design principles of advanced task elicitation systems

Chair of Information Systems IV (ERIS) Institute for Enterprise Systems (InES) Karlsruhe, November 30 th 2012 Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche Chair of Information Systems IV, Business School and Institute for Enterprise Systems (InES), University of Mannheim Design Principles of Advanced Task Elicitation Systems (*) Joint work with: H. Meth, Y. Li, B. Muel (*)

Post on 21-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Design Principles of Advanced Task Elicitation Systems

Chair of Information Systems IV (ERIS) Institute for Enterprise Systems (InES)

Karlsruhe, November 30th 2012

Prof. Dr. Alexander MädcheChair of Information Systems IV, Business School and Institute for Enterprise Systems (InES), University of Mannheimhttp://eris.bwl.uni-mannheim.de

Design Principles of Advanced Task Elicitation Systems

(*) Joint work with: H. Meth, Y. Li, B. Mueller.


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1 Introduction

2 Related Work

3 Methodology

4 Exploring and Evaluating Design Principles

5 Discussion, Future Research & Summary

Page 3: Design Principles of Advanced Task Elicitation Systems

Motivation 3

Failure rate of software development projects is still high.

Driven by private life software usage the user expectations are growing.

Understanding the requirements remains the major challenge: 35 % of requirements change throughout the software

lifecycle (Jones, 2008) 45 % of delivered features are never used.

(Standish Report, 2009) 82 % of projects cited incomplete and unstable requirements

as the number one reason for failure (Taylor, 2000)

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Analysis Phase

Engineering Phase

Continuous stakeholder integration, cross-functional teams as well as incremental & artifact-driven development

State-of-the-Art in Software Development 4

Analysis Phase

Analysis Phase

Human ComputerInteraction

Requirements Engineering Software


IS Development

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Focus of this talk 5

Approximately 80% of the requirements are recorded in natural language (Mich et al. 2004; Neill and Laplante 2003): Interview transcripts, Workshop nemos, Narrative scenarios

In large-scale development, manual requirements elicitation is known to be time-consuming, error-prone, and monotonous.

The study by Mich et al. (2004) on current elicitation practices explicates the need for advanced support with specific focus on automation.

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1 Introduction and Motivation

2 Related Work

3 Methodology

4 Exploring and Evaluating Design Principles

5 Discussion, Future Research & Summary

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Basic Definitions 7

Requirements elicitation is the process of discovering requirements through direct interaction with stakeholders or analysis of documents or other sources of information (Ratchev et al. 2003).

A core activity in this process is the identification of relevant tasks to be supported by the software, referred to as task elicitation (also task analysis) (Lemaigre et al. 2008; Paterno 2002).

Task elicitation aims at capturing the interaction between user and system on a detailed level, differentiating between actors, activity, and data (Tam et al. 1998).

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Related Work

Various attempts for advancing task elicitation by specialized task elicitation systems (TES) have been made, two major research streams:


Requirements Engineering • Identification of abstractions (Gacitua et al. 2011; Goldin and

Berry 1997; Kof 2004; Rayson et al. 2000) • Identification and classification of requirements (Cleland-Huang

et al. 2007; Casamayor et al. 2010; Kiyavitskaya and Zannone 2008)

• Create requirements and design model (Ambriola and Gervasi 2006)

Human Computer Interaction• Automate task elicitation with artifacts, e.g. U-TEL (Tam et al.

1998) or the model elicitation tool (Lemaigre et al. 2008)



Pattern: Leverage

automation techniques

and knowledge


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Related Work

Existing work has three major shortcomings: Manual creation of knowledge bases Lacking systematic empirical evaluation of productivity effects Limited explanation of artifact’s conceptualization

Research Question addressing this gap: Which design principles of task elicitation systems

improve task elicitation productivity over manual task elicitation?


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1 Introduction and Motivation

2 Related Work

3 Methodology

4 Exploring and Evaluating Design Principles

5 Discussion, Future Research & Summary

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Methodology 11

Research question aims at the acquisition of theoretical design knowledge about task elicitation systems.

Design Science Research as proposed by March & Smith (1995) is an applicable and appropriate approach to address the research question.

