depliant preco

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  • 7/30/2019 Depliant Preco


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  • 7/30/2019 Depliant Preco



    l l sistema i precompressioneRECO err-va dal sistemaMacchi d frutto ell 'espe-rienza cqursitanollre30 annidi avoro elcampo dellaprecompressronettraversoesocietPrebelonCavi e O T P.Esso stalostudralo messoa punto persoddrsfarenuovi equisrtrecnologici,eces'sanper realizzareazionalmentenuovtplo'cedimentioslrutl ivrhe, nquesti ltimi iectannr, t sonoandatr ffermando elcampodellecostruzronrutostradali. cio t pontta cavesternr,ponticon sezionerasversa-le allegerrta,pontistrallatr tcLanuova ecnologtarbasaessenztalmentesu lconcetto r rrdurre l pesoe I'tngombrodegliancoraggr de rmarltnettl r ensronel l mrnrmongombroeglr ncoraggrd r lmr-nrmo ngombro pesode i martinetrt tensione.drvengono ondtztoni ndispensabrtltoer le nuove ealvzazont ovesi richrede rpoter ollocaree este r ancoraggio tuvi'crnopossrbilell enervatureongitudtnalidtdiminuire'angolo r rnclrnazionenrzialeelcavo E' ovvioche l'rmpiego i questa ec 'nologia isulta antaggtosancheper estrut-ture radizionalr.I cavisono ormatr a trefolin acciaio d al-to imite lastrco,ncoratr noperunoa mez-zo di cuner d una esta ircolare rovvistadi foriconrcrL'insieme ei refoli contenulo nuna guai-na di lamierino orrugato elcasodi precom-pressione cavr nterni.ppure conlenutoin un aguaina npo|etilene elcasodi caviesternt.Varrandopporlunamenteldrametro et re -folied rl oronumero posslbrlellenere a-vi di qualunque ortataI cavrpossonoesserecompletamente on-fezionatinsiabilimento.rrotolatiuspecialicrociere spedit i ul postodi impiegope rmezzodt autotrent rontt per esseremesslIn operasenzaultefroltavoraztont,ppurepossono ssere l leslt lrncantiere, rimaodopo l gettodel calceslruzzo,pingendotrefoli no pe run odentro eguaine mezzodi speciali pingttrefololl sistema i precompressroneoddtsfa re -golamentrazionaltd Inlernazionaltomeadesemoroa BS 4447 e le "Reccommenda'tronsoracceptance nd applrcationf post-tensroningystems dellaFederazionenter'nazronaleel PrecompressoF P. )

    fhe ''Preco" post-tensioningsystem ts anoutgrowthof the "Maccht" system and Iheend resultof wellover30 yearsof experienceacquired by two companies, "PrebetonCaw"and "O.T.P.",tn the eldofprestressedconcrete lt hasbeen engineeredand deve'lopedto satisfy he new advanced technolo'gy requirements eeded o dealwh the newand far less complrcated consttuctDnmethods hathavecome lo the foreover thepasttenyearcn buildingsuperhghwaysandbndges,partrcularly tayedbridges, bridgesprestressedwh erternal cables, bridges wthlghtweght box cross-sectionstc.Thebasrcgoal o thenew "Preco" technol-ogy ts to reduce he sizeand weght of an'choragesand tenson1acks.Small-srzednchoragesand lght weght ten'ston lacks have become indispewble re-qutrements to build new technologcallyadvancedbndgessuchas thoseprestressedwth externalcables, where engtneersmustset lhe anchorageheadsas c/oseas possr-ble to the ongrtudinal eams and reducethecable'snitralangle of incline.Obvrously, hrsnew echnology lso offersmanyadvantageswhen constructtng radittonalstructures.Thecables are made up of high'lensil steels\ands and are individually anchored bywedges o ctrcularsteelheadsmachined wthtaperedholes Thehrgh-tensiltrandsare en'cased rn a sheath of corrugated steel stnp.rf we're dealing with pre-stressedconcrelewrthntetnal steelcable reinforcemenl.or rna polyethylenesheath if we're dealing wthexternal cables.By smply varytng he diameterand numberol lhe strands il'spossble lo produce a ca'ble ol anv dimensiondesred.Thecablescan be produced in full n a cen'lrally located work shop, rolled into speaalspoolsand shpped to constructionsrtesbytruck or containers or immediate usewithoutany addittonal treatment. Or, Ihey bemanulacturedon the building site tself lustbeloreor aftercasting he concrete,and thennserted,one strandat a time, nto the sheathwh speaal strand'pushingequipmentThe "Preco" systemmeetsboth ltalian andtnternat@nal orms regarding the malter'suchas theBS4447and the "Reccommen-datons for Acceptance and Apphcaton ofPosl-lensroning ystems"of [he Internaton'al PreslressedConcreteFederation(F I P )

