denver botanic gardens 2009 index seminum

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  • 8/9/2019 Denver Botanic Gardens 2009 Index Seminum


    Globularia punctata, by Eee DeRdder

  • 8/9/2019 Denver Botanic Gardens 2009 Index Seminum


    DEnvER Botanic GaRDEnsBotanical aRt anD illustRation PRoGRam

    Denver Botanic Gardens has a long tradition in Botanical Ar t and Illustration. The discipline was irst taught in the

    early 1980s and the certi icate program was established in 1990. Today, the program oers a comprehensive

    education in the scientiic illustration o plants and ungi and the proessional instructors continue the strong

    tradition. Nearly 100 courses are oered each year to students at all levels o art experience. The curriculum

    can lead to a Certiicate in Botanical Art and Illustration, a recognition that is obtainable at only a ew

    locations worldwide. For more inormation about the program, please visit the Botanical Illustrations blog at

    aBout thE covER aRtist

    Estelle DeRidder is a 2010 graduate o the

    Denver Botanic Gardens Botanical Art and

    Illustration Program. I have gleaned a-

    thousand-old and truly enjoy the structured

    environment required or illustrating botanicals.

    Within this discipline there are many artistic

    challenges in order to remain within its charac-

    teristic dignied genre.

    For the illustration o the Globularia punctata,Estelle chose to study and draw the seed under

    the guidance provided during the 2009

    Seeds and their Pods class oered by the

    Botanical Illustration program. The lowering

    plant was obtained rom a local nursery. The

    original piece was executed on acid ree

    art paper in colored pencils and graphite.

    Estelles email is: [email protected]

    Seeds rom cultivated plants collectedby Katy Wilcox

    Please make requests or seeds

    beore June 30, 2010.

    Acantholimon kotschyi, by Eee DeRdder

  • 8/9/2019 Denver Botanic Gardens 2009 Index Seminum


    The ollowing seeds are rom cultivation and open pollination.u Indicates seed collected rom accession with known wild origin; original collection inormation ollows.

    Order # Scientific name acc # SOurce Wild cOllectiOn infO

    acantHaceae1 Ruellia humilis Nutt. 002405 BBN

    aceraceae2 Acer grandidentatum Nutt. 802896 PSW

    aiZOaceaeu 3 Delosperma cooperi(Hook. .) L. Bolus 022037 KEL South Arica: East Cape: Transkei.u 4 Delosperma cooperi(Hook. .) L. Bolus 050842 KEL Lesotho: Oxbow: 9800 t. High altitud

    race. P. Kelaidis. PKSA112. 15 Feb 20

    5 Delosperma deleeuwiaeLavis 050522 ALP6 Delosperma Lesotho Pink 051490 HCG

    alliaceae7 Allium cyathophorum Bureau & Franch. 071024 OBG

    aPiaceaeu 8 Angelica ampla A. Nelson 091465 KIN United States: Colorado: Jackson Count

    W o Walden in North Platte River ValleMoist meadow. 8000 t. Mike Kintgens.n. 1 Jul 2000.

    araceae9 Arisaema consanguineum Schott 020813 SHP

    ariStOlOcHiaceae10 Aristolochia mbriata Cham. 080936 CUG

    aSclePiadaceae11 Asclepias pumila (A. Gray) Vail. 062678 UNK12 Gomphocarpus physocarpus E. Mey. 090163 TAM

    aSPHOdelaceae13 Eremurus stenophyllus (Boiss. & Buhse) Bak. 022876 BBB

    u 14 Kniphoa stricta Codd 940342 KEL South Arica: S. Arica, 2 km out o Rho1800 m. P. Kelaidis s.n. 15 Jan 1994.

    aSteraceae15 Echinacea tennesseensis (Beadle) Small 032370 MAD16 Echinacea tennesseensis (Beadle) Small 991521 BBN17 Engelmannia pinnatida Nutt. 990306 PSW

