Services Provider

DL Deliverable Leader

DOW Description of Work

IAC Industrial Advisory Committee

MST Management Support Team

OCD Open Cloud Directory

OSS Open Source Software

PL Project Leader

PMC Project Management Committee

PO Project Officer

PTC Project Technical Committee

SL Scientific Leader

WP Work Package

WPL Work Package Leader

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................1

2. AppHub Communication Strategy....................................................................................1

2.1. Methodology..................................................................................................................1 2.2. Objectives and Stakeholders.........................................................................................2 2.3. Detailed Communication Strategy.................................................................................2

3. AppHub Website Evolutions.............................................................................................3

4. AppHub Online Interactions..............................................................................................5

4.1. Mailing Lists...................................................................................................................5 4.2. Social Networks.............................................................................................................6 4.3. Webinars and Screencasts...........................................................................................6

5. AppHub Website Statistics................................................................................................7

6. Marketing Collaterals.......................................................................................................11

7. AppHub Events.................................................................................................................12

7.1 AppHub Conferences in 2015......................................................................................12 7.2 Paris Open Source Summit 2015.................................................................................13

8. Press Releases.................................................................................................................14

9. Presentations....................................................................................................................14

10. Conclusion......................................................................................................................14

Annexe 1: AppHub Project Survey #1................................................................................15

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1. IntroductionThis document provides a summary on all the dissemination and communication activitiesendeavoured during the first year of the project.

The online content and visitors statistics of the AppHub project website are respectivelydetailed in Sections 2 and 3.

The Marketing Collaterals are recapitulated in the Section 4 while Section 5 provides achronological list of events where the AppHub project was involved.

The first year Press Releases are listed in Section 6 and AppHub presentations in Section 7.

2. AppHub Communication Strategy

2.1. Methodology

In order to achieve the project objectives to reach a sufficient number of relevantstakeholders is essential. Therefore, a communication strategy has been laid out andimplemented as follows:

Figure 1: AppHub Communication Strategy

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The communication strategy enumerates a number of key objectives and details on how toachieve these objectives. More precisely (c.f. Figure 1): For each objective we determine themessage we want to deliver, the group of stakeholders to be addressed by this message, theactions to be performed in order to deliver the message, the timing of the delivery, and the actorwho performs the action (e.g., the AppHub consortium or an external partner).

2.2. Objectives and Stakeholders

AppHub has four key communication objectives, targeting different stakeholder groups:

• Awareness raising: Research community, European industry, public sector organisations,etc.

• Building a community of producers: Collaborative projects funded by the EC.

• Building a community of consumers: SMEs and European industry interested in opensource products.

• Broaden deployment opportunities: Cloud infrastructure service providers.

2.3. Detailed Communication Strategy

Objective 1 Raise general awareness of the Apphub project and the MarketplaceMessage AppHub is the European Open Source Marketplace


Primary: EC funded collaborative projects producing OSS, European OSS market (SMEs, industry, public sector), European cloud infrastructure providers

Secondary: European research community, European industry engaged in OSS, OSS foundations (e.g., OW2), etc.

Action Actor TimelineShowcase AppHub at industry conferences, exhibitions and events [NetFutures 2015, ICT, OW2con'15, POSS, OSCON, etc.. See complete list in 7.1]

AppHub consortium members Continuous, emphasis on 2015

Objective 2 Build a community of producers

MessageAppHub is a suitable dissemination channel towards potential contributors and users ofopen source software products

Stakeholders OSS producers, in particular EC funded projectsAction Actor TimelineContributions to DGCONNECT.E2 project clusters

Fraunhofer FOKUS, OW2 Second half of 2015 until 2016 (continued if possible)

SQuAT FestsEmail list and personalcontacts

AppHub consortium members1st SQuAT Fest: January 26, 20162nd SQuAT Fest: May, 2016 (TBC)

