denise linn - 21 days to fabulous, glorious abundance

 21 Days to Fabulous, Glorious Abundance 1 Copyright © 2012 by Denise Linn

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Denise Linn - 21 Days to Fabulous, Glorious Abundance


  • 21 Days to Fabulous, Glorious Abundance 1 Copyright 2012 by Denise Linn

  • 21 Days to Fabulous, Glorious Abundance 2 Copyright 2012 by Denise Linn 21 Days to Fabulous, Glorious Abundance 3 Copyright 2012 by Denise Linn

    21 Days of Fabulous, Glorious Abundance!

    The purpose of this 21-day, 4-session course is to enable you to access your inner abundance, to free yourself of any self-limiting beliefs you may have absorbed in this life or brought with you from past lives. My deepest wish is that as a result of this course that you embrace even more your potential for prosperity and allow opportunity, riches, abundance and a fuller life to flow.

    I developed this course to help activate the tools that you already have within you and to help you open up to your own inner riches. Each and every one of us has the capability of being wildly abundantin many more ways that merely material goods. You can become fabulously abundant in life experiences, rewarding friendships, deep intimate relationships, and inner contentment.

    We will also be examining your core values and any limiting beliefs that you may have toward financial comfort and material goods.

    Not only will you open your heart and mind to abundance, you will also clear the clutter that may be blocking your flow. You will also learn tine-honored tips and methods for embracing all that the Universe holds for you.

    You have my immense blessings and love on this journey ahead!

    Welcome to the path of Fabulous, Glorious, Magical, Magnificent Abundance!

    Denise Linn

  • 21 Days to Fabulous, Glorious Abundance 3 Copyright 2012 by Denise Linn

    Over the next 21 days you will

    Week One Preparation: Creating the Space for Abundance with Clutter Clearing, Creating an Abundance Altar, Cleaning Your Auric Field and More!

    Week Two: Day 1: Where Are You Now? Day 2: What Are Your Prosperity Beliefs? Day 3: Core Beliefs ~ Release Poverty ConsciousnessDay 4: Past Lives, Present ProsperityDay 5: Abundance TimelineDay 6: Clutter Clearing for AbundanceDay 7: More Clutter Clearing for Abundance

    Week Three:Day 8: What Do You Desire? Choose Abundance!Day 9: Bountiful Vision Seed MapDay 10: The Power of Physiology for Prosperity & Act As IfDay 11: Affirmations for AbundanceDay 12: Crystal/Stones/Essential OilsTools for Attracting AbundanceDay 13: Step Out of Your Comfort ZoneDay 14: Miracle Box and Wealth Bowl

    Week FourDay 15: Dreaming Your Life into BeingDay 16: Connecting With Your Prosperity Spirit Guides and AlliesDay 17: Time-Honored Feng Shui TipsDay 18: Letter from Your Future & Creating a Spirit Stick for ProsperityDay 19: Taking Action StepsDay 20: Giving To ReceiveDay 21: Stepping into Your Glorious, Magnificent Abundance

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    Week One Preparation: Creating the Space for Abundance by Clutter Clearing

    Clutter clearing is modern day alchemy. To make way for a new flow of prosperity into your life it is important to clear out the old. From too many pairs of shoes thrown in the bottom of your closet to a jam-packed appointment calendar to 800 emails in your inbox all can block your ability to attract the abundance you deserve!

    To make room for abundance we will be clearing our clutterinternal, external, mental, emotional, and physical clutter. Of course, seven days might not be not enough time to clear out everything, but it is enough time to put in motion the powerful process. Miracles can, and do, happen in a moment.

    Clutter equals stagnant energy. In order for your energy to flow, clutter must be cleared. Your home should be a relaxing retreat that supports your celebration of abundance. However, if its piled up with too much stuff, it can make you feel mentally overwhelmed with all the things that youve been putting off but need to finish. This can lead to your subconsciously blocking the flow of abundance. All too often clutter spirals out of control and consumes your home, your energy and your emotional well-being. No wonder the flow of abundance is blocked by an accumulation of junk and clutter!

    Start your clutter-clearing this week. Choose one room in your home and for every object that you see, ask yourself, Does this empower me? Or Does it diminish me? Surround yourself with objects that make you feel vibrant and alive. Release objects that make you feel tired, lethargic, or depressed.

    Clutter Clearing Overview

    Clutter clearing is one of the fastest ways to completely transform your life. Objects are invested with symbolism, thus clearing things out of your home has a direct effect on your psyche. You are shifting the energy of your environment, which will in turn have an effect on your entire life.

    What Is Clutter?

    Clutter is an accumulation of things that impede the flow of energy in your home. Clutter is sometimes tied to identity. It can make a statement about who you are, and can represent aspects of your life.

    Clutter is any object you do not love or use such as:

    Half-finished and never-started projects Anything broken or that has parts missing Unwanted gifts Things you might use (but know you never will) Personal letters and old Christmas cards Recipes for dishes you will never cook Stacks of expired coupons Old make-up (it expires-check dates)

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    Magazines and newspapers you will never read Bottles of expired pills Clothes that dont fit or you dont like Odd socks and worn-out shoes

    Remember: Use it, love it or get rid of it!

    Why People Keep Clutter

    People keep clutter for a variety of reasons. Fear of the future is one of the main reasons for keeping things you do not really need. You might be afraid to get rid of an item because you THINK a need for it might arise in the future. This may be considered scarcity thinking.

    You create your own need and stop trusting that the Universe will provide for you, by thinking this way. This belief becomes self-perpetuating, because fear of the future tends to create a fearful future.

    If you believe that all your needs will be met in the future, they usually will be. What you expect in life often becomes reality. If you are holding on to junk because you are fearful about the future, get rid of it! Trust that you will be exactly where you need to be in the future. No matter what your reason for keeping clutter, it clogs the energy in your home, your body and your life.

    Common Reasons Clutter Is Collected

    It represents security Out of habit Its an inherited pattern of behavior Fear of lack in the future Evidence of past achievements Unfulfilled dreams (I could be an artist) Sentimental reasons (I remember) Self-esteem (I am importantsee all my stuff) Fear that I will not be liked or respected without the


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    It would hurt someones feelings I got rid of it For spare parts I might need it someday

    Keeping Clutter Excuses

    Its been in the family a long time It might be worth something some day They dont make these any more They dont make things the way they used to Its perfectly good Nobody else will take care of it This is still worth a lot I paid a lot for this It is collectible

    What is clutter to one person may not be to another. If you love it or use it, it is not clutter. Also, something that is clutter in one part of your home might not be clutter in another part. The challenging part can be discerning the difference.

    Why Clutter is a Problem

    Clutter affects the flow of energy throughout your home

    and your life. Its easy to feel drained and tired in an environment that is packed full of stuff. In addition, clutter is often connected to emotional issues from your past. Your energy goes down every time you walk by that piece of clutter that subconsciously reminds you of an unhappy time in your life, a failed marriage, a lost dream or a friendship that ended poorly. This energetic cord can be a constant drain on your life-force.

    The Effects of Clutter

    Can make you feel like a failure Creates chaos Can be depressing Can make you feel physically and emotionally heavy;

    it might create excess weight More stuff often means more to trip over, more to

    lose and more to feel guilty about neglecting Can make you feel overwhelmed by things Keeps you tied to the past or dreaming of the future,

    not in present time Every chore takes longer

    Clutter is Expensive

    It can seem frugal, budget-conscious and economical to keep things that you may need someday. Keep in mind that clutter can be very expensive mentally, emotionally and energetically.

    You waste time and energy when you frantically look for lost items or try to clean around piles of things. You waste money when things are bought and never used.

    You spend money when duplicate items are purchased because the originals are buried under clutter. It costs money, time and energy to maintain and store clutter.

    Clearing Your Clutter

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    Clearing your clutter can be a deeply spiritual process. Throwing away clutter might feel like throwing away a part of yourself, as so many people identify with their things. When you trust the Universe will provide what you need and let go of things that you no longer truly need, you clear space for what is perfect for you right now. If, out of fear, you tightly hold on to what you have, then you may not open to receive the wonderful gifts that are coming your way.

