deliverance boot camp (part 10)

The Invisible War Deliverance Boot Camp

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The Invisible War

Deliverance Boot Camp

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Introduction• The LORD is RAISING up an ARMY of BELIEVERS

who understands SPIRITUAL WARFARE and will CHALLENGE the DEMONIC STRATEGIES and DESTROY its STRONGHOLDS. In the Kingdom of Darkness, there are BEHEMOTHS which ENSLAVE and CONTROL millions of mankind. The word “BEHEMOTH” means “SOMETHING of MONSTROUS SIZE, POWER, or APPEARANCE”. The Hebrew word “BEHEMOTH” (behemot) refers to a “LARGE BEAST”, possibly a hippopotamus or water-ox; both are known for their POWER and STRENGTH.

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Introduction• Collectively, a BEHEMOTH is a MASSIVE

CREATURE known for its SIZE, POWER, and STRENGTH. So, in spiritual warfare, a BEHEMOTH is any SYSTEM that is LARGE enough in SIZE, POWER, and STRENGTH to OPPRESS and CONTROL others. It can be a RELIGIOUS, POLITICAL, CULTURAL, or ECONOMIC system. They are STRONGHOLDS that must be DESTROYED in order for millions to be RELEASED from DARKNESS and come into the glorious LIGHT of the KNOWLEDGE of JESUS Christ.

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Introduction• The ANTICHRISTAL SYSTEM is the

EMBODIMENT of BEHEMOTH (Revelation 13:1-10). It is a DEMONIC SYSTEM that is LARGE and STRONG with STRONGHOLDS throughout various parts of the world. To set the context, this description of “BEHEMOTH” is given by God Himself (Job 40:15-24). Let’s examine the NATURE and CHARACTER of BEHEMOTH in order to dismantle its systems.

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Behemoth in the Book of Enoch• The BOOK of ENOCH depicts the

JUDGMENT of BEHEMOTH (Enoch 58:5-12). First, “The Book of Enoch” was originally considered a proper part of Old Testament literature by the Apostolic Fathers, and was known and quoted from by JESUS, Paul, John, and cited by Jude (Jude 14-15). Sadly, the Hebrew cannon eliminated the book because of controversy concerning ANGELS and the APPEARING of the “SON of MAN” who will sit on the THRONE of GOD and judge men and angels.

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Behemoth in the Book of Enoch• Enoch 58:5-12 states, “But when the time shall

come, then shall the power, the punishment, and the judgment take place, which the LORD of spirits has prepared for those who prostrate themselves to the judgment of righteousness, for those who abjure that judgment, and for those who take His NAME in vain. That day has been prepared for the elect as a day of covenant; and for sinners as a day of inquisition. In that day shall be distributed for food two monsters; a female monster, whose name is Leviathan, dwelling in the depths of the sea, above the springs of waters; And a male monster, whose name is Behemoth; which possesses, moving on his breast, the invisible wilderness.

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Behemoth in the Book of Enoch• His name was Dendayen in the east of the garden,

where the elect and the righteous will dwell; where he received it from my ancestor, who was man, from Adam the first of men, whom the LORD of spirits made. Then I asked of another angel to show me the power of those monsters, how they became separated on the same day, one being in the depths of the sea, and one in the dry desert. And he said, ‘Thou, son of man, art here desirous of understanding secret things’. And the angel of peace, who was with me, said, ‘These two monsters are by the power of God prepared to become food, that the punishment of God may not be in vain’”. Notice the similarity of Revelation 19:17-21.

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Behemoth in the Book of Enoch• Notice that the CONTEXT of this description

is a discussion of the JUDGMENT. The two creatures are “prepared as food”. Leviathan dwells in riches (“the depths of the sea”), whereas BEHEMOTH dwells in the DESERT. They are separated “that the punishment of God may not be in vain”. Note Revelation 19:17-18,21, they are the entrée for the GREAT SUPPER of GOD. The BEHEMOTH comes from a place to the EAST of the GARDEN, in a place “where the elect and the righteous will dwell”. He moves “on his breast”, which implies a humiliated state.

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Behemoth in the Book of Enoch• Note Genesis 3:14 the SERPENT was

JUDGED and made to go on his BELLY and EAT DUST all the days of his life. SATAN was DEFEATED and FORCED to take a HUMILIATED POSITION, under the feet of mankind (Ephesians 1:19-23; Colossians 2:15). BEHEMOTH has a HUMILIATED POSITION; yet because of his MASSIVE SIZE and STRENGTH, he possesses “the invisible wilderness”. The image is of vast, untapped resources which the eye of the flesh cannot see; it is the THOUGHT of MEN- his ideas. How do you kill an idea?

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The Strength of Behemoth• “His strength is in his loins” (Job 40:16).