Online material: Webinars and screencasts

AppHub consortium members

General usage screencast available on the AppHub Directory web site, YouTube, etc.Planned: • Screencast on taxonomy (February 2016)• Screencasts on OW2 Tools (February, April, June

2016, TBC)• Screencasts provided by external projects

(RISCOSS, OSSMeter, TBC)Email lists and personal contacts

AppHub consortium members, inparticular OW2


Customized invitations AppHub consortium members November 2015 – January 2016

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to SQuAT Fest workshop and AppHubbeta-testersRemote hands-on sessions with individual projects

AppHub consortium members, inparticular UShareSoft

January 2016

Objective 3 Build a community of consumersMessage AppHub is the place to look first for quality open source software Stakeholders SME/EU industry which want to use OSS, or want to contributeAction Actor TimelineConsumer's workshops (in cooperation with other projects and organisations)

AppHub consortium, co-organisation by CloudWatch2 September 2016

Objective 4 Broaden the number of partneering cloud service providersMessage The AppHub marketplace brings additional business to Cloud Service ProvidersStakeholders Cloud infrastructure service providersAction Actor TimelineBilateral discussions AppHub consortium members Q4 2015 and 2016

3. AppHub Website Evolutions The main menu of the AppHub Website is now offering 26 different content sections:

• Discover

◦ AppHub, Value Chain, Best Practices, Charter, UForge, Videos

• AppHub Directory

◦ Open Source Projects, Open Source Assets, Add Open Source Assets,

◦ Relationship Graphs, Coverage Graphs

• Follow

◦ Events, Interviews, Press Room, Community

• Share

◦ Project Collaterals, Public Presentations

• Partners

◦ Cloud Source Partners, Outreach Partners

• About

◦ Project Information, Consortium, Contributors, Advisory Board, Contact

• Social icons

◦ Twitter, SlideShare, LinkedIn

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Figure 2: AppHub Website Structure

Figure 3: AppHub Website Homepage (

The AppHub Charter is now accessible from the Discover menu. This charter is designed tosupport the implementation of community management best practices through the ten followingtopics: Governance, License, Documentation, Architecture, Testing, Maintainability,Requirements and Roadmap, Configuration, Standards and Contributions.

More details on the AppHub charter:

A new AppHub Screencast is proposed under the name AppHub Platform Overview inDiscover video menu. This clip shows how to browse the AppHub Directory. It guides the opensource producer to create and publish a template image for its own software using the AppHub

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Factory. Then, it reveals how the AppHub Store exposes its project assets, along withdescriptions, user reviews, and keywords.

More details about the Screencast and Webinars in section 3.3.

The AppHub Partners, according to their business, can join one of both suggested AppHubPartner Program:

• The AppHub Cloud Source Partner program is designed for the Cloud Service Providers

• The AppHub Outreach Parter program is designed for open source foundations, thirdparty open source forges and repositories

Both types of partners have their dedicated webpage detailing the respective marketingadvantages, a button to subscribe to the Partner Mailing List, a second one to unsubscribe, anda third button to join the AppHub Partner program. This registration is free of charge and is onlyvalid after a business check and Partnership confirmation letter.

Figure 4: AppHub Partners Web page

4. AppHub Online InteractionsThe AppHub ecosystem can be contacted through mailing lists, social networks, and duringwebinars. Physical workshops and public conferences are prepared using online interactions,customized emails and phone contacts with the community.

4.1. Mailing Lists

Six mailing lists have been created so far:

[email protected] is the consortium mailing list mainly used internally

[email protected] to join a list of more than 60 European R&D projects

[email protected] to support to the projects about AppHub services

[email protected] to contact Cloud Source partners and OSS foundations partners

[email protected] to provide the community a list of up-to-date OSS news

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[email protected] to join the ten members of the Community AdvisoryBoard

4.2. Social Networks

The AppHub Community is able to use social networks, such as LinkedIn and Twitter to shareupdates related to the project and to discuss with the AppHub team.

