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Page 1: Demodex
Page 2: Demodex

introductionThe term "demodicosis" originated from the Latin

name of mites belonging to the genus Demodex. In addition to human parasitic mites Demodex on

human skin and various animals, including pets (dogs, cats, horses, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs).

Genus Demodex counts, at least 65 species, 10 of which are considered pathogenic parasites of humans and domestic animals. However, they are strictly specific to each type, mites, pet parasites incapable of parasitism in humans.

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definitionskin disease, causative agent - opportunistic mite - demodex folliculorum («long» mite 0.3

- 0.5 mm) and (or)- demodex brevis («short tick" 0.13 -

0.18 mm).

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Biology and ecology of mites (ticks)

Two mite species, usually separated. D. follicullorum prefer the hair follicles of eyelashes and

eyebrows, at least - the hair on the head and chest. D. brevis mainly live in the sebaceous glands of the skin

(the nasolabial folds, the wings of the nose), but can also be found in other areas of the skin: chest, back, neck - where sebaceous glands are located.

D. follicullorum number can reach 18 copies in the follicle, and

D. brevis - 3 copies in the sebaceous glands. Often one and the same patient meets a joint invasion of D. follicullorum and D. brevis.

Mites feed on the contents epithelial cells of the walls of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands.

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Biology and ecology of mites (ticks)

Demodex follikulorum the most common, found only in human hair follicles, sebaceous glands, the outside of the host (human) reproduction of the mite stops.

Mite is viable outside the host if saved with constant humidity and average temperature in the dark for up to 9 days.

The optimum temperature for development of the mite - 30-40 ° C at 14 ° C mites are in a state of torpor and at 52 ° C is rapidly die. In the water stored insects to 25 days in dry air are killed 1.5 days. The most favorable breeding ground for demodex - vegetable oil, grease, petroleum jelly.

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The life cycle of the mite Development cycle of these mites includes five stages of

development:-egg, - larva, -nymph of the first age (protonymph), -the

nymph of the second age (deutonymph), -mature individuals (male or female).

The mating of a male and female is carried out in the hair follicle. Fertilized female moves deep into the follicle and it lays eggs. The interval between mating and egg-laying is about 12 hours. From the egg larva, which feeds and molts, passing in protonymphs (nymph 1). This nymph, in turn, feeds, and at the same time moves at the mouth of the follicle with a current of sebum, which fades, turning into a nymph of the second age (deyteronimfa). Deutonymph, reaching the surface of the skin is able to move from follicle to follicle within 12-36 hours. Then she gets into the hair follicle and converted there into a female. Duration of each stage of ticks varies from 36 to 120 hours.

The entire life cycle of the female D. folliculorum is about 15 days.

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Epidemiology- Common among people of all races. Person's

gender does not affect the frequency of tick infestation, just men rarely go to the doctor about ther appearance. With age, the detection rate increases D. brevis and D. folliculorum - remains virtually unchanged. In humans demodicosis often accompanies other skin or ophthalmic diseases such as rosacea, perioral dermatitis, blepharitis. However, it should again be emphasized that demodicosis is associated primarily with the defeat of the skin of the face.

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Modes of transmission Іnfection of humans by

mite occurs mainly by direct contact between humens. It is believed that during the daytime mites are mainly in the follicles, and the skin surface only come at night. It follows that the most probable time of transition from one host ticks on the other - the night.

Infection through household items, as it was shown that the mites can long enough to remain viable outside the host.

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The role of mites Demodex in the development of skin diseasesParasite on human these mites can often be

asymptomatic. Carriers of mites are on average up to 55% of people. With age, the mite infestation increases and,

according to some authors, the elderly up to 100%. Because of this, their role in the development of skin

diseases remains a controversial issue, but it has been proven that an important factor is the number of D. folliculorum mite more than 5 copies per sq cm/

Number of mites significantly increased in patients with certain forms of rosacea: apparently genus Demodex mites are involved in the pathogenesis of these diseases/

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Clinical featuresFavourite localization of mites:                - eyelinds; - facial skin; - browridges; -forehead; - Nasolabial folds; - Chin; - The outer ear canal.