    Confronting the clutter in your home frees up energy for living in the present moment. By de-cluttering your home, you de-clutter your life. Of course, this doesnt mean you need to get rid of everything from your past, or that you shouldnt be prepared for the future. It does mean that there should be plenty of space and energy available for the here and now.

    Getting Started! The Initial De-Clutter

    Start small. Choose one drawer, one cupboard or one small room. Decide how much time you are going to spend de-cluttering. Set a timer or an alarm on your cellphone for half of the allotted time. Begin sorting things into categories (see below). When the timer goes off, reset it for the remaining time so you can finish what youve started.

    Obtain three boxes and label them:1. Keep/Relocate/File2. Discard/Donate/Give away3. Unsure

    Ask yourself about each item: Does this make my energy go up, down or stay

    neutral? Why am I keeping this? Do I really need this? Does this really fit who I am?

    If you decide to keep something, put it in the Keep/Relocate/File pile. If you are ready to release it, put it the Discard/ Donate/ Give away pile.

    And if you just arent sure, put it in the Unsure box. As soon as the timer goes off, put everything away and clean up. Then schedule a time for a friend to go through with you the things in the Unsure box. Ask your supporter to help you stay focused on the task, rather than on your stories and feelings about the items. Its only human to reminisce about things, but remember to stay focused on your intention of de-cluttering your life.

    Repeat as needed until your home is clutter-free. Then repeat again as needed!

    eBay Tip: Many people get stuck on an item they want to re-sell on eBay or a similar auction type

    website. The tendency may be to keep the item, convinced you are going to have the next undiscovered Picasso or

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    million dollar comic book. The reality is that you will probably never get around to listing it on eBay. Utilize a fourth box as an eBay box. Date it and if you have not listed it within 30 days, donate the items to a charity or toss them.

    When Will I Know I Am Through?

    For many people, de-cluttering is a life-long, ongoing project. There may be no true ending. This is perfectly acceptable, the knowingness that it is part of your nature and that you may be de-cluttering more than some of your friends is the first step to acceptance. For others, you will look around your home and know that every single item makes your heart sing and your energy go up!

    By staying vigilant against the encroachment of clutter, you will persevere and stay at relatively clutter-free living.

    the qualities you admire, such as gives substantial amounts to charity. This may be a bit challenging to do in person, so you may also charge your water by placing the bowl of water on top of a picture of the person you admire for 24 hours. Write words that mean wealth and abundance on

    your drinking water bottle and allow it to sit on your abundance altar for 24 hours, then drink or use.Obtainwaterfromanysourcethatmeansabundance

    to you. If this is a creek near your home, that is wealth water for your purposes.

    After obtaining or creating your wealth water, you may then utilize it in a variety of manners:



    of wealth is nourishing your life as your plant grows. Usethewealthwaterinanwaterelementinyourhome

    or yard by adding it to a fountain or fish pond.Floatflowersinalovelybowlfilledwithyourwealth


    Water is the most powerful symbol for financial prosperity, as it represents the powerful flow of abundance. By incorporating wealth water into your life you will serve to increase this flow.

    Clear Your Auric Field of Unwanted Energies

    Just as you accumulate unwanted dirt and grime throughout the day, so do you pick up bits and pieces of energetic debris. Your auric field reacts in the same manner; it picks up bits of dirt, debris, and unwanted energies that swirl around. Your energy system may also begin to attract lower vibrations as unwanted energies become attached to your dirty aura.

    Old patterns concerning abundance can also become stuck or embedded in your auric field. These

    Charging Water for Wealth

    Charging water is like charging your cars batteries. You are infusing the water with energy. Water that has come from a spring or from the sea does not need to be charged as it has already been energized by the sun and earth and air. However most water has either been sitting in a plastic container in a grocery store or has come from a tap and has been chlorinated, fluorinated and filtered and has lost its vibrancy and spirit. You may wish to first prepare your water by leaving a ceramic or glass bowl of water in the sun for three hours or the full moon overnight. You may even place a cleared citrine crystal in the bowl for 24 hours to prepare it for accepting a wealth charge. (If you plan to drink your sun or moon water please cover it appropriately to prevent contamination).

    There are several manners in which you may charge water for wealth, choose one (or more) that appeal to you.


    business whose practices align with your own.Obtainwaterfromawealthyindividualwhopersonifies

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    patterns may be from situations in our youth that we have forgotten or suppressed but still influence us in powerful ways. There may be deeply rooted familial patterns that go back for many generations that are embedded into your aura. Or there may be patterns from past lives that need to be resolved, such as a vow of poverty.

    Just as taking a shower will cleanse your physical body, using a disinfectant gel will cleanse your body in another way, so will different approaches to aura cleaning support you in different manners.

    Methods for Auric Cleansing

    Using a feather: By taking a feather that has been consecrated and programmed for clearing work, and stroking it over your auric field, you can literally flick off or dust away and stuck energies or attachment-like energies. Use fast, strong sweeps as you flick the feather around your body. Remember to clear the feather after this work is concluded.

    Smudging: You may also use smudging to clear your aura. Smudging is the burning of herbs, usually sage, cedar or juniper, for cleansing, purification, clearing of negative energies and creation of sacred space. Light the sage and using a feather or your hand, gently sweep the smoke onto your body, starting at your head and moving downward. Move the smoke completely around your body, including the soles of your feet, as you hold the intention that all negative or unwanted debris and energies be cleared from your auric field. You may ask a friend to help and you can in turn, smudge them. Use caution, and ensure the smudge is completely extinguished at the end of the clearing.

    Using an aura clearing spray: There are many aura clearing sprays available or make one using your favorite aromatherapy oils in a spritzer bottle of water (shake frequently). Spritz the air around you and allow the mist to settle over you. Classic clearing oils are: Peppermint,

    Cypress, Frankincense, Myrrh, Cinnamon, Orange, and Lemon. Of course, use oils that inspire you.

    Bathing with Epsom Salts or Himalayan Sea Salts: Water helps wash away dirt, both physically and energetically. By adding Himalayan Sea Salt or Epsom Salts to your bath you will shift the electromagnetic frequencies in your auric field.

    Swimming: Just as bathing helps clear your aura, so does swimming in any body of water. Of course, the cleaner and more natural the water, the more profound the results will be. Ocean water contains salt and minerals, which makes it even more effective at drawing out debris.

    Sunlight: Gentle exposure to sunlight encourages the shedding of unwanted auric debris.

    Visualization techniques: Use your intuition to visualize your aura, and sense any debris that may have been picked up. You do not have to be able to see the unwanted energy, you may feel it, or have an inner knowingness of where it is. Visualize clearing and shaking off the debris. You may even wish to literally shake your entire body and shake off the energy! This is a powerful technique that is also fun! Another quick visualization for clearing and cleansing the aura is to imagine a waterfall pouring over you and washing away any debris. Allow it to fill your aura and your entire being. When you feel the energy ebb, allow the clearing to be complete.

    Taking time to routinely check in with yourself will enable you to keep your auric field clean and clear and free of any negativity that may keep you from welcoming a vibrant flow of abundance and prosperity.

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    Creating an Abundance Altar

    The creation of an abundance altar is an act that honors your opening to the flow of the Universe.

    The following is shared to help you create your altar from scratch.

    Determine a place for your altar. There are many methods you may use to do this, in actuality the best place for your altar is the place that works for you!

    There is no one right way to construct your altar. The choices that you make will be influenced by your lifestyle and individual needs. No space is too small to make an effective and lovely altar. Size is not important. What matters is combining your clear intention with your very best efforts to create a lovely spot representative of what is in your heart.

    Consider your overall needs and the activities that you do in your home and then decide how and where the altar could best fit in given these parameters. For instance, if you have small children, then you will need to situate your altar in a safe place where busy hands will not be pulling heavy objects down on small heads. If you live alone your altar placement considerations will be different from someone who is sharing a space with a partner or family.

    Preparation of Your Altar

    After you have decided where to put your altar and the form it will take, you are ready for the preparation stage. During this phase, you will gather your materials together, do whatever construction is necessary, select the objects which will be included in the altar, decide how you will arrange them on the altar, and finally cleanse the energy of both objects and space.