The following Figures 4 and 5 illustrate LinkedIn group1 and Twitter2 alerts.

Also we have started to use the AppHub Slideshare account3 to share relevant presentationsmade available during European conferences.

Figure 5: AppHub LinkedIn Group... … and AppHub Twitter Account

4.3. Webinars and Screencasts

A first screencast has been published to learn AppHub visitors how to browse the AppHubDirectory. Open source projects are guided during the successive steps to create and publish atemplate image for their software using the AppHub Factory. Finally, they can see how theAppHub Store exposes their project assets (code and documentation), along with descriptions,user reviews, and keywords.

A Webinar Is a screencast interactive sessions with online participants. We are providing awebex platform to record such online tutorials to the AppHub community with a replay option.

More screencasts and webinars are planned during the second year of the project.

1 AppHub LinkedIn Group: 2 AppHub Twitter: 3 AppHub Slideshare:

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Figure 6: AppHub Platform Overview

To play the first AppHub screencast, please visit the AppHub Platform Overview:

5. AppHub Website StatisticsThe AppHub Website is the main communication vehicle to discover the services, marketingprograms, online and printed contents about the project. It allows the visitor to follow the resultsand also events where AppHub contributors are actively participating.

The Figure 7 below provides statistics about site visits between 1 January 2015 and 11December 2015. As depicted, with 11,161 pageviews 2,123 sessions and 807 users, the Website reaches far beyond the initial community targeted by the project.

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Figure 7: AppHub Website Audience during the first year

Interestingly enough, visitors are reading an average of five pages during 5 minutes and 28seconds. More than six out of ten web users are new visitors. Compared to similar statistics, fivepage is a good score.

The web statistics reveals in Figure 8 that the most visited pages are the AppHub projecthomepage (23.7%), then several event pages (9.66%) and Discover AppHub page (4.42%).

They are followed by Project Collaterals, Information, Consortium, Contributors and AdvisoryBoard, each of these pages representing less than 3% of the visits during the first year of theproject.

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Figure 8: AppHub Website top Content

The geographical origin of the visits, as illustrated in Figure 9, show a global interest regardingthe AppHub project, in Europe and in the USA. France drives the largest part of the traffic toproject website (56.7%) followed by Germany, Italia, Belgium, UK, Spain, Greece, then theUnited States, the Netherlands and Ireland (respectively 7.7%, 6.9%, 5.1%, 4.1%, 3.1%, 2.6%,1.6%,1.1% and 1%).

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Figure 9: AppHub Website Traffic Origin

Regarding AppHub website referrals, the main traffic is coming from the OW2 community andOW2 newsletter for a total of 49.1%, then from CloudWatch partner website (11.7%) and theproject private wiki (10.2%).

Twitter social media is the third source of website visitors (ex aequo with private wiki 10.2%).

The Sucre project is guiding 3.1% of AppHub website visitors, while LinkedIn brings 1.6% of theonline visits, CloudScapeseries and NetFurures2015 closing the top 10 websites with 1.1% ofreferrals.

Figure 10: AppHub Website Traffic Referrals

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6. Marketing Collaterals A combination of printed and digital documents should help the growing AppHub community tobetter understand and use regularly the AppHub market place and its services.

The AppHub Collaterals produced during the first year of the project are listed here:

• AppHub Project logo (20/1/2015)

• AppHub Rollup Totem (11/2/2015)

• AppHub FactSheet (4/3/2015)

• AppHub Leaflet (26/10/2015)

• AppHub Project Survey #1 (30/10/2015)

Figure 11: AppHub Project Totem Figure 12: AppHub Leaflet

In Annex, you can read the AppHub Project Survey #1.

More information about AppHub Collaterals:

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7. AppHub Events During the first year of the project, AppHub organised and actively participated in a dozen ofexternal events on Open Source and/or European R&D projects.