  • 7/30/2019 Depliant Preco



    i tens ionemartrnettronostatr rogettati tilizzan-nuovopnncrpro revettato ncheal-estero. che ha oermesso di r rdurrera l pesoche le dimensroni

    enza sasperareesollecrtazionrermpiegatr d utrlizzandoe usualidrauhche r eserozrol unzlonamentoel martrnettomollo em -utti refoli el cavoda tesare engo-ontemporaneamenteegliappositiol del martrnettoqutndr r nrzraa esatu-appena lprstone rrncipalermuo'e retoli engono loccatrutomatrcamentei trrodel martrnettoDopoavera forza I al lungamentoesrde-sr fa agire l prstone ssestacunerhecuner er ondella esta rancorag-roassestandolrnrformementedefinrt iva-uo essere segurtanao pi u appe E prevrstormprego r unorsposrtrvoer detensronaren ca-o gr a esato

    Tension acksThenew "Preco" Iineof ension jackshavebeen engrneered using new processes.palented in ltaly and abroad, that have al'lowed a subslantel reduction in the overallstzeand weightof tenson acks, withoutsub'lecttngmatedds used to undesired stressandworkng wilh normal hydraulrcpressuresThe workrngof the tension ack is very sm'ple. Thestrandsare nserted simultaneouslyinto the holes of the lack and the slressrngis begun As soonas themainpiston begrnsto move, [he strands are automatrcallyblockedand hxed o the tenson pck s head.Once the destredelongatron nd load hasbeen maneuver he lock'offprstonwhrchpushes the wedges nto the ta-pered holesol the anchor head,arrangrngthem uniformlyand defntvely The ensonng can be accompltshed n one or morephases,and lhe system rncludesa speaaldevice or de-tensronng cable hat hasal 'ready been lensroned.

  • 7/30/2019 Depliant Preco


    Sr a l progettrstahe I'rmpresa annomolttvantaggr all' impiego i questrmarinettrlprogettrsta erch potr dimenstonareestruttureenendoe esledi ancoraggrolpt uvrcrno ossibrle l le nervature rrncrpall.t-tenendoosi. nanolevole imrnurzoneellacurvaturanrzraleel cavocon conseguenterrduzroneellaperditadi tensrone er attrt'to Potr noltre istrtbutre'armaturaenta tconlrnurtripartizronencorrrspondenzae'ghancoraggrn maniera ru semplrce ra 'zronale enza tcorrere torzale evtaztontdovute lleccessrvongombro ermartrnettll l gettodel calcestruzzoelle onedr anco-raggro rsulteriu agevole, acrlrtatonchedalla ormacompattader termrnahOuestrrnoltreo nessendo ontct on possono n'durre ndesrderabrlrollecitazronrelcalce'SI fUZZOAnche I rmpresaavr | suotvantaggrperchepotrmanovrarepiu faci lmente velocemente I nuovr martrnetl i on mrnore rmpregodtpersonaleed alezzalure specra| austi tarte

