dementia uwks(rev)

7/21/2019 Dementia Uwks(Rev) 1/86 DEMENTIA: Alzheimer’s Disease and Vascular Dementia Christian Kamallan Neurologist

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DEMENTIA: Alzheimer’sDisease and Vascular

DementiaChristian Kamallan


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“I am living ith

dementia! not d"ingith dementia#$


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• Hippocampus: where short-term memories are converted to long-termmemories

• Thalamus: receives sensory and limbic information and sends tocerebral cortex

• Hypothalamus: monitors certain activities and controls body’s internalclock

• Limbic system: controls emotions and instinctive behavior (includes thehippocampus and parts of the cortex)

Inside the Human


Other rucial !arts

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The Brain in Action

 Hearing Words Speaking Words Seeing Words Thinking about Words

"ifferent mental activities take place in different parts of the

brain# !ositron emission tomography (!$%) scans canmeasure this activity# hemicals tagged with a tracer &light

up' activated regions shown in red and yellow#

Inside the Human Brain

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• %he brain has billions of

neurons each with an

axon and many


• %o stay healthy neurons

must communicate with

each other carry out

metabolism and repairthemselves#

•  " disrupts all three of

these essential *obs#

Inside the

Human Brain

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Plaques and Tangles The Hall!arks o" A#

%he brains of people with " have an abundance of twoabnormal structures:

An actual A# plaque An actual A# tangle

• beta-amyloid pla+ues which are dense deposits of

protein and cellular material that accumulate outside

and around nerve cells

• neurofibrillary tangles which are twisted fibers that build

up inside the nerve cell

AD and the Brain

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Cognitive ContinuumCognitive Continuum


Mild CognitiveMild CognitiveImpairmentImpairment


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&Man ools himsel!

He prays or a long lie"

yet he ears an old age!# 

hinese !roverb

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Dementia casesdouble every 20 years

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Deinite AD

%robable AD

Mild cognitive impairment

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Mild cognitiveimpairment


Mild cognitiveimpairmentMultiple domainsslightly impaired

Mild cognitiveimpairment

&ingle non'memory domain

Al(heimer)s disease

Al(heimer)s disease

* normal aging

$rontotemporal dementiaLe+y body dementia

%rimary progressive aphasia 

%ar,inson)s disease

Al(heimer)s disease

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Mild CognitiveIm%airment&MCI'


•Memor" com%laint

•Normal general cognitive (unction•Normal activities o( dail" living

•Memor" im%aired (or age

•Not demented


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De)nition Dementia

•A decline o( intellectual (unction incom%arison ith %atient’s %reviouslevel o( (unction#

•*evere enough to cause im%airmento( social and %ro(essional activities

•+e,ected on decline on AD- and IAD-

•.suall" associates ith /ehavior changes#

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Area involves indementia







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01 To be earlier: potential beneits

• !btain a))ro)riate treatment earlier• Hel) t*e +amily to understand and acce)t

• inancial and le,al )lans -*ile com)etent

•Enable t*e )atient and +amily to ma.e li+estyle c*oices

• Induce better ad*erence and mana,ement o+ ot*er medical


• $a.e a))ro)riate ste)s to )revent in/ury drivin,1 -ea)ons

• "et ,reater access to *el) -it*in t*e *ealt*care system and

-it*in communities

from Cummings, 2011

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%ASED !# LI#IAL 3(D"ME#$

$y)e o+ dementia can be de4nedenou,* certainty t*rou,*5

•linical )atterns o+ dementin,

illness•Doin, a))ro)riate dementia-or.6u)

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Ste)s in Dementia 7or.6u)

• 0istor" ta1ing &ollateral source 2%atient'

• 3h"sical e4amination

• Mental status e4amination

• +elevant la/orator" and (ollo u%

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ollateral Source

• .suall" the s%ouse or an adult child#

• ###5/servations /" the collateralsource correlate /etter ithdementia than sel(6re%ortedcom%laints hich correlate more ithde%ression#

• A/sence o( collateral source seriousl"com%romises dementia diagnosis

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History $,

Consists o(

•Neuro/ehavioral histor"  

•7eneral medical histor"

•7eneral neurological histor"

•3s"chiatric histor"

• To4ic! nutritional 8drug


•9amilial histor"

dementia or not

3ossi/le underl"ingetiolog" orother conditionassociatesith dementia

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#eurobe*avioral History$,

As. t*e collateral source

*%eci)call" as1 a/out changes : &A;C'

 , o,nitive +unction: memor" %ro/lems!

orientation! language! e4ecutive (unction!%ersonalit"8a%ath"

 , *an,e o+ be*avior

 , De,ree o+ inter+erence -it* ADL and IADL

En<uire a/out: , )rst s"m%toms

 , time o( onset

 , nature o( illness

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Im)airment in Memory 


•+e%etitive <uestions or conversations!