    18 Erigeron ursinus D. C. Eaton 090884 UNK19 Erigeron vagus Payson 040926 LPA20 Liatris punctata Hook. 080210 UNK21 Machaeranthera coloradoensis (Gray) Osterhout 024039 ADA22 Silphium integriolium Michx. 052463 LVN23 Silphium simpsoniiGreene 032347 MAD24 Silphium terebinthinaceum Jacq. 910236 PRN25 Tetraneuris acaulis (Pursh) Greene var. acaulis 030267 MSN26 Tetraneuris acaulis (Pursh) Greene var. caespitosa A. Nels. 024056 LPA27 Thelesperma megapotamicum (Sprengel) Kuntze 970331 PSW

    u 28 Townsendia incana Nutt. 081290 WIL United States: Colorado: Mesa CountyEast o Dolores River o Hwy 141 on 42/10 Rd. Southwest acing slope. ca

    4600 t. Katy Wilcox s.n. 18 May 200


  • 8/9/2019 Denver Botanic Gardens 2009 Index Seminum



    Order # Scientific name acc # SOurce Wild cOllectiOn infO

    29 Zinnia grandifora Nutt. 000223 HCG

    BalSaminaceaeu 30 Impatiens bicolorRoyle 020707 JOH Pakistan: Khagan Valley. 4800 t. Dan

    Johnson AUSAEP-3. 15 Sep 2001.

    BerBeridaceae31 Podophyllum hexandrum Royle 003031 LPA

    BiGnOniaceae32 Incarvillea sinensis Lam. var. przewalskii(Batalin) 002944 BBN

    C.Y. Wu & W.Q. Yin

    BOraGinaceae33 Echium russicum J. F. Gmel. 990415 BGT

    BraSSicaceae34 Lesquerella ovaliolia Rydb. ex Britt. ssp. ovaliolia 024046 ADA35 Noccaea montana (L.) F.K. Meyer 032037 LPA36 Ptilotrichum lapeyrousianum Jordan 820393 FUB

    cactaceaeu 37 Echinocereus endleri(Engelm.) F. Seitz 012247 WTH United States: New Mexico: La Cienig

    camPanulaceae38 Campanula incurva Aucher ex A. DC. 022551 KEL

    u 39 Campanula kirpicznikoviiFed. 061012 EUR Russian Federation: Central Caucasus40 Symphyandra zangezura Lipsky 930479 CAU

    u 41 Trachelium jacquinii(Sieber) Boiss. ssp. 920570 KEL Greece: Mt. Olympus: Jurasek, J. s.n.

    rumelianum (Hampe) T.G. Tutin 1 Jul 1991.caPParaceaeu 42 Polanisia dodecandra (L.) DC. 040716 JOH United States: Colorado: Arapahoe

    County: Along creek in Littleton.Bohlander, D. s.n. 15 Sep 2002.

    carYOPHYllaceae43 Arenaria grithiiBoiss. 062274 RMR44 Dianthus haematocalyxBoiss. & Heldr. 802409 SIR45 Dianthus nardiormis Janka 800503 GAG46 Dianthus petraeus Waldst. & Kit. 802809 PLF

    ssp. noeanus (Boiss.) Tutin47 Silene schata S.G. Gmel. ex Hohen. 790618 FUB

    cOnVallariaceae48 Ophiopogon planiscapus Nakai Nigrescens 020878 MPK

    cOnVOlVulaceae49 Ipomoea leptophylla Torr. 920335 WTH

    datiScaceae50 Datisca cannabina L. 021136 CHS

    eBenaceae51 Diospyros virginiana L. 960921 WHF

  • 8/9/2019 Denver Botanic Gardens 2009 Index Seminum



    Order # Scientific name acc # SOurce Wild cOllectiOn infO

    ePHedraceaeu 52 Ephedra majorHost 831032 MHB Georgia.faBaceae

    53 Amorpha nana Nutt. 022626 BBNu 54 Daleacandida Willd. 980210 JOH United States: Colorado: Weld County

    Pawnee Buttes. Along trail in arroyos.

    White fowers. Dan Johnson s.n. 20

    Aug 1997.