    This is a very important step in the creation of your altar, because the basic energy of your abundance altar is established during its inception. The ongoing energy of your altar is dependent upon the care and thoroughness that you put into these preparation stages.

    In preparing to construct your altar, make an initial assessment of what you will need to do. Do you want to paint your altar area another color? Do you need to buy or build a table or special shelf? Are you going to use an altar cloth? Will you section off a portion of your bedroom with a screen or velvet curtain? Imagine viewing the altar from various vantages points in the room to sense the overall effect it will have in the room. Notice how your altar will affect flow of foot traffic through a room. Decide what overall feeling you wish to portray. Take your time with this step - you are setting the stage and the energy for everything which will come after.

    Altar Cloths: Altar cloths are a very important part of the altar in many traditions. Although it is not necessary

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    to have one, the altar cloth can provide a kind of context, a grounding, for the rest of the altar. It represents the foundation that the altar is built upon. The choice of fabric and color will greatly affect the feel of the entire structure. Altar cloths can add a richness and depth of dimension to any altar. The fibers and colors that you choose can be an additional area for personal expression and symbolic representation. For an abundance altar rich fabrics will set the tone for the altar. Silks, satins, lush tapestries, anything that feels rich to you will be appropriate. Of course, your altar cloth should be smooth and wrinkle or crease free.

    Representation of the Divine: Every altar should have an object on it that represents the spiritual or divine. At least one altar item should symbolically represent a dimension beyond the ordinariness of life. For one person this might be something from nature, for someone else it might be a picture of a spiritual teacher or an ancient god, for another an icon of Jesus or Mary. No matter what your personal spiritual beliefs are, we each need to believe in something larger than ourselves, and this is honored on an altar. Having an altar object that signifies a realm beyond the physical realms, declares your altar to be a sacred space.

    The Prosperity Symbols: Every culture has symbols of wealth and prosperity. Inclusion of one or more of these symbols may add an energy of wealth to your Abundance Altar.

    Chan Chu, or Lucky Money Toad: This toad is a Chinese symbol for prosperity. According to Feng Shui, its purpose is to drive away evil, protect wealth, and increase income.

    Moving Water: in feng shui the flow of money mirrors the flow of water around our planet. Place indoor fountains in your prosperity corner or on your Abundance Altar.

    Wealth Buddha: Also, known as the Laughing Buddha. See Day for more information on wealth gods.

    Gemstones and Crystals: Many stones are feng shui symbol of luxury, see Day 12 for more details.

    Fruit: Overflowing bowls of fruit or images of riches. Place a bowl of fresh fruit, or a picture of the fruit, on your altar.

    Jade, Bamboo or Ti Plant: These plants are considered classic good luck in feng shui.

    Maneki Neko or the Beckoning Cat:

    The raised right paw attracts money and the raised left paw attracts customers, so you will often see this cat in places of business.

    Rune Fehu or FA: Before the Celts adopted the Latin alphabet the runic alphabet was used. FA or Fehu means cattle or sheep, so to have an abundance of either meant great wealth. If you are of Celtic heritage this might be a wonderful symbol to put on your altar.

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    Salmon: To some Native American tribes, salmon was a symbol of prosperity, much as cattle and sheep were to the Celts, many African tribes, and Indian cultures.

    Colors: In Western culture, purple is a symbol of wealth and royalty. Gold is also considered a color of wealth.

    The selection of the objects that you use for your altar is important. Each item that you place on its surface should have meaning and significance to you. This is what generates the life force of your altar.

    Your choices do not have to be permanent ones. Vibrant altars are continually evolving over time, and this change is what keeps them from becoming stagnant. So be adventurous. You may try some things out and find out that they just dont work. Others things will turn out to be exactly right. This will be an ongoing process, for as your life and perspective changes, the objects on your altar will change accordingly, too.

    Be sure to take into account the essence of each object you chose. An items essence is influenced by a number of things: symbolism, the objects creator and origin, and its physical substance.

    Your altar object may also have a private meaning which is symbolic to you.

    Each piece that you choose for your altar is influenced by many factors. Take time to notice your feelings about every object to see if it is consistent with your intention for your altar.

    Abundant Objects

    Ask yourself what specifically represents abundance, wealth and prosperity to you. For example, a simple lottery ticket may represent a chance at monetary wealth. A check written to yourself for $1,000,000.00 may elicit a feeling of infinite possibility or a bowl of lush, ripe fruit may make you feel as if you were part of a rich tradition of old money wealth. Put that fake million-dollar bill you found online here or use Monopoly money in this area as a symbol of their circulating prosperity. A bowl of foreign coins can also be placed here to magnetize wealth into your life.

    Objects that represents the feeling and energy of having it all are perfect for your abundance altar. A model of a new car, an image of a beach home or a photograph of someone at a luxurious spa could also go here.

    Actual money and gold objects are good to display on your altar. A statue of the Prosperity Buddha lifting a gold ingot over his head or the Chinese Money Toad are all well-known objects of abundance.

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    Treasure chests or your jewelry (real or costume) can help attract the energy of abundance to your altar. If you have no actual treasure chest, a photograph of an overflowing one would be appropriate.

    An object that symbolizes the connection to your possible past life as an abundant person will add the energy of the ages to the altar.

    Your altar should have clear energy on it; as a suggestion, clear quartz, clear water (periodically refreshed), clear cut crystal vase for flower, clear colors...all dedicated to your being a clear path for abundance to flow into.

    Objects from Nature

    One way to bring the beneficial energy of the natural world into the home is by putting things from nature on your altar. These objects bring the qualities of outdoors into our indoor environments. For example, a small pine cone on an altar can help bring the deep peace of the forest into the home, subliminally evoking the memory of soft moss and delicate flowers scattered across the forest floor where it grew.

    An object from nature can also inspire the same feeling in you that you felt when you first found it. Imagine walking through a mountain meadow filled with a wonderful sense of fulfillment, as if you had everything you could ever need. On your walk, you notice a small, white, smooth pebble. You kneel down to pick it up. Placing that stone

    on your altar helps encourage those feelings that were occurring within you when you found the stone. Objects from nature can also have profound symbolic meaning. A rock can represent grounding and connection to the earth; a feather can symbolize higher aspirations; a gnarled stick can represent the wisdom and strength that comes with age; a piece of citrine might represent wealth.

    Although the symbolism for natural objects varies according to custom and culture here are some of the meanings for natural objects for your altar.

    Natural Rocks and Stones

    All stones and rocks have a grounding energy, and a

    natural stone on your altar brings the qualities of the area

    from which it came. For example, stones that have been

    smoothed and polished by the motion of the surf carry

    power from the depths of the ocean. Their spirit speaks

    of the surging changes of surf and sand. Stones found

    near roots of trees or along the base of cliffs have the

    spirit of the ancient land. Their spirit carries a richness

    of the dark loam of Mother Earth and her primordial

    secrets. Stones found in inland river beds and streams

    carry the flowing energy of water. Every stone carries the

    energy of its past, its composition and the area where it

    is found.

    Polished Stones

    Polished stones have been used for thousands of years on

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    altars. This is partly because of their inherent beauty and their light reflecting qualities, but also because over the centuries certain stones have been thought to represent certain human characteristics. For example, stones and crystals said to enhance abundance are; citrine, green mica, green aventurine or moss agate, bloodstone, Herkimer diamonds, epidote, jade, malachite, moonstone, peridot, topaz, smoky quartz, rutilated quartz, tree agate, and turquoise. For more see Day 12.


    Metals formed into various shapes such as a goblet or a sword have been used on altars not only for the value to the skilled craftsmen but for the spiritual qualities of the metal itself. For example, gold on an altar represents the sun with its associated qualities of wealth, magnificence and expansion, silver symbolizes the lunar qualities of the divine feminine force, and iron on an altar signifies strength and grounding.