•Mis%lacing %ersonal /elongings!•9orgetting events or a%%ointments!

•7etting lost on a (amiliar route

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Im)airment in Lan,ua,e 

• Involve s%ea1ing! reading! riting

• Di=cult" thin1ing o( common ordshile s%ea1ing! hesitations> s%eech!s%elling and riting errors

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Im)airment &isual s)atial 8abilities


•Ina/ilit" to recognize (aces orcommon o/?ects or to )nd o/?ects indirect vie des%ite good acuit"

•Ina/ilit" to o%erate sim%le im%lementsor orient clothing to the /od"#

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Dyse9ecutive +unction

Im%aired reasoning and handling o(com%le4 tas1s! %oor ?udgment @s"m%toms

•%oor understanding o( sa(et" ris1s

•ina/ilit" to manage )nances

•%oor decision6ma1ing a/ilit"•ina/ilit" to %lan com%le4 or se<uentialactivities

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*an,es in )ersonality :c*aracter

Im%aired motivation! initiative


•increasing a%ath" 2 loss o( drive•social ithdraal

•decreased interest in %revious


%e*avioral and

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%e*avioral and)syc*olo,ical sym)toms

o+ dementia %;SD%e*avioural observation

•3h"sical aggression! screaming! restlessness!agitation! andering! culturall" ina%%ro%riate

or se4ual a//erants /ehaviours

;syc*osocial intervie-

•Disinhi/ition! hoarding! cursing and

shadoing•An4iet"! de%ression! hallucination anddelusions#

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;*ysical E9amination

• 7eneral %h"sical e4amination

• Neurological E4amination:

 , Increased IC3

 , 9ocal Neurological de)cit:

• 7ait! motor 2 sensor" de)cit

• A/normal muscle tone 2 movement

and %rimitive re,e4es

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o,nitive Screenin, $est

• Considering o( %racticalit"

• A /rie( screening test (or cognitiveim%airment that can /e %er(ormed inB minutes or less is easierincor%orated into dail" %ractice thana com%rehensive /ut time consuming

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%rie+ 8 !b/ectiveScreenin, $ests

;atient e9amination

•Cloc1 Draing Test &CDT'##############################

•*hort ;lessed Test &*;T'################################6B’•A//reviated Mental Test ## 6B’

•Mini Mental *tate E4amination &MM*E'#######B6’

•Montreal Cognitive Assessment &MoCA'###### FB6F’

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;syc*ometric $estin,

• Are not /" themselves diagnostic#

• 0el% in diagnosis /" %roviding<ualitative assessment o( mental(unction and the %attern o(involvement#

• 0el% in longitudinal assessment o(deterioration or im%rovement ithtreatment

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Laboratory Dia,nostic7or.6u)



•%S1 liver and renal

+unction tests•$*yroid stimulatin,*ormone $SH

•Serum %<2

Ancillary5• EE"• S analysis

• Serolo,y +orsy)*ilis

• HI& testin,• Heavy metal


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• *tructural M+I

 , 0i%%ocam%us

 , Entorhinal corte4

• 9unctional Imaging

 , M+*

 , (M+I

 , 3ET8*3ECT

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Dia,nosis o+ AD 

DSM6I&= A;A1 <>>?5

•7radual onset 2 %rogressive decline in:

 , Memor" G at least one o( the:

 , H A &A%hasia! A%ra4ia! Agnosia '

