descriptive research of students' interest and motivation to be english teacher (ahmad dahlan...


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This is my thesis to get my bachelor degree in Ahmad Dahlan University. My research determined the interest and motivation of English Education Department Student to be English Teacher. The type of this research is descriptive research. I used questionnaire to collect the data. I also used validity and reliability to make sure that the questionnaire is valid. To find the result I used mean score. I hope it give some benefits :)





YEAR 2011/2012


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Attainment of the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Education


Fitri Nurul Hikmat











Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Attainment of the Degree of Sarjana


in English Education


Fitri Nurul Hikmat











Fitri Nurul Hikmat


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Attainment of the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

in English Education

Approved by:


Drs. Surono, M. Hum






Fitri Nurul Hikmat


Accepted by The Board of Examiners Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Ahmad Dahlan University

On October 9th 2012

The Board of Examiners

Chairperson : Drs. Surono, M.Hum ____________

First Examiner : Dra. Umi Rokhyati, M.Hum ____________

Second Examiner : Azwar Abbas, S.Pd., M.Hum ____________

Yogyakarta, October 9th 2012

The Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Ahmad Dahlan University

Drs. Ishafit, M.Si

NIY 60910098


Alhamdulillahrabbil‟alamin. Praise be to Allah SWT, the Almighty who

gives the writer an amazing blessing, by which this thesis is finally completed.

This thesis is the requirement to attain Sarjana Degree in English Education of

Ahmad Dahlan University.

The writer realizes that this research would not be accomplished without

support of others. Therefore, the writer would like to express her sincerest

appreciation and gratitude to:

1. Drs. Kasiyarno, M. Hum, as the rector of Ahmad Dahlan University.

2. Drs. Ishafit, M. Si, as the Dean of Faculty of Teaching Training and

Education of Ahmad Dahlan University.

3. Azwar Abbas, M. Hum., as the head of English Education Study.

4. Drs. Surono, M. Hum., as the consultant who patiently guided and

advised her during the arrangement of this thesis.

5. All lecturers of Ahmad Dahlan University who gave much knowledge

and learning.

6. All administration staff members of Ahmad Dahlan University

7. All librarians of Ahmad Dahlan University who helped her in

searching references.

8. Her beloved parents, who always pray day and night, and give support

spiritually and materially.

9. Her beloved best friends, for their supports and love.

Finally, the writer recognizes this thesis is still far from being perfect and

satisfactory. However, the writer hopes this study can be useful for everyone who

wants to improve the study of human development of PBI UAD students.

Therefore, positive suggestion and good criticism are expected in order that this

thesis will be better.

Yogyakarta, October 9th 2012

The Writer

Fitri Nurul Hikmat


Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

Nama : Fitri Nurul Hikmat

NIM : 08004151

Program Study : PBI-S1

Fakultas : KIP

Menyatakan bahwa karya ilmiah berjudul The Students’ Interest and Motivation

to be English Teacher of PBI Students of Ahmad Dahlan University of

Academic Year 2011/2012 ini adalah hasil pekerjaan saya sendiri dan sepanjang

pengetahuan saya, tidak berisi materi yang ditulis oleh orang lain sebagai

persyaratan penyelesaian study diperguruan tinggi ini atau perguruan tinggi lain

kecuali bagian-bagian tertentu yang saya ambil sebagai acuan dengan mengikuti

tata cara dan etika penulisan karya ilmiah yang lazim.

Apabila ternyata tebukti bahwa pernyataan ini tidak benar, hal tersebut

sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab saya.

Yogyakarta, 9 Oktober 2012

Yang membuat


Fitri Nurul Hikmat


I dedicate this thesis wholeheartedly to:

My lord, Allah SWT for his blessing and his love

To guide and protecting me in the right way

.“ ت ع ـت م و ا ت ع ت ٱ لذ ع إو م نم ع ال ت ع ت م وت “

For my first man, dad (Utep Hikmat),the best mother that I ever had (Nur

Hasanah),my beloved little sister, Fadhila Najmi Laila Hikmat and Fildzah

Nabihati Labibah Hikmat, you are so mean to me, it‟s only a little thing that I can

do to make you proud, thanks for every single prayer, support, love and

motivation that you have done for me.

For Ragil Satria Wicaksana,

thanks for giving me a new life and add the new color in my life,

je zal altijd mijn liefde.

My new little family Fuad KP, Taufiq H, Rizqi K, Masfiyatul Ulfa, Anna

F, Putri A, Bahrul Huda, Fahmi Firmansyah , Shirhi Athmainnah, and

Desriyati NW

thanks for being my new family and you are really more than family.

For my truly friends, Dwi, Aci, Naya,

Thanks for the beautiful friendship that I ever had

Your support, your laugh, your motivation will always be in my heart.

For all my friends

in PBI class C, IMM PB2, and BEM U

Thanks for giving me a new experience, a new thought and a new



ا ر ن م م ٱ سرر يسر

Trying and praying Are the keyS of the


Kamu tidak akan bertambah,

sebelum kamu memberi


TITLE ......................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL ............................................................................................... ii

RATIFICATION ....................................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ iv

PERNYATAAN .......................................................................................... vi

DEDICATION ............................................................................................. vii

MOTTO ...................................................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ ix

TABLE ......................................................................................................... xii

CHARTS ...................................................................................................... xiii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................. xiv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .............................................................. 1

A. Background of the Study ............................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problems ....................................... 6

C. Delimitation of the Problem .......................................... 8

D. Formulation of the Problem........................................... 8

E. Objectives of the Study ................................................. 9

F. Significances of the Study ............................................. 9

CHAPTER II BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ........................................ 11

A. Review of Relevant Study............................................ 11

B. Theoritical Frameork .................................................... 11

1. English Teacher Profession ..................................... 12

2. Interest .................................................................... 15

3. Motivation ............................................................. 17

4. Social Factors cause Interest and Motivation .......... 20

C. Conceptual Framework ................................................. 22

CHAPTER II RESEARCH METHOD ......................................................... 24

A. Research Type .............................................................. 24

B. Population, Sample and Sampling Technique ............... 25

C. Data Collecting Technique............................................ 27

D. Research Instrument ..................................................... 28

E. Data Analyzing Technique............................................ 31


A. Validity of The Instrument ............................................ 34

B. Reliability of The Instrument ...................................... 36

C. Data Description ......................................................... 36

1. The Student‟s Interest to be English Teacher ......... 37

2. The Student‟s Motivation to be English Teacher .... 42

3. Social Factors Leading to Interest and Motivation ...


CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................... 52

A. Conclusion ................................................................... 52

B. Suggestion .................................................................... 53




Table 1 The Distribution of The Sample ....................................................... 27

Table 2 Instrument of Each Variable ............................................................. 28

Table 3 Ideal Mean and Ideal Standard Deviation of Interest ......................... 37

Table 4 Categorization of Students‟ Interest ................................................. 38

Table 5 Specification Level of Students‟ Interest .......................................... 39

Table 6 Ideal Mean and Ideal Standard Deviation of Motivation ................... 43

Table 7 Categorization of Students‟ Motivation ........................................... 44

Table 8 Specification Level of Students‟ Motivation .................................... 45

Table 9 The Comparison Between Interest and Motivation .......................... 47


Chart 1 The Distribution of The Indicators of Student‟s Interest ................. 40

Chart 2 The Distribution of The Indicators of Student‟s Motivation ............ 46

Chart 3 The Distribution of Social Factors .................................................. 49

Hikmat, Fitri N. 2012. “The Students‟ Interest and Motivation to be English

Teacher of PBI Students of Ahmad Dahlan University of Academic Year

2011/2012”. S1 Thesis. Yogyakarta: Ahmad Dahlan University.


The research entitled “The Students‟ Interest and Motivation to be English

Teacher of PBI Students of Ahmad Dahlan University of Academic Year

2011/2012” is intended to describe the students‟ interest and motivation to be

English teacher and the social factors leading to their interest and motivation.

This research belongs to a descriptive quantitative research because the

researcher described data in form of number. The subjects of this research were

PBI UAD Students in the academic year 2011/2012. The number of population

was 1486 students and the number of the sample was 356 students. The researcher

used questionnaire to gather the data. Meanwhile in analyzing the data, the

researcher employed descriptive analysis by using mean score, standard deviation,

and percentage.

The result of this study showed that the PBI UAD students‟ interest to be

English teacher was in the high category by mean score 49.52, and the motivation

of PBI UAD students to be English teacher was also in the high category by mean

score 39.5. The dominant social factors leading to their interest and motivation

were socio-economic factors and social environment factors.



This chapter presents the introduction of the thesis. It contains of background of

the study, identification of the problem, limitation of the problem, problem

formulation, objectives of the study, and significance of the study.

A. Background of the Study

The globalization era, political, economical, social and culture relationship

has been increasing in recent years, it causes the human life entire the world is

more-opened. In this case the quality of human resource is very important, when a

country is more opened; the country will get some benefits in many sectors such

as education, social, politic and economy. It also makes the need of English has

been increasing in recent years. As an international language, English is a tool to

have the communication among the countries, written or spoken. Communication

is very important in informing the information, improving the technology,

science, and the culture. Huebener (1969 : 9) in Dewi (2008) states that the

communication ability is the ability to understand or producing the texts, spoken

or written.

Based on the problem above the need to improve the English skill is very

important recently, especially for developing countries such as Indonesia. It

causes the need of English teacher also has been increasing. Based on the data

from LITBANG community magazine the requirement of teacher has been

increasing since 2011 with the average 400 teacher of each year, it shows that

English teachers are more needed. Another implication is many universities which

have English Education Program Study (PBI) sustain the increasing of registrants

each year.