These events offered several opportunities to recruit potential partners (Cloud ServicesProviders, open source foundations, forges and repositories), and to teach contributors how tojoin the AppHub Directory.

The AppHub team also contributed to debate about open source best practices, software qualityand governance, during several public round tables.

Thanks to the new AppHub beta platform, the AppHub beta-testers are now able to provide theiropen source software to a large variety of end-users, whatever the technical environment theyare working on, i.e. physical, virtualized or in the cloud.

7.1 AppHub Conferences in 2015

The AppHub team participated in 12 international conferences, coordinated by OW2 during thefirst year of the project. These events are summarized in the table below. Event Name Apphub related activities Date City, Country

CloudScape VII Workshop for OSS projects March 9, 2015 Brussels, Belgium

Cloud Expo Europe

Open Cloud Forum by OW2, OW2 booth,Panel Sessions on Open CloudEuropean Collaborative Cloud Projects with ModaClouds, PaaSage, DICE, OCCIware

March 11-12, 2015

London, UK

NetFutures 2015 Open Source Software: the Governance Makes the Difference (OW2 presentation)

March, 25 Brussels, Belgium

Cloud World Expo

Open Cloud Forum by OW2, OW2 villageExpert Talks and 3 Panels on Hybrid clouds; cloud challenges and opportunities in privacy and security; Big Data, Cloud & IoT

April 1-2, 2015 Paris, France

Fisl OW2 booth, OW2 talk about AppHubGovernance makes the Difference

July 8-11, 2015

Porto Allegre, Brazil

ESOCC 2015 Cédric Thomas, OW2 CEO, presents the AppHub European Open Source Market Place

Sept. 15, 2015

Taormina, Italy

MICAS 2015 AppHub: Showcase your Open Source Project presentation by Peter Deussen, Fraunhofer FOKUS

Sept 21, 2015 Timisoara, Romania

Cloud Forward Conference

AppHub Market Place presentation Oct. 6-8, 2015 Pisa, Italy

ICT 2015 AppHub project presentation in a workshop and meetings with European project coordinators

Oct. 22, 2015 Lisbon, Portugal

OSCON Europe OW2 booth with AppHub demonstration Oct. 26, 2015 Amsterdam, NL

OW2Con'15 AppHub preview of the European market place and Preview of OW2 next-gen Quality Programme

Nov. 17-18, 2015

Paris, France

POSS 2015 Participating in AppHub market place presentation, Community Summit, EU Collaboration Innovation with 9 OSS projects, Local Governement and OSS with 4 large cities, and OW2 village with AppHub totem and leaflets.

Nov. 18-19, 2015

Paris, France

Table 1: AppHub public events

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Figure 13: AppHub Project Events

7.2 Paris Open Source Summit 2015

AppHub was showcased at Paris Open Source Summit, November 18-19, 2015 (POSS 2015) inseveral ways.

First of all on the exhibition floor where AppHub was on the OW2 village: good visibility achievedthrough floor-standing totem, brochure distribution and online demonstrations.

Second, AppHub was the lead presentation of a session dedicated to the promotion of EU-funded open source projects. They included Artist, Harness, PaaSage, Amaltea4Public,ASCETiC, INTO-CPS, MODAClouds projects, and the Big Data Value Association.

Third, we leveraged the Community Summit usually organized by OW2: open source communitypractitioners were asked to concentrate on open source project management best practices, away to gather additional inputs for the AppHub Charter. They included Thierry Carrez(OpenStack), Roberto Di Cosmo (IRILL), Jim Jagielski (Capital One), Gaël Blondelle (Eclipse),Sophie Gautier (Document Foundation), Stephen Walli (HP) and Simon Phipps (OSI).