    55 Lathyrus aureus (Steven ex Fisch. 060621 SHP& C.A. Mey.) D. Brandza

    56 Lupinus neomexicanus Greene 010120 PSW

    Gentianaceae57 Gentiana asclepiadea L. 060614 SHP

    58 Gentiana asclepiadea L. 100139 KIN Routt County: Steamboat Springs:Cultivated in Steamboat Garden.Mike Kintgen s.n. 12 Oct 2009.

    59 Gentiana paradoxa Albov 072763 LPA

    HYdranGeaceae60 Fendlera rupicola Engelm. & A. Gray 861155 WEG

    iridaceae61 Gladiolus saundersiiHook. . 042370 SVS

    u 62 Moraea spathulata (L. .) Klatt. 940268 KEL S. Arica, Harrismith Botanic Garden. Kelaidis s.n. 15 Jan 1994.

    lamiaceae63 Lallemantia canescens (L.) Fisch. & Mey. 940037 RMR64 Monardella odoratissima Benth. 001054 PSW65 Salvia greggiiA. Gray. Furmans Red 981233 HCG

    u 66 Salvia recognita Fisch. & C.A. Mey. 930613 ARC/RMR Turkey. J.&J. Archibald s.n. 1 Jul 1986 67 Sideritis hyssopiolia L. 861482 GAG

    liliaceae68 Fritillaria michailovskyiFomin 062211 UNK69 Tulipa sprengeriBaker 941340 DAF

    lOaSaceaeu 70 Mentzelia decapetala 980059 JOH United States: Colorado: Weld County

    (Pursh ex Sims) Urb. & Gilg ex Gilg Pawnee Buttes. Dan Johnson s.n. 15Aug 1997.

    malVaceae71 Callirhoe involucrata (Torr. & A. Gray) A. Gray 002507 LVN

    OnaGraceae72 Oenothera macrocarpa Nutt. 002565 BBN

    ssp. remontii(S. Watson) W.L. Wagner

    PaPaVeraceae73 Papaver alboroseum Hulten 090623 GOT74 Papaver triniiolium Boiss. 802071 UOX

  • 8/9/2019 Denver Botanic Gardens 2009 Index Seminum



    Order # Scientific name acc # SOurce Wild cOllectiOn infO

    Pedaliaceae75 Ceratotheca triloba (Bernh.) E. Mey. ex Hook. . 080045 SES

    PlumBaGinaceae76 Limonium binervosum (G.E. Sm.) C.E. Salmon 941112 GRA77 Limonium gmelinii(Willd.) Kuntze 930471 PAU

    POaceae78 Harpochloa alx(L..) Kuntze 020111 BAR79 Sporobolus heterolepis (A. Gray) A. Gray. 002428 SRN80 Stipa joannis Celak. 971199 BGT

    POlYGOnaceae81 Atraphaxis caucasica (Hom.) Pavlov 920882 MUG82 Atraphaxis muschketowiiKrasn. 950952 ULG

    u 83 Eriogonum alatum Torr. 060015 KIN United States: Colorado: DouglasCounty: East slope o Castle Rock. Eas

    acing slope. With Quercus gambelii,Yucca glauca, Solidago rigida. 6600 Mike Kintgen s.n. 30 Aug 2005.

    u 84 Eriogonum favum Nutt. 060536 KIN United States: Montana: PonderaCounty: 12 miles west o Conrad alonHwy 89. Slight rise above short grassprairie.Juniperus horizontalis. 4000 tMike Kintgen s.n. 15 Jul 2005.

    u 85 Eriogonum umbellatum Torr. 060014 KIN United States: Wyoming: Albanyvar. aureum (Gandog.) Reveal County: Field west o re station in