Hevner et al (2004)

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Research Design 12

Awareness of Problem





Operation and Goal


General Design Science Cycle Cycle1 Cycle2 Cycle3


Artifact FinalVersion

Design Principles

Expert Evaluation Focus: Usefulness

Artifact Concept Version


Analysis & Conceptualization

Literature Review,Expert Interviews

Expert Evaluation Focus: Ease of use

Artifact Prototype Version (First


Literature Review,Expert Feedback

(Meth et al. 2012a)

DSR project builds and evaluates an artifact to support task elicitation from natural language documents, guided by the Design Science framework suggested by Kuechler & Vaishnavi (2008):

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1 Introduction and Motivation

2 Related Work

3 Methodology

4 Exploring and Evaluating Design Principles

5 Discussion, Future Research & Summary

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Justificatory Knowledge 14

The tool-supported task elicitation process can been seen as a series of advice-giving and advice-taking tasks (Bonaccio and Dalal 2006). An increase of the advisor’s advice accuracy has been found to

result in an increasing decision accuracy (of the advice-taker). Productivity improvement will only occur if the quality of approved requirements (the decision which has been taken) improves.

The underlying knowledge base influences the results of the advice-giving process (Casamayor et al. 2010): Leverage existing knowledge and enable continuous evolution of

knowledge base.

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Conceptualization 15

DP1. Semi-Automatic Task


DP2. Usage of imported and

retrieved knowledge

DR1. Increase quality of approved


DR2. Decrease Elicitation Effort

DR3. Increase quality of underlying knowledge

DR4. Decrease knowledge creation and maintenance


DF1. Pre-Processing & Elicitation Algorithms

DF2. One-click Task Element Highlighting

DF3. Integrated Knowledge Base

DF4. Supervised Knowledge


Mapping Design-Requirements (DR) to Design Principles (DP) to Design Features (DF):

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Conceptual Architecture 16

Knowledge Base

Imported Knowledge

Requirements Engineer

Manual Knowledge Creation


Manual Elicitation



Retrieved Knowledge


Natural language

documentsText brick

Text brick



Text brick

Text brick



Automatic Knowledge


Text brick


Text brick




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Artifact REMINER: Semi-Automatic Task Elicitation 17

(Meth et al. 2012a)

DP1. Semi-Automatic

Task Elicitation

DP2. Usage of imported

and retrieved


MR1. Enable automatic task elicitation within natural language


MR2. Allow manual

adaptions of automatically elicited tasks

MR3. Require minimal efforts to

build up task knowledge

MR4. Support simple

supplementation of domain-

specific knowledge

DF1. One-click Task Element Highlighting

DF2. Natural Language

Processing Capabilities

DF3. Knowledge Upload Capability

DF4. Knowledge Retrieval and Re-


Online available at:

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Artifact REMINER: Imported and Retrieved Knowledge 18

Retrieve & Re-Use


DP1. Semi-Automatic Task


DP2. Usage of imported and

retrieved knowledge

MR1. Enable automatic task elicitation within natural language


MR2. Allow manual adaptions of automatically elicited tasks

MR3. Require minimal efforts to

build up task knowledge

MR4. Support simple supplementation of

domain-specific knowledge

DF1. One-click Task Element Highlighting

DF2. Natural Language

Processing Capabilities

DF3. Knowledge Upload Capability

DF4. Knowledge Retrieval and Re-Use

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Evaluation Methodology 19

Controlled within-subject experiment to rigorously test the effect of two design principles (DP1, DP2) on task elicitation productivity.

Experimental task: task elicitation with interview transcripts Task domain: Travel Management Similar length, readability, and the distribution of task elements

Sample size calculation: Calculated with G*Power 3 (Faul et al., 2007), at least 35 participants

are needed (f =0,25, 0.05 significance level)


(Meth et al. 2012b)

Student sample (Lab)(N= 40)

Practitioner sample (Field) (N=5)

Gender Female 8 2

Male 32 3Avg. age 25.4 (SD=2.07) 34.8 (SD=3.56)

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Evaluation Model 20

(Meth et al. 2012b)




Task Elicitation Productivity

(in a fixed time period)


Task Elicitation System (TES) Configuration


H1: In a fixed time period, TES configuration (2) results in higher recall than TES configuration (1)

H2: In a fixed time period, TES configuration (3) results in higher recall than TES configuration (2)