The need of English teacher in the the world, also has the important role in

increasing of the number the registrants. The government policy to increase the

welfare of teacher profession makes people begin to pay more attention toward

teacher profession. The research conducted by BALITBANG (Balai Penelitian

dan Pengembangan ) found that there was influence between the government

policy about teacher welfare and the student‟s interest to be English teacher. The

population of the research was the universities entire of Indonesia which had

English Education study program. It can be seen from the number of students who

chose English Education Study Program. In 2007 the government policy started to

be implemented, the influence toward the university was about 31,5 %. In 2008-

2009 the government had been implemented the policy, the influence was about


English teacher profession also has the additional value based on the

competency. English is perceived as a good choice, because it has a high prospect

in the future. One of the reasons is English becomes an international language,

therefore the developing country need the English human resource. Besides

English has the broad scope which can be implemented in the most of profession

such as banker, translator, ambassador and other professions. The development of

International school also makes English teacher is much needed.

Language teaching has its own characteristic and it is different from

another lesson. Language teacher teaches the students how to communicate and

expressing the idea, both spoken and written, therefore language teaching has

different method with other lesson. The need of English nowadays, causes English

as one of the important lessons in every school in Indonesia. It makes English

language teaching has its own different method and technique, as the result

English teachers are required to master the method and technique, besides English

teacher also should master the four skill of language, namely listening, speaking,

reading and writing.

English teacher has some criterion. Patel and Jain (2008 : 145) explains

the criterion of English teacher:

He must be lover of English, He must have sound knowledge of

English language as well as literature, He must know different

methods of teaching English, He must have and ability and skill

to teach methodically and systematically.

Based on the requirements competency, English teacher should master four

English skills namely, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. An English

teacher should have influent speaking, a good technique in writing English, and

can identify the English mistakes from the student.

Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) as one of 50 promising universities in

the world tries to answer the global challenge and the need of society by

organizing the English Education Program Study (PBI), therefore UAD has the

purpose to produce the professional English teachers. The efforts to produce the

good and professional English teacher is influenced by some factors; one of the

factors is learning process during the lecturing. Learning process is influenced by

two factors, external and internal factors. Abror (1993 :72) explains that the

external factors are social condition, classroom environment, the teacher itself and

learning facilities. The internal factors are motivation and interest in learning


The students‟ interest and motivation to be English teacher is very

important in learning process. According to Winkel (1996 : 30) interest can be

defined as a human tendency toward something, it causes the human to know

more and having the attitude to achieve the interest.. In educational psychology,

interest can influence learning attitude and learning behavior. Ainley and Hidi in

Woolfolk (2009 : 205) asserts high interest causes positive respond toward the

learning material, higher persistency, and higher achievement,. Abror (1992 : 112)

explains that interest has two base elements, namely cognition and conation.

Cognition can be an individual perception toward something and conation is

implemented into the will and motivation to understand it deeply. The interest to

be English teacher can be defined as a tendency to understand deeply about

English teacher profession and a will to be English teacher.

Interest is one of the intrinsic motivations; it comes from the individual

itself. When an individual has the interest, it raises the motivation of the

individual. According to Woolfolk (2009 :193) motivation is an internal condition

which arises, leads, and maintain the attitude the individual to reach the goal,

while Deci and Ryan (2002) in Woolfolk (2009 : 188) defines intrinsic motivation

as a natural tendency to find the challenge to fill the personal interest or

implement the self competency.

One of the efforts to answer the global challenge is producing the good

and professional English teacher, thus the topic is very important to be examined.

The success of learning process not only depends on the institute, but also

depends on the student. A good learning condition without the high interest and

motivation from the student will not make the effective learning process. Based on

the short observation by the researcher, in reality some of PBI students do not

have interest and motivation to be English teacher, yet because of the impression

from the parents, friends and the other condition they choose PBI as their program

study. Surely, this case will influence their learning process.

Interest and motivation as an internal factor, which comes from the

individual itself play an important role in the success of producing good English

teacher. High interest and motivation from the students can make the students

having the effort to improve their quality by themselves. It will make the best

synergies between students and university to produce good English teacher. In

summary, the research is important to be examined as one of the efforts to make

the best synergies between the students and the university.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher will try to explore the

research by the title: “The Students‟ Interest and Motivation to be English Teacher

of PBI Student of Ahmad Dahlan University in The Academic Year 2011/2012 ”

B. Identification of the Problem

Nowadays the globalization era, political, economical and social

relationship among the countries entire the world require the country to be more

opened. It makes the countries need to improve the quality of human resource;

one of the ways to improve the quality of human resource is improving the quality

of English skill to communicate. People are required to communicate in English

both spoken and written. The need of English nowadays, makes the people start to

pay attention toward English. English is perceived as a good prospect, because

English as an international language has a bright future. English competency can

not only be used as a teacher but also for other profession, therefore many people

think that English has high prospect in the future

The expansion of English also influences the need of English teacher in

Indonesia, recently the need of English teacher in Indonesia has been increasing,

as the results the registrant of PBI students in university had been increasing.

Besides, the government policy also plays the important role in in increasing the

registrant of PBI students, the teachers are guaranteed in their welfare, it makes

the society believes that English teacher is a promising job. English teacher has its

own criterion to fill the requirement; English teacher should master the four skills

of English language, listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Ahmad Dahlan University tries to answer the global challenge and the

need of the society by operating English Education program study in order to

produce the good and professional English teacher. One of the efforts in

producing the good and professional English teacher can be started from the

learning process. Learning process is influenced by two factors, external factor

such as classroom environmental, learning facilities and the quality of teacher.

Internal factors such as students‟ interest and motivation to learn something.

Interest can be defined as a human tendency toward something; it

continues to know it more. Interest can make a human to be more motivated and

have a high will to do a profession. Interest has two base elements, namely

cognition element and conation element. Cognation can be the perception about

English teacher profession, while conation is implemented into a will and

motivation to be English teacher. Motivation is an internal condition which makes

an individual having a high will to reach the goal. It can influences individual

attitudes to reach the goal. Motivation is very important in learning process

because motivation can maintain the individual attitude to persistent in his way to

reach the goal.

The success of learning process not only depends on the institution but

also depends on the students itself. Based on the short observation, some of the

PBI students of Ahmad Dahlan University, do not have interest and motivation,

the choose PBI because of the certain condition such as the impression from the

parents and friends. The PBI students should have a high interest and motivation,

it is because PBI students is required to have a good behavior in learning process

in order to be a good English teacher, therefore the topic is important to be


C. Delimitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem above, there are many topics

that can be discussed in this research; they are the need of improving English skill,

the need of English teacher in Indonesia, the prospect of English teacher, and the

effort of Ahmad Dahlan University in answering the global challenge and the

need of society. Because of limited knowledge and time, the research is focused

on the student‟s interest and motivation to be English teacher. The subjects of this

research are PBI students of Ahmad Dahlan University Student in the academic

year 2011/2012. It is intended to make the discussion more focus.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background above, the problem statement as follows :

1. What is the students‟ interest to be English teacher of PBI students of

Ahmad Dahlan University in the academic year 2011/2012 like?

2. What is the students‟ motivation to be English teacher of PBI students

of Ahmad Dahlan University in the academic year 2011/2012 like?

3. What are the students‟ social backgrounds leading to their interest and

motivation to be English teacher?

E. Objective of the Study

Based on the problem formulation the objectives of the study in this

research are :

1. To describe the student‟s interest to be English teacher of PBI students

of Ahmad Dahlan University in the academic year 2011/2012

2. To describe the student‟s motivation to be English teacher of PBI

students of Ahmad Dahlan University in the academic year 2011/2012

3. To describe the student‟s social backgrounds leading to their interest

and motivation to be English teacher

F. Significance of the Study

This study is expected to give some benefit to the lecturer, students, and

other researcher

1. For the lecturer

The research is expected to give an input as an effort to maximize

the students‟ potency in increasing the students‟ interest and

motivation to be English Teacher. Therefore the lecturer can use the

innovative and creative method and technique to increase students‟

interest and motivation.

2. For the Students

The research is expected to be a reflection for the PBI students to

evaluate their selves whether they have high interest and motivation to

be English teacher. The research is also expected to motivate the

students to increase the interest and motivation to be English teacher,

therefore the students will have some efforts to increase their interest

and motivation

3. For other researchers

The research is expected to give inputs for other researcher to

conduct a research on the similar topic and carry out the further




This chapter presents the researcher analysis of the students‟ interest and

motivation to be English teacher, therefore it presents reviews of related theories

on English teacher profession, interest, motivation and social backgrounds

influence motivation

A. Review of Relevant Studies

A research from Dwi Kuncahayani (2007) entitled “A Descriptive Study

On The Interest Of The Sub Urban Students In Learning English Of The

Second Grade Of Smp Muhammadiyah 1 Samigaluh Kulon Progo In The

Academic Year Of 2011/2012” also used the theory of interest and the social

factor affecting the interest. The research used descriptive statistic to examine the

interest and the social factor by calculating mean and standard deviation. To know

the dominant social factors affecting the interest, the researcher used percentage.

The result showed that the students‟ interest to learn English were in the fair

category and the dominant social factor affecting the students‟ interest is family

support (10.2%).

B. Theoritical Framework

There are four theories which construct this research, they are the theory of

english teacher profession, interest, motivation, and social factors leading to

students‟ interest and motivation. The theory is gathered from the literature study

of educational psychology and the theory of English teaching.

1. English Teacher Profession

Hornby (2011 :351) defines that profession is a type of job that needs

special knowledge. The word profession refers to someone who has a special

competency and knowledge so that he can be said as a professional. Ur (2010 :

388) states :

A „professional‟ is, broadly speaking, someone whose work

involves performing a certain function with some degree of

expertise. But a narrower definition limits the term to apply to

people such as doctors, teachers and lawyers, whose expertise

involves not only skill and knowledge but also the exercise of

highly sophisticated judgement, and whose accreditation

necessitates extensive study, often university-based, as well as

practical experience

Professional is a special term which refers to someone who has the specific

requirements, the special competency and exceeds some of the degree to be an expert.