    Centennial. 8000 t. Mike Kintgen s.n

    31 Jul 2005.

    POrtulacaceae86 Phemeranthus calycinus (Engelmann) Kiger 052293 BBN

    Primulaceae87 Lysimachia atropurpurea L. 050586 KEL

    ranunculaceae88 Clematis remontiiS. Wats. 981061 UNE89 Clematis hirsutissima Pursh 051000 LPA90 Clematis hirsutissima Pursh 002572 LPA

    var. scottii(Porter) R.O. Ericksen91 Ranunculus gramineus L. 790633 FUB

    rOSaceae92 Fallugia paradoxa (D. Don) Endl. ex Torr. 861753 OFN93 Petrophytum caespitosum (Nutt.) Rydb. 024045 KEL94 Purshia mexicana (D.Don) Henrickson 861767 LVN

    rutaceae95 Ptelea trioliata L. 920652 UNK

    SaXifraGaceae96 Heuchera bracteata (Torr.) Ser. 023702 LPA

  • 8/9/2019 Denver Botanic Gardens 2009 Index Seminum



    Order # Scientific name acc # SOurce Wild cOllectiOn infO


    u 97 Digitalis erruginea L. ssp. erruginea 861920 ARC Greece: 1500 m. J. Archibald s.n.u 98 Digitalis obscura L. 020746 JOH Spain: Sierra Magina. Dan Johnson

    AUSAES-352. 15 Sep 2001.

    99 Penstemon alamosensis Pennell & Nisbet 081760 RGS100 Penstemon amphorellaeCrosswh. 071952 MSN

    u 101 Penstemon attenuatus Douglas ex Lindl. var. attenuatus 050430 NNS United States: Oregon: Umatilla CountyBlue Mountains.: Gravelly roadsides anembankments. Ponderosa pine, Douglar, white r. 4640 t. Small mats onarrow leaves in large rosettes. Similar habit to P. procerus but more forierouswith much larger fowers. The 6+congested whorls o intense blue andviolet fowers are crowded into spike-lik

    inforescences on 12-16 stems. R. Ratko 102 Penstemon barbatus (Cav.) Roth 002582 LPA

    103 Penstemon deustus Dougl. ex Lindl. 050559 KEL104 Penstemon eatoniiA. Gray 020167 RSA

    u 105 Penstemon foridus Brandeg. 070032 APS United States: Nevada:var. austinii(Eastw.) N. Holmgren Esmeralda County.

    106 Penstemon glaberPursh 050989 LPA107 Penstemon griniiA. Nelson 070027 APS

    u 108 Penstemon leonensis Straw 060370 CHS Mexico: Just below the summit o CerroPotosi. Pine woodland . 11000 t. Theweather in winter can be most unkindwith temperatures down to -30C. Stronbranching stems o stubby, fared white

    trumpets with a generous pale purplesplash on top. 12-18 ins PCHA 148.

    u 109 Penstemon linarioides A. Gray ssp. 024041 THU United States: Colorado: La Plata Coucoloradoensis (A. Nels.) Keck Bill Thurston Ranch, Colorado. William

    Thurston s.n.

    110 Penstemon linarioides A. Gray 981831 PAUssp. coloradoensis (A. Nels.) Keck

    111 Penstemon richardsoniiDouglas ex Lindl. 800111 APSu 112 Penstemon scariosus Pennell 911053 DAW United States: Utah: Uintah County. C

    var. albifuvis (England) N. Holmgren Dawson s.n. 113 Penstemon superbus A. Nels. 081761 RGS

    114 Penstemon utahensis Eastw. 081622 SRP115 Penstemon versicolorPennell 024047 ADA

    116 Penstemon virens Pennell ex Rydberg 002387 LPA

  • 8/9/2019 Denver Botanic Gardens 2009 Index Seminum



    117 Yucca glauca Nutt.

    118 Yucca glauca Nutt.


    119 Allium geyeri S. Watson


    120 Heracleum maximum W. Bartram

    121 Ligusticum porteriCoult. & Rose


    122 Asclepias viridis Walter


    123 Achillea milleolium L.

    124 Artemisia carruthiiWood ex Carruth.

    125 Artemisia dracunculus L.

    126 Cirsium scopulorum (Greene)

    Cockerell ex Daniels

    127 Erigeron compactus S.F. Blake

    128 Erigeron pinnatisectus

    (A. Gray) A. Nelson

    129 Erigeron speciosus (Lindl.) DC.

    130 Heliomeris multifora Nutt.

    131 Hymenoxys hoopesii

    (A. Gray) Bierner

    132 Tetraneuris acaulis (Pursh)

    Greene var. caespitosa A. Nels.