    The "Preco" system offers advantages toboth engrneers nd construclon contractors.Engineers,because they can tailor the sizeof thestruclureso locatethe beartngplatesthat anchor the pressures exerted by theprestressed nearaspossibletoIhe structure'smatnbeamsIt'san engtneeringechnquewhch. amongother hngs. achevesa substantal eductnnrn the nrtnl curvatuteof the cable, an un-deniableadvantagen that t sharply educeslnctton loss fhe new 'Preco" systemalsoallowsengineers o dstrtbute lhe steelcablerenforcemenlaround the anchorage,n asrmpleway wtthouthavrng o resort o poten-tally harmful devntons. rather commonwhen workng wtlh he usual cumbersomestze of most tenspn ncks Thtsmakes theprocessof castrng oncretearound the an-chor mucheasrer, lsobecauseol the com-pact and ralpnal form o[ our anchorageswhrch don't sufer from that tapered shapethat so often 6 a cause of slress or strainproblems n normalconcrelepours

    -+lt.'; l,I,#.&fo-,.t'

  • 7/30/2019 Depliant Preco


    quantosopradescflttoappareevtdenteasso n avanti appresentatoanuova ecnologiahe costiluisce noi piu mportanti rogressi el campo dellaono iportatipesie le mrsurerngombro ei martinettin questr lementi l progettista uo facrl-edrmensioniel orooetto

    Theadvantages or construction ontractorsare that the new "Preco" tension acks arefasterand easier to maneuverand conse-quentlyrequire lesspersonneland lessspe-aal auxiliaryequipmenlTo sum up, tt's obvrous from the abovepresenlalion, hat the new "Preco" systemtechnologyused tn workrng wh pre-stressedconcrete representsa gganlrc stride forwardtn the state of the artfhe attachedchart lists he respecltvesizesand weightsof the atest "Preco" lineof ten-sron acks.Thesum total of attached data and illuslra-tons will make it easrer or constructon en-gtnners o optimize he sze ol therrprojects.

    Trefoli0,6"0,6"n o

    D I M E N S I O N I D I M E N S I O N S Frustadi t iroOverlenghtmm

    Sez. utileMain Sectioncm2

    Tiro max.Capacity max.ton

    PesoWeightKqamm bm m cmm dmm emm tmm smm

    4 t 1 0 180 600 75 200 900 158,84 BO 657 t30 210 160 220 640 75 200 900 223,21 140 90

    t 2 1 4 0 280 210 220 A ( 250 650 398,80 240 2001ztc 1 4 0 270 210 14 5 455 B5 l 1 5 55 0 368,36 240 1 3 5r 6 0 30 0 250 22 0 69 5 90 250 650 439,75 300 220r 9 1 7 0 36 0 275 22 0 /00 95 250 650 644,80 380 30 03 r r 9 0 440 330 220 730 t z 3 250 75 0 996.20 620 450

  • 7/30/2019 Depliant Preco


    AncoraggiGfiancoraggi onogeneralmenteostiluitiaun a esta rrcolare 'acctato on foriconici,cuneidi bloccaggio termtnale i ripartizione.Essi onodesignati a una ettera he ne n-dica rl ipo,e da una srgla he ne tndividuala composizrone, er es . ancoraggloMG 12T15 ndrca n ancoraggro tendereperun cavodi 12 refol t a 0,6"Srpossono vere:' ancoraggi tendere fisst spezionabil i .. ancoraggrissiannegatr el calcestruzzo.. ancoraggt i giunzroneResrstenzaelcalcestruzzoec ia rmatura i f re t tagg ioLa resistenza inima elcalcestruzzoottogl iancoraggi,lmomento ellamessa n en-srone rn unzione er tcoprtmentialerali eitermrnali,el la or odrstanza della orza p'plrcataNormalmentea resrstenzaaratteri-st ica de l calcestruzzon corrtspondenzadell'ancoraggro dr 35 0 Kg/cmzL'armatura i frettaggio rrdosso ell 'anco'raggto a drmenstonataon generoslta erresisterellosforzo i scoppio slstente el -la prima zona dr diffus rone ella precom-presstone.E assolulamenteecessanohe dettazonasiacostituitaa un calceslruzzoerfettamen-te omogeneo, enza esparUn frettaggron-che nolevole on pu o supplrre d un difettolocale i gettoI disegnr secuttvi ovranno rectsareear -mature ecessariell'equiltbnoenerale elletorze i precompressronehe dipendono al-la formae dalledimensronrell'elemenlotteslata, alla istrrbuzroneegliancoraggidalla nclinazioneelcavo n rapporto llasu-perfrcre el calcestruzzoDis tanza ei suppor t i iappogg io e i cav iPe r rcavi postt n opera pnma de l getlo op-porluno predrsporre supportr ognr metro,mentre pe r r cavt da rnfrlare n opera doporlgetto del calcestruzzo a drstanza ra I sup-port i no n deve essere supenore a 5O cm