Generally, people see a professional in certain occupations such as doctor, lawyer,

teacher and etc.

Millerson (1964) in Whitty (2006 : 2) “The main approach at this point focused

on establishing the features that an occupation should have in order to be termed a

profession”. He continues that a professional should have some of the criterion such as

the use of skills based on theoretical knowledge, education and training in those skills

certified by examination, a code of professional conduct oriented towards the „public

good‟, and a powerful professional organisation

Teacher is one of the professions that starts to be interested in, therefore a

teacher should have a professionalism. Ali Imron (1995: 199) defines a teacher as

someone who has a task and duty in formal education. Teacher profession is a

work in formal education which needs a special competency based on the

education norm. A professional teacher should have some criterion such as

academic qualification, pedagogic competency, personality competency,

professional competency and social competency. According to Susilo (2010 : 22)

teacher professionalism emphasizes to the knowledge mastery, management

ability and strategy application. One of the professionalism requirements is

knowledge mastery, based on the explanation above English teacher can be

defined as a person who teaches English.

Recent years, English language teaching has been improved in most of the

countries, thus English teacher profession has become popular profession. In order

to have a better English language teaching, English teacher is required to increase

his professionalism. Teaching foreign language is certainly different from

teaching another lesson. It is because English teacher has its own criteria; English

teacher should master four English skills. According to Patel dan Jain (2008: 145)

an English teacher should have some criterion as follows:

a. He must be lover of English

b. He must have sound knowledge of English language as well as


c. He must know different methods of teaching English

d. He must have and ability and skill to teach methodically and


They continue that an English teacher is as facilitator not a conventional teacher,

as an instructor not a preacher, as a content and material developer, and as a

classroom manager. Another brief explanation about English teacher skills and

competency is explained bellow:

a. He must know how to use different audio visual aids

b. He must be able to pronounce English responsible correctly

c. He must have ability to speak English correctly

d. He must know the techniques of writing

e. He must know and speak observing correct intonation and stress


f. He must be able to speak with correct phrases

g. He must have and ability to understand his students

h. He should always take interest in his students and become soft toward

his students

i. He must have an ability to identify the mistakes of his students

j. He must have an ability of thinking power

k. He must have an ability to adopt necessary remedial measurements

l. He should have good hand writing

m. He must have the knowledge of different types of activities and how

to organize all activities.

English teacher professionalism has an important role in English language

teaching, because it can influence toward the student ability in learning English.

An explanation from Arthur E. Vallicelli in his essay “The Role of Teacher

Professionalism in Education”

Teacher professionalism has relevant significance in education in

that it affects the role of the teacher and his or her pedagogy,

which in return affects the student‟s ability to learn effectively. It

can be defined as the ability to reach students in a meaningful

way, developing innovative approaches to mandated content

while motivating, engaging, and inspiring young adult minds to

prepare for ever-advancing technology.

In summary professionalism can be defined as the teacher ability to bring his

student into the learning enthusiasm, thus they can be more motivated to learn


2. Interest

According to Winkel (1996 :30) interest is a human tendency to be

interested toward something and being happy to include inside it. Another

definition comes from Sanjaya (2005 :7) interest is a tendency to do an action for

example, the interest to be a certain profession. Whitterington (1983 : 135) also

explains that interest is an individual awareness that the object, person, or

situation have the relation with him, therefore the individual should have the

information before his interest raises. Another definition comes from Sanjaya

(2005 :7) interest is a tendency to do an action for example, the interest to be a

certain profession. Based on the definition above interest can be defined as a

human tendency toward something and it can make human interested to include

inside it.

Interest has some functions in human life, it can lead human to know the

purpose of the life and to know the effort to reach the aim of life, so that human

can know the advantage and disadvantage things in the life. A brief explanation

about the functions of interest from Whitherington (1999:136), he explains that

interest is very beneficial for human life, it leads human to reach the goal of life

and to do the useful things for his life, because he realize that he should fill his

need. On the other hand interest also can give a complete view of life. In

conclusion interest is very beneficial for human life because it leads human to

reach his goal of life. Without a goal of life, human will not have a good life.

Woolfolk (2009 :204) states that there are two kinds of interest, situational

interest and personal interest. Personal interest is the enduring aspect of human, it

grows from human itself. Ormord (2006 : 401) explains that situational interest is

influenced by the environment. Personal interest is more beneficial than

situational interest because personal interest is relatively stable, yet situational

interest depends on the environment, so that situational interest can change by the


Interest is very important in learning process, it can make students pay

more attention to the subject and cognitively engaged (M.A Mc Daniel, Wadill,

Finstad, and Bourg (2000) in Wolkfoolk, 2009 : 205). Wolkfoolk continues that

high interest can make more positive emotional respond, higher persistency in

learning, deeper process in learning, memorizing the learning material well and

high learning achievement. Students and learning process cannot be separated

from interest because it can influence the student in learning process.

There are two base elements in interest. Abror (1992 :112) explains that

interest has two base elements, namely cognition element and conation elements.

Cognition can be an information and perception about an object which is

interested in, and conation can be implemented toward attitude. Information can

rise up the human interest toward an object, if human have negative information

they will have less interest toward an object, in contrast if human have positive

information they will have much interest toward an object.

The interest to be English teacher is mind, feeling, and attention

concentration toward English teacher profession. The interest to be English

teacher can arise from perception, positive respond, and tendency toward an

object. Based on the explanation above the interest to be English teacher is a

tendency toward English teacher profession which is showed by the mind

concentration, pleasant feeling, and much attention toward English teacher. The

indicators of the interest to be English teacher are information about English

teacher profession, the pleasant feeling and a tendency toward English teacher

profession, and a will to be English teacher.

The functions of student‟s interest to be English teacher are the student

will pay more attention to understand the English profession; furthermore the

student will have some efforts to grow up his competency and ability to be a

professional teacher.

3. Motivation

Motivation can be defined as an arousal for human to do something.

According to Woolfolk (2009 :186) motivation is an internal factor which rises,

leads, and maintain the human attitude. Another explanation comes from Ormrod

(2006 : 365) “motivation is something that energizes, directs, and sustains

behavior. It gets student moving points them in a particular direction, and keeps

them going”. Based on the explanation, motivation is something that comes from

internal individual which can energize, direct, and sustain behavior in order to

reach a goal.

Generally, motivation can be divided into two, intrinsic and extrinsic

motivations. Deci (1975) in Brown (2008 : 188) explains that the activities, which

are motivated by intrinsic motivation, do not have the incentive because it satisfies

the individual itself. In other word, intrinsic motivation is a natural tendency to

find a challenge to fill the personal interest and implement self competency. In

contrast, Brown (2008 : 188) explains that extrinsic motivation is stimulated by

external factor.

There are four perspective of motivation, Woolfolk (2009 : 192)

summarizes the perspective. The first is behavioral perspective; the motivation

source is extrinsic motivation. It emphasizes the reward, punishment and the

incentive of learning process. The second is humanistic perspective, the

motivation source is intrinsic motivation. The focus is the need of self-esteem,

self-fulfillment, and self-determination. Third, cognitive perspective, the

motivation source is intrinsic motivation. It focuses on belief, expectation, and

failure. The last perspective is socio-cultural perspective; the source motivation is

intrinsic motivation. It emphasizes toward the participation in society.

There are several theories of motivation, the famous theory of motivation

comes from Maslow with the need hirearchy. The Maslow‟s theory is based on

the students need, there are five basic needs in Maslow‟s theory. The first need is

Physiological needs such as hunger, and sleep. The second is safety needs, these

needs represent the importance of security, protection, stability freedom from

anxiety and the need from structure and limits. Third, love and belongingness

needs. This category refers to our need for family and friends. Fourth, esteem

needs. These needs direct us to the reactions of other to us as individual and our

opinion of ourselves, and the last need is need for self actualization. Here Maslow

refers to the tendency to feel competence.

Another theory of motivation is expectency X values theory, in this theory

motivation is seen as two main factors: the individual expectancy of the goal and

the meaning of goal itself for the individual. If one of the factors does not exist,

there is no motivation to reach it. Motivation also can be seen from the socio

cultural which is explained from socio-cultural theory. The theory emphasizes to

the participation of the community practice. The students will have high

motivation if they have the environment which gives the high value to the

learning. The theory of motivation also comes from Weiner with the theory of

attribution. Attribution theory relates to the need for achievement, it also relates

to the student‟s determination of their self. For example the students have some

perceptions about the examination, such as “the examination is absolutely

difficult”, “the teacher dislikes me”, “I‟m not good in this subject”. There are four

elements in attribution theory: Ability, Effort, Luck and Task Difficulty.

Motivation can affect on student‟s learning and behavior. As Ormord

(2006 : 366) summarizes :

a. It directs behavior toward particular goals; it also affects the

student‟s choice.

b. It leads to increase effort and energy, motivation will give the

student additional effort and energy in expending the student

competency related to their needs and goal

c. It increases initiation and persistent in activity.

d. It enhances cognitive processing. Motivation makes the student to

pay more attention toward the material.

e. It determines what consequences are reinforcing and punishing

f. It leads to improve a performance. Goal-directed behavior, energy

and effort, initiation, persistence, cognitive processing, and impact

of consequences of ten lead student to improve the performance

To sum up, the study about motivation is often focused on how the human act to

reach a goal (attitude), how often the human do the activity and how long the

duration is (time), how human has the persistency in maintaining the motivation

(persistency), and what is human feeling during the process (the pleasant feeling

of something)

4. Social Factors cause Interest and Motivation

There are some factors influence interest and motivation, according to

Sukardi in Krisnadi (2006 :17) two factors influence the interest are individual

factor and social factor. Individual factor is the factors come from the individual

itself, such as intelligent; talent, maturity and personality. Social factor is the

factors which are caused by social condition, such as the environment, social and

economic background and family background. According to Crow&Crow (1973 :

22) the factors that influence interest are :

a. The Factor of Inner Urges

A stimulus from the outside, which is suitable with the needs of an

individual, can raise the individual interest. For example the need of

learning can raise a student interest toward the certain subject.

b. Emotional Factor

The factor relates to the individual feeling toward the individual

experience. If an individual experiencing the success in particular subject

it can raise the individual interest in contrast if an individual experiencing

the failure, it can reduce the interest.

c. The Factor of Social Motive

The social factors also have influences in raising the interest; the social

factors can be friends, parents, or the society. Friends have an important

role in promoting interest to the individual, if they have a particular

interest, the individual will possibly have the same interest.