    Shells on an altar are usually associated with the feminine energy of the sea. Mother of pearl signifies the power of the sea and the moon. Pearls have been used on altars for thousands of years. They represent infinite compassion, protection, spiritual attunement


    In many native traditions feathers are thought to be the connection between man and the Supreme Being. They symbolize the flight to the heavens. To ancient Egyptians feathers represented the winds and the creator gods.

    Plants and Flowers

    A living plant or cut flowers can bring a wonderful vital energy to your altar. Every plant and flower has its own

    unique properties. Tiger Lilies, Goldenrod, Yellow Poppy, all represent wealth and prosperity. The most important consideration is to always keep the flowers fresh and well-maintained. Remove flowers that are past their prime immediately.

    The Jade plant is also widely considered a symbol of prosperity for the Chinese and within Feng Shui.


    Herbs are often placed on altar because of their associated qualities. For example, sage signifies purification, garlic often suggests protection, and lavender can symbolize peace. Patchouli, basil and cinnamon have been used as symbols of wealth and abundance.

    Fruit and Grains

    Throughout history fruits and grains have been placed on altars celebrating harvest and abundance. In addition, they are also similar to the symbolism of the egg because they contain the seed for new growth. For example, corn has been found on ancient altars and it has been suggested that it symbolized harvest, abundance, fertility, blessing. A shiny apple can signify health and vitality and a peach traditionally has represented immortality and marriage.

    Aromatherapy: Essential Oils & Incense

    The element of fragrance in your altar can bring a wonderful texture and richness to the overall energy. Placing an aromatherapy vaporizer, lighting a single stick of incense, or putting a small bowl of cedar chips, orange peels or pine needles on your altar can instantly create an uplifting feeling. Some fragrances that you may find useful for your altar are frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, cinnamon, cinnamon bark and more.

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    Animals Symbols

    It is not uncommon to place a symbolic representation of an animal on an altar. This practice has been in use since ancient times. Traditionally, representations of animals were placed on an altar to help bring the qualities associated with the animal into ones life. The meanings for animals vary from culture to culture. They also vary person to person. The most valid meaning is the one that intuitively feels right to you.

    Placing a symbolic representation of an animal, such as a figurine or picture, on your altar can bring a deeper connection to the earth and the creatures of our beautiful planet, as well as help evoke the animals special attributes within you.

    Buffalo, in Native American cultures, buffalo often meant abundance, strength, good fortune, sacredness and more. Buffalo Medicine provides all things needed for living.

    Fish, in many Asian cultures, are a symbol of wisdom, wholeness and purity. In Chinese, the Arowana is called Kam Lung Yue, which means Golden Dragon Fish. This fish symbolizes great wealth and abundance. Fish represent Yang energy which brings good fortune into your home or business. Traditionally the Chinese place eight orange or yellow gold fish and one black goldfish in an aquarium to attract money. The number 8 represents prosperity in Feng Shui. The idea is that if misfortune hits, then the ninth black goldfish will die and absorb the energy of the negativity.

    Boars and pigs represent fertility and wealth in many cultures. In Celtic cultures boars symbolized courage and strong warriors. Native Americans recognized the pig as a symbol of the abundance of daily life. In Asian cultures the pig is a strong symbol of luck in financial matters.

    Cattle are, or were, considered symbols in virtually every

    culture they are found in, from the Americas to Europe to India and Africa.

    For the Maasai, cattle are everything: food, material, culture, ritual. I hope your cattle are well, is their traditional greeting. Cattle are a symbol of wealth and a source of pride, and a persons entire life revolves around the herds; from battles over grazing lands to procuring enough cattle to be able to wed to maintaining the robust egos of chiefs.

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    Pets and Companion Animals

    In present times may people place a photo of a loved pet in a special place. Placing a picture of a favorite pet on a home altar helps remind us of all the good times shared with that animal and keeps a place in the heart for this special family member. It can also be a reminder that we live in a culture that has the wealth to care for pets as family members.

    Religious and Ancient Deities

    Some people find great comfort in returning to the ancient deities of our collective past. Welcoming the energy of the deities of the past can sometimes fill a need not addressed by the religious systems of our times. A figurine, a painting or drawing of the deity can be placed on your altar as a gentle reminder of the qualities that the deity represents.

    Sacred Objects

    Whenever you place something on your altar that represents the spiritual ideals, you enter into a time-honored tradition because throughout history sacred or religions objects have been used for this purpose. There is power in objects that represent the divine realms, so it is very important to examine the meaning that the sacred object has for you. Prayer beads on an altar serve as a focus for prayers. A figurine of an angel with arms outstretched can bring the impression of opening to the heavenly realms. Sacred objects on an altar allow it to truly be a place where heaven and earth meet.


    The colors used on your altar can have a very strong influence on its overall energy. Purples and golds have long been associated with abundance. The color of royalty, purple evokes luxury, wealth, and sophistication. Gold denotes joy, wisdom, royalty, and worth. Gold implies wealth and status in every culture, and is considered the most precious tradable commodity on earth. Candles

    The most universal items used on altars are candles. Since the earliest times candles were not only a source of light but also a powerful symbol of Spirit.

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    The candlelight illuminating the darkness was believed to represent the divine spark in human beings. Candles were also used on altars as a focus for concentration and meditation.


    Photographs bring a human quality to your altar. Photos of someone who epitomizes wealth and abundance, in an uplifting and inspiring manner, would be appropriate for an abundance altar. You may consider a photo of a place, a vacation spot, anything that brings the feeling of being abundant to you.

    Special Gifts

    Special gifts that you have been given through the years can bring a wonderful energy to a home altar. When given a meaningful gift it carries all the love that accompanied it when given. In Feng Shui something that has been owned by a very wealthy person brings the energy of abundance with it to the new owner. Anything handled by or from a wealthy person whom you admire would be appropriate.

    Four Elements

    In cultures as varied as ancient Greece, early Celtic and Native American the four elements of air, water, fire and earth were honored. These were the elements that comprised the essential elements of life. Without any one of these elements there would be no life on earth. By honoring the four elements you are honoring the four most basic elements of nature as well as the four quadrants of your being, for in many traditions each element represents a aspect of human characteristics: air - mental, water - emotions, earth - physical, fire - spiritual life force.

    Many traditions acknowledge the power of these elements by placing something on the altar that represents each of these elements.

    A feather can represent the unseen, yet potent, element of Air. The element of water may be represented by a vase filled with crystal clear water, or by a flower placed in a bowl of water. The element of fire could be symbolized by a candle or incense (even an unlit candle represents the element of fire.) The earth might be symbolized by a stone, a container of sand or even a green plant growing in earth. By placing objects on your altar, that represent these four elements, you are honoring the sacred cycles within your life and deepening your connection to the natural world.

    Arranging Objects on the Altar

    After you have purified the altar space and the things to be placed on it is time to decide how you will arrange the objects. You can do this either by using some logical placement plan or by relying on your intuitive feelings. Using the logical approach, you first decide what system you are going to use to determine where things will go.

    A different approach to deciding where you should put things on the altar is the intuitive approach. To go about this, simply place all of your chosen objects on the altar and then move them about until it just feels right. With this method, you are letting go of control and tuning into subconscious knowledge. When you have moved things about until their arrangement is truly pleasing to you might not have any conscious sense of why this is so, but

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    at some level you will have achieved a balance that has an energy which is right.

    Dedicating Your Altar

    The dedication ceremony invokes energy into the altar so that it will radiate out into your home and life, creating an opening for abundance and prosperity. The altar becomes a point of distillation for energy which can produce far reaching effects in your whole life.

    Here is an example of a dedication for an abundance altar:May the Creator that dwells within all things bring blessings to this altar. May this altar be a constant reminder of the Divine spark of abundance and wealth that dwells in each of us. Let joy, love, abundance, guidance, and peace fill these items and the altar upon which they reside. May these items bless my path to prosperity and open the gateways to the flow of abundance

    Preserving the Energy of Your Altar

    Once the energy of your altar has been established you will want to keep it fresh and renewed so that it can always be a source of strength and peace for you. There are a number of ways you can do this. The simplest and certainly one of the most powerful ways is to regularly meditate at your altar. By spending time meditating at your altar, cleaning the items upon it and honoring the energy of abundance within it for these next 21 days you will build a powerful and potent bond.