    133 Townsendia incana Nutt.


    134 Stanleya pinnata (Pursh) Britt.

    135 Stanleya pinnata (Pursh) Britt.




















    Arapahoe County: Aurora: Saddle Rock Gol Course Hole 7.393538.0394N, 1044434.08W. Katy Wilcox s.n. 6 Oct 2009.

    Arapahoe County: Aurora: Saddle Rock Gol Course. May be dwar orm.

    393538.0394N, 1044434.08W. Katy Wilcox s.n. 6 Oct 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Katy Wilcox s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Routt County: Wildfower Ranch. Rather dry hillside. Agastache, Viguiera,

    Erigeron speciosus. 8150 t. Mike Kintgen s.n. 16 Aug 2009.

    Routt County: Wildfower Ranch. Open aspen grove. Aspen. 8200 t.Mike Kintgen s.n. 16 Aug 2009.

    Arapahoe County: Aurora: Saddle Rock Gol Course. 393538.0394N,

    1044434.08W. Katy Wilcox s.n. 2 Sep 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Katy Wilcox s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Arapahoe County: Aurora: Saddle Rock Gol Course Hole 4.

    393538.0394N, 1044434.08W. Katy Wilcox s.n. 6 Oct 2009.

    Arapahoe County: Aurora: Saddle Rock Gol Course Hole 6.393538.0394N, 1044434.08W. Katy Wilcox s.n. 6 Oct 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Amy Schneider s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Moat County: Lookout Mountain. Open summit. Phlox muscoides,

    Stenotus acaulis. 8120 t. Mike Kintgen s.n. 5 Jul 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Katy Wilcox s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Routt County: Wildfower Ranch. Mike Kintgen s.n. 30 Aug 2009.

    Routt County: Wildfower Ranch. Dry slope with Populus tremuloides, Agastach

    urticiolia, Erigeron speciosus. 8150 t. Mike Kintgen s.n. 28 Sep 2009.

    Routt County: Wildfower Ranch. Seasonally moist meadows. 8150 t.

    Mike Kintgen s.n. 30 Sep 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Katy Wilcox s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Eagle County: Interstate 70, mile marker 143. Mike Bone s.n. 27 Aug 2009.

    Mesa County: Peach Valley Road (3837.005N, 10753.558W).

    Mike Bone s.n. 27 Aug 2009.

    Eagle County: Interstate 70, mile Marker 143. Mike Bone s.n. 27 Aug 2009


    All Seeds were collected in Colorado, United States, unless otherwise noted.

    Order # Scientific name acc # cOllectiOn infOrmatiOn

  • 8/9/2019 Denver Botanic Gardens 2009 Index Seminum



    Order # Scientific name acc # cOllectiOn infOrmatiOn


    136 Campanula rotundiolia L.


    137 Arenaria endleriA. Gray

    138 Minuartia obtusiloba (Rydb.) House

    139 Silene acaulis (L.) Jacq. var.

    subacaulescens (F.N. Wms.)

    Fernald & H. St. John


    140 Atriplex conertiolia (Torr. & Frem.)

    S. Wats.

    141 Atriplex corrugata S. Watson


    142 Rhodiola integriolia Ra.

    143 Sedum lanceolatum Torr.


    144 Juniperus osteosperma (Torr.) Little


    145 Kobresia myosuroides (Vill.) Fiori


    146 Dryopteris intermedia (Willd.) Gray


    147 Lupinus argenteus Pursh

    148 Robinia neomexicana A. Gray

    149 Thermopsis rhombiolia

    Nutt. ex Richards.