Fathoni (1988 :11) also explains that there are some social factors

influence interest, they are : dream, teacher role, school facilities, family, friends

and mass media. A brief explanation about factors affecting motivation comes

from Ormrod (2006 : 424), he explains that there are three factors affecting

motivation, namely :

a. Ethnic differences

The learners have the motivation based on their society. The ethnic

background influences their emotion, anxiety, expectation, self-determination and

behavior in learning. For the example learners who come from the most ethnic

have the high motivation in learning, in contrast learners who come from the

minority ethnic may have a high motivation in learning. To sum up it may be the

result of the discriminative practices in the society.

b. Gender Differences

A gender difference has the influence in motivation, for example girls

usually are more concerned about doing well in school. They work harder on

assignment, earn higher grades, engage in less self-handicapping, and more often

graduate from school (Urdan and Migley 2001, in Ormrod, 2006 : 385). The

perspective about the job related to gender can influence the motivation of the

learners to choose their interest in learning. The students will consider wether the

job is suitable with their gender or not, as an example teacher is usually perceived

as a job which is suitable for women.

c. Socioeconomic differences

Socioeconomic differences have the roles to motivate the student, Wilson

and Corbett (2001) in Ormrood (2006 : 385) states that the students who come

from the low socioeconomic backgrounds have higher motivation from others, it

is because they want to make their family life better than before. In conclusion,

there are some factors influence interest and motivation of the students, they are :

environment, family background, gender background, and socioeconomic


C. Conceptual Framework

Becoming a professional English teacher is much need nowadays; it needs

hard effort to be professional English teacher. The effort is much influenced by

internal factors which are interest and motivation. Interest and motivation to be

English teacher are the important factors for the PBI students to have the effort to

be a good and professional English teacher; therefore it needs to know the level of

interest and motivation category of PBI UAD students. After knowing the level of

interests‟ and motivation of PBI UAD students‟ it also needs to know the social

factors leading to their interests‟ and motivation.



This chapter presents the sequential procedure of this research. There are several

interconnected parts that build research method. This parts are research type,

population, sample, and sample technique, data collecting technique, research

instrument, and data analyzing technique

A. Research Type

Arikunto (2010 : 2) explains there are three types of research, namely

descriptive, experiment, and action research. Descriptive comes from the word

“describe” which means to draw or to explain something, such as phenomenon,

condition, situation event and etc. Experiment can be defined as a research which

examined the causality; then action research is a research in which the researcher

does a continuous action to achieve the maximal result.

Arikunto (2010 : 3) continues that there four types of descriptive research,

namely pure descriptive or survey, correlational study, comparison study, and

trace study. Pure descriptive is a descriptive research which is only examined the

data in the field research; correlational study is a research to know the causality

toward the data. The comparison study is to compare the data between two

condition, and trace study is to observe the past.The type of this research was pure

descriptive because this research was only aimed to describe the students‟ interest,

motivation to be English teacher and the social factors leading to their interest and


Bogdan and Biklen (1982) in Sugiyono (2011 : 13) the characteristic of

qualitative research is that the data are in the forms of word or picture rather than

number; on the other hand, quantitative research the data are in numbers.

Sugiyono (2011 : 15) also explains the instruments of quantitative research are

standard test and questionnaire, yet the instruments of qualitative research are

human instrument, notes, tape recorder, camera, and etc. The methodology used

by researcher was quantitative, because in getting the data the researcher used

questionnaire and the data are in numbers. This research involved three variables

that would be described, namely students‟ interest, students‟ motivation and the

social factors leading to their interest and motivation.

B. Population, Sample and Sampling Technique

1. Population

Arikunto ( 2010 : 173) states that population is all of the research

subjects. The population of this research was the students of English

Education Department of Ahmad Dahlan University in the academic year

2011/2012. Based on the data from the office management of faculty (TU)

the numbers of PBI students in the academic year 2011/2012 are 1486


2. Sample and Sampling Technique

Arikunto (2010 : 174) explains that sample is the representation of

the population that will be examined by the researcher, in this research the

researcher used proportional sample. The technique of this research was

proportional simple random sampling technique. Proportional simple

random sampling is a technique sampling random from each sub

population. The formulation is explained by Yamane Yamane (1973) in

Riduwan (2005 :249), by significance 95% and sampling error 5 %

𝑛 =𝑁



n = the number of sample

N = Population

d = decision of degree 5%

Based on the formulation above, the sample was determined as follow:

𝑛 =1486

1486 . 0.05 2+ 1 = 355,9 ( is rounded to 356 )

The sample used was proportional sample, to allocate the sample for each

grade, the formulation is:

𝑛𝑖 = 𝑁𝑖

𝑁. 𝑛

Explanation :

𝑛𝑖= The sample in the first proportion

𝑁𝑖= The first population

N = Total Population

n = The sample used in the research

The sample in this research can be determined as follow

Table 1 The Distribution of Sample

NO Grade First

Population 𝑁𝑖

The formulation The number of

sample (𝑛𝑖)

1 2008 377 𝑛𝑖 =377

1486 .356= 90,3 90

2 2009 503 𝑛𝑖 =503

1486 .356= 120,5 121

3 2010 347 𝑛𝑖 =347

1486 .356= 83,1 83

4 2011 259 𝑛𝑖 =259

1486 .356= 62,0 62

Total = 1486 Total = 356

C. Data Collecting Technique

Data collecting technique is a way to collect the data research. The data

collecting technique used in this research was questionnaire. According to

Arikunto (2010 : 194) questionnare is number of questions or statements which is

used to get the information from the respondents. Arikunto (2010 :195) explains

that there are two method of questionnaire open-questionnaire and close

questionnaire. Open questionnaire is a questionnaire in which the respondent can

answer the question by their selves; in contrast closed-questionnaire is a

questionnaire in which the respondents choose the answer, because the answer has

been provided by the researcher. The questionnaire method in this research was

closed-questionnaire. The questionnaire method was used to get the information

about the student‟s interest, the student‟s motivation to be English teacher and the

social background leading to their interest and motivation.

D. Research Instrument

Sugiyono (2009 : 148) says that instrument is a tool which is used to

measure the observed nature and social phenomenon. The research instrument in

this research was closed- questionnaire. The questionnaire used modification of

Likert scales which were SS (Very Agree) with score 4, S (Agree) with score 3,

TS (Disagree) with score 2, and STS (Very Disagree) with score 1.

Based on the definitions of each variable the researcher determined the

indicator of each variable and made the formulation of the questionnaire as


Table 2 Instrument of each variable

No Variable


Indikator No Butir Jumlah

1. The interest to be

English teacher

a.The information

about English

teacher profession


b. The Tendency

and Pleasant Feeling

toward English

Teacher Profession


c. Paying more

Attention toward

English Teacher



d. Ambition and

Will to be English



2. The student‟s

motivation to be

English teacher

a.Effort of the

Individual in

learning process



b. The intensity of

learning activity


c. The individual

competency during

the learning process


3. Social Factors in

interest and


Social Environment 41,42,43,44,45,46

family background 47,48,49

gender background 50,51




1. Validity of the Instrument

Validity test is used to get the certainty of the item question.

Sugiyono (2009 : 121) explains that an instrument can be said as a valid

instrument if the instrument can measure what should be measured. There

are two kinds of validity, namely internal validity and external validity.

Sugiyono (2011 :123) explains that internal validity is used when the

instrument is improved from the relevance theory, in contrast external

validity is used when the instrument is improved from the empirical or

experienced facts. Based on the explanation above this research used

internal validity.

Sugiyono (2011 : 123) continues that internal validity should have

construct validity and content validity. Tjahjono (2009 :17) defines that

construct validity is used to measure based on the theory how the test is

designed then the test is consulted to the expert, on the other hand content

validity is validity that shows a concept that had been drawn. To try out

the instrument by using construct validity, the instrument of this research

is consulted to the thesis consultant then the instrument was tried out to the

object outside of the sample by using item validity. Arikunto (2009 :76)

explains that item validity measures each item of the instrument, an item

can be said as a valid item if the item score has the correlation with the

total score, therefore it used product moment correlation formula as

follows :

𝑟𝑥𝑦 = 𝑁 𝑋𝑌− 𝑋 𝑌

𝑁 𝑋2 − 𝑋2 𝑁 𝑌2− 𝑌2

Explanation :

𝑟𝑥𝑦 = Correlation index of “r” Product Moment

N = Number of cases

𝑋𝑌 = Multiplying between X score and Y score

𝑋 = Total X score

𝑌 = Total Y score

(Sudijono, 2011 : 206)

2. Reliability of The Instrument

Arikunto (2010 : 221) states that reliability points to a definition

that an instrument is reliable to be used as a tool to collect the data because

the instrument is good. To try out the reliability of the instrument the

researcher used Cronbach Alpha technique. It was because the instrument

form of this research, formed the interval data in which the evaluation

score of item questionnaire were among 1-4. The formulation of Cronbach

Alpha technique as follow :

𝑟11 = 𝑘

𝑘−1 1 −




𝑟11 = instrument reliability

𝑘 = the number of item question

𝜎𝑏2 = the number of item variants

𝜎𝑡2 = total variants

E. Data Analyzing Technique

To describe the students‟ interest and motivation to be English teacher, the

researcher used descriptive analysis and to describe the social factor leading to

their interest and motivation to be English teacher the researcher used percentage

of each factor.