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Clinical featuresThere are skin and eye manifestations of the disease. Demodicosis is very similar manifestations with

acne, and its main manifestation is a reddening of the skin, peeling it, accompanied by itching, which can be both permanent and appear after applying tonics or wash with cold water, the occurrence of this background of inflammatory elements, like acne, that contributes to the appearance of pustular lesions caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus.

The eye is manifested clinically itching, swelling and redness of the eyelid margins, the appearance of scales in the roots of eyelashes for a long time. Typically, patients complain of eyestrain. looks like the affected eyelid: a raid on the edge of the eyelids, matted cilia, surrounded by crusts.

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signs of Demodecosis pimples, acne, rashes, rosacea, abscesses, sores, etc. on the face

are likely to be a manifestation of demodectic mange. In the long process spots found on the skin of the back, chest and even the hips; red spots on the face; of oily skin, enlarged pores.

The affected areas are represented wet, greasy, have a characteristic luster. Usually suffers from the skin on the nose and cheeks, pale or ashy-gray shade of the face;

In the thick rough skin formed "scar" tissue and a variety of small hard lumps of calcium, which leads to an unhealthy complexion and uneven skin, difficulty mimic facial movements; increase in the size of the nose. Sometimes it is very significant, while the nose begins to resemble a huge blue and red plum (rhinophyma); itching, slight tickling sensation of crawling.

Sometimes people do not notice tickling and scratching automatically. Itching worse in the evening and continued overnight. This time - the period of the most active life ticks usually happens then their mating

itchy scalp hair loss. Premature hair loss can also be associated with the active work demodex; itching eyelashes. Loss of eyelashes as well, most often, is a consequence of the activities of DEMODEX mite that lives in the roots of eyelashes: base of the eyelashes begin to itch, lashes become thinner and begin to fall;

itching ears.

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clinical formsErythematous form is sometimes called rosacea

similar - similar due to external displays, and is often confused with this rosacea - a separate disease, a unique form of vascular neurosis arising under the influence of bacterial and fungal microflora. Ticks are not the cause of rosacea but can significantly aggravate its course.

Pustular form is rare. On clinical grounds it may resemble simple acne, folliculitis, and other forms, but with the prevalence of pustular rash. Papular form the most common form. Size papules varies from 0.5 to 2 mm or more in diameter, color - from pink to intense red.

Mixed form is characterized by the fact that the skin of the patient are observed all characteristic of this disease variety of rashes.

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For some diseases can be complicated by demodex

It is necessary to distinguish between demodicosis and diseases, during which exacerbates the presence of mites. Acne is often combined with other skin diseases, in particular, with a simple acne (up 30%) and especially rosacea (95%), also rozatseopodobnym, seborrheic dermatitis, and oral. People with chronic eye diseases demodicosis occurs in 60-70% of cases. The greatest number of ticks observed in conjunctivitis, episcleritis, keratitis, iridocyclitis, periorbikulyarnyh dermatitis.

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treatment Peeling and antiparasitic

treatments - with liquid nitrogen cryotherapy, application of an ointment containing a high concentration of sulfur (5-10%), hydrochloric acid (6%), sodium thiosulfate, ointments based on sulfur tar alcohol powder. Antihistamines - to exclude the possibility of allergy. Therapy treatable "Risk Factors" in violation of alkaline-acid balance, - strengthening the walls of blood vessels, Vitamin therapy, absorbents, in some cases - a course of antibiotics. Light diet without fat, fried, spicy, salty. Overall desinsection! Boil the linen clean things! You can not go to the bath, sunbathing - and also in the solarium, use decorative cosmetics. And no cosmetic procedures - not to disrupt the treatment regimen.

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