Understanding this statement requires some understanding of the various possible meanings of “LOINS” in Old Testament usage. First, the LOINS are the place of FECUNDITY and FRUITFULNESS: “all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were seventy souls” (Exodus 1:5). To GIRD the LOINS meant PULL UP and TUCK in the BELT for TRAVEL or strenuous WORK (Exodus 12:11; 1 Kings 18:46). God prefaces His words to Job, “Gird up your loins now like a man” (Job 38:3; 40:7); meaning, “Get a hold of yourself”. To LOOSEN the LOINS speaks of a LOSS of CONTROL (Daniel 5:6; Isaiah 45:1).

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The Strength of Behemoth• Moses was instructed to COVER the LOINS of Aaron

and his sons for priesthood (Exodus 28:42). The first COVERING of the LOINS was that of ADAM and EVE (Genesis 3:7), who were later COVERED by God (Genesis 3:21). The COVERING about the LOINS refers to the PROTECTION of POSTERITY. God instructs Jeremiah to GIRD his LOINS with a fresh linen girdle and then later, he is instructed to take it off and bury it (Jeremiah 13:1-4). When the LORD instructs Jeremiah to unearth the GIRDLE, it has become ROTTEN and WORTHLESS (Jeremiah 13:6-11). God was telling Jeremiah that Israel and Judah had not become “a people, for renown, for praise and for glory”; they did not act like His children.

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The Strength of Behemoth• So, the LOINS speak of CONTROLLING our

FRUITFULNESS and POSTERITY. This is a SPIRITUAL LAW: “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion…” (Genesis 1:28). Whatever is FRUITFUL, multiples, and replenishes will eventually SUBDUE. BEHEMOTH’S ABILITY to REPRODUCE gives him the STRENGTH to SUBDUE. Note the POLITICAL SYSTEM of COMMUNISM and the RELIGIOUS SYSTEM of ISLAM reproduced themselves in many nations. They became BEHEMOTHS that CONTROLLED the PEOPLE and bound up NATIONS, preventing them from receiving the truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. The STRENGTH of BEHEMOTH is how he deliberately CONTROLS the FRUITFULNESS of his POSTERITY.

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The Power of Behemoth• “His power is in the muscles of his belly” (Job

40:16). The BELLY speaks of EMOTIONS, DIGESTION, and GESTATION. Proverbs 26:22 states, “The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly”. What we BROOD upon, fills the BELLY; it CONSUMES us, eventually we REPRODUCE and give BIRTH to it. This is why we are warned to quickly turn away anger and resentment (Matthew 5:22; Ephesians 4:26,31; Colossians 3:21). The BELLY brought down to the DUST paints a picture of HUMILIATION (Genesis 3:14).

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The Power of Behemoth• “Our soul is bowed down to the dust: our belly

cleaves unto the earth” (Psalms 44:25). The picture is of a people in GRIEF, who can see nothing but their MISERY. The misery of this world looms so large that the soul is captured and brought down. The MUSCLES of the BELLY speaks of ELEMENTAL ATTACHMENT. The word “MUSCLES” (sharir) means “CORD, sinew, STAMINA, tendon, POWER”. In the context of this study, “muscles of the belly” refer to what the belly CLINGS to, which would also indicate ATTACHMENT.

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The Power of Behemoth• Revealing the sin of the people, the LORD said, “…in

the day you were born your navel was not cut” (Ezekiel 16:4). We remain ATTACHED to the SYSTEM of BEHEMOTH by conforming to the world’s BEHAVIORS (on television, in magazines, on billboards...) and giving ourselves over to worldly PLEASURES (Romans 12:1-2; 2 Corinthians 6:17). We SEVER ourselves from the INFLUENCES by deliberately LIVING the KINGDOM ASCENDED LIFE (Galatians 2:20; Philippians 3:14). The POWER of BEHEMOTH is the MUSCLES of his BELLY (Job 40:16). He is CONNECTED to the SYSTEMS of this WORLD. He CONSUMES himself with the SYSTEMS of the WORLD until he REPRODUCES in greater POWER and SIZE (Luke 16:8).

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The Foundation of Behemoth• “He makes his tail stiff like a cedar; the sinews

of his stones are knit together. His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like bars of iron” (Job 40:17-18). This denotes a STRONG FOUNDATION. The FRAME or the STRUCTURE of BEHEMOTH is described by his TAIL, THIGHS, and BONES. The BONES are as strong as IRON and BRASS. BONES provide the STRUCTURE of the body. From this we conclude that the BEHEMOTH is SOLID at the CORE. Note IRON symbolizes STRONG RULE and DESTRUCTION; whereas, BRASS implies DURABILITY and RETENTION.

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The Foundation of Behemoth• The STRUCTURE-SYSTEM of BEHEMOTH

is difficult to BREAK because it is an IDEA- thought. Note his TAIL is stiff like a CEDAR tree. The CEDAR tree is known for its ABILITY to ABSORB the WATER of the STORM and its FLEXIBILITY during strong winds. After the storm, they return to their STRENGTH. So, even when he bends, there is VAST STRENGTH. The clue to that STRENGTH is the “sinews of his stones are knit together”.