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More information about POSS 2015 on:

8. Press Releases Two Press Releases have been written during the first year of the AppHub project:

• The first press release was distributed during CloudScape VII in Brussels (March 9-10,2015). Its title is: “OW2 announces AppHub, the European Open Source Market Place”

• The second press release was prepared before the summer and distributed during themajor ICT event organised by the European Commission in Lisbon, Portugal, in October2015. “PaaSage and OW2 announce platform availability on the AppHub market place” isthe title of this joint Press Release with the PaaSage project and the European opensource market place.

To download both Press Releases, please visit the Press section of the AppHub website:

9. PresentationsEight AppHub presentations have been published on SlideShare. They were provided duringinternational conferences along the first year of the project such as NetFutures 2015, CloudWorld Expo, ESOCC 2015, ICT 2015, OW2con'15, and POSS 2015.

These presentations can be viewed from the AppHub website, via the Share menu, and PublicPresentations sub-menu:

10. ConclusionThis dissemination and communication report describes the main actions prepared during thefirst year of the AppHub Project. It also provides several results, through the web statistics, andpresentations provided at international conferences.

To increase the public awareness of the European open source market place, a commongraphic identity, rich online contents and interactive tools have been developed.

In the coming months, the AppHub consortium will place more efforts in collaboration workshopsto support mainly FP7 and H2020 R&D projects and help them join the AppHub Directory.

We will also actively recruit cloud service providers and open source foundations to ease thedetection of European open source results and to foster their business usage in a large diversityof IT environment.

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Annexe 1: AppHub Project Survey #1

Only One of Two European Open Source Project Manage Stability and Maintainability

While 100% of European Open Source Projects follow well-accepted software

architecture principles (component based, software patterns, etc.), open standards,

versioning and configuration management, only 50% of projects manage stability and


• 44% of projects don't perform quality management

• 44% of projects don't have community involved

• 38% of projects don't maintain requirements on their software

• 38% of projects don't follow a project roadmap

• 25% of projects do not implement a throughout testing process

• 6% of projects don't provide documentation (guides)

All the projects that don't implement a throughout testing process also don't manage

stability and maintainability.

Context of Open Source Software adoption (Source: Black Duck Software, 2015)

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AppHub Project Survey #1

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78% of companies run on open source (x2 since 2010) and 64% participate in open source


Open Source Software is being considered before proprietary software for the following


Ability to Scale (58%) - Security (55%) - Competitive features (43%) - Ease of deployment


More than 55% of companies have no formal policy or procedure for OSS consumption

Only 16% have an automated code approval process

The AppHub Survey #1 took place between August 2015 and October 2015.

A total of 63 EC-supported R&D projects (from FP7 Call 8-10, CIP, H2020 Call 1) were


Out of 23 projects who filled the questionnaire, 16 gave enough answers (Y or N) to

allow the analysis. The table bellow summarizes the answered provided by those 16


Question asked Yes No

Question 1 Does your project provide open source software? 15 1

Question 2 Do you perform quality management? 9 6 + 1 N/A

Question 3 Do you have a community that uses your software and contributes to its development?

9 6 + 1 N/A

Question 4 Do you maintain requirements on your software and a projectroadmap?

10 5 + 1 N/A

Question 5 Do you provide documentation such as user or installation guides along with your software?

15 1

Question 6 Do you follow well-accepted software architecture principles(component based, software patterns, etc.)?

16 0

Question 7 Do you implement a throughout testing process? 12 3 + 1 N/A

Question 8 Do you manage stability and maintainability of your software?

8 5 + 3 N/A

Question 9 Do you perform versioning and configuration management? 16 0

Question 10 Do you support open standards? 16 0

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The AppHub Survey #1 is online:

More information on AppHub project:

AppHub Project Survey #1 – 30 October 2015

An Horizon 2020 Project, AppHub is funded in part by the European Commission.

It is a Coordination and Support Action for the Advanced Cloud Infrastructures and

Services topic. AppHub project combines the expertise from Fraunhofer FOKUS

(Germany), OW2 and UShareSoft (France).

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