delivering the farmbook suite: review of meas pilot project in kenya

Modernizing Extension and Advisory Services(MEAS) Symposium, 2015 “Strengthening Extension and Advisory Services for Lasting Impacts” 20 F Street Conference Center, Washington, D.C., June 3-5, 2015 Delivering the Farmbook Suite: Review of MEAS Pilot Project in Kenya Dr. Joyous S. Tata and Richard K. Githaiga

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Page 1: Delivering the Farmbook Suite: Review of MEAS Pilot Project in Kenya

Modernizing Extension and Advisory Services(MEAS) Symposium, 2015

“Strengthening Extension and Advisory Services for Lasting Impacts”20 F Street Conference Center, Washington, D.C., June 3-5, 2015

Delivering the Farmbook Suite: Review of MEAS Pilot Project in


Dr. Joyous S. Tata and Richard K. Githaiga

Page 2: Delivering the Farmbook Suite: Review of MEAS Pilot Project in Kenya

What is Farmbook Suite?

Consists of three ICT tools currently availablei. Map & Track ii. e-Learning (SMART Skills curriculum)iii. e-Biz Planner (formerly known as Farmbook)

One tool in study to be developed : Farmer feedback

All tools being shifted onto Android platforms Integrated data from all three Apps, stored and

analyzed in the cloud

Page 3: Delivering the Farmbook Suite: Review of MEAS Pilot Project in Kenya

Piloting eLearning in Kenya

Farmbook training in Nyeri, Kenya 2013

• Demand driven• Capacity building• Training• Mentoring• Evaluation • Field agents train

farmer groups• Map and Track to

monitor training delivered

Page 4: Delivering the Farmbook Suite: Review of MEAS Pilot Project in Kenya

Evaluating the MEAS project Goal – Assess the

challenges and impacts of the Farmbook Suite

Research Hypotheses1. Trainers – No significant difference between the impact of extension staff trained to use Farmbook on farmer livelihood and extension staff who have not received the training2. Farmers – No significant difference in productivity between farmers who have participated in Farmbook training and farmers who have not participated in the training

Data – questionnaires, focus groups, field activity reports, review workshops

Business planning with women farmers

Page 5: Delivering the Farmbook Suite: Review of MEAS Pilot Project in Kenya

Preliminary results Farmbook well received by

extension agents but they are constrained by:

Lack of devices Lack of funds to bring agents

in to county capital to get phones installed and trained

Sufficient funds to cover license costs

At the sub-national level in Kenya, counties have expressed interest in using Farmbook for:

Farmer registration Service delivery tracking Developing business plans

with farmers

Extension agents with farmer group

Page 6: Delivering the Farmbook Suite: Review of MEAS Pilot Project in Kenya

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