 , D"se4ecutive (unctioning

•Im%airment in social and %ro(essional

activities! can’t /e e4%lained /" an" otherneurological! %s"chiatric! s"stemic orsu/stance6induced or onl" occur in delirium#

i +

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$ri,,ers o+ #on6ADDia,nosis

• 5nset JB "#o> sudden onset! cognition,uctuation! ra%id %rogression

• #eurolo,ic abnormalities earl" in coursee#g# involuntar" movement! (ocal de)cits!

gait distur/ance! ata4ia! seizures• %;SD earl" in course: visual hallucination!

disinhi/ition! mar1ed a%ath"! socialconduct

• #euro)syc*olo,ical )ro4le earl" incourse: %rominent a%hasia! mar1ed de)citin attention! e4ecutive (unction! visualagnosia

i@ i l

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ommon Di@erentialDia,nosis

• D-; &Dementia -e" ;od"'

• 3DD &3ar1inson Disease Dementia'

• 9T-D &9ronto6Tem%oral -o/eDementia'

• VaD &Vascular Dementia'

• 5thers

D-; Clinical Diagnosis

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D-; Clinical Diagnosis&Revised criteria III

2005)• Dementia ith %rominent de)cits inattention! e4ecutive (unction! andvisuos%atial a/ilit"#

• Core (eatures &to core (eatures:%ro/a/le D-;> one (or %ossi/le D-;': , 9luctuating cognition ith %ronounced

variations in attention and alertness

 , +ecurrent o( ell (ormed and detailedvisual hallucinations

 , *%ontaneous (eatures o( %ar1insonism

Clinical Diagnosis

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Clinical Diagnosis&Revised criteria III

2005)•*uggestive (eatures , +EM slee% /ehavior disorder , *evere neurole%tic sensitivit" , -o do%amine trans%orter u%ta1e in /asal

ganglia demonstrated /" *3ECT or 3ETimaging

•3ro/a/le D-;: or more core (eatures Gor more suggestive (eatures•3ossi/le : i( or more suggestive(eatures

t t l

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Core diagnostic (eatures

•A Insidious onset and ,radual)ro,ression

•;# Earl" decline in social inter%ersonalconduct

•C# Earl" im%airment in regulation o(

%ersonal conduct•D# Earl" emotional /lunting

•E# Earl" loss o( insight

t t l

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*u%%ortive diagnostic (eatures

A %e*avioral disorder ,# Decline in %ersonal h"giene and grooming

 ,F# Mental rigidit" and in,e4i/ilit"

 ,B Distractibility and im)ersistence

 ,? Hy)erorality and dietary c*an,es

 ,C ;erseverative and stereoty)edbe*avior

 , (tiliation be*avior

t t l

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;# *%eech and language# Altered s%eech out%ut

 ,a# A s%ontaneit" and econom" o( s%eech

 ,/# 3ress o( s%eech

F# *tereot"%" o( s%eech

H# Echolalia# 3erseveration

# Mutism

t t l

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C# 3h"sical signs

•# 3rimitive re,e4es

•F# Incontinence•H# A1inesia! rigidit"! and tremor

•# -o and la/ile /lood %ressure


t t l

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Dementia ith:

•;ehavioral distur/ances 2 aLectives"m%toms

•*%eech disorders

•3h"sical signs o( %rimitive re,e4es

•Incontinence•A1inesia and rigidit"


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&ascular dementia

Dementia ith:

•Evident o( cere/rovascular disease

•A clear tem%oral relationshi% /eteendementia and cere/rovascular disease

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Hac*ins.i Isc*aemic Score

•A /rie( clinical tool hel%(ul in the“/edside$ diLerentiation o( the

commonest dementia t"%es! Dementiao( Alzheimer’s T"%e &AD' and VascularDementia &VaD'

•A cut6oL score (or AD and O (orVaD has a sensitivit" o( PQR and as%eci)cit" o( PQR &Morone" QQO'


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Item #o Descri)tion &alue

< A/ru%t onset F

2 *te%ise deterioration

B 9luctuating course F

? Nocturnal con(usion

C 3reservation o( %ersonalit"