    The power of your prayers and intention infuse the altar with energy which radiates out into the universe, magnifying what is in your heart so that it becomes a force for healing and action in the world. This energy rebounds back to you as well, so that you feel filled with more life and peace as well. This two way process can have an incredible effect on your life, even as it works to continually add to the potency of your altar.

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    Traditional Deities of Wealth and Plenty

    Ploutus (not to be confused with Pluto, who is also considered a god of wealth) was a god of wealth in ancient Greece. He was at first associated only with bounty of rich harvests, but later came to represent all wealth. He was blinded by Zeus so he would distribute wealth indiscriminately.

    Pluto/Hades is Zeus brother and ruler of the underworld and the dead. He was also called Pluto - God of Wealth, because the precious metals buried deep in earth were in his realm. The name Pluto was used by both the Greeks and the Romans, and it translated into Latin as Dis - rich.

    Lakshmi or Lakumi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, prosperity, light, wisdom, fortune, fertility, generosity and courage. She is considered the embodiment of beauty, grace and charm. She is said to bring good luck, and is believed to protect her devotees from all kinds of misery and money-related sorrows.

    Asian Wealth Gods: There are many different wealth deities in the different Asian traditions. Koreans and Thais have wealth Buddhas, Tibetans have Jambhala wealth gods and Chinese Taoists have a variety of wealth gods.

    The Chinese often distinguish between civilian and military Gods of Wealth. The most important of all of the wealth gods is Zhao Gong Ming. The civilian Gods of Wealth are Bi Gan and Fan Li and the Warrior God of Wealth is Kuan Yu. The God of Wealth associated with the three-legged-toad is Liu Hai.

    Dzambhala/Jhambala or Tibetan Wealth Buddhas are White Dzambhala, Yellow Dzambhala, Black Dzambhala, Red Dzambhala, and Green Dzambhala. These five Dzambhala deities are said to be the manifestations of enlightened Buddhas.

    Ganesh, the elephant headed god, also known as Ganapati is widely revered by Hindus, especially by those in business. His image in the home represents auspiciousness and wealth in all its forms.

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    Exercises for Week One - Clutter Clearing

    Start with your bedroom, bathroom, or bedroom closet. These are the personal areas of the home that often relate to personal areas of your life. The bedroom is also where you spend the greatest amount of time. It is where you dream, rejuvenate, and have intimate relationships, so there are often powerful metaphors within the bedroom that relate to your inner experience of self. This is where you will begin the shifts that allow you to open your life to more abundance. If you catch yourself thinking, It does not matter what the bedroom looks like, it is only me that is a direct reflect on how you view your abundance.

    In your clutter-clearing, celebrate what you did do rather than what did not get done. Using the steps outlined in this section of your workbook, begin your clutter clearing.

    Exercise 1: Clutter-Clear One Small Area

    Choose one small area within your bedroom, bathroom, or bedroom closet, such as a drawer or shelf. Clear and clean it thoroughly, and while you do, affirm, I am clearing all that I do not need out of my life.

    Notice emotions, thoughts, and memories from the past that occur while you do this. Be aware of the meaning that you give those items and why you have chosen to keep them. Remember this motto: Use it, love it, or get rid of it.

    Exercise 2: Clutter-Clear One Larger Area

    Choose a larger area in your bedroom/bathroom/closet to clutter-clear. For example, clear all of the bathroom drawers. Periodically affirm out loud with intention as you do this: I am clearing all that I do not need out of my life, to allow room for abundance to flow.

    Words have power, and when you say affirmations at the same time that you clear out an area in your home, this speaks powerfully to the subconscious mind. Create your own affirmation that matches what you are clearing. For example, if you are clearing out old clothes, you might affirm: The clothes I keep present me as an abundant, wealthy person. I feel rich in all manners when I wear them.

    Exercise 3: Clear a Room

    Choose either the bedroom, bathroom, or bedroom closet, and completely clear it. With

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    every item, ask yourself: Do I love this? Do I use this? Or have I used it in the last two years? If the answer is no, get rid of it. Use your affirmation you just created.

    Your bedroom, bathroom, or bedroom closet can be a place of refuge and renewal. It is in these places that you can refresh, revitalize, and nurture yourself. This is where you lay the groundwork for welcoming abundance.

    Exercise 4: Create an Abundance Altar

    Find an area in your home and create an abundance altar as outlined in this section. Use items that support your feelings of abundance and expansion.

    Take pictures and record the creation of your abundance altar.

    Exercise 5: Optional - Clutter-Clear Your Home Office or Work Space

    If you work from home or have a home office or work space, it will be very advantageous for you to clutter clear and utilize the beginning Feng Shui principles found in this section. Begin or accomplish this clutter clearing also.

    Exercise 6: Begin Your List of Limiting Beliefs Concerning Abundance

    Begin a list of beliefs you may have concerning money, wealth, abundance, etc.

    Exercise 7: Feel and Act Abundance

    Exercise 8: Celebrate the Abundance of Others

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    Day 1: Where Are You Now?

    Today we will take stock of where we are. If you are going on a journey you need to know where you are starting from. You cant get to Chicago if you dont know whether you are in New York or San Francisco.

    For the next 21 days find the feeling of prosperity and activate this feeling everyday in your daily meditations. Listen to your meditations and instill this energy of embracing abundance in everything you do.

    Even though the way we perceive ourselves might not always be glowing, we are each doing the best we can. Our identity, our thoughts and beliefs were often molded by the circumstances of our life and by things that our family and other people told us. Schools, religious institutions, the ideas and ideals of the generation we grew up in all shape and form the person we are today. We then often go on to recreate those same, sometimes dysfunctional patterns, as adults.

    Remember you are not your identity. Who you truly are is so much more magnificent, remarkable, and eternal. You are a spark of divinity here to learn and grow and touch the lives of others.

    To be able to loosen your attachment to the identity that has been crafted throughout your life, it is important to first become aware of it, to know it and to honor it. Remember, the Soul Loves the Truth. Do not try to get

    rid of your attachments to feelings around prosperityinstead, become the archetypal Sacred Observer and examine your core beliefs, your ideas, your concepts, your ego, all of the patterns and ideas that are ingrained in you without judgment. Remember to be gentle with yourself during this process and even to laugh a bit. A little humor will allow this examination to be much easier.

    Your identity is like your computer, it is all the bits and pieces of software that you have accumulated over the years. Think of a mish-mash of programs in the guise of ideas, perceptions, rules and shoulds that you have acquired from various sources. Every experience you have is viewed through these programs, these ideas, these perceptions. If you believe that all rich people are bitter and unhappy, you will see bitter and unhappy wealthy people around you. The problem is that you may not be aware of the beliefs about yourself and the world that you hold. The more aware you become of the thoughts, concepts, and perceptions you have about who you are, the more you can begin to really understand who you are.

    Today, observe your thoughts and the situations around youbecome the Sacred Observer. Watch your internal dialogue, and be aware of the language and words that you use. You may be shocked to notice the language you use in talking to yourself. A friend of mine laughs that if anyone else talked to her as she talks to herself sometimes, that she would quit speaking to them!

    If you discover you are speaking to yourself in a less than empowering manner, consider substituting different

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    words for the negative ones. There is immense power in words and you will shift the energy of the feelings around the action as you shift the words.

    Changing your language can change your life. IneverhaveenoughmoneycanbecomeIamcreative

    in making ends meet. I am always broke can become I am becoming

    financially resourceful.IamdepressedaboutmoneycanbecomeIamalittle

    down about money.IamexhaustedcanbecomeIamrecharging.




    my horizons or Im seeing what Im capable of.IamokaycanbecomeIamgreat!




    I love and accept who I am . . . and who I am is enough.

    Exercise 1: Become Aware of My Beliefs Around Money

    List the beliefs you have around money. After each belief ask yourself, What conditioning or circumstance has made me think or feel this way? and write down those thoughts. Without judgment or evaluation, watch yourself, your actions, and your reactions.