1. Mean

Mean is used to find out the average score. It is the most efficient

measurement of central tendency or most frequently used to measure the

central tendency in statistic test

𝑀𝑥 = 𝑓𝑋


Explanation :

𝑀𝑋= Mean Score

𝑓𝑋= the multiplication between midpoint and the frequency

𝑁= number of cases

Sudjiono (2011 :81)

2. Standard Deviation

Standard deviation shows the spread of score deviated from mean.

The formulation is :

𝑆𝐷 = 𝑋2


Explanation :

SD = Standard Deviation

𝑋2=the numbers of deviation

N = the number of cases

3. The Categorization of Students‟ Interest and Motivation

To know the level of the student‟s interest and motivation, the

researcher limited and categorized the score and the variable by referring

to the normal distribution by using ideal mean and ideal standard deviation

The ideal mean was determined by multiplying a half of the

maximum score plus the minimum score possibly while the ideal standard

deviation is multiplying one sixth-of the maximum score plus the

minimum score possibly.

Scale Scale Number Category

1.5 M+ 1.5 (SD) Very High

0.5 M+0.5 (SD) High

-0.5 M-0.5 (SD) Fair

-1.5 M-1.5 (SD) Low

-1.5 <M-1.5 (SD) Very Low

4. Percentage

To know the social factors leading to students‟ interest and

motivation to be English teacher the researcher used percentage of each

factor. There are four factors leading to students‟ interest and motivation

namely social environment, family background, gender background, and

socioeconomic background. The formula of percentage was determined as

follow :

P = 𝐹

𝑁 x 100%


P = Percentage

F = Mean total of each factor

N = Mean total of all factors



Before the data was collected, the instrument was tried out to the 30 PBI Students

out of the population. The result of instrument tried out is presented in this chapter

by showing the validity and reliability of the instrument. After the data of this

research has been collected and analyzed, the presentation of the data result

analysis is in this chapter. This chapter presents the descriptive analysis of

students‟ interest and motivation to be English teacher and the analysis of social

factors leading to their interest and motivation to be English teacher. The variables

of this research are students‟ interest to be English teacher, students‟ motivation to

be English teacher, and social factors leading to their interest and motivation to be

English teacher. The ideal mean and the ideal standard deviation (SD) of students‟

score are mainly discussed in this part. The calculation is calculated by the

computer program on SPSS and it is presented in appendix.

A. Validity of the Instrument

To know the validity of the instrument the researcher used item analysis

by using correlation product moment formula. From the 20 items of students‟

interest instrument it was found 4 invalid items, from the 20 items of students‟

motivation instrument it was found 7 invalid items, and from the 25 items of

social factors instrument it was found 8 invalid items. The criterion of valid item

by using correlation product moment is r table = 0,361, the item can be said as

invalid item when the item score is under 0,361.

From the students‟ interest instrument it was found that the invalid items

were item number 3 by r table 0.040, 7 by r table 0.269,14 by r table 0.324, and16

by r table 0.312, and then there were still 16 valid items to measure the students‟

interest. The students‟ motivation instrument showed that the invalid items werre

item number 23 by r table 0.118, 31 by r table 0.169, 33 by r table 0.150, 34 by r

table 0.027, 36 by r table 0.324, 38 by r table 0.118, and 39 by r table 0.175, so

that there were still 13 valid items to measure the students‟ motivation to be

English teacher. The invalid items of social factors leading to students‟ interest

and motivation were 9 invalid items, the numbers were 42 by r table 0.198, 43 by

r table 0.229, 44 by r table 0.229, 46 by r table 0.295, 47 by r table 0.142, 49 by r

table 0.142, 50 by r table 0,345, 52 by r table 0.306, and 53 by r table 0.3, there

were still 6 valid items from social factors instrument.

Based on the analysis above total the invalid items from 55 items were 19

items, 4 invalid items from students‟ interest instrument, 7 invalid items from

students‟ motivation instrument, and 8 invalid items from social factor instrument.

In summary total of the item instrument were 36 items, 16 items for students‟

interest, 13 items for students‟ motivation and 7 items for the social factors. The

invalid items in this research were eliminated; therefore the researcher only used

the valid items to collect the data.

B. Reliability of the Instrument

To measure the reliability of the instrument, the researcher used

Cronbach‟s Alpha, the criterion is the score of Crobanch‟s Alpha is more than 0.6.

In measuring the reliability only the valid items were measured. The result of the

calculation showed that all the items are reliable. The result of alpha score wass

0.931 it meant that the instrument were very reliable. The further explanation to

know the reliability of each item can be seen from the appendix.

C. Data Description

In this research, the researcher would like to reveal the level of students‟

interest and motivation to be English teacher. The level of students‟ interest and

motivation to be English teacher was interpreted based on the ideal mean and

ideal standard deviation (SD) score obtained by the PBI students. After knowing

the ideal mean and ideal SD score, the researcher calculated the categorization of

each variable then the researcher classified the mean score of each variable. The

categorizations were classified into five levels, namely very high, high, fair, poor,

and very poor. To analyze the social factors leading to their interest and

motivation, it was seen from the most dominant social factors. The data

description was classified into three parts; the description of students‟ interest, the

description of students‟ motivation, and the social factors leading to their interest

and motivation.

1. The Students‟ Interest to be English teacher

The result of the ideal mean and the ideal SD of students‟ interest were in

the table below:

Table 3 Ideal Mean and Ideal Standard Deviation





Mean Ideal



SD Ideal SD



16 64 49.52 40 5.7 13.3 16

Minimum score could be determined by multiplying N and the lowest

score possibly, while the maximum score could be determined by multiplying N

and the highest score possibly. The research used modification Likert scale by the

rank 1-4, the lowest score possibly was 1 and the highest score possibly was 4,

therefore it was gained the minimum score was 16 and the maximum score was


Ideal mean can be determined by multiplying a half of maximum score

plus the minimum score, the result score of ideal mean was 40, while the ideal

standard deviation could be determined by multiplying one-sixth of maximum

score plus minimum score, the result score of standard deviation was 13.3.

After knowing the ideal mean and ideal standar deviation the

categorization level of students‟ interest was calculated. The formula of

categorization could be calculated from the Ideal Mean (M) and Ideal Standard

Deviation (SD), the calculation can be shown in the table below :

Scale Scale Number Category

1.5 M+ 1.5 (SD) - Maximum score Very High

0.5 M+0.5 (SD) - < M+ 1.5 (SD) High

-0.5 M-0.5 (SD) - < M + 0.5 (SD) Fair

-1.5 M-1.5 (SD) - < M-0.5 (SD) Low

-1.5 Minimum score- < M-1.5 (SD) Very Low

After the calculation of ideal mean and ideal standard deviation, the

categorization as follow :

Table 4 Categorization Level of Students Interest

Interval Category

59,95 - 64 Very High

46.65 – < 59.95 High

33.35 – < 46.65 Fair

20.05 – < 33.35 Poor

16 – < 20.05 Very Poor

From the calculation that had been done, the result of mean score from the

students‟ interest instrument was 49.52. It means that the category of PBI UAD

students‟ interest to be English teacher is in the high category. The specification

category of each grades were the 2011 students had the mean score 52.5 it meant

that most of the 2011 students had high interest to be English teacher. The 2010

students had the mean score 49.1 so that they were also in high category. The

mean score of 2009 students was 49.3 and they were in the high category. The

lowest mean score came from 2008 students, although they were also in high

category. The mean score of 2008 students was 48.3, on the other hand the highest

mean score came from 2011 students with the score 52.5. The summary of the

specification can be seen in the table below :

Table 5 Specification Level of Students Interest

Grade Mean Score Level

2011 52.5 High

2010 49.1 High

2009 49.3 High

2008 48.3 High

Interest is constructed from some indicators namely; the information about

English teacher profession, the tendency and pleasant feeling to be English

teacher, paying more attention toward English teacher profession, and the will and

ambition to be English teacher. Each indicator has contributed to construct the

interest. The contribution of each indicator could be known from the mean score

and it was converted to the percentage. The calculation results for the information

about English teacher profession was 3.21, the tendency and pleasant feeling to be

English teacher was 3.09, paying more attention toward English teacher

profession was 3.04, and the will and ambition to be English teacher was 3.0.

Based on the result it was known that the highest mean score was information

about English teacher by mean score 3.21.

The percentage could be calculated from the total mean score of each

indicator divided the total mean of interest which was 49. 52 and it was multiplied

with 100 %, the formula can be seen as follow :

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠 x 100 %

To know the contribution of each indicator can be seen from the picture below :

Chart 1 : The Distribution of The Indicators of Student’s Interest

Based on the picture above, the information about English teacher

profession has the highest contribution to construct the interest, then attention also

give the highest contribution after the information. After the information and


Tendency and pleasant feeling



Will and ambition24.26%

attention the ambition gave the contribution and the last tendency and pleasant

feeling also gave the contribution to construct interest.

The students build their interest from the information about English

teacher from many sources. In the instrument there were four information sources;

family, lecturer, mass media, and society. Based on the analysis of the information

sources, the society had the highest role in informing the students about the

English teacher by the mean score 3.41 converted to the percentage 26.64 % then;

mass media gave the second role in informing the students about English teacher

after the society by the mean score 3.235 converted to percentage 25.25 %. The

lecturers had the mean score 3.09, it meant lecturers contributed 24.41% and the

family had the mean score 3.07 and contributed 23.96 %.

After the students gained the information, they begin to pay more attention

toward English teacher profession. The analysis result showed that most of the

students thought that becoming an English teacher can make them give the

contribution for the country. The information from the mass media about the

development of English and English teacher in the world could be one of the

factors in contributing the perception that becoming of English teacher can make

them giving the contribution for the country; therefore they started to pay more

attention toward English teacher profession.