De%ression F *omatic com%laints

G Emotional incontinence

> 0istor" o( h"%ertension

<0 0istor" o( stro1e F<< Associated atherosclerosis

<2 9ocal neurological s"m%toms F

<B 9ocal neurological signs F

Hachins,i Ischaemic &core

AD &s &aD

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AD &s &aD


Neuro trans!itter de"ect He!od%na!ic de"ect&e!ale predo!inance 'ale predo!inance

(radual onset Abrupt onset

Stead% deterioration Step)ise deterioration*

"luctuating courseBP nor!al H%pertension

No histor% o" stroke Histor% o" stroke

(lobal decline in cogniti+e


&ocal neurological s%!pto!s

and signs

,nlikel% to respond to


'a% respond to a drug )hich

!odi"ies !icrocirculation and

enhance cerebral tissue


 A good teacher is a perpetual learner 

;otentiall Re ersible

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;otentially ReversibleDementia

# 0"%oth"roidismF# 3ernicious anemiaH# Chronic *u/dural 0ematoma

# CN* in(ections: T;! Cr"%tococcal! viral!0IV! s"%hilis

# TumorsJ# Normal %ressure h"droce%halusO# Drug into4icationP# 0eav" metal %oisoning

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Features suggesting reversibilityFeatures suggesting reversibility

• *horter duration o( illness

• *u/cortical t"%e o( dementia

•Moderatel" severe distur/ance•  Sounger age o( onset

• 3rominent gait distur/ance

• .rinar" d"s(unction• 9ocal neurological signs

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 A1in To Dementia

• Delirium

 , Acute onset

 , 9luctuating course , Autonomic distur/ances

 , 3reci%itating (actors li1e in(ection!

meta/olic and drugs

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• *creening test to %rovide /rie(!o/?ective measure o( cognitive (unction

• Administered in B6 minutes! scoresrange (rom B to HB

• “.se(ul in <uantitativel" estimating theseverit" o( cognitive im%airment$

• “.se(ul in seriall" documentingcognitive change in serial $

Di@erent co,niti e domains

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Di@erent co,nitive domainstested

In seven categories:•5rientation to time %oints•5rientation to %lace %oints

•+egistration o( three ords H %oints•Attention and calculation %oints•+ecall o( three ords H %oints•-anguage P %oints

•Visual construction %oint

 Total HB %oints

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ut6o@ Score

•F6HB no cognitive im%airment•P6FH mild cognitive im%airment

•B6O severe cognitive im%airment

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"ood )oints o+ t*e MMSE

•Most idel" acce%ted screening test

•7ood internal consistenc"

•7ood test6retest relia/ilit"•0igh validit": good sensitivit" and good


•Correlates ell ith other screeningtests e#g# cloc1 draing test and *hort;lessed test

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•Con(ounded /" age! education andculture

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loc. Dra-in, $est D$

•A sensitive measure o(:

•Visuo6s%atial (unction andconstructional %ra4is#

•0igher ordered cognitive a/ilities li1ethe conce%t o( time

Can hel% diLerentiate /eteen aconstructional vs# conce%tual %ro/lem

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?6;oint Scorin, Met*od

#olan KA1 Mo*s R1 <>>?

•Dras closed circle %oint

•3laces num/ers in correct %ositions %oint

•Includes all F correct num/ers %oint

•3laces hands in correct %osition %oint

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CDT: E9am)les

3atients ere instructed to dra in thehands at tent" minutes a(ter eight

•9igure A: /" a normal elderl" control

•9igure ;6E: %atients ith dementia

Inter)retation5 linical

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Inter)retation5 linical /ud,ment

• A lo score & H' indicates the need(or (urther evaluation to source outother evidences o( im%airment or

correlation ith other tests

The role o( medications in

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 The role o( medications inthe management o(

dementia# Cure disease

F# 3revent disease or dela" onset

H# *lo %rogression o( disease

# Treat %rimar" s"m%toms egmemor"

# Treat secondar" s"m%toms egde%ression! hallucinations

Medications to treat %rimar"

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Medications to treat %rimar"s"m%toms

• cholinesterase inhi/itors:

 , done%ezil

 , rivastigmine

 , galantamine

• memantine

Ch li i hi/i

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Cholinesterase inhi/itors• these drugs sto% the /rea1don o(

acet"lcholine hich is an im%ortantneurotransmitter in memor" and cognition

• all sho modest im%rovement in cognition

and (unction! and /ehavioural s"m%toms• res%onse: 8H im%rove! 8H sta/ilise! 8H

have no res%onse

• do not %revent %rogression o( underl"ing


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Cholinesterase inhi/itors

• done%ezil &Arice%t'