    Observe the language you use regarding abundance. Do you use empowering or dis-empowering language when talking about yourself, your life and especially your abundance? For example: Maybe you know someone who uses the phrase, We are poor but happy. Notice any repeating beliefs you have about money. Write your observations in your journal.

    Exercise 2: Become the Word Police

    Begin substituting the empowering phrases for the more negative ones. Enlist the help of a Word Police buddy and support each other in changing the dis-empowering phrases to empowering ones. Have fun with this! You may consider having a five dollar bill you pass back and forth as you catch each other using dis-empowering words. Or drop money is a jar throughout the day and the one who uses positive words the most wins the money at the end of the day.

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    Day 2: Where Are You Regarding Abundance? Uncovering Familial Beliefs and Societal Ideas

    Today we will take stock of where we are in regards to abundance. We will use the same exercises and processes we used yesterday to delve deeper into where we are around abundance. Each of us has an inner refrain, a thought or belief about abundance, prosperity, riches, wealth. We may be surprised to discover we may have thwarted perceptions around abundance. Many of these beliefs have been handed down to us from long-ago ancestors, much as red hair or a knack for sewing seems to be inherited.

    Many of our beliefs around finances, abundance or prosperity were instilled in us as children. If money was a concern for your family, you may have fearful or constricted feelings around money. There may even be blocks toward abundance if you have deep-seated feelings of being unworthy to surpass your parents in terms of financial success. Or the very circumstances that would have created blocks in one person may have spurred you toward success and prosperity! This is the time in which you will deeply examine how you feel about prosperity and abundance as it relates to your family.

    Remember you are not eternally and completely tied to these feelings. By becoming aware of them, examining them and allowing the feelings to then be released, you are beginning the opening to abundance.

    By exploring your own roots and realizing that you are the product of a long and noble lineage of human beings who lived before you, you will be better able to sort through your heritage and embrace that which strengthens you and to break negative ancestral patterns toward abundance that no longer serve you properly.

    Remember you are both the descendents of your ancestors and the ancestors of those who will follow you. Even those who have no children leave an energetic legacy that will greatly impact those yet to be born.

    Your ancestors are a physical part of you via their presence in your DNA, your genetic make-up, your bloodline. Not only can you receive physical characteristics from your ancestors, you can also inherit psychological profiles or even mannerisms from your ancestors. For example, the genetic predisposition to alcoholism has been well-documented scientifically. More research is now being done on the inheritability of other characteristics; such as temperament, core beliefs, ideals and more.

    You are constantly being affected by your genetic heritage, even though it may be so subtle as to be virtually undetectable at first glance. By making the conscious decision to explore your own unique cultural and familial heritage you are making a profound decision to shift and let go of the characteristics that are not serving you and embracing and explore the ones that do.

    In todays world, many of us have lost the connection to ancestral stories and lore that even our grandparents had.

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    You may use this work as an opportunity to begin a search of your family history and roots. Not only will you be able to identify and shift patterns that have been tied to abundance and the ability to embrace the flow of wealth, you may also uncover other information that will greatly enrich your life!

    You may begin your search by asking your relatives for information, attending family reunions, and seeking out relatives you may have had little or no contact with until now. Exploring your family roots via genealogical research, such as can be found at the Family History Library at the Church of the Latter-Day Saints in Salt Lake City, Utah, can provide vast amounts of information. There are many organizations available to help you in this exploration.

    Fascinating research on twins has proven that family traits are not only learned, they can also be inherited. Barbara Herbert, a plump woman of 58 with a broad, pretty face and short, silver hair, found her lost twin, Daphne Goodship, 40 years after they had been separated at birth. Both had been adopted as babies into separate British families after their Finnish single mother killed herself.

    The similarities in their lives were jaw-dropping: both women grew up in towns outside of London, left school at

    14, fell down stairs at 15 and injured their ankles, worked in local government, met their future husbands at age 16 at town hall dances, miscarried in the same month, then gave birth to two boys and a girl. Both dyed their hair auburn when young, were afraid of blood and heights, and drank their coffee cold. When they met, both were wearing cream-colored dresses and brown velvet jackets. They also had the same crooked little fingers and very similar mannerisms in how they laugh etc. The two have been studied for years at the University of Minnesota Center for Twin and Adoption Research, the largest, ongoing study of separated twins in the world. At the center, it was discovered that the two women had the same heart murmurs, thyroid problems, and allergies as well as IQs a mere point apart. The two showed remarkably similar personalities when given psychological tests. This is just one story on the remarkable similarities of twins.

    For those who were adopted, you may find great value in researching both your adoptive and biological family heritage. If you were adopted and feel a greater connection to your adoptive family, you may choose to follow that bloodline trail. There may be no opportunity to locate or research your actual birth family, if so, you may consider using a guided meditation, or working with a Soul Coach, to explore those connections. Even those

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    who were adopted have often found uncanny similarities in their own patterns of behavior and that of long ago, unknown ancestors.

    To be able to release your feelings toward prosperity that have not served you to your best advantage, it is now time to become aware of these concepts, to know them and to ready yourself to release them. You will examine your ideas, your concepts, your ego, all of the patterns and ideas that are ingrained in you around success and abundance without judgment.

    Remember, be kind to yourself. There was a reason that you have held onto these beliefs for the length of time you have. For example, you may have respected and admired your fathers work ethic, but subconsciously also absorbed his dislike of the wealthy. This is the remembering and uncovering stage of being able to let go.

    Every life experience you have around wealth involves these deeply ingrained patterns and ways of thinking-conscious and sub-conscious. As before, the problem is that you may not be aware of the beliefs about yourself and the world that you hold. The more aware you become of the thoughts, concepts, and perceptions you have about prosperity, the more easily you will be able to shift and release any ideas or beliefs that no longer serve you.

    You may be shocked to notice the ideas and language you use concerning prosperity. Where did this come from? Your mother? Your father? Now is the time to identify the negative patterns that have been passed down within your family. This step is the identification of those negative ancestral patterns. Strong negative patterns have a tendency to repeat themselves and ideas and beliefs around money (security, fairness, wealth, poverty) can be some of the most powerful, yet often the least discussed patterns that are repeated. You may now acknowledge these ancestral shortcomings (without judgment or blame) and begin to let them go.

    By utilizing the tools you will be learning throughout the next 21 days you will begin to release these deeply held beliefs and create new ones. These new patterns will allow you to heal your past beliefs toward abundance, beliefs that may have been instilled in you since childhood and shared through your very DNA.

    Exercise 1: What do you perceive were your ancestors beliefs about abundance?

    Write your perceptions of the following ancestors, relatives and friends beliefs toward abundance.








    Five closest friends:



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    Exercise 2: Your Societal Beliefs

    Beliefs of religions you were raised in about abundance:

    Beliefs of your current religions spiritual tradition:

    Exercise 3: Become Aware

    Be more and more aware of your reactions around abundance. Ask yourself, What has made me think or feel this way about money? Without judgment or evaluation, watch yourself, your actions, and your reactions.

    Observe the language you use about prosperity. Do you use empowering or dis-empowering language when talking about abundance?

    Exercise 4: Small Steps

    Begin to incorporate the following small changes into your daily life.


    gratefully hand it to the next person. Imagine the flow of money as it moves from the bank to you to the next person, around the world, a ripple effect of abundance.

    For the next 21 days pay for daily purchases with cash instead of a charge card. Enjoy the feeling of the exchange of money.


    wallet at all times to give you a feeling of prosperity.


    in a timely manner, so you should pay others promptly. Visualize the joy with which an employee of the big, nameless company you are sending a payment to will feel upon receiving their paycheck on time. Put a face to each bill you pay. If you are unable to pay your bills on time, consult with your creditors and establish a plan for payment that you will be able to adhere to comfortably.

    Enjoy spendingmoney responsibly. Savor the cup of

    coffee you bought, if you spent $6 on a cup of coffee, enjoy every sip without guilt, you deserve it! Celebrate as you pay the cashier at the grocery store, for you are blessed to able to walk into a store and feed yourself and your family so easily. Give thanks! Enjoy circulating wealth!

    For a deeper exploration of familial healing you may enjoy my book Four Acts of Personal Power.