The information about English teacher profession and their attention

toward English teacher profession made them having will and ambition to be

English teacher. It was proved by the analysis which showed the result of the

instrument that after students gained the information and pay more attention

toward English teacher profession, they observed the advantages of becoming

English teacher. After they observed the advantages, they wanted to be English

teacher, yet the analysis result also showed that only few students that have a

dream to be English teacher. It means that most of the students want to be English

teacher only because of the condition, in this case the parents or the society.

The last indicator is tendency and pleasant feeling to be English teacher.

English teacher will make the life better was the first reason why they were

interested to be English teacher by the percentage 35%. Most of the students

thought that teaching English is the challenge for them, therefore they wanted to

be English teacher, the percentage of this reason was 32.89% and the last reason

was they thought that English teacher is more interesting than becoming teacher

another lesson by the percentage 32.07%.

To conclude, the students‟ interest to be English teacher was constructed

by four indicators. First, the information about English teacher profession which

were gained from some sources, after they have the information they started to

pay more attention toward English teacher profession and they observed the

advantages of becoming English teacher profession, so that they had a will and

ambition to be English teacher. After all of the process, the last indicator was

tendency and pleasant feeling to be English teacher, most of them believed that

English teacher profession will bring them to the better future, so that they had the

high interest to be English teacher.

2. The Students‟ Motivation to be English Teacher

The result of the ideal mean and the ideal SD of students‟ motivation was

in the table below:

Table 6 Ideal Mean and Ideal Standard Deviation





Mean Ideal



SD Ideal SD



13 52 39.5 32.5 4.67 10.83 13

Minimum score could be determined by multiplying N and the lowest score

possibly, while the maximum score could be determined by multiplying N and the

highest score possibly. The research used modification Likert scale by the rank 1-

4, the lowest score possibly was 1 and the highest score possibly was 4, therefore

it was gained the minimum score was 13 and the maximum score was 52.

Ideal mean could be determined by multiplying a half of maximum score

plus the minimum score, the result score of ideal mean was 32.5, while the ideal

standard deviation could be determined by multiplying one-sixth of maximum

score plus minimum score, the result score of standard deviation was 10.83.

After knowing the ideal mean and ideal standar deviation the

categorization level of students‟ interest was calculated. The formula of

categorization could be calculated from the Ideal Mean (M) and Ideal Standard

Deviation (SD), the calculation was in the table below :

Scale Scale Number Category

1.5 M+ 1.5 (SD) - Maximum score Very High

0.5 M+0.5 (SD) - < M + 1.5 (SD) High

-0.5 M-0.5 (SD) - < M + 0.5 (SD) Fair

-1.5 M-1.5 (SD) - < M-0.5 (SD) Low

-1.5 Minimum score- < M-1.5 (SD) Very Low

After the calculation of ideal mean and ideal standard deviation, the

categorization as follow :

Table 7 Categorization Level of Students’ Motivation

Interval Category

48.75 – 52 Very High

37.96 – < 48.75 High

27.09 – < 37.96 Fair

16.23 – < 27.09 Poor

13 – < 16.23 Very Poor

Based on the calculation the mean score of PBI UAD students‟ motivation

to be English teacher was 39.5 which meant the category of students‟ motivation

to be English teacher was in the high category. The specification of the motivation

of each grade was 2011 students were in the high category, because the mean

score was 41.9. The 2010 students was also in the high category with the mean

score 39.1, then the 2009 students had the mean score 39.3 and they were also in

the high category. The 2008 students had the mean score 39 and they were in the

high category. The highest score came from 2011 students with the mean score

41.2 and the summary of the specification was in table below :

Table 8 Specification Level of Students Motivation

Grade Mean Score Level

2011 41.2 High

2010 39.1 High

2009 39.3 High

2008 39 High

To know the motivation of the students, the researcher used three indicators;

individual effort during the learning process, the intensity of learning process, and

the individual competency during the learning process. To know the contribution

of each indicator, the researcher used mean score of each indicator and it was

converted to the percentage. The percentage could be calculated from the total

mean score of each indicators divided the total mean of interest which was 39.5

and it is multiplied with 100 %, the formula can be seen as follow :

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑠 x 100 %

Individual effort had the highest mean score which was 3.06, intensity of

learning had the mean score 3.03, and individual competency during the learning

process had the mean score 2.96. The analysis result of each indicator can be seen

from the picture below :

Chart 3 : The Distribution of The Indicators of Student‟s Motivation

Based on the picture above, students‟ effort had the highest score in

constructing students‟ motivation. There were some indicators that describe effort

and it was drawn in 9 item questions, they were effort in physically performance,

effort in competency, effort during the learning process. Based on the analysis

result it showed that effort in competency was in the first rank in constructing

effort. Most of the students agreed that improving their skill, especially in

speaking, was the best effort to be a good English teacher. The second rank was

effort during learning process, they believed that study hard during the learning

process in classroom will lead them to be a good English teacher. The analysis

result also showed that only few students agreed that physically performance such

as wear the clothes like a teacher could be the effort to be English teacher.

The analysis results showed that most of the students thought that the

learning process in the classroom with the lecturer gave much contribution in

transforming the knowledge to be a good English teacher. Most of the students

also satisfied with their competency during the learning process. Based on the

explanation above, it can be concluded that students‟ motivation emphasized the


Intensity of Learning15.33%


students‟ effort, intensity of the learning process, and the individual feeling during

the competency.

The students‟ interest and motivation had been analyzed, based on the

result there are relationship between interest and motivation, the students who

have high score in interest they also have high score in motivation. Generally PBI

UAD students were in the high category of interest, it balanced with their

motivation which was also in the high category. The detail result can be seen from

the table as follow :

Table 9 The Comparison Between Interest and Motivation

Grade Interest Motivation

2011 52.5 41.2

2010 49.1 39.1

2009 49.3 39.3

2008 48.3 39

The 2011 students had the highest score in interest and they also had the

highest score in motivation. Based on the theory that comes from Brown (2008 :

188) intrinsic motivation can fill the personal interest, when the students have the

high interest toward an object it can arouse and lead them to know more and to

implement the object, the arousal is motivation. After they have high interest they

will have high motivation in order to fill their interest.

3. Social Factors Leading to Students Interest and Motivation

There are four social factors leading to their interest and motivation which

are social environment, family, gender, and socio-economic backgrounds. To

know the contribution of each factor leading to the students interest and

motivation, the researcher used percentage formula which are the total mean score

of each indicator divided total mean score of all indicators multiplied 100%. The

mean score of social factors leading to students‟ interest and motivation was 17.4.

The mean score of social environment was 2.40 it meant the percentage of

social environment was 27.49%, the mean score of family was 2.36 with the

percentage 27.07%, gender had the mean score 3.03 with the percentage 17.34%,

and the last socio-economic had the mean score 2.45 with the percentage 28.08%.

From the calculation, it showed that the highest mean score was gender, yet

gender had the lowest contribution 17.34%, it was because gender indicator only

has one item, on the other hand family, social environment and socioeconomic

have two item questions therefore the mean score of gender higher than other.

To calculate the contribution the researcher used total mean score the

calculation showed that total mean score of social environment was 4.803, total

mean score of family was 4.73, total mean score of gender was 3.03 and total

mean of socioeconomic was 4.9. The summary of analysis result can be seen in

the picture below :

Chart 3 : The Distribution of Social Factors

Based on the picture, it was found that social environment contributed

27.49%, family backgrounds contributed 27.07%, gender backgrounds

contributed 17.34%, and socio-economic 28.08%. Socio-economic background

gave much influence toward the students‟ interest and motivation to be English

teacher. There were two elements in constructing the question, first the perception

about socio-economic from the students itself and the perception from the society.

Most of the students believed that English teacher profession will make them

having enough salary by the percentage 49.3% ; yet the society perception

contributed more than students perception by the percentages 50.66%. The society

perceives that English teacher profession will make people have a change in

economic conditions.

The second position in influencing students‟ interest and motivation to be

English teacher was social environment. There were two elements in social

environment, namely society and friends. The analysis result showed that most of

the students were more influenced by the society than friends in building the

Social environment






interest and motivation; it was proved by the mean score of society influence was

54.2% and the percentage of friends influence was 45.8%.

Most of the students come from the society in which teacher becoming one

of the popular professions; therefore they had the good perception toward teacher

profession. The society perception will be the information for the students about

English teacher profession. Based on the theory of interest, the interest starts from

the information and perception, the good perception and information will make

the students have much tendency toward English teacher profession. Another

social environment is friends of the students; based on the analysis result friend‟s

influence did not give much influence toward the students in arising students‟

interest and motivation.

Family backgrounds influenced 27.07% toward the arising of students‟

interest and motivation. Most of the students had the high interest and motivation

to be English teacher, because most of their families are teachers. It was proved

by the percentage from the question about the family background had the

percentage 52.1%, yet another family background which are not teacher-

background contributed 47.8%. The family can be their parents, uncle, aunty, or

another family member. The last indicator was gender background, almost all of

the students agreed that English teacher profession is suitable for male and female.

Based on the explanation above it was conclude that society and family

have the high contribution in constructing students‟ interest and motivation. The

society had a good perception toward English teacher profession both in the

prospect and economic, therefore it constructed students‟ interest and motivation.

Family backgrounds also contributes students‟ interest and motivation, family

with majorities profession is teacher, will give the paradigm about English teacher

profession in which will influence the students in constructing students interest

and motivation to be English teacher.



This chapter presents the conclusion and suggestion of this research based on the

research findings. The conclusion is about the conclusion of the students‟ interest

to be English teacher, the students‟ motivation to be English teacher, and the

social factors leading to their interest and motivation. The suggestion is suggested

for the students and the lecturers.