    150 Triolium parryiA. Gray
















    Jeerson County: Conier: meadow. Katy Wilcox s.n. 5 Sep 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Nick Daniel s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Mike Bone s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Nick Daniel s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Mesa County: Highway 141. Mike Bone s.n. 26 Aug 2009.

    Montrose County: Rabbit Valley. Mike Bone s.n. 27 Aug 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Katy Wilcox s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Nick Daniel s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Mesa County: Highway 141. Mike Bone s.n. 26 Aug 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Mike Bone s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    United States: Michigan: Marquette County: S o North Lake, N o US-40.

    W o Ely Township. Seasonally moist woodlands. Betula, Acer rubrum,

    Picea glauca. 1500 t. Mike Kintgen s.n. 2 Aug 2009.

    Routt County: Wildfower Ranch. Dry open sagebrush slope. Artemisia.

    8150 t. Mike Kintgen s.n. 26 Jul 2009.

    Denver County: Denver: Blu Lake Nature Center, 123 acre natural

    area adjacent to Sand Creek on the eastern edge o Stapleton Airport

    redevelopment site. Chris Story s.n. 1 Apr 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest, Highway 103

    near Idaho Springs. Nick Daniel s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Mike Bone s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

  • 8/9/2019 Denver Botanic Gardens 2009 Index Seminum



    Order # Scientific name acc # cOllectiOn infOrmatiOn


    151 Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Griseb.

    152 Gentiana parryiEngelm.

    153 Gentiana parryiEngelm.


    154 Ribes montigenum McClatchie


    155 Iris missouriensis Nutt.


    156 Linum lewisiiPursh


    157 Fraxinus anomala Torr. ex S. Watson


    158 Gaura mollis James


    159 Argemone polyanthemos

    (Fedde) Ownb.


    160 Andropogon gerardiiVitman

    161 Aristida purpurea Nutt.

    162 Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr.

    163 Calamovila longiolia (Hook.)Scribn.

    164 Schizachyrium scoparium

    (Michx.) Nash


    165 Eriogonum jamesiiBenth.

    var. xanthum (Small) Reveal
















    Routt County: Wildfower Ranch. Open aspen woodland. Pinus

    contorta var. latiolia, Aspen. 8200 t. Mike Kintgen s.n. 30 Aug 2009.

    Routt County: Wildfower Ranch. Moist hay meadows. 8120 t.

    Mike Kintgen s.n. 30 Sep 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Mike Bone s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Mike Bone s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Grand County: Near Kremmling. Moist area along muddy creek.Carex, Helenium. 7300 t. Mike Kintgen s.n. 29 Sep 2009.

    Jeerson County: Conier: meadow. Katy Wilcox s.n. 5 Sep 2009.

    Cottonwood Springs; 3839.975, 10820.164. 5950 t.

    Mike Bone s.n. 26 Aug 2009.

    Denver County: Denver: Blu Lake Nature Center, 123 acre natural area

    adjacent to Sand Creek on the eastern edge o Stapleton Airportredevelopment site. Chris Story s.n. 1 Jul 2009.

    Arapahoe County: Aurora: Saddle Rock Gol Course Hole 6.

    393538.0394N, 1044434.08W. Katy Wilcox s.n. 6 Oct 2009.

    Arapahoe County: Aurora: Saddle Rock Gol Course. 393538.0394N,

    1044434.08W. Katy Wilcox s.n. 6 Oct 2009.

    Denver County: Denver: Blu Lake Nature Center, 123 acre natural area

    adjacent to Sand Creek on the eastern edge o Stapleton Airport redevelop-

    ment site. Chris Story s.n. 1 Jul 2009.

    Arapahoe County: Aurora: Saddle Rock Gol Course Hole 7.

    393538.0394N, 1044434.08W. Katy Wilcox s.n. 6 Oct 2009.

    Denver County: Denver: Blu Lake Nature Center, 123 acre natural

    area adjacent to Sand Creek on the eastern edge o Stapleton Airport

    redevelopment site. Chris Story s.n. 1 Jul 2009.

    Arapahoe County: Aurora: Saddle Rock Gol Course Hole 6.

    393538.0394N, 1044434.08W. Katy Wilcox s.n. 6 Oct 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Nick Daniel s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

  • 8/9/2019 Denver Botanic Gardens 2009 Index Seminum



    Order # Scientific name acc # cOllectiOn infOrmatiOn

    166 Eriogonum umbellatum

    Torr. var. majus Hook.167 Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill


    168 Cercocarpus montanus Ra.

    169 Geum rossii(R. Br.) Ser.

    170 Holodiscus dumosus

    (Nutt. ex Hook.) A. Heller

    171 Sorbus scopulina Greene


    172 Heuchera bracteata (Torr.) Ser.


    173 Castilleja sulphurea Rydb.

    174 Pedicularis parryiA. Gray

    175 Penstemon glaberPursh var.brandegeei(Porter) Freeman

    176 Penstemon virens Pennell. ex Rydberg

    177 Penstemon whippleanus A. Gray


    178 Viola nuttalliiPursh














    Routt County: Wildfower Ranch. Open sagebrush slope. Erigeron speciosus

    Chrysothamnus. 8120 t. Mike Kintgen s.n. 16 Aug 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Katy Wilcox s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Arapahoe County: Aurora: Saddle Rock Gol Course Hole 7.

    393538.0394N, 1044434.08W. Katy Wilcox s.n. 6 Oct 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Amy Schneider s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Nick Daniel s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Routt County: W side o Rabbit Ears. Aspen woodland. 8800 t.Mike Kintgen s.n. 9 Oct 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Katy Wilcox s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Mike Bone s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Mike Bone s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    El Paso County: Baptist Road W o I-25. Gravely open eld.Eriogonum annuum, Mentzelia. 6784 t. Mike Kintgen s.n. 22 Aug 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Mike Bone s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Clear Creek County: Mount Evans, Arapaho National Forest.

    Mike Bone s.n. 17 Sep 2009.

    Arapahoe County: Aurora: Saddle Rock Gol Course Hole 5.

    393538.0394N, 1044434.08W. Katy Wilcox s.n. 16 Jun 2009.