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    Day 3: Core Beliefs Around Abundance

    Observing Your Core Beliefs: A core belief is a notion that you have held so long and repeated so often that it has become entrenched into your subconscious mind. These beliefs are like a hum in the background that you dont know is there until it stops.

    List the positive and negative core beliefs that you have about yourself. After writing your list, think back to when you first adopted that belief, and write that down.

    Examples of negative core beliefs around abundance:























    Examples of positive core beliefs around prosperity:























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    Exercise 1: Identify Your Core Beliefs Around Abundance

    Awareness of your core beliefs is the first step toward being able to release and replace them with positive core beliefs. Refer to the examples of negative and positive core beliefs presented previously and create your own list.






    Exercise 2: Examine Your Negative Core Beliefs

    Look at each of your negative core beliefs and ask yourself what is the worst that could possibly happen to you if this belief were true? Face your deepest fear, immerse yourself in it and look at every angle of the belief.






    Exercise 3: Determine the Validity of the Negative Core Belief

    Ask yourself is each of your core negative beliefs have always held true throughout your life. Has it truly been a reality in your life? (For example has every rich person you ever met really been unhappy?) Write down specific instances of evidence of your negative core belief being a reality in your life or that of your family. A fear named is often a fear tamed.






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    Exercise 4: List Your Core Beliefs About the Following:

    Rich people are:1.







    Poor people are:1







    Middle-Class people are:1.







    Exercise 5: Rate the Following Statements on a Scale of 1-5

    1. To get ahead you have to work hard. 1 2 3 4 5

    2. To get ahead you have to step on people. 1 2 3 4 5

    3. Im not rich enough/talented enough/smart enough to get what I desire. 1 2 3 4 5

    4. You have to have money to make money. 1 2 3 4 5

    5. You have to have a good education to get ahead. 1 2 3 4 56. Its not what you know, but who you know. 1 2 3 4 5

    7. Poor people should just work harder. 1 2 3 4 5

    8. Poor people are lazy. 1 2 3 4 5

    9. Poor people are not as smart as rich people. 1 2 3 4 5

    10. The rich get rich and the poor get poorer. 1 2 3 4 5

    Exercise 6: Shifting Negative to Positive

    Begin to shift the negative core belief to your positive one. Take each of your personal negative core beliefs, one by one, and turn it into a personal, for you, positive core belief. Changing your language regarding money can begin the shift in the core belief toward an abundant flow.

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    For example: I do not deserve to be rich can become I deserve

    riches and more. You have to work hard to earn more can become

    Money is easy to earn. It iswrong to havemore thanmy family does can

    become My family rejoices in my abundance.Richpeoplearecruel,mean,evilandcrushothersto

    get ahead can become Riches will allow me to be even more generous.IfIbecomewealthyIwilllosemyfriendscanbecome

    I will attract the best and most supportive people into my life at all times. Moneydoesnt growon trees canbecome There is

    more than enough money in the Universe.YoucannotberichandspiritualcanbecomeIcan

    be rich and spiritual, money will not change who I am.

    Exercise 6: Releasing the Old, Embracing the New

    ReleaseMoney is dirty. EmbraceMoney facilitates the manifestation of my life purpose. Release...If someone is better at doing something, I had better just let THEM do it.EmbraceThere is ALWAYS room for good ideas and good intentions. ReleaseIt takes money to make money, so I am at a point of stagnation. EmbraceMoney is there for the asking. ReleaseBlessed are the poor. EmbraceBlessed also are those who bless the poor. ReleaseMaterial things impede spiritual progress. EmbracePhysical objects give shape to spiritual realities.

    ReleaseHumility is part of my sacred contract.EmbraceHumility is all about non-aggressive care giving. Release...I have already had and wrecked my opportunities. EmbraceSpirit WANTS me to succeed. ReleaseI am a phoney. EmbraceMy commitment stems from a deep-rooted covenant with the Creator. ReleaseIf I put my happiness in external things, it could be destroyed or tarnished. EmbraceIt is safe to let my deep-seated joy radiate to others. ReleaseI am a lost sheep. EmbraceIt is not possible to be away from the Source. ReleaseI owe the world (heaps of ) money. EmbraceI owe the world my creativity. If I stop withholding my gifts, things will balance out.

    Exercise 7: Grounding the Positive

    Write how your life would change if all of your positive core beliefs around abundance were true and in place. Have fun, go wild, imagine and enjoy writing your wildest dream. List at least 100 things you want to do, be or have!

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    Day 4: Blockages From Past Lives

    There may be past life blockages that are inhibiting you from allowing the full expression of abundance to come into your life.

    You may have spent one or more past lives as a renunciate, such as a monk, nun or priest, in which you rejected worldly possessions for a spiritual life. There may be a holdover from those lives into this one which subconsciously prevents you from accepting the flow of prosperity you now desire. Ancient vows of poverty may now stand in your way to the prosperity you so desire.

    There may be past lives in which you were wealthy and did not behave in an honorable manner, in which money corrupted you. Thus, you fear wealth and power may create the same effect in this life.

    Often, when other methods of clearing blockages do not result in the desired results, it is a past life issue. There have been many instances of people being persecuted or even killed in past lives for issues around money, wealth or prosperity. Remember, it is not the actual past life that causes present life blockages, rather it is the emotional baggage we bring with us from that life. For example, you may have starved to death on the streets of Calcutta and swore with your last breath that you would never be poor again. In other lives you may have also starved to death without the intensity of emotion, those deaths may have been viewed with more detachment and would not bring forward blockages around having enough.

    Exploring your past lives not only helps clear blockages from the far past, but it can also activate intuitive talents and abilities that you possessed in previous incarnations. You may discover a talent that allowed you to amass great fortune in a past life that can be re-activated in this one!

    Some of the deepest and most profound issues are carry-overs from past life traumas. You may benefit from my book Past Lives, Present Miracles or my audio regressions. There are explorations that do not involve a regression. In Past Lives, Present Miracles there is a Past-Life Clue Questionnaire which will guide you more deeply into your past life exploration. This questionnaire is a powerful way to begin to open the door for spontaneous past-life recall, without requiring you to go into an altered state of consciousness. If the study of past lives calls you, this book can be a powerful tool and ally. For deeper past life exploration, of course, consult the books and downloads mentioned here or consider working with any of the Certified Past Life Soul Coaches that I have trained in these techniques. Visit

    For additional past life regression audio visit and or

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    Exercise 1: Past Life Exploration

    You may wish to explore a past life using a regression process on your own. This can be a profound journey into self-awareness. Embarking on a past-life odyssey not only allows you to see who youve been, but in a deeper sense will connect you with the true essence of your soul.

    Pick a comfortable place in your home in which to do it. Select a time when youre not overwhelmed by external stresses.

    To use the visualization technique outlined below for past-life regression, you may want to create a recording for yourself to listen to; have a friend read a script that youve created; or simply imagine yourself on this sacred journey. (There are many apps available for your smartphone/iPad that allow easy voice recording, you can then listen to your own personalized meditation.)

    When you embark upon a regression, set your intention to discover a past life which is impacting your allowing of abundance in this life. You might consider saying, May I discover a past life which has a direct effect on this life in areas of abundance and prosperity. May this past life be one that gives me information that will be for the greatest good of all. Change the verbiage if you wish to do so.

    There are four steps for The Inner Voyage to Your Past Life

    Step 1The Sanctuary: Relax and imagine yourself in a peaceful place in nature. This step sets the stage for a successful regression.

    Step 2The Transition from Present to Past: You shift out of the imagined place in nature into a neutral middle ground before actually experiencing a past life. The transition stage allows you to enter your past life.

    Step 3The Past Life: This is the stage where you actually experience who you were in your past life.

    Step 4Resolving Issues: During this stage, you will release your attachment to that life and examine and resolve issues from that

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    past incarnation. For example, if you were persecuted in a past life for being wealthy you may be hesitant to achieve wealth in this life.

    Step 1 The SanctuaryTo begin the visual journey to your past, first allow yourself to become very relaxed. Then imagine going to a place in nature; this can be either a place that youve actually been where you felt at peace, or an imaginary place. This is your sanctuary, where you feel safe and grounded.