 , given once dail"! dosage o( mg to Bmg

• rivastigmine &E4elon' , given tice dail"! dosages o( Hmg to


• galantamine &+emin"l'

 , given once dail"! dosages o( Pmg toFmg &can also /e given tice dail"'

.se o( cholinesterase

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.se o( cholinesteraseinhi/itors

• need s%ecialist diagnosis o( AlzheimersDisease! and a MM*E score o( B to F#

• need to sho an im%rovement on MM*E o(

F %oints to continue medication on 3;*• side eLects 6 nausea! vomiting! diarrhoea!

dizziness! headache! muscle cram%s

• use care(ull" i( gastric ulcer! heart disease!

chronic lung disease %resent

.se o( cholinesterase

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.se o( cholinesteraseinhi/itors

• arn against unrealistic e4%ectations

• atch (or return o( insight leading tode%ression or an4iet"

• sto%%ing o( medication:

 , unacce%ta/le side eLects

 , lac1 o( res%onse to medication

 , late stages o( the disease

Memantine &E/i4a'

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Memantine &E/i4a'

• glutamate is a transmitter in the /rain that

is aLected /" Alzheimers Disease• memantine /loc1s the %athological eLects

o( a/normal glutamate release! and allos/etter (unction o( the im%aired /rain

• indicated (or moderate to severe AD

• trials sho sloing in cognitive and(unctional decline and decrease in agitation

in treated grou% com%ared to %lace/o

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• can use ith other AD medications• side eLects 6 headaches! dizziness

• do not use in 1idne" disease or seizure

disorders• dosage: start ith mg dail" and

increase toBmg tice dail"

• %rivate scri%t 6 not on the 3;*• costs a%%ro4 JB8month

Medications to treat

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Medications to treatsecondar" s"m%toms

• man" %eo%le ith dementia develo%s"m%toms such as agitation! aggression!de%ression! delusions! hallucinations!

slee% distur/ance and andering

• antide%ressants:

 , s%eci)c serotonin reu%ta1e inhi/itors

&citalo%ram! sertraline'


Medications to treat

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• anti%s"chotics:

 , t"%ical anti%s"chotics &halo%eridol'

 , at"%ical anti%s"chotics &ris%eridone'

 , modest eLect on s"m%toms

 , atch (or side6eLects

• mood sta/ilisers:

 , anticonvulsants &car/emaze%ine'

Medications to treatsecondar" s"m%toms


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auses*everal com%eting h"%otheses:

*oliner,ic *y)ot*esis6Caused /" reduced s"nthesis o(acet"lcholine

6Destruction o( these neurons causesdisru%tions in distant neuronal netor1s&%erce%tion! memor"! ?udgment'

Amyloid *y)ot*esis6A/normal /rea1don> /uildu% o( am"loid

/eta de%osits6Damaged am"loid %roteins /uild to to4iclevels! causing call damage and death

$au *y)ot*esis6Caused /" tau %rotein a/normalities

69ormation o( neuro)/rillar" tangles

Ris. actors

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Ris. actors

• 5/esit"• 0igh /lood %ressure• 0ead trauma• 0igh cholesterol• ;eing AmericanU

 , 0igher rates in•  a%anese6Americans than a%anese• A(rican6Americans than A(ricans

• De%ression• -oer rates in highl" educated

 , ;ene)cial conse<uences o( learningand memor"

;ossible ;rotective

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;ossible ;rotectiveactors

• EducationThe ability of the brain to change suggests tosome that staying mentally active as you agemay help to maintain healthy brain synapses. A 2002 study reported an association betweenfrequent participation in cognitivelystimulating activities (such as reading, doing

crossword puzzles, visiting museums and areduced ris! for Alzheimer"s.• E9ercise

#owers ris! of high blood pressure and other ris!factors associated with Alzheimer$s

• Alco*ol onsum)tion

%en who consume one to three drin!s of alcohol per day cut their ris! of developing the diseaseby nearly half. Among women, however, the ris!was reduced by only &'. The type of alcohol hadno eect on the results. )ut further study isneeded. *n the meantime, e+perts do notrecommend drin!ing alcohol to fend o Alzheimer"s disease.