A. Conclusion

The conclusions are based on the research findings and analysis result. It is

divided into three parts, first the conclusion of students‟ interest to be English

teacher, the second is the conclusion of students‟ motivation to be English teacher,

and the third is social factors leading to their interest and motivation.

1. Students‟ Interest to be English Teacher

Based on the analysis result, the students‟ interest to be English were in

the high category with the mean score 49.52. The highest interest came from the

2011 students with the mean score 52.5 which meant high, and the lowest interest

came from the 2008 students with the mean score 48.3. From the four indicators,

the highest contribution in constructing students‟ interest was information with the

percentage 32.41%.

2. Students‟ Motivation to be English Teacher

The result showed that the students‟ motivations to be English teacher

were in the high category with the mean score 39.5. The highest score of

motivation came from the 2011 students with the mean score 41.2. The motivation

could be seen from the students‟ effort which contributed 69.7% in constructing

students‟ motivation.

3. Social Factors Leading to Their Interest and Motivation

Based on the theory there are four social factors leading to their interest

and motivation, namely social environment backgrounds, family backgrounds,

gender backgrounds and socioeconomic backgrounds. The result showed that

social environment and socio-economic backgrounds gave much contribution in

arising the students‟ interest and motivation with the percentage social

environments 27.49% and socio-economic 28.08%. On the other hand family

background gave the contribution with the percentage 27.07%, the gender

background gave the contribution with the percentage 17.34%.

B. Suggestion

The suggestions are suggested to the PBI Students and the lecturers of the PBI


1. For the Students

The result of this research can be the reflection for the students to know

the important of interest and motivation during their learning process. By having

very high motivation the students will have the best effort to achieve the best

achievement during the learning process, therefore the students will have success

in becoming professional and qualified English teacher. The students should have

the effort to increase their interest and motivation from the high category into very

high category.

The students also should increase their intensity of learning not only in the

classroom but also outside the class in order to have many experiences in teaching

English. By having many experience the students will get more information about

English teacher profession and it is expected can arise the students‟ interest to be

English teacher, besides having many experiences will be an effort for the

students to improve their ability in English therefore they are more motivated to

be English teacher.

2. For the Lecturer

By knowing the result of this research the lecturer should have some

efforts to increase the students‟ interest and motivation. The efforts can be the

information of English teacher profession and the class activity which increases

the students‟ interest and motivation, therefore the students will have very high

interest and motivation to be English teacher.

3. For Other Researcher

The analysis result can be one of the references for the suitable research. It

also can be the first step to do the further analysis about PBI students, in order to

improving students‟ competency to be English teacher. The other researcher can

analyze more about the internal and external factor influencing students interest‟

and motivation. It can be conducted not only from the questionnaire but also from

the observation, interviewing, experiment, and also class action research for the

PBI students.


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inggris.html/ downloaded the 29th

of June 2012. 11 : 04. Wahyu

Kusuma Dewi.Penerapan Metode Natural Approach untuk

mengenalkan Bahasa Inggris dalam Meminta dan Memberi Informasi

tentang Identitas Diri pada Anak TK Kelompok B”


1. Saya banyak mendengar dari dosen saya bahwa

menjadi guru Bahasa Inggris sangat


2. Berdasarkan artikel dan jurnal penelitian

bahasa Inggris yang saya baca, guru bahasa

Inggris merupakan profesi yang menarik

3 Menurut banyak orang profesi guru Bahasa

Inggris merupakan profesi yang sangat

dibutuhkan saat ini

4 Berdasarkan artikel yang saya baca guru

Bahasa Inggris memiliki prospek yang sangat

bagus di masa depan.

5 Keluarga saya banyak memberikan pandangan

mengenai prospek menjadi guru Bahasa

Inggris di masa depan

6 Saya merasa menjadi guru bahasa Inggris akan

mengarahkan saya pada tujuan yang lebih baik

7 Profesi guru bahasa Inggris merupakan profesi

yang sangat menyenangkan dibandingkan

dengan profesi guru mata pelajaran lain

8 Saya tertarik dengan profesi guru bahasa

Inggris karena sangat menantang

9 Rendahnya kualitas guru bahasa Inggris di

Indonesia membuat saya semakin berminat

untuk menjadi guru bahasa Inggris

10 Dengan menjadi guru bahasa Inggris saya juga

ikut berkontribusi dalam mencerdaskan bangsa

11 Melalui profesi guru Bahasa Inggris saya ingin

menunjukkan bahwa bahasa Inggris itu mudah

12 Saya selalu mengikuti perkembangan berita

profesi guru Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia

13 Menjadi guru Bahasa Inggris merupakan cita-

cita saya

14 Jika saya melihat keuntungan menjadi guru

bahasa Inggris saya semakin berhasrat menjadi

guru Bahasa Inggris

15 Apapun pendapat orang tentang guru

BahasaInggris saya tetap ingin menjadi guru

Bahasa Inggris

16 Saya memiliki keinginan dan ambisi yang kuat

untuk menjadi guru Bahasa Inggris

17 Saya merasa senang bisa kuliah di PBI dan

berusaha untuk menjadi guru yang profesional

18 Saya berusaha untuk berpenampilan seperti

guru saat kuliah

19 Saya selalu berusaha bertanya kepada dosen

tentang bagaimana menjadi guru Bahasa

Inggris yang baik

20 Saya mengikuti kuliah dengan sungguh-

sungguh agar dapat menjadi guru Bahasa

Inggris yang baik

21 Meskipun sulit dan banyak hambatan saya tetap

ingin menjadi guru bahasa Inggris

22 Saya berusaha memiliki kemampuan Speaking

yang baik agar bisa menjadi guru Bahasa

Inggris yang profesional.

