
Denmark Author(s): Ole Bisbjerg Source: Fontes Artis Musicae, Vol. 57, No. 4 (October-December 2010), pp. 404-405 Published by: International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres (IAML) Stable URL: . Accessed: 15/06/2014 11:31 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres (IAML) is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Fontes Artis Musicae. This content downloaded from on Sun, 15 Jun 2014 11:31:06 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

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Page 1: Denmark

DenmarkAuthor(s): Ole BisbjergSource: Fontes Artis Musicae, Vol. 57, No. 4 (October-December 2010), pp. 404-405Published by: International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres(IAML)Stable URL: .

Accessed: 15/06/2014 11:31

Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at .

.JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range ofcontent in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new formsof scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected].


International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres (IAML) is collaboratingwith JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Fontes Artis Musicae.

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Page 2: Denmark




As of 31 December 2010, the Dansk Musik biblioteks Forening (DMBF) had 146 mem bers, including three foreign institutions. Our website can be found at

Waiting period (The Waiting Time for CDs) The waiting period continues to be an impor tant item on the agenda for DMBF (see the Denmark reports in Fontes in 2009/4 and 2008/4 for details on this work). After a stress ful period in the fall of 2009, the DMBF and The Danish Association of Libraries, in collabora tion with IFPI and interested organizations in Denmark, managed to work out a proposal for

an arrangement that, among other things, would do away with the waiting period on compact-discs on loan on the libraries. The pro

posal was handed in to the minister of culture in

October of 2009. It was an exciting period and regardless of the outcome the DMBF gained a number of valuable contacts at these important

partners. Unfortunately, the case is currently stranded at the Ministry of Culture and, in col laboration with DB, the DMBF is therefore con templating ways of once again kick-starting the



In 2009/2010 the DMBF has also prioritized its membership with The Musical Council of Denmark, which is an informal network of as

sociations and operators within the Danish mu

sical arena. Being a participant strengthens our

network, and often, The Musical Council of Denmark is able to activate the politicians. For this very reason, we make an effort to partici

pate in the meetings in Copenhagen.

library School and Continuing Education The musical element of the library school's var ious types of basic music education and at ad vanced levels is continuously diminishing. The fact that the library school is de-emphasizing an area of such tremendous importance in the

Danish library sector is highly problematic. Therefore, the DMBF has decided to strengthen the effort to improve the education

and continuing education in music. We have es

tablished a training committee. The committee

is working with a number of ideas and the aim is that these collectively will fortify the profes sional competency development of the area.

Courses and Continuing Education In collaboration with MUFA, the DMBF threw a two-day conference in Vejle in the fall of 2009. The topic was Mix of Two Worlds and Vejle Centralbibliotek hosted the conference. Almost 50 colleagues from all over the country partici

pated in the conference which introduced a

wide variety of interesting points. You can read more about the conference on our website and

also in MUSIKBIB.

Musikbib, Our Magazine Musikbib was published in two large editions in 2009/2010. We published a total of approxi mately 25 exciting vocational articles on many different subjects. In 2010, the magazine will be published in three issues and it still has the am bition to be a vibrant specialist journal with lots of exciting material with a handsome layout. Former issues of Musikbib are now available as free .pdf downloads on the DMBF;s new website.

DMBF now In the fall of 2009, the DMBF established a new

website which also integrates the vocational list

MusikListen (The Music List). With the new website, we now have a current and beautiful IT

solution based on JOOMLA software. The

board is now able to make corrections and add

pages on its own. Furthermore, the new tech

nology of the Music List has an automatic ac

tive function, among other things.

The Board A total of five board meetings have been held since the last general meeting.


The economy of the organization looks fairly healthy - but it is still important to ensure an in flux of members.

A new profile for DMBF?

Through the last couple of years the board has

discussed the possibility of redefining the pur pose of the organization. It is feasible that the DMBF will handle a broader spectrum of AV material, physical as well as virtual, and

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Page 3: Denmark


thereby support the vocational development in

the Danish libraries on a broader basis. There are both pros and cons. This question will be discussed among the members as a starting

point on the general meeting of 2010. Later, the board will present the members with a specific suggestion.

International Cooperation / IAML / The Nordic Countries

In 2013 the DMBF will hosts the annual IAML conference which will take place in Aarhus.

The board has already started planning the

over-all composition of the conference. We re

cently visited the Dutch board and we received

valuable information and inspiration. In the fall

of 2010 we will begin the detailed planning about the organization and the time schedule.

Working groups in charge of different areas will be formed and we hope that a lot of our col

leagues will contribute in making the confer

ence a good experience. It is our ambition that

the conference in Aarhus will set a new bar for

future IAML conferences and at the same time

provide the area of music libraries in Denmark

with a much greater focus.

Ole Bisbjerg President, IAML (Denmark) Chairman, DMBF


In 2009 the Estonian branch of IAML had 15 members: 12 institutional and 3 individual. The board members: Kaie Viigipuu-Kreintaal (President, Tallinn Central library), Aurika

Gergeleziu (Vice President, Estonian National

Library), Heidi Heinmaa (Secretary, Estonian National Library), Avo Kartul (Tartu University Library), Ene Roost (Pärnu Central Library), Meery Salu (Tartu City Library), and Ilvi Rauna

(Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre

Library). The most burning question for Estonian

branch in 2009 has been finding a solution for free home lending of videorecordings. When the Copyright Law was changed in 2008 so that libraries could freely lend out sound record

ings, the lending of videos was not addresses.

Estonian copyright law enables libraries to lend

videorecordings only when a library makes an


agreement with every producer and pays them

a fee.

We carried out a short enquiry, Video

recordings in Estonian Public Libraries in 2009, to map out a collection's content, the users' in

terest, acquiring licences, and suggestions for

solutions to the lending problem. Additionally, an article was published in the

electronic newspaper of the Estonian Film

Foundation that included a call for collaboration

with libraries. But we haven't yet received any

responses from producers.

About another activities. There were two

large events during the year. The Annual

Meeting and Study Day took place in April in the Tallinn Central library. The topic of the seminar was an introduction to the content and

trends of online music databases, both paid and

free. In the general meeting new board mem

bers and the president and secretary were


In the autumn, a two-day seminar of tradi

tional music was held in Viljandi at the Estonian Traditional Music Centre. In addition to lec tures we had a good chance to look at a very

original traditional music library. The first target for 2010 is to advance con

cerns on the lending rights of videorecordings. We are going to initialize a new amendment of

the Copyright Law.

Kaie Viigipuu-Kreintaal

President, IAML (Estonia)


Membership, Board, and General


The branch has 64 members, of which 52 are

institutional and 12 individual. The board consists of 13 members, officials being Pirjo Hakuni (Tampere City Library) as vice

chairman, Heikki Poroila (Vantaa City Library) as treasurer, Jaakko Tuohiniemi (Helsinki Uni

versity Library) as chairman, and Jyrki Valto

(Kirkkonummi Public Library) as secretary. The Autumn meeting of the branch was held

on 27 November 2009 at Entresse Library of

Espoo City Library, which has a special emphasis on immigrant services, while the

Spring meeting was held on 5th March 2010 at Tikkula Library of Vantaa City Library, and included a visit to the HelMet Music Reposity.

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