    Visualizing yourself in nature will help create a feeling of peace before going on to your past-life regression. Youll feel the connection with the earth, and this provides a sense of great comfort for many people. The sanctuary increases your feeling of safety and well-being before stepping into the past. If you are not a visualize person, imagine the feelings, sounds, smells, touch, and the energy of your sanctuary.

    Step 2 The Transition from Present to Past

    Once youve imagined a place in nature, its important to have a gentle transition before stepping into a past life. Here is a popular method that can help you make a successful transition.

    Bridge of Time: While youre in nature, a bridge appears. You climb up the bridge high above the clouds. As you continue your journey, you descend down the bridge through the clouds into a past life. Each step takes you closer and closer to the past life you will benefit from exploring.

    Step 3 Visiting Your Past Life

    After your travel from your sanctuary in nature, across the bridge, the next step is to visualize your past life.

    An important key to past life regression is to allow your imagination to flow.

    Imagine you have stepped into your past life body, take a moment

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    to look down at your feet and notice what youre standing on. Notice the covering on your feet and if these feet seem to be male or female, or if youre young or old. Feel your body, notice the type of clothing you are wearing and see if you get a sense of a time or an era. Ask yourself if you are indoors or outside and what your surroundings? Be aware of noises, smells, physical sensations, and most of all, be aware of your emotional state. When you become comfortable you can begin to explore your surroundings. Remember, you can always immediately slip out of this past life into your present life.

    (You may wish to ask questions of your guides to help you clarify any questions that arise. If you feel so moved, ask your guides to take you to a specific time within your past life that will be useful to you in this life.)

    Step 4 Resolving Issues in the Safety of the Spirit World

    Once youre complete with your past-life explorations, imagine yourself floating out of that body and entering into a spirit world where you can begin to review the past incarnation that you just experienced. While in the safety of the spirit world, youre also able to release old patterns surrounding abundance, deepen skills you gained in that life and connect with others you may have known. Imagine that everything that you experienced in that incarnation was for your development as a soul and for your growth in this life. Ask yourself what you learned during every turning point in that life and what the meaning was of each event? When you are complete, imagine that you are radiating love and joy to that lifetime from your vantage point in the realm of spirit. Embrace the soul that you were in that lifetime.

    The Inner Voyage Meditation

    This sample meditation below gives an example of how to put all four of these steps together.

    Start by getting your body into a very relaxed position, either sitting or reclining. Now take some very deep breaths. With each breath you take, and with, each sound you hear, you become more and more relaxed.

    Allow a delicious slow wave of relaxation to roll up from your feet, through your hips, up your torso, out through your arms and hands and up and out of the top of your head. Your entire body is now relaxed and warm and comfortable. Take one very deep breath and totally surrender and let go.

    Now imagine youre walking across a field. Its a warm day and youre filled with the scent of the summer grasses. You hear the gentle drone of insects and the summer songs of birds . . . these sounds fill the air with a soothing, rhythmic cadence. A mist begins to rise from the fields and stillness fills the air. In the distance you hear the gentle sounds of a river lapping against the bank. As you approach the river, the mists are becoming very thick. At the edge of the river, you notice a sturdy bridge crossing it. This is the bridge over the river of time.

    The mist has become so thick that you cant see the other side of the bridge. In fact, you can see only a few feet in front of you as you step onto it. With each step you take, you know youre nearing one of your past lives. I shall count from 1 to 10. When I reach 10, youll step off the bridge at a time long ago, before you came into your present body. Although you cant see, you can begin to feel your body changing as it shape-shifts into the body that you occupied in a previous incarnation. Now, 1-2-3-4 . . . with each step you take the swirling, mystical mist seems to embrace you with warmth and love . . . 5-6-7 . . . youre aware of a very loving presence guiding and protecting your every step . . . 8-9 . . . the fog is beginning to thin, the end of the bridge is near . . . 10 . . . step off the bridge.

    You have arrived in one of your past lives. The mist has completely cleared. Look down at your feet. Are they the feet of a man or a woman? Are they young feet or old feet? Are

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    you standing outside or inside? What surface are you standing on? Sand? Stone? Tile? Wooden floor? Grass? What covering do you have on your feet? What clothes do you have on? Do you feel more male or female? Are you young, old or middle-aged?

    Look around and note what you perceive. Are you in the country or the city? If there are any buildings, notice the architecture. Are there any people nearby? If there are, listen to them speaking. What language does it sound like? Are there any people who resemble people in your present life? As you explore and perceive this life, notice your feelings and emotions. How does it feel to be in this life? Youve a few minutes to explore this life. Be willing to use your imagination. You may do it now.

    Now go to a time in this lifetime that was very significant or important to you. Youve a short while to experience what is happening and to determine how you feel about these circumstances.

    Continue to go forward in time in the past life that youre exploring . . . go forward to the time when youre about to shed your body and pass over to the spirit world. How did you die? Was it slowly or suddenly? What people were around you? Where you reluctant or glad to go? From a spiritual prospective, the process of dying is seldom recognized as a painful event, and there is usually a great sigh of relief once you realize youve passed over. Its like returning home after a long absence. Youve a minute to observe this event in your past life. You may do this now.

    Now go forward into the spirit world. From your perspective in the spirit world, what did you learn from the past life? Were there any fears or concerns from that life that are present in your life today?

    As you realize where these fears originated, you know that they are not real, and its simple to release them. Just release them. You know that you can create your life in the present to be exactly the way you want it. You know that you can choose freely without programming from other lives.

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    Now its time to let all of this fade away and return to your present life. Just let the past life fade away . . . just drift away.

    As you move more and more toward normal waking awareness, you feel strong and empowered. You have stepped into your far past with courage and have looked at who and what you were. By this examination your present life is enhanced and youve taken a step closer to the divinity within you. In the future, youre free to explore any past life, and the knowledge you gain creates the space for your life to be more fulfilling and whole.

    Im going to count from 1 to 5. When I reach 5, youll be totally awake and aware. Now . . . 1-2 . . . your body is healthy and strong . . . 3 . . . more and more awake . . . 4 . . . your eyes feel as if they have been bathed in fresh, cool spring water . . . 5 . . . wide awake and feeling great. Open your eyes now. Stretch and enjoy the beauty of the day.

    You can use The Inner Voyage Meditation again and again, or you can create your own past-life journeys.

    Remember to have fun in your past-life explorations. Enjoy the process and let go of concerns about being always historically correctthis makes it easier for your subconscious mind to bring up past-life memories. If youre constantly questioning the validity of the historical facts of your past life, you can lose the psychological value of your exploration and it becomes more difficult to recall your past life accurately.

    Through the use of past-life recall exercises, you can open the door to the past and can begin to release limitations from past lives and have a more beautiful, loving future. Past-life exploration can help you gain an unparalleled understanding of your present-life circumstances and help open your life to abundance and happiness.

    After the past life journey please take a few moments to record your feelings in your Journal.

    Exercise 2: Past Life Examination

    Now you may take some time and research the era of the past life that was explored. Go online, visit the library, whatever method is best for you and learn more about the actual time frame.

    When you have a deeper understanding of the energy of the era, write down how it relates to your life today.

    Then write down how you can begin to release the hold that past life may still have on this life.

    Often miracles begin in a moment and merely going on the past life journey may have been enough. In case you feel as if you need to further ground the journey, now is when you can begin that aspect of this work.

    You may wish to discuss this past life with a like-minded friend, someone else in this class or once again, a Certified Past Life Coach.

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    Day 5: Timeline of Your Life Regarding Abundance

    Creating a timeline allows you to examine your own personal history from the perspective of your abundance level. Problems today often have roots in the past. What you are struggling with now may have begun at various times in your past.

    Creating a personal timeline is an excellent way to jog your memory and record the events and trends in your life. A detailed timeline can help you pinpoint exactly when and what caused a limiting belief or poverty consciousness way of thinking.

    Exercise: Create an Abundance Timeline

    There are a variety of different methods for creating your own personal abundance timeline. For this exercise select one method that feels good to you and begin your exploration. You may, of course, create as m