AD 2esearch: Managing &ymptoms

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3etween 41 to 516 of people with " eventually develop

behavioral symptoms including sleeplessness wanderingand pacing aggression agitation anger depression and

hallucinations and delusions# $xperts suggest these general

coping strategies for managing difficult behaviors:

AD 2esearch: Managing &ymptoms

• 7tay calm and be understanding#

• 3e patient and flexible# "on’t argue or try to convince#•  cknowledge re+uests and respond to them#• %ry not to take behaviors personally# 8emember: it’s

the disease talking not your loved one#

$xperts encourage caregivers to try non-medical copingstrategies first# 9owever medical treatment is often available if

the behavior has become too difficult to handle# 8esearchers

continue to look at both non-medical and medical ways to help


Management o Al(heimer)s Disease

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Management o Al(heimer s Disease




Manage B%&D




4uality o

lie or

patient andamily

%h l i / ti AD

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%harmacologic /ptions or AD

• ognitive enhancers W  . classes

• holinesterase inhibitors (h$s)

• ;<"-receptor antagonist W  "o not cure the disease or reverse cognitive


 W  an improve cognition and functional ability

 W  8educe the rate of decline 5-. months (h$s)

 W  "elay in nursing home placement was 4-.

months (h$s)

Behavioral and %sychological

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y g

&ymptoms o Dementia 5B%&D1

•  pathy• "epressive symptoms

•  nxiety

•  gitation/irritability/aggression

• !sychotic symptoms

 W  "elusions

 W  9allucinations

• "isinhibition

• $uphoria

• =oss of appetite

• 7leep disturbances

• 7tereotyped

behaviors (eg

pacing wanderingrummaging picking

%ampi et al#Clinical Geriatrics.


Managing B%&D

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g g

• dentify triggers W  Observe symptom timing and fre+uency

 W  =ook for environmental triggers eg noise lighting

 W  nvestigate potentially treatable causes eg pain

• <ake ad*ustments

 W   ddress medical causes

 W   dapt environment

 W   dapt caregiving• <odify as needed

Managing B%&D

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g g

Nonpharmacological Interventions

• Ase the &0 8s'Brepeat reassure redirect• 7implify the environment task routine

•  nticipate unmet needs

•  llow ade+uate rest between stimulating


• Ase cues

• $ncourage physical activity

• Other interventions

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• !8OC"$ =<DA$% $;C8O;<$;%

%O <A9 7%<A=%O; ; A7$ %7%8O!98$%O;

• !8OC"$ O;77%$;% 8OA%;$

!$8EO8< "=s % 7<$ %<$ $9 "F

 CO" 9;G$7 ; 8OA%;$ O8 $;C8O;<$;%• 8$77A8$ ;" $H!=; E8$DA$;%=F

"O ;O% 8GA$ I%9 %9$ !%$;%

• !8O%$% 7E$%F

!%$;% % ;8$7$" 87J OE "$;%7

• $=<;%$ EE$;$ E8O< %9$ "$%

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• !8OC"$ %C%$7 %O "7%8% %9$ !%$;% E8O< ;!!8O!8%$


• <;%; 8$GA=8 8OA%;$

• A7$ !%$;$ ;" A;"$87%;";G

• <;%; =< DA$% $;C8O;<$;%

• A7$ 7<!=$ =$8 IO8"7 ;" 7$;%$;$7

• GC$ E8$DA$;% !87$ ;" 8$77A8;$

• A7$ %OA9 ;" O%9$8 EO8<7 OE ;O;C$83= O<<A;%O;

• A7$ 8$=%F O8$;%%O;

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• Early diagnosis enables prompt and effectivemanagement, yields better quality of life for

 patients and caregiver

•  Neuroimaging especially MRI scan is widelyused in clinical setting now

• !iomar"er especially C#F study $as been

included in researc$ diagnostic criteria, butnot yet recommended for general clinical use,furt$er validation is eagerly awaited

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• %$e core of all assessment in dementia care iscareful enquiry and attentive listening, and

• %$ere is no substitute for a clinical interview by a trained clinician

• !y doing appropriate wor"&up and recogni'ingt$e clinical pattern, most of t$e cause of

dementia especially (l'$eimer)s diseasedementia can be determined on enoug$certainty