H3: In a fixed time period, TES configuration (1), (2) and (3) does NOT result in significantly different precision

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Experimental Procedure 21


Pre-task questionnaire

Training & Practice

Experimental task

Post-task questionnaire

Demographic information, task elicitation experience

Use transcripts about “car sharing application”; 3 TES configurations,


Task elicitation knowledge, motivation

Use transcripts about “train reservation application”

3 times

Overall: 70 minutes

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Data Analysis: Descriptive Results

Data analysis method Internal reliability, normality and homogeneity of variance checked RMANCOVA: “Task elicitation knowledge” and “motivation” are not

covariates Univariate RMANOVA for hypotheses testing


Recall and Precision for Different TES Configurations

 (1) Manual (2) Semi-automatic with

imported knowledge

(3) Semi-automatic with imported and retrieved


Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

Lab experiment (student participants, N=40)

Recall 50.7% 12.0% 69.8% 9.8% 79.5% 8.0%

Precision 71.0% 8.5% 72.0% 6.7% 73.2% 6.5%

Field experiment (practitioner participants, N=5)

Recall 37.6% 12.9% 68.6% 6.0% 77.8% 3.9%

Precision 70.1% 14.5% 72.7% 3.5% 68.5% 5.3%

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Data Analysis: Hypotheses Testing Results

External validity evaluation: the practitioner sample doesn’t demonstrate a different behavioral pattern on recall and precision.


Results of RMANOVA for Recall and PrecisionDV Source DF MS F p η2 Cohen’s f

RecallTES Config. 2 0.861 129.76 < .001 .77 1.82

Error 78 0.007        

PrecisionTES Config. 2 0.005 1.36 .263 .03 0.19

Error 78 0.004        

Results of Pairwise Comparisons for Recall

Pair comparison Mean difference p*

95% CI*

Lower Upper

TES config. (2) TES config. (1) 19.2% < .001 14.4% 23.9%

TES config. (3) TES configur. (2) 9.7% < .001 5.8% 13.6%

* Bonferroni corrections are applied for multiple comparisons

H3: supported

H1: supportedH2: supported

Huberty & Morris (1989)

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1 Introduction and Motivation

2 Related Work

3 Methodology

4 Exploring and Evaluating Design Principles

5 Discussion, Future Work & Summary

Page 25: Design Principles of Advanced Task Elicitation Systems

Discussion 25

Design principles DP1 and DP2 impact recall: Suggestion mechanism based on imported knowledge leads to 20%

recall increase: Trust recommendations and increase recall through further manual elicitation of additional tasks in remaining time.

Dynamically retrieved knowledge leads to additional 10% recall increase: Continuous contribution of additional knowledge through ongoing manual elicitation.

Limitations Limited complexity of task domain and time-constraint evaluation

approach. Laboratory sessions were conducted with master IS students, only

small-scale experiment was carried out with experts.

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Future Research 26

Presented work contributes to the design theory body of knowledge for task elicitation in the analysi phase.

Interdisciplinary perspective is promising, research on task elicitation needs to be embedded:

Process Models &Management



Tools Analysis Phase

Engineering Phase

Analysis Phase

Analysis Phase

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Example: From Task Elicitation to Interaction Flows 27

(Meth et al. 2012a)

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Summary 28

• Design principles of an advanced task elicitation system following a design science research approach have been presented.1

• Rigorous experimental evaluation has shown that semi-automatic and knowledge-based elicitation has positive impact on elicitation productivity; 2

• Contribution: The design theory body of knowledge for task elicitation systems has been expanded. Software vendors can leverage results to provide advanced tool-based elicitation support


Page 29: Design Principles of Advanced Task Elicitation Systems

Thank you for your attention! 29

Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche+49 621 181 [email protected]

Chair of Information Systems IV, Business School and Institute for Enterprise Systems, University of Mannheimhttp://eris.bwl.uni-mannheim.de

Q & A

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Neill, C. J., and Laplante, P. A. 2003. “Requirements Engineering: The State of the Practice,” IEEE Software (20:6), pp. 40-45.

Mich, L., Franch, M., and Novi Inverardi, P. L. 2004. “Market research for requirements analysis using linguistic tools,” Requirements Engineering (9:1), pp. 40-56.