23 Meskipun saya tidak menyukai bahasa Inggris

saya akan berusaha belajar agar dapat menjadi

guru bahasa Inggris yang baik

24 Saya memiliki kelemahan dalam mempelajari

materi bahasa Inggris, oleh karena itu saya

akan terus memperbaiki kelemahan itu agar

menajadi guru Bahasa Inggris yang baik

25 Saya belajar membiasakan diri untuk berbicara

di depan umumkarena saya ingin menjadi guru

Bahasa Inggris

26 Bagi saya waktu perkuliahan merupakan waktu

yang sangat berharga dalam memberikan ilmu

baru untuk menjadi guru Bahasa Inggris

27 Jumlah pertemuan dalam semester perkuliahan

senantiasa memberikan kontribusi untuk

peningkatan kemampuan saya menjadi guru

28 Saya merasa semakin hari kemampuan bahasa

Inggris saya semakin meningkat

29 Selama saya kuliah, saya semakin yakin

dengan kemampuan saya untuk menjadi guru

bahasa Inggris

30 Di daerah tempat tinggal saya sebagian besar

masyarakatnya menjadi guru

31 Teman-teman saya banyak yang inginmenjadi

guru Bahasa Inggris, sehingga saya ingin

menjadi guru Bahasa Inggris

32 Hampir sebagian besar keluarga saya adalah


33 Saya ingin menjadi guru karena tidak ada yang

menjadi guru dalam keluarga saya

34 Guru Bahasa Inggris merupakan profesi yang

cocok untuk laki-laki dan wanita

35 Saya menjadi guru Bahasa Inggris agar

memiliki gaji yang berkecukupan

36 Menurut masyarakat daerah tempat tinggal

saya, guru Bahasa Inggris merupakan profesi

yang tepat untuk memperbaiki kehidupan


1. The Validity of Students’ Interest Instrument

Item Number “r” score Valid/Invalid

1 0,479 Valid

2 0,565 Valid

3 0,040 Invalid

4 0,403 Valid

5 0,587 Valid

6 0,490 Valid

7 0,269 Invalid

8 0,539 Valid

9 0,456 Valid

10 0,794 Valid

11 0,679 Valid

12 0,500 Valid

13 0,392 Valid

14 0,324 Invalid

15 0,471 Valid

16 0,312 Invalid

17 0,562 Valid

18 0,400 Valid

19 0,752 Valid

20 0,871 Valid

2. The Validity of Students’ Motivation Instrument

Item Number “r” score Valid/Invalid

21 0,589 Valid

22 0,679 Valid

23 0,118 Invalid

24 0,487 Valid

25 0,608 Valid

26 0,695 Valid

27 0,562 Invalid

28 0,580 Valid

29 0,510 Valid

30 0,569 Valid

31 0,169 Invalid

32 0,780 Valid

33 0,150 Invalid

34 0,027 Invalid

35 0,372 Valid

36 0,324 Invalid

37 0,385 Valid

38 0,118 Invalid

39 0,175 Invalid

40 0,375 Valid

3. The Validity of Social Factors Instrument

Item Number “r” score Valid/Invalid

41 0,393 Valid

42 0,198 Invalid

43 0,229 Invalid

44 0,204 Invalid

45 0,445 Valid

46 0,295 Invalid

47 0,396 Valid

48 0,413 Valid

49 0,142 Invalid

50 0,345 Invalid

51 0,396 Valid

52 0,306 Invalid

53 0,300 Invalid

54 0,475 Valid

55 0,513 Valid

Reliability of the instrument

Reliability Statistics




Alpha Based on


Items N of Items

.931 .933 36

Reliability of each instrument

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if

Item Deleted

Scale Variance if

Item Deleted

Corrected Item-

Total Correlation

Squared Multiple



Alpha if Item


VAR00001 100.3333 178.299 .451 . .930

VAR00002 100.4333 178.116 .569 . .929

VAR00003 100.2000 180.717 .306 . .931

VAR00004 100.3000 177.390 .483 . .929

VAR00005 100.4333 177.633 .406 . .930

VAR00006 100.2333 177.289 .492 . .929

VAR00007 100.5000 176.810 .461 . .929

VAR00008 100.4333 171.564 .787 . .926

VAR00009 100.3000 171.803 .661 . .927

VAR00010 99.9333 178.685 .427 . .930

VAR00011 100.1000 179.679 .413 . .930

VAR00012 100.8333 175.730 .446 . .930

VAR00013 100.6667 172.575 .572 . .928

VAR00014 100.4667 181.154 .325 . .931

VAR00015 100.3333 171.333 .757 . .926

VAR00016 100.4000 167.903 .895 . .925

VAR00017 100.2000 174.786 .573 . .928

VAR00018 100.6667 171.471 .659 . .927

VAR00019 100.7000 176.079 .460 . .930

VAR00020 100.3000 177.390 .601 . .928

VAR00021 100.5000 172.534 .751 . .927

VAR00022 100.0333 176.654 .586 . .928

VAR00023 100.3333 171.126 .640 . .927

VAR00024 99.9333 176.616 .556 . .929

VAR00025 100.3000 174.907 .541 . .929

VAR00026 100.2667 173.444 .757 . .927

VAR00027 100.3333 180.782 .384 . .930

VAR00028 100.2333 181.220 .288 . .931

VAR00029 100.1333 180.257 .284 . .931

VAR00030 100.6000 177.559 .351 . .931

VAR00031 101.2000 177.131 .414 . .930

VAR00032 100.9667 176.654 .334 . .932

VAR00033 101.2000 178.441 .375 . .930

VAR00034 100.2333 178.116 .406 . .930

VAR00035 100.6333 175.620 .436 . .930

VAR00036 100.8333 176.902 .481 . .929

A. The analysis result of means score of interest



N Valid 356

Missing 0

Mean 49.5197

Std. Error of Mean .30219

Median 50.0000

Mode 50.00

Std. Deviation 5.70171

Variance 32.509

Range 28.00

Minimum 36.00

Maximum 64.00

Sum 1.76E4



25 45.0000

50 50.0000

75 53.0000

B. The analysis result of 2011 students mean score of interest



N Valid 62

Missing 0

Mean 52.5484

Std. Error of Mean .69053

Median 53.0000

Mode 53.00

Std. Deviation 5.43720

Variance 29.563

Range 21.00

Minimum 42.00

Maximum 63.00

Sum 3258.00



25 49.0000

50 53.0000

75 56.2500

C. The analysis result of 2010 students mean score of interest



N Valid 83

Missing 0

Mean 49.1084

Std. Error of Mean .56596

Median 50.0000

Mode 50.00

Std. Deviation 5.15613

Variance 26.586

Range 26.00

Minimum 37.00

Maximum 63.00

Sum 4076.00



25 45.0000

50 50.0000

75 53.0000

D. The analysis result of 2009 students mean score of interest



N Valid 143

Missing 0

Mean 49.3007

Std. Error of Mean .48478

Median 49.0000

Mode 50.00

Std. Deviation 5.79708

Variance 33.606

Range 28.00

Minimum 36.00

Maximum 64.00

Sum 7050.00



25 46.0000

50 49.0000

75 53.0000

E. The analysis result of 2008 students mean score of interest



N Valid 143

Missing 0

Mean 48.3636

Std. Error of Mean .46913

Median 48.0000

Mode 49.00

Std. Deviation 5.61003

Variance 31.472

Range 25.00

Minimum 36.00

Maximum 61.00

Sum 6916.00



25 45.0000

50 48.0000

75 52.0000

Analysis result of the indicator of interest

1. Information











5 total

N Valid 356 356 356 356 356 356

Missing 0 0 0 0 0 0

Mean 3.0927 3.1601 3.4129 3.3146 3.0702 16.0506

Median 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 16.0000

Mode 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 15.00

Std. Deviation .59087 .55124 .63756 .60226 .66554 1.94653

Variance .349 .304 .406 .363 .443 3.789

Range 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 10.00

Minimum 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 10.00

Maximum 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 20.00

Sum 1101.00 1125.00 1215.00 1180.00 1093.00 5714.00



25 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 15.0000

50 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 16.0000

75 3.0000 3.0000 4.0000 4.0000 3.0000 17.0000

2. Tendency and Pleasant Feeling







8 total

N Valid 356 356 356 356

Missing 0 0 0 0

Mean 3.2556 2.9803 3.0562 9.2921

Median 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 9.0000

Mode 3.00 3.00 3.00 9.00

Std. Deviation .54576 .70183 .63883 1.40984

Variance .298 .493 .408 1.988

Range 2.00 3.00 3.00 6.00

Minimum 2.00 1.00 1.00 6.00

Maximum 4.00 4.00 4.00 12.00

Sum 1159.00 1061.00 1088.00 3308.00



25 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 8.0000

50 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 9.0000

75 4.0000 3.0000 3.0000 10.0000

3. Attention









2 total

N Valid 356 355 356 356 356

Missing 0 1 0 0 0

Mean 3.0618 3.3380 3.2079 2.5646 12.1629

Median 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 12.0000

Mode 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 12.00

Std. Deviation .68513 .53530 .61121 .68282 1.58741

Variance .469 .287 .374 .466 2.520

Range 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 8.00

Minimum 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 8.00

Maximum 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 16.00

Sum 1090.00 1185.00 1142.00 913.00 4330.00



25 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 2.0000 11.0000

50 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 12.0000

75 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 3.0000 13.0000

4. Ambition









6 total

N Valid 356 356 356 356 356

Missing 0 0 0 0 0

Mean 2.8876 3.0730 3.0674 2.9860 12.0140

Median 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 12.0000

Mode 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 12.00

Std. Deviation .84837 .65885 .65517 .72175 2.32496

Variance .720 .434 .429 .521 5.405

Range 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 10.00

Minimum 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 6.00

Maximum 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 16.00

Sum 1028.00 1094.00 1092.00 1063.00 4277.00



25 2.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 10.2500

50 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 12.0000

75 4.0000 4.0000 3.0000 3.0000 14.0000

A. The analysis result of means score of motivation




N Valid 356

Missing 0

Mean 39.5281

Std. Error of Mean .24797

Median 39.0000

Mode 38.00

Std. Deviation 4.67861

Variance 21.889

Range 24.00

Minimum 28.00

Maximum 52.00

Sum 1.41E4



25 36.0000

50 39.0000

75 42.0000

B. The analysis result of 2011 students mean score of motivation




N Valid 62

Missing 0

Mean 41.1935

Std. Error of Mean .57299

Median 41.0000

Mode 38.00

Std. Deviation 4.51169

Variance 20.355

Range 18.00

Minimum 34.00

Maximum 52.00

Sum 2554.00



25 38.0000

50 41.0000

75 44.0000

C. The analysis result of 2010 students mean score of motivation




N Valid 83

Missing 0

Mean 39.1205

Std. Error of Mean .40941

Median 39.0000

Mode 36.00

Std. Deviation 3.72990

Variance 13.912

Range 19.00

Minimum 28.00

Maximum 47.00

Sum 3247.00



25 36.0000

50 39.0000

75 42.0000

D. The analysis result of 2009 students mean score of motivation




N Valid 121

Missing 0

Mean 39.3471

Std. Error of Mean .42619

Median 39.0000

Mode 38.00

Std. Deviation 4.68812

Variance 21.979

Range 24.00

Minimum 28.00

Maximum 52.00

Sum 4761.00



25 36.0000

50 39.0000

75 42.0000

E. The analysis result of 2008 students mean score of motivation




N Valid 90

Missing 0

Mean 39.0000

Std. Error of Mean .56268

Median 39.0000

Mode 39.00

Std. Deviation 5.33801

Variance 28.494

Range 23.00

Minimum 28.00

Maximum 51.00

Sum 3510.00



25 35.0000

50 39.0000

75 42.0000

Analysis result of Social Factors

1. Mean Score of Social Factor



N Valid 356

Missing 0

Mean 17.4719

Median 17.0000

Mode 17.00

Std. Deviation 3.15010

Variance 9.923

Range 20.00

Minimum 8.00

Maximum 28.00

Sum 6220.00



25 15.0000

50 17.0000

75 19.0000

2. Social Environment





1 total

N Valid 356 356 356

Missing 0 0 0

Mean 2.5758 2.2275 4.8034

Median 3.0000 2.0000 5.0000

Mode 2.00 2.00 4.00

Std. Deviation .84078 .76650 1.28286

Variance .707 .588 1.646

Range 3.00 3.00 6.00

Minimum 1.00 1.00 2.00

Maximum 4.00 4.00 8.00

Sum 917.00 793.00 1710.00



25 2.0000 2.0000 4.0000

50 3.0000 2.0000 5.0000

75 3.0000 3.0000 6.0000

3. Family Background





3 total

N Valid 356 356 356

Missing 0 0 0

Mean 2.4663 2.2640 4.7303

Median 2.0000 2.0000 5.0000

Mode 2.00 2.00 5.00

Std. Deviation .94734 .92718 1.17018

Variance .897 .860 1.369

Range 3.00 3.00 6.00

Minimum 1.00 1.00 2.00

Maximum 4.00 4.00 8.00

Sum 878.00 806.00 1684.00



25 2.0000 2.0000 4.0000

50 2.0000 2.0000 5.0000

75 3.0000 3.0000 5.0000

4. Gender




N Valid 356

Missing 0

Mean 3.0309

Median 3.0000

Mode 3.00

Std. Deviation .70543

Variance .498

Range 2.00

Minimum 2.00

Maximum 4.00

Sum 1079.00



25 3.0000

50 3.0000

75 4.0000

5. Socio-economic Background





6 total

N Valid 356 356 356

Missing 0 0 0

Mean 2.4213 2.4860 4.9073

Median 2.0000 2.0000 5.0000

Mode 2.00 2.00 4.00

Std. Deviation .80281 .82039 1.43197

Variance .645 .673 2.051

Range 3.00 3.00 6.00

Minimum 1.00 1.00 2.00

Maximum 4.00 4.00 8.00

Sum 862.00 885.00 1747.00



25 2.0000 2.0000 4.0000

50 2.0000 2.0000 5.0000

75 3.0000 3.0000 6.0000