    AnchoragesAnchoragesare generallymade up of iden-ttcalsteel strandsanchored by wedgesto acircularanchoringhead wrth apered holes.They are classlied by a letter that indicatesthe type or cable and by a symbol tha ndi-cates rl s composition. Fo r example,MG |2T 5 meansa liveanchorage ora ca-ble of 12 0 6" strands.Some of the tvpes available:. lrve anchorages or accessible ftxed an'chorages. dead-end anchorages embedded inconcrete. coupttn9ancnoragesStrength f the concreteand steel einforcementunder he anchoraqeThemntmumstrengthof the concreteunderthe anchorages,at the moment when theload s apphed,dependson the edge coverof the anchorages,heir distanceand the ap'plied force Generally peaking, he strengthof theconcretearoundthe anchorage s350kg/cmzThe steel etnlorcementn the concrete castaround heanchorages engineered o resrslthe bursttng orcesthatusually develop in theend bloc area.It's absolutelynecessary, herefore, ha theconcretecastn the end bloc area is withouthoneycomb and of a high quality.Evena substantaluse of steelreinforcementcan not make up for voids or defects n theconcrcte castfhe workrngdrawingsmust therefore statethe exacl sleel reinforcement requisilesnecessary to balance the post'tensrcnnglorces hatdepend on the shapeand dimen'sionsol the end block, the distributionof theanchorages nd the nclineof the cable n re-latron o the concretesurface.

    Distance etweensuPPortsFor cables setn place before the casting, it'ssuggested that supports be placed everymeter while for cables to be put rn place a'ter caslng. the drstance between supponsshouldn't be /ess than 50 cm

  • 7/30/2019 Depliant Preco


    Messa n operadercaviI terminali ono rssatr l casseroper mezzodr bul lont .I trefolipossonoesseremesst n opera pfl-ma de lgetto infilatrella uarna op o lget-to . nquest'ultrmoaso aguarna eveesserepru obusta dt maggior rametro+ 10mm)drquella suale refo|, ornrllnbobtne. o-no rnfrlatrnoper uno doporlgttoa mezzodr una specrale acchrna prngttrefolo.La srgrllaturall'atlacco el terminale derraccordr ella uatna realtzzalamezzo tnastro adeslvo o dt mantcottt ermore-slr rngent lh, lessan tens toneLa messa In tensrone omporla le seguentioperazlonl. montaggrodella esta dr ancoraggroe dercunersur re fo l r. frssaggro el la base di t iro sul terminaleamezzo di due bullonral lo scopo dt realz-zare 'alhneamenlo el martrnetto, el la e-st a dr ancoraggroe del terminale. rnfrlaggro el martinettosu r trefol i. rnessa n ensrone bloccaggroder cuner.I aggancrode l martinetto vvteneautomalrcamente. nmozrone el martrnetto della base di l i -ro a tensroneultrmataSe alla in edella corsa de l marinettono n sie ottenuta a tensrone otale, sr effettua uni)loccaggro rovvlsonode r cuner pe r npren-dere la lensronea martrnetto lentratoE pure possibrle esareparzralmente n ca-vo adatlandosr al la resrstenzadel calce-slruzzoI n i ez i oneL. ntezroneercavrvrenenormalmenteeffet-luata dopo aver srgrl latoa testata PrrmadiInrettare cavr opportuno lavar| e soffiarlronde venfrcare he no n vr srano ostacolralpassaggro ellamaltadt rnrezrone per facr-l r la rne l lussoLa bolaccavrene nletlata mezzodr Specralrpompe dr rnrezronepposrtamenteealtzzaleAobtamo noltremesso a punlo un a specra-le tecnologra he consentedr inrettare cavrsol lo vriolo