Meth, H., Maedche, A., and Einoeder, M. 2012a. “Exploring design principles of task elicitation systems for unrestricted natural language documents,” Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems - EICS ’12. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, pp. 205 - 210.

Meth, H., Li, Y., Maedche, A., and Mueller, B. 2012b. “Advancing Task Elicitation Systems - An Experimental Evaluation of Design Principles,” In ICIS 2012 Proceedings.

Jones, C. 2008. Applied Software Measurement. McGraw Hill. Taylor, A. 2000. “IT projects: sink or swim.” The Computer Bulletin, 42 (1): 24-26. Standish Group Report 2009, http://

Bonaccio, S. and Dalal, R.S. (2006) “Advice taking and decision-making: An integrative literature review, and implications for the organizational sciences,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (101: 2), pp. 127-151.

Hevner, A. R., March, S. T., Park, J., and Ram, S. (2004) “Design Science in Information Systems Research,” MIS Quarterly (28:1), pp. 75-105.


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References (cont’d)

March, S. T., and Smith, G. F. 1995. “Design and natural science research on information technology,” Decision Support Systems (15:4), pp. 251–266.

Lemaigre, C., García, J. G., and Vanderdonckt, J. (2008) “Interface Model Elicitation from Textual Scenarios,” in Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction Symposium, 272, pp. 53-66.

Mich, L., Franch, M., and Novi Inverardi, P. L. (2004) “Market research for requirements analysis using linguistic tools,” Requirements Engineering (9:1), pp. 40-56.

Kuechler, B., and Vaishnavi, V. (2008) “On theory development in design science research: anatomy of a research project,” European Journal of Information Systems (17:5), pp. 489–504.

Ratchev, S. M., Urwin, E., Muller, D., Pawar, K. S., and Moulek, I. (2003) “Knowledge based requirement engineering for one-of-a-kind complex systems,” Knowledge Based Systems (16:1), pp. 1-5.

Paterno, F. (2002) “Task Models in Interactive Software Systems,” in Handbook of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering Vol 1 Fundamentals, S. K. Chang (ed.), World Scientific, pp. 1-19.

Tam, R. C.-man, Maulsby, D., and Puerta, A. R. (1998) “U-TEL: A Tool for Eliciting User Task Models from Domain Experts,” in Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Intelligent user interfaces, pp. 77-80.

Faul, F., Erdfelder, E., Lang, A.-G. and Buchner, A. (2007) “G*Power 3: a flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences.,” Behavior research methods 39(2), pp. 175-91.


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References (cont’d)

Gacitua, R., Sawyer, P., and Gervasi, V. (2011) “Relevance-based abstraction identification: technique and evaluation,” Requirements Engineering (16:3), pp. 251-265.

Goldin, L., and Berry, D. M. (1997) “AbstFinder, A Prototype Natural Language Text Abstraction Finder for Use in Requirements Elicitation,” Automated Software Engineering (4:4), pp. 375-412.

Kof, L. (2004) “Natural Language Processing for Requirements Engineering: Applicability to Large Requirements Documents,” in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering.

Rayson, P., Garside, R., and Sawyer, P. (2000) “Assisting requirements engineering with semantic document analysis,” in Proceedings of the RIAO, pp. 1363-1371.

Cleland-Huang, J., Settimi, R., Zou, X., and Solc, P. (2007) “Automated classification of non-functional requirements,” Requirements Engineering (12:2), pp. 103-120.

Casamayor, A., Godoy, D., and Campo, M. (2010) “Identification of non-functional requirements in textual specifications: A semi-supervised learning approach,” Information and Software Technology (52:4), pp. 436-445.

Kiyavitskaya, N., and Zannone, N. (2008) “Requirements model generation to support requirements elicitation: the Secure Tropos experience,” Automated Software Engineering (15:2), pp. 149-173.

Ambriola, V., and Gervasi, V. (2006) “On the Systematic Analysis of Natural Language Requirements with CIRCE,” Automated Software Engineering (13:1), pp. 107-167.

Huberty, C. J. and Morris, J. D. (1989) “Multivariate analysis versus multiple univariate analyses.,” Psychological Bulletin 105(2), pp. 302-308.