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The Foundation of Behemoth• The word “STONES” (pachad) means

“TESTICLES”; modestly translated as “thighs”, the thigh is one of the strongest muscles of the body. “Pachad” also means “TERROR, dread, FEAR, alarm”. The VAST STRENGTH of BEHEMOTH is his virility in PRODUCING and REPRODUCING TERROR and FEAR. He GAINS STRENGTH and grows by ACTS of TERROR. It can also be said that the “STONES” are the SEAT of LUSTS and PASSIONS that defile, degrade, destroy, and often control mankind. The STONES of BEHEMOTH are “knit together”. His passions are CONTROLLED by his LUST and PASSIONS.

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The Ways of God• BEHEMOTH is a TYRANT. His SYSTEMS are

OPPRESSIVE, repressive and DOMINEERING. Note to CONTROL the MIND and WILL of a PERSON is WITCHCRAFT. This can be a TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT like COMMUNISM, Stalin’s Russia, or HITLER’S GERMANY or a RELIGIOUS SYSTEM such as ISLAM or CATHOLICISM. Their SIZE includes geographical, MONETARY, political, and MILITARY strength. This STRONGHOLD cannot be ATTACKED like others because of its sheer SIZE and the MAGNITUDE of its strength.

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The Ways of God• It takes YEARS of persistent PRAY and FASTING

coupled with patient endurance, and often martyrdom, to DESTROY a BEHEMOTH. Although difficult to destroy, the LORD- his maker- has a SWORD assigned for him. “He that made him can make his sword to approach unto him” (Job 40:19). The MAKER’S SWORD means the SWORD of His mouth (Revelation 19:15; Hebrews 4:12-13; Isaiah 49:2). In the context of Job, it also means a PHYSICAL ASSAULT. The SWORD of the LORD will STRIKE BEHEMOTH and his SYSTEMS shall fall (Isaiah 21:9; Jeremiah 51:8; Zechariah 11:2; Revelation 14:8; 18:2).

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The Ways of God• Job 40:20 states, “The mountains yield food

for him where all the wild beasts play”. The EXTENSIVE KINGDOM and MASSIVE SIZE of BEHEMOTH cause him to believe that he is INVINCIBLE and INEXHAUSTIBLE. “Under the lotus plants he lies, in the shelter of the reeds and in the marsh. For his shade the lotus trees cover him; the willows of the brook surround him” (vv. 21-22). As BEHEMOTH hides in the depths, his INTELLECTUAL PROWESS and MILITARY STRENGTH make him feel UNAPPROACHABLE.

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The Ways of God• Like Leviathan, his PRIDE and tightly KNIT

SYSTEM teem with ARROGANCE. “Behold, if the river is turbulent he is not frightened; he is confident though Jordan rushes against his mouth” (v. 23). He is LARGE enough and STRONG enough to SWALLOW a RAGING RIVER. Note RIVERS are the CURRENCY of man. The RAGING RIVER is mankind FUNDING WAR or battle. This means that his WEALTH is so VAST that he can ABSORB a WAR that is launched against him. He INVITES all CHALLENGERS. “Can one take him by his eyes, or pierce his nose with a snare?” (v. 24)

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The Ways of God• The Living Bible states it this way: “No one

can catch him off guard or put a ring in his nose and lead him away”. In other words, it is nearly impossible to CATCH or DEFEAT BEHEMOTH. This is a picture of PRIDE. Remember “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18). “God resists the proud, but gives grace unto the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:6-7).

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The Ways of God• “Be clothed with humility: for God resists the

proud, and gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time” (1 Peter 5:5-6). In the flesh, we are very weak and BEHEMOTH is a GIANT. In the spirit, like David, we can CONQUER the GIANT called BEHEMOTH. Our CONFIDENCE is in the LORD of Hosts (1 Samuel 17:24-27,31-37,40-54).

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Conclusion• The LORD of Hosts is RAISING up and TRAINING an

ARMY of BELIEVERS who will WAGE WAR in the SPIRIT against the BEHEMOTH SPIRIT and its systems. Do not attempt to face this strongman alone. Remember he operates by SYSTEMS; therefore, he has a MASSIVE NETWORK. You must be CONNECTED and SUBMITTED to the proper SPIRITUAL COVERING to be effective in the fight. Learn the STRATEGIES and NETWORKS of BEHEMOTH before you WAGE WAR against him. Some spirits are beyond your individual authority. Remember the sons of Sceva (Acts 19:11-20). The LORD has anointed you and commissioned you to PULL DOWN STRONGHOLDS and SET the CAPTIVE FREE. Work within your authority and the Body of Christ and you shall have good success.

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The Invisible War

Deliverance Boot Camp