    lnstallationof cables andanchoragesTheanchoragesare fixed to the formworkbybolts.Thestrandscan either be installed withthe sheathbeforecastingor inserted ntothesheathater castng. ln the lattet case, thesheathmustbe strongerand at least l0 mmwider n diameler han the usual sheath Thestrands,wound on specialspools,are tnsert-ed one at a [tme after casttng,usng a spe'ctalstrandpushrngmachtneProtectonof the anchorageand sheathcon'nectors gansl thengressof grout sassuredwithheavyduty adhesrveape or heatshrrnksleevesTensioningThe ensionngprocedure nvolves the follow-rng frveoperattonsc mountng theanchorheadand thewedgeson the strands,o ftxing hestressngnng on theanchor cast'ing by meansof two boltsso as to align thejack, Ihe anchor head and the anchorcasilng,oplacing the lack over the strands:. strcsstng nd locking he wedges, he ackgrips the strandsautomattcally;. removing hepck when tensioning scom'pleted, and removtng the support rtnglf the stressrng not achieved n one step,Ihe wedges shouldbe lemporarily ockedandsfress/ng tarledagan wrth he iack unload-ed A cable can also be partrally ensionedlo match the strengthol the concrete.G outingCablesare normallygrouted after sealing theanchorages hrough the appropriate tnjectiontube.Beforegroutrngthe cables, they should beflushedand blown to ensure that there areno obstructronshat would tmpede the flowol the grout tnlecledThesandless rout tsnpcted usingour spe-cal grout npcltng pumps. We have deve-lopednew speclal echnology hat allowsuslO use vAcuum npclon when neCeSSaryfhe grout 6 npcted under pressure until ittoally ills he cable duct and special cocks

  • 7/30/2019 Depliant Preco


    La boracca iniettata n pressione n mododa ottenerel riempimentootale el cavo, m'piegando pposit i ubinetti er evrtare er -dite dr boiaccadurante a fasedr presa llfapporto cqua-cementoiene enuto lpr ubasso ossibilen funzione i unabuona a-vorabrlitellaboiacca drpende al rpodrcemento, alle ondizionii temperaturam"brentale d fortementeondizronatoall'rm-piegoo menodi un addit ivo rgonfianteNormalmenlea boiacca rene reparata on10 0Kg dr cemento+ 36 - 38 litrr i acqua+ additrvo econdo e prescrrzioniel pr oduttore, ttenendon tal modosrca 72 75lttndl botacca.Perd t te er a t t r t toPe rcalcolarea tenstone . nella eztone rascrssa a partire all'ancoraggro tendere pru vrcino. r applica a classrcaormulaesponenztale:o x - - o t e ( l l | + f c 0 )doveo, = tensroneall 'ancoraggio| = lunghezzadel cavo tra la seztonex e I'an'coraggro (in m)o = angolo otaledi deviazione ra a sezro'ne x e I'ancoraggio (rn rad)fr = coeffrcrente i attri to n lrneafc = coeffroentedi attf l to In curvall coefficrente r attri todipende da vari fattorr(condrzronr el trefolo,guarna, posa rn ope-ra, et c )I valorrpru frequenli pe r f" ed f1sono , se 'guenl lf" = o.Zlradf, - o,oo2tmPerdi te ovuteal r ientrode ic u n e iAll 'atto el bloccaggio inaleder cunei srpr oduce un leggero rrentrodel trefoloche d luo.go ad un a perdrta dr tensrone a rrdossodell ancoraggtol l f lentroder cuner generalmentecompre.s o f r a 3 e 5 m mOuestaperditadi tensione, he rrchrede art i co lare a lu laz rone a parte de l proget l rs ta