  • 8/9/2019 Denver Botanic Gardens 2009 Index Seminum


    ADA Adams, Bill, Colorado, US

    ALP Alplains Nursery, Colorado, US

    APS American Penstemon Society,Colorado, US

    ARC Archibald, Jim & Jenny, GB

    BAR Barnhill, Chris, Colorado, US

    BBB Brent & Beckys Bulbs, Virginia, US

    BBN Bluebird Nursery, Nebraska, US

    BGT Botanischer Garten der Universitt

    Tbingen, DE

    BRU Brune, Rick, Colorado, US

    CAU Botanischer Garten der

    Christian-Albrechts Universitt, DE

    CHS Chiltern Seeds, GB

    CUG University o Colorado Greenhouse,

    Colorado, US

    DAF Daodil Mart, Virginia, US

    DAW Dawson, Carol, Colorado, US

    EUR Euroseeds, CZ

    GAG Jardin Alpine Commune de Meyrin, CHGOT Gteborgs Botaniska Trdgrd, SE

    GRA Green Acres Nursery, Colorado, US

    HCG A High County Garden, New Mexico, US

    JOH Johnson, Dan, Colorado, US

    JUR Jurasek, Jose, CZ

    KEL Kelaidis, Panayoti, Colorado, US

    KIN Kintgen, Michael, Colorado, US

    LPA LaPorte Avenue Alpine Nursery,

    Colorado, US

    LVN Little Valley Nurseries, Colorado, US

    MAD Madrone Nursery, Texas, US

    MHB Moscow Hortus Botanicus Principalis, RU

    MPK Miniature Plant Kingdom, Caliornia, US

    MSN Mountain States Nursery, Arizona, US

    MUG Muhlhausen Botanischer Garten, DE


    NNS Northwest Native Seed, Caliornia, US

    OBG University o Oslo Botanic Garden, NO

    OFN Old Farm Nursery, Colorado, USPAU Paulinos Gardens, Inc., Colorado, US

    PLF Plant Farm, Washington, US

    PRN Prairie Nursery, Wisconsin, US

    PSW Plants o the Southwest, New Mexico, US

    RBG Rivendell Botanic Garden, Illinois, US

    RGS Rocky Mountain Chapter, North American

    Rock Garden Society, Colorado, US

    RMR Rocky Mountain Rare Plants, Colorado, US

    RSA Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden,

    Caliornia, US

    SES Select Seed, Connecticut, US

    SHP Seneca Hills Perennials, New York, US

    SIR Siskiyou Rare Plant Nursery, Oregon, US

    SRN Spence Restoration Nursery, Indiana, US

    SRP Sunscapes Rare Plant Nursery,

    Colorado, US

    STO Story, Chris, Colorado, USSVS Silverhill Seeds, ZA

    TAM Thompson & Morgan, New Jersey, US

    THU Thurston, William, Colorado, US

    TMG Timberline Gardens, Colorado, US

    ULG Universitt Leipzig Botanischer Garten, DE

    UNE Nebraska Statewide Arboretum,

    Nebraska, US

    UNK Unknown provenance

    UOX University o Oxord Botanic Garden, GB

    UWB Botanischer Garten der Universitt

    Wrzburg, DE

    WEG Western Evergreens Nursery, Colorado, US

    WHF Whitman Farms, Oregon, US

    WIL Wilcox, Katy, Colorado, US

    WTH Wild Things, Colorado, US

  • 8/9/2019 Denver Botanic Gardens 2009 Index Seminum


    GEnERal infoRmationIn response to the International Convention on Biological Diversity (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), Denver Botanic Gardens

    supplies its seeds on the condition that:

    The seeds are used or the common good in the area o research, education, conservation and the development o

    botanical gardens. Commercial use is prohibited without permission rom Denver Botanic Gardens. Denver Botanic Gardens requests acknowledgement in any publications resulting rom the use o the distributed seeds

    as well as a copy o the publication.

    PlEasE notE

    Seeds o some species are in short supply and will be distributed in order o request. Seeds are the result o open pollination and may be hybridized.

    We give no warranty as to the quality, productiveness or any other matter or any seeds we supply. Plants are chosen or their perormance in Denver, Colorados climate; we cannot speak to qualities such as

    invasiveness in other climates, but request any data pertaining to invasiveness o these species in other regions be

    communicated to Denver Botanic Gardens or uture reerence. We will not knowingly distribute seed to places where

    a taxon has been identiied as invasive.

    GEoGRaP hical DataDenver Botanic Gardens is situated at Latitude 3945N, Longitude 10452W, at an elevation o 5277 eet (1609

    meters). The Gardens include 23 acres o display including a tropical conservatory, alpine garden, Japanese garden

    native plant gardens and water gardens.


    Average annual precipitation 15.68 inches

    Average temperature 50.5 F/10.3C

    Mean July temperature 73.5 F/23.1C

    Mean maximum July temperature 88.1 F/31.2C

    Mean minimum July temperature 58.8 F/14.9C

    Mean January temperature 30.2 F/-1C

    Mean maximum January temperature 43.3 F/6.3CMean minimum January temperature 17.1 F/-8.3C


    Jan feB mar aPr maY Jun Jul auG SeP Oct nOV dec annual

    hs 0.46 0.48 1.24 1.87 2.37 1.58 2.20 1.77 1.14 0.99 0.95 0.61 15.68

    Lowest temperature recorded (1921-2009) -25 F/-3.9 C

    Highest temperature recorded (1921-2009) 105 F/40.6 C


  • 8/9/2019 Denver Botanic Gardens 2009 Index Seminum


    mailinG aDDREss/aBsEnDER via E-mail

    Attn: Mike Bone [email protected]

    Denver Botanic Gardens

    909 York Street via faXDenver, CO 80206 USA 720-865-3683






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    SEED REQUEST FORM 2009 gs.og