    are used whtch enable he grout to cure under pressure.The water-to-cementate ts kept as low asposable [o assure he beslworkabtlityof lhegrout, whilemuch depends on the type andfreshnessf the cementused. he tempera-lureof lhe environment nd whetheror nolexpandingadditivesare used n preparingthe mrxGenerallyspeaking, a portton of grout isproduceduang |00 kg of cementplus36'38litersof waterplusand additrve rna quantttysuggested by the producer) It s a mtx tha[produces from 72 to 75 lersof groutFriction ossesTocalculate he stressingof o. al a dstanceof "x" from apply lhe lollowtng ormulaO , = 6 , 9 ( l l l + f 6 o )

    rn whch.a, = the force at the anchorage hltng| = tne cable engthbetweensecton "x" andthe anchorage 0n m)a = the totalangle of the dewalDn betweensection x" and the anchorage n rad)\ = wobble coefficient!c = curvaturecoefficientThe frictioncoefficienl depends on variousfactors strandconditions,sheath casrng in'stailaIon etc.).The most equentvalues or f and f1are aslollowstc = 0 2/radt, -- ooo2tmLossesdue to wedqe setAt the moment the wedges are fnally locked,the strands recede slightly whtch results in asltgh lossof tensronarcund the anchoragehttngfhe wedge set generatly runs from 3 to 5mmIhrs /oss o tensron must be laken tnto con'sderalton by Ihe engneer parltcltlitlv tn the/

  • 7/30/2019 Depliant Preco


    lcasodr cavrmolticorti inferiori r I5 m),o essere rdoltaper mezzodi una sovra-emporaneal martinetto eliminata( mezzodr spessoramentr.

    refoli onocomunemente ostituiti a 7 hhrmonrco i cui uno centrale ghseravvoltr d elicaatlornoad essotrefolo ienenormalmenteornito tabilrz-a basso rlassamento)grquallfrcatoostabr|mentoel produttore econ.o la normativa rgente.usua|drmensroniei rololi ncui l refolofornito ono:e = 1200 1500mm. Ai = 700-800; larghezza= 700 750 mm ; pesog eccanicheei refoli i oiurmprego econdo e norme UNI38-79, .S 5896-80 onoella abella.

    case o very short cables (i e. under |5 m.),and can be overcome by temporary over-stressng or compensated by inserting shims.The strandsThestrandsare normally made up of sevensteelwires:one center wirearound whichtheolher srxare wrapped in a spual. Theyaregenerally supplied already stabihzed(lowrelaxatton) pproved by norm approval agen-cies, and thereloreready for use.The most common szes of the cable coilsavailableare as follows:Ae = 1200-1500mm, Ar = 700-800mm: wrdth = 700 750 mm; werght =2000 3300 kgThe mechanrcalcharacteristicsof the mostcommonly used strands, according to theUNI 7676, Euronorm 138-179and BS5896-80norms. are listed in the table.

    DiamelroominaleNominal iameter



    Tensionearatlerist.di rotturaNominalensilestrenght

    Tensione aratterisl.all'10/oi deformaz.Nominal ensileslrenghtat lo/oelong.

    Carico aratterist.di rotturaCharacteristicbreaking oad

    Carico aratterist.all'10/oi deformaz.Characteristicloadat lo/oelong.

    mm poll ici mm 2 N/mmz Kg/mmz N/mmz Kg/mmz KN ton KN lon12.512.51 2 9l J z1 5 2t 3 /

    0 50 50 50 60 60 6





    1001 3 91 3 91 5 0

    1 7 0186 0186 0177018601 7 7 0

    1801 9 0190180190t B 0

    15701 701 701 7016701570

    1 6 01 7 01 7 01 6 01 70t o u

    16 41731 8 624625926 5

    1 6 71 7 71 9 02 5 02 6 42 7 0

    I z+o

    1 5 6t o /219232236

    14 .71 5Bt o . o236z z J2 4 0

  • 7/30/2019 Depliant Preco



    composizioneinstallationmanicotlo di compensazionetelescopic duct


    Tipologiadel cavo I TendonSize 4 T 1 5 7 T 1 5 1 2 11 5 r 5 T 1 5 1 9 T 1 5 3 1 T 1 5Guarna ' I Shealh ' A i l Ae 45t51 55/61 75t81 B 5 / 9 1 90/ 96 115 t121Manlcotto i giunzrone Hose-coupling 50/56 60/66 80/86 90/ 96 95/1 1 120t126Manlcotlodr compensaztone Telescoprc ucl 55/61 65t71 85/91 9 5 / 1 0 1 I 00/1 6 1251131Raggro Radus mrn 3500 4500 6500 2500 BO00 9000Irallo dltto I Straght line S 800 900 r000 1 00 1300 1400' Per rcavrda infilaren operadopo rl gettode l calcestruzzo,sareguaina nnlorzala co n diametro10 mm maggioreFor the tendons to be pushed in after the concreting,stronger ducts l0 mm larger have to be usedl L r l l e le d lmens ronr sono rn ntnl / A ll th e r l tner tsroos at e tn rnm


  • 7/30/2019 Depliant Preco



    Ancoraggio tendere ipoML Sfressing nchorage ypeML

    -Tl rl s .I

    DENOMINAZIONE DENOMINATION 4 T 1 5 7 T 1 5 1 2 1 5 1 5 T 1 5 1 9 T 1 5 3 1 T 1 51 Terminale Bearrnounrt A 1 5 0

    190 ZJ U 300 320 JO UE 1 3 0 190 200 240 240 270

    Testadi ancoraggro Anchor head f- 100 1 3 0 170 1 9 0 200 260D 45 50 55 60 b5 90Cono I Cone E t20 t20 l B 0 210 210 550

    spue I tutnsSpirale Spiral

    n o 4 4 q 5 o 6F 1 8 0 210 2BO 330 400r0 t z 1 4 1 4 1 6 1 B

    Guaina Sheath H 45 q q 75 80 90 1 1 5Nrcchra Recess 1 9 0 230 290 340 JO U 400M t 1 0 1 l 0 1 1 0 120 130 1 5 0Foro d' iniezrone Groulhtng holeOuanlrt di troracca I Groul quanty l/ m t 1 1 , 5 2,8 3,8 6 . 1

    C mlsure SO nO n mm I Al l t lJe ( l r r r t ( ] r ts rcns a te n mm

  • 7/30/2019 Depliant Preco


    Ancoraggio tendere ipoMG Sfressing nchorage ypeMG

    I l rl eIL_J0l-

    DENOMINAZIONE DENOMINATIONS 1 2 T1 5 1 5 T 1 5 1 9 T 1 5 3 1T ' t51 Termrnale Casting 22 0 255 270 320B r90 22 0 220 2402 Testadr ancoraggro Anchor head 1 7 0 r90 200 260D 55 60 65 903 Cono I Cone E 240 3 1 0 3 r 0 55 0

    4spt(e I turns

    Spirale Sprraln o 5 6 6F 270 300 320 360u 1 4 1 4 1 6 r 6

    5 Guarna I Sheath H 80 90 t t J6 Nrcchra / Recess 270 3 1 0 320 370M r 1 0 120 1 3 0 1 5 07 Foro.d'rnrezrone Grouthrng holeOuantrt dr boiacca I Grout quanttty l /m z . 3,0 3 , 8 o . l

    le mlsure sono rn nm I Al l lhe drnensons ar e n mn

  • 7/30/2019 Depliant Preco


    AncoraggioissoTipoE - Fixedanchorage ypeE

    DENOMINAZIONE DENOMINATION 4 T 1 7 T 1 5 1 2 T 1 5 1 5 T 1 5 r 9 T 1 5 3 1 T 1 5

    2 Testadr ancoraggio Anchor headI 100 130 170 190 200 260n 45 OU 65 qo

    Rrcoprrmenlo Covenng M 1 8 0 1 8 0 1 9 0 1 9 0 1 9 0 22 0Per part icolarr - 3 4 5 - 7 vedere 'ancoraggioipo MG o MLFor the items | 3 - 4 5 7 seethe anchorage ype MG or MLTlrle e mrsure Sono rn rm I Al l lhe dtmensrcns are ln nm1 '.j

  • 7/30/2019 Depliant Preco


    Ancoraggio issoTipoF - Fixedanchorage ypeF

    DENOMINMIONE / DENOMINATION 4 T 1 7 T 1 5 1 2 T 1 5 1 5 T 1 5 1 9 T 1 5 3 1 T 1 5

    2 Testadi ancoraggro Anchor head 100 1 3 0 170 1 9 0 200260

    D U 80 90 90 90 t2 06 Rrcoprimento I Covenng M 1 3 0 1 3 0 140 1 4 0 1 4 0 1 7 0

    3 4 5 ' T v e d e r e l ' a n c o r a g g i o t i p oG o M Lthe items | 3 4 5 - 7 see the anchorage type MG or MLle mrsure Sono In rnm I All the dtrner)s4ns are n mm

  • 7/30/2019 Depliant Preco


    Ancoraggio ssoTipoA - Fixedanchorage ypeA

    I l rl 'I

    DENOMINAZIONE DENOMINATION 4 T 1 5 7 T 1 5 12f ' t5 1 5 T 1 5 1 9 T 1 5 3 1 T 1 5I Piastra i ripartizione Bearingplate t 6 0 200 250 270 300 3902 Testadi ancoraggio Anchor head C 95 120 160 1 8 0 r90 250D 45 45 45 4 J 45 453 Trattoscoperlo I Bare lenght 300 JU U 400 40 0 600 600

    4spe I turns

    Spirale Spiraln o 4 4 5 b oF 1 9 0 230 280 300 JJ U 420u 1 0 t 2 1 4 1 4 r 6 1 8

    5 Guaina I Sheath 45 75 80 90 1 1 56 Rrcoprrmento Covenng M l o0 100 ro0 1 0 0 100 r 0 07 Foro d'rnrezrone Grouthng holeOuantrt dr broracca Grout quanilty Um l 1 2.8 3 ,0 3 ,8 6 , 1

    Tufle le mrsufe sono rn mm I Al l the drmensons are n mnl1 4

  • 7/30/2019 Depliant Preco


    AncoraggiossoTipoH Fixed anchorage Type H

    DENOMINAZIONE DENOMINATION 4 T 1 7 T 1 5 1 2 T 1 5 1 5 T 1 5 1 9 T 1 5 3 1T ' t5Tratto coperlo Bare enght

    E 90 0 1100 r r00 1200 |200 1 00190 210 390 390 39 0 570

    L 210 230 330 4 1 0 470 5 1 0

    4spire lurns

    Sprrale Sprraln o 4 4 t 5 tt) 6F 120 120 160 160 1 80 210u 8 1 0 1 0 12 1 4

    q Guaina I Sheath H 4: ) 55 75 BO 90 t t 3o Rrcoprrmento Coverrng M 60 60 60 AN 60 60Foro d'rnrezrone Groulhing holeOuantrt dr boracca I Grout quantily Um l l 1 q 2 B 3,0 ' R 6 , 1

    le mlsrjre sono rn m I Al l the dtmenstons are n mn)

  • 7/30/2019 Depliant Preco


    Ancoraggioi giunzioneissoTipoK - Fixed oupling nchorage ypeK

    Ancoraggio i giunzionemobileTipo V - Movable ouplinganchorageType V

    S + A IA | = aflungamenloelongation

    DENOMINAZIONE DENOMINATIONManlcoltodr grunzrone Couplng sleeve

    Cono I Cone

    Pe r particolari - 3' 4 5 - 7 vedereancoraggioipoMG o MLFor he tems1 3'4 5' 7 see hean-chorage type MG or ML

    Iutte le mrsure sono In mmAll the dtmensions are n mm

    t o l

    1 2 T 5 1 5 T 1 5 1 9 T 1 5

    fubo I Tube

  • 7/30/2019 Depliant Preco